parent bulletin - king edward vii...

Post on 03-Dec-2020






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Dates for your Diary:

Tuesday 18th April – Summer term begins, KESA Friends meeting 4.30pm

Thursday 20th April – Y11 Exams Evening 6pm

Friday 21st April – Y11 Kingswood trip departs, KESA Friends Pamper Evening

Thursday 27th April – Year 7 Parents evening

Monday 1st May – Bank Holiday

Thursday 4th May – Sports Leaders Evening

Thursday 11th May – Performing Arts Show

Thursday 18th May – Parents’ Forum 6.30pm

Term dates for 2017/18 & 2018/19 have now been published on our website click here to view

Parent Bulletin Friday, 31st March 2017

Ofsted Parent View We would like to advise you that you are able to give your views on the Academy to Ofsted via their

parentview questionnaire, at any time – not just during inspections.

We would encourage you to do this at:

MFL Stars

This week's MFL Stars of the Week are:

Year 7 - Eugene Higgins 7A Year 8 - Chelsea Venemore 8N Year 9 - Josh Preston 9D Year 10 - Dan Aviss 10R, Katelyn Hall 10D, Erin Taylor 10W Year 11 - Tamsin Barnes 11A Well done on all your work this week and throughout the term! The department have also sent many termly congratulation postcards out this week, so keep an eye out in the post for one of these! There will be no Mandarin Club on the first week back, with it being Easter Monday. Mandarin Club will therefore resume on Monday, 24th April - more details to follow after the holidays! Year 11 after school revision sessions continue upon our return from the Easter break - Wednesdays for Spanish and Thursdays for French, all in D9, all from 3-4pm with Mrs Hawkins. Listening/reading skills or any general concerns or queries, feel free to come along :)

End of Term Message from Mr Brown

Dear Parents, Carers

As always seems the case, the Spring term has flown by and students can now have a well-deserved

break. We have had a very successful term both academically and with extra-curricular activities. Visitors

to the school have commented very positively on the attitudes to learning in classrooms and our ‘One Grade Up’ March Mocks Challenge has been taken seriously by Year 11 and Year 13. For these two year groups of course, the Easter break is extremely important preparation time for the summer and I would

ask parents of those students to support their studies and ensure their children attend revision sessions in

the Easter holidays and after school when we return.

It is fantastic to report that 37 students met the Achievement Points Challenge for this half term. A high

points total was needed and I was delighted to present certificates to those students this morning. Their

names appear in the bulletin, well done to them. As another part of this half-termly challenge, we asked

all students to do at least one thing every day to make our school a better place. There were some

outstanding nominations for environmental work in particular. Next term I will be asking parents to

contribute by asking you to nominate your child for achievement points if he or she is involved in some

great citizenship work/helping others outside of school. Please look out for further details.

There has been a huge amount of sporting success this term and, most significantly, further increasing

participation in the activities put on by the PE Department. This rivals any provision in any school and

participation rates are excellent. We have celebrated a number of events such as World Book Day and

International Women’s Day and held a very successful Arts Evening which I know parents and students

really enjoyed.

Staff put on many other enrichment activities and trips and the opportunities that KES students have taken

advantage of during the term are many and varied. This is indeed a special place.

I have been delighted to show a number of parents around the school in the past few weeks and if you

would like a tour, please do contact me ( It is a privilege to be able to

walk round each day and see the good work going on. Do join me if you have some time.

The summer term begins on Tuesday 18th April for students at 8.35am. Please ensure students are ready

for the new term with the correct uniform and equipment.

I wish you and your families a pleasant Easter break and many thanks as ever for your support this term.

Lloyd Brown

Head of School

CWA Course Awards

Yesterday, CWA presented certificates to KES students on the CWA courses for this term.

Top student awards:

Alina Orlova - Level 2 Child Development

Matthew McVeigh - Level 2 Engineering

Ilga Aleksejeva - Level 2 Hair and Beauty

In addition, Ilga won the best homework and Victoria Caldwell won best face painting.

