page 1 news from the pews · 2020-08-06 · page 4 news from the pews 40th anniversary of...

Post on 15-Aug-2020






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August 6, 2020


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Service this week FOR St. Andrew's

August 9, 2020

Theme: Exploring Our Christianity 101” God the Son

Once again, this week we will be live stream-ing our service at 10 am. Please log on at

Our service will be live streamed again on the church Facebook page at 10 am as well as there is now a link on the front page of the website at

On the Facebook page look for the “Live” button and you will find the service.

I, Greg Howard, will be leading our worship

again this week and the service will be the

second in the four part series I call “Exploring

Our Christianity 101” and I guess I should

include “according to Greg” as these are my

understandings of our scriptures. Here are the

four topics. “God the Father”, “God the Son”,

“God the Holy Spirit” and “The Church”. The

Theme for this week will be “God the Son”.

We’ll have a brief look at the family into which

Jesus was born, his encounter with the priests

in the temple when he was twelve, his baptism

by his cousin John, the transformation that

took place at that time, a brief look at his

ministry, his death, his appearances to his

disciples and friends following his death and

the significance of some of the writings in the

New Testament for us as Christians trying to

follow in his footsteps. We are comforted to

know we can count on his continuing support,

as he is quoted in Matthew 28 as saying

“surely I am with you always, to the very end

of the age” as he knew that his conscious-

ness, like ours, is eternal.

I guess I’ve tried to portray Jesus as a normal

but gifted, spiritual person who devoted his

time and energy to his pursuit of the sacred in

his life, achieved a complete connection to this

awesome and ever present power and gave

his disciples and us the encouragement and

the tools to be able to do the same.

These of course are my ideas and reflect my

relationship to our scriptures and I’d like to

suggest that you explore your own ideas and

thoughts about Jesus, and maybe we can

discuss these some day!

I’d like to thank Graeme Thompson for

agreeing to read the scriptures this week from

the beautiful chapel on the point of his island

in Lake Temagami, that all the men of the

“Breakfast Club” have come to know and love,

and Marlene Beitz for her reading and writing

of such sensitive and meaningful prayers.

Scripture Reading this week: (Read by Graeme Thompson)

Luke 2:41-52 -The Boy Jesus at the Temple

Matthew 18:21-22 - Forgiveness

Matthew 7:1-5 - Do not judge

(New International Version)

Meditation: God the Son



There is a group of ladies that were meeting at the church (in the fellowship

room) on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Fridays of the month from 9:30 - 11:30 am.

They are now going to start meeting WEEKLY on Fridays at 9:30 am online

through ZOOM. All ladies are welcome to join them.

The online meeting information:

Meeting ID: 415-539-904 Password:8032

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Thank you to Greg Howard for leading us in worship last Sunday and this

Sunday while Grant is on vacation!


There is now a sign-in/out sheet at the Hand Sanitizer table (the

parking lot entrance) for ANYONE entering the church building.

We need to keep track of everyone visiting the building at what

time and what places were visited.

Thank you for your co-operation!

Rev. Grant Williams on Vacation

Rev. Grant Williams is away camping this week.

Thank you to Rev. Jean Leckie for covering any pastoral

emergencies. Her number is 905-873-9808.

Please sponsor Valerie or Register for yourself!

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In celebration of the 40th Anniversary of Terry's Marathon of Hope, I am proudly participating in the 2020 Terry Fox Run. One Day. Your Way. I am committed to raising much-needed funds for cancer research. Because we cannot wait for COVID-19 to be over. Because Terry asked us to try. Please consider supporting my efforts for this worthwhile cause.

If you are feeling extra generous, you can share my page with your social network. Thank you for your support! Sincerely,

Valerie Jordan


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40th Anniversary of Terry's Marathon of Hope,


(I found this on Facebook.) Long before Terry Fox dipped his toe in the Atlantic to begin his

Marathon of Hope, he had to try to learn how to walk all over again. Then he had to try to run

again. First a high school cinder running track, then streets, then hills, and eventually, moun-

tains. He had to go out and gather support for what seemed like a “crazy” idea, a run across

Canada for cancer research. And even once he began, he had to try every day, to push past

the pain, exhaustion and sometimes doubt. Cancer may have taken a lot from Terry, but it

could never take away his “try”.

Let’s all TRY!


WHAT: A virtual Terry Fox Run: One Day. Your Way. We will unite in spirit,

not in person!

WHERE: Wherever you are! Around your neighbourhood, backyard, down

the street, or around the block.

HOW: Register as an individual, family or a virtual team – start your

fundraising today!

WHY: Because cancer research can't wait for COVID-19 to be over. Because

Terry asked us to try.


Download our new App! Get fundraising, get inspired and get fit right from your

phone. Track your Terry Fox Run and share it with friends. Get weekly quotes

from Terry, photos, videos, and more!

