our town april 11, 1925

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8/7/2019 Our Town April 11, 1925

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Main Line Singer

Announce Progra

Cboral Concert Coming onApril 23rd


A "ery successful rehearsal forthe "Legion Fol lie s o f 1925" washeld last Tuesday night.

More interest has been evidencedin this show, by the Legion members than in any previous Legionshow, due in part to the new leaseof lif e which is prevalent in theLeg ion, and to the fac t t ha t 25 percen t. o f t he p roceeds o f t he show

go to welfare work among disabledveterans.

There has been some confusion astothe date onwhich the show wouldbe s taged , due to an e rr or in thefirst date allot ted to the Legion forthe show. This show will be stagedtwo night , April 24 and 25, a t E lmHall. Tickets are on sale now, andfrom the reports received to date.the hall should be filled both nights.

:Mr. Harry Simpson is in chargeo f the sale o f tickets a nd has distributed them to nearly all the membe rs . They will also be on sal e i nmos t o f the s to re s in Narbe rt h. sot hat anyon e wishing to help dis abled veterans will have an opport un it y t o do so.

Don't forget the dates. April 24and 25. and the purpose, to help disabled veterans.


1 f · h ·· L U d W CLEAN-UP POSTPONEDOrchestra Concert Schoo 0 Flremans lp . IS eague n er ay Burgess Metzger has announcedthat t he d at e for Clean-Up Week

Honors NarberthId

For 1925 has been postponed from the week

Bel.ng He Here o f Apr il 12 to that of May 4.The original plan had been to have

Crz'/t'es D..,.nz·se ~ A " a z o n Lz'ne Prelimznar11 Meett'nG'Held the Narberth clean-up coincide with.I. i

u 1Y.l.1J (5

National Clean-Up Week, but it is7tA'.usz·czoans' TTTOr.· 1 Narberth Comr.an'l! Ho/dina Exhaustive rr'lZ'S TT7eek felt that spring house-cleaning hasiY.I., yy £ 'R. r J e5 .1 rt yy t not progressed far enough to war-

D 'lZ ' d d EYfi' . rant the early date.ritA s in S/lee an Ic/enc'll F Experience has shown that when

Narberth's prestige 10 Main r J ive clubs. two old and three t he date is set too early the task is The Main L ine Choral , underLine musical circles was more new ones were present a t t he first extended ove r many weeks instead the direction of William P. Bentzfirmly established than ever b e f o r ~ Occasionally .in the evening the service-in short got everything meeting of the season of the Main of an intensive drive, as is desired. will give its spring concert on

. f . d f .. I ' f L' B b 11 L h ld ' th "Our Town" will publish full de- T "Sunday. in t he t hi rd concert of intermIttent tap 0 a fire gong IS rea y or service. 10 a tot a tIme 0 me ase a eague e In e tails later. hursday evemng, Apnl 23, i n t hethis season. g iv en b y the Main heard on the streets. or a passerby 70 seconds. Borough Hall . Narberth. Monday auditorium o f th e Women's Club.Line Orchest ra last Sunday after- sees a man rapidly scaling a ladder And that . even for a paid com- evening . 0 Ardmore avenue, Ardmore. This

nOOIl. placed against the side of an ap- pany. would be an achievement. The t wo o ld clubs wer e Nar - JUnIOr Show Wins Choral, numbering approximatelyAn audience which t ax ed t he paren tl y un- igni ted Y. M. C. A. Of the 30 active firemen, about berth. represented by Charles 50 voices. is the result of a combina-

c apa ci ty of th e theatre crreeted building. . 20 t ur n o ut f or each drill, and in Harnden and League President. Dramatic Laurels tion of the several choruses alongthe. o r c h ~ s t r a . The p r b , o g ~ a m , ' :Where's the ~ r e ? " is a s ~ e d , t o add it ion, i ns truc ti on is g iven the Robert J. Edgar. and Oakmont . the Main Line. These singers havewhIch vaned from Clay's 'Gipsy w ~ l c h the. well;:nformed. Narber- men on the wai ting-l ist for places represented by Jim Nunan. The "E'1/" D • d B t set a high standard for themselves,J ohn" to Shubert's "Unfinished thtan repltes: There amt none; i n, the crew. In addi tion t o the n ew ent ri es were the Bala-Cyn- Ztty rrazse as es and it is their aim to give to theSymphony," was featured by the t h e Y ' r ~ drillin·... . hose work particular emphasis is wyd Neighborhood Club, repre- Pedormance Ever people of the Main Line from timefinished playing of the orchestra . ~ h l c h explanation conveys more laid on the handling of the ladders. sented by Messrs. James E. Ham- to t ime some of the finer composi-and the skillful leadership of the slg11lfiance to the local house-holder including proper methods of scal- me r a nd Paul S. Rattle ; Glad- tions ill the field of choral music.ever-graceful conductor, Adolph than may appe ar . Fo, : . the Nar- ing while carrying a hose l ine, axe . wyne. represented by George Nel- "The best thingever given inElm and their work is a lmost ent irely aVocrel 'ce ll i st of the Philadelphia berth firemen are dnlhng-have roo f hooks or similar piece of lings. l as t y ear 's m an ag er of Hal l! " Thi s and s im il ar s ta temen ts cappella, which i s i n i tsel f a con-O r ~ b e ~ t r a been for months-with a view to equ ipment . ' B a ~ a - C y n w y d . a nd Doy le s' Nur - were h ea rd on every s id e as t he siderable undert akin g. Mr. B en tzw'l r . B t P' s 1 Nar making the borough company the The firemen have been practicing senes ?f .Berwyn. aud iel lce ret urned f rom the sea has p lanned a very int eres ti ng and


1 b t a a ~ i t o n ~ r , ~ a I : ~ e 0 ~ o l o i s t ~ 11!0del of suburban outfi ts in eff i- rescue work·by carrying each other Prebmmary plans for the or- voyage with "Bi ll y" and filed f rom var ied program, and f rom the l is tHe sang first the prologue from clency and s peed. down the ladders. Lieutenant Reed ganization of t he League for the Borough Hal l. last Saturday eve- of composers which are representedP r . tI CI ' "G' s It all s ta rt ed l as t yea r. when the has p romi sed to bri ng hi s daugh te r cO?1 ing s e a ~ o n which b e ~ i n s the ning. \ Vh en we s ay audience we this concert should be looked for-

Jalg I ~ C C I , d lenl d ~ \h , , ~ p If depar tmen t was organ ized on new with h im to the next dri ll as a sub- t1urd week m May were discussed do .so.advisedly, inasmuch as th e war d to wi th keen i nt ere st by th e


ban ~ o n k l ; 1 ~ , Al l f ~ - lines, to meet the wishes of the ject for rescue practice. From but no definited ?ecisions were maJonty of the people present music' lovers of this section. and the

l11g own C? 10, 0 liS Phil ad el ph ia Suburban Underwri- present indications there will be an formed. These Will be made a t sta>:ed to dance to. the snappy efforts of the organization shouldsolo.s were WIth orchestra accom- ters. The Underwriters made many attendance of 100 per cent. a t t h at t he first r eg ul ar m ee ti ng o f t he s tr am s of the four-pIece orchestra. be encouracred and supported as itpa11lment. suggestings to Council of means by dri ll . League, which will be held in the Those wh? r ~ 1 1 1 a i n e d w e r ~ _eyen bids fair t become a worthy com-The large attendance and the which the insurance rate in the A Perfect Record. office of Robert J. Nash. Narberth more enthuslasttc and the J U 1 1 l ~ r s panion to the Main Line Orchestra.

gene.rous applause ~ h o w e d the el ;- borough cou ld be lowered to the These dri ll s a re des ti ned to pl ace Sta ti on , 8.30 P. M. sharp. Monday were. alm.ost overwh.elmed W l t ~ of which we areall so proud.thuSlasm WIth w ~ l c h . the m.uslc min imum f igure; among thi s l is t Narbe rt h at the very pinaele ill fire night. g 1 0 ~ V 1 1 1 g tnbutes to ~ h e l r characten- The assisting soloists at this con-lovers of the Mal11 L1l1e r e c e l ' ~ e d was the s ti pu la ti on that regular protection. So far, in the history zatlons of t he v anou s p ar ts , the ce rt will be the Misses I ren e andthe c?ncert. S,amuel .L. Lacle .r , dri ll s be held. of t he company, t hey have never LEAGUE TO MEET staging and the allaround cleverness Blanche Hubbard, cellist and harp-p r ? ! m ~ a n t P h l l a ~ e l p h l a musIc That requirement could have been "lost" a fire in t he borough, and . in . On Monday. April 13. at 2.30 of the comedy. iste, whose artistic work· is wellcntlc, I.n commentmg on the con- met in a per func to ry manne r, but fac t, have never had an outside fire P. 111., in the Y. M. C. . (\. , will be \Vi th an a ll -s ta r c as t, i t i s difficult known in musi cal cir cles . Bothcert saId: t ha t has ne ve r been a part of the g et away from them if all a la rm held the monthly meetll1g of the to pick individuals as outstanding girls, although still quite young. are"As i n t he tw o p re vio us co.n- Narberth company's way of doing had been turned in at once. J.eague of \V.omen Voters. parts of the whole. It is safe to say, artists in their respective fields.