Child Development also nominated Molly Brown for showing initiative and working hard on her assignment


Literacy: Language for learning

Young Norfolk Writing Competition 2017 - Ages 11-18 Write poems or lyrics? Short stories or essays? Aged 11-18? We’re looking for the freshest, boldest words in Norfolk. Send your very best writing and you could win amazing prizes, including performance opportunities and professional mentoring. Closing date: Monday 5 June 2017, 5pm.– See leaflet for further details or Show My Homework BBC Young Writers’ Award 2017 - Ages 14-18 The deadline for BBC Young Writers’ Award entries is Friday 21 April, 2017. BBC Young Writers’ Award 2017 is a quest for ‘extraordinary’ stories that reveal how teenagers are inspired by the world around them, calling for the 'authors of tomorrow'. The Award is open to all young people aged 14 to 18 who live in the UK. Entrants are asked to create stories of up to 1000 words on any topic with the judges eager to see stories that show real imagination and creativity; high quality writing that can capture and hold the reader. The shortlist of the top five stories will be announced Saturday 30 September 2017, with the finalists invited to attend the exclusive BBC National Short Story Award 2017 ceremony in London on Tuesday 3 October 2017, where the winner will be announced. The talented winning writer of the BBC Young Writers’ Award 2017 will have their story broadcast on BBC Radio 1 and receive a personalised mentoring session with an author to help develop their writing skills. All five shortlisted writers will be given a guided visit around BBC Radio 1 in BBC Broadcasting House and have the chance to meet high-profile authors, publishers, agents and broadcasters. The shortlisted writers will also have their stories published on the BBC Radio 1 website and receive a copy of the BBC National Short Story Award 2017 anthology. For terms & conditions, entry form and more information see Show My Homework. Click here for top tips Do you get bored during the holidays or after school? Earn extra achievement points and tick off a diploma challenge! KESA challenges KS3/4 students to create an extended project: An Extended Project offers you a unique opportunity to develop essential skills for KS4/KS5, in a subject area of your own choice. This level of choice and flexibility means you are engaged and motivated, and gain valuable research and project management skills along the way. You can decide on the format for your project - will you build a model? Construct a prototype? Write a report? Create a series of paintings? Use your media skills, or write a creative piece? What is expected of you? Choose a topic to study, then… Complete a production logbook to document the project process Plan, research and carry out their project, working independently Prepare your project in your chosen format. You could … write a series of letters in the voice of a character Creative a revision guide for a subject to help other students Use your design and technology skills to create something Use your art or photography skills to create a fun project on a given topic Write in detail about any topic you’ve studied in school that you have an interest in You could create a science project on a topic such as renewable energy Create an anthology of poetry Write about a time in history that interests you … the list is endless! See Miss Ritson (F1) for more ideas. KS3: are you looking for a new adventure, romance or era to find during the holidays? Try one of these fantastic reads.

Year 7 – Mrs Stonach

As we end another term, I would like to thank the pupils and parents for their hard work, enthusiasm and

support. I have seen how well the pupils have settled into high school and revelled in the challenges that

were presented to them. I am proud of how well they have all done and I know that many of you will be

pleased with their efforts at the forthcoming parents evening on 27th April. I will be there on the evening to

discuss any worries that you have regarding attendance and behaviour, Ms Randall will also be available

to talk about any academic concerns that you may have. Please come and have a chat on the night.

Attendance this year has been great. Despite the nasty bugs, most pupils have battled on and have

attended school as much as possible. The form this term with the best attendance is 7W with a combined

attendance of 97% - what a fantastic effort and well done to them.

This term we have seen many pupils taking part in sporting events, the year 7 Rugby, Netball, Football

and Hockey teams have all taken part in various games and have made great ambassadors when

representing KESA. We have also had pupils attending Maths challenges as well as various activity days

including the recent academic day in school.

This term we have also seen the introduction of PRIDE Awards, these are issued each Tuesday in

assembly to pupils who have been nominated by Teachers for their outstanding contributions. Lists of

these prize winners have featured in each issue of parent mail.

This week 3 awards were given to pupils with 100% attendance this term, in total there were 66 pupils with

100% attendance, what an achievement! The 2 pupils who have won a £10 cinema voucher and a bag of

popcorn were Callum Jones and Lukrecija Ridikaite. The big prize of a £20 Nandos voucher went to Jack

Corden – we hope you all have a fab time in celebrating your outstanding attendance!

