palm gold coconut blossom sugar

Post on 27-Nov-2014






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Palm Gold Coconut Blossom Sugar is 100% organic and natural. It is a low glycemic, nutrient-rich superfood which is ideal for diabetics, weight management and other health concerns. Definitely, Palm Gold Coconut Blossom Sugar is the best substitute to commercial sugars and sweeteners.


Best Premium Quality Health Food Native to the Philippines

The Emerging Ingredient in Wellbeing, Functional and Specialty Foods

Deliciously Prime, ‘Positive Nutrition’ Commodity to Import

“The juice of the coconut tree can be transformed into a sugar as soft as honey.

Nature created this product such that it could not be processed in factories.

Palm sugar can only be produced in palm tree habitats. Local populations can

easily turn the nectar into coconut blossom sugar. It is a way to solve the world's

poverty. It is also an antidote against misery.”

T ruly, today’s purest and most nutritious Natural Sweetener

Gandhi, 1939

100% Organic and Nutrient-Rich Natural Sweetener Low Glycemic

TODAY’S BEST HIGH VALUE NATURAL SWEETENER Sugar so healthy, it is ideal even for diabetics! 1. PALM GOLD COCONUT BLOSSOM SUGAR is 100% organic and natural. It

comes from the sweet nectar of the coconut (Cocos nucifera) inflorescences. The fresh, watery nectar drip from the cut flower buds that are collected daily (once in the morning and once in the afternoon) and immediately boiled and dried to become granulated sugar. It is absolutely pure, unrefined, unfiltered, and unbleached. PALM GOLD COCONUT BLOSSOM SUGAR is produced in the far countryside of Mindanao, a southern island in the Philippines. The rustic, peaceful and mostly virginal environment near the coasts boosts the growth and natural blooming and flowering of the coconut trees. Organic farming standards are applied. No synthetically compounded fertilizers and pesticides are ever used. In the Philippines, sea salt is used to fertilize coconut trees (

2. PALM GOLD COCONUT BLOSSOM SUGAR is a low glycemic natural

sweetener. In 2007, Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) Administrator Oscar G. Garin bore in a press conference that the result of tests on sugar obtained from the nectar of the coconut blossoms showed a Glycemic Index (GI) of 35 (Table 1.1 and 1.2). Dr. Trinidad P. Trinidad, Scientist II of the Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) of the Philippines and her research team conducted the test (

3. PALM GOLD COCONUT BLOSSOM SUGAR is good for diabetics, weight management

and other health concerns. With a GI of 35, PALM GOLD COCONUT BLOSSOM SUGAR is classified as a low GI food (Table 1.2). Low GI foods, by virtue of their slow digestion and absorption, produce

gradual rises in blood sugar and insulin levels, and have proven benefits for health. Low GI diets have been shown to improve both glucose and lipid levels in people with diabetes (type 1 and type 2). They have benefits for weight control because they help control appetite and delay hunger. Low GI diets also reduce insulin levels and insulin resistance.

Low GI carbs reduce the risk of heart disease and improve blood cholesterol levels. They also can help manage the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Recent studies from Harvard School of Public Health indicate that the risks of diseases such as type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease are strongly related to the GI of the overall diet. In 1999, the World Health Organization (WHO) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) recommended that people in industrialized countries base their diets on low GI foods in order to prevent the most common diseases of affluence, such as

coronary heart disease, diabetes and obesity. (

4. PALM GOLD COCONUT BLOSSOM SUGAR provides sustained energy. It helps keep energy levels balanced because it slowly trickles glucose into the blood stream. This is one of its attributes as a low GI carbohydrate. Habitual consumption of low GI foods can prolong physical endurance, reduce hunger and keep one fuller for longer between meals ( PALM GOLD COCONUT BLOSSOM SUGAR is an ideal ingredient for cereals, snacks, energy foods and drinks, and other diet products and formulations.

5. PALM GOLD COCONUT BLOSSOM SUGAR is nutrient-rich. Its major component is

sucrose, followed by glucose and fructose (Table 2.1). It contains protein and carbohydrates (Table 2.2). It is rich in vitamins, minerals (Table 2.3) and much nutrients (Table 2.4). It contains high amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur, boron, zinc, and copper compared to refined cane or brown sugar (Table 2.4). Like any carbohydrate, PALM GOLD COCONUT BLOSSOM SUGAR has calories (Table 2.2), but due to its relatively low GI, its calories are absorbed into the bloodstream at a significantly slower rate than regular refined sugar. This property should be of interest to anyone who is monitoring their blood sugar levels and attempting to avoid blood sugar spikes.

