outsourcing brochure march 2011 - vtech seoxml sitemaps. * externalized / inline scripts and content...

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O u t s o u r c e d S e r v i c e sm u t u a l g r o w t h t h r o u g h c o l l a b o r a t i o n a n d p a r t n e r s h i p s

N E W D E L H I B A N G A L O R E U S A| |

J - 181 Sa r i t a V i h a r, N ew D e l h i , I n d i a . i n f o @v te ch - s eo . co mP H +91 11 2695 8420 M OB +91 98100 90449 FAX +91 11 4054 0686

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seo outsourcingWE LIVE AND WORK in an era of globalization. With specialized

abilities becoming a necessity, partnerships have become the smart way

to grow.

Outsourcing of internet marketing and SEO through strategic

partnerships is relatively new as compared to the more traditional

practice of outsourcing accounting, human resource and other business

needs. The fact is, organizations have recognized the merits of

outsourcing for a long time now and are beginning to realize the

potential of outsourcing SEO services.

Depending on the agency and their business model, there exist many

models of outsourcing SEO services. Some of the most common


Performance based outsourcing: Where the partner is paid for the

results achieved.

Activity based outsourcing: Where specific tasks are outsourced to

the partner agency.

Project based outsourcing: Where entire projects are outsourced to

the partner agency

Time and resource based outsourcing: Where the partner agency

commits to a pre-arranged amount of time and/or resources deployed

on the client projects

Strategic partnerships and joint ventures: In this model the partner

agency acts as the SEO arm or division of the client agency.

At VTech SEO, we are open to all forms of outsourcing except

performance based outsourcing. We believe that human time and effort

should receive fair compensation and our business ethics and outlook

do not permit the under-writing the risk of non-performance on behalf

of the client.

It has been our experience that most agencies that guarantee

performance or price for performance either practice black-hat SEO or

fabricate the performance. At VTech SEO, we denounce both these

practices and price our services based on time, effort or deliverables.

SEO Outsourcing Models






Our approach to outsourcing

Outsourcing models with VTech SEO





Outsourced SEO services at a glance

We recognize the diverse needs of clients looking to outsource SEO. To

meet the needs of our clients’ needs, we are flexible in our outsourcing


Build and Operate: We are geared to build an SEO team on behalf of

our clients, provide necessary training and ensure the integrity and

confidentiality of your business and clients.

Dedicated Resources: Some of our clients prefer to have a certain

number of SEO team members dedicated to their projects. We are

open to partner on the basis of a fee per dedicated resource.

Project based outsourcing: For some of our clients, we undertake

entire SEO projects from the time the client signs a contract for the

SEO services. These are either executed on the basis of standard SEO

packages or custom proposals depending on need of each project.

Collaboration: We are happy to help our clients in all aspects of an

SEO project starting with a pre-sales analysis and presentations to

prospective clients to post-acquisition servicing and execution.

Below is a list of services which VTech SEO can provide its partners.

Each of the services below is explained in subsequent pages. This is just

a sample list; we can offer services for your organization’s needs where

we have in-house expertise.

Service Price in USD

Dedicated SEO resource (min 130 hours) $ 1,500 /month

Pre-sales competitor SEO analysis $ 100

End-to-end one time SEO recommendations $ 1,000

Technical SEO audit and recommendations $ 300

Keyword research and recommendations $ 300

Content recommendations $ 25 / page

SEO reports $ 200 / report

Writing, implementation and other tasks $ 15 / hour

dedicated resources USD1500PER MONTH

The cost of hiring, training and managing SEO resources is both a on

the existing team. In today’s work environment, hiring and training

need to be ongoing activities to sustain and grow an in-house SEO

team. We recognize that there are both cost and operational benefits

to having outsourced team members deployed exclusively on your


By virtue of having a majority of our operations team based in India,

we are able to provide significant cost advantage to clients looking to

employ dedicated SEO resources for their projects. We offer our clients

the following:

SEO team members exclusively deployed on client projects.

Strategic inputs from the senior members of the team.