Pupils in year 7 have been given the challenge to complete a diploma award in their tutor time. I’m sure that they would be happy to let you know how they are getting on. The diploma is both academic and non

academic and there are frequent opportunities for pupils to add points to their diploma. I am really pleased

to say that 2 pupils have completed the challenge already; Simeon Vonk and Tyler Pegg have

successfully gained their diploma award half way through the year – what an outstanding effort!

This leaves me to wish you all a fantastic Easter break and I will see the pupils back on Tuesday 18th April.

Year 8 – Mrs Lees Another term is finished; time really does fly! Students are now two thirds of the way through Year 8 and we can be very proud of the progress they are making. The most recent reports have motivated students to push themselves to achieve their very best and I see a strong work ethic growing amongst the cohort. I wish all students and their families/carers a very restful and happy holiday and I look forward to moving into their final term with them as Year 8 students. Achievement – Year 8 have amassed a whopping 4,895 points this week, hitting a total 33,376 achievement points since February half term! Our Top 10 Achievers are named below. Attendance for this half term: 8A are top of the attendance leader board at 96%. 71 Students have achieved 100% attendance this half term and were entered into our raffle to win £15 Nandos voucher. Mary-Ann Booker was our winner! A £10 cinema voucher was awarded to the student with most improved attendance. Uniform – We will begin the new term after Easter with uniform checks. Please can you support your son/daughter to wear correct uniform at all times, most students are always well presented and wear their uniform with pride but there are always a small number of uniform issues and parents will be contacted and asked to bring correct uniform into school for these students.


We think and

act positively

We respect one another in

everything we do

We strive to


We all create a

great place to


We work well


P – Daisy Davies R – Isaac Souleyman I – Ernestas Lasiaskas D – Craig Marks E – Rebecca Bush TOP ACHIEVERS THIS WEEK TOP ACHIEVERS THIS HALF TERM Congratulations to – Congratulations to – Olivia Sharp 100 Vladislava Prieskina 445 Vladislava Prieskina 90 Kaci Hitchcock 440 Lily-May Mckeiver 85 Olivia Sharp 400 Emilia Bastian 70 Abby Watson 390 Hannah Stoutt 70 Dylan Berycz 385 Libby Howe 70 Jessica Rutter 375 Ruby Kirby 70 Lobby Howe 375 Anton Baskaran 65 Ruby Kirby 360 Mary-Ann Booker 65 Rebecca Bush 355 Aleksejs Kravcenko 60 Lily-May Mckeiver 350

Year 9 – Mrs Cole

I am really proud of Year 9 for having another successful term, just one more to go before transition into

Year 10! Again this week I have popped in to see some great work taking place in lessons. The Year 9

rugby team really impressed me last Thursday at West Norfolk Rugby Club when they played Downham

Market Academy for the County Cup final plate; although they narrowly lost 19-17 they played well as a

team. I am sure they will grow as a team and enjoy much success.


Well done to 9X with 97.6% attendance last week.

Well done to Tristan Anton - the winner of the Nandos draw.


Please ensure, when we return after Easter, that all students are in the correct uniform – see school

website for a reminder. If your child is not conforming to our uniform policy, please send a note in with

them, this will be valid for 2 days. We now have an equipment shop open every break time outside the

Year 7 office, no excuses for not having all the equipment needed for each lesson, most items are just


Overall punctuality and attendance are improving for Year 9 – please encourage your children to be in

school on time (8.35am at the latest) and present every day, they will reap the benefits when the time

comes to sitting their exams.

Achievement Certificates:-

P – Freddy Waters – We think and act positively.

R – Lauren Southwell - We respect one another in everything we do.

I – Oran Toll – We strive to improve.

D – Ying Wong – We all create a great place to learn.

E – Joseph Steward – We work well together.