certs, the orchest ra played a?mlr- things . Chie f Noel immediately Th is p er fe ct reco rd has been due L Mrs. Harne Reed, of Haver-Jhowever, thatthe comedy hits of the The Choral' s program. al a Capably, whe n t he difficulty ot the made a ra ngement s t o s ecu re t he to t he fact that the active l1!embers torel, a m e m . b e ~ ' of t! le .Good even ing were Mar ion Haws Cook, pella With. the except!on of oneprogram selected by Condu ct or service of a compe tent i ns truc to r, have made a hobby of theIr work ,IJ. o m ~ s A ~ s o c l a t l O n . willch IS re-,as the hopless and toothless hero number, WIll cover a WIde range ofAdolph Vogel/is considered. The and the week ly dri ll s were made in the company. Chi ef Cha rl es V. ; sponslbl e 101' the development .of "Billy," Har gr ave and his long period music and folk songs, aschief numbers came f ir st , Gold- i nt o a comple te course i n int ensi ve Noel has had f ir e- fighti ng as an;a modern and. model commu11lty suffering and "theuseless" sister fol lows:mark's 'Sakunta la , ' overture . and fire-fighting. avocation nearly all his life, and has ·jlt. Garrett BIB !le3;r Rosemont, Alice, impersonatedby Mary Digby. Choral : "Break Forth Oh Beau-the first movement of Schubert 's Lieutenant \Villiam P. Reed, in been with the local company for 21 /\vll1 he the pnnclpal s p e a ~ e r Mary Dav is made a cha rming and t eous Heavenly L ight ," John Seb .

'Unfinished' s ymphony. T hi s i s cha rge of t he Cen tral Fire Station years.·Models ~ the .typeof homes bemg unaffected heroine and Kay Eck· Bach; "Hymn to the Virgin," XIVgood program-making but r is ky in Ph ilad el ph ia was s ecu re d a s in- All of t he l eader s, dur ing the ir l: er ec ted m thI s. d .eve lopmen t for ber t. as Sam Eusti s, B ill y' s dead ly Cen tu ry Melody; "Glory Be tofor an ama teur o rche st ra , whose structor, and under his tutelage the ·spare time, have studied the SUbject ,good homes \\'lth1l1 t h s co pe of rival, was fully qualified to out God," Rachmaninoff; "The Wind,"intonation invariably impro\"Cs as ent ire subject of f iremanship is by going to different companies in : t l ~ e . m o d e r ~ t e purse ~ v I l l be. ex- sheik Rudo lp h himself. Do rothy M. H. Carrol l; "Celt ic Hymn,"a concert progresses. being covered. Philadelphia, learning the newest; :hlhlted. S1l1ce there IS a. n ~ t l ? n a l Wilson and Mary Chalfant increas- Hugh S. RObertson; "The Swing,""Sunday's experience \vas no Remarkable Speedy Obtained. methods from. t he paid firemcn.411lov.e. for bet.ter home.s t l l l ~ IS a ed miraculol1sly in years over night. SeEm Palmgren; "Quick, \Ve Have'

exception to this rule. Both Go ld - T he p ract ice invo lves work i n Deputy Chi ef E d. W ip f has 21 Ipertment subject for dISCUSSIOn at and gave splendid characterizations But " C l ' · S e t o m : 1 c ! ' · c · 0 : c · ' V m i a 1 ' 8 ~ . Stafl'";mar k a nd S chu ber t u se r emot e hose l ay ing, l adde r work, handl ing yea rs servi ce to his c redi t in the this .time. _ . as the mothers of the. hero and ford; ,and difficult keys in which the of the t rucks, e tc . The men are local outfi t; assistants John A. . MISS Anna MacI"eag, leglsla- heroine. Peg Eckbert, 111 the two Four Folk Songs:non-professional pI a y e r, no being thoroughly fami li ar iz ed with Mi lle r, Cha rl es Young and Tay lo r t lve del egat e ft:om M 0 1 ~ t g o m e r y roles of J ohn Har gr av e a nd the "The Spell of the Forest" (Rus-matter how good, is never entirely Narberth's growing equipment. Henry have b e ~ n on the job over County to ! -I arnsburg , WIll report captain, Margaret U v i n ~ s . t o n as sian), Rimsky-Korsakoff; "Fare

at ease. But in the second part An example of the speed and IS years. Many of the V O I l 1 ~ l t e e r s on t he s e ~ s l O n s she a t t e ! l d e ~ . the doctor, Jeannet te GIllIS and weB to Cucullain," Old Irish;of the concert the intermezzo from efficiency obtained was shown last ha,:e ten !O 20 yea rs o f serVIce to O t h e ~ Important legIslatIOn to Ruth Haws Cook as two of the "Milking Song" (Scotch), Gran-' Na il a' a nd t he two Hungarian week. A crew of eight men put theIr credIt. date WIll be analyzed by a mem- crew, Helen Caldwel las the steward vil le Ban tock : "Nobody Knows

dances of Brahms, perhaps tech- up a ladder, connected a hose to the The trucks are manned by expert ber of the League. and Marion Trotter as the steward- the T r o u b l ~ I've Seen," Negro

nically more difficult, were played plug. insta lled the "Siamese" two- drivers: Ray \Veiss, E ar l Mecke Membe rs are u r g e n t l ~ reques!- ess rounded out the cast with wel1- Spiritual: "Bedouin Love Song,"i n much better tune. All through way connec ti on and both li nes . a t- and Joe Magui re . The proper ed to attend and hnng then' balanced proformances. Tohn Hvatt Brewer.the program the orchestra p layed t ached all necessary nozz les and handl ing of t he appar atus on the f ri en ds a nd e xt en d a c o r d i ~ 1 weI · T he sweet voice of Evelyn Pat ten . In addit ion to this there wil l bewith splendid spirit and excel lent equipment , carried one l ine up a s t r . e ~ t s has beena part of the weekly come. to ~ h . e speaker of the d ay . was h ea rd to good advan tage in three groups for c ~ l l o and harp.dynamic effects, and at times 20-foot ladder, hooked the ladder dnlhng. who IS gWl11g so generously her seven tun eful number s and ..the Reserved seat tIckets are $1 andreached a high level of perform- strap, brought the chemical line into (Continued on the Second Page) time. . "peppy" chorus showed their careful the remainder of seats wil l be 50ance. Some of the essential in- The sp nn g lun.cheon of the tr ain in g unde r Miss :Marjorie cents.struments are lacking, it i s t rue, C O U ~ l t y League WIll ~ ) h e l ~ on Carter to such good advantage thatbut t h is was skillfullv covered hv JURY LIST FOR APRIL GIRL SCOUTS Api'll 30 at the.Merton Cncket encores were repeatedly called for.some very clever reinstnll11enta -- -- Club. R e s e r v ~ t t o n should he The ladies and ja ck t ar s of thetion. A f eatu re of the orchestral Residents of Lower Merion and Nar· To Give Concert in Ardmore for made promptly 111 order t o secure chorus were:

numbers was Schubert's 'A"f: berth Drawn for ·Court. Camp Fund. a .advantageous location ~ the , Sai lo rs _ E li zabe th Eng land .Maria, ' in which the solo t rumpet Many we ll- known Narberth The Main Line Committee of the d 1 l 1 1 ~ g - r o o m . Luncheon ttckets. Emily Needham. Louise England,

t fi 1 I d b F de 'r names are among those drawn Girl Scouts has J'ust completed l!1 2') \7 M II R h J Gracepar was ne y p aye y re rh 'r ;f" ~ D II h th erna at Jy, ut ones,C. Patten, first trumpet of the or for jury duty during Apr il in plans for a concert to be given Ap ril I vr , l' C ona (! W 0 was e Smith.chestra. the Montgomery County Courts 24 at 8 P. M. a t t he Lower Merion speaker at the spring luncheon last , .