SEO insights from the entire VTech SEO team.

US / India based client servicing support.

Our business model allows us to provide all of the above for a monthly

fee of USD 1,500 per dedicated resource, on a minimum engagement

of six months.

We could either provide support and execute your SEO strategy as per

the guidelines set by your in-house SEO experts or can have our SEO

strategists develop the SEO strategy for your projects at no extra cost.

Dedicated VTech SEO resources





Working arrangement

How can we afford a dedicated resource at this fee?

A partial list of our clients and partners

Most large agencies are expensive because of the following reasons:

* High cost of infrastructure

* High overhead costs

* Redundancy built into the pricing model

* Premium pricing targeting the high-paying clients, that takes SEO out

of the reach of most small and growing businesses.

At VTech SEO, we have been able to maintain an extremely low cost of

infrastructure and overheads. Having a majority of our operations team

based in India gives us an inherent cost advantage, in spite of

recruiting the best talent available to us. In turn, we extend these cost

advantages to our clients with a view to taking quality SEO services

within the reach of small and growing businesses around the world.

Are we too expensive?

Evaluating value against the fee charged by your outsourcing

partner can be quite challenging? What is “cheap”? What is a fair

price? At one end of the spectrum are the large, established SEO

agencies that charge up to thousands of dollars per month.

At the other end are extremely small agencies and/or freelancers

who price their services extremely low, either out of desperation for

business or as a result of employing automated SEO that seldom

works, by resorting to black-hat SEO techniques or by employing

cheap labor that is inadequately skilled in SEO and marketing.

The value of quality human talent

What would be a fair remuneration to quality human resources?

What seems like a fair price for the time, effort and skill that a task

requires? These are the guiding questions in determining whether a

solution provider is “cheap” or “affordable”.

VTech SEO is not cheap. We employ the best talents available to us

and believe in paying them the best remuneration in the industry.

This allows us to provide the quality of service provided by large

agencies at a fraction of their fee, making our services excellent

value for money.

USD100pre-sales competitor seo analysis

Why outsource pre-sales analysis?

New business acquisition requires time and effort. This is a non-

remunerative effort that is an investment in potential future


It may not be possible to save the time and effort spent in meetings

and discussions with clients. However, outsourcing pre-sales

analysis of a potential client’s website with their competitors can

result in the saving of precious time and resources.

Benefits of outsourcing pre-sales analysis to VTech SEO

The cost of deploying in-house resources in a pre-sales

analysis of a prospective client’s website can be saved.

Fees charged by VTech SEO will always be a fraction of

executing the task in-house. Outsourcing the pre-sales

analysis will ensure a substantial saving of time and

resource in an important activity that does not always

result in a revenue.

Our business structure helps you save costs at every stage.

There is never a second chance to make a first impression. In most

cases, the pre-sales SEO analysis is the first impression you create. A

proper pre-sales analysis should include a comprehensive competitor

benchmarking of the potential client’s website against its competitors.

A limited analysis provided by a

number of online tools may not

be in-depth enough in a

competitive pitch for a new

business. A comprehensive

competitive analysis should include an evaluation of how a prospective

client’s website compares against its direct competition on a number of

SEO parameters.

* Comparison of the prospective

client’s site against four of its

direct competitors on key SEO

factors including:

* Indexed pages.

* Traffic to the sites.

* Number of inbound links.

* Google page rank and

Alexa rank.

* Presence in leading free and paid directories.

* Detailed report and analysis of the anchor text of inbound links.

* Error/broken URLs in each of the sites compared.

* Check for duplicate / short meta tags, keyword stuffing, etc.

Our Competitive SEO analysis would include:

* Check for custom 404

error pages and search

friendly redirects.

* Presence of HTML and

XML sitemaps.

* Externalized / inline

scripts and content

sufficiency on key pages.

* Use of technologies like

Flash, JavaScript, AJAX.

* A ranking report showing how each of the sites rank for keywords

parsed from the content of all the compared sites.