Top 10 Achievers – 20.3.17 – 24.3.17

Good Work Board:- Well done to everybody listed below:-

Lauren Southwell Hannah Robins Lauren Dalby Alice Whitthread

Reinis Libers Rebekah Lee Holly Delph Olivia Otulak

Anya Biran Alice Gill Bryan Henry Ruby Panks

Inga Aleksejeva Reece Chaplin Viktorija Ivanova Della Pratt

Emily Hambridge Luke Gladwin Gabrielius Pupeikis Cain Nicholson

Jade Smalley Hally Grimshaw Lauren Adair Megan Adair

Ilga Aleksejeva Hollie Auker Emma Bailey Thomas Boer

Joshua Brown Molly Brown Amy Cook Louie Crown

Chloe Dida Liam Hails Jack Manning Chloe Pearman

Bruna Rodrigues Nonna Senkova James Sheldrick Millie Simmonds

Mason Tran Shanel Upton Grace Vonk Chloe White

Erdi Xhaferraj Trachelle dela Cruz

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Sara Polcz-Teglas 9A

Justin Burr 9X

Anzela Pipiraite 9X

Joseph Steward 9R

Morgan Flett 9D

Madison Plume 9K

Cameron Backham 9A

Rebekah Lee 9R

Declan Shults 9N

Leanne Brett 9X

Year 10 – Mr Waring Year 10 overall attendance once again climbed last week which is a real positive to start this parent bulletin. Top form class was a class that actually finished 7th the previous week, improving their attendance by 5% and finishing in top spot with 98.4%, which is an excellent achievement by form class 10D. Well done everybody in that class. 10W achieved a very credible second place achieving 96.8%. Year 10 once again smash their previous best by gaining no fewer than 6210 positive achievement points which is very impressive and shows how as a year group, they are showing such positivity in line with our school ethos. One very proud Head of Year, as you should be as their parents. Our top student for this week had to share top spot with 2 other students last week, but this week he has gone that extra mile to ensure he is top for positive achievement points. This week’s award goes to Daniel Pereira, well done Daniel. Keep up the good work. Jenifer Melton was just pipped into second place but what a valiant effort, well done Jenifer. So who was our most positive form class this week? I can tell you it was not 10A who dropped down into joint second with 10K. Making our winners this week, with an impressive 875 positive achievement points, 10W, congratulations to all in that team! Overall results are; 10A 830 10D 745 10E 540 10G 815 10K 830 10N 755 10R 820 10W 875 Congratulations to KESA Girls U15 Hockey squad who have recently been crowned Norfolk Emerging Schools Hockey Cup winners. Year 10 squad winners include, Lauren Noble, Ellie Burt, Aoife McGovern, Amy Thompson and Ellie Bower, congratulations ladies another great achievement. We have 4 language stars to congratulate this week; they are Dan Aviss 10R, Katelyn Hall 10D, Erin Taylor 10W and Gabriele Deacon Mendez 10E. Well done guys, very impressive and pleasing to see so many of the year group doing well in languages. Sports starts of the week, I am very pleased to report went to Lily Smith, Erin Taylor and Paisley Burch, well done all of you. At the beginning of each school term, Mr Brown sets all students a challenge that they will be rewarded for if they actually achieve it. This term that challenge was a tough one. Students needed to achieve 315 positive achievement points, 100% attendance for the term and zero negative behaviour points. I am very pleased and very proud to announce that, despite this being a tough challenge, four of our year 10 students achieved it. They are, Jenifer Melton 10N, Katelyn Hall 10D, Dan Aviss 10R, Chloe Appleby 10E. What an amazing achievement you and your parents should be truly proud of you, well done to you all! Well that is it for another term. It just leaves me to wish you and your families a happy Easter on behalf of all the year 10 team and will see students back on Tuesday 18th April at 08.35am.

Year 11 – Mrs Wright

It has been a successful half term with GCSE mocks sat and copious amounts of revision taking place. By

now all Year 11’s should have a copy of their GCSE exam timetable. Any student who has not collected their exam timetable should either come to see me for a copy in the Year 11 office or to Mrs Stepien, the

exams officer.

The top 10 Year 11 achievement award winners are:-

Simbrashe Chizungwa

Bethan Willey

Agnieszka Maciak

Michael Smith

Jesscia Harden

Tyrese Bond

Karolina Rimkute

Lucy Jordan

Shelby Carroll

Well done to all 10 – keep up the good work!