at Norristown. In the list of j uro rs Jun io r High School. The concert year. wil l again address, by re- pancels-Lolllse . F ~ e e n a ! Marie"The soloist was \V. Burton drawn for four weeks of Court are which is to be called "Song s of quest, this annuall11eeting. Mlesen, Eleanor F l t ~ l p o l d l , l ? e ~ t y

Piersol, baritone, who sang f irst the fol lowing from Lower Merion Other Days" is for the benef it of Mrs. Tohn O. MiJler, State Henr y, Dorothy DIgby, Lllhanthe.Prologue from 'Pagliacci' a n township and Narberth bo ro ug h: the camp and build ing funds. Ch ai rm al ; w ill a ls o spe ak . La Boube.later two songs. a ll with erches- J 'Tile cl' lb a t this t ime \visl les to. 'I P' 1 Grand Jury, April 13 - . Scouts from the entire Main L

tral accompal1lment. "v r . l er so Bai rd Caldwe ll, Hel en Graves , An- Line and those from Nor ri st own HURT BY SPINNING DOOR publicly thank those tireless workerswas in excellent voice. espeeiallv . L J Q ' H C 'I Ed d H k' f 101 \VllO e-ave of their best tllat the. h P l ' I . me ong. ames UlOn, ector and onshohocken will t ake par t. 1\ I"S. < war op 111S, 0 ..111 t e ro ogue, Wit 1 Its great \Varde. Those of the lower Main Line in- : l\ Ierion avenue, was painfully in- juniors might have another successdemands ofo r ange and color, anci p ' J A'l Rbi I I I h ill the (\ramatic field laurels: Mrs.I . d '1 d I etlt ury, pn 13- e ecca e luding Cynwyd, Narbe rt h, Ard - jured \Ve(nes(ay niglt Wlen s el e was rece1\'e WIt 1 eserve( en Effi "1 B EI . h f I Katllleell McConllell, coacll,' Mrs.I · I I d' (J Austin, e lY . urns, < sle more and Mil l Creek will sing songs was . st ru ck and t rown rom lerthusl

bsl11 flY t le au Ifenche. ne u . Dunne , Cha rl es L . France, George in cos tume , rep re sen ti ng the Ante- f ee t by a revolving restaurant Madel ine McCoy, accompanist ·,

t e est eatures 0 t e concen Fleck, E ls ie P . Haine s, Ade la ide (1001' Marjorie Carter, director of thewas the amazing ly fine r endition Bellum period; those of Haverford, . d ' d h . t t ,\,r

. Lucas, Edward H. Landis, Town- Bryn Mawr and Rosemont will The accident occurred at 1508 ancl11g. an er assls an , 1V.lrs.of the exceedingly difficult orches- send H. Lester, Charles B. Turner. h p ' . d d "'Iat'ket street, Phl'ladelphl·a. As :Margaret Derby.tral accompaniment to the Pro- r ep res en t t e unt an peno ; an l' -

ogue." Petit Jury. April 2o-Louise V. the Colonia l period will be taken by Mrs. Hopkins , who is s ev en ty -------Cockr ill , John Kos ick. Edward the Scouts of Radnor, \i' layne and years of age, was leaving t he res - LAMON-HOUSEKEEPER

Adolph Vogel, who resides on Ensinger, 'Frank Elmore, Laura Malvern. The troops of Norristown t au ran t, t he door was v io le nt ly T he mar ri age of :Miss AlmaAvon Road, not only has.built up Hopper, Dorothy Hall, Albert Hen- and Conshohocken will give a Scout pushed .by some over-hasty diner, Housekeeper to Mr .. George Marthis 'remarkable amateur orches- dricks,' Rosella Harper, Benjamin play and a t the close of the perfor- an d s he was t hr own a cr os s t he shall Lamon took place last Saturtra, but is Director o.f the Main Tacobs, Sarah Morris, Victoria Sut- mance all Scouts in uniform.several pavement, fallin.e: with consider- day.Line School of Music. a member ton, John W. Wolf, Thomas \Vick- hundred strong, will sing Scout able force in the gutter. The bride , who resides on Gulphof the Philadelphia Orchestra and ward. songs. It was found that she had suf- road, is a fortner resident of Nar-p lays wit h the Philharmonic So- Traverse Jury, Apr il 27-Vera Mrs. C. Duane \Villiams of fered a broken hip and severe berth and is employed at the storec ie ty a nd t he Lemon H ill O r- Bailey, Thoma s K . Barker, John County Line, Bryn Mawr, is chair- bruises; she i s a lso suf fe ri ng f rom of Mr..Howard. F. Cotter., :Mr.chestra. Blinkin,' Isabel Coogan. Curtis F. man of the Concert Committee and shock, and because of her ad- Lamon IS a reSIdent of Consho-

Clay, Catherine Founta in, Henry Mrs. Edith Hale, Rosemont, assisted vanced age. is in a serious condi- hocken and is scoutmast er o f theVICTOR LECTURE BUREAU P K' ht J M D tt . I TI d

. m g , ame s c e rmo , by Mi ss Leslie Perk ins ,F ie ldD ir ec - tion at th e Jefferson HospItal. B.oy Scout t roop t l ~ r e . le we -Nearly all the Community Club Charles S. Powel l. Joseph Schrgil l, tor , distr ic t No.8, is directinf{ the Mrs . Hopk ins ha s been making dmg took place at 1115 home. BENEFIT SHOW

. members enjoy the Victor programs James Summers. performance. her home with her son. Mr.. The b ti de 's only a tt endant was For the benefit of t he Devon

over the radio. On Tuesday , Apr il T rave rse Jury. May 4-Granville , George A. Hopkins, on Merion Miss Elvira Crtllnen, of Iona ave- Rummage sale there wil l be a spe -

14. they may hear a fine Victor pro- Hopkins. Burrows Sloan, Arthur avenue. At her home it was learn- nue. After the ceremony the couple cial showing of "The Arab,' (Rexgrom without any radio or any ' in - Smit h. F lor enc e D. Schwartz. KARNIVAL KWIPS ed t ha t h er neck h ad not been left for Atlantic City for their Ingram Production. \Vednesday

terference." Samuel Wylie._ Annual and perennial plants. The broken, as statedin theci ty papers honeymoon. On the ir return they ma ti ne e a nd Voled ne sday a nd

Miss Mabel Rich. of the Victor flower kommittee kan take kare of but t ha t s he is nevertheless i n a will live i n Conshohocken. Mrs . Thursday evenings a t t he WayneLec tu re Bureau, wil i g ive the s to ry - WESTMINSTER CIRCLE your order for garden plants. Please very critical condition. Lamon plans to continue 111 her Theatre.of th e ?pera tt A i d ~ , " w i musical The April meeting of the West- keep i t for t hem. May 3 and 4. posit ion at the Cot ter store for the Tickets. 50 cents, are on sale atI l l u s t r a ~ l o n s . M U ~ l c a l ~ r t ~ I C S speak minster Circle will be held at the A kafeteria supperwillbe served LIBRARY ASSOCIATION FORMED present. the theatre or may be securedvery hIghly of .MISS ~ I c h . s . l e c t u r e . home ~ Mrs. D. W. Wright, 18 both days at the karnivalfrom 5.30 A permanent Library Associa- from Mrs. Robert Town, 13Mrs. S. Z. Shope wil l gIve an ac- ·Woo.dslde avenue, on Thu rs day to 7 P. M•. The menus wil l be non, independent of the 'Women's Th e bearded lady of Ringling Beechwood Lane. Phone, Nar-

count of the Monday conference. e V ~ 1 1 1 n g . th e 16th. Mrs. J. E. printed in the Kar ni va l news th e Commun ity Club. was fo rmed B ro s. ' C ir cu s recently died on b er th 1234-J.Let us have the biggest attendence Batley and.M:s. R. D. MacGuffi n week before. . Keep the dat es in Thursday night in a meeting held at Staten Island, leaving a w if e and The proceeds are for the B r y ~nrecord I are, the aSSIStIng hostesses. mind. May 2 and a. the Y. M. C. A. five children. Mawr Hospital.