Questions? Email

The Following photos were taken as Terry ran through Norval in 1985.

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During Our financial results to the end of June are in and they paint a picture of

good news and bad news (not so bad, actually).

The good news is that St. Andrew's wonderful members continue with their

offerings by mailed envelopes, dropped-off envelopes, CanadaHelps online, and

e-transfers. And of course those heroes in our congregation on PAR continue to

provide way more than half of our offering revenue. More good news is that we

have qualified for government Covid-19 wage and salary subsidies totaling $9,611

year to date. Still more good news is that Bill and Leslie and the Auction

Committee led a very successful online auction which really helped as well. Since

our expenses are down by more than $26,000 we are actually showing a small

PROFIT at the end of June. Even though we made our M&S remittance for the first

4 months our bank balance is very healthy. Who would have predicted this -

certainly not your Treasurer. We have not touched our savings so far, and the way

we are going we may not have to do that at all.

Now for the bad news (sort of). In order to qualify for the Canada Emergency Wage

Subsidy (CEWS) in June, we need to show a reduction in revenue of >30%

compared to June 2019. However, despite missing all our rental income, our strong

offerings mean that we have not experienced a sufficient revenue drop to qualify for

the ~$4,000 subsidy in June. Many churches out there are not so fortunate and are

counting on these subsidies for their very survival. We are not. So even the bad

news is not so bad after all.

So let's all stay the course and keep doing what we are doing and we'll come out of

the other side of this pandemic as strong and resilient as ever.

Thanks to everyone for supporting your Church.

Brian Heinmiller


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Finance Report—July 8th, 2020

Here's how you can continue to support your Church with your givings:

1. Mail or drop off cheques (preferred) or cash in envelopes to

St. Andrew’s United Church, 89 Mountainview Road South, Georgetown,

L7G4T9. These donations will be receipted at the end of the year just as if

you had put them on the offering plate.

2. CanadaHelps donations - Follow the links to the St. Andrew’s website

and click the “Donate Now” button. This will take you

where you can donate directly to the Church via CanadaHelps. - or you can

go directly to Canada Helps -

(Note that these donations will be tax-receipted by CanadaHelps not

St. Andrew’s).

3. On your on-line banking site go to “Interac Transfers” and send your

Interac donation to . This email

account is used exclusively for this purpose. Note that these donations will

be included in your year-end tax receipt and are not anonymous.

4. Call the Treasurer or any member of the Finance Team to have your

donation picked up or dropped off in a way that preserves social distancing.



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Rendez-vous Re-imagined!

Due to the ongoing health crisis, Rendez-vous 2020 is set to be a Rendez-vous unlike any

other..! The event will still be going ahead August 11-14, but through a virtual platform instead

of an in-person gathering.

Through real-time online events, recordings, and interactive workshops, we will celebrate bold

faith, brave space, and brazen grace. While this is a free event, you do need to register in

order to gain access to the event app. The final day to register is August 7. Register before

July 15 to get your commemorative t-shirt or toque in time for the event, available for $10

each at the time of registration!

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Humour Corner


As part of his talk at a banquet, our minister told some jokes and a few funny stories. Since he

planned to use the same anecdotes at a meeting the next day, he asked reporters covering the

event not to include them in their articles.

Reading the paper the following morning, he noticed that one well-meaning cub reporter had

ended his story on the banquet with the observation "The minister told a number of stories that

cannot be published."

Have a Nice Day!



Georgetown Friends of Refugees Committee 2 (GFORCe2)

will host a Breakfast

on August 8th, from 8:00 am to 11:00 am,

to raise funds to support our refugee family, the Hajjars.

The breakfast will be a drive-through arrangement (no need to leave your car)

hosted in the parking lot at Norval United Church,

14015 Danby Road, Georgetown L7G 0L8.

The meal will consist of a Breakfast Sandwich plus Pastry and

Coffee/Tea/juice boxes for children.

There will be a Free Will Offering.

Please come and support this refugee family.

For further information please call (905) 873-6760.

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ONLINE BIBLE STUDY - by Rev. Jean Leckie

Rev. Jean Leckie has set up a blog so that she can continue to write and

share a weekly Bible Study now that she has retired.

This week:

Why do so many people have to suffer from COVID 19? Is this God's

will? Why do we need to answer that question? Think about it at

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Schools are adapting to COVID-19 and so are we, but we will not let the kids go without! We

will be distributing JK to Grade 12 School Supply Packs following H&S protocols designed to

minimize the spread of the virus.


DONATE: Due to the constraints of accepting physical donations of supplies, we are

requesting financial donations only at this time.