Winners of this week’s £10 vouchers go to:- Simbrashe Chizungwa

Bethan Willey

Michael Smith

This week’s PRIDE awards go to:- We think and act positively - Simbrashe Chizungwa

We respect one another – Michael Smith

We strive to improve – Karolina Rimkute

We all create a great place to learn - Shelby Carroll

We work well together – Bethan Willey

Well done to all those students.

Orders for Year 11 hoodies has now closed and the order been placed with the printing company. Prom

tickets will be on sale until the 28th April. That leaves 2 weeks after the holidays for students to buy their

tickets. These are available from Mr Waring and Mrs Stonach. Vivo’s can be used against the price of the

ticket. Tickets are £25.

At long last this week we have had the ‘grand shaving’ of Mr Hogger’s beard. A large crowd of students arrived in the hall during break on Tuesday to see Mr Hogger divested of his facial forest. David Brivinskas

was the ‘lucky’ student to take the first cut of Mr Hogger’s beard. Mr Altunok, husband of Mrs Altunok,

psychology teacher, owns a barbers shop in town and came to school to perform the deed. I have to say

Mr Hogger looks much younger and in the process helped to raise over £300 for the Year 11 prom fund.

Many thanks go to Mr Hogger for being such a good sport.

During the Easter holidays there are planned interventions in a variety of subjects most days. Students

have had the opportunity to view a power point this week regarding this. I hope students take advantage

of this and have written down the times and dates of the interventions of subjects they feel they need to

attend. I want to thank staff who have given up some of their holiday so that this extra intervention can

take place. All details on these sessions can be found on our website, along with revision resources.

This just leaves me to wish you all a very happy Easter holiday.

Happy Hogger before…….

……..and after!

Sixth Form News

National Apprenticeship Roadshow and Post Sixth Form Advice and Guidance

As part of our commitment to providing all our students with the best possible information and guidance in

preparation for life after sixth form we took 35 students to National Apprenticeship roadshow at Milton

Keynes on the 13th March. Students had the chance to meet over 100 apprenticeship providers and

speak to current apprenticeship students. Feedback from the event has been very positive and we hope

students found the event useful.

Students should also be aware that Mr Collison is available every three weeks to offer advice regarding

careers and opportunities post sixth form. Mr Collison has a wealth of experience and a number of useful

contacts and it is important that if students are unsure of their next step after sixth form they make use of

this resource. He is next in school on April 25th and appointments can be booked on the sheet outside the

sixth form office.

Diploma Day Friday 24th March

Sixth Form Students took part in a variety of excellent activities last Friday. PC Bolderstone delivered an

extremely powerful presentation about healthy relationships which was followed up with workshops where

students had the opportunity to discuss what they had seen. There were sessions on Mindfulness where

students were taught a variety of relaxation techniques that we hope they will find useful in preparation for

their upcoming exams. There were also sessions on Fundamental British Values where students were

given the opportunity to explore and discuss what it means to be British.

Students also took part in an ‘Impact’ presentation on driver safety. This involved students being talked through a demonstration of what happens on the scene of a road traffic accident from the police arriving,

the fire crew cutting the driver out of the crashed vehicle and the ambulance services removing the driver

and transferring them to an ambulance. What was particularly effective was that students were able to

hear a first-hand account from a young driver who had been involved in a serious car crash and the effect

that this has had on his life.

Subject Support

Teachers are running a number of extra sessions for students to support them with their studies. These

run throughout term time but there are also some sessions happening during the Easter break. Sessions

are advertised in the sixth form area and listed on our website here.

Enrichment programme

House news At the end of our second half term, nearly every child in the school has now taken part in an event. Well done to those of you who regularly take part. The results are changing and I know Mr Denton will be very pleased that GW have finally moved out of their 3rd place position. Well done GW! There really still is everything to play for so please encourage your child to support their house and make the most of the opportunities available to them. April Junior Dodgeball – 18th April Inters Dodgeball – 21st April Also look out for a new event 'Capture the Flag' (dates to be confirmed)


