pacific islands legal information institute'. republ.que de 15 dec, 1987 republic of vanuatu...

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15 DEC, 1987


























THE STATES Parti .. to this Con. ventlon HAVE AGREED as rollo,,".:

Chapter I - Scope o1th .. Convention

Arllel. 1

1. Thi3 Com'ention ahan apply in re­spect of:

a) offences agaInst penal law:"

b} acts which. w;,.,ther or not they are otrencel'lj mayor do jeopard~ ize the safe:ty of the aireratt or of. pi'r-sons or prope-rty' therein or \1.'hirh jeopa.rdi:e gnnd orou and discipline on boarrl.

2. Except all' provided in Chapter III. thill' Convention Bhl'lll a.pply in ft·

sped of offences' (,<HnmHted or ada don-e b)' a pft'''Qn .o-n board any aircraft ",gist~r~d in I); ("ontrading State. wh'ile tYUtt Rircraft 18 .ill flia-ht or on th-e sUl'fa~e of the high seas Qr"of any other aren oUhlrie the territory of Any ~tRte.

;>. For the Imrpol\e.'f.. of this Com~n. tinT!. an :lirC'J'aft is rnn1!;iriererl to be In fii~ht from tht moment wh(On. power i;:l npplied for the purp.o..~ of take.otr until the momfnt when the landin", run eT1ds,

4. Thifl, Convention shall not apply to . air("rnft URec'l in militarr. ClJllltom~ I:):Y

polire "er\'k(!~,

A~tirle ~

\'i-'ILhnut prf-jlllUee to the prod:dons (If :\rUde 4 and except when t'ke 5.1f~· tyo of the llirc'raft or of perl>on~ or pro· pert,v on boa.rfi sP .. reQl,If"r:elll. n.o __ pro,\"ision or this Convention ahatl be Int~rpreted as a.utho-r! or requiring any action




LE8 ETA T8 Parti.. • 10 pre •• nlt Convention SONTCONVENUS de. dI."..II\I>n. Auivantes:

Titre l"-Champ d'applieatioft de Ja Convention

Artltlo \ ..

1. La presente Cotwentia-n .'applique: .

.) au'x infraetions aux loill Penile. j

b) tUX .ct .. qui. conotlluont ou non des inf'raetionl, peuveftt COJnpro. mettr. GU . eompromettt'nt I. s .... .;t' .Ie I· ..... n.f 0. de per­RDnnp ou de bienl l 'bom, OU rnmpmmettent I. bon ordrt tl ,. clj""f~lift. l bnnl.

2. Sou. reMr'Y'e fle!\ dh .. ~'tion" du Tit ... m. It pro.tnt. Co ....... Ii." ...... pllque aux lntnctioM comm.... ou a('tH. 8etOmpib pa,r une penon_ .. borel d·un aErone.f" fmmatriculf danl un tttat ~ont .. actant .penriant.que .. ~ .• eron" ,Ie

trouvl! .• oit em vol. lott l' 1& turfaee de 1n "aote mer nu d'une "aion ne I.I .. "t "ufi~ du te-rrHoire d'aueun Etat.

3. Aux fins, de la pr~~ente C-onventktll. un aeront>f eat eonllid're (omme en vol drpttll Ie lnoment oia la ftlm motriee est emp1o~'ee pour decoUer ju.qu·"u moment ou l"atterriM8p .. pri. An.

4. La prisente Convention ne 1".'PpUque pA-' aux aerune-(s utili,,,.! it. des, n,rul milit.;t.irel, de dotlane 011 de pnlire.

Arlit'), 2

SnnJll prejudi("e df'1l diApositicms de 1',-\rtiC'le "et MUS merve de,. txi.-,ncH ele 13 5tkurite de- I·ae.rontt et de" J)tPSOn. .

__ nt1f_OU~defi biens •. bom.-aurune·dtapoej .. tion de 1. prf."~"te C..olwention ne peut etre int.rpritM cornme autoMont ou

in rapeet of oft'encea apin.t penallawl! of • politk:.1 nature .,.. Ihol< balled Oft

neW or relitio». dl.erim;naUonr

Chapter I1-Juri1ldietiol\

Mu,1e 3

I. Th. Billie of rteiatrati •• of the olr. craft il tcmJMIknt to e.,reie. Jurildie:.

. tion oY~r ofl'ent'e8 and ~('ta committed OR boord.

2. Eoeb Conlraotlnw SllIIo ,hall take such meafturea 1M .may be nereu.ry to .. tablbh It. jurlNlI,\iun .. Ihl.8tatl of nJ'latruthm over otrenC'f'l\ t"orrtmitted en boor<! .I ..... n ... gIo!_ In neh Stat •.

preaeri ... t '·.ppll •• lion de quelq .. mesuN qlJ.' ee 10ft, dans Ie cu tI·iftffaC~ liono • d.. lola I'6nale. de .. ...,Un politiq •• ",u' f"".was •• I" ·dilerlml .... lion racial. 0 ... Uai ......

. TUn> U-Comp, tepee

Arlkle I

I. l,'l'l4t d'/"'l'IIatriculatloJt de I'""",nlf .. I <omp6tenl poUr <""nail ... iIoa InI .... :llon. <Dlllml_ ot act.. • ...... pll. l bol'!!. 2. Toul. Etol eont ••• to .. 1 .proIKI lot mOl.", n6couaireo pour et.1IIIr .. comp6l.".., en .. quaill' d'Etat 01'1 .... matri.ulatlo., .ax Ana de _ .. II .. del /nr....t1oJ!a ............ , bon! daa a6n>naf. i...nto .ur ............ d'hII. m..lrieulallon.

3. _Till. ~ ...... t!0I\ do.. not _Iud. any a. La ........ te Co/Iventl... .'MIte <riminal jurildl.lloJt tl\U<led. i. ;;;c:---.ueiiilO· 00iriti4*'" .. Ie ox .... _ •• rdo ........ ith ... tlon.II.... fol'll16lMnt .. ux lola .. II ....... .

. ' A.tltIe •.

/It. ConlrM.l"tinjt StMe which Ie not the . Slate or ,."i.trutinn Mn)' not Inlm .... with lin "in'I'lift fn flilth( in omt!!r to exerril\e U~ crimiU:d juriqJ,lt'iinn .o\'er an otff.n('e ""n1mlt.te.ll, 'o't board extept in the- followin« ~ui'l~Y "

It) the oft"erw. hON efrert-Oft tM terri. tOI"Y of HlN"h State;

bl the 011".0' -",,-·b6en-.ommlttld by or A ... III.t .- "nat ion.. ..1 per­m .... l ,...udent· of luoh State,

d tho olf •••• b .... "'.1 the oeeurlty of >.eh Statt:

d) the ofl'enre C'oJudatl of a breech ot any" rula or regulationa relaUftW to the night or manoeuvre of .i .... · eraft I" force In "lIIurh State;

0) the exen:i.. or Jurladletlon II nettMary to ensure "tbe ohM"", &J'1t~e of allY obli«ation ot ,ucb 8tlt~ under a multilateral Inter-.. nationALI aJrHement.

Chapter II}.,,,!',.,.,,,,, -of the aircraft. oomll\&llder

ArUd. ,

I .. Th. ,,",vl.lono of Ihi. Chapter ahaO n~t apply t. 011'..... and arll <DIll.

mitted or .boul 10 be <'Ommilted l>y •

MU .... ~

Uft Eta! <'Onlnctant qui ft' .. t ,.. l'Et,t d'immat rieulatm. 1M ""lit ..... r l'o'Jlloltotlon d"Uft u_.r .n "'" 1ft ••• d·ox ......... <on •• ", .. pOnaLt ill'eral'll d'UN infraetinB M,mfH '" bord que dano lot .... uIVlm.,

a} .. 110 Intractlon a ,rodalt lIfol ... . Ie terrilolrt dudit Etat,

-b)<&iiO j"r ..... ii ... a it; COIII1IIiM .." 0\1 _tre un reaMrll .... t \IIIdIt. ,,' Etat GIl un. po __ , a, ... \ .. ~uct: 1M1'Ifta"lte;:

e) otlo .1.f ..... lo. _,_ Ia ..... rill dudl! Rlat:.

d) .. tie inf.aetlcin .... Utart. uno violation cioo .......... NtII.1II1II1I .. Ialif. au yol ou i Ia __ ri .. a6n>nata en yl.-. _III IodII Etat:

0) 1'._. d. ....... ~ lit ....... Ire pour ......... 10 _I d'uno obIIptl... qui ~ audit Etat 1ft ...-tu d· ........... lotomatlonal multllat ......

--Titre HI ~PollTOlndu commaadUlt d'UI:OIIef

Artl"'" Ii

I. Leo dllpoolt ...... du ,.....,,1 TIm no .'appllquent aux I.r ..... llon. ot au. ..t .. ..,mml_ .... _pll •• GO ... to


- ,.~

per:um on bGArJ .m ah"('rnit in ftil'~t ih the ilirif.Jntc.e of Ilu!! Stnte of registration Ol' onr tilt hhth ~eu or any o(~er area fillt.'lide the .lel'rilo-ry of nn}-.Sture unle8.1 Ihe lad Il{lint or wk.e--(1tr oi" thE next pllint CIt inr~nded ItmrHn,a ti :tit\lntt:"-rl in. u ~UHc nlhet, thflu thut ,.r 1'1.'J:i!lltfUtioh. 01' the nh'el'uCt !oIlil,:"e1luEmtft tII.l\ 'n the . nil'!lltHtt CIt ',l Stltlt til her thno that at t'eJ,fiJ4U'Utlllh \\-ith ,,(Ith ptl'$On .still on

- '-\.)(1411'11.

2. Xotwithfltnuding the Pl'!l\'hdnntt of • "",rUde I, Plll"IIAI'''flh .1. An air!'rllft "han tor th~ pUfpt\!lf--" IIf thil'l ChllJ)ter. be (,lJn~idel'ed 10 hI! ill ttiJ:-ht at An,\" ;time '(rnm ·tile M(tml!'nr wll.n nil it! elCtcrna1 di)()l'I! are t'io.<1t!(1 fnUnwfnl' ernbnrkation' Imtll the moment ,,'hen an)' $uC'h door j~ opened tn!- di~emb;lrk"tJon. fn the CRiI@ nf II ton'ed la",linJr. the pt'o\islonl of thi. (,hapl ... hidl <onllnu. to apply \l--lth re~ped to afr«JK't's- nnd arts c-om~ mitted on board until N'IR1}1etl11t' au ..

. thoriti@"$ ot a Stnte take Q.\'fr· the re­j1J)On~ibilit~· (nt' the aircraft ann for the perl'Ona .~d propert,.· on board.

MUoio &

'J. The nirerA't {"ommander may, when he hM re1S~Dnltb)e ~rol!ndil tn beUe\'e that .. ))enon hRS ('ommitted. or i. about to commit, (In board the aIrcraft, An otrenee (tJ!' af't ef)1lit'mplated in Ar-tf .. de 1. fnu"Dgraph 1. impMe upon such

. person reallona'bl@ m~lI.sures in£'!udinll reS~tablt whft'h are ne~!Snrr:

. ) . / ""~

point de·l'it.rt'Jpar uno. pur80tln') bord d4'un !ld"rOll<1'f en yol, lolt .n. l'e.,Pa~. afrltll dt,! l'Etat dltl11matr,c"lat~on. eoli au .. deIJIl' dd 1.1 haute mer au 'd fun. rfglon ne f:liunt pat'U. du. terr1totre d' aucurl Stilt, que at Ie de.rnler polftt • dl!-collm~1!' ou Ie prOChilh' point d'Rttn ... rlssage prIY'" eat; Situ' ,ui': ,. terrUo.1r. d~ul'l Etll.t autre quo c:ehat. d'Vlunl.tricula·

. ·Uon. 011.1 l'aerond vol.'rleur ... mtnt dan. l'upaee drlen dtwi Itat &u.-Ir. quo ~ i:tat ."'I ... ni.trl~idaUoo, ladll' porsomle ~.tant enr:dr. i hotd:

2 .. Aux fino du pre"';l Tltro,et acmob­Itant Ie, dl."".IUon. dol' Artklo I" . pa""';"pho ~. un n4_0( eot ...... lMn l.'Omme· tn \'"l tftopllf. Ie .mOlUftt 00, . i'ernbarql,ltmfnt . etunt . lel"llllM. tout .. ... port ... ~I.rlouro. ont il.· f ........ ju.cqu.)tu mani,"t.oil Hlme de RI pOrte. eit t)unrte en .\'\te du ctilmrqufJltent.. En c •• • r.ltem ... ,," t ... ~. It, dl ..... IlIo ... du ·~t Till .. _thlulllt, de I'appll­quor A . .I'fpl'd deI.lnfrlCtlon. et del· 0<1 •• ou .. enllS 1, borei ;UJqu'l .. que I'''~torlt~ tom,,"'.nt, d'<Ift Etat _III .~ charg. ""'TOller aI ... i .U~ Iu per. iIOnn.' .1 bien. 1 bordo

Arllele •

t. torsque I. ~omm'nd.nt d'."""", E1S.t (ond' it C'f'Qir. qu'une penon" a Mhlmis Cl-U atcomSJJI ou l.lit fUrore point de eommett~e ou d'ace:omplir' bord ua. Infraction GU un •• 1 •• vi ... 1 ,. Artklo l~, ·pararraph. I, n pollt· p""""ro •• !'t!lJIlrd d. ".It. po"""" .... ·1 .......... raisofmabJe5, y. ~mprf. 1" Jrl.tItUreI de . rontrainte, quf·.sont WHsai""l:

~) . to prot2Ct the saft;tr of the aU'~ a) pour p,rantir 1a leeuritl de craft, or of persona or pro-petty raercnef o.lI de ~nH Ou de Ihoroln; or bien •• bord, .

h) to maintain good D:rder and dill~ b) pour mnintenir 1it bon Mdre et Ia cipJine on boru'tl; or dffl:('ipline A bt)rd; .

c) to enable him to delh'er ,!itut"n e) lJOur lui perm.ettre de ft', penon to rompetent authoritieft IldUe JH!'r:llnnne aux autorilu or t~ di~embnl'k him in l\<'Col"'danee- l"OrnpHtn1~ 00 fl .. In rMbnNlUtr with th~ prCld~ions of thl~ Chup. l'onrn.rme-ment n:u~ dilP(l_itinna du tel', . prt'Afnt Tit re.

~, The ulYc'Y'nft ('o!l1!tumder mn.y ~lIire 2. I~e ('ommR.Mftnt Irn~rnnd .. tit re-nr au1hori:r.E' I he Il~!lijl;tan('@ f)f otht'-r qu~rir au nlltnri~\'r I·M~I .. ta1\t't- dH I'rrw memlaer:- nn,t nuw rt"'fluel'tt ftr nil- tUl'I,("fC mpmltn'" tiP ,','·qui1"1J.'"<' pt. MD.1t"

dH'lrizf'. but not rl·'I'/ire. the ~."IlI'·~;lnt·1J "~IU\"lh·. 1·~x!J."t·r, .lflTlll1l,lt!r taU unforiHr of pa!lllenp:t?-rr-l I', j'I"':oIIJ',';I: .iti;\' ~r~,'n C"t'lle 11,~s Iln~.~'l.(!'·rl'l lo'n \"ue d'u"pJiquer who",1 he i,fl, entil.led to 1'e~train, An)' IIII' mt-IIII,...! df ~·nhl"lin.te qu'lf Ht ·Ift (.'rew membtr or pall"en).fer mn)' aiM droif d. p",f1tlr~l. Ten.t m"" ,dt"i,*-._ t.k~ .l'U.orHtb_~ •. .J).re\'enU\'.S--.1'MI!II"""~ - . pa~·nu··tQut···fii,·.~-a~.r~-peiif-"'''''''t Without iurh 4utho.tution ",hen he ha. prendN. -.anlll ~ .. Ue nutorlllatlofl, tout .. re,uMmable flt'Ountia ttl beUf!\'e that lIul"h m""res p!in'nUn" ntlaon""bftII~ .. 'II aetJon Iii immediate!,.- neeeraaq to pro. "at lonth! it rrr'flre qu'eU,,. ,'Jmpoaent .-......:.-._ .. _ ..


\. I , . J

.'" "'.~, '"" '~"""'"

teet lb. ""011 of th..iteraft, Or of . . "........ .. property tbenln, .

~rtlde 1 1. M ....... ~f ... tr.lnl Impoood .poIl

a pe"";" ·In ..... rdtn .. with Artlele • .halll)Ot be conUa.1!! bo'OIId an,. point at .. biclt .Ib. alrer1ift 10""" nnlw:

• ) ••• h polnl i. In the tonllory of a non.contractlnl' Stala and Ita .. Ihoritl ... raf... 10 .,.nalt 41 .. _borkoUon of· that .,..... .r u.. "' .... u ... h .... bee8 Impoud ill _rdance willt Article 1,.

. ". ...... pb 1 d In order 10 .".b~ .ltIa:d,tl.ory ta eomJlO\ant BUth""" . t1eo. . . , .

b) th •• il<rafl ........ forood land-. I", and th.·aI .... ft .............. r , k IIJIabIt IodtUver lhat piroen·to ..... JlO\ant a.therltl ... ;or .

.1 tbat po ... n apollo 10 nnwud carria.,e under restraint.

iinlll4d!a ........ t poil. roi'llltlr la' _- . riU II. !'\l4r<1l1of im do ".;:..,n- .. 'k , W ... ll>ord.· .. .

Artl .... ,

1. Leo mea .... d. eo.tnb.ta prIMo • I· .... rd d·u'" por_~ .... ' __ 1 aux dilpoalliou dO I' Artlde G _I d'It ••• ppllq .... 0."'011 dt tOut pobIt d'attem .... rro .... I .. ·~ .. : .

a) co l"'lnt It, ... It .11 ... '0' Ie torr\-tell. d'un Etat _ ..... Irodenl ot quo leo outorlt.fl do oat Etat .. .. ' ..... Id" ·_It .. 'Ie .... ""l"I" ....... t·M la _ ..... 1.6-..... '" ou q.e doe _U .. I do ..... . trolnta .", .. 1 '" .......... .

. ..nHI eCnit ........... t au .. tIlopeoI. tiona ckl'ArtleleS. ,,,..........,.. 1,

. e), po".. _tiro 1& _ aux · .... torIWa cmp6tenw\

10) I' ....... 1M f ....... attorIIuIII' f ...... 01 quo 10 ·coiDmalllla!ll

. ·01'.."."., .. _ JiU III _ ..

. d,' ..... ttrola". ....... ~ aux auteriWa _pltitow:

oj la ... ......wiftt ..... II--.pta dO """tift... 1 I... _portio dO eo ;oIat en ",lIlal soumlse .ux meaq.... de ..... Irai.te. .

.• 2. ~.·.~ .. t.1 . eori,maD,,"-.W_M .. . 2.)4 _';'uul .. 1 d'drotltf dell, ...... ICCft u practkabl., and If _iWo ... 1 .. moi"' ... dMoil ot, 11._IbIo ..... lIt fore landlna: In the lerrltol')' of .. atate d'alteni,.", Ie t.niloi .. d'un Etat .... with a. ". .... on board who II .. boon • IOn. bord un. ". ...... _leo.l uae placed. undOr .... talnt In ~..... .....uro . do _tralato prIoo -,,,,,,,,. with Ihe ",."81";1 of Article ... olify mont •• x· d;'posltlon. dO l'ArtIele .. Ih. ,utborillHof .uch Stale of the f •• t Informer ... l.todI6. dudll Etat do III Ihd • J>I!I'IIO. on board .~ under .re. l"'Hence ~ bord d'uno .,. ......... ioulllial

. Itraint and· of the ......... to. ..ob I. uno ......... de onot ... lnta 01 .... ... _; .. I .... ru .... it ............ .

Artlde •

J. The aircraft ~m.mahder may, in 00

far as it ia neeUNry for the pUrpMle of .ubPar'enph 0)· OJ' h) . of parolfraph 1 01 MUet. &. dl"ll\bark In the t.,,;tory ot .ny Slale In .whlch til. aircraft lond, any _ wllO h. hu ....... bI. lfI"Oulidi to believe has eommltted, or i. abo.t t ...... mil, ·on ...... d tbe aircraft an ........ lentplatad in ""tide i, para-.... ph 11».

2. Thl aI ...... tl commandO •• haU roporl 10 tlte authoritluof lh.StatajJl.whk~ ho·dl""'''''"," .. r ....... _oant to thl. Article, tho ,act of, uul. the .... 18n_ foY', tuc:h dlatJnbarkatJon.

Arli.~ •.

1. Lonquo I ...... ",.ad."t d'airoMt .. t fonM " noire' qu'uRfI per.orme a ar-' romJllI ou •• t .or Ie ".Iot d'ueonrpIIr • bon! un ado vi .. a l'Arliele I .. ;· ". .. -...... "b. I, bl, II JIOUI diharquar tell • .,.roonno lur I. lerrltolra d. tout Rtal oil alteni! I' ........ ! "..r •• lant que •• tle ..... " ...... II Il6eoauire .... K lIu vllOle. a ArUci •• , ". ...... pb. 1, .) .. b).

2. Le command ... t d'''''''''' In'_ .. I ... auIot!UIUwl';l' """"'GIN:

d.que! II d4borq ....... _.,.; ..,.; fnrm6men1 aull t1l1pooitlona ... Jl'Nnf nrtlde, do eo d6barq_t 01 ........ • ... qui l'ontmotl'"

____ 7...-___ _

" ,. 10

1 .. The .irtralr ('()~nlande,r .m.)" deUr:er to the: rompdent a.uthorit!ea,o,t any _Con­tractin,. Stat~- in ·the tenitor)~ of which th~ airC' lahih an;' p.rrJGn ~'ho he hu rusonable I"rounctl'l to beline h&a committed on board the aircraft an ad whkh, in hi~ opinion. i1'l a ~erious QJTence a~'('I)J'ding to tl)e. pemd jaw ot the State ot l'i&gilitrntio-n or the .. Jrq~t.

2. Th~<:ratt command!!:. ,hall ... AI)()n: u practk"';b1e .. lid it: ~ibi' be­fort- !A"rJinr'~ In ··th,. territory .of I, Con· tt"actinr State with: '.' paraon on, board whom the .'ircr.-tt c·~mmanaer intenda to- delh'!!f in "CcordA~('e "'ith the. p~ c".dln.r parl.l'raph, notify tne authorla tie. of such Statf: of hl_, ,ntent,ion to deliH~r. /l.uch peraorr and the rtUonJ therefor,

3. The_ air('raft commander .haU -'turn~ ish the- au.thoritiu to: .. hom' any '~Ula p«te-rl offender, -,I. :'deiJ\'ued- 'In ':aeeord­lnee -with the provl.lons &f thil Artiel. with . eviden~e .nd inC~nnatfoft .hieh t

under the law al_t~ .St.~t~ of retUtn .. tion of the .ireratt",,~¢", lawtuny. i. hil-po.!teuion.