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8/7/2019 Our Town April 11, 1925

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Prairie RoseBUTTERNow 55c




Cash Only-No Delivery

FILMS-All Sizes


Open Evenings by Appointment






N A ~ ~ [ R T " C O A l & E ~ O I N G MAffmAlCQNARBERTH ~ m : r PENNA.-- •. t

Ma1'cel Waving :: Scalp T1'eatment :: Shampooing

Facial Massage:: Manicuring

N. E. Cor. Narberth and Haverford Avenues

The B1'ightest Spot in Na1'berth

A Drug Store in th e Most Modern Sense o f t h e T ermTelephones: Narberth 1267 and 1268

An y kodak or camera that takes a film c an b e s up pl ied here.

Make this y ou r F ilm Filling Station a nd b ri ng all

films h e re fo r developing service that is unsurpassed

fo r g ood w or k, attention to detail an d 48-hour


George M. Dando


If you ar e th ink ing of hous ing summer boarde rs , y ou will be pleased with the a t t rac t ive assortment of outdoor s l eep ing compartments we havejust received. Beaut i fu l and sturdy i n con st ru ction, they ar e bound to please th e most fas tid iouso f y ou r guests, provided they belong to th e BIRDFAMILY.





Just s ta yi ng " P ut " helps, bu t it don't helpenough.

This is an ag e of competition an d you can'tstand still or you will eventually be c rowded ou t.

Have you noticed h ow w e a re g rowing rega rdless of more competit ion?

I f you don' t c ome i n, just look in. You ·will

notice, a s l ar ge a s our s t or e room, we s eem crowded

fo r space-more eus tome r s and mo re clerks t o w ai ton them. We see new faces every week among ou rcustomers, and we feel that Narberth appreciatesou r e ff o rt s t o s e rv e t h em economically an d well.

You mak e u s h ap py by keep ing us busy.


Granulated Sugar 6c Lb.P. & G. White Naptha Soap . . . . . . . . . 6 cakes for 25cLarge Gold Dust 25cBlended Coffee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45c Lb.

. qu r 45c . l ~ l e n ~ e d .Coffee. certa;inly must have some gooddrmkmg qualttles If we can Judge Its meri ts by our customers'remarks-plus our sales.

Good California Peaches-Large can 21cMontco Asparagus Tips " 41cQuaker Oats " 10cMontco Pineapples-Whole slices-Large can . . . . 29cQuart jars Olives 55c

Our Lancaster CountyEGGS

Now 35c Dozen3 Dozen for $1.00




The r egular mee ting of the

Junior Cotnlll':l11ity C I ~ b was h el dTuesday evenmg, Apnl 7, at theY. M. C. A.

:Mrs. Anderson asked the girls tog et t he ir parcel post packages assoon as possible. Every g ir l i n th ec lu b i s asked to write to t wo orthree friends a nd a sk t hem t o se nda package parcel post for our boothat the senior bazaar.

Evelyn \\'orth g av e a mos t interesting t a lk onher t rip to Europe .Iasts umme r. S he told about her flight

from London to Paris , their v isit toVenice and man y o th er interesting Ithings.

Wash LaundryPhone Ardmore 949





FOI ' information and lJa1·ticula1·S

For Ideas of Constntction Visit Our





The Place to Buy the Necessary Lumber



Automobile PaintingModerate Rates

Is a lot of money. It i s the equ ivalen t o f a col lege educat ion to your boy, so says the Government StatisticalDepartment.

You have made p lans for your b o ~ ' - p l a n s f or himto go to college which will be carried out if you a re hereto p rovide for i t, but s uppose you a re one o f the daddieswhom the law of averages decrees wil l not be here whenthe time comes for his college education.

If you depos it with us an unbelievably small amounteach year we will take your place if you are not here andpr ov ide al l t he n ec cssa ry f und s f or y ou r boy o r g ir l t osecure an education.


Established 1907 GEORGE N. GILL

Home Address , 216 Dudley Ave., Narberth, Pa .

Bell Phone 1621-J


Wouldn't you be glad to have us can for your

Laundry-do all yourWASHING and more than half yourIRONING for a few cents per pound?

THRIF-TEE SERVICE is so moderately priced tha tyou can send the whole family bundle, Everyth ing thoroughly washed, the FLAT WORK is neatly IRONED.

The WEARING APPAREL, etc., is returned just dampenough to starch and iron. WRAPPED in separate bundles,the damp articles will keep for several days. The cost isonly EIGHT CENTS per pound.

Our regular DAMP WASH SERVICE is priced at30 pounds for $1.00 .

SunshineARDMORE, PA.



Quick Service



Nnrberth 2674 Lombllrd 02(;0


The State Convention of the

King 's Daughters will be h el d atthe Baptist Church of Narberth , ont he 19th, 20th and 21st of Ma y.W e a re f or tu na te i n securing thisConvention and expect the sessionswill be wel l attended by our townspeople as well as the delegates fromall over the S ta te .

Le t us not forget the.rummage

sale of the K ing' s Daugh te rs on the16th and 17th of this month. If you

wish articles called for the morningof the 16th, please notify Mrs. J. T.

Darlington, Narberth 16S2-VV., orl eave them with h er a t 23 2 Hampden avenue, o r w it h :Mrs. Hewitt,

.. , , ,. , ! : : : = = = : : : : : : = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~- "


:Miss Mary McGee, of Dudley a\'enue, is spending the Easter vacation inWashington, D. C.

Mr. a nd Mrs . Victor D. Abe l and Mr.and Mrs. Kern W. :\IcHose. of Narbrook Park, motored to Washington lastweek to see the flowering cherry trees.

Mr. and l\Irs. G. B. Sefton and daughter Julia, of the Parkvie\,: Apartments,wil l move next week to PIttsburgh.

Mr. a nd M rs. James Kelly, Mr. andl\frs. Dunstan Smith and DunstanSmith. J r. , are spending thc week-end

at Atlantic City.

Mrs. and Miss Runyon, Mrs. Farson,Burgess a nd Mrs . Carl B. Metzger andMr. a nd Mrs . Otto V. Kruse. A luncheon followed the launching. CommanderVan Auken will be assigned to the newship.

GIRLS' CAMP-Nllrbel'tb rcsident retUluinA' for third SUlJ1tller IlS counsellor Iltwell-known New HIltlll1Shire ClllllP, would •he gIlld to I \ ive first-hand illfol'lllation to ,•-"" _ , •r ' ...._ _ _ "- _ _hinterestcd llarcnts or girls betwcen the agesof ei;::ht and t w c n t ~ · . E. S. Bllrr, 103'Voollbinc Ilvcnue.· Phone Narbertb17GD-R (·1-11)

"rAN'rED--)IlllI with cal ' to sell com111cte lille ' ) l I 1 1 l i t ~ · uuto tires lIml tuhes.Exclusive tCI·ritol·Y. Experie1v::e notn e e l ' S S l l l ' ~ · . Sulliry. $:100 )leI mOlltb. Milestoue llllbher C O \ l l ) l l l n ~ ' , East Liverprllll.Obio.

RELIABLE WOMAN wunts 1 1 l l ~ " swork. Heferen<'es . 133 North l l u b ~ 'stt·eet. West Pbiladel)Jhill.


Philip Atlee LivingstonEditor al l l i Publisher

J. Richmond MagneyAssociate Editor

Saturday, April 11, 1925


SUBSCU1PTI0N PRICE, One Dollar andI<'lfty Cents per year In advance

OUR TOWNA Co-operat ive Community Journal

Owned by tb e Narberth CIvIc Associationand I'ubllshed ever7 Saturday at

Narberth, Pa.

Entered as second·c)ass matter, October15th, 1014, at the Post Oftlce at Narberth.PennsylvanIa, under the act o f Mar ch 3.1879.

Mr. and :Mrs. James F. Donne}ly andfamily. of : \I il l road. are spendmg theEaster holidays in Baltimore.

Mrs. G. Howard Rccsc and daughtelElma. of :?HI Hampden. a v e n ~ l c , arespending' thc Easter vacatlOn w l t l ~ 1frand 1frs. B. F. Warfel, of Holhdaysbnrg. Pa.


Some b ir ds and s ome edi to r snever go t o bed , i t s eems . Ton ight ,well after the witching hour, a kiIldeer is flying o ve rhe ad , cryingshrilly. This plover, resident of ourfields has be en b ack from theSoutI; for some weeks, but his midnight serenade reminds one againthat spring is here .