In addition, the report includes a summary of observations and

conclusions which will help your sales team put together a pre-sales

presentation. We can either do a pre-analysis as per our formats or

adapt the report to your preset templates.

* You send VTech SEO a

brief containing the URLs

of the prospect and the


* You can indicate

important keywords.

* Payment can be made

to our Paypal account.

* We return the analysis

in three working days.

The Workflow





We have a well-defined and exhaustive SEO process designed for

flexibility and scalability. The process has a healthy blend of automation

and human intelligence that allows us to offer a range of services to

our outsourcing partners from around the world.

Below is the workflow of an SEO project:summarized

USD1000one-time seo recommendations

Monthly SEO engagement

We are also open to a monthly SEO engagement for

require sustained SEO maintenance and enhancements. Some of the

activities we can offer as part of the monthly SEO engagement

would include:

* Identifying keyword themes for content enhancement

* Drafting content and articles

* Comprehensive link building through multiple avenues

* Monthly reporting and tracking of SEO progress

Ask us for our standard monthly SEO packages

web sites that

Flexibility of associating with VTech SEO

We can either follow our tested process or align our workflow to

adapt to your in-house process and documentation templates.

In effect, you would be augmenting your team with experienced

resources...saving on time, management and resource costs. We

would be happy to your extended team operating out of India and

the United States.

Get the benefits of quality services at truly affordable prices.

Our process is modular enough to allow us the flexibility to undertake

entire SEO projects as well as specific components thereof.

A typical one-time SEO project includes on-site SEO recommendations

for around 20 pages. It also includes technical recommendations

applicable across the site, competitor SEO analysis, keyword research

and recommended titles and descriptions for link building.

We are happy to extend the benefit of lower operational costs to our

partners around the world, with the intention of providing high quality

services at affordable prices.

We believe that collaboration and partnerships are the way to

sustainable and organic growth. We would be happy to act as your

partners in India, undertaking entire SEO projects or components that

allow our partners to leverage their in-house strengths.






















USD300technical seo audit & recommendations

Why outsource technical SEO analysis?

While tools can be developed and deployed to crawl a website,

their output needs to be analyzed and interpreted. This is a

function of human judgement, requiring time and skill.

Outsourcing technical SEO analysis can liberate your in-house

resources, who can, in turn manage multiple projects. As a result,

profitability of each project and resource can be maximized.

Outsourcing technical SEO recommendations to VTech SEO

A typical technical SEO analysis covers multiple aspects design,

technology and architecture that can affect a site’s performance in

search results. Our team is strong in SEO and the understanding of

search friendly technology.

We can work independently or with your in-house team in

identifying key technical issues, solutions and providing SEO


Maximize productivity. Let us work as an extension of your team.

Our technical analysis and recommendations cover:

* Navigation: Are they text, image, image maps, JavaScripts, Flash, etc.

* Presence or absence of text based footer Links

* Sitemaps: HTML and XML sitemaps & guidelines for sitemaps

* Redirects: Checking if a site uses 301 or 302 redirects

* Search friendly redirects: URL length, number of slashes and

presence of keywords in the URL

* Duplicate content: Within the same domain or multiple domains

owned by the client

* Recommendations to fix broken links and error URLs on the site

* Scripts: Check to ensure style sheets and JavaScripts are externalized

* Technologies: Presence and handling of Frames, Flash, JavaScripts,

AJAX, etc.

* Page load time and factors causing a page to slowdown.

* Presence of custom 404 pages

* Presence and contents of robots.txt file

* Presence of any black-hat practices like keyword stuffing, etc

* W3C compliance

The Work Process:

For complete technical analysis and recommendations, the following

would be necessary:

* Site Verification to check for errors reported by Google

* A brief which indicates if the client owns any other domain names

* We will send the analysis as a deck of PowerPoint slides or as an Excel

file, as required

* We can either follow our formats or structure our recommendations

around your pre-existing formats


USD300keyword research & selection

The management team at VTech SEO

Mukul Verdia

Director, Business Development & Client Relations

Mukul’s skills span technology, hardware and marketing. Mukul heads

client relations, business development, finance, diversification, and

organizational asset management at VTech SEO.