For actions taken in .c;t~,nianCJ c~i~h thia c.on~t'ntion,. neith.er_.the, alrc~t commander, ·.,ny other member of the crew, a.ny p,(ueni'er.' the ,owner ~ ()r,.op. eratlJr of the lirr.ra!t," 'nor, the p.raon on ""hOM behalf the:, n-tl'ht ',w&. per-­formed .ha.ll-b~{neld rupon .. ibJe'in 'any p.roceec:iin, on account of the treatment· by the penon &8'a inlt .. hom the actions Were ,t.k~n.

Chapter IV~Ullla"fulSem.r., . of,AittWt

Art.ide •

1. Lontlue Ie t'DmftUlndant d'.eronef elt torulti! .I. erai,. qu'une peuonn..a ac­

.compll ~ bord d. ·I'a~rone! un att. qui, seton lui. eOD.tltue une'lnfraetJon era'"', rontormiment lUX loi. ~nal"IIi' de I"Et.t d'irnmatricul.Uon de "dronlft. n peut remettre ladih! prnonn. aux "utoritel l'om~tenttl d'e tout Etat (ontradant sur Ie tetTitoire duqueJ atterrit J·lera· ner.

2. Le (ommandant d'.eronef dolt, dan. ~ .. fJ)Oindres d4lals .t .( poaafble avant d'attarrir ._ur to- territoJra' d'uJf ,"Btat e:ont,radant a\"K ·1 bord UM' -~nne qu·it a J'Intentlon ~. ,.mett" "",Grmf· meni aux' cHlpotlHonl' du -pric4dent; ·fa:ln .. con.c&1tr:e..cattft Inten· tion aUK" .ut~tt" de Cd Et;at· .• tnai que It'll' rUlOJU qui I. moHYentr .

" ,. ~ •. 1.0 _m&!ldaJIt d'd_communl· 'q,u.' , ~uX .u~t6 •• U:ItQuett~.' ,it remet r.n!.'" prio ...... de rIDCraellon, <011. (ohM ...... t aw< dh_ltionl 4. priHnt

. article, I .. 1I~ ...... t. de,preuv".;t .d'Iu, formation qui, eo~formlm.nt 1 ta lot de l'Etat d'hrimltrlculatloh de j'&lronee, Ibnt ·1' .. ltlnMme"'t en' ... ~ ~ae:"~Qn.


Lonqu. tapplkaUon' de, -muu .... privueJ par l.a ])riHnte' ConvefiUon' Ht tontorme 1 ulleael, 'ni Ie 'oomma.ndaat d'a'tYnet', ni un aut... mtJrlbre de I·equip...., rd:,un·pa .. lpr, -lIf' le pro­prl'tai~, nf J'-explo1tallt • }'.'ronet, ai la pe,.onne pour It compte de laqueUe Ie vol a etf 'ttreetue, ne ptuven,t fire dkla.~ re.ponaables danl une p~, cMute _~n ... ~ en ria.iaon. d'un prijudke subi :Par 1 .. per-to'nne- quI & falt j'.objet, de cta"meaures;

Titre IV -e.,pture Illicite d'.erone'"

An .... 11 '''''"",-.11 I. When. Per.., .. ~·"";'rd h .. ~~;,.. 1. LorIque, UJlc!t."",iit,tt pat~ol"" tuJly 'commUted . by :tOfte "_. tlt .... t . ou menace de .violl·6ee, une pit:~nM, ~. thereot an act fit ,jnterferartCe~ . ..i'tJh~ ,bord a .-in" t'exploltatlon d'uft ,.'ron~t or other wronatul exetela ~l eon.trol,o( en vol, Ifen at empari ou. en lit exerd a.n likraft In 'U,.ht or wb"n, such all Ie. CODt~, ~u _Jonqu"elJe -.t, .ur 1e aet -ill .bout to_ ~ c(.1mmJ~tted/(:ontra¢t. poi.nt ,d'aceorD;pUr 'un tel -- ute, -' '. inlt Stat.. .holl talc. 'au . ~t. Et.lttJ ""'trat.t.ontJ pren ..... t· tout .. ,~"~,"'.~",' ,to_ ~ton ~~~-~,ot'-4~~---,- ----ql.':u .... , ... ~·-w:roq-r',;1Wt:ltUft'-,--OU- --------------;-, ... _ .. --eraCt to it. I.wful eo~ct.,. or to 40naerver I. (ontriJe de I'''ronef _.u pre1t:rv. hi. control of the aircraft. tomma.Jtdant J~aiUmt'.

.. ..... . .......

I. •

2. In tne !'l\lItS o::ontempldtJd in. the preted!nr pararrllph. the, Conlrac:tin.8' Stall: In whJch the !lire,rltt land, ih.n permit It- ,PAuen .. .en :!lnd crew to ton­tinue their journll!lY u, ~n al prllC'tka·, hie. and .h .. n r.ful'rl the .lreraCt Rnd it. eul'O to the }:lenon. '''_-Cull.>, fl'n~ Htled to poueasion,

Chap~r V·PO'lrero .. ,,\ DuU .. or State..

Artkle 1%

Any Co.tracting. jltat. ahall .lIow the rommander 41 an aircraft r ... I' In _anoU,er CoatruUn .... Stlte t<> dl .... bork any penon plimwlt 10 . Aril.~ 8.' per ..... ph .1.

Article is

1. Any Contradh, .. State ab.n t ....'J' of any p8'J'IIOn w}tom the .i .... ('raft commander'd.UYeri iJunuant to ArtICle 9. pa ...... I;It'1 ..

2. Upon beln.-. "t"fted that U;.; dr­C'urnlta"c:~ so ·,,: .. mnt~ ':"y -Con(rart. In .. Siate '.'.U' (alCe 'Mi,tody _ or other meuureA to' en.uri! lhe ',j).resenc-e alltn" person 'Iulpe.eted of 'ail aet oontem­platO<! In Artkle 11. par ..... ph l.n~

. of any penon ot ~ho," It hu faletn d.llverr. The C'ualocly ... nd. ot)'.r III .....

Uft, .haU hi u: .;ro_vldtd In tM la-w ef that Stale. but m.-y 0IIIy be eOBtI.uod for lueh',ti",-' u 1. ~bl:r .fteC.. auy to JJ1ib1e an,. criminal. or utradJ;. ticn J»"OeMd!ftl'l to ,be'- hwUhlted:.

2, Oans' lea ~'AI'''vi.ea Ill! paralrMphe .prtridertt. lout £f.t -contnU'l.n~ ou A'~ larrit I!aeronet ~r",al '.ux PIo"AI'fN .t .. Iljqulpa.,.. de J'HHlRulv" wur YOr~ IP' auuit6t que" poulbie. -1-'. retlliIile

,t'-drone! .t .. ea,...llOft ~ cea:.: qui ont )e rlrolt d. t .. , Ut..enlr.

Titre V Pouyoln et"b1Iptlo"" de. Elata

"'lid. 12 .

Toul Et.1 _t .... h.t dl!il ponn.llre au C'Ommandlnt d'un .'~~f f",matrl· cuU din. un lam Etat eoatr&t'tant'; de

. cUborquer loul. _ite coott ......... ......t .u' dl.poeltl..,. do "Artie,.· I. e paralftPh. I. .

A"1de t3

1. Tout Etat eGldradant nt t~u de IWtYolr UD« pe~ qu~ le '~~IJI. daftt d'dronef lu,( "",It ,;.m(OI'1'h'IMftt au. dl.poeltlOll. do I' Artlel. I. pa ... ~.i. . '. i."S·JI·'.~tlme' .que ..... :cf~itt~ru:u-Ie ju.'iftant. tout -Etal:-tOn'tracta"t IlUUN I. dite"Uon ou pl"el,cf-, ,'Out .. , '.utrtlll tn,aura_ en vue d'.uure,. la pr8el1('e de loute :-perMnM aut.ur ~.u,"1 dOun . • ,1. viM l I·Artlcl. 11. para ..... ph. 1. Rlnal. qUI M tout. 'jlllHeftne qui lui • ~t~ ,lm1fM. Qlte' di,t.n'tJon ,It :CfI ftltJlluru 'iolvent ftr. toiI1orrnN _ f I. 16,ri.,.UOft dudll Eta!: 011 .... !!t •••• t itremaintanues que pmd.nllt·~laI . ·nee.u.IN 1 1· •• p,.,. •• 1 Cie poUnuilu . ","., .. ou cI'u ••. p~ .. d'\IIlrodJ.. . tI.... .

3: Any penon in custody pursuant 1-0 ~: -Toute Pfnoftn. dftt1tue en appl'C'''' the pr4f:vtoua par.Crall'h IIh.Jf be Ai- t,~o.. du 1Mranaphe P~'ftt, petI't !listed in ~ofnmu"ftieatjn. Immedl.ttll.' conuwUJnlqulr Imm£dh,t.,.lnt nee: Ie with the "ppropriatl Tfjpt"eMn· plu •.. proch. reprO.ftta"t quallfte lie tallvt: o( the Statl of wh(('"b h. i. a l'Et.t daftt en •• 1a l'IIaUon.JIt~_: loutl" natlon.l. f""llIta lui .... t .~ ....... n. ft'; .

. ,4. A-ny ContractSn •. Stltl!), tQi,_.hip,. 4. Tout Etat eontractan~ ... UqtM1 UN

person i. deUv,Ad purtuant to. Article peraoftne •• t Nnllat eori~orm'rnent lUX

t, pa.r'l'raph 1. or In WhOM ttnltory dlapGIltloNl elf: ),Artlcle t. ""f1.I'na,phe an aircraft land. followln~ the eorrlmf.. 1. OU lur Je terrftolre duqui. ~n a'l'Onef .ion of a.n act COIIWntptated 1ft Article altuTtt ap,e.-qu1w,_.e .... ll'!Al"tlc. 11. par."..p.h 1.' .hall ImmMJ.~l,. ll __ para..,apM.·l, a .ft' aceoenpll. pro-make • preUmiR&I"y .~ulr.l' into. .the c," ·~lI\mui.(.ment • un. uquAte ~ ea,t.. . . .... . IiI"I .. I ... en '·uo. d·.tablir 'Iea.lalt ••

6. Wh.. I Sf.te. pun .... t to thit< ·S. ,lMoq..... EI.t a' ";11 .110, penon ... Artl<J..ltu tak.n. paraenlllto ..,... 4ft dltantlan ..,.'.",. ..... nl ,aox dllpoif. 1000y.· il ,h.1I .bnmodlaloly 1IOtiI1 thlt t .... du' "'O-11li'Od •• Davl .. 11'0.-

·'.tI.n·ot·th • .-ft· ... d--lliWimn ... 1 "'iii' cllli-iilliiiJlOn.-'liil'··

, ,


- ':


. , " , '

the St.te ot nationality' of the .detlAined person IIhd. if it ('onllide" it ad,,.lInbJe,. ~n)' other inuu'eated Stlolte or t~t- te.rt that 1I.uen pen('Jll. is ,in cUl-tooy and 01. the circum&t-aneea "'bjch \.'.'arr~nt hi' detentlon. Th~f StAte .whlch m~k" the preliminary enquiry conhm~phtt&d, bt pa;ra9:raph " of thi:;; . Article fiihtl.,}j prompU~' ~port iu finding:t- to the ludd State. and shaH indlC!Jtf'6 whither it tntends to tMrciae juri.IJdictwn.

1. When an)' perROn hu bun di.Bem­barbd in ~e(-ol'd.nn('·e ~~'ith ..\rtirle B, paragraph 1. or diili\'tr.ed in Accordance with Artide 9, paragraph 1. ai' hal diaembarked after ,c-omnlittinar an a('t contf!ltr'pblted in Articlt: 11. pai'AgrRph-1. and when lIuch pel'~Qn rannot or does not deliy~ to- con.tinllf. his journey and the St.te of landing refl)lI'ea [0 admir him, that SUite mar. if the person {n quuUon is Dot a nutionlli or pennanent ruident of that State. retum him to. the territory or the Stot. of which h. il\ a natioRl1 or ·permant"t resident or to the terrirory of the State in which he bell'an hlo journey by air,

2, Neither disembs:rk!ltion.· nor de~ livery. nor the taking of cU.8itody or other measures. contemplated in ArUe!f 13, puagraph 2, nor I'l!>turn ot tbf! Per~ son e~neemed. KhaU be C'omddered &$

admission to the t~N'itorr of the Con~ tractinl' Stat! coocernE!d for the pur~ poae 01 its lal\' ,reilloting to entr!f or­admfsaion of ~r~o"s., And nothing in this Con\'1tntion ~n:en affect the: Jaw {j~ a Contracting 1i~lte relating to the ex~ pulsion of JH!'Nior..s tram its territory, .,", .

Artide. 15

qu~ deB eit'(:o~lltatiC'el qui 1. jUIUftent, l'Eto! o'!mIMtrlcul.tI... d. I'.'.on.f, l'Etat dent Itl perlonn. ditfnUt • Ja natiIJFiItUte ell .. 'U Ie j.ure opportun, tou. "ut.... Etat. int......... L'Etat qui p.""Ode A l'.nquft. priliminlir. visee au praitnt artiele. paraSTIph -if en communique prompteme-nt Ie-. con .. elusions. auxditll Etillt.! et leur 'ndlque lI'U entend extrcer Ja competente.

Artlcl. U

t. 51 un, ,perlonne Qui. 8 't6 debarquee conform'ment aux dispositions de 1·.-\I'tieJe 8, paragraphtl 1. ou qui A ete remiit conf~rmem.nt aux diipoaition.fl de l'Artiele' 9. panx-raphe I, ou qui It

d.barq\)e nprea A\'4)ir accompli un u,("te

\,j.~'e- i! l'ArtlcJe 1 t. paragraphe 1. ne peur ou ne nmt pal pourliuivre iUln \·rr~'age. l'Et.&.t d'B.tterri.~ •• 'U ref,uH­(r~dmetl re ('ette perSODDf! It que ceUe·cj n' 8it PI#; 1ft 11.tionaJit~ dudit Et!l.1 ou n'y ait pas et.bli II .... Idence perma .. n~nte, ~ut J~ re-touter verA l'Etat dant eUe a 16 nationftl.iti ou dan" ItfJuel efle a e.tabH "'8 rl!shJence permanent.. I'm "eri\ rEtat flur Ie te..."Titoire duqutl ,Ue n Nmmence Icm \'oyage drieD.

~. Xi lit dt~rquem0nt, ni la remise.· ni i& dtHenUon. pi o',lutres mtllu'rC!' •• \'1." i~ f'Artide 18. partographe Z. nl le r.n\·oi rill!. ia r..ertQnnl! intert2l~e ne .ll.ont enn· ~il.h~l·f$ cnmrne vslant entr~e NUl' Ie territo-ire d'un Etat C'ontrActant. 3U i'~t::'nrd de.s lois de ret Etat relath'e" i J'entret au .• lfadmluion dfl.~ Pftr!\Onne~. tell dispoaltions de 1ft pre~ente COfi\'entll')ft ne peuvfnt aife<'"ter le's lois des Etat" contral"tantlt relatr~eB au refou1ement de! peraonntll,

Arlicl. 15

L Without prejudice to Artide 1-'. any t. Snttfl l'e,:,en'c de-!l. dillpOfliti&mt, tie person who ha~ been dis:t'mtmrktd fro l'llrtiC'le pret.:'ertent, tOllt,e per~nnf qui arcordan('e with Article 8, panllt'l'aph 1. a il-te debft.rql,Jee l'Onformement aux rii!l-or deJf"ered in &cC'(minncl! with ArUcltl; f)ORitionK de l'ArUcle 8. paragraphe 1. 9, paragraph 1, or hal diHmtmrkt-d flU qui a et" l'f'mil'le tonEormimlnt aux: .. fter ('ommittink' an aCot rontlmplMted rli$poaili(lnli d~ "Arlit'le 9, para.raphe in Article 11, paragraph ·1, and ""nO 1. ou qui lit debarque apre •• voir ac ... df:!:sires to ~ontihfle hi~ joumtt;\' shalf bt- compti un ncte Yise a l'Articie 11. para-at H~rt)· liS 8001\' 9.$ praeti(Oabie to pro- graphf.> 1, ft Qui rle~ire pourautvre Ann t'etd to any de.Unation of hi!. ehcice \.""orRfle J?f:vt it J.ttin .auuitot.~que.·pot .. unleas' his 'preaeDce 'Jif"reqfiiretr-b);"tne--' '-~ibje \;~r~' j~--dta1tins.tion de ilion cholx, law of the State ,0'£ landing 'or tht'pur4 .\\ mointll que ~Q preAf:llre ne 110ft requJu pose of utradition or f:l'7minal pro- ltelon 1.1. 10' de l'Etllt d'.tterri ..... , aux Hedinp, fin~ ~e poursuite, penales It d'extradi ..



. ~." . ~ . , ' .... , " .... "". ".,' ''" .. , 1 '

\ J

2. Without preju(lit'e to its Inw Q to entry and admission ~. And ertr&di­tion and- txpuh;ion from its territory. a Coni racting Stllte- in whoat te:rritory u penon hall been diu:mbil.rked in ' (Cortlanre with Artieie 8, ·pr.,ngtouph 1. or­d.liveNl'd in accordance with ArUd3 e, p"raJP"aph t or ha. dbtem.bltrked and ill. "ullpec-led of ha.ving ('omrniHed an Itft r:ontemplated in Artiele 11. pua, I. "h.U ICt:'Ord to ~U(!"h per.llon treatment ll'hkh i.... no Ief.s ta\l't}ur~ble for hflll I>rotel'tion .and IJf!eurity than that a,,~ cordM to natfnnala uf Buch C(mtl"tl.etiI"H~· Rotute in Hke d!"t'uml!lt,fJnces.

Chapter VI-··other .Provkiollll

ArUde U1

J. Offences comndtted on ain'raft re .. Blat.rod i •• Cont ... dinll S!5t •• h.lI ~ treated, for the pUTpOiHl of extradition. lilt ;f they had been C!ommftted not onb! in th_ plac. ·in whiC!h they have nt'£'uned but .11:10 In the territcTY of the State of regiatratif.ln of the aircraft.

2. Without flrt'judh'e to the provisions ~r the """,,,ding paral!1'nph. nothhu'l in thia Convetttfon ahaJ! be d'Mml!Ci to, cr:.ate- an obUgltiol'l to graftt extrarli .. UOh.

ArUeI. 17

.".' ...... :- T1 .:'

2. Ilo~« ''''or .. de ... loll .. Jall ... ,\ I'.»trio "t iI room!"".,, • I'extradillon et au l'i&touilliment ttea per8Obn~. tout Etat ~tra.etant danft It lerrlto(rt duquel UM' penOJlnfl • Mi' ilebal'quee (!ont(Jrmement aUK dilpotltion. de "ArUfle 8, PAra~rijphe 11 Ott umiAt: ton· formemtlnt atlie diflfJOHilio'tlJl; de l'ArHrI. 9. parallTApht! I, ou !1111 a debal'f1'" et A l.q~.lIi •• t imputi un lid. yl.. i I·Artlcl. II. panllmlphe t, """,,.It ;. (eHe 'P4!'f'I,onne un lrnUerne-nt QlIf, .. n ,-e Qui ('oneerne Mn proteetlnn .1 ltD !&ft'II­r!f6. n'cf!.t pal. rnoliul {rworable que relul (IU'U &«Gmt H 8" hil.UonM.UX dan" deM

. CMf! arml~ues.

Titre VI --Antrea dlspOllltloll8

Arlldt tt

l~ Lei Inirnetions t'OmmiAea.. bont d'ahroh,f. immatrit'u}U d8fl. VII rut contraetM.t !lOnt t'Qn,aJdir6ea, lox. Jlna cl' •• tradltion. eomm. 11)' •• 1 'It ........ ·ml ... tanl. au Iflu ·de I ... '·perpitratlolt QUO IU. Ie terntoj,.. d. "£Iat d' ..... motrl<mlation d. t' ..... ilef •.

2. ('ompte- ten" dta' df"'poAltiona ct. Pfti'nllf":tl'h~ pn~ent. alK'UM d(ft,M»d­tion d. la· Convention lie dolt ~tr~ Inb1!l"pritea comrn. trUnt nllt ohUptiOfl d'u,eeorder J>e.:ttradltion.

Artld. 17

In takjng- any m"$urem for -h"tv~sti."..",·- ·-·&!iJ.J;!'renant de4.mel!lUrell d'enquile DB gation or Arreat or f)therwi~ -e-xerciming d'RnUttatit.n 0'''' .ft exe~nt de toute ]uri:lldlctapn in t'Ml1ertion with: any autre ft'l2nilwt' leur e<'Jmpd:lene.·it J'in-rel offence committed I)" board fm a{riraiT~ il'une infr~ft.ion c-ommiu it. bord crun the Ca.ntractinlif" Ste.tes shaH pay dUf; aeronef, lei Etat" ('I')ntractaftt. dfJiYfnt regArd to the Im-tety and othtl" intcreilta dument tentr ('ompt-e de la llieurflf et o! air n;u'jption and MIdI 80 act as dea autre:! interetn de In 1tI."'lfHtirm to avoid unnec-esNl:ry delay of the !lir-~ -"rienne e-t' dofvCtnt aair de manl~" a ("raft, passengers, crew I'll' urgo. evJter de retardtr "anll nheuUf

f' ...... f, I •• pM ....... , I •• me",br .. de l'equipu$re ou lel'! m .. rehandilel.

Artie-Ie- 18

. It Contructing Stale. e:stabh3h joint air transport opel'2tJng organitaUona or international ClP£l:rating apn(!ies. which operate afreraft bet regi,tered in uny 0"' State thole Statl;!!t .hall. IC~ ('ording • to the circumstances of the-ea."e, dethrnate ___ the ___ S_t_ate al110ftB Htem which. lor the purpo8eS--o(-ihil Con­vention .• hall be considered as the State of re,.iatraUon and shall «ive notice thereot to the International Civil A"fa. 'Hon .Orlraniution whieh Iihl\JJ communi-

Arlltle IA

Sl des Etlitfli contradant .. conatUuent pour'le trllneport R6rien. des nmniaa­tiem! d'ex:ploitaUon en commun nu do ortul\isrnea ';nternllt'Qr!l-ux d'.xpton •• Uon et 81 lea dronef.. utiliii-. ne JIOftt pa. immdricultft duns un Eblt d6te .... JJ1in~.~e .. E!5U1 d"l""oroat"uI .. ntd .. ·~ rnodaUt4a approJ»"iees. mut d'tntre .ux qui •• ra eONirlere. Attlt fin •. de Ja ...... len" Convention, coinMe' Stat d-Im­matriculation. JlI" avlerant de ('ett. d~Airnation l'Or .. an'aaUon d. l'A"fatiOl'l.


. ,

, \, t


I'Hle the n()tic:e l~) .. Ii Stlttea P.!;\.rtietl to lhlX (!unvenUon.

Chapter VII Final Clau_

Arlit!. 19

UntU the dAte on which thlPl Canven .. tiun comeI' into forte in At"f.'orciance ""ith (he provlsio"It of Article 21. it ~han rrmaln open' fnr ali"nlture on he-1I.lf of .ny Stat. which at Ih.t dote 1:\ n Memher of the ,United Nltif)n" or of any Of the SpedaHud AltenfiM.