If you do not bel ieve i t, walkdown Haverford avenue and looki n t he windows. Bird houses, bonemeal, garden implements , seeds ,hose (garden and p e ~ ' s o n a l ) ! housecleaning paraphernaha, artIcles beyond mention awa it buye rs a nd

users."Our Town" wil l join the group

next week by the e st ab li shment ofa O"arden column. fr0111 t he pen of al o ~ a l authority on growing things.This department has been run. f r o ~ l 1time t o ti me i n the past, but It \\'IIInow be es tablished as a regular feature, with the addition of a q ues tions-and-answers department.It is hoped that this column ",iII

be of cons tant value to our readers,and they are il1\·ited t o u se i t a s amediu111 for the asking of questionsand the exchange of information.

},[l' . Ralph (Cy) Pcrkins, c a t ~ h c r forthe Athletics. has returned to hiS homein thc Avon Apartments from the springtraining camp in t hc sou th .

l\l rs. Charlcs V. Noel and hcr mothcrMrs. Lauretta Fletchcr. will sail on theOlympic next Saturday f o :\ orwayEngland. France and sou th Europc.

When th e sunny days come how drab th e house'I looks-what does it need?' " ' / l I / l I / l I I I I I I I : l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / l I I i I I l I I I l / l I I I I l I I l ~ I I I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I / 1 1 1 1 1 / 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '

!!! S . ii Go to th e Oddity Shoppe an d find t he re t he?lIiss Honora Snydcr, of Narberth § EASTER GREETING waste-basket you need, th e cover that keeps th e

and Woodbine avenuc, is entertaining -=5 from 'phone bo.ok neat, a delightful metal hanging basketa number of friends this evening. = fo r your porch, or a wrought i ron bracket fo r a gay,

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Page and family, ADELIZZI BROTHERS cheery plant.

~ : t r ~ t i ~ ~ s \ ~ ~ m ~ v ~ l l ~ u $ a ~ h ~ e e : : : ~ ~ : . s e d an ~ ~ 1 s ; : : : e : : ~ : ~ : : e in this l i t t ~ ; n S ~ ~ ~ P ; a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s )Miss Amanda du Bree. of Greenwich, Tailors: Cleaners : Dyers I ~ ' i I = = = = : : : : = = = = : : : = = : = = : : : : : = =onn., formcrly of Narberth, was the Haberdashers .. ! o o guest of Miss Honora Snyder last week. _

Mr. and M rs. B oyd T . Barnard and 102.104 Ft.>rrest Avenue Narberth 2602Mrs. Barnard's mothcr, Mrs. Lyle, mO-1 ;;;tored to Washington last weck-cnd. Iii I l I I 1 . I I I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 ~ I I I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I / 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I n l l l . U I I I I I I U•lUllI.lI11

.111I1 H . I I . I I I 1 I I t I I I l I I l I I l . I I I I 1 U I I l I I l . I I I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 . 1 I 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 1 M 1 U _

WEEKLY ~ ~ : ~ ~ S M ~ ~ T A I N E D NOW ISATR"BEORTsIME TO BUILD(Continued from the First Page)

A regular paid fireman, George BIRD HOUSESGillespie, is on duty a t the fire house ;:

during t he day . G il le sp ie has bee.n TRELLISwith the company 20 years. HISappointment came as the r esul t of ithe growing need f o 24-hour ~ ~ _ =tent ion to calls . ConSiderable cntlcism arose after a l on g de lay wa sexper ienced in receiving a cal l t o a

fire at the home of Mr. L. H. 1'1'ot- :

t el ' l as t yea r. It was shown tha tspeed 1I1 manning the equipment

meant l it tle. if the phone was not :•answered, and the a dd it io n to t heforce was made.

Afte r ExciteIn ent H0 un ds. ~ . . . . .KI"III.llIlIllIllIllIllIllIllIllIllIllillllilIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1/11111111111111111111/1111111111111111111111111111111111111.1111111

Narberth and Lower Mer ion are

now making a drive on the autopes ts who i inpede the f iremen . At

a f ire in Fairview on \Vednesday, 42motorists were arrested and broughtbefore Mag-istrate Stillwagon, atArdmore. There i s a l aw prohibi ti nga car to follow or race an engine.o r t o p ar k within a thousand feet ofthe fire.

\VilIiam J. Tones, a student at Lehigh Tlll'S IS tlle season for field fires.has rett1Tncd io thc homc o f h is mot!ler,l\Irs. William J. Jones. of South Nar- Three were quenched this week. Onbcrth avcnuc, for thc holidays. Tuesday the company was calIed to

S t. Cha rl es Borromeo Seminary;on \Vednesday to the Scott Farm inFairview, and on Thursday afternoon to a b la ze on the playground.Chief Noel has warned the resi

dents against leaving grass f ir es a tthis t ime of the year without puttingthem out, or of l ighting fie lds onwindy days. Not only is i t dangerous to p rope rty, but the volunteersmust drop their business to put out

the blazes, resulting in needless ex- _ _ _ .pense to both the company and the

},[r s. T aY lo r Henry is rccupcrating men.Jrom a rcccnt illness. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


,Minimum, 90 cents . Price , $2 centsaword. Tll1'ee inse1·tions for thc price of

Mr. and :\frs. Royal D. Thomas. of two. Classified advC1'tisements will be

\Voodside avcuue. will move next week 1'ecei1Jed by telephone b'om subscl'ibcrsto :Merion. Iof the telephone company.

Mr. and ?lTrs. James R Houston spcnt FOR S A L F . , - U ~ e d ltnd demonstrationthe lattcr I la rt o f thc weck a t Gro ton "ietl'ollls; lIttractivc prieN'. Also llalliolnLong Point, Conn .. where they inspectcd "III; spccilll pl'iel'. AzpcJ1'" Music Store.progress on improvcments being made to :1\cw 'l'hclltre B u j ] d i n ~ , Ardmore (tf)

their summcr homc thcre.

?lliss Gladys Mclntyre. of Dudlcy avenuc. has returned to hcr home fromState College for the holidays.

SEWING MACHINES-All makCR rel\liss Dorothy Chalfant is enjoying Illlircd. Liberlll Illlowllnce on old mnebincs

the spring vacation of the New Jersc} for new S i n ~ e r . Pbone Nnrberth IG3!)-,T.College for \\·omen.

Mr. and Mrs. Vvashburn, of NewYork'VAN'rED-Younl\' IJ1l1n to serve morn

arc dsiting Mrs. \Vashburn's parents, iug 111l)ICIS in Nnrbcrth from {) to 7 A. 1\1.

Mr. and Mrs. Jamcs \-\T iI son. Call Nal'berth 10SD-"', or l Ipply to :\11.

Robert Harris, of Merion aycnue, is Lllwrencl', llicklin's Allnrttllents, Essexvisiting in East Orange, N. J. Ilnd H:werford avcnues. (4-11)

I'RACTICAL NURSE wisbCfl positionMr. and Mrs. \Y. E. Boryer spent the IlS compllnion or Ilttendant to invlllid.

past weck-cnd in \Vashington. Phone Narberth 2GS7.

Mrs. Flctcher W. Stites, of 413 Hayerford avenue. has returned home afteran extend cd trip through Europc and theHolv L and s. S he arrived in New Yor kSaturday on thc li ne r Zee la nd f romAntwerp, Southampton and Chcrbourg.

Ross Howenstein. of Chestnut a\'cnue, MUST SELL householl1 goods.is spcnding a few days with his parents :Uerion al·c. Phone Narbertb 307-J.during the Penn Statc holidays.

FOR SALE-lle\'erl'lible gray reedNarberth's studcnts, at \-Vest Chester buby couch, $ii; QUlllity gas runge, $5.

Normal School. have returned for the Both in good tOllllition. Photte Nurberthholidays. Thcy are the Misscs Dorothy 2614-W .Bottoms, Elizabeth Jones, Mabel Kirk- - - - - - - - - - - _patrick and Dorothy Sheneman. A P A l l ' r ~ [ E N T for Hcnt-SecoIHI fioor.

ii rOOll lS I Ine l bath. with 01' without ~ a r -uge. 102 Grllyling uI·cnue. Pholle Nllr-berth 1706-W. .Commander Charles I-I. Shaw , ofAvon road, has left for Newport, wherc

he takes command of the U. S. S..Putnam. Hc is in charge of experimentalwork in torpedoes.

The family of Mrs. Jordan HunterGaul havc moved from Merion to Ionaavenue.

Fo n SALE-Cabbllge Illuuts 1I0WMiss Emllta Zentmayer will h ol d th c r ea dy . Call 208 IOlla QI·enne. Nurberth.