Director, Operations & Research

Raghupati brings SEO specialization and advertising experience to the

VTech-SEO team. At VTech-SEO, Raghupati manages operations, research,

training, process enhancement, and content and design direction.

Kristi Yokley

Director, International Business: Based in the USA Kristi is a professional

writer, a specialist in communication and public relations. She has over

15 years experience in customer / public relations and human resource

management. She has been a part of VTech SEO from its inception and

represents us in the USA.

Operations Team

Our operations team includes writers with a background in journalism

and mass communication, designers, web developers and SEOs with

extensive experience working with large agencies in India and USA.

For keyword research to be comprehensive, every avenue of compiling

and researching keywords needs to be explored. From this, keywords

need to be carefully selected based on the content present in the

various pages of the site. This can be a labour intensive exercise.

Outsourcing keyword research gives you two advantages:

* You can be involved in the decision making and review our work

* You can minimize the labour intensive work

* Compiling keywords from the client’s site and the website of

each of the competitors

* Compiling keywords from data provided by Google Webmaster Tools

* Compiling keywords from the analytics software used by the client

* Compiling keywords from past PPC data

* Keyword research using independent keyword research tools

Our keyword research process includes:

The keywords compiled are filtered for duplicates, then are manually

selected and mapped to pages within the site, based on:

* Their relevance to the theme and content of the client’s site

* Their search volumes

* Keywords for which the site does not have enough supporting

content are grouped into themes for adding content / articles to the


* The client’s site along with the competitor’s site are sent as part of

the brief and work order.

* Additional instructions on the type of keywords to focus on and/or

types of keywords to avoid can also be sent along with the brief.

* Reviews can be planned as necessary

The working arrangement



USD 25content recommendationsPER PAGE

Our Vision and Mission

Since our inception as an SEO agency in India, our vision has

grown to also include simple web design and content writing

solutions. Our core values include:

* Professional and personal ethics in all our ventures

* Raising the benchmark of our service standards at all times

* Delivering more than promised in terms of effort and results

* Building lasting relationships with our team and clients

* Being a global firm with the best of business practices

* Valuing humane values above commercial gains at all times

Our vision and immediate mission is to take search engine

optimization within the reach of small and growing businesses

around the world. We will provide cutting edge SEO solutions

that make a difference to our clients’ internet presence and

help them leverage the power of search engines through:

* Comprehensive SEO solutions.

* Developing SEO solutions for our clients’ marketing needs.

* Partnering with the best in the search marketing industry

from around the world.

Our on-site content recommendations cover the head and body section

of key pages in the site. These recommendations include:

* Suggested search friendly URL construct

* Title tag

* Description tag

* Keywords tag

* Suggested image file naming

* ALT text for images

* Heading (H1 to H6) and <strong> tags

* Anchor text

* Keywords to be included in the content of the page

In addition to these recommendations, we can also provide:

The Working Arrangement:

* Guidelines for setting up custom 404 error pages

* Guidelines and need for using 301 redirects

* Help and consultancy with URL rewriting

* Generation of XML sitemaps / guidelines for XML sitemap generation.

* Guidelines for content enhancement

* The brief is accompanied by a

list of pages to optimize and

keywords to be targeted at

each of the pages.

* If keyword research is also

done by VTech SEO, then the

brief only needs to identify the

key URLs to optimize

* VTech SEO will draft the

recommendations and send

them, either in our format or

the format specified by you.

* Changes and iterations needed would be made by VTech SEO.



USD200seo reports

A partnership beyond outsourced work

Whether you are considering opening a branch office or an off-

shore development centre in India, VTech SEO would be happy

to partner with you in setting up your unit on a build-and-

operate basis.

We have helped organization set up businesses as diverse as

optical disc replication and solar product production. With our

resident expertise in SEO and search engine marketing, we can

help you to set up your India division.

Why India?

Many search marketing agencies in the United States have an

India presence. This is because India has the largest English

speaking population of all non English-speaking countries.