I. Thi. P'lnvention _hRI! hR .1&bject to raUftraticm by the _"i,.-nltnry 81ntta In Q('("ord""fe' with tbeir ("OlHltltllticmaJ prnc:edurefl.

2. The in~trumtntlf of raUfttafion shalt bt .",,,,,,,ited with the I.Urnatlonal Ch'U Aviation Orpnization.

, Arll ... 21

1, A,. !WOn as twelve of tHe "bmatQry State'" have depo..'t.itlHi their instrument" of raliRe-AU!}n of tbi~ ("-onvt"nticru. it Mall come into- fnrrf!: between them on the- ninetieth nay after the riRte: of tho depoJif. of the tweJtth inJII.trument of rati1\('ation. It "haJl (,OlM inlo force fnr each Slata ratifyinK" thereafter Oll the ninetieth day R.tter the rlt.~it of it.~ inp,trlll1'lent of rat lficat inn.

2" A~ flOOR .u tlliA ('..onvention com .. into force. it ahaH be- l"egisiel'fl'Cl with the Socrelery-Gon.,..1 -of tho United NAtion~ by the Interna.tfonal Civli Avlntion Organization.

Arlld, Z2

I, Thi. Conve.Uon .hall, aftit it baa cnme into foree. ~ open for aet'ellsion by nny Statll Member of the Unihd Natiohlt or of any of the SperiAlfsed AJienciefll,

2. _ The &c .... lon of • Stat. ah.n be elfert.rl by the of _ a. iootru­mf"nt ot at-CllltdtW., with the Inttm,," lional GIviIA vlat!enOrnnlutlo,,-ond .hall elfeCt on- tbe- lilnotloth dRY Art.r I h. date of .ueh

dvile internaUonale -qui en infurmt!rjl, tOU"lS len ISta1ft partiea Ii I". pn'iAtnte Convention.

Titre VII DlapoBitlons proIocolalral

_ Aflldo It

I..u p~nt. ("Oftventinn, j:.uUlu·" b .. €lute de I\Dft entree en VllfUIUI' dun" leal ('onctitions· privuea i. J'Artkle 21. nt UU\'erte &. ... ai«natuN de tnut EtA.t qui. • te-Ue date. lera nwmbA d" J'Orpni­"atlon ·de. ,Nation. Uniel ou d'une liI.mutl ... ap6elafloie.

Article 20

I, La prioent. ." ..... _ .. t .. a I. ",tlll<.lIon d.. F.tat. li«i!atai ... .... r ........... nt 1 leu ... lillpOlllllon ... ·.,n· AtitutlOftneUu.

2. LeI lootru"",nta- d. ratili<:all ... .. ront d ....... auprU de ,'Ol'Raniutlon de I' AviatIOn civile mtemaUonale.

Arlltle 21

1. LoraquCt 1& pre.en1e convention aura reunl I •• ratlfl.at_ d. dou.. Etata siRllutnirea, ene ."trera en IliKu@'ur entre ("tit F:t .. tft Ie Itual,..yiqt--dixim. jour apm Ie dcapOt du douzieme itt,ll.tru .. ment de ratifieaUQII. A: I'qani de chaque'Etut qui 1& ratifier. par J. "Ulte, elle entrer& en vl;Neur Ie quatre-vin~t.­dixlem. Jour .p.... .. depOt d. IHln in-stru.ment de ruUtication, .... ~

2, D~ ItOlI entree en vhrl.leur. la pre.. "enl~ C-o!l.vention s,ra enregiatne .u.,.... du Secretai", Ilin6ral de 1'0", Ka.!&aUon des Nalio.. Uni.. par l'Organi"l.tftm de l' Aviation eivlle in .. ternntlonale.

1. Ln IJriMnte Convention .-eru oUVllrte • • J1re~ Mon f'ntrie en vigueur ... I'.db. aiun de lout Etat mlJ!JJ1bre de l'OrgQDi .. HUon deA Nations Uniell ou d'une In~ .tltlliion .pOdoll ... ,

2. [,'edh .. lon HfA eIf .. t" ""r Ie depOt d'un 1.ltrumont d'edh6.lo. ... p .... d. l'Or .... I .. U.n d. 1' .... I.Unn (livile intr.maUonaJe et prendrn eWet Ie qu.tre--vinrt·.Ux:i~me jour qui IIufvra la date d ••• d6pQ1.



\' J

Arllde 23

1, An,\' ('Hltl.J'nt~illg Stilte m!t~· de. "oune€! lhi~ (:on\"eIHion by nl'ltifiC'luiotl Addl'e~~td to the hlifl'l(lHion~1 (1\'11 A\'iation 01',e'anizalilm.

2, Denundation ~hlin' take effect ~ix month~ .a!tfl' Hlf dute (If reuipt ur [he Intel'nation~J Ci\"U Aylation Or ... ,wani:ation or t.he nolification of de. Runchition.

-'rlld. 21

1. AnF di:spllh~: i>Pty.:4I:f!'n two or mort" ('{)ntr&('tinK Stat!!.'\' ,onc~rnlnr the intfi'l"pretation 01' application oJ thia Connmtion which cannot be let,tled thr'Ough negotiation. :lihalf. It th~ re· qLleM of "ne (If thtm, be J.ubmitrfd to Mrbltration. If within the: month. from fhe date of the requllt for. arbitration rh. Parties are u~blt to ., ... , on the ol'jffinintioh of 'the arbitration •• nr one of those Parties mar re(n tb. dispute to the TntertHulonal Court of Ju~lice bf reQ,ufult in. contormit)· with - the Statute of the Court.

Z. E.('h State may at the· tJme' of s.irnature or ratIftcaHon of thf. CO)JUft· tion ay at'ceuioh thereto. de<'lare that Ii do •• not .... ider It .. lf bou.d by the preceding paragraph. The other C(ln. tracting Statu shal! not be bound b~' the preeedinr paral'raph V!.ith respect to any Contractlnl' State having made $uch a re-8f-r\'aUon.

3, .. \nr Contraeting State na'iting made a !''\'ation if'! accf'lr-danu with the pre-ceding paragrl:ph rna:.' at "fly time withdraw this rt!serntion br nDtl6ea" tion to the Interl"lfttio.nal Ch'iI A\"iation Ot'/laniution.

."rridt 2.;

E"xeept RI'> provided in Article 2-4 no J'e~en'atio" ml~T be made to tM. ron. \·ention.

MII.1o 2&

The fnttrna.tionaJ Civil .·t\'Jaticn Or.. &'anization sh,J! &i\'e noUCE to all States M'embeJ'~ of the Cnitea Xadona or of IInr 1)( thlt Specialiled Al'8nriu!

. 0) otanya'rnatuhlortliIiCiili....,; tlon •• d the date th.reof:

Arli ... 23

1. Tnllt' F.tat (:'onH'att.ltnt petlt'defloncer la Iweilt'nte Con .... ention flUI' \lMf notiAes· tio" 'Iite ~ I'OrJt!\nii~1I0tl tle I'A\'iation l'i\·ile intH'nRtionale":

~. L:\ di-fiondation p,.-erlih'a etYtt :'Iix m('li:t lI'PI'f-S 1~ date tit r~('ption tit 1. notification par "OrKanlsation de "A\; .. Il.til'n d\"lIe internlitlonale.

. Artlcl. U

1. Tnut dUt.tend entrt (iH Etat, Mn· U'3t"I.nU tqncernant }'int.rpritaUon ~u l'appUcation de 1a pr4.ente ("on\'ention qui ne p.eut Pi! etre rfWU pat' \'oft de, n~tyJCiati(J.l" est ,"ouml, a J'arbhrare. i Itt demande de I'tln"d'entre',ux. Sl. dan. ",,' aix mol. qui 'uh',nt I, date de I. demarul. d'_rblt .. ~._ I •• Partl •• n. Pl<r· vlenn.nt p&;I; a it Jtlettre ·d·&Ceord lIur J·orpnLtation ,de r'Jrbitra,e, l'ull •. quel .. t'Ghqu.e d'l~tI'f eUi, peut ~,oumettre ... dl"" .... d II I. C.ur lnt.mlllo .. ). de Ju~t1ce. en, dfposlnt un. rltlu1te -con~ fOl·mf~ent·.au !U,atut de la 'Cour.

2. Chaq,ue Etat pour .... MU 'Moment ou i! .1,.. .. OU ratlft.ra Ia pliunte Con­\'enUon ou ~. adhtirerJ. d6elarer QU'U

n ... __ idbr. p •• "f .... r Ie. dl.,...I. ti(.\n!. du pang:raph.,' prkedent. LeI llutre" Etat.a c\)ntractante- fte ... ront pas lies par Indite! dlapollitiOftIi eft\"ers tout Etat ~ontrftt'lant qui aura formuli une ten~ riMl'r\'S,

3.. Tout Etat t'ontrac:tant qui aura for. mule une rUer\'Ei e'l)nformement nux di~poshions rlu pararnphe prit'~dfnt pourr. II tout moment lenr ('ett ........ 1If!'1"\'e par I,1ne· notlftcation . &dreaMe .. rOrJ'ani,ation de It A,·i.tioll ('iTllt .Jnter .. "lttlonale,

Artl ... %3

Saul dans I. cal PA\'U a J' Artil'le 2~, iI -ne ",PTa admi" _Ueu", riMM-' it la preAente Convention,

,Arlldl H

L'OrR'ani,.ation de l'A\'iation ('h-ne In~ ~1M\at'f)n.l~ notlfter ... tous lea Etat. membres d •• ·Orpniaattoll dll X.UOJUI rniel DU d'une Jnat!tudon .pfcialtl6t:

0) tOUt •• 1,..tuN'.iO Ilp~io Con\"ention et .. datt a. cltte ,s~.tU":


r • , , '-. '''f.'

, ,

\ I

b) of the deposit <1f any lnoll'lII .. ont of ratiftelUon Gr aecusion and the date th .... !;

d of the dol. on ",Moh thia Con· ventlon comet into fo~ i1l Ie ... t'(tJ'd~nce with Artlde 21. PAra~ I'raph !;

II) of tho ..... ipt of any notification .. of ,donunei,tic.. Ind tho dote

th.effi)f, and

0) of the rocelpt of .ny d .. l .... tlon or notU\eation made under Arlit-Ie 24 ftnd the date thereof.

IN WITNESS 'WHEREOF tho undera:igned PJenJpo1entiarie2l. hl.\·inl' been dub.' ftuthoriled. have .Jped this Co,,'Uention.

DONE at Tolera on the fourl .... tb day 0{ Sept.",ber Ono Thouland NI"" Hundrtd and Sixty-three in three .u. ... thentie texb drawn up in th« Enl'liln, French and RpanilRh

This C ... venUon .hlll! be depo.ited with tke InternaHon.l CiviJ Aviation Organization with whi('h, in a«DNiancll with Artirl. 19, It .hal! r.",.ln opell for sigt1&ture ~nd the !{aid Otpniu~ lion J=!hBH Mnll ~'ntined ('opieB thertOf to an St;it~s Mem~rfl nf the United Nations 01' of any Spet'ii\llzed Ag~ner.

. ..,..,. .... -......

b) Ie d6J>6t de tout IlIOtromenl do .. tllIe,tlon .. d'.dhe.ion .t Ia dlle d ... d6p6t,

0) II< date. bIq .. priont. Con· ventiol1 entn en viaueur eorr~ !onnOment ft., dl.positlonl du "" ...... JIht In de I' Artlele 21;

d) I. rit:eptlon de louie notification do d ...... i.llon .t I. data d. rio .optlon; 01

0) Ie rictptlon de tout. cMc:II,.tlon ou notlftcatlon: falle III vertu d. l'A,Url. U .1 Ie date do rit:.p. tlon.

EN FOI DE QUi)! .... PI'nl· potenUI'... _!p40, dAm",t ..... tori ... , ant .IIPI~ Ie primite CoIIve". 110ft,

FAIT • "rot,. Ie q •• t ......... jo.r d ....... de lept..,;bre d. r.n mil ..... t

. ..." IIO!x.nt .. trolo, on trohi texta .u· th."t!q.... Nell.. 41"'.1eo I ....... fl'.n~.i"Ah anl'l,'" et ..,......

La prL ... nte Co' .. ,ntlon .'1" d6poaee .up .... do l'OrcAftlaationdo l'A,I.tlon tIvlle fntemlltionalt obi .:ontormiment auo dl.po.ltI .... d.I'Arll<l. 19, .11e .... terll. ouvert. .. J. alpature tt c.tte Org;lnlllRtion tranMmflttrA do eopi"" cortlft ... <anfonnH d. I. pr ..... t. erm. vention .. tOU8 lea EtMta membreJt de l'Ol'1lo.i .. llon d.. Nati... Uni.. 0.

d'u"" in"titution .pklan ... ,



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COXGO lilRAZZAVII,LE) L/./ . '-~









_ ........

, ,





. P8t.L~



. . '~I~M Wi:{~'




A....t« r ....... ~ Ii .. ..• ....,...,..

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CONSIDERING thlt unlawful I<tJ (.If ~ilure or exercie of control of air. mE' in Right jeopardize th •• fcty 01' <,'''"''0' and properlY, oerioully afl<ct the operation of air ervH:ta. and undermine rh. confidence 01' the poopI.. of the world in the _tty 01' civillviat;"ft;

CONSIDERING that tho ocx:ulTOllCe d such ~tIi it a matter of srav~ ~nccmi

CONSIDERING that, for the purpoae " of deterring fuch aeu. there' ii, an mpnt need to provide appropriate ........ fa for punishment .ef offe~.; .


A.ny ponon who 00 be"" an lOinnfl in flight:

(4) unlaWfully. by fora or threat thereof, or by any othp- £om. 01 intim.idation. t\ebe, or exen:1teJ CODtml or,"" that air. cmt. or a.ttempu to pm-m-tn any IUch

:aCt, or

(fJ) h an accomplice of I penOft who ptrrorma or auempu to perform any suc-h act .

t:Oft'.mit4 an offenee (hereinafter relernd to ,¥- 111 .. "the offen",,';'

,,_2 tact! Contracting Stale undertakei' to mate ,be 01[0""" punishable by ....... penollia.

I. For the purposes 0( thb ConVention, an aircraCt ia contidered to be in mgbt at any time from. the moment when an iu exter. nal doon .... cloaed following embarkation lmdl the mament -when. -&Ill' -..uch.--door b ope~ed for disembarkation. In the cue af • for«d lo.ndlnll', the lU,h. !hal,tbe d.......t

10 contln... ....tli the """peteDt ""thtlri. tla ............ the retpOiIi!\IIUty for tho u.. eralt and lor ,........ and JIO"Ol*'Y ... boar4,

2, TIlil Con_tIon ""'II .... apply 10 u.. eraI, u""' In ",UIIary, ..... _ or polk<: ..mea. S, Thil Con .... tlon abaIIlpply oaIJ I( the pia", 01 tt.kOooII or the pW:e of Ictual Iandl"S of the IInnlI ... board which tho oIIence it c:omJllille<l,u altuated ouuJda the terri.".,. 01 the, SU .. of rqIitn.lon Of thet

1Innl.: It ""'" be immaIetial whether the oIraaIt U' coppd In an in ..... tIonai or 00 ..... 11. 01;111.

4. III the .......... tioned III Ardcle 5, thit Con_lion ,ball not apply if the p!&ce 01' tako-off and the pl ... of octual:lu>dlllj; 01' th_ aircntt "" board Wlikn tbe'-.. ..

"p'mmitud .,., alwated within the ,toni.".,. ','pi t)lo ...". S .... wheze that'SlIte i. .... 01 ,

thole .. !erred 10 In that Article:

'5.' NotWltiutandlll, p"""gnplu S lad • 01 '>hi. Article, Articl .. 6, 7, a w' l~ !boll apply wh • ....., the pI_ of takt<jlf .... the pla<o 01 _I bmdt", ol the aticnr .. II the offond .. or the alleged offender t. found in the ~erritory of .. SUl.te otJw- tban. the Sta.te of regUtratiQJt Q{ that ail"trl.ft.

'I. Each COn ..... "ng s .... thall ..... auth ..... - .. may be ~ 10 _T:lliIh

, ita jurlodlctlOll..... the offence and UI)'

other oct of viol ... ", "",fm< _""" or crew _,ted by the alleged oIfender ift con~tion wilh Ib.e offmcc. in. the lonow~ fng -=-s:

(0) when the oIl_ i. ",a"nitted on _ an. oIn:nft ...,utered ia that Stale,

(6) wit.., th_ aircraft Oft hoard whieh tit. offence ia ItOIIlIDirted land. in ibi temtGfy

.. wiib 'he allepl offender "III on board: (c:) when tht of(enee h committed on board an oIraalt word wltIrout ..... 10 • I ..... who hu hi! prlndpal plo",

- -oIb.II ..... ·or, InheleiJ« 'hili"" .... h PJlce of busilleN. hb. permanent real. dente, tn that State.

- 1 -

2, !.oeh eo.._tiI!g Stata ""'" like"i .. .. k. ,udt meu_ .. may be _'1 10 _bUlb II> juriadituOll ..... the oI!e..,. ill the .... ",,,- the .Uepl oIlend ... I. pre­tent jn h. mtitory and .it ~ not extradite hi., pumoaD' to Article • to any of 'the S .. ,.. menUoned In parapph. I of thio ArtIcle.

S. Thi. c;.,.. •• OIiOD do.. _ eadude any criminal juriodial... ....-dsed In lcoord· ... ". with notlOllOl Jaw.

t The Contractin, 511"" ,wlaIeh _blllb 'join, "r IrIIUport opcntl"l~-' 0< iD ............ al opcntiDg ..... d ... """Ich operart ........ It whkn lie IIIbject'joIn. or Intemwon.1 fesiatrouon aball. lIf'lp­'propriatt EMans, del1p.ate (or ueb .. ai .... cralt the Stlte .... '"'& th,..... which _I oxuti .. the jUrllllllctloa .nd luve tit_ .,. trlb .... of the 5 .. ,. 01 ~ for the pufpolC of this c;.,.. .... 1ioft and iliaD pve nod"" til""",! to tho IDtenu.Uonal Clltll OrpnIwion .. hkn abaII COllI ... , nieate the ""lice to all S ..... Partleo,'" thit COn ... ,,!_

ArtIde 6

l. l1pon being .. daned ,bat the circum, Jtan-eee; 10 W&1Tant. any ComnctiDr State i. the tonitary of ,,,h/eh the ~ or tb. dltged offend ... i. pr<aenl,' ",.11 ,ale him into- CUJtody 01' take other meatUra 10 ......... hil pn!IODtO. The cuo ..... y and other mea ...... Illall be •• provided In the law of th., Stal. bu. may oaIy be _1m""" for IUCh tf,.,. a. iI n ...... '1 10 enablo ony crI. minal or extradition proc«dlnp 10 be i ... t~


2. Sueh State .lull I_lately make 0

p ... l!mlnory enquiry iDto the faeta. 5, Any _ in <uotc>dy punuan, to para • S'aph I of <hI. Article oIt.n be uallIed In _unie.ung ImliledilICIy: wi.. the - "I'pNpria" .. preaeatidlve of the ~ .. of'whldl h_ b .' q.~I", ~-~

4. 'When • State, punUlUlt t<i thl. ArtIcle, bu 'aken a pmoIl 11;'0 cuotody, It aball

immtdiJ.tcly notify the State of ngi!tl'ation of dlt: alrenh, the Stale mentioned in 'Ar­ticlt ~" paragraph I(c), the State DC nation· ality of lh(' deUlinoo peMU and. if it con· ~ider!i it adviublt. any other interested SUtt!S or {ht fact thilt !iuch penon is 'in cuStody and of the drcumslancC$ whic:h watnn!. hh detention. The StJ.te whicb make:\- (he preliminary enguilY contero­pl.l~ in par,ilgraph 2 o[ thil Article shall promptly report iu Cindin~ to the:. pid StateA and aha.U indicate whether it intend, to exerci.e jurisdiction.

The Contracting State in the territor,. of whkh .the alleged il [ouod Ihtll. if it dca not extradite him, be obJip. witbout exception .nd whether or not the oUcn.ct WI.$ committed in iu let·

ritory, to IUbmit the ate to ttl compc-leD:t authorities !or Ibe purpoot oI.,.-cutioo.. -'Th ... authoriti ... ball lake their dcx:i. lion in the u.rne manner u jn the cue of ;any ordinary offence o( a Ml'iow nature under the law of th·.t State. .

-. I. The oll .. « m.ll be d<c:m<d '0 be in· eluded ill an extraditable offmcc: in atlT cJundition treaty wnin,· between Con. U"tu:ling Staus. Ccm.trl.ctinl States' under .. uke to indQde ltat!: o[lence u an. eJ:Q"A·

dl ... ble oUeoee in overy ... tnllil;Ol'I_ty '0 be ",.eluded be.-.. tMm.

2. If • Conttutin& State wbicll mol:". ex.U1:di~ion conditional on the exiumce at a re«i\'Q .. .-equat for extradition from anotlu:r ~tracting Sl,sle with which it has no cxuadition trealY. it may at iu option conaider thb Ccm\'enuon u the: lep1 bali$ for extradition in mpect of the 0(. fence. Extradition. &hall be lubjeet to the other conditions provided by the b.w or lhe requested. State:.

!. Contncting Stat« which do not extradition conditional on die Wtt:enec of a treaty $han te<op;lt the of[t-net as an u~nditable offence between them$Clvea subject to the conditit)ns provided: by ~ Jaw of w requesLed State.

~4.Th. olf ... a,..hall-be~_ledi~f.... the . purpox: 01 cxtndilion between Contracti~1 State ••• s if it had been c.:ommitted. not only in the place in whith it. oa:urred but .. Iso in the: temtoriel of the Stales required to

e.ltab1i.h their jurisdiction in ilccoroan« with Article 4f pos.ragraph L

I. When any or me ut! mtntiontd in Article .1(4) hlU otc:urrtd or 'I about tQ

OC(.Uf, Contracting StatU. shall take aU ap­propril'tt: mc;uurt"1 to fU!.Ol"e control of the aif"O'a.[t to ita law(ul commandef or to pre. ~ve his control of the aircra(t...

2.. In the cue, contempla.ted. by the pre. codin; paragTaph • ..,y Co.mains State In which tbe aira-att or 1[1. pauenp.s or crew are pramt. than (acilitate the continuation of Ihe iQurney 01 Ihe p_" and .... w at lOQft II pncticablt. and. .hall without d.lay .. Ium lb. alraal, ..,d ill "'IJO ,. ,h. pmom~ 1 ... lullr~ .... hied· to ........ ion.