,annual Eastcr egg hunt at her kinder-garten next Monday.

Among those from Narberth who atJended the launching of the Saratoga

. • were . Lieutenant Commander and Mrs WANTED-A tutor for generul col.:'1."rederick Tabor Van Auken and family, lcge chemistry. Phone Narberth 641-l\I.

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Justice of the Peace


Phol\e 1'1,.9-W-215 Hav 'iordAve.

. - . - : -, · t ~ ; ; " : , , \ . . .

W. S ti te s, s up er in te nd en t. A spe ci alEaster program w iI I b e rendered by theschool.

. 11 A. M.-Morning worship. Reception of the class of Probationers. Sermon b); ~ h pastor; theme. "Advice toNew Dlsclp,les." Anthem, "Blow, G<lldenTrumpets!, by Ashford. Carol , "Chri s t3 .Rlsen, by F ie ld s. Ant hcm, "On

~ 1 I 1 g S of MorniIw Borne," by Millcr.~ . 3 0 P. M .- J ul110r League services

. 6.45 P.. M.-Epworth League de;otlOnal me.etmg. Topic, "The Unconquerable Christ."" 7.45 P. Nr.-Evening worship. Theme,The Importance of the Resur rec tion"

Anthem, "Thanks Be to God" by wii.s on. Car ol , "Al le lu ia I" by' Barnaby

Carol, "Eastcr Praises," by Smart. .Monday, at 8 P. M.-Monthly meetingof the Official Board. .

Tuesday, .at,8 ~ M.-Monthly meetingo f t he Lad le s Aid Socicty at the homeof Mrs. Robert Compton, 500 Woodsideavenue.

W. e d n e s d ~ y , at 8 P. Nr.-Prayer andPraise srevlce.

Thursday, at 8 P. Nr.-Choir rehearsal.The church of good-fellowship has' a

wel come f or you a t a ll the s er vi ce s ofthe church.



DressmakIng PleatluA' Buttons Covered

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

M. E. McLinn, pastor.Regular serviccs Sunday, Apr il 12,

1925 :Sunday School-9.4;; A. ;\1.Mcn's and 'Nomen's Bible Classes.Morning sen'ice-Il A. 11.HoII' Communion.Eastcr anthems.Evening scn·ice-7.30 o'clock.Eastcr excrcises.L as t Sunday t hc meet in gs wcr e v er y

well attended, espccially in the morning.The largest congregation wc havc hada t the ord inary serviccs. A number ofpersons were received into memhership.Thc a'mount of money pledged for ourchurch bui ld ing was over $ 1 : ~ , 0 0 0 , andmore to comc. It was a g la d and v ic -torious Palm Sunday! •

All Saints P. E. Church.

Rev. Gibson BelL retcor. ReI '. 1 Ial -bonc Birckhead. associate rector.

Services for Easter Sunday:Holy Communion-S A. 11.Morning prayer-l0 A. 1\[.Holy Communion-11 A. :'1.Sundav School-4 P. ;\1.At thC' 11 o'clock service the choir will

render:Hallelujah Chorus-Handel.Hynin Exultant-Closkey.Sacred )-fcart ~ I a s s , Gounod, with a

cho ir o f 40 I 'oices, under the directiono f t he o rg ani st and c ho ir ma st er , M r.

David Spratt.. Th e chu rc h bus le av es Nar be rt h s ta

t ion a t 10.40 o'clock.

Old Merion Fr iends' Meet ing.

Montgomery pikc. Narberth, was establishcd 16S:2. Hcre 'Wi ll iam Penn worshipped , as wcll as many other notcdF ri cnds . One of the historical spots ofAmcrica is opcn for wors hip e\"eryF irs t-cl ay ( Su nd av ) m orn ing a t 11o'clock. .

First Church of Christ, Scientist.

Woman's Club Building, Ardmore ave-nue , Ardmore , Pa .

Sunday scrvices, 11 A. M.Sunday School servicc. 11 A. 1\1.\Vcdnesday evcning testimonial mcct-

ing, 8 o'clock.Reading room, 19 \Vest Lancaster

avenuc, open cach weekday , 1:: to 4 .3 0P. 1\f.

The subject of the Bib lc Lesson Scr man f or Apr il 1 ~ is, "Are Sin, Diseaseand Dcath Real?"


Phone, Na1·be1·th 2510

The Presbyter ian Church.

Rcv..J ohn Van Ness, minister.Meetmgs for Easter Sunday:T!le g lad E ~ s t c r message of "Resur

rectl?n a ~ LIfe and Immor ta li ty" wil l.bc given 111 sermon .and s tory and songt h r o ~ g h o u t the entire day in all ourmeetmgs.

9.45 A. M.-Bible School. Men's BibleC la ss a t t he s ame hou r.

11 A. M.-Morning worship MrYan. Ncs s w ql pr ea ch fr om t h text;ThiS Jesus dl.d God raise- up, whereof

we .all are. wit ne ss es ." The re w il l bespeCIal musIc by . the church quartet ..11 A. 1I.-Junlor Chu rch w it h s pe

Cial Easte.r program conducted by Mrs.A. S. Digby . At thc s am e timc theNurserr will b«: held by the ladies of

Wes tmms te r C ir cl e f or l it tl e c hi ld re n~ v h o s e p a r ~ n t s des ire to a ttend the mornmg worship.

6.45 P. r.I.-Scnior Endeal'or meetingLeader, Dorothy Digby. .

6.4:> P. 1 \L- Inte rmedia te Endeavorl 1 1 ~ c t m g conducted by Mrs . 'Wood andMISs _Furber. S p e c i ~ l Easter program.

7 . 4 ~ P. M.-Evenmg worship. ThebeautIf_l!1 Easte r can ta ta , "The Dawn oft he Kmgdom, " will bc sung by thec h u r ~ h quartet aSSIsted by a cho ru s of3 s111gers. The public is cordially inVited.

.The Sacrament of the Lord's SupperwIll be obs.erved in this church next Sund ~ mornmg at which t ime there wiIIalso be the public reception of an unu ~ u a l l y l ar ge g roup o f new membe rs .'I he P r ~ p a r a t o r y . meeting followed bythe ScsslOn mcetmg will be held nextWednesday e\·cning.

The r egul ar mon th ly mce ti ng o f th eWestminster Circle will be held a t theh.ome o f M rs . D. W. Wright, IS WoodSIde avenue. on ncxt Thursday evening.Mrs. J. D. Bai ley and Mrs . R. D. MacGriffin will bc the assisting hostesses.

Ardmore 103-,)1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


215 Haverford Ave.



School Supplieson Sale at

Fo r Permanent




Built Home



Jobbing PTomptly a.ttended to.

HARRY B. WALLPlumbing, Gas Fitting

and Heating


Phone Narberth 672 or 2215 W

NIght Phone. Narbertb CISf

na 7 PhoDe, Narberth 17112

r a r a - M ~ G i n l e y 10U I 218 N . 1 3 t h . S ~ Phila. I



Painting and Decorating

212 Woodbine Ave., Narberth, Pa .

Phone , Na rb er t h 1758-W



Bell Phone . Sp ru ce as-flO and 3 8 - D ~Keystone Phone, Race 70-114

GARAnteed Roofs

Baptist Church of the Evangel.

Robert E. Keighton, minister.9.45 A. M.-Church School. Special

Easter programs will be h eld in eachdepartment of the school.

11 A. M.-Morning worship. Sermon,"The Resurrection: a Reassurance." Thequartet will s in g th e fi rst p ar t o f thecantata, "From C ro ss to C ro wn, " byPeace. .

7 P. M.-B. Y. P . U. The second session of thc Young People's Clinic wil lbe held to d iscuss the top ic " Jesus. "

7.45 P. P.-Evening worship. Sermon,"The Unused Spices." The quartet wills in g t he s eco nd part o f t he ca nt at a,"From Cross to Crown," by Peace. Theordinance of Baptism will be administered.

Wednesday, April 15, 8 P. M.-Prayers er vi ce . Top ic , "Doub ts That HinderWillingness."

Thursday, A pr il 16, 6.30 P. M.Eleventh annual Mcn's Association banqu et . T hi s is a lway s a b ig s oc ial e ventof the year. The men a re p la nn ing aninteresting evening for everyone. Spec ia l mus ic and ente rtainment are partof the program. The speaker of the occas ion is Wil l iam H. Main, D.D., general secretary of the American Bapti stPubl icat ion Socie ty . Ticke ts for thebanquet may be had from a ny of themen o f t he church.