India also a large talent base in IT and IT enabled services.

SEO as a specialization has matured in India and there is a

growing pool of skilled SEOs. The country is among the fastest

growing economies with a young workforce. The flourishing

Indian BPO industry is proof that Indians are comfortable

working in an off-shore environment.

SEO reports are time consuming unless clients are provided a

dashboard through which they can see the changes in organic

performance of their website. Even in these cases, there is often a need

for analysis and interpretation.

* A summary of effort made in the

month and results achieved

* Charts that show progress in organic

ranks and traffic

* Organic traffic including a list of top

performing keywords

* Month-on-month tracking of

changes in organic ranks across the

search engines of choice (usually

Google, Yahoo! and MSN)

* Visibility report comparing the

rankings of the client’s site and its

competitors for the same set of

keywords across search engines

* SERP report showing which page is

ranking for each keyword

* Google Page Rank and Alexa Rank

* Number of pages and inbound links indexed in Google and Yahoo!

* Organic conversions (wherever possible)

* Traffic from brand v/s non-brand searches

We can generate SEO reports that include:

Besides ranks and organic traffic, we also track the following:

Glimpses from our monthly reports





VTech SEO was established to provide quality SEO services at

affordable prices to our clients and partners from around the

world. Our intention is to establish a global footprint through

strategic alliances. Ensuring high quality of service and building

lasting professional relationships is the way we look to sustain

and grow our relationship with our partners.

VTech SEO will never resort to black-hat SEO techniques. We

take pride in our professional ethics and will do what is in the

best marketing interest of our clients.

As an organization, we are not billing driven. The quality of the

work we do is as important to us as the revenues. We limit the

number of current projects to ensure due attention to every

project we are involved in.

Our promoters have been heads of departments at multi-

national agencies. They bring over two decades’ experience of

working on international projects.

Our process is on par with the best in the world. With an

emphasis on human skill, our process relies more on human

intelligence than on automation.

As a learning organization, our process is constantly evolving.

Our team comprises of SEOs, writers, and web designers with

over a decade’s experience. We also have a network of

professionals with whom we work on a project-to-project basis.

Subject to committed volumes, we will not associate with a

competing agency in the same geographic region. This is to

ensure confidentiality and build credibility in the relationship.

Our aspiration is to build lasting relationships with organizations

from around the world. Your testimony and reference of the

quality of our work would is important to us.

Why VTech SEO?


other tasksOur SEO process is flexible and allows us to undertake any part of the

SEO process as an outsourced service. In addition to the activities listed

in the previous pages, some of the tasks we could undertake include:

Many times, the existing content on

pages in a website is not rich in keywords. This makes it necessary to

edit or rewrite the content to have adequate keyword density. This

needs to be with care to ensure that the page copy reads well.

We could undertake content re-writing / editing. Our team of

writers is well versed in SEO principles and can strike the

balance between good marketing copy and keyword-rich content.

We are experienced in article writing

and would be happy to undertake all aspects of article writing

including identification of themes, research, draft content

writing and editing. Similarly, we have the ability to write blog

posts for our clients.

Most of our clients have in-house or

outsourced web development teams. Our on-site SEO responsibility in

such cases is limited to providing SEO recommendations and

auditing the implementation of our recommendations.

However, we have the in-house capability to implement meta

data and content recommendations.

We have a systematic link building process which

includes: contacting inbound links to competitors, free and

paid directories, commenting on blogs and forums. We can

also draft titles and descriptions for directories, and blog and

forum comments containing a meaningful link to the client’s site.

We understand that every project is unique in its own

right. SEO requirements may not always fall within the packages

listed here. Whatever your requirements in SEO and writing, we

would be happy to structure a customized service for you.

Talk to us today for outsourcing your SEO and writing requirements.

* Content writing and editing:

* Article and Blog post writing:

* SEO implementation:

* Link building:

* Other tasks:





In India: In USA:Mukul Verdia Kristi Yokleymukul@vtech-seo.com kristi@vtech-seo.com+91-98100-90449 417-660-4644

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