AiiIdo 18

J •... CoIuroail!& ....... IhIII aIlard _ an· odIer ,It .................... 01 uoImnee ill eoiI-.. with aimhta/ pt'O<ftdInp brou,l" ift ...,... 0I1he oIImoe and ........ .... _Iioncd in Anid. 4. Th. "W 01 the S ..... ""1_ .hall apply in .11_ I!. The pt<Moioru 01 ponp.pb I of. &his Artltk sh.U BOI afr.ct obUpliolU UDder .ny odIer '""'Yo bilateral .. mul"lateral. whieb 10""'" or will ..,....... i .. ",hole .. in part. m.utual IS1itwICI! in. criminal mat~ ......

Each S ..... ohaIl in _moe with ill Rllluonalllw report to' the: Council of Ibe 1 ........ 11"",1 Civil Aviation Orpni. .. ,..", .. proOlpdr .. poodble any ........ ' inJonutiOll in iu potHIIlan. ama:ming:

(aJ Ihe cimIm_ 01 lb. oIf ... ",,:

(b) Ihe action ...... punuan' '0 Anidc g.

ft) ~he mcuuf'OI.ta\en in ftlation to the oflondor .... lit. ollepl 011_. and, ill puti<ular,1he m.11I 01 any IXulditiou proceed!.... or other JepI proceedlnll"

ArtIde 12

I. ~Any-<lbpu .. ~ botw .... t,..,or~ more Con· med", S..... com:erJll", lit. Inl"1' ..... · tioo or appilcaliou of tblt Conventiou whim cannot be teu.led (itroup negotia.· tion. sh.n, at tbe request of one of them,

- 2 -

, . .. ... . .. ~ ..

be submitted to arbitralion. If witMn .ill: month. from. the date of the requeJt {oc aruitration the Parties are unable to agree on the organization of the .rbitndon, any

. one 01 t"hote Par.ties may refer the dispute to the Intem,tiorlal Court of J iutice by requell in conformity with the Statute of the Coun.

2. State may at the time o{ aignalure or ratUicadon of thi, Convention or Jcceli.· sion thereto. decJaie tbat it daa not ron· sider i~1f bound by' the' preceding para· .graph. The other Conncrin, State&. .shall •• 1 be bound by the precedi", paragroph with mpect ~ any Contracting Stllte

hlvin, 11.\*. lucb I reten'adoa.

S'" Any Contr"aCQn, State baviDB made a. reltrvalion ill accordante with the preced~ ins: par:apaph JIll)' a( auy time withdraw thit nlRl'Vltian by notilicatioa to the De-­pooitary G ................

I. Thil Colt_tl ... "aU be open lor. Ii!" nit_it 'TII& .H ..... on If Dc<omber 1910. by Sta'" putlclpalboi in Ihe In ..... tion.1 Coalcmlc ... AIr Law held·., The Hague "- I to 18 n..mber rm (ber<ina!t .. rolcrre4 10 II 'TII& Rape Conlcr<""e). AI .... · SI Dto<aitber Ig70. tit. eon .... 'i.n .blll be opett to all Sta ... I .. "", ... re in M __ • ~ IIId Wllhl",..,.. Any St ... which cIOeo BOlli", tblt Con.ention be! ... III ... try I .... r.,... lit accordan"" wilh puapapb SO! Ibi&Anid. may .cttd. to it " any lime. ' 2. TOil Con .... do .. 1hIII be oubJe<t 10 ratio

licaliou br tltelipalOlJ SU .... wttu"".11 o{ ntification aru:l imarumeDCI of aaemon .b.1I be depooitd wilb the Gov<mm""" of Ihe Union ')/ Sovi., -'Ill! Republics. the United J>insdom 01 G .... , Britain and Norlbem Ireland. and the Un\lcfd S ... "" 01 Am.ri<a •. which are beIfty daipatod 'he Depooi .. ry Go ..... men ...

5. Tbb CoAvcntion ih.u en_ into f()ra: 'hirty day. followi", the dat. Of the d<pooi. 01 inltru ....... 01 ralillcatiou by .... S ..... &ip.tory to this QmYeDtion 'Which partido p.ted in The Hape ~[aence.

•• For other SEatn. thit Convcotion &han enter iDU) force on the date of entry into

___ lor« .. o'-~i •.. Conytp.tionJ~t~~~.~ .. ~th . parlll""ph . .! 01 lIu. JU1IcIe. CIt ,hirl)' day • following the date or deposit or lhelr in· nrumenu of ratification. or .ccudon, whit.hevel' i4 later.

'. , ... " .. ~ ~." .. , .. ..., . _.

5. The Depoaitary Government. shan pl'ompdy inform all :signatory and a~ing StalC$ or the due of each Ngnature, the dale of dll!J>Q8lt 01 each inltrument of r.-d. fication or .ac~on, (I\c da"te or catry into force of thil Ctmvention;and o(her notice.

6, As won 15 ddt Convention comel into fOJ:'ce, it shall be regiltered by the De~i.

.,.. - ...... . '"'" .... "." - , ..

. tluy CG ... cm~l1 punullftt" tQ Article 102 of the ChITter of the United Nations and f)l.muanl tu Article IS of rhe' Convention 1m hlu:!m;Atiolial Civil A viltion (Chicago, In,j,l),

AriId. 14

1. An)' Contrac.ting State ma.y d~nounee

.hi~ lAlnvention by written notilication to the Deposilary Govennnenll.

2. Denunciation shall "take etftct six monlbs. fOIJOW.lDS the date on which noti­fication i. received by the Depositary Gov­ernments,

IN WITNEllS WHER.EOF'the under,igncd Plenipottn,iari", beine duly aud_itcd by ",.ir Goyernmenu. h."" oigncd ~i. Con.en. tion. .

DONE •• The H'SUe,tbiuixteon,h liar of Decembei. one thousand nine hundred and aevent, .. in three originall. each being drawn up in four lUthentic 'ex,. in the EnglUh, Frend>, Il .... ian and SpanUh Janguaget.

- 3 -

, ,




CONSIDERANTqu< I .. aCt .. illicite, de capture ou d·t~.ercice du cQntr61e d'a.cronela en vol ,cornpromencnt la t&;u. rite del personnei. et des biens, ginent serieusemen[ I'exploitation del aervic~ a~rienf- et l1linem b. con fiance des peu­p1c:s du monde dans J3. I&:urite de I 'aviation civile.

CONSIDERANT que de leu acle. Ie. preoccupcnl gra'Vemem.

CONSIDERANT que, dans I. but de prCvenir eel ac[C1:, it est urgent de pTe. voir des mcstlrCJ approprites en vue de la punition de leunauteurIJ.


ArtId. 1 ..

Corrunet unt inlraction ptnalt (ci·apr~5 d(!'Qooon.tce .. )"infracttonl) lQute qui,' a ',b01'd d'un oaeronef en Y01,

a) illidtcmelll et par violence au menace de violenCe ·t"emparc de eel acro-nef au en extJCI: Ie connole: ou tente de COIMDeHrc run de c:e., alO:tes, ou

b) t!t Ie com~lce d'une penonne qui commel au lente de oommcttre run de ces acte5-.

Tout Etat contracumE s'engage a !'inrraction de ~incs stvi:'res.


L A\lx. £ins. dr h~ pre.sehte t()Ovendon. un aeronef !:It I:om,idere comme en yol depuil Ie moment ot'l, l'embarqumlent ~ta ... t ler· mint, to.utes se". porte! I!Xterieuret ont ttr

-fmnm-jlJsqtt'au--mOl'Pent--w l'une--de"cC!:. potu'S elt ouvene en vue du drbuque. mene En CIS d'.uerril5lgt' force. Ie vol est

O!ni-C Ie pounuivre jUJqu'i ce que' )'auto­rite compttente prenne en charge l'aeN»lef ainsi que It!l penonnfl et bieru ~ bordo

2. La pr~leOle convention ne- s'applique pur. aux ae-ronef.t udliltl a des fim militai~ reI, de douane ou de police.

". La pr6leD.te 'OOftve:ntion n~ J'applique que si Ie lieu de decollase au Ie Jieu d'at~ terrissage cUe:ctif de l'atroneE 1 bard dUGud !'infraction' ef,[ corri.miae tIl .ilut . hem du t~rritaire dt: l'ELlt d'immalricuIa· lion de cet a.croneC, qu'it .'&.giue d'un aero­neE en "oJ imemOlotionaJ au d.'un d-roneC en "oJ in.'~rieUt.

4. D~n. lre5 cas prevu. ll'utide 5, fa pre­sente epn.vention ne ,'applique po Ii it­lieu de decoJlagt" et Ie" .lieu d'.tterriuage effectil de l'acfOfIef a bor<l duquell'infrac. don ~t (;O'ntnise r,unt Ioituc-S IUt Ie territotft­d'un $eul des Etau. mmdonne. audit at­ddt:,

5. Nonobllant les dispositions dC'1 para. grapbcs 5 et " du pdsent ..-t:ic1c, Je. ani· del 6, 7. 8 et 10 son, .pplicabl ... que! que $Oit Ie lieu de dtcol1age ()U Ie Jjeu d'.ltcr­rbsage ,~lfecti£ de I'leronef, Ii J'l.uteur Otl l'al.l£tUr prbiuue de l'infrartion etC: di­couvert sur Ie rerritoirc d'un Etat autre que I'Et;.t d'immatticulatioa. dl.1dit aerone£.

Adlc:1o 4

J. Tout Elat corurut,a:nt 'prend. le,. nte-'

!ure. n.&:tuaires pour etablir sa. competen­ce aux, (irn de connattn de }'inlra.etion, .ain$j que de lout lutre ~c:te de violence dirige c:onlre leJ pili5agen ou r equipage et tommili pur ·t'auteur presum< de I'inlt_c­lion ('no rthttioo di.reclC avec cclle<i, dans lea cas luivan.u:

a) si cUe est cOl'Qmile .. bord d'un aerG­nef'immatriculf dan. etC Etat;

b) Ii I'a~roncf II bard duquel I'infrac­Hon· e5t'commiae aucrrit Jur son lmitoin

, 'avec I'auf,eur prl:lume dl! 1'lntractjQn M:

trou"ant encore i. bord:

c} oj Tinrradion OIt commi..l bon! d'nn .. hood donne en location Am " une perwnnf- qUi a Ie .j~e

- S· -

principal de, I(Ul exploitation 00, ~ dc' but, Ii rt,~, pennanente daru leaH Etat,

2. Tout Etat contndant prend _4aJement let. m.el'JJeI nc!ceua.i.,a pour ttabUr 41. com· petence auX fhu de- connaltre de l'infn.o­don· dans Ie ell 00 l'auuur preaume- de ccUe·d :se trouve ,ur IOn terriloire el 00 ledit Etat Dfi! J'n:n-adt pal con£cmnemenr i l'an.idc 8 "ttl l'up deli .E.l1tJ \OWl au. paragraphe ler du portlent ardde .

J. La preleJ\te collvention n'ecarte aucune compt-tena penalc excrdt- conformement :tux lob n.arionale..

Ltos Et." qui con.UlUtrt pour Ie mru.porl aeril!:n da orrpn.iurionl d'ex' ploitation en commun ou. des orpnilmt!i intCma.tioDIlUX d'~ltploitadon. et qui ex· plohent del &tronef .. I_iAnt l'objet d'unc: i~matrkuJation wmmune ou inlemuio­nile dClignern. pour wque at! lui· ... .ant Ie» modalitci approprim J'£hl_t qui exerCf: II cOJn.p~tence ci aura Its .nribu· tiOD5 de- l'Etat d'imftUltritu!i:tion au" fin$ de lit preaente tonveatic.n. 111 aviaeront de C(!Ue del\&natiOll l'Organiu.don de l'Avia­tion civjle intemationalc, qui en informen. tOUI lei Etau Parties ~ lJ. pr~aente COh.ven~ tion-.


I. S'U «time que 'e$ cimmnanceJ Ie jUlLi. £lent, toU( [tat rontractant JUr Je LCrri(oir.e duquC!'l se trouve I'auteur ou raultur pre­sume de: I'infracdon anure 1& dmntion de «ue pc:nonne ou prend lOulCl auUfi me· aUfCS n«euaira pour allUm .. prben«, Cene delention. et eft tnaUft, df;liv4nt we con£ornm. .. I. l¥sl.t1on dudit Elal; enes ne peU'fftlt !tre D'laint~uC$ que- pt.-dant Ie dclai I\imaaire • l'ehJaccmmt de potU'"

lui(n pm.Jn ou d'une proUdure d'f:xtra­'dldon,

2. Ledic El.t pfOcecie -i.inmUi'te.mnt • une enq,ufle priliminaire ftI we d',ftablir let r.iu.

3, Tout!,! pcnonne dc;.EenUf. (In applicltion do p;lfilgraphe ler du present :mide pent communiquer immediatemenl ,1\'ee Ie phu prochl! r('pre~n~ant qu::tUlit! tit l'Etat door eIle a hi nafionalite; IOUt~s fUfililill lui $.Om aC(;orttc:t:5 ~ cltHe fin,

1, Lorsqu'un r-~ltf a mil- 1I1lt! pC'tWnne en dtlemion conformtment 3.UX di~pGlliljom

du present lTtide. it ... vi~ immtoiattmenr de cett~ d&!:~ention, ainsi que de$ circon,· [.anca qui la jUlIitHient. l'EUt d'immatrj· culation de l".tIcronef, I'Et:t~ melltionnt ~ l'aF-aide -I, p.aragraphe ler, <lJint-a c, j'£[:.;t

dont 1a personne dClltnu~ w. la natiOiU.lih~

et, s'il i<! ju~ Oppot"tUI., tOU$ a.utre~ EU.tfo inLereuet L'E~iiU qui prO!:.M(' a i'enqueu: prt:!imin:dre viii!!: au p;&rolgraphe 2 du prbent article t"u -co.mmunique rapidemenl les cOPl::luliions aUJI,diu. £t4l.l5 ~[ l~ur iw.Hqut $'H entend e,.~n:er ~ (oJllpttenu:,

Antol. 7

L'£u( (ontra(:~rll tur 1(' ttrrhoire duqueJ raut~ur pri.umc de I'infr.ction tlt d~.:ou­vert. lI'U n'eXtradf po ce detnier, aoumtt l',(fait(, saN aucune U(t;ption et qut l'in. fraction ait Oll non ete commise lur son lCTTitoire. a K!$ autontes eom~eft\a pour l'eitc-rcitt! dt' l'action pina1t. ~ autorita prennem leur decision dans les mcmt5 C01Klhions q~ pour toute jn(~~on de ..}roit C"omm\tn de aractCrC' STave co",f.ormc. menl aux loil de ret Etat.

ArtIde •

!. L'infrzctioo est de plein droh comPrJ$C t:Q-rnme cas- d'lf:'l!.trad)don danl tOut trai~e d'utradidon tandu "t:JlU't: Et;tU contra-c· I.~nu;. ka Eu'u conlra("tanti "engagen.t a comprerdre nnffa(:tion comme au d'e;c,tra.. dilion r\;tm lOUl -traite d'e)!:tr .. dition i. 1 (J:udure entre: tux.

2. Si _ un Elilt contractant qui subordonne rutraditioo. a. I"exillencc d'un uaiti en u,i!il d'uftt demandC!'- d'{'xuadition par un lUtre )::1;11 contra-clam 3:"'ec lequel il n'en P,($ lit par, un mille d'cXlr;uUtion, it a la Jatitudr. d~ cons;idtrer 1;& presente conven· liol'!_ romme oondiruaJ'u lit hm juridique dc l'extradition en ce qUl wncerne I'infn,r;­tion, _ t.:t'xlradition est tuborrionnCi! ~u'X

;,j,UU'tl condition, pttVUl:1 par If droit de l';E.~;H_ re_qui.s,

S, .t.c-s Etats coiurac,;ailll qUI he subordon­oem pat l'rxtraditfon i' J'cxiftf2nce d'un lrait~ r«onn;a:;uenl l'jnlraction t.omme ern d'extradition entre el1X dant le5 eonditiom

prt'Vuts par k droil tie f[lat requi$,

'I. Entrt' [tab contr;u.:lanu., l'infr.tction est (onsideTCI!: ~\J1l rins d'urradition cum, me ;.yant I!'te commit;t ,ant an l!tn de raol

perpetration que JUt Ie territoire deJ Etfll~ u:nu:t d'e£ablir leur rornpeteno,: en ~t'nu de I'articie- 4, pl.lragrapht 1,

I, LonitJue fun dft OICles vrevus :1 l'arlidc let, ;t1in(~a a. _lI:St accompli ou lIUJ' Ie poinl , d'ClfC ac.compli. 10 Etal.$ ."9rnractants.. pl'f~lmem luul~ m(lllrt:5 .;Ippr()priL~s ponr I'cloliulCr OH COn"f'\'Cr-'e-l'unlrble oc J'atro­net iii! COtnmandllDr l~ii,~e.:-

2, Dins. Ira cas vilcb-:;IIJ paragraphe prccc· ~Ienl, h.IU( Etal- coutrunnl sur le territoire duqud -M! trOU\'f2ftt hi-reme!, la PIl$lllrr~ ou I'tquipaCe faciJil£ aux pa ..... F" et a I'~quipagt b. polJnuir~ dt leur _V()y:.~ OIW­

:l.ilin qu;e pouibJe. 11 lUtilUC Dnl relard· I'a~,ane( ct iii. cup..., i. eel'" qUi _onl Ie dro.t de ks dctenir.

I. lA, EtaUi CQOtractanu ,'accordertl ren~ juditiaire II phu large poNible dins ,ou'. pn><<dure penale rela ..... 1"n1"". tion eot aux :tUltft acta viaes 1 l';ut~ 4, O.aos toos In. au. Ja loi appUcable pour J'edcution d'une- dem&,nde d'C'nlra~_ est celk de I'l:rat requis.

2. -Toute(ois, lei dbpoJfidOr:l' du para· krapht· ler du prC-$Mt 3rtkie n'.([celtnl pOl-I Ie$ ubligatiM. d~coulant des dilpc:m­tiM!; d~ rout ;LUtre lfaiu~ d.t; ca'J'3t:rert bU •• reral . ou mtdtila,,~ra. qui rcgit ou riKira. en lOUi. ~u_ en par,.e, le domainit!' de I"en. tfulr,!e jud4;iain: en matiC're penule.

ArIid. 11

Tout Etilt (ontrat.tan~ communique ;Ul,Q

rapidemenl quC' postible au Con5eil de rOrganiu.dun de I'Aviation ciyilc interna­tionaie. en coniormit~ "vec le$ d,spositions de sa lqUladon nlti~n:t.leJ lOUI rensep­menu UIU" en A posIHtion rdadb:

4) aUK de -J'infnction: -b) - au;: metura priSe. en:-ippiieailon (i~_ l'~rtkle 9;

r) :iux ~um prilCS a regard de:- I'au­t~ur ou de I' .. uleur pruumi de l'in(rac:-

- 6 -

lion Cl IIt1Uomnlent .w felilhal de t.oUIC

procedure d'ClIitradili(Jn 0\1 de i(H.IIt!

;t.utn prrxwur~ jutliciaiR!,

Article 12

I. Tout diUcreml entre du i.tatA conu·nt:­limn con'~manl l'inlerp't-lilltmn ou I'appli­t:ation dc J;t pre-limit con'Utnlion qui nc pcLH pat titre rigli par YO',C de _ncaociaLion ' est IIOlImi, is I'arbitrage, a 1:. dtmande de I'lln ,('emft eUIe_ Si, dan, 1u six .nobi qui JOnf\'cnt I .. date lit b, demander ct'arbhr:lRC, It'S P:miea. ne p:lrviennen( P"'~ a It" MeUfC

d'lIft:ord ~ur I'orgitniutinn de I"arbitrage, I'lint quC'lto,nquc d'cnttc -e1Je3 pettt liOU' menTe Ie diff4:rmd i 13 Cour inttma.lionale de Justice. en d~pot;oln( nne relI1IC1t' ,-on, {orm~:m('nl au Slat.lIt dor 1a Cour.

2. ellilque 1:'.1 pourr;., ;10 moment 00 il liigntn ou ratiliera I. pr~KlltC' convention ou y adheFC!ra, dC-clara qu'U ne K comd­rlcre pu U~ ~r le, dl$pO$ition, clu para-' KO'pht plicident, LeI aut", Eta,. contra-c'

_ (anti _'" .etonl pal 1It.~ pot! ladh4:1 dii· f"OiUliOftl envers lout E.tat c;onuuunt qui

-flun (ormult unt telk rcwnoe.

5, Tout Etat conlnCLanl qUi aura (0'­

mult unt rCse.Fl't ~nfomemcnt au,," dis­positioni till parapap~ preddenL pou,ril A tOUt mom~rlt le\'cr cCUe rcst-rve ~t tine noti(ication adreuee aUK goulIernemenlli di'positaires,

ArIIde 13 ,

I. La pr-t5l!nlC' corn-ention sera Oli\'crlc Ie f6 decembre 1970 Ai La Haye a la Mln.sure des Ell" participan.t it Ia Conr~renc:C! irm:r. na.lionale de droit arrien tenut a Lt Haye db Icr xu 16 decembre 1970 (d-allrb dc, Ilomntet .. la Con(erenu de! La Haye .. ). Aprea. Ie 81 dccembre 1970. clle &era Ol1\'er­

u: a III lign:llure dtl' tou, It':i E\~U i W ... h· instoll, :1 Lnndres et a. Motcou. Toul Elat qui n'aura pas sign~ b, convenlion avant­tlt,'clfe $oit entree til vigueur cordorme­!lIen I au }Jnngr:'lphe tc du prb"enl unid~ pollna )' ;adhere! it umt moment,

2, La pTf,1iC:ntt cOJl,'ention c~ ~ot1Dlist i! la f'ltifkadon dea Etatt $ilnallirel. leI in,· trumenl~ Ill' l'alj{~COIdon aitu; q\lc te5 in,· lrumem& d'otdheston_teront d~POKS lupr" del goU\-crnr:mcntJ_ del E.tarl-Uni, d'Am&!·_,

--'iqu(:.-d~ --lluY<lume-Oni-_de ___ Gr.ancJ.t-Brc·, -,ape et d'lrlande dll Nord ct de l'Unio_n de, R.rpubHquci sodali$tti 1IO\'ieliques• qui ~nt dcsignci par Sr:s presenici comme gnuverUem(nI5-dipot1lairn,

: \, ~

05. La. preaentc! convention eotrera en vi. gueur \rent~ jOU!".5 apr« la due du depbi del innrumentr, de ratific:ltioo de diJO: Etatl signataiJ"e1 qui ont participe i Ia Con:lrS. rence de La Haye.

1, Pour leJ autre_ Elan.. la preumle convention entrcra en \/igueur .a Ia dale de $On entree en vigueur conforrntment :au paragraphe , du presem article ou trente 'jO\I!'5 aprCi 11 d~te duo dt!pht de leurs instrumentJ de ratification ou d'a.dhedon. si cettf leConde date (Sf pMterieun a fa premiere.

5., Lu gr:>uvemem.ent~ d~potitaire5' inf«­m~ont rapidement tow let. Euu qui

. lignerOllt 11 prtaente convention 6U y .dht~ reront dt la date de chaque signature; de Ja date du dtp6' de chaque irulTUmtftt de ratification ou d'adhesion. de )a dale d'en­lfU en vigue-ur de la pr~&enle convention aimi que de tOUt.el autm com.muniouions.