· By mail

· Online at

· In person following H&S protocols (masks and distancing)

Links2Care Locations

· 360 Guelph Street, Unit 33, Georgetown, ON L7G 4B5

· 47 Mill Street East, Acton, ON L7J 1H1

VOLUNTEER: Unfortunately, to limit the number of people involved, we must run the

program without volunteer support this year.

APPLY BY AUGUST 14, 2020: For applications, please contact the church office at

Preferably by email with proof of income (2019 notice of assessment) to

The application is also available on our website:

If you must come into our office, please wear a mask and follow distancing protocols.

PICK-UP will be by appointment only and again, following all COVID mask/distancing

protocols. Recipients will be contacted in late August with details.

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Let’s share and visit with each other! I know people have had to cancel trips

or cut trips short. Since we can’t travel anymore, let’s travel virtually or just

visit with each other! Please send a few favourite photos in to share—it

could be a trip, family photos, garden photos, etc. with a short

description. Please send to the church office—

Japan Trip (continued from last week)

Some interesting tours: a Hatajiku wood craft demo and store.

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Sakuda Gold Mills—where we even had gold leaf tea and gold leaf skin cream.

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At Gokayama , we watched them make Handmade Japanese paper—Washi—

my sister made a sheet as well.

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We really enjoyed the food. We even got to dress up and eat a traditional

Japanese meal at one of our hotel stops.

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At Nara, we fed the deer.

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The Japanese love ice cream and so do we! Several places had booths with

100 flavours! Some interesting flavours: garlic, fermented soybeans soy sauce,

red pepper to name a few.

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On our last full day, our guide made arrangements for us to visit a museum,

Kanada Mura in the Wakayama district where my maternal grandparents came

from. The museum had a section about my grandfather and my mother’s

family—the black and white photo below is my mother’s family—she was the

baby in the photo. In the other photo, my sisters, cousin and myself are holding

a scrapbook about my grandfather and family.

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The Japanese also seem to love Kit Kat Chocolate bars. At the airport, we found some different flavours: strawberry cheesecake, wasabi (which is a hot Japanese mustard), melon, apple, soybean flour, soy sauce, green tea and a few others. (The sign below: “Exclusive to Japan—The taste of Japan for everyone to enjoy.”)

At the Toykyo airport was a beautiful exihibit of Japanese Origami (paper

folding) art work.

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Our flight from Osaka back to Tokyo was over booked, so we were lucky

enough to be given seats in the Business Class! Too bad it was just an hour


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The words for this Sunday’s hymns (Sunday, August 9th, 2020).

Opening Hymn: What a Friend We Have in Jesus VU#664 Verse 1 What a Friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer! O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer! Verse 2 Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged, Take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a friend so faithful Who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness, Take it to the Lord in prayer. Verse 3 Are we weak and heavy-laden, Cumbered with a load of care? Christ the Savior is our refuge; Take it to the Lord in prayer; Do our friends despise, forsake us? Are we tempted to despair? Jesus’ strength will shield our weakness, And we’ll find new courage there.

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Closing Hymn: I am the Light of the World VU#87

Refrain: “I am the Light of the World You people come and follow me.” If you follow and love, you’ll learn the mystery Of what you were meant to do and be.

Verse 1 When the song of the angels is stilled. When the star in the sky is gone. When the kings and the shepherds have found their way home. The work of Christmas is begun!


Verse 2 To find the lost and lonely one, To heal that broken soul with love, To feed the hungry children with warmth and good food, To feel the earth below, the sky above!

Refrain Verse 3 To free the prisoner from all chains, To make the powerful care, To rebuild the nations with strength of good will, To see God’s children everywhere! Refrain Verse 4 To bring hope to every task you do, To dance at a baby's new birth, To make music in an old person's heart, And sing to the colours of the earth! Refrain

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Sung Benediction: Go Now In Peace Go now in peace. Never be afraid. God will go with you each hour of ev’ry day. Go now in faith, steadfast, strong, and true. Know God will guide you in all you do. Go now in love, and show you believe. Reach out to others so all the world can see. God will be there watching from above. Go now in peace, in faith, and in love.

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Growing In Faith Together

actively serving

Our God

Our Church Family

Our Community


St. Andrew’s has a Facebook site at:

On the site you will find news about upcoming events,

pictures, videos and daily devotionals.

Please “like” our site! Check it out!

You can also follow us on twitter @SaintAndrewsUC

to read late breaking news.

Our Website at includes lots of information

about St. Andrew’s programs, events and ministries.

News from the Pews is the electronic newsletter of St. Andrew 's United Church,

Georgetown, Ontario, produced every Thursday.

Contact us:

Address: 89 Mountainview Road South

Georgetown, Ontario

L7G 4T9

Phone: 905-877-4482


Church Secretary/Office:

Office Closed

Rev. Grant Williams:

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