6. PALM GOLD COCONUT BLOSSOM SUGAR is the best substitute to

commercial sugars and sweeteners. It has the same crystalline look and texture of regular brown sugar. It has a sweet scent, a pleasant nutty aroma. It cooks, bakes, dissolves and melts just like regular sugar, but it has a far superior taste and richer flavor. It has a certain delicious nutty creaminess to it. It can be used in your everday coffee, milk, tea, cocoa and shakes. It is an exceptional ingredient to any recipe that requires sugar like sweets, ice cream, desserts and especially confectionary. It also enhances the flavor of curries, dressings and rich sauces for savory dishes. Because of new scientific finding of its low GI, PALM GOLD COCONUT BLOSSOM SUGAR is a healthier replacement for expensive aspartame-based and other synthetic sweeteners which may cost $22 or more per pound. PALM GOLD COCONUT BLOSSOM SUGAR is a natural and cheaper alternative even for the more expensive sweeteners which claim to have derived from ‘natural’ ingredients. PALM GOLD COCONUT BLOSSOM SUGAR is never refined or bleached like white sugar; so the nutrients it was made with are still there. That's rare for sweeteners, most of which are highly refined.

7. PALM GOLD COCONUT BLOSSOM SUGAR comes from the ‘Tree of Life’, the most dependable tree. According to the FAO, the coconut tree is the most extensively grown and the most important palm in the world. It is the "heavenly tree", "tree of life", "tree of abundance" and "nature's supermarket.” It withstands conditions considered to be marginal for many other crops, and its considerable hardiness contributes as a stabilising factor in the farming systems of marginal and fragile environments. The coconut tree is a perennial, ecologically beneficial crop. Once planted, there is

minimal tending needed because it grows in diverse, wildlife supportive agro-ecosystems. It can restore damaged soils and it requires very little water. Mature trees would keep on flowering and bearing fruits consistently and regularly for its entire life cycle of about 50 to 80 years. It is the most dependable source of food, drink, shelter, fuel, furniture, medicine, decorative materials and, of course, sugar. It produces inflorescences in continuous succession. It produces an average of 50-75% more sugar per hectare than sugar cane and uses less than 1/5th the soil nutrients and water for that production. It grows in severely

compromised soil (like sandy beaches) and can survive drought conditions and still produce the sweet nectar that gives PALM GOLD COCONUT BLOSSOM SUGAR. As the coconut is the ‘Tree of Life’, its blossom is the ‘Flower of Life’; so is the sweet nectar oozing from it be the ‘Sweetener of Life.’ Such is the essence of PALM GOLD COCONUT


economic growth of coconut farmers and their communities. In a study by the PCA in 2002, it showed that the production of coconut sugar had higher farmer's net income (P9,100-14,800/month) and an ROI of 380-465% than that of (cane) sugar making (P5,900/month, 278% ROI). The study further showed that on-farm production of coconut sugar have both social and economic advantages. This technology offer better opportunity for farmers to increase their income and generate employment especially to family members (Secretaria, Ebuna & Magat). A sequential coconut nectar production can provide the small scale coconut farmers with incomes nearly 10 times higher per hectare and per year (Maravilla and Magat, 1993). Be aware that the constant patronage of PALM

GOLD COCONUT BLOSSOM SUGAR is vastly improving the farmers’ (and their families) economic circumstances. It is an ideal win-win, healing reciprocation between wellness and prosperity.

9. PALM GOLD COCONUT BLOSSOM SUGAR gives back to the farmers and

education. We are committed in making this world a better place. A portion of the net profits from the sales of PALM GOLD COCONUT

BLOSSOM SUGAR will be tithed back and dedicated 1) for the further upliftment of the lives of the farmers and their communities and 2) to sponsor deserving, underpriviledged children to advance their education and help them develop body, mind and spirit in order to mould them to become great leaders in their respective sphere of influence. It is our firm belief that in this time of the world, as these children would have become uncompromisable movers and shakers, they would have led their communities to better lives; steps closer to utopia. Through this, the cycle of goodwill had begun. As Gandhi had envisioned, it is a way to solve the world’s poverty. This is our antidote against misery, our offering for wellness, peace and prosperity… in our own modest way. In vision and intention for a better world, We are One. Golden is our service for sweeter days for all.