6. ne. 10ft mtr~e e.n wigueur. Ja preKDte convendon len. ~egi"rte par les gouver>­neml!:nts: dtpositaim conform~ment .. ax dUpOIi'ion. d. l'Anide lot de Ia Chane del Nationa UDit:I et eonfm'fDimet:'l:t aux.

dil~ilion.. de l'Artide IS de 11 Csmffit~ don r~la.ti\lt 1 l'Aviauon ciyile iDtunatio­nil. (Chical", l!l«).

1. Tout. Etat contraa.a.nt peut d~nMce:r I.. prciente convention pu vDie de notifi­cation wile adreute aUK gouvememenu dtpoaito;r ...

2, La d~nonciation pttndra «flet .ix. moil .pres 1. due .laqueUe )a·notification aUTa ~t" ~ par I .. s-vem ........ d~p"'i. talmo .

EN FOI DE QUO! Ie. Pitnipotentiairco lOuuign", .dOmen' auto­r~l, Qnt signl! la preKnte conventi~.

FAIT a. La Haye, )e &eizieme jour du moil d~ d6:embre de J'a.n mil neuf emt lOinntc-dix, en trois exemplaires originaux. comprenant chacun quatte teluet autbentiqut:l raligi:J dam lei langu~ fran9'ilC', anglaiiCt espagnolt et rUIK. . 101,

- 7 -

.'" '"

PROTOCOL Il'l;:ufn~ 10 :1" :tnll'nJmcnt

Co thl,! r.OJl"fml~~n em 'nh'rnatfonu! Ch'Ji ,',,'I:Hron


HA. VING hoen COD veiled at Montreal by the I nhrlm Council or t.he Provb:ional fnlcnJaUon.l Ciyil Aviit.ion O"nn.ill~ Han, .nd lu~,vin, mot in itl Firat. St"Bl:Iion 00 Ma)' Glh 19n. and

H II V I NG con"~.rtd it odvi •• bt. to .. mend the CODvention On Internationnt Civil Avialion dono at ChicalO oil Do· «mbor 7th 1844, .

APPROV BD on tho thl,' •• nU, <1&1 or Mol' 01 th,),earon" thou •• nd nln. bundnul and lotly •••• cn, In Accp,dan •• witt. th. prov!,'.n. 01· Article M .(a) ot tho Coll­"e"t1on Oil lntern.tiuiuii CI"U .AviaUo .. dono at Chicago 011 D.cember 7th 10«4, tho rollowlnll: amendment to til. .. id Conv •• tion whloh 'hall be numbered .. "ArUoJ. 93 bit'"~

"Artlde Y3 bls

(A) Notwithotanding th. p.".i,io •• or ArUol .. 91. 92 ADd U3. abov.,

(I) A St.&t. wh ... ,ov.rnment th. Goneral A_mbl)' of the Unite!! Natloftl b" reeoonIJ.end.d be d.b~r....t 'rom member.ship in inter ... Uona! -,: ... ..;.. _."" .•... l"hod by or btOuCht I"tom'" l.ionlhip wIth the Ullited· Na-ti .... .shall alltomaUoall), ...... to he • m_her 0' lh. Intem ... tiona! Ci.i1 Avi.UOII O'l""loa­t.iQD~

(2) A 810le which h ... be,n expelled from memberahip In ~h. United Ndi.", ohall autonl.Ueall), ..... to be " mambe .•.. of th. In­kruUonal ClvU AyiaLioll en­-,';iMo'Uon""leNll).i-G..,.iiiI A ... mbl), oIlh. Unllod .NaUo ... att .. bes to Itt ad of .~puJol .... • rccom ...... daUoo 10 Lhe ._ tru,..

(n) A Slat. ",hieh ..... to he • mo_ ber of tho IDteraaUonal Civil Avla-


Cctnet'!fllon' uu :UI'"4'n'''mw-nt A I. r"'lIv"nlh'"1 r~t,"iM

• ".vlall"" ·ehlle ""rrllnlYunnle


CON vOQutm, MOlllt~.1 par k Con· len int~T;,nnire de t'OI'&J\ai~lllinD pru.vl .. 'Dire dc"'a\·i"Uun d"ile iutcrnl\tfouAlc,' .'1 t!ttuit I'lullie Ie G lnfli 19,n erh Ita p, .. ml~ro Icevion, .t'

EST 1.11 A.v l' .J.<.i,,,hl. d'lp!'o,I •• 1111

'AlnttndCUlcml 1 J. Coil v""UUJI ro1Ative l l)avSatitm ci\'i1O'lnternftllunalu ~rl ulle 1

. Chle.lo du 7 MoolUb,. 194',

A A DOl"'}!: I. t .. i •• In.l ... n "e .. f .. nt. quuan ...... pt, con'ormlment .ux dlopot\­Uo .. o do I·".IM. 04 (t) de II. CunyuU .. r.l.lIve .I'&Vlalion civile IlItOI'".Utlllaie •• date. Chi.llft dll 'I d' .. mbre 1014, "ft amudo .... a' p •• poo' ·ll.dlte Coo" ... 11on. dOll! I. lute ... It .t 'lui -'Il~ull'. Ita "Artlcl. 03 lo"'''I' .' .

.. Arllde ta ble

(A) NOflub.l.nt ''''' di'I.QIILluna de. Ar­Uel •• 91, D!l ot 03 ·Ci« .. UI,

(I) Tout Ittd elnn'· I. COI/\·., .... • .... 1 r,,11 I·obj.t ...... put dl. l'AlIOlulM •• ',,6ml. d. "0" •. ainti ... doa NntiORa Uni •• d'uRo .. .... n1.m .. d"U .. " . tend."t • I, JlrI- d. I. qllaUtI de "",mbro d'inl\lLuUona iDte .... UOO.tu, n.bll.. pat I·O" •• I .. lioo doo NaUo •• Unlet ou ... Ii~ 1 ..n..­tl ....... ""lomaUqllonlOlllc ... lro _b.. d. l'O,,&IIlnli.. da 1·.vi.U .... o1vU. Inlornltto...lli

(2) T .... t ~ot quI .. I ••• Iu da 1'0" .""I"UoR dOl Nationa 'V .. k, _ .utoln&Uq"o ...... '. d'llre ....... b.. d. \·OI&a"I ... Uon d • _'·"lI. 1.te, .... lIo ..... , Inol ... que 1'/._ .. blltt •• n4-• ... d, '·0 ....... 1 ... 1I0Il .... H •• U ..... Unl<uo JoII'" • lOR •• te d' •• ctn.JDft uno ftCQuu"anda .. lion contral ....

(8) Toul Itl., 'lui «-Ole d'fl ... _mI. ... d. /'01'18 .. ; •• 11011 d. "nt.lIon eI.

,h;n OIt;l\nh!'ithm M " t't'Jlull or t,he prvd:-iHnlt of p:.I,a, (A) .uheJYC .Utl)·, Aftr'f nppr<r"';j,l 0)' the Cenrt'''} A:'"clIlhly or lhe United NlltiOfi.!ii he rel', 1.0 the intc.'fluIHonaf Civil A\·h,tlon Orl:aoh:ntion. upo.n IppHcfttion And uJlcn fiNno\,sJ by • IJU\jol"ity of the CfJuu.dL

(C) Member •• r the Or~ .. ;,.llo" wht.h are IUbJlcn.ded from the exen.:h:-G of the ri,hh a.nd pr'ivi1c,tS 'Of memoor& • hlp or tho Unlled Nhlioo" .!mll, "l,an the roqllrsl cI th. I.llor. b. ,ulpcndcd: from the ri~hti_...!!t4.."."" privil'IIC' cI m,mb .... htp I .. ,hi. Or, .. nitQ.tion",

SPRCIFlElJ on th, .Ixl<onlh d~y of )Ohy of tbe yeor one thou.ond llin. hUlidred Ind torty~a~' .. ~nl pursual\t, io the- proviltloni 0' lb •• aid Artlol. 9{ (0) .f tT .... Id Coli­ventlon, tha.t Lila tbove menliuned amand .. mont .holl.omoinlo tor •• whon ratined hy twenty.,I,M Contr •• Unl: Stolu, and

INSTIWC1~eD .L Ll ••• ''''0 date tho a ... ~t&r.Y Gener.l ofthoIntorMtionnJ Civil A.vJ.t.t,ion Or&l1n\uUon -to drAw up • Pro-­tocol embody;., thi> propo.od ••• .,;,d­ment .nd t<> tho following eaeot, which Protoool shall b" .i,ned b)1 tho Pr.,ld •• t ""II tho Secretary Gone .. l 01 tho FirsL A ... mbl)'.

CONSEQUE.\'TLY. purouant to th. .. loteJe.ld Action of lhe AB~e'ftlblYi

The _ont Protocol .!taU b •• ubj .. t ,ID ratificAtion by Any lltal. whi.h 1 ... ratilled or adhered t. lh' .... leI Co"vonUon. 1'h. III.trunlo.tJ 01' .. Ufiutlon .hall be b .... mill.ed to the' s.e,etory 0 ....... 1 or 1M }ntern.lio .. 1 Civil AviaUon Or",,,1-•• lion for deposit In the .rchlv .. of 1M Or,a.luUon; tI", So.",to.y Go.or,,1 of, ,hi Orglnb.tion .".llimmedi.toly notlly , all ConLra.Unll Stot .. oUhi ;I"tooT d.p<>ait or eacb ratification; .

:-- .

vnr~ ·intl·IJh,ti,>uul .. ,,- Ifh t.lll,li,·alitin ,If',~ ~ri·Jhl.ilillu" flu p:mu);"li'ht"'. (A) ,j.dl,~ql", P~'ut, ft\'l"C J·u.~cIiHi de!

II A l'~(·'lI\Jl"\t ;;h0r'ult' tiC' POI"Grmi,.'I" lion drill NoH'11I8 Unl('II; ~tre ndmi. • nUU\'CAU dlul • .I'Otcnnlli"tift~ du I'm'in."on civila h~lrrH"Uou"'e I!.Uf

all uenullulc, ct ft.VU ·)'ftpproh.Uu" du Co.",eii voU. i I .. n.oJoll1l,.

(el )",. hI.lnh .... d. j·O., •• I .. lIo" quI .ont IUtlpe-unu, de Ifexordee dOl droit •• , l) .. h·il~, .. I,,"lr.nll • I • quoll14 d. tIIcmhr. d. I·Orjtnnl ... tion de. N"Uun. Unlu .. lont, l I" reqt,etc d~ e~lle dt'nltl!:re, IUlpendu. clc. d,.it •• ll'rivil~& .. lnll6""I •• I. qu.Ut6 d. '''.!llb'. d. I. pr6.,"lo O",IQiIlAlinn.tI ,

:.t SI'Ec I nE I. leho .... i n.i1 .. our coni q\l'arftl\t~·Jellt. confo8',"~m~"t A.uw. ""pOlI .. . Uon. dudlt Arti.l. 04 (al COnv.ntl .... . 'VI' 1'.mcHule~~at. el .. dfr-'UI n"r.tretl •• vi,,,,,,,, qU·Al' ..... ""i, 61~ r.lifi~ par vinet-hui! 1\:1.1 •• ontr.81."II. at ,"

A CHARot. t. ,. m6ma elate, I. Sa ...... hl",,16,,6ral d.I·O'll."I •• lh'" cI.I·&"lollon civil. h,t.",aUon.l. d·~I.hl!, VII Proloool. .. I.ut ... elil .'".nd ..... nL prop ... '" pollr I .. b •• I'.pril .... I'rol ..... lo elev.n! ttra II,n6 par ... P,'flld ... , .t I. Sa"r6tol .. ,6,,6r.1 d. I. l·roml~ .... A .... "blh:

EN CONS$QUENCE. <onto,ml",enl au. elki~ion.,.i.,le",". de I·A""mbI6e,

lA prt .... t 1'.'OlucoI ...... _mil l I .. ro­till ... tloll d. tout 1i:toL qui. ratil' , .. eo ... ""ntion .. I.U .. A l·ovl.I."", .Ivile Inle,n ... tlonal. 0\1 r a .,lh' ......... 1"'I ... hl.nla cIe raUR •• UDR .. "",t Iro_lalll lIc.rat.I .. eli-frat "" I·Ore-nl .. UoII ... '·IVlatiO .. clvlle "'Iam.llonllle ...... r fire ... ~ dlna I .. archiv .. de '·O.'.nIo&U .... ; Ie s......,t.l .. if,,6raI d. l'Oreo"IaoU"" noHner. Imllla;. dl.t.n .... t A. lou8 I .. F.:tot.o ""Ir.ebi" ... la dau. du d~p61 eI. ell.qul I •• trvlnenl de r.UIlCIIIl .... Ill. eo l'.otocol.;

Th, proposlUl 'amcri'dmcn, of L'amtndcmcnt projlCMltS ct...tC'AlUf entNr. Lh. ConvonLlon Ih.n I .. tor ........ In ell vlcuev.,I. jeur dll cI~r61 dll .I"cl-rcapcd of ,k. St ........ bI.l. h •• o r,,1I6ac1 huimnl.ln.tru .... nld ••• lln •• llohll·o\a.rd Iii .. Prot .. o'. 0 .. the dale on which the d .. 2l.hqulau,ontralifi~ hetle d.I. Ie . I .... ty·oi,lith lri.f,u-ni .... r"Tiilt.ln •• llii,,'li -'--·,i&iqlil.l'rOl"'''' •. lAi-Sea..!'"'''' i~"fr., d. dopo.lted. Tho So.rola.y O.neral 01 lb. 1'0" •• ;",11011 "utifiera h ..... (l.Ii ••• II ...... , 1 Or,ani ... lion .ball'lmm.-diatoly "oUty all tot .. I .. Poto'" I'.'U" • I .. <: .... "0 •• 11 ... ou ' tho 8toteo ""rli •• to or ,1, ... lori •• ol1.ho .llnall.I ..... d ••• II.·.i I. dat .. l " .. ".11. 10 .dd COn ... nU .... of Ih. on wlll"I. tho Prol .... 1 ••• 1 o .. lrf 0" "IUIIO"'i Fro_ed amend",enl c.mllO into t.",",l

Th. afo ..... id l'rop...ed OIlIe"dmo .. ' .hull como inlo furte in ""poet. ar ellu:h StaLe ratiryin •• 11 •• th.t d&t. "pon dcp .. ll of Ito

1 .. ·Km,·."lun~r.I' l lloru, .. ., ei ... tc ... u. ~lttrer. Oil vi.,,,-.. ,. " l'Ii.: ....... ..hI ".MI.&. .!l~llnt Itt .. , .... "11M .... "'" .. • .. , It: 1'r"tv."I.. Ie

• • .. ' '.

, . ' .. ' ..

illlottlluwnt of 1411inniti dll in U,'('" o.7ctT~'-t~;·· ~r tliC.' Or';.ltlt;..lthfn.

IN FA 11'/1 II'IIJ,IIHOl' the Pre.hJ""t lUll I l"~ ~I·r..r,'tnry Ccur:wl or (he First A,~ MCIIIMy of tilt l,tlatlationnt Ch·n Aviatioll: Or.uni:Jdio1t, Ldllg: 4uthl')riic-u thereto by the A~:;[,,"Lly, JiJ:,lllhi~ prc,;cnt Protocol.

DONE 4\ 1>1 ontre.1 on th. tw.nty. Itclo'cnlh do.y or May ot tho yeur on. thou.'innd nine hundred and forty-scvf!ntn a .in.:.le document in the En,n,h, Frcnr:h and Sl'lU,iih JnnC"ull~e., eseh text, beinE tqurJly AuthC'f'ilie. This Protocol ,haH n"maln de· posited in the archive! of the Intrrnntionaf CivU A\'iation Or,cnni:ta.tion; and certified copics (hel"l!of !'Iall be trAn.,rn;Ucd b.y t.hQ St,'Cfctl'tty GenC.'rn.l or the Organhntion to III SI,,',,! partie. to -or eignn.torie. of t.he Cmn·er.tion on Tnt.crHatiuol.l Civil A.via­tion do •• At Chi •• ,. on Doceml>er 7th 10H,

~ .".' .. ' ... ....' ." ...... '

jl1tH dil "h.',f 1ft· ~"!l th~fJUIIH"ht .tt· 11\1.',,·,,­tiun d:(Jl". I.·", !ltd.hl'JO Ul' "011: lUi, .• llilln.

l,N fOI 1m Qf/(I/, I. I',(.,i.lrnl .t J. Rt!(~rl(tuirt C[.h/tnJ .ff! f. t"rllll~rt .Afi~l!'rn .. bf('c ,ie !'O'i:IUlbI11iflU,dc 1'1I\'i:,lion ch·iJe in I C"UT.ftti'ltllllc,·, nut ori!o:t'll It tl'L (tliut par J'..Alj:~l·I\JUI~e, III,llent Ie ,m'-:-t·"t l'rutocole.

F'" I TAM vn!r".I,I. vi",I""J,tl~III' jour de InUI ,nil nanf ('cnt qunffinte-yepl, efl un leul doclJmt"nt, en rllttl,.:li., t'n nnctni. ~t en t!!lpugHol; C •• I\ClUl .tcs hn.:tt" Dynnt Ullt ~g:IlJC DlithculiciU. Co !'tu{oto'e ft:"lera d6posi dnna Jea fHthh'CIf de J'Or;nni"'ntlc:m du J'A\-;lI:tion dvile I"tfflU'!.IiOrtftte; et dCI copic. ti:!rlific!'el eOH(UrIlH!l:f. de ('III' rrotoeulo fft}rf)ftt. hamHui:ws pnr 10 R,~crN"il'C" de l'Or,;lIni;intaun A foullrlt t;tn.(.» I)ArtiCI l 'IlL COJwNllhm r(.'h~lh·e 1 I'RVi.tto .. ch·n, IntcrndiollOJe 011 .!ote A Chi •• ,. dw 7 d~· ecmbre 19 ... ", all1si qu'llux e.UlTt!1 f.!tah .1 .. Goo!IIirel de Lldl!" Convtntiuft.


Pnltllltl!all' 01' ~IIC Flaw AU':Nna.T

PRt.'D~NT nr. L4.rRENI~.K A"~N.L'. PIt&lSJlIot:WTJ: DIJ I .... P'U .... VOIl4 AIANOWC'

(S,) Al.)lmn' ROl'mt

Si:t"U.:1'AI(\' O~H'.t!nA" ot' "r!'N F,O.T' A.s.,: .... ". St:l~JU~l'''mi.: ot.l'n~lt.u ... -.; a..A P,.t:' ... t.UI A.a.El ..... te fb;cJih'l'.UUO ·G»!Nt:n.,\l, bll: t.4 P.uu.:~" A •• UUtl .. E4

1 h.,.f/>u .. rliJv ilia! th. pre ... ' d.c .... nt I •• Jolt, /r., .. tI .orr«' «>1'11 oJ 'h. 1''''''-' ""1""",uJ i. tAe .A,ckiJHI' oj tlte Irdr.r-lldH.fttJl C,'ltll ,A,";fttl.R Or(JfWtlftli:nl.

It .. rtift. 911. 1. p,I ••• , d."' .... nl .. t .... , ""pi • .... pla •• fida. d .. ' .. od. <I. p,,,,,,,* 1117>001 du", 1., Archive. fl, l'Orgtlni,,,li4u, de 1'.A .. iuli'oll dril, ""'U'H~UO",dc.· ,

. Cutijf:D 911' ,1 1»'ucltl, cl'ClIllffllJl. fl' "a' ,.ina eomplt'lG. JIl ,v C.i'ntl4 leI I',CJlOtfd. tlePHilatl. ,It ,I Archi.,Go dc I. OrgO'4irocJ"of4 Ie AlI'tdCl'O" CiPillnl~rldti.~.'.

Clerdfted 10 lit • true aNI _pig ~ """nl!t .... r ..... I!o ....... Ilol r 1 ...... 100 X-_'-_ ,.<!,~ 1.epI ...... 1)IJ'I<IIon dol "''''1m JvricIicI .... JlIIetQOtI tI. "_,, Jurldlcol .". ..... 'M )"ftPUAIIt~



PROTOCOL relatlnt to eertaln a"' ... I1 .... ent.

10 th. Convcntlon on Internotlo".1 OMI A,I&llo"


HA 1'1 NO MET i. ito Eichth $o .. Ion, ot Montr •• l,on th.firotdayo! June, 195+. and

HA V ING CONSIDERED it d .. irabl. to amend the Convention on InternaHonal Civil Aviation dome at Chieago on the lev.nth day of December. 1944,

.... PPROVED. on the rourteentb day 01 J un. or the year one tbousand nino hund~ and fifty·four, in .c~ord>inco with tho provl. .ian. of Article 9'(.) of th. Conventloo .foreaald, the following propoaed amend. nlento to the Hid Convention,

In Article 48(a), .ubotltute ·for the word uannu,Uy" the 0."....'08 '-not tnt than. once in three )/Hr.";.

In Article 49(.), l.b.t1tuti for the ""pre .. ton ".n annu.! bud,et" the ClXpnlal'Oft· ftannual bud,etl1J ; and

In Article 61, lubelltut. lor tbe aprmtoM "an anl\u.1 budpt" aDd "vott the budgetU the exprc.,lona "annual bud;etsU ~md "vott the budret.u ,

SPECl FlED. punsm;nt to the provi,lOJ'1:' of lb ... id A,tid. 94(a) of the .. id Con· . ventian. forty·two .. till: numbel' of con­t'.~tinl Stat" upon whOle rat~fi.cation the p<opooed ..... ndm.nt •• foreoaid .hall como i'lto lorul,and

PROTOCOLE cona_."t ottalna amend"mall"

l I. eo""olltlon ,.Iatln A I'.vla tlon "MIa III tarna tlo".le


S'tT.4NT Rt.UNII!. • Monlr!.l. It prf!mter juin.19S4. en ... huiti~mt eN">",.t

Ai' A NT EST! M t lOubait.bI. d·oppor •. tet certain. amende menta 1 Ie Convention .relative 1 I'aviation civ~iJJte'l1ation4Je foite • Chicol" I ... pt do!&.mb.<e 19«,

.... APl'ROUVt, I. quota .... juln mil new «~t c:inquanu.quatre. conror""ment au. dll"".itionl de I'.rticle 9t. alinfa .), de It ConYenlion •• omentionn".'" projela d'amend.menta lladite Convention dont Ii 1",,1 • ..,11: .,

A ''ortlcl' '., .Iinfa .), rempl_ lea mote Uchoque aft." par lee mot. "au main. lol. IOu. I .. troil.Ninl

A I· .... ticl. f9, ,lin60 .). remplacer III. mota .... ft bud,et 1"I11III" par. Ie. matt "da budlitl, annueb"; et

A 1· .. lido 61. rcmpl..... I.. mota '(.tetumft chaq'Ue ann&: 1 I' AuembUe un budl"t, cI~ .~ta .. d •• amp'" _t de. pr'vi,ion. d<e rcc:ettCl et de dfpenMJ" par leo 111010: .. ..,"met l l'A ...... b~

. des budltltJ: a.n.nuel,_ ainA' q.... .• hI.t. d. camp''''' ot. d .. p<~i.ion. de recc.ttClI et de dfpensea annueflQu et remplBtcr ICI motl "vote Ie budcetn par '" mo.t. "vote lea budpt.· ..