Methodist Episcopal Church.

Rev. W. Sheridan Dawson, minister.Services Sunday, April 12:9.45 A. M.-Sunday Schoo l, Hon . F .

local or out of townQuick and Efficient Service


335 Dudley AvenuePhone. Narbertb 161""'"

Narberth Taxi Cab Co.

Narl1erth 2616

Eleetrical Contractor

ElectrIcal RepaIrs an d Appliances

314 GraylIng Ave., 8 Orlcket Ave ., .Narberth . Pa. Ardmo..... Pa.

~ . , . , - , - " ' - " - - - , . _ - _ . , . ~: N. R. PEACOCK :, ,

Interior and Exterior, ,PAINTING :, ,Kitchens and B a t h ~ o o m s Made

Attractive, Bright and Clean, ,, WI11 be glad to Est imate ,

, -: 407 Essex Avenue :, ,I ..-. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. ~ : : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. : ~ ....J


Prompt Service

Phone: Narberth 2564

Large Can 30c

PeachesDel Monte


Pkg . 10c

Large Cans 29c

Red CherriesArmour's

6-0z. Bottle 23c

PineappleParadise Island Extra Quality,


Toilet Paper

Sccttissue-1000 Sheets2 Rol ls 25c

Apple SauceHeart of Maine. Fancy.

Can 17c

Grapelade .Welch 's Rea l J el l ie d Gralle

15-0z. Glass 27c

SOAPFels Naptha . . 5 Cakes 25cI vo ry Soap . . . 3 cakes 19c

Fruits for SaladMonticello Brand. P a rt i cu l ar ly nice goods .

Large Can 30c-------

Grape FruitD ro me da ry i s p re pa re d b y a cool pack

process which guarantees to the consumer th efull flavor of the r ipened fru i t.

Can 25c


Now i s the time to ge t your clothes in shape forEaster and S ~ r i n g . L ~ u s F re nc h d ry clean yourdresses and SUItS, and, If you need new su its consu ltus f i rs t . We call and deliver. '

MarmaladeHartley's Imported.

I-Lb. Jar 38c

105 Essex Avenue

FRESH EGGS-Saturday SpecialHumph re y 's B rand f rom Snug Harbor Farm. Not over two. days old.


• Walter Roser

J. ALMAN I Residence

126 Conway l ..ve.

Tailor, Cleaner and Furrier I- ' A - IN -T - IN -O- - - - . - . - --O-L-AZ-I -NO



Pkg. 23c



OLIVESLippincott'5-11 %-Oz., Stuffed Ja r 45cLippincott's-11 %-Oz., Queen Ja r 35c

Potatoes Old Dutch CleanserCheste r County 3 C

%-Bu. Basket 65c ans 20c

Sunmaid RaisinsSeeded or Seedless

2 Pkg s. 25c


Baby Spring Lamb for Easter

Young's Borax Chips3 Pkgs. 25c

Best Cloudy AmmoniaQuart Bottle, 25c

Easter Hams-Armour's Sta r -

Moland's Bacon-Whole or Hal f'

Strips . . . .. Lb. 38c

H i n d q u ~ r t e r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.75

Forequarters $2.75

Family size Lb. 32c

Swift's Premium-Hickory 'Smoked,


WalnutsBrand Budded

Lb. 45cDiamond



value in sweet



Hea thi ze d swee t c re am bu tt e r.

Can 23c

TomatoesRed ripe .

2 Cans 25c

COFFEEMorning Sip

I-Lb. Can SOc

Asparagus TipsDel Monte Colossal Tips.

Can 38c

Matches6 Large Boxes , 25c

Argo Laundry Starch3 I- Lb . P kgs . 25c

Ginger AleCanada Dry Ginger Ale.

12 Bottles, $1.95

Lima BeansCurtice Bros . Blue Labe l Tiny Green Beans .

Can 30e .




Keebler Oven-Fresh.

Can 29c- - - - - - - - - -

Superior Butter PretzelsLb.29c

EASTER EGGSHome-made-Each . . . . . . . . .. 10cJelly Eggs-Lb. 25c

Karo SyrupBlu'e Label-Can 12cRed Label-Can . . . . . . . . . . .. 13c

COMPETiTION=-dood, clean-cut, fair competition is one of t he mos t wholesome, inspir ing and enliven ing things with which the energetic grocer, or any business ,man, may be blessed. The manly man accepts competition as an evidence tha t he ha s something th e otherfellow is willing to figh t for, and how you regard your competi to r is a pretty good measure of you r own ca libe r and ability. If competitioninspires and inci te s you, then it is t ru l y " the life of trade." If it irritates you and s eems to injure you, you had better look in to you r ownmethod s a nd s ee if t he y a re s ound and in a cc ord w i th modern bus in es s e thi c s an d bus in es s p ra ct ic es . Some one has sa id , "even t ramps g etso numerous that they have competi t ion , and competi t ion is good for t r amps - i t keeps them moving." If it becomes necessary for tramps tokeep on th e move, how much mo re needful· it may be for the retail g ro ce r to move a lo ng w i th th e times r a the r t han l ag behind them, f o r t her eis probably no one thing that will spur a man on to work and e ffor t more than competition.

Dependable Quality

PeasFairwater. A wonderful

. -wrinkle peas.

G .L . LOFTU8-I'roprletors-W. 1II. HUBBARD

AUTO REPAIRING (American an d Foreign Cars)



'PHONE: NARBERT H 2559 •'5: :;; : ; ; : : =====;;;-::::::::::=::-:::=:::z--:-:= ::: :: ::::::;::;;:;;:::;;;;; : : ;;;;;: a ;;;;::a::o

m iii NARBERTH CARPET COMPANYI ~ I ~ _ 103 North Narberth AvenueHI 16 Wiiiil Iii holesale Rugs.iil Ifll Narberth Representatives f? r the Standard Radio Company

"I liil Cu t P r lc e S tore sw

iii! m Seamless Wilton Rugs, 9x12 " $85.00I ~ !Ii! Seamless Axminster Rugs, 9x12 $33.50 to $47.50m liil Congoleum Rugs, 9x12 .-. $15.75i ~ Mars-O-Ray Radio Sets $45 00m '1" Rad' . . . . . .. . .. .m ~ 10 Tubes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.75 to $2.651111 l "'C 45-Volt EvereadyB Batteries . . . .. $2.90iLl _"i

iiii l ~ O v e ~ s t u f f e d Jacquard velour and mohair Living. i!!l liil Room SUItes, $175.00 to $350.00.

till liil WE ASK ONLY THAT YOU COME IN AND!iii iii! BE CONVINCEDIiiI l ~ ~ii!l [!i I ;:-;;a. ::= =- ; 5:::': :::::= =: =:=::: 2=:=== as:;s :::= =:=;:;=;=;=;;:=:; 2= 2= 2= :: :--I!II $10 Off the Regular Price of Any i:il : _ -

I ~ I Gas·Range With Oven Heat Control m HOT CROSS BUNS :Jr.! j'l; - '

liil From April 6th to 30th inclusive, we will deliver .Iii! : . "One a Penny, :! ~ and c onne ct i n you r home (when gas line is in) any li:1 : :

mGas Range, finished plain, half ename,l or full enamel, I!li : Two a Penny, :

II! equipped with t h A U T O M ~ T I C OVEN HEAT CON- m: Hot Cross Buns." :


II TROL, at a SpecIal Sale PrIce $10.00 off th e regular 1::1 : Well, the same Buns are here! Sugar-frosted, :price an d $2.00 Down. The balance in eleven monthly 1 ;

U • h b II . rich and fruity in flavor, a delight to all. ', payments WIt .your gas i s. j;:l : '

. ! I.!! _ Fresh daily at '1t l i - '


T ~ 2 ~ ~ N T I E S B ~ M ~ ~ R E L E C T ~ ~ y ~ p . ,! BELL ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ 1708 j,. . ' - :

Bryn Mawr 327 Wayne 47 i Set the youngste1's a good example-eat more Bread ;

iJI••• . , ; " a· m : E m , : : " t : i ~ j f f i : : ~ ~ · , I ~ : t ' ! i i i l l ! , i i l I ' l : ' l i E , i I m " : ! i l w i l £ = , j ' m : l i l i i r d i l : i ".:"!.:"! ~ , ,. ,"!," '......................... ... . :. ' " ' ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ - , - ~ ,..: ~ ~ 4 i : i : ~ : a I : 1 C a : : a c a l C 8 : l a : ' 8 : j · : - * 8 C 8 : 1 l C B : l a : * ' m

8/7/2019 Our Town April 11, 1925

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-april-11-1925 4/4

WestemBryn Mawr

Narberth 2210

Ardmore, Pa.