Achievement 17-3 2 1 3 4

Junior Badminton 3.5 1 2 3.5

Achievement 31-3 1 4 2 3

Year 8 Circuits 4 2 1 3

Total 133.5 101 89.5 108

PSHE Next term we will move on to our new topics. These are: Year 7 - Growth Mind set Year 8 - Personal safety Year 9 - Emotional intelligence Year 10 - Emergency aid Year 11 - Sleep Assembly theme (SMSC) After Easter assemblies will focus on Holocaust Remembrance. You may want to discuss this topic further with your son and daughter. Comic relief Comic relief was a great success, raising over £1000. Thanks to everyone who contributed. NSPCC board games On Friday we supported the NSPCC by holding a board games event in the hall during lunch time. Students donated 50p to play games and have squash and a biscuit. A brilliant term, with our students doing some really amazing things. Have a great Easter everyone.

Sports Results & Fixtures


Date Sport Opposition

No Fixtures first week back


Age group Sport Opposition Result

U18 Football County Final Go To Pro Academy Lost 7-0

U14 Football Terrington Won 12-1

U12 Football Springwood Lost 3-1

U15 Hockey Norfolk Schools WINNERS

U13 Football Terrington Lost 3-1

U16 Basketball

Last 16 English Schools

Northampton School for Boys Lost 75-68

U12 Football KLA Development Drew 2-2

U14 Hockey Marshland Development

Sports Results

U15 County Cup Winners - Well done to the team & Mrs Bower

Well done to the U18 football squad who reached the County Cup Schools Final. You were all a credit to the school.

U16 Basketball squad. Last 16 of the English School Basketball Competition. We Lost 75-68 to Northampton Grammar. We are all very proud of you. Thanks to coach James Bamfield for all

your hard work.

PE Dept Notices

Standards in PE lessons Please arrive on time & please bring the correct kit : Red Tee Shirt Black Shorts Red Socks Correct Footwear Y9-10-11 Girls Plain Black Leggings Warm Clothes are acceptable in COLD conditions – teachers will advise you on this – hopefully it’s getting warmer now! Also remember: ALL students will take an active role in the lesson, even if injured, so ALL pupils must bring their kit to every PE lesson. Y11 GCSE PE Notice: Well done to all GCSE pupils. The moderation week was excellent and the moderator was very impressed with all your sports, personal exercise plans and analysis of performance exams. Big push now for the written exam. Please use over Easter to revise.

Molly Cross


De Lacruz

Hannah Stout








Farley Nico Pates


Prentice Liam



315+ achievement points in

February – March 2017.

315+ achievement points in

February and March 2017 • Jennifer Miller 7K

• Vladislava Prieskina 8R

• Kaci Hitchcock 8K

• Olivia Sharp 8A

• Caitlin-Jai Cook 7K

• Dylan Berycz 8K

• Abby Watson 8R

• Jessica Rutter 8K

• Libby Howe 8A

• Rebecca Bush 8G

• Jenifer Melton 10N

• Georgie Merrishaw 7G

• Chloe Ramsey 7A

• Emilia Bastian 8A

• Kamile Orlovaite 7A

• Abbie Upton 7G

• Louis Daisey 7N

• Ruby Kirby 8A

• Dan Aviss 10R

• Lily-May Mckeiver 8A

• Cherry Ahsan 7A

• Chloe Appleby 10E

• Simeon Vonk 7G

• Erin McDonald 7R

• Karolina Lipodatenko 8K

• Szymon Siatkowski 8K

• Weronika Homola 7R

• Katelyn Hall 10D

• Justas Antonavicius 7R

• Rebekah Lee 9R

• Kelvin Silva 7D

• Inese Panancuka 7K

• Saskia Johnson 7G

• Erikas Kamas 7G

We celebrate our

successes This week’s top students.

Well done everyone!

Year 7

Jennifer Miller 7K

Samanta Springe 7R

Tinaye Chizungwa 7G

Prerana Poudyal 7W

Cherry Ahsan 7A

Georgie Merrishaw 7G

Dominika Lukasevic 7R

Erikas Kamas 7G

Artjoms Ilgacs 7N

Simeon Vonk 7G

Chloe Ramsey 7A

Year 8

Vladislava Prieskina 8R

Hannah Stoutt 8R

Lily-May Mckeiver 8A

Olivia Sharp 8A

Luc Widdowson 8A

Abby Watson 8R

Dzestina Pauliukonyte 8W

Gabriele Brusovaite 8G

Kieran Speers 8W

Ema Tomkova 8A

Emilia Bastian 8A

Year 9

Bruna Rodrigues 9R

Pietro Polo 9E

Rebekah Lee 9R

Jessie Rawlings 9A

Sophie Smith 9G

Kyra Harley 9A

Abigail Neporadnyj 9A

Bryan Henry 9R

Mollie Thorpe 9N

Millie Simmonds 9N

Holly Delph 9R

Year 10

Katelyn Hall 10D

Erin Taylor 10W

Dan Aviss 10R

Harry Staines 10N

Chloe Appleby 10E

Shanay Ward 10N

Oliver Hambridge 10N

Owen Barrett 10R

Caitlin Saddleton 10K

Jenifer Melton 10N

Joseph Bussey 10N

Year 11

Megan Fox 11D

Agnieszka Maciak 11G

Daniele Valeckaite 11P

Rebecca Hollands 11H

Courtney Miles 11H

Jennifer Metodieva 11W

Tamsin Barnes 11A

Ashleigh Dixon 11K

Tyrese Bond 11D

Chloe Plume 11P

Alex Thorrold 11W

Half term 4 Week 6

Bruna Rodrigues 9R

Katelyn Hall 10D

Pietro Polo 9E

Erin Taylor 10W

Vladislava Prieskina 8R

Jennifer Miller 7K

Jessie Rawlings 9A

Rebekah Lee 9R

Samanta Springe 7R

Prerana Poudyal 7W

Lily-May Mckeiver 8A

Top 10 Readers 2016-17 (So Far)

Melissa Tham

Harry Cozens

Tinishia Carter

Alex Drummond

Benjamin Dack

Kristupas Yakubauskas

Ben Wheeler

Stephen Mahoney

Ayden Turner

Catherine Milne

Top 10 Books 2016-17 (So Far)

Tom Gates 9 - Top of the Class Pichon, Liz

Diary of A Wimpy Kid - Third Wheel - 7 Kinney, Jeff

Hunger Games - 1, The Collins, Suzanne

Fantastic Mr Fox Dahl, Roald

Awful Auntie Walliams, David

Old School - 10 Kinney, Jeff

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Dahl, Roald

Diary of A Wimpy Kid - Hard Luck - 8 Kinney, Jeff

Diary of A Wimpy Kid - The Long Haul - 9 Kinney, Jeff

One Crossan, Sarah

Top 10 Readers this week

Harry Cozens

Ellie Ketteringham

Emily Harris

Niamh Edge

Alex Drummond

Chloe Pearman

Craig Marks

Archie Lee

Egidijus Servutas

Benjamin Dack


Join our book review club after school on the 2nd Tues of each month

and Film Club on the 4th Tues of each month in the Library.

See Mrs Potter for more details.

The CILIP Carnegie Medal 2017 shortlist Sputnik’s Guide to Life on Earth by Frank Cottrell Boyce (Pan Macmillan)

The Bone Sparrow by Zana Fraillon Orion Children’s Books

The Smell of Other People’s Houses by Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock (Faber & Faber)

The Stars at Oktober Bend by Glenda Millard (Old Barn Books)

Railhead by Philip Reeve (Oxford University Press)

Beck by Mal Peet with Meg Rosoff (Walker Books)

Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys (Puffin)

Wolf Hollow by Lauren Wolk (Corgi)

The CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal 2017 shortlist Wild Animals of the North illustrated and written by Dieter Braun (Flying Eye Books)

TIDY illustrated and written by Emily Gravett (Two Hoots)

The Wolves of Currumpaw illustrated and written by William Grill (Flying Eye Books)

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone illustrated by Jim Kay, written by J.K. Rowling


A Great Big Cuddle illustrated by Chris Riddell and written by Michael Rosen (Walker Books)

The Journey illustrated and written by Francesca Sanna (Flying Eye Books)

The Marvels illustrated and written by Brian Selznick (Scholastic)

There is a Tribe of Kids illustrated and written by Lane Smith (Two Hoots)


top related