A SPA-CIF/A-, conform ... , •• aux dlo­~ilions dud't atticl. 94~'ali.b a), de Jadh. Con:\,ention. que In .projct. d·amen .. df:ment. dod_us ,,'entreront en vlineur QU'.pr9. avoir ,ed: ratili" par qUAra"tc-­.doua Etat. contral"fAnt •• et

RESOLVED tllat the s.eretary Ce....... .of DtCIDt que Ie Seerf'ai", ,fni,al de or the International CMI Aviation Orpnl. l'Or,anlsntion de I'aviatlon .ivile intern.· otion draw up • Proloeol. in tbe EncJWt., tionale devr. ita:hJit en lanJU" 'ran,RiIe, French and Spanlab 10n'.01l", .lCk 01 •• 'I ..... ' .. palnolt •• hacu"er.lunt ...... ,.."kh .h.1I be of equal aulhentlclty. em· .,lent fol. un Prolocole ....... "."1 .Ieodit. bod),i". the "",1""""1 amend_nla .bo.. prolet, d'.mendo .. eRt. "I romprenanl .... m"'ljo .. ~od.nd~~1he~JI""tien lterelnafter ~ .dllpooilions ,i-<l_. appo3r1 .....

CONSEQUENTLV, PUrlu •• t 10 the .f"""",,id Mlion of lb. A ...... bly;~··

Thi. ProlO<ol .h.U be .l;ned by. th. P .... icI ... 1 01 tholl ... mbly.nd it. $o."'lary Gene,,,I;

EN CONS8QllENCB. """fom.f .... .,t , I. dleiaion IUI_ntion. de II Auemblfe,

I... ,.-f ... t Proto<ole oem oilnf PO' Ie ,',hident .1 l« Secrttalre •• ", ... 1· d. I' .... • Jel\lbIH;

" .

Thi. Prot"",,1 sh.1I be "pe" to· tion by Olny Slnte which. hal rn.tine:d or adhered to the said Convention on Intu~ national Civil Aviation~

Th. inatrumonr. of r.lific~tlon ,h.1I be deposited· with tho Int",national Civil "Aviation Orcanintion;

. Thi. Protocol .hall come into for .. among the Stat .. which hlye rAtlfi.d it oft the date on whleh the lorty·,.coRd In.t •• -ment of ratification i. ,. d.po.ited;

Th. Secretary General .h.1I immediately notify .11 contraotlnr Stat •• ot the depOilt or each ratification at this Protocoh

The Secretary Ceneral .han immediately notify all Stltea partitl or .lgmlitorle, to­the .aid Convention 01 the date on which thil Protocol come. into lorcei .

With ... peet to any ",,"'ractinr State ratiCyin, thl. Protocol aftor the date .Ion· nid. the Protocol .h.U Come Into fo,.,. upon depoalt of Ito In.trument 0/ ratUiea. tlon with lbe Internatlond Civil A vI.1ion Orpni.atlon.

Le preatnt Protocote. Jera. lO1.uni •• la ratification d. lout Elal qui a ratiM In Conven.tion reflltive .I"aviation'civile inter ... n.tional. ou y D odh6rf:

Ln inltrument. de ratification leront dEpoel aupr!t de "Orronil8.tion de J'.via .. tiM civift Internation.1e i

Le pritent Protocole entrera en vil'ul!ur I. Jour du dtpllt du qUAranto-deuxiame I •• trument d. r.tlficotion 1 I'qard d .. Elat. qui t'.uront r.\i1i6 l cm. date;

I.e &~n6r.1 n.... illl"'" dhtttfl'l,ent 1 tcut lei Ktat. contractantl it d~plIt d. eh.que inllrument de raliliutiol\ .ur co Protocol.;

i.e SecrEtai.. ..fn~ra1 notifi.ra immf. diatomen! l tOUt 1 .. - Elat. partie. 1 la Convention ou .ignataireo d. <ell.-c:I I. date d. I'enin. _en vI,ueur du· prtoent Protocole: - -

I.e Protocole e.tAra en vI,uou •• ' I'fran! d. tout Etat contractant qui Ie ratiRe .. ultfrleuroment. It Jour du. dip6t do 1011

Inllmment do ratUlcation _ auprh d. 1'0,.. ,i.nintlon d. "avlatlon eiYlIe internatio­n.le.

IN FAITH WHEREOF. the P ..... id.nt BN POI DE QUOI. Ie Prhidont et Ie and the Szcretary Ceneral of the Ei,hth Secrthliro c6n&a1 do Ja buiti~me _10. d. Senion of tbe A ... mbly of the Interna· I·A .... mblf. de I'O,,_.i .. tio. de I'lviatlon -tiona! Civil Aviation .. ~!!,.J!~L.r __ . elvlle Internation.le. autorbh , <el: ell'e. luthQfized titerelo b)l tb. Aaozmbly. alt. par I·A ... mb'&.. a!r."" Ie pr&ont Proto-thiB Protocol. - cole.

DONE at Mont .. a' on the Court •• nth dlY 01 J uno of tb. YtAr on. lhounnd nine hundRd and filly-Iouri ••• Ingle d".ument in th. E.,lllh, and Spa.lob I •• • _ ,uag .... aeh or which shall be of eq ... 1 authenticity, ThiJ. Protocol .hall remu. depotited in the archiV~1 or the In.terna .. tional' Civil Aviation Organization. and certified copies th • ..." ,h.11 be transmitted by th .. Secretary Ge.",.1 of ,h. O".ni •• - _ don to aU Statn patties cr lianatcriet to the Conventton on. Internationa! Civil A vladen dono at on the .. vent" day of December. 19",

Certilled 10 be I lrue and ~ COVY­Cot>le «rtI1lft _f ...... iii ...., .. lid y lu.unl ..

FAIT 1 Montrf.1 Ie quntor.ihlte jollr du moi. de ;uin mil ne~r I:.lmt dnquarite& quatre, en un leul exempr_lre, en laRluH Irnftsaitr:, anr1aiH ct eapa&ftGle. eharone r_ioant 19n1ement roi. I.e pr~ .. nt Protocole _fA d!~ dan. Je. archives de ,IOr,ani .. Ation de ItD..viatien civile internationale et d. al'tpin ccrtili~ft coororlnea en aeront tranoml... par I. Sec~t.ire &<Innl de '"o,.,anilAtion 1 loUI Jel Etatt partie. 1 I. Convcntion relative l "aviation civile internalionale 'aite • Chicago Ie sept d6cembre 1944, .inli qu"auK autrn Etatl .Iirnatair. de JadJte Convention •.



_KqnQ: 1'O!(HU.8 IIOIXNaa -- -------- PIlIESIDItNTIl DJ;1;,CAUNDL1IA----


~ o..~l<. LepJ Durenu


D~rtclion ~C'S ,\ rralres joridiquer Dlrft'CiOn d~ AnlntDl SUridicol 1»)'IUIN'IOC"oe )"Ilpu,nttUft




, . , . _.


, ' , ,

PROTOCOL ref.tln. -to fl:n amendment

to tb. Con,ention on InternatIonal ClvU Avlallon


If A VING MEn. ita Eiahlh Stuio .. , ar .Montl-eat. on the fint day of JURe, 19"., and

111. VING CONS/DEI/ED i. _,.bI, to an,end tke. Conwnti.oft on Internaticmat Civil Avi:.tioft done at· Chic. Oft tlw. leventh day of December, 1944.

APPROVED, on the I.u,'".'~ day of June of the y~r one lhouiami RiM }u.lRdred and fih.Y-four t in accordance with the provi-8tonll or Artil"hr '''(a} of th<! Conv~ndon aJorcoid, du: fOllowinl proposed .mmd~ nllmt to the .. id ConYention:

At tMend of Article 45 ohhe Conven .. tion. the fu1l5top .hfl1J·be- substituted by e contmn. ond the (oJlowing "hall be added, name.y:

Oland otherwise than tlemporarUy by decision of the fIIoembly, I""h decision tD be: takcn by the Rundlet of VOlCS

JpC!cified by 'the ,r\~:..nbly. T~e num­ber of' vote. to .pedfied will nl'lt be leu thAn thn:c .. tiCtha. of the totat Rum· . bee of contractinr Stat.ef;.",

SPEC! FlED, pursuant to the provialon. 01 the .. ;dAr.kl. 9.(0) of ,h ... id Con· vention. Co'rty·two 35 the ftUmMt 01 ~ tractjn~ StlUCf upon .. -h06f rati&eation the proposed amendment aroresaid lhall com~ into Coree. and

RESOI.l'BD that the Secretary Ct.-neral or the lntt'fnationfll Civil Avt:l.tioo Ofgallli­italian draw up a I'roto~ . .'oI. in the Enalim, F.nnch and Spsniah lanJJUDgft, each of W'hkh thall be of equal authent.idly, e:m­bodring the prolKllK!d amendrnt'nt Above menlioud and the n1.l-.ttffl herdnfter appearing.

CONSEQUENTLY, puro •• n' t. ,h. aforeaaid action or tbe Aaacmb1r.

.This . ..Protot:oI .. han .be _lilt11ed by .the: l'ruident 1)( the MsembJy and ill s«rctary Generat;

PROTOCOLE eonceraant un. umendement

illR (".onl't·nrlnn ndQ t Ive i\ t '0 yl .. tlon ('h'Ue in tel"nl\ t l~n;llc

L'ASS~MDtJt!> DE !.'ORGA1'I1SA· '1'/01\ I)" L'AVIXnU:O; CIVIl.!; I:>:· TERNA'fIONAI.I',

S"l!rANT R1i.!I.VfE ~ Monln'"I, I. pn:nller juin 1954, ~n.., huitibue ~ .. iolt, et

A ,.A1VT EST IMot on"Itoi""'.·~"PI'.'· ttr Uft amendemcn.t! 1:\ Cortwation rrlalivc .. I'BVtntion civile internatiDnal¢ r"it.~ .. Ch.,...,·Ie .. p' db:<.,bre 1'44,

A APPROUVt, '" qu ... ,,,,, juin mil Ml,lf cent dnquantc"<ltlatn'!. mnromlcntmtt au~ dw~itton. tk l';lJtkle 9 •• .aJh~" a), de &a Con .. cndo" eU5n:utiannec, 'Ie prejet d"l1*ndcmc:nt l l>1dite Convention dont Ie tca:te suit:

A la fin de I'article 45. rempll\Cl't" Ie point par UM \,jrgule et njout"'T let mot •• uivantl:

Uet .u~em«mt q~ de f~ ptovjlOire par dkition de l'i\JIemb1l."(J:, l,.'ette dl .. ciaion devaAt rl,.'CUcillii' lc nombre lb ... suffrages fioo! pnr I' A'I<",I~",. I.e nomb~ del SQrrraCeI aiNi fi.!!6 ne leta pat il1f~rieur ",ux troi. dnqu~me. ttll nornbre tottll dL'Ii r!:ttsta contracblnb.".

A. Sp.sCI1rG., cun(01'medlent aUK ui5-flQIitMm" dudit arti.;lc 94, alin6a id, de ladite ConvcntiGn, que Ie projet d'amen .. dement ci..dea&u. n'mtreru em ~ueur qu'tlpt'~ .vo"ir ft~ ratifie par 'Iuarante-­deux Eta.s contraeunta. et

A Dl!CIDl! ., .. '" s.."~'.i,,, ghW,.t de l'Oi-aaniNCion de l'avi;ltiDn d"ile intcr"n~ don.11e devna ~tablif en. lan;un {r~n~,i5C. anifh\iac ct ftpi1itnnk·,cnactttw rnis.'1ht ~lt. .. mcnt '01. un rrolocolc concerlltUlt k>dit projt!t d';mlCndl!Hlvnt ct eompn:.hmt Ie. ditpo¥itivna c:i--dl.'tSOUI.

EN CONS£/;!L·E.\'CE. colI'ormc ... n. ~ Ia. db:ilJiofl "U"Ul!PlKmnl'C de l'Ancnlbl£.'C,

. .u prbcnt rMtor.nJc .. M"r.\ .illn~ .. pIt' &c Pr&:tde-nt et Ie &'''tn!tnire. "i-nc",1 tic 1',\ .. Hmbl6e,

, ,


.,'" ,"

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Thilr ('rvllJl;'ilf IIh"U be opc:'l1 It. ra.I)fi(i\­tWIl br iUI)'. Stilt" wbw:h Itn' ratiti('tl ur .u'h~n .. 1 hi du.' liOIul C\'il\,t!uliu(\ 011 hHl.'r­rmtiuilid Ch'U l\\'laiMm;

The m-trulUt'rtl. of mtif'l' .. tiun .btl lk! tL,'llOIlil(.'(1 lI;ith Ibe Intcrllutiunal Civil Avi.llivn OrJl!anuntiulI:

'l"hi» f'ruh ... ·tll .hnll (.'_HUe into rCl"~'c ,,".'Ull d~' SI'lh'1l lJI'hlt'h h.we nllifi(,,1 h un (In' ,L,h' tin ,.rhteh tlk' ft'C'.)··III,. ... ·Ulul "')lInt­

Illl.'lll vi" r.llilit'3tlOu ia IJO "'_ted. Tbt.! 5.,"'fl1IU1' GeMIni ,k'ff uull ......... ial~I)·

I,,"ar :all t"QRtf'.t(,lillJ{ SUI;tC. of the dt")ltlltil

011.'.":11 nililimu.,n of thil '~ro't)l."UI:

The St."\·t&!tnry ,hall iHlftiooia~lr "Oliry nil SIAfeG PartIn ar 'laMtnriK to lhc ll'Iid (" OIiValitiOR of the date on wkkh tMI Prot,«01 COIPP iato '0Ift;

With ""Pft' to •• y -1I'o<tiat 5 .. .. ".Uti .. 'hit rro_ "1« .he ...... r ... · oaId. "'" I'rolocol oItall ...... Into (_. upon 40p0aic of ill ",ItfUlftHt of fa •• -dOli with the IRfernDtional C,,,,jIAviarion Orcaniaaiion.

IN FJlITII WHEREOf'. ,11.1'_, '"'" ,h. s..: .... 0I'). Go_ 01 .ho.· Eiah.h Swion 01 .he """'AlWy of ,h. I ....... • lional qvil Am .... Ore ............ boior authorill:d '~rClt(t by the .A.embl)-. "iCS lbio Protocol.

IJONE .. M .... nal ... tho ·four ..... h day a/ Ju .. of .he )'HI' ... __ 4 "joe ·huod""' .... lillY, four ia aaiac/e ........ ' i •• he E"IIioit. F_ .od Spo ... b ... . ItIIQl'Clo. c!~l'h 01 whifh allil be of equal aU\he-Blidl)'o nUt !·fOUJI:oJ ..... 1 remain d~l_hed ill 11M!: ;lrchiva of the Interna· tiona! Civil Aviation OttraRiuttont AlKl I..vtilled ~ dlereOlalJ.n be tr.u ..... itt.ed by tile ~r~l#r)''leral of tlw Orpnill:. tinn 10 .U Stala parties. « 1i(Mlorin CO tlH! C'PII\'CRliun cut lnk'rlllntioA;al Civil AVU\lWR oone it" ('iMrnRo on the lICwndl d.y 01 December. 19U.

. .. \ ,

Lot pn~~nl Pmh.M:,)lt! lICr;l .-.umia A kt. nnilimtion de tOUI Etl\t "ui :1 rntitie 101 ('(I1I\,\,nt.,,11 fcl(\li\"l'.\ l';\\'irlthlll d\'ik '1I1t·r­Haltomlk ,", )' :, :loU,(-r{-;

(,(,'8 i'lftnmwnUI 'k r3tiJinui.m • .,mlt dl1Jf.1l aUI~ ~~ 1"lrKilllillUtion (tt!' I'a\-i.\· tkMt civilr iutt.'fltaIMlIluk':

. l..,,' ,Mi.-ttl Prtl\t".'"I~· elllnor.1 \'11 ,o'!:lIl'ur k jour ,hi d,',II'1 .III (1'1i11"'''llh·",It.·uik.'tU''· ill.trun""". Ik r ... lif~·."ullt A l'illOlrd -,,'If ~toU..ri tlui r .. URtnI ,,,,,Wi a o!'U~ 1Ila1.:;

Le ~laiN !:i....m.1 ftOtilWr.1 i"ln~ diah,'t'k.>fI1 :l. h'u~ k .. 1':',,1, L"UIUQi'I.un" ~ ~ de duwtuc intitrulll~ltt cle ralitinUi(IR

,II' " ProtocuW. t.e ~lail"O lti·nk".t.l lloLificril inl*"

dialenwflt • LOUl k., ittalll pnrtWs A la Coutnmdon Ull .ii,nalftil'ltt de l-dlu-L'i .. de l'entr6c: tr. vipfur du Im_nt ,........., I .. P_ •• .,. ...... .n.u-.~I· ......

de tout Etat (!Oftlractant qui Ie ratificr:t .I_,.men', 10 jour d. dIpO. de _ iaatrummt de ratilkaLion auprft de J'()r.. pI.cion de I'.vi~tion civile i"Illrnatio­.. ...

EN FOI DE QIiOI. 10 ('r6oKlon' .t I. 5er.tfti\trt' ~I" lot huitmne ~ de I·A ...... bl(~ de ''OrJI •• iIoliol.·"" rAviOli .. civlk- intcrnatioaaie, aulOl'iel ... a:t .nrot par l' A~. Ii"neet k ,..-nt Itroto­....

f'41T , M ....... I Ie 'I ............ jour cia ';a.N .·-jubl lIIil MUJ' r.ut edtquoale· q ... t~1 en un ... acmpl;tw, ctl IMpn. fntnsa-" ""Cla_ ct etpl\J,.onnIe. chnrunt 10 .... ' ".h. ...... lot. I.e ....... tl''''' ...... ... ~ ..... leo on:hi""" de I·Orpni. NtioA de J'awtion cl,;1e iRlft'na(ion:de et dtt capics s:erliMn cnnlorftm CIII tefOIIt _ion por It So.:rfIAi... Iin6ral de I"Orpniution 1\ tou, let £141. parlict .. III Conwntion .... tivc 1 favin.lion civille ""ernat~\alc _ 6. Chiralfll teo _pc d6ce~ tm ..... lIIi "I"tauie :lutm E13t.1 tipal&.lm. de: Iadite Cuuvention.

PaIWDDr 01' till! ASSJl)lIlL Y PUs1lIDir PI! L'AsslllolUU.E

..... IDI!IfU DE LA As.w.L~

.. '

e~ I!;'~r-n


SllcaltTAaY GRIIKRAL 01' TIl. AuIUl."\·

SecatTAlltK ,"'MbAl. PF. ,.'AlOIIltlolD'.{!1! SllcllllrARIO (lIlHItIIAL Pit LA AuMBLU

> • , '

'\ t I

1'1( () :1' () COL




. -.. ' '.;',

HAVI,..G· MET in its Fourteenth Session, at Rome, on' the twenty-Rrst day of . August, 1962, .

. HAVING NOTED that it is the generaJ desire of contracting States that the minimum' number of contracting States which may request the }IOJding or an extraordinary meeting of the Assembly should be increased from the present ligm'e of ten, .

HAVING' CONSIDERED it proper to increase the said. number to one-llfth of the total num ber of contracting States, . .

AND HA VlNG CONSIDERED it necessary to amend for tlle purpose aforesaid the Con­VCl),tion on International Civil Aviation done at Cbicngo on tne seventh day of December. 1944, .'. . . . .... . .

. APPROVED,On ~~th.'d~· of September of the year one thousand nine hundred and sixty-two. in accordance with the provisions of Article 94(0) of the Con­vention aforesaid, the following proposed amcndmellt to the said Convention:

.In Article 48(0) oftheCollvention. the second scntence be deleted and substi­tuted by " An extraordinary meeting of the Asscmbly may be heJd at any till)e upon tlie call of the Council or at trle r~ue$t of not less than one-fifth .. of the total number of, contracting States the Secretary General. . .

SPECIFIED, pursuant to the provisions of the said Article 94(0) of t]ui said Convention, sixty-six as the number of contracting Stales IIpon whose ratiRcation the pl'9posed amendment aforesaid shall come into force, lind ..

7.atlon~~~L::a ~:!t!~I.S~1:tll~ll~h.r~I':I~c~!l~I~:r;;~~~~hn~n~~V~~:'.vi~~n or:~:::t shall be of equal authenticity. embodying thc propi:!sed amendment above mentioned and the matter hereinafter appearing. .

I tOO i

,/ \ .I /

I l

.. CONSEQUENTIS. pursuant to the arorc~aid action of the Ass{~mbly,

This Protocol has been drawn lip by the Sct'relary General of the Org.1nizalion;

This ProtocOl shan be open 10 ratification by anr Stale which JltIS ratificd or adhered 10 the said Convention on Intemational Civi A viatiqn; .

The instruments of ratification ~hall he deposited with the InlcfJl:ltional Civil Aviation Organization;

. Tllis Protocol shall come into force in respect of the States which have mlilled it on the dare on which the sixty-sixth inslr\lnl!~nt of /'alillcalion is so deposited; .

The Secretary General shan immcc1itltcly nOlify all Contracting States of the date of deposit of each ratilication of this Protocol;

The Secret;ary General shall immediately notify all States parl'ies or signlltories to the said Convention of the date on which tbis Prolocol comes into force; ,

With respect to' any-Contracting State ratifying this Prol~ 111e dnte aforesaid. the Protocol shall come into foree upon deposit of its instrument of flltHicatiOIl with the International Civil Aviation Organization. . '

.' :"IN FAI~ WHEREOF, the President lind tbe Secretary General of the Fourteenth Session of the Assembly of the Internation Civil Aviation Organization, being :iutllor­iud thereto by the Assembly, ~ign this Protocol.

.' .•.... DONE at' Rome, on the fifteenth. day of September of the year" one t]l~us:lnd nine hundred and sixty-two in a single document in the English. French lind Spanish Inn­guages. each of which shall b~ of equal authenticity. This Protocol shall remain deposited in· the archives of the InternationaI Civil Aviation Organization; and certifled copies thereof shall be transmitted by tbe Secretary General cif the Orgaunatlon to all States parties or signatories to the Convention on International Civil Aviation a£orementioned.,

, .

. . ~. .

- ;- ..

. :.; • • • r . ,

" .

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,SiL'ltC a Il.mne, Ie IS $Cl,!embre 19G%


S'ETANT REUNIE a' Rome, Ie vingt et un aot'it 1002, cn sa quatorzieme session,

, AYANT PRIS AcrE du desir general des :€tats contractants d':mgmcnter Ie nombrc mi~ nimum d':€tats contract,ants requis pour que la convocation d'une Assemblee exlTaordi· naire puisse eue oemandee et qui est ilctuellement de dix, " " '

Av,ANTESTIME qu'il convenaitde porter ce nombr{( au cinquieme du llombre total des £tatll,c,ontractants;-- , ' ," ' .,' '

ETAYANT ESTlME necessaire a'amender i\ celie fin la Convention relative it .J'A\!iation civile.interoationale faite a Chicago'le sept decembre 1944, '.'