Table 1.1: FNRI-DOST analyzed coconut sugar per laboratory reference number GI-07-001 submitted by PCA on 02 January 2007 (Checked by Aida C. Mallillin-Senior Science Research Specialist; Approved by Dr. Trinidad P. Trinidad-Scientist II; Noted by Dr. Mario V. Capanzana, Ph. D. Director of FNRI). The result is :

Sample Description Coconut Sugar


Subject (Type and Number) Healthy Humans, 10

Reference Food and Time Period Glucose, 2 hours

Analysts Rosario S. Sagum, Ph. D. Rosario R. Encabo

Methodology: 1. 50 g of coconut nectar sugar and glucose were fed in random order to 10 fasting human subjects. 2. After feeding, 0.3 - 0.4 mL blood samples were drawn, at 15-minute interval for 1 hour and every 30

minutes for the next minute, serum separated and glucose level estimated using Clinical Chemistry Analyzer.

3. Based on the Glucose response curve the GI was determined. Table 1.2: Glycemic Index Classification (J. Brand-Miller, Revised International Glycemic Index, 2003)


Low GI 55 or less

Medium GI 56 - 69

High GI 70 and above

Table 2.1: Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) of Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines on 02 November 2006 conducted an analysis of samples of coconut nectar sugar submitted by PCA, Diliman, Quezon City on 20 October 2006 regarding sugar content. The Entry Number was 1394. It was correctly certified by Flor S. Nepomuceno, Officer-In-Charge, Agro-based Materials Laboratory.


Glucose 2.00% HPIC

Fructose 2.90% CarboPac

Sucrose 84.98% Amperometry

“And as an invert sugar, this (Coconut Sap Sugar) is also a valuable sweetener in food and pharmaceutical applications due to its desirable properties i.e. high

osmotic pressure, high solubility and humid nature. It can be applied as syrups in pharmaceutical industry, substitute for honey, for infant foods and as intravenous

injectables for diabetics.”

Erlene C. Manohar, Nina Marie L. Kindipan & Lorna V. Sancha Coconut sap sugar production: from farm to market and from wealth to health

Philippine Coconut Authority

Table 2.2: Vitamin, mineral and elemental content per 100g of Coconut Sugar as analyzed by SGS, Philippines on 01 July 2004. The result is:


Total Energy Content, cal/100g 369.40

Total Carbohydrate, g/100g 92.30

Moisture, % 2.20

Ash, % 2.20

Crude Protein, % 1.30

Crude Fat, % 0.12


Vitamin C, mg ascorbic acid/100g 23.40

Thiamine 0.41

Table 2.3: Nutrient content per 100g of Coconut Sugar as analyzed by PCA-Plant and Tissue Analysis Laboratory (PTAL) on 09 November 2006. The result is:


Potassium 1,300.00

Phosphorus 79.00

Magnesium 29.00

Sulfur 26.00

Calcium 6.00


Zinc 2.00

Iron 2.00

Boron 0.63

Copper 0.23

Manganese 0.13

“Coconut Sap Sugar is a high value commercial product which has promising health benefits to humans especially for diabetics. The results of tests conducted by Food

and Nutrition Research Institute, Department of Science and Technology on Glycemic Index (GI) of sugar obtained from the sap of coconut showed a low GI of 35. Low GI food is good for proper control and management of diabetes mellitus and has been shown to lower total and HDL cholesterol. It is also good for weight

maintenance that prevents overweight and obesity. The importance of the product led to increase in demand in both domestic and international markets. The product

is a good substitute to commercial sweeteners which are available in the market.”

Philippine National Standard on Coconut Sap SugarForeword

PNS/BAFPS 76:2010

Table 2.4: Elemental content (ppm or mg/L) of three sources of edible sugar analyzed by PCA-PTAL on 11 September 2000. (Secretaria et. al., 2003)

NUTRIENT Coconut Blossom Sugar1

Brown Cane Sugar

Refined (White) Sugar

Micronutrients mg/L (ppm) in dry matter

Manganese (Mn)** 1.30 2.00 0.00

Boron (B)** 0.30 0.00 0.00

Zinc (Zn)** 21.20 2.00 1.20

Iron (Fe)** 21.90 12.60 1.20

Copper (Cu)** 2.30 0.60 0.60

Macronutrients mg/L (ppm) in dry matter

Nitrogen (N)* 2,020.00 100.00 0.00

Phosphorus (P)** 790.00 30.00 0.70

Potassium (K) 10,300.00 650.00 25.00

Calcium (Ca) 60.00 240.00 60.00

Magnesium (Mg) 290.00 70.00 10.00

Sodium (Na) 450.00 20.00 10.00

Chlorine (Cl) 4,700.00 180.00 100.00

Sulfur (S) 260.00 130.00 20.00

1 Sourced from Zamboanga Research Center

* Determined through combustion method using Nitrogen Analyzer

** Determined using ICP-AES

"A farmer can plant a coconut tree as a child and have it produce his entire life. Coconuts are always in season as they produce year round. Artificial fertilizers and pesticides are rarely ever used. Small farmers, who are the major producers, can't

afford chemicals and prefer to let nature take its course. Rotting coconut husks and fronds are used as a natural fertilizer. For these reasons, coconut nectar and fruit

production are very environmentally friendly."

Bruce Fife, NDDirector of the Coconut Research Center

Author, "Coconut Cures"

Table 3: Nutritional Facts on 5 grams and 100 grams Serving of Coconut Blossom Sugar.

Serving Size 5g(1 teaspoon)


Amount per Serving

Calories 18.470 369.400

Total Fat, g 0.006 0.120

Crude Fat, g 0.006 0.120

Total Carbohydrates, g 4.615 92.300

Protein, g 0.065 1.300

Thiamine, mg 0.021 0.410

Manganese, mg 0.007 0.130

Boron, mg 0.032 0.630

Zinc, mg 0.100 2.000

Iron, mg 0.100 2.000

Copper, mg 0.012 0.230

Nitrogen, mg 10.100 202.000

Phosphorous, mg 3.950 79.000

Potassium, mg 65.000 1,300.000

Calcium, mg 0.300 6.000

Magnesium, mg 1.450 29.000

Sodium, mg 2.250 45.000

Chlorine, mg 23.500 470.000

Sulfur, mg 1.300 26.000

“The taste of pure coconut palm sugar resembles that of brown sugar, yet with more rounded caramel and butterscotch notes, without the metallic ending flavor

that brown sugar has. It has a rich flavor. For cooking purposes, it has a very low melt temperature and an extremely high burn temperature. This makes it a suitable

sweetener for confectioners.”



1. Coconut Nectar (Sap) Collection Process

A. Selection of coconut for tapping

1. Coconut trees which bear very well and are not too young or old.

2. A younger, tender spadix with swelling at its base is selected for tapping.

B. Tapping and collection of nectar

1. The spadix is gently tapped so as to carefully bruise and rapture the tender tissues of the floral branch. The spadix is gradually bent downward without breaking the stem. When the spadix droops, the tip is cut open with a sharp knife. The daily slicing of the tip of the spadix allows the nectar to flow continuously and the drooping position prevents the nectar from entering the inflorescence and enables the sterilized vessel to collect the nectar.

2. The vessel is kept in position by fastening it to the spadix with the use of string. The mouth of the vessel is covered with a fibrous network of light brown stipules. This keeps out rainwater and all filth and other extraneous matters.

3. The collected nectar is strained prior to pre-processing / pre-cooking. The sweet nectar is processed immediately after collection to avoid loses due to fermentation. It turns into syrup. The syrup is filtered twice, first during the pre-processing (in the field) and again during the final processing (boiled before evaporation). Cooking temperature must not exceed our recommended temperature.


A. After the Collection of Coconut Nectar. The collected coconut nectar is delivered to the processing center. The quality inspector from the processing plant is assigned to monitor the inflow of raw materials based on its quality. Good quality nectar insures the good quality of PALM GOLD COCONUT BLOSSOM SUGAR.

B. Boiling of Coconut Nectar. Coconut nectar is boiled to evaporate the water under moderate heat with occasional stirring until liquid thickens.

C. Crystallization of the Coconut Syrup. When the syrup gets sticky, it is removed from the flame. Stirring is continued until the syrup crystallizes and becomes granular.


COCONUT BLOSSOM SUGAR is air-dried to equalize its temperature with the ambient condition. Machines are thoroughly inspected and cleaned of any foreign objects and contaminants. The granulated PALM GOLD COCONUT BLOSSOM SUGAR is reduced to powder sizes using pulverizing machine and sieves for uniform powder sizes and for grading purposes as per specified requirements of the market.

E. Packaging. PALM GOLD COCONUT BLOSSOM SUGAR is then packed using food-grade containers according to specified requirements of the market. The finished products are placed in carton boxes for safe and convenient handling purposes. Lot numbers are indicated.

Rockwealth Truetrade International, Inc. Company Profile Company Overview Rockwealth Truetrade International, Inc (Rockwealth) is an Export Trading Company duly registered in the Securities and Exchange Commission of the Philippines. We are headquartered in Metro Manila, Philippines. We are engaged in the wholesale of food and health products. Key Facts

Establishment Year: 2007 Firm Type: Corporation Nature of Business: Manufacturer, Trader, Export | Import Level to Expand: International

Corporate Address Units 6 & 7 Paramount Commercial Condominium, 162 West Avenue, Quezon City 1104 Philippines Telefax: (63 2) 3765396 Email: Website: Skype: palmgoldcocosugar

Business Description Rockwealth’s main products are PALM GOLD COCONUT BLOSSOM SUGAR and PALM GOLD COCONUT

BLOSSOM SYRUP. Our target niche is the health, wholesome and gourmet market. We cater to health food processors, distributors, importers and retail chains. We have steady patrons from Germany, Australia and Japan. Originally, Rockwealth was founded to help Philippine manufacturers find overseas buyers and provide them with other pertinent market information. Through the years, we have developed an extensive network of trusted partners. And through the years, we also have developed PALM GOLD COCONUT

BLOSSOM SUGAR into today’s best high value natural sweetener based on international standards. We have access to the best harvest. We employ best practices in manufacturing and seek the best materials to ensure that only the highest quality coconut sugar and coconut syrup are delivered to the world. New Generation Rockwealth has evolved into a new generation provider of wellbeing, functional and specialty food and health products. As showcased by our main product, PALM GOLD COCONUT BLOSSOM SUGAR provides the following ethical benefits and values: A. For the consumers:

PALM GOLD COCONUT BLOSSOM SUGAR is all-natural, nutrient-rich and low glycemic. It promotes total wellness and well-being. It is truly a champion product.

B. For the environment: Positive environmental aspects of PALM GOLD COCONUT BLOSSOM SUGAR production are related to promoting a more sustainable business model using fewer resources, generating no/less pollution and maintaining biodiversity.

C. For the farmers and community: Sustainable production contributes to greater corporate responsibility and rural development. Farmers obtain better prices for their produce. Adherents to organic production promote fairer commercial relationships.

D. For business-to-business partners: Positive nutrition is playing a major role in the market, with the new generation of healthy, guilt-free, functional and hi-energy products based on healthier ingredients. Where end product manufacturers seek to replace artificial additives with natural alternatives, we provide a totally natural ingredient to the industry.

Made in the Philippines Product Information


Net Weight: 1 Kilogram (1Kg) Packaging Material: PET12 / PE60 PET12 / AL7 / PE50 Dimension: 195mm x 290mm Toll manufacturing available


Net Weight: 200 grams (200g) Packaging Material: PET12 / PE40 PET12 / AL7 / PE30 Dimension: 118mm x 190mm Toll manufacturing available


Net Weight: 5 grams (5g) Stick Packaging Material: Laminated PET/PE (70 microns) Dimension: 2" x 4.5" For Toll Manufacturing Only


Net Weight: 12 Kilograms (12Kg) Packaging Material: PET12 / AL 7 / PE130 Dimension: 15-3/4” x 25-1/2” Toll manufacturing available

Made in the Philippines Product Specification PARAMETER QUALITY | CHARACTERISTICS

Color Light brown to beige

Taste Sweet | Delicious nutty creaminess

Scent Pleasant nutty aroma

Texture Crystalline

Matter Solid | Powdered form

Major Components Sucrose (78 – 89%) Glucose (02 – 03%) Fructose (01 – 04%)

Glycemic Index 35 - 55

Water Activity, aw 0.8%

Particle Size 100 microns

Others Free from filth and extraneous matters





1 Kilogram (Kg) per piece 12 pieces 13.125” x 10.5” x 9.625” 1,000 cases 12,000 pieces

200 grams (g) per piece 48 pieces 13.125” x 11.75” x 5.625” 1,250 cases 60,000 pieces

5 grams (g) per Stick No. of sticks per box: 50

48 boxes 14.75” x 10.75” x 10.125” 1,000 cases 48,000 boxes

12 Kilograms (Kg) per piece 2 pieces -- 500 cases 1,000 pieces

Made for and Distributed by: ROCKWEALTH TRUETRADE INTERNATIONAL INC. Units 6 & 7 Paramount Commercial Condominium 162 West Avenue, Quezon City 1104 Philippines (63 2) 3765396 (Telefax)

Contact: Hector Ocampo Managing Director +639172462726 (mobile) Skype: palmgoldcocosugar

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