When you want to knowanything about paint 01'

paintingclropinand cIiscusIyour problemswith us.

Vincent Ma1'iani

The Souder Co., Inc.


In order to more completely se,rve Nar..

berth, Bala-Cynwyd and communities east of

Ardmore, we have installed a shoe department

whereyour every need in footwear will be given

skilful and careful a tten tion . In this depar t..

ment youwill finda complete stockof the latest

fashion shoes for women, men and children,


Easter and spring styles now on display

at attractive. prices.

230 Haverford Avenue


6 Anderson Ave.


"CAN'T afford to paint," you say . Nonsense ILack of ready money needn't stopyou.The

Devoe Plan takes care of that. ;

Also remember that every dollar invested in

paint saves $160 in repairs, and adds materiallyto the value of your property.

Consult the Devoe Authorized Agent in your

community. today. Ask us about the DevoeHome Improvement Plan-a simple plan, freeo f r ed tape, by which you can paint your houseat once and pay for it in ten monthly installments. or, write us.


EastemOak Lane andConshohockenInformation as to rates, service, etc., may be obtained on appUca.

tion to the above offices. .. .

..ee....'..iEri!i!a;'• ••c&j;p;w.piHfBH¥f ' i***&** 5

Springfield ConsoIidated . W a t e r C ~ . · · ·General Office, 1612 Market Street

Philadelphia .The Springfield Consolidated Water Company

serves fil tered water of the ' highes t qua li ty in 46boroughs and townsh ips located in Delaware,Chester, Montgomery and Bucks Counties.,

To serve this territory' the Company.maintains3 dams" 3· pumping stations, fully equipped ·with 'modern pumping and filtering equipment, 10 reservoirs, 12 standpipes and· 640 miles of distributionand transmission mains.




u" u:u u

. . .


U n "»u. • u· u • u



..... u .... "4%: ...... ft•• "' % . . . . . . . . . . . ' "' , ......

is a well-worn slogan. It has stood thetest because it's true. But it isn't true without a littlehelp from the side lines.In other words , your garden needs your

help t o show off t o the best advantage thebeauty given it by Nature.

This means more than watering and weeding.. It means actual feeding. What the soillacks, what the plants need for sustenance andhardy growth, what will make Nature all sheshould be, is

Pure Ground BoneMeal

10 lbs $ .60 50 lbs $2.2525 Ibs. 1.25 100 lbs. 3.50

167 lbs $5.75



. .

of Ardmore

...... u ....... n U



Get the Facts .First

Come 'in when the first

occasion arises

We are glad to help ourdepositors make safe

investments and are pleased a lways to a id

you in Getting the Facts First before you run

the riskof trading your dollars for t o ~ o r r o w ' s


The Merion Title and Trust Company




R. S. TOUHILLEleclrical Contraclor

MAPLE HALLSouth Narberth Avenue

E8t1mate8 FurnishedBELL' PHONE: MERION 121

Contraclor 0- Builder

If you wan t good interest onyour investment, heed this telle r' s words . Depos it a b in fu l of

Heat Folks i n you r cel la r andyou 'l l receive compound heatnext win te r. Buy now and youbuy on a l o market and getdividends in dollars and heat.When you put money to workfor you this way you get a h ighrate of interest and hold all thesecurity, too.




. f,?' y o o ~ Clean Coal



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - ,ST. MARY'S LAUNDRY ,"ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE" t

We a re sure we can HELP you with one of our Laundry Services. t,Read over our ditrerent HELPS and phone or write us to caIl.FINISHED SERVICE de LUXE at list prices on application.

Ladles ' wearing apparel ou r specialty.Everything beautifully washed and Ironed I n t h is service.

FAMILY SERVICE at 14Vzc per lb.. tAll flat work Is beautifully flnlshed.Wear ing appare l I s I roned on Do specially equipped float roll machine. tA f ew p ie ce s need touching up at home. Twe n ty m inu te s wUl do thenecessary Ironing. .Bend whole Family Bundle. t

, ECONOMY SERVICE at 12e per lb. .Al l f l at work beautifully finiShed. tt' Wear ing appare l s t ar ched when nece s sa ry and r et u rn e d r endy t o dampe n tand Iron. Underwear Is f1afred UP and re ady to wea r .

This Is t ruly an Economical Servlc_Try this next week.

ROUGH DRY SERVICE at 6c per piece.t All pieces carefully washed, starched and dr ied re ady to dampen and Iron tL A C ~ Y C u ~ ~ l i N SERVICE ,

' With our new equipment they a re pe rf e ct ly s t re tched and beautifully Ironed0« b y h an d. H av e your cur ta ins c a red for at l e as t tw ice a year to makethem wea r longer .

• BLANKETS AND RUGS thoroughly and carefuIly washed at moderate t, prices.

I ST. ~ x : ~ ~ ~ ~ INC. II



• PHONE ARDMORE 175 I· t. . - . . - ~ ~ ~ ............ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..........__ .... ...



You are hereby notified that the appealday for ~ ' o u r d is tr ic t h as been s et forApril 24th at 10 A. M., Norristown CourtHouse.

ANNUAL MEETING Tailors, Cleaners and DyersThe Annua l Meet ing o f t he Narbe rt h

Civic Association will be held at the 234 HaverfordAvenue 'Phone, Narberth 1254Y. M. C . A. Building, at 8 P. M., Wednes-day evening, Apri l 22, 1925, for thetransact ion of regular business and elec- We Call f or and Del iv ert ion of off icers and directors for the en-I i : e : e : e : e e e : e e e : e e e : E e e : E e e : E l : e : l ~ B : 8 : I a : e : a : e : e : e : e : e : : e : a : : e : e : : e : e : : a : e : e : e = e : e C 8 : E e e : E e e : E l m l l * l ~ 6suing year. I,

gate from the Chapter , which willbe held in Washington the week ofApril 20 . When Dissatisfied TryThe closing meeting of the year

and annual luncheon will be held atthe Benjamin Franklin Hotel, HEWIT'SSaturday, June 6.


6 Per Cent.

C'l/nwyd 280


Bala and Union Aves.

Bang I Bang II

Now you 'l l b ring down thegame you' re a fter - GoodCoal at Low Price. That'sjf YQIJ aim in our direction.Let the repor t come in overour •phone. Saywhere andhow many tons. You' IIsave money.


l ~ ! J ~ ~~ C E S !


on Improved C ity or Suburban


Aldine Mtge. Guaranty Co.2020 CHESTNUT STREET




Capital and Surplus , $350,000


Narberth 1683-W Repairing




22 Ardmore Ave. Ardmore, Pa.



F rom f ar-away Cuba comes asub scri pt ion to the . scout fund.Juan Bacardi, who signs himself "awell wisher," sent his in fromHavana. Thank you, Juan. Greatstuff, as everyone will agree.Now that the returns from Cali

fo rn ia a nd Cuba are in-we willcheck up the Narberth poll.The Honor Roll t his week in

cludes A. C. Shand, Jr ., A. C.Shand, S. Irving Strayer, Louis H.

Frank, Stuart Anderson, CaptainWilliam J. Crosson, A. S. Longbottom, VV. A. Fox, A. S. Marks,Robert and Laura VV. Snyder, William D. and H. T. Smedley, Marshall Co., E. A. Keith (LyonsHdwe. Co. ), Juan Bacardi, JasonChios (Arcadia Restaurant).


The funeral of Samuel Carter, of.302 Vloodside avenue, who died' iMarch 30, was held last 'Wednesdayfrom Oliver Bair's parlors.Mr. C a r t ~ r is survived by a

daughte r, Mrs . F . P. Carroll,ofWoodside avenue, and Mr. F re dCar te r, of Mer ion . The deceasedformerly lived at 415 South Fortiethstreet, Philadelphia.


The regular stated meeting of theDr. Benjamin Rush Chapter,Daughters of the American Revolution, was held at the homeof Mrs.J. H. Miller Saturday, April 4·Mrs. Samuel Z. Shope, Regent, presided. Mrs. C. Arley Farmer readan interesting paper on "Old Philadelphia, " and Miss Rogers read avery instructive essay on "PatrioticEducation."Mrs. Tristan Du Marais will