A Aoorn, I~'~mbre mil neuf cent sOlxante-deux, confonne~ent aux dispositions del'alin a) de I'article '94 de la COllvention precMe,; Ie projet d'amende­ment it Iadite Convention dont Ie t~ie suit:

Remplacer Ia s~conde phrase de'l'alinea a) de l'artide 48 de Ia Convention par Ie tene suivant:' • EUe peut tenir une session exuaordinaire, a tout moment sur convocation du Conseil au sur requc!te lIdressee nu Secretaire general par un Dombre d':€tnts contractants egal au cinquieme au moins du nombre total de ces l!:tats, . ' ' "

A FIXE a'soixante-six Ie nombre d'tiats conuactantsdont laratification'est n&!essaire a I'enuee en vigueur' dudit amendement, confornlement allx dispositions de I'alinh a) de l' article 94 de lactite Convention et '

. ,

, A DEem! que Ie Secretaire general de I'Organisation de J'Aviation civile'internatio­nale . de~ et,abIir. enlangues rrans;:use. IIllglaiseet, ~spagnole. chacune fais~nt~g:,le­ment £01, un protocole concernant l.amendement pr6cite' ct comprenant les dispoSItions ci-dessous,

--.. ,'" _. _. _ .. '-"'. - ~..- --- ---

/ ;'

, ,

" , j • { ,

E • . r' "I I'" j" I I'A II' • N (~.ISSEQUI'NCE. con ornWllwll1 a a, ('l'ISIOIl SIIS-lIWll 101l11Ce ( e S~CJ1l 1 ce,

Le present Protocole a etC {,lahli pal' Ie S.'('n~[airc gt'mcml de I'Organisntion;

II sera soumis a la ratillcatioll, de tOllt I~tat (jui n rII11lle Ia. Convention relative 11 l'Aviation civile intemationale 011 y n iUllll!l'e; ,

Les instruments de ratillc:1tioll scnmt tli'poses :Il1prcs de )'Organisalion de J'Avi:1liol1 civile inlemationale; . . . ,

. Le pnl'sent ProtocoJe cntrera en vigucur Ie jOllr ,1u fit-pM du soixanle:-sixicmc inslru-ment de ratification it I' egaI'd des ~lats qui )';l1Il"Onl mlillci . .

Le Seeretaire general Ilotillcra illllll«diall1l1lllnt n lOllS le5'l!:lats contrncl:mts la dale du depot de chaque instrument de ratillc·.1tiull dmlit Prolocole; ,

Le Secrelaire general Ilotificra innnedialcmcnt it lOllS .Ies tints parties ,8 ladUe Conventiqn .ou qui l'ont signtle Ja dllte R Inql1elle ledit l'rotocole entrera en vigueur;

Le present Protocole entrera en vlglleur, iI.)' cgllrd dc lout ttal contrach,nt qui.l'aura ratine apres,la da~e ~recnee •• de~ q.ue c~t .tl~t :lI1ra ~dpo$c son instmment de TlItilic.,tion aupres de IOrganIsation de I AVJ:lholl OVlle I1ltenllltionp.le.. "

. EN FOI DE QUO!, Ie Presidcnt el Ie SC<'retnirc gcneral de la qlllllorzieme 5e.'i.~ion de I'Assemblee de I'Orgariisation de J'Aviation dvile inlelll:ltioilale. nutorises n cet elfet pat' I' AssembJee, signent Ie present l'mtocole.

'. F ~JT a Rome, Ie quinze seplcmbre mil ncur cent SOi)(Rnte-delllC,' ~ un sed . ex. ElmpJaire redigtl en langues frall~ise. anglnise et espaglloJe, cllaCtllle fabant e~alemelll foi. Le present Protoeole restera depose dans Ics arehives de l'Organis:ltion de I Aviati?l1 civile mternationale; Ie Secrdtaire general de l'OrganisaHon en trnnsmettra ges copIes confotmes a tousJes ttats qui sont parties n la COllvention relative a l'Aviation civile intemationale. ou qui 1'0llt signee. ,"

.... ,

. ' '. ~

, >


rtbtlna: to In amendment to Article 56

of lb. Convention on Int ...... tioftaJ Ci'IU AmU(Jrt

Si.nod 01 Vi ....... on 7 luly 1971



HA VlNG MBT In it, ,IliBhl<.nth S ... . Iliont It VieMa. on. the tifth day of July


H ... VING 'NOreD thel it II the sonml desirt of Cantr.etin& StatN to enIarse the mem~rlhip of the Air Navi&&t:i.oo CommiJ.. sion,

HAVING CONSIDBRED It proper 10 inouae the mcmbtnhip of that bocly from twelve to fift~, and

HAVING CONSIDERED it •• _ to amlnd, fot the pUl"J'Qle afot'Clllid, :ttie Convention on lntemationMl Civil Aviation done at ChiCISO on the S$Vonth day of

. Decembo,1944.

(l) APPROVIlD. in _rd .. "" with tho provisions of Article '4{a) of Ute Coo .. vcntion the {QUowing pro-­pOled amendment to' the aid Con· vc:nUon: . .

'-In Article 56 of the. Convention tho cxpreuion "twelve. mcmber8~

• shaJl bt repJaced by 'flftoon mem-bers' ",


pO'l'tlnt amcndClmcnt dt I·Article 56

de III Convention "lttfw:e . II rA~ia;Hon chilf: interntHonlle:

51 ... ' 1 Vlenne'. 7 Jum.'l971



S'ETANT RJlUNlil , VI ..... e, 10 S julll.t 1971, on II dlx·huiti6la._,

AY ANT PR.I! ACTE du d61lr pD6nl des Etata: oontrac.t.Gnts d'IUJmnter ." !lora­bro del mcmbres de I, ,Camm1Pion de a6n.caoe.

A Y ANT ESTIMIl qu·ll.6tolt j •• llf16 de porter de donze I. quiaze Ie Bombre del mern.bres de ce.t OIlano .t

AY ANT BSTlMi! qu'il 6tol. a6_ d·ameader 1 cett. fin. 11 CoJ'lvention rela· 11 ... !· ... viltion .. YiIo internallonal •• foil. • Chielao Ie .. pt d6cembre 1944,

I) ... APPROM, co.fornWmonl .ux dis­pooItiona de I'olinb a) 4. l'III1cI. 94 de I, COllYODtion prjcitte, II proposition d'amendemen1 • ladite Convention d.ont Ie .ntel\ltt;

hremplleo, l'npJellion 'doun mtmbrt,' pn ~qui.nze 'mcmbrea' daM 1'l.rUde S6 de I. CoJWention",

(Z) SPBCIFIED, 1"' .... ""'10 tho provillon. of. tb. Illd Article 94(0) 01 tho 1Ji4 Convontto-n. olahty II the RiWl1bor of Contractin, Stlte$ upon whOlfl faUnCl· tion the aforelud amendment Ihlll come into foree, and

(3) RESOLVI!D that lhe s.elOtuy Gen.nli of tho International Civil Avlation OrpnluUon thall df&w up I Protocol, fIt the Enlliah, French and SpanIsh ltnJUaset.. nch of w~ch shall bel of oqutl authenticity. embodrins tho

'amedment abovc.-mentioncd and the mattto hcr:lliill.ftcr 11'peariDJ:

.) The Pro,,,,,,,1 ,holl b •• ",ed by tb. PrNident of the A.uc.mbly and itt Secretary Ge"eral.

bl Th. Pro!OCO' 0111" bo __ to ratification by any- Stile wbJch h.u ratified or adtttRd to the hid Conwn~on on Interutlonll CiYil Aviollo..

CONSIlQUI!NnY, """lIIt to the af.mald action of tho A'''mbly, .

Thi .. Protocol hu been drawn. up by·· iii, s.mtIUY Gen.,01 of the Ol1Jl\lzation;

TlIi> Ptotocol ohaIl boo open to n_ lion by any Stlte which hu n.titied. or adhC'lred to the said Convention on later­aationll CiYil Aviation; .

Tho Imtrumonll of ra_ ohIlI.b. d.pooit.d with the Iatom.tIoDai CIvlI A ..... tiOD Orpnlutlonj

TlIi> 1'101_1 Jltall como Into toroo, III mpcct of the Statol which haw ntlfled it, Oft .. tho date: on which the e1abtieth lMtlu .. ment of raUficatioa litO deposited;

. Tho' 8oenl1Uy Oonorlll. ,holl 1m ...... dl.toIy DolllY 011 eo_mello. Stllot of the dolo of dopoolt of •• ob rotll'lc.tion of thiJ ProIoeo\;

Th. 80enltvy Genoral sholl Imm .. diately DOtity all States parties to the Mid ConVCIntion of tho dltCI Oft Which thit Prototol comet into tor«;

With rupeet to ... y eonmetio, St.", rllif)'m. thiJ Protocol after _the d •••• f ..... said, the; Protocol Ihal1 come irlto force Upoll deposit of It. In.trnm",t of ratifica­tion with tb. Intern.tional C1.u Aviotion Orp .... tion.

2) A . PIXE l qu._1t I. nom,," d'llt.t. coo_'1011 do.t 11 r.tIfiCItlOll ot n6ctaalre 1 1'.ntr6e en vlpur dodit amoftdelQtnt, conform6mcat lUX

diJpoalliolll do l'alIn4a I) do J'artIcIe 94 d. 10<1110 Con ... tlon,

3) A DEcIDE quo Ie _1.110 t6nftol d. I'O ........ llon d. l' Aviotio. ctrllelnt ... nationalo dnn 6tablir enianlUN fran-1'1110, OlIalalio _I .., ..... 10, cbloun. I.bant 6p1 .... "'t foJ, un protocol. conoemal'lt ttllOlendement pr6dt6 et oom_ont loa dilpoaltioM .!-do""""

tJ I.e protooolo ..,.. o\plI pv 10 frill. dOllt .t Ie __ tfMrai d.

" Aucmblh.

b) U Nrl aoumU 1 I. ratifieAtion elf. tout Btat contraetant qui. ratif16 10 eo .... tion rolotlw , 1'''''lotion civile io __ au y • adh6n.

IlN CONsEQUl!NCE, oonl ......... , 1 .. a_OIl _.tlo_ .0I'A_b,Nf,

I.e pRMnt Protooole a fli .tabll pv 10 Sm6taif11 pft6n1d.I'OrpnlHtion;

I.e p_I __ .... II1II , la ... UllcatloD d, loul IIlat qui a .. l1li6 I. CoII .... 1ion rolotlwl J'Aviodon _Inter­.,.tionalt. ou y • adb.6Jt;

1M In.tnunonll do. nllflcolion _I d6p006s IUpriI 4. l'Oisonlnlion d. l'Aviolion _Irlto ... _;

L. "'""at Prolocalo .. Inn on vlaUeur, 1 1'6pnI dOl elal. qui I'..,oot ntllM. 10 Jour du dfp61 du quatn>­mPDm.lNtJU ..... 1 d. n_;

I.e__ pll6zol aotlfion _ 1Ila"' ..... t • loot loa et ....... _ta .. dolo du. tUp6t •• oIIaq .. 1n __ 1 do nUlication du p_I_Io;

I.e s.cr6_ atom! notlfim iDurl6-dbtom .. t l lou. 1M Ata" pvtloo • Iadl .. C01lnntion la dill! • Ioqoolla 10 ,......t ProtQCOle tann ...... ur;

L. ",""III Ptotoeolo .. inri on ........ , lJ'.~ d'Il>!II~"I_tracloDl qull'a ..... l1li6 april la delo Pridl", oM. quo .. tlllat OlIn dtlp006 _lnItnI .... t do nUflcation .upn. d' 1'Otpmatioa d. I' Ari.lI .. _ in ...... tionalo.


" . , ,


dont """ tho Soc"'tary Canon! at the Iliiht ... th _an or the A...,.bJy of the bttemltiont.i CMl Aviation Orpnizatfon. bein. authomcd thcrtto by the Ammbly. "'" tllla P,olocol.

DONE at Vienna on the teVGnth dlY' of luly of the year one thou.-• .n.4 nine hundred and in $. single datuM mcnt In the E.\dlIh, French IDd Spanm Jlfi8UaJeS. each of which mall be of equlll authenticity. Thil ProtDtOt Ihall remain deposited in the arthiVl)' of the Interna­tional CM1 Aviation Orpnization. and certlfled copl •• th • ...of .haD be ItonlImUtod by the Seeretuy c..oral of the Olllanlta­tion to .all $tatN PIrtle. to the ConventiOll on International C"w.U Aviation dOltoe at ChiCiIO on the ICIventh day of .tncember 1944.

. ~, - .. . ...... - ,- -, ..

EN FOI DB QUOI, Ie lrU40nl ., ,. So0r6b11lo ".'AI d. dlx-hultl __ • d. "A ... mbJ6e do l'OrpoiloflOft do rAvJI­lion _ lntomlUOnalo, ,utorW. • cel .ff., pv I'~blt., ~t I. p ..... t PtotocOJo.

FAIT 1 Vie""" ho .. pt jllilhot de ran mU nSQi "nt IOJxante -ot onr:c, M un lIul e.emplello 1'6.u,.1 on w.,u .. "..;aIte, anal_ et etPAPolo, c.'tlcunc fatoat 'a.a1e­ment foj, I.e pJ6Aot Protocola ruter. d6po.o da .. 10, """"- d. !'O ..... iJltioo d. !'Avall .. oIvJk In_U",,1k ,I 10 Se0r6_ .6.6n1 •• j'Orpollolion •• tranam.ttra des ~pJII conlC)nM&. tOUI Itt Elat. i>artJ .. l Ia eo_1loD _ 1 !'Amtioo _ IntomalloDlk '"lte 1 Chleaao Ie IOpl d6 .. mbro 1944.


Clt1lf'1dt to be a true aNi com ..... ' "~_trw. _,"""" ' r. ...,.... 11111 y "","'.;.,. EonHl 'JOI'ItIIIIIl If rron_u

/.~ Lepl Bu .... DI_I.1ft dee A"al, .. IQ~ 01'-'. d. "'suo,,,! lurldl .... ~~oe 1II ......... H ...


, . , , .


reiatinJ to an amendment 10 Arlld. 50(0)

Qf the Convention on In, •••• 'ia .. , Owl Aviallo.

s;,pe4.1 Nonbal. on 16 Oelom 1974


CIVIL ... VI ... nON ORG ... NIZAnON

Ii ... VING MET I. III Twenty-first ~nlo ••. al "'antr •• 1 on 14 O<taber 1914.

HAVING NOTED that It It tha ...... , «lire n( contracll" Slatel to .nlu .. tho me",berlllip of tho Council.

H ... VlHO CONSIDERED it proper to pr0-vide fot th... additional ... 11 ia tho Council, and accordingly to' In....... the

. mel1lbeuhip fiorn thirty 10 thlrly-tluee, ia order to permit In incrare ht the. rept" ..... lotio. n( Slate. elected in the .,eond, and p&rtlcuill'/y the Ihlrd. pu1 of the .lccll .... . and

HA VINe; CONSIDERED It neCOllU)' to .mend, ror th. pu."" .. aforo>old, the C0n­vention on International CJvi1 Ayiation clOile

. • t Chl_ on the .. _th doy of December 1'44,

(I) "'PPROVED, In ... otdonce _ the provldon. of ArtIdo 94(0) ot the C _ _ tioo' .ro .... ld. the (l>lo ...... pro-pOllld ....... d"'.... to tho IIId eon-_lion:

.D ArtIdo 50(1Il or tho Cotmatloa the .,CCIId ....... ca shaD 110 amended by ... , .... "thirty" by .. thktJ .... .


pL\rllnt ~ftlendemen1 d. I· ... rtlde 50 I)

d. Ia Con.ention .. lall ... i I·A ... '1oII d.lIo 1n1 .... llon •

. 'Slani i Nontrial It 16 octobro .,74



SirANT dUNI! i Won. It 14 oetobJo "74, pour IoftIr .. \>In .. el iIIIIlIM . ......

A YANT PRJS AcrE du ;u. p..inI manJrem ....... f .. t. COfttr_II .• • ..... melllet II _",. do ....... ",., .. ConJlll,

'/rY ANT ES'I'IWf apJlrOlll!' do po.". II eon..n d, troi. llip. ",ppM_111m .1" ; porter .intl d. 1r1n. atronWilioIa II n_ bJo lOW .. 'It. membr ... atln de ~mell" d' •• _1et II TOpI ...... 1Io1I de. till'.' au litre d. I, deuxtame ". pl •• part/ouUG. monl. ok II troldi_ parIlode '''leelloo.

AYANT ESTIM! .... Ir. d'.mond .. i ",.10 fIJI 10 Con_lion reloll .... l'Aviation dvUe In'e.n.'I0 .... '1Ibl'" i ChIcoop It 7 dkemb .. I'44 •

1) APPROU\"E, c:cmfo ........... I_ dl,.. . riliona de raunu III de r Art"" ,. do .. CIIawation ........ It pr<IeI .r._ dom .... ·l.1adIIe .Comontloa doal 10 laxl ... It:

A_ ... · ... do~ ...... do r..... a) do l'Art!do 50 do II .C!oMeft\loll' ... ,., _pIapat

. ''IfIIlli'' par "I!a ... trols-,


(2) Sl'ECIFIEEl, ""'..; •• ! 10 tho provision. of the .. iLl .......... 10 94(.) of Ill. Nld Con'icntkm. t{ahty·~ u the number of contraetlna: S~Wt upon wholt latin. ca.Uon tho prop!Ml€l!d untn4mc.n1 .rore-­said .hall'rome. trtto fQrce, nnd

(3) RESOLVED that tit lIecrotary 0 ...... 1 or the 10101 •• ([0l1li Civil Aviallo. O,pn"'atloo draw "I' • hol • ..,t. In the

EnJllsk, F,."dI ... ~ Sp .. l .. """'''''' •• eIl of whl<.It .haU be o( cqualauth •• • tlelly, eml>o<iyln, til. ptopoaod ...... 4· ment abovt<f6CntioDt;d a.nd. the m.UCf hereinafter IppearinS:

(a) Tho P,o,,,,, .. t -Oh •• be lIsnedby Ih. h.ildOli, of the A ... ml>ly and 111 $0",,111)'. Gcn ... ~

(1)) Th. rrotocol"... be.,pen to ,atlll­.. _ by MY St... whlcli Iuo. lOttf'oad '" 04h .. ocI 10 Ihe .. 101 C ...... llo. on IBIMnaUoIIII CiwII Avla\lOO.

(0) Tho II .. m" ..... t. or r.lltlc:litlon *aII be lI."oIIla4 wlill the Inl.rnltlooal

. ClYU Avialloo O'BoniIaIioa.

(4) ThI ", .. tocol "'aII_ talO f .. .. In •• ,;p...t of the St" .. whldI ... '" ,.lIr"", !I om .1IlI> ""10 01\ wtJcll the elJ/lly.fiJ<th ~_t of '.ur ... • do .. if so d.p~oiIod.

(0) :n>. SOC .. tory Genual "'all 1m­medlll<lly .ollff .u co." .. 1lrt& SloW. of the « ... or t..,.,iit or .. ell .. tlfi",ti<>n ~f the !'to'ocoL

(I) ThI Soc,.tory (;0_ "'all 1m. mellla,oly nollfy .U St .... pull., 10 Ihc .. ill C"" •• nlloo of Ill. "" .. on which III. l'IolOooI come. 1.10 Coroo •.

W WlIh ... .,.., 1011'1)' ..... trootinI SIOIo ullf)'in, II.. 1'fotocol arm: Il>t ""10 .ro .. aaI4, \tio .1'fo_ ohall __ lB .. f ..... ,... ""poiil or ... 1IuInI_1 ot 1.lIlbtioa .nih· the h ..... Ile .... a.u Aria­tioa OJpllkatlotl.

CONSEQUENrl.Y, po_I to Ihc aC_ . Nl4._ofthe·A'-I>Ir •..

Thb ProtoCOl iw """" dr ..... up by Iloo Seo>etory Ge .. ral ot tho OrpAb;atioa;

1) FIXE i qualrc-.""I·s!x k non,b,. d "tUb euntr.lclanU: dont fl ratification est i,l'cnb'ec e.n vigueur dudit amondcment. oonrormcmcnl aux dilpo-­tltlon. d. ('.linea .j d. I'Ar'iolo 94 d. ladh.e Convention, et

3) OtCIDE que Ie SeeroQire ,i.oral "" l"OrpniR.tion de I'Aviation civile intct .. natio-nalc Ihablirjl en lanJuCI rran~lbet wp,aiac ot Clp.qnOle, chac~ne fa.lan.t ~G:Uemen t foi, un ProtocoJe concernant J".mcndement pdcite O't compren~t In d.ispositions ci-dCSSOUI;

.) L< PrOI_k .. r. 'llno par Ie Presi­dent 01 k Socritalr. I¢n~."1 to !'A ... mbU •.

b) II.... ",.m"' • Ia nlirooatlon 40 'out flat contractu. qui. f.UM II CO_DUo. iolltiYe l I' Avialion . .MI. In_tion. 0. y •• dh"'.

.) Lol lo"",menlo 40 r.tineation ......... "",po.Es .up .... d. l'OfJan~ ..'io. d. l'Aviotion .!vUe mt •••• • lionalo.

., L< ProtoCOJe enU". on vlpleur 10 . .JOII' 4u "",pat 40. qu' ..... InJ1.

·abllm.In ..... .".., 4. ratinealioa A I""'d d •• Ebb q.II' •• ,onl r.lillo!.

c) Lo lIecr~1a1le ,.wa! noun ••• immUl ....... ' • to •• 10. Elat. .""",elaato 14 "" .. du dep6t 4e ebaquc inltrument de ratification d. hoto ... k.

I) Lo SeonUlro • ..eral· no'ifiara Im .... di ... menl ito •• 10, E'lt. partlo, A ladU. eo .... nti .. Ia d.le i l.queUe Iedll !'tot_Ie en ".,. •• _;pour.

&) Lo l'Iotooolo ... , ....... vipou" i. 1'6prd "" IOu' EIo, ... n".ctant qui !'aWl rallll4 ~"'. II ""10 prlcltlo; ... " .... t £101 aura ....... OOD la ..... meR. d. r.tllicatlon au".. d.

-1"Oijiiiliillii.fllO ,'Aviation cMIo Ia_II_,

EN CONSEQtJIlNCE, oooronn6rneftt ll4 4Idiioo _II ........ dol'A""",blN,

lA. PIC".! Prot~ a Iii 'labll par 10 Seo>611lro sln6n1 dol'O'pnJootloD;


" , I '

. , ,/

, '

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tM I'r .. id<nl and 'M Secretary CO.cro! of Ih. Twenty· firill So.uon or the A.",mb!y of the Inle" n;.ttiona} avu AviNtil)n Or,c.aniutJon. ~ci", ' authorized thereto by the AuembJy, Ii", Ihb P.alce<>l.

