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Candle Lighting 10/27


Parshas Noach 30 Tishrei | October 20, 2017


Shabbos Night Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan 6:03p Candle Lighting 6:05p Mincha/ Kabbalos Shabbos Shabbos Day 8:05a Daf Yomi 8:35a Chassidus on the Parsha 9:00a Shacharis (10:07a KS) 5:15p Timeless Lessons from the Weekly Parsha (Rabbi Silber) 5:55p Mincha 7:02p Havdalah


Sunday 10/22 - 2nd of Cheshvan 6:30a Daf Yomi 7:15a Shacharis 8:00a, 9:00a Shacharis (10:07a KS) 6:05p Mincha/Maariv

Monday 10/21 - Thursday 10/26 3rd - 7th of Cheshvan 5:45a Shiur (Gan HaEmunah) 5:55a Daf Yomi 6:45a, 9:00a Shacharis 6:05p Mincha/Maariv 9:20p Maariv

The flood waters receded, the land had

dried, and it was time for Noach to begin his

sacred task of rebuilding. God tells Noach,

“Tzei min ha’teyva - Go out (leave) the ark.”

The commentaries point out that “Tzei” is a

command. God commands Noach to leave the

ark, almost as if to tell us that Noach was

reticent and unsure about leaving. But how

could this be? After having spent all of this

time cooped up with animals of all types and

stripes, I would have imagined Noach

throwing open the door and getting out of the

ark as quickly as possible. Yet, the

commentaries sense a pause in his reaction.

Noach isn’t ready to leave; he does not yet

want to disembark. Therefore, God must

order him off the ark. How are we to

understand Noach’s behavior? Was it fear of

change? Perhaps Noach had grown

accustomed to his new life and was unwilling

to start all over again. Or was it something


Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (1772-1810)

provides an incredible insight. The Teyva

(ark) was a spiritual cocoon. Noach packed

up whatever provisions he could fit but had

to place his complete faith in God. The Torah

goes through an incredible amount of detail

when discussing the construction of the ark.

Yet, there seems to be one important feature

missing – there is no rudder, there are no

oars. There is no way to steer the ark. This

was by design The ark was not to be steered

by man; it was to be directionally oriented by

God. The ark was a microcosm of what the

world was supposed to be, man and animal

placing their collective faith in the Master of

the Universe. The ark gave Noach the

opportunity to work on his relationship with

God and his fellow man and to focus on his

spiritual growth and self-actualization. But

then the flood ends, the waters subside, and it

is time to leave the confines of the ark. And

Noach doesn’t want to. “Why should I leave

this little perfect world? God is my skipper, I

have everything I need and that which I lack

God will provide.” To which God responds,

“Get out! I don’t want you to live in the ark.

The cocoon, the spiritual womb in which you

spent the last number of days was an

accommodation, not an aspiration. I don’t want

you to live life in an ark, I want you to go out

and build a new world.”

Thus, explains the Rebbe was the tension

between Noach and God. Noach wants to live

in the spiritual utopia of the ark and God

wants him to get into the earthly mud and


The Rebbe continues and explains that we

face this same tension. We often think that

holiness can only be found by retreating into

the ark. It is true that we must bolster

ourselves with the strength of teffilah and

chessed from our Shuls, Torah learning from

our Batei Midrash (study halls) and kedusha

(holiness) from our homes. Our job is not to

live in the ark, but to go out, build and repair

the world. We take all we have received from

our spiritual cocoons and we bring it to bear

in the world around us. When we see

something or someone who is broken, we take

our ark holiness and we try to fix the

situation. The Ribbono Shel Olam (Master of

the Universe) wants us to make a difference

in His world. He invites us to partner with

Him and in building and fixing creation. We

must fight the urge to remain in the ark.

Noach ultimately leaves the ark and plants

a vineyard. Rashi quotes the Midrash which

finds fault in Noach’s decision. He should

have planted something more life-sustaining

and necessary in his first act of working the

soil. Perhaps, Noach was accepting the

message of God. Wine is used in all stages of

life. A cup of wine is used at a bris milah

(circumcision) and in the times of the

Talmud, a large glass of wine was given to

mourners immediately following the burial

(kos shel tanchumin). Wine is used on Shabbos

and Yom Tov. Wine is used to celebrate the

creation of a new home as we recite the

berachos of marriage under the chuppah.

Noach planted the one thing we use all of the

time, in happiness and sadness,

Leaving the Ark | Rabbi Shmuel Silber

And God spoke to Noah saying: "Go out of the ark, you and your wife,

and your sons, and your sons' wives with you.” (Bereishis 8:15-16)



5:45a Gan HaEmunah

6:00a Daf Yomi

Monday - Thursday

8:30-10:15p IJC Night Kollel


8:30 - 9:15p Kol Hanearim Learning


8:30p Ethics & Ethos: Timeless les-

sons from the weekly Parsha

Coming Tuesday nights starting 11/7!

Chassidus on Shabbos & Yom Tov

with Rabbi Larry Ziffer

Coming this Winter!

IJC Chinuch Series (November)

IJC Marriage Series (December)



THANK YOU TO ALL THOSE THAT HELPED WITH THE YOMIM NORAIM Moishe Abramson, Abby & Terry Appelbaum, Dr. Robert Benedek, Yisroel Bluman, Gavi Brown, Tzviel Blankchtein, Richard Buck, Gobbie Cohn, Ken Creeger, Lauren Fine, Brian Gold, Jon Kaplan, Ber-nie Kozlovsky, Saeed Haken, Mike Holzman, Rachel Levitan, Gavriella Lebowitz, Motti Margalit, Brian Masser, Ed Miller, Allen Myrowitz, Chaim Nachman, Richard Nudelman, Phil Rosenfeld, Ari Ross, Menachem Sheen, Juliya & Leon Sheynman, Stuart Shindel & Sons, Avraham and Mordechai Silber, Farrell Silverman, Scott Sperling, Shani Wecker, David Weisenberg, Devorah Werdesheim


Moishe & Chavi Abramson on the birth of their son and upcoming bris of their son

David & Rachel Warschawski on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Micha; Mazal Tov to grandparents Dr. Peter & Mrs. Rosemary Warschawski and Mrs. Eve Kresin Steinberg

Sonia and Bernie Kozlovsky on the engagement of their daughter, Penina, to Yoey Schacht, son of Phyllis and David Schacht of Sharon, MA

BIRTHDAYS Judah Messing, Reena Tzaphrah Mittel-man, Tamar Levy, Leah Sima Orshan, Joshua Pollack, Yehuda Elman, Bz Openden

YAHRZEITS Reuben Abzug

To make a donation in memory of a loved one, or in celebration of a simcha:


DONATIONS Yossi Sochaczewsky, Mitlon & Mela-nie Gertner, Barry & Judy Silber,

Marc & Elaine Lowen, Vera Schreck, Sheldon & Fran Rosen, Ron & Suzanne Cooper, Edward & Faith Lisa Wolf, Morton Esterson, Bernhard & Marlene Kiewe in honor of the Yomim Noraim volunteer team, Shirley Sachs, Sheldon & Francine Rosen, Lester & Lilly Ward

TALMUD TORAH MONTH OF TISHREI Isaac Samuel in memory of Esty Samuel z’l Adam & Yudit Ben-Zev

SHABBOS MORNING DRASHA Lydia Rose Berman and Family in commem-oration of the 5th yahrzeit of Lydia's son Sheldon Berman, Shmuel Yoel ben Shalom Z

Jonathan & Chaya Gittel Polirer in honor of and with thanks to Hashem for the dis-

charge of Yonina and Kayla from the NICU and the discharge of their NICU neighbor, Baby Abramson, and with the hope and prayer that Baby Boy Strauss come home soon SIMCHAS TORAH SPONSORSHIPS Adam Ben-Zev, Yisroel Bluman, Richard Buck, Dovid Ehrenfeld, Yona Ehrenfeld Avron Elbaum, Howie Friedman, Bennet Goldberg, Julian Hammond, Gil Horwitz Shalom Kovacs, Ari Lerner, Gregg Levitan Noam Lewis, Ari Lichtman, Yaakov Luxen-burg, Motti Margolit, Shimmi Messing, Ed Miller, Allen Myrowitz, Justin Myrowitz Richard Nudelman, Joseph Openden, Meir Raskas, David Reidy, Justin Rosemore Matt Schoenfeld, Eric Shaffer, Stuart Shindel Yoni Straus, Rob Ziv

For Aliyah requests, please contact Chaim Nachman at or text 443-857-1660


...during life and death. Perhaps,

Noach was saying, “My beloved Creator,

I now understand. I have left the ark and will

remain committed to building your world during

times of joy and sorrow in my youth and as I


May we appreciate our ark moments of

inspiration and may we find the strength to

use them in building our world and ourselves.

Newly posted shiurim online and on


TEHILLIM Please continue to daven for Tinok ben Avital. http:// COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS Baltimore Shabbat Project October 22-28

Four great events that celebrate Jewish unity: Family Challah Bake, Women’s Chal-lah Bake, Let’s Do Shabbat! Events throughout the community, Unity Havda-lah Concert featuring Gad Elbaz & Nissim Black. 15th Annual Worldwide Event for the Yarzeit of Rachel Imeinu Mon 10/30 , 8:30p | Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion "We're on the way home: Paving the way for Geula by sharing" - 1 hour video featur-ing Rabbi Paysach Krohn, Rabbi Jonathan Rietti, and Rebbitzen Tehila Jaeger (for women and girls only).

Shabbos Achdus Dinner with

Baltimore Hebrew Congregation

Shabbos Night 10/27 | Social Hall

Join us for the third annual joint dinner as

we build bridges and celebrate unity; part of

the International Shabbat Project.

Registration required: suburbanortho-

Sisterhood at Suburban Re-energized Pottery Paint Night Tuesday 10/31 | Amazing Glaze Gather with your SOTS sisters, bring a friend and make a new one. Build connections that build kehillah! Light refreshments provided. Pre-payment required:


Simcha Kiddush sponsored by David & Rachel Warschawski in honor of Micha’s

Bar Mitzvah.


David & Rachel Warschawski in honor of Micha’s Bar Mitzvah

Talmudical Academy Class of 1971 in commemoration of the yahrzeits of our classmates,

Morris Sandler, Moshe Yehuda Ben Avraham HaCohen z’l and Sheldon Berman, Shmuel

Yoel Ben Shalom Tuvia z’l

JOIN US NEXT WEEK! Registration required:

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