DONE at Mentnal on 'h. sixteentlt day or October or thQ yeu on., thousand nine hUndrfld and MYenty.foHr, irt .. s.lnalc docu.­ment In the ""gil .. , Prench and Sp.nlsh· lanBU"'" .. ch of which sholl be of equal au thenlleU)'. TIll> P,otoocl <hili .ema. de"".U.d '" iii. ",chlv .. of tho Inl ..... tiona} CivJJ Aviation Orglniutioft, and ceTlJrJed cop;el thereof shalf ~ transmitted by 1M s.aelary Ceneral of tho Orpnlza. tJon to aU States parties to the Convention 011 International avD Aviltlon done .t Oli<:qo on. III. _.nth. da)' of Iloce1ftbet· It44.

EN 1'01 DE QUOI, Ie PnI.idcnl on .. s.c,llalre ,6n<',., do Ii vin,1 .1 unlwa ", .. len do l'AJIO",bI •• de l'Or,.wllen d. l'AylaUon clYtie Inlcroall.nol., I. tori .... eet .rrol P'" l'A ... mlll", .!&nenll. pr._ . Prol ..... '.. .

FAIT i 101 ...... 1 .. 101 .. oclobre d. I'la mIi ~eu' 'cent lOi*ante1Ullorae, ell un seal ".",plak. ,Odl", en I • .,. •• ,,_IIe, ... &Ill.. <, ""BOle, ehaewt. r.fll.I 4p1e. ment fol. I.e p"'lOftl Prot...... ..,10(. <lepooo! du.Ie' uchM. de 1'O< .. nl .. Uon d. fA"lltlon eMlo Inlernalfo"'" et .. SeeQ. lair< ", .. raJ do 1'O .... hadoo en ...... "'ellr. d .. cople. COOrOl"'O" lou'''" tlal' Plflle. i I. Con ... tlo •• olallve il'A.lotion ciriIt Inlornotlonalt tl'la 1 Chic ... Ie IOpt

dO"",nbr. 1944.

~ ..

. ? ...


, .

.. ". ;'

· ,


rolatln& to an omendment to tho Convention On lnternationlll CivD Avi.Uon

Signed at' on 30 September 1977


HAVING MBT in it, Twenty-.ooond S •• oIon .t Montreal On 30 Sopumbor 1971,

HAVING NOTED ROlOlution A21-13 OD tho authentic Ruoaian toxt of tho Convention on llItemational ClYiIAviation,

HA VlNG NOrm> that it iI tho.enoral d •• ire of Contnctinl! Stites to'make a pfovulon that the Convention aforeBild oxat in auth.nti<:.-RuWi> text, '

HAVING CONS,lDERED It necOlWY to amend, for the purpose afOfeuld, the Convention on International Civil Aviation done al Chicago on the .onth day of Dooember 1944,

, I. APPROVES, in accordance with th.provlsions of Artj;;1e 94(8) of the Convention aforesaid, the following propooed ounendmont to the IIIid CODVCntion:

Replace the pre.ont 'ox! of the final paragraph of tho Convlllltlon by:

.. Done a! ChWas<> tho """enth do)' of December 1944 in the Bnslish Ilnlllll&e. The text. of tht. Con>.Dtion drawn up lit tho En&lish. French, JtuWan and Spanish lanll11ages ue of equ!!l.uthonlicity. The •• text. shall b. deposited In the archiv •• of the Governme"t of the United Sist •• of America, and certJfllld copieJ shall b. transmitted by that Government to the Government. of all the Stat .. which may sill11 or adhere to tltls Co""o!ltlon. Thl> Convention 'shall be open for signatUre It Waabtngtont D.C.",

2. SPBCIFIES, pursuant to the provlJdons of the nid Artiel. 94(.) of the .. id Conven­tion, ninety-!our ao tho numbet of Contracting StatOl upon who .. ratification the pr0-posed amendm",,! aforelUlld shall 001II. into roree, ud

3. RESOLVES that the SOC!1>tary GllJleral of tho Intematlonal Civil Avlotion Ol1anlza­tion draw up • Protocol, in the Enslish. French, RUIISiar! and Spanish 1l1l&1I ... each of which shall b. of equal authenticity embodying the, proposed amendment abov.­mentioned and the matter b.,.,inafter appearing.


CONSEQUENTLY, pllrmant to the .for ... 1d lction of the A.",mbly,

This Protocol has beon drawn up by the Seer.11IY Goneral of tho Orslnlzation.

The Protocol Ihall b. open 10 ratificalion by any Slate whicb bas ratified oradh.rod to the said Convention on International Civil Aviation.

The in.lrumenlo of ratification Ihall be depolitod· with til. International Civil Aviation Organization. . .

Tho Protocol Ihall com. into forco in re'Peet of tho Stalel whleb have ratified it on the date on which the ninoty-fourth Wtnim.nt of nlifle.tjon ialO deposiled.

The SeeretllY General Ihall immediately notify .ncontractinl Stat .. of the dale of deposit of .ach ratification of the Protocol.

The Secr.1IIY General shall imMediately JIOtify all. St.te. p.mes to the said Conven­tion of the date on which the Protocol ·com •• into fore ••

Witb r<'Peet 10 lit I' ContractbIJ State ntlfylna the Protocol after the date .foresald, the Protocol Ihall come Into force upon deposit of II. Instrument of ntification with the International ClYil Aviation Orpnlzation.

IN WITNBSS WHBRBOF, the heald,ot uuI tile S .... etuy GOfteral of the .lonsaid Twenty­",cond Session of the .M~~J'ly of tile International eiYD Aviation OrJlnization, beine authorized thereto by tho Asaembly, olin thJs Protocol.

DONE at Idontreal on tho thirtieth day of September of th. year 011. thousand nine hundred and aeventy-scven, In a aIn,cIe document In the Bnslilh. Frellch, RUIIIillI, and Spanilh lansua&es, ea~h of which shall. be or equal authenticity. nu. Protocol shall remain depoelled in the archive. of the International CivD Aviation Orpnizatlon •• "d certified copies thereof shall b. transmitted by th. SecretllY General of tho Orpnlzatlon to all .states partios to the Convention on International CivD Aviation dono .t ChicqO on tho seventh day of December 1944.

K.O.Rattray h.8ideilt of the 2Znd S •• rion ofth. A. ... mbly


Y.Lambert Secretary G."o",1

• •

•• •


concornant un amendement d. Ia Convention relativ •• l'Aviation .ivDe international •

• isnc i MOlltr6alle 30 .. plombr. 19n ..


S'ETANTJ!.EUNIE. Ion d ... vbllt-deux~m ... ulan' MoiiHial.le 30 .. ptembre 1977,

AVANT NOTE ia R6110Iutiqn A21~13 relative au texte aiJtllentique en Ian .... lIIl" dell Convention relative U'Aylation clYn. laternationale,

A Y ANT NOTE que lea Etato <;!lntraclontacnt manlfell6 Ie dNir 16n~1 d'lln texte luthen·' , .. . Uque deladlt. Convention en lanane ru ... ; ,

AYANT JUGE nee .... ir. a'amendar, lUX fro. pr&cit .... Ia Convention relative al'Aviation ciVile international. faite. Chicago Ie 7d6cembre 1944,

I. APPROUVE. conform~J!l.n~ aux diJpositions de l'ArUch. )4. alln6a I) d. ladit. "," Convention. ramendemont 'c"apr •• qu'U.1II propose d',ppOrter lladlte Conventioll:

Rempla." 1. text. actuol du dernier parasraphe d. la Convention par Ie ~.xt. ci-apres:

" Fait i Chicago, I. aeptieme jour du mois de ciocembre 1944, en lanaue anglaise. L.s te"t •• d. I. prOaent. Convention reclllo. dan.les IlnanO$ fran.also, angJaise, espagnole et lIIsae ront .,alement foi. CO$ textes .. ront dOpooOl lUX .rchive. du Gouyemoment des Etat",Unis c\'Amerlque ot des copies eertlfi6es contormos scront transmises par ce gouvemoment lUX gouvernement. de tou •. les Etats qui Ijgn.ront la present. ConYentlon ou y adb6rcront. La prOsenle Convention lOra ouvert. i Ia sian,tur. i Washington (D.C.). ",

2. FIXE, conformement aux dispositions dudit Article 94, alin6a a) d.ladite Conyention • • quatre-vingl-quatorze Ie nombre d'Etat. contractont. dont Ia ratification dudll amendemenl propo,," .,1 n6 ..... 1re POUt que ledil .mond.monl entre en vlII\Ie1iret

3. DECIDE que 1. Seeretalre genOral d. l'Organisation d. l'Aviation civil. international. otabllr. un protocol. dins 10$ 1a1\lU.' fran9also. anl!lalso. espagnole .1 rune, chaqu. toxte r.isant o,alemont Col, inccrporant I'amondement propose pr&citi ot les 616monta c;"'apres:



EN CONSEQUENCE, conform'mont ala docision <J.d •• "'t del'A ... mble.,

Le protocol. a 616 ~t.bll I'll! I. Soer'talr. ,'n&nl dol'Or,onlJation.

Lo protorole sera ouvort Ala ntificltion d. tout Etat qui lura ralifie ladlt. Convention relative. l'Aviation civil. international. ou Y lura adher •.

L .. instrument. de ratification aeron! clepo'" auprb d. l'Oc,anlJation d. l'Aviation civile international •.

Le protocol. entr.r. en vlgueur • I'"ard do, Etata qui l'auront ratif~ i Ia dlte It laqueUele quatre-vingl-<juatorziOm. inatrumont d. rltitication lura 616 depose.

Le Seer.laIr. gimOral aviler. immOdlatemont tOUI 1 •• Etlt. centractont. de I. dlt. de depOt de chaquc ratification du protocole.

Le Secretalr. genhal aviior. immOcllalom.nt loul I •• Etat. partie. i ladite Convention de 1. date ilaqu,Uele protocol. ent ...... en vlguouf.

A I'.gard do tout Etat eontractant qui .aUllen 10 protocol, IpRlladito date. Ie proto­col. entrer. en vicUeur lla date <lu depbt d. IOn instrument de ratlCic.tlon lupr •• d.I·OrpnlJation dol'Avlation elyDe intetnltionale.

EN FOI DE QUOI, 10 President .1 10· Socretalrc 16n6ral cle Ia vingt-<leuxiIJmo sellion d. I'Assemb160 d. l'Orcanlsation d. I'Avlation eivU. international". dOmont autorlaOa i eel eff.t par l'Assemblh, ont app.o.olour Ilanature au pre-ent protocol ••

FAIT a Montrhl Ie IrIont. aeptemb1'l! de l'an mil nellt cent lOilt.nte-dix .... pt. en un seu! document.di1l$ l.s.langues.!'ran9aile, anglaUe, .spOlnol. ot rosse, chlenn des t""t •• iaisant egalement fo!. Le pre .. !!t protocol. sera d6poee dana I •• uchlvol d. ]'Orcanlsa- . tion d. ,'Av'IIItion civil. inlernational. ot de. copies certlt16es conform •• ",ront uan ... mile. PII! Ie S~cret.lro general del'Ol'Ilaniaation A toual .. Etaa parties i Ia Con •• ntion relative il'Avlatlon .ivUe international. faltel ChicOlO Ie 7 deeembre 1944.

lCO. Rattray Pr •• Id.nt d. Ia 22<me •• mn de I 'Assemblee


y ••• Lambert $ecrt.tafre linirai

t ".


, -j. i


relating 10 an amendment 10 tile Convention on Civil Aviation

signed at Montreal on 6 Octobor 1980


HAVING MET in its Twenty-third Session at Montreal on 6 October 1980.

HAVING NOTED Resolutions A2l-22 and A22·2U on lease, cnarlerand inlerchanse of aircraft in international operations.

HAVING NOTED lhe draft amendment to the Convention on (ntern.tional Civil Aviation prepared by the 23rd Session of the Legal Committee.

HAVING NOTED that it is the general desire of Contra.tinl States to make a· provision for the transfer of certain functions and duties from lhe Slate of registry to the State of the operator of the aircraft in the case of lease. cbarter or interchange or any similar arrangements with respect to Sll(;h aircraft.

HAVING CONSIDERED it necessary to .mend, for the purpose aforesaid. the Convention on International Civil Aviation done at Chicago on lhe seventh day of December 1944, • -

l. APPROVES, in accordance with the provi.ions of Article 94 (0) of the Convention aforesaid. the following propelled amendmen,' to the said

. Convention;

Inse't after Article 83.the foUowing new Article 83 bfs:

.. Artlcl. 83 his

Trtlnifer q/cerlaln jUlIC/ions and dulies

(aJ Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 12, 30, 31 and 32 (a), when an aircraft registered in a contracting Slate is operated pursuant to an agreement for Ille lease, charter or interchange of the aircraft or any similar arrangement by an operator who has his principal place of business or. if he. has no such place of business, his permanent residence in another contracting State, the State of registry may, by agreement with such other Slate, transfer to it an or part of its funetions and dUlies as State of registry in respect of Ihal aircraft under Arlicles f2, 30, 31 and 32 (a). Tho State of r.,islry shall be relieved of responsibility in respect of the functions and duties transferred.

(b) The transfer shall not have effect· in respect of otber contracting States before either the agreement belween States in which il is embodied has been registered with the Council and made public pursuant to Article 83 or Ihe existence and scope of the agreemenl have heen directly communicated to the authatili.sorthe other contracting State or States concerned by a State party 10 the agreemenl.

(e) The provisions of paragraphs (0) and (b) above shall also be applicable to cases covered by Article 77 ... ,

2. SPECIFIES, pursuant to the provisions of the said Article 94 (a) of the SlIid Convention, ninety-eight as the number of Contraetina States upon whose ratification the proposed ·amendment aforesaid shall come inlo force, and

1 RESOLVES th.t the Secretary General of the International C!I Aviation Organization draw up • Protocol, in lhe English, French, Russian and Spanish languages, each of which shall he of equal authenticity, embodyi". the proposed amendment above-mentioned and tile mailer hercinartcr appearing:

0) The Prot~ol shall be signed by lhe President of the Assembly and ils Secretary General.

b) The Protocol shall he open to ratification by any Stale which has ratified or adhered 10 the said Convention on Inlematiortal Civil Aviation.

c) The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with ·the Intemational Civil Aviation Organization.

d) The Protocol shull come into force In respect of I/1e States which have ralirled il on tho date on wbich tlu: ninety-cishlll instrument of rlllration is so deposited.

e) The Secretary General shall immediately notify an Contracting States of lhe date of deposit of _h ralification of the Protocol.

f) TIu: Secretary General shaH immediately notify all Stat~ .parties 10 the said Convention of the date on which the Protocol comes iRIO force,

g) With respect to any 'Contracting Stale ratifyi". the Protocol' after tlu: date aforesaid. the Protocol 5hall oome inlO force upon deposit of ilS instrument·of ratification with the International.Civii Aviation Organization .••

CONSEQUENTL Y, pursuant 1<! the afore ... id action of the Assembly.

This Protocol ha. been drawn up by the Secretary General of the Organizalion.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the President and' the SecretarY General of the aforesaid Twenty-third Session of the Assembly of thelntemalional Civil Aviation , Organization. beine authoriucl' thereto by the A-.nbly, sign this Protocol.

DONE al Montreal"" Ihe sixth day 'of October of·the year one thousand nine hundred and eighty, in a si".1e document in the English. French. Russian, and Spanish languages. each of which Shan be or equal authenticity. This Protocol shall remain deposited in the archives of the International Civil Aviaiion Organization, and certified ~opie. Ihereof shall be transmilted bY . the Secretary General of Ihe Organization \0 all States partie. to Ihe Convention on Inlernational Civil Aviation done at Chicaeo on the sc~nth day of December 1944.

R.S. Nyag. Pr.>.,ilient tit Ihr } )rt/ S.ssmll lit 1I1P A.'rSemb/y

Yves Lamberl SC'('fC"IQry GI!Jlt'rul






portanl amendement de I. cOnvention: rela~ive a ,'Avialion civile inlernllfionale:

signe j,Montrealle 6 octobre 1980


S'ETANT REUNIE.a.Monlreal,1e6 qctobre 1980, en sa virigHroisieme session,


A Y ANT PRISACTE des Resolutions 1-21-22 et· An'28 sur I. location;. l'afTtetoment et la banalisation d'aeronifsen.exploitatlonintematioliale; '.

. . ",' " ',' '. ,1'.' ' , ' . :1

AY ANT PRIS ACrE du projet d'amendemen.1 ala Conve.nlion relaliv.,II' Aviati6n civile interlllllil'nale, etablipar I. ;l3ef1)'l,Session duCoiniie iuridiQ~,

. " ":>" '0/.," : '" ,:'" :,," :':"; .'::':; ?If!~'j', :',::.,:','.,. AYANT PRIS AcrE du.oosir:general des EtatSconll'actarits de:'perrnetll'ele Iransfert.·

de' cer",inesfonclionselobligatlons d~ l'Etat d'iinmiitr,;Cu/lition i l'EI~1 de ,I'e~ploitailt iI'"" .eronef ~llciR,d~arrreterneRtou debanaljsaliQri ou '. de'tout 'rrailsement siin:ilaire:relalif.auditaeronef,"· ., . :;""

A YANTESTIME qu'iI etail n.eces",,;re iI'amerider Ii ceU"iin ila Convenikin relative a I' Avialion civile inlern;tionale, faite a Chicago Ie7:decembre lY44, '

" , APPROi)YE, c<>nformement aux disposftions de'I'ar-ticle94, ali.neafI) deladito'. Cqnven~ion, j'amendement ·ci-apres qulil est pfopose: d'ap.porter" 11 l:idHe Conventio~: . .

Inserer ~pres I'arlicle 83 Ie. nouvel aTlkle 83 hi.d-apres',

.. ArUcle83 his . " , , , .

T,anife,lde ce,;ain"fonGIiOns., obligallons '.' . ,,' .

. ,aJ Nonobslafll )es flisposiiions des ilrU6lesi1, 30, 3i et 32 a), lorsqlJ'4n aeron~(~in;.I.icule cIa.OS un Etatcontractant~texploite en vertu d'un accord delocalio,n, d'afTrelemenl ou !Ie baria'!lsation de I'aeronef, ou de tout autre arra,ngement similaire, 'P!1r 'lJl1.'F,~ploitant qui. a Ie siege principal de son exploitalion, o~'il'der.u(; safesidence. permanente dans un auir~:r Etat ,cOntraclant. I'lhat d"immatficJ,l'lalion peut, pOr accord avec eel aUlr. Elal, tfaosfer~r Ii ""Iui'ci tOUI ou· parlie des fonctions el obligatl\ins Que les arlic'les 12, 30 • .31 "I J2 0): lui conferenl, a I'egard de cet aeronef, en sa qualite d'Etat d'immatricula1ion. L'Etat d'immatriculation $era· degage de sa responsabiljte en ce q~i ooncerne' les (onelions' el obligations' .. transferees.

~"'bTLe tra~nsf~;t ne porlera pas effel a I'egard des aulres Etals contractants avant Que I'a,ccord dont il faU I'objet ait 416 enreg'i~tre,au· .. · Conseil etrendu public conformemenl •. rartiele 83 ou que .. I'existence et la portee de I'accord qient ele' notifiees di.rectement aux' autor'ites de rEuH ou des aulres Eiats contractants interess~s par un Etat partie a I'occord,

c) Les dispositions des alineas a),:'et b) ci~d.essus s~~i'~ga'emen't . appl·icables .dans les cas en'visages a tart,icie 77. ~'. " .

" :: " 'i

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2. FIXE, conformement aux dispositions ducjit article 94, alinea a) de ladite. Convention, a Quatre·ving(-dix-huit Ie nombre d'E-tats con-tractants dont Is ratific~licin est necessaire a l'entTe~ en "igueur dudit amendemenl. et

3. DECIDE Que Ie Secretai,e gen ... 1 de 1'0rganisation de l'Aviation civile internationale devra etablir en langues L"an"ca.ise, Bng-Iaise, espagnole et russe;' . chacune fai~nt egalement foi. un prolocGI~ ,concernant !'amendement.prec!re el comprena,"t les dispositions ci-de~sous:

a) Le protocole sera_ signe par Ie President et Ie Secretaire general de I' Assemblee.

b) Le .protocole sera ouvert Ii la ratification de tout Eta,l qui aura ratifle 13 . Conventio-n relative a r Aviation civ.i1e internationale ,ou y aura adhere.

c) Les insttl.!-ments de ratification seront deposes aupres de "Organisation de "Aviation civile .interna-tionale.

dl Le protocole entrera en vigueur a I'egard' des Elats qui I'auront ra(if"; Ie jour du depOt du quatre-vingt-dix-huitieme, insirume'nt de,' ratifica.tion.

e) Le Secrelaire generail,1otiCiera immediatement a tous les flats. !=Qf!tractants la" date du depOt de chaQue instrument de ratification dli pr<itQCole'~' ....

n Le Secret.ire general notifieraimme.diatemenl a tous lesEials Qui sont parties a: ladite Conventio.A la date. laQueUe ledilprotocole.entrera .rr vigueur ..


g) Le protocele enirer.a en vigueur" a regard d:e tout: Et21t'contractarifQui, I'aur.~ r·atifie apres ta d~Je pret;:itee. 'Ges:~ue eet-Etat 'aufa depOse s~"n:,ins'trument de· ra-lific:ati.o:~ au pres de l'Organisatien de I' A~ialtOf1 cf~.ile in:t~r~at-ionale, .-.

EN CONSEQUENCE,.conformement a 13 decision qi;desshls de I' Assemblee,

Le present" pro-tocole a- ete etabli, par Ie Secretaire generale de l'Organisatiori ..

EN POI DE QUOI, Ie President elle Secretaire general de la vingt-tro,sieme sessien de I'Assemblee de ,'Organisation de l'Aviat.ion cJvile internationaie, dument autorises a' cel erfet _par ,'Assemblee, O"ot 8p,pose leur signature au presen,t protocole.

FAIT a Montreall'e six oetobre de I'an mil neuf cent qualre-vingt, en un:'seul doeu'ment dans les la.ngues fnncaise, ·an-g.laise. espa,gnole el f:tJ;sse, chacun de's·le_xtes fai'sanl egalementfoi. Le present protocole sera depose dans les archives de 1.'Organisation de I' Aviation civile 'itu~rnallona:ie et des _€opies ce'rtifil:e~ conformes seront transmjses par -Ie 'Secretaire general de I'OtganisaltOn a tOl~S les Etats ,parties a la Convent-ron relat,ive "u I' Av-ialion civile"· inlernatiGinale faite'3 Chicago Ie . ' . . ) . . 7 decembrel944 ..

R.S. Nyaga . i>,'; lJ-iwfe':session de f'A _",bler Lambert, . ,~~··re-ioj,.~ -N;~wrol; .

" ,jIJ .... -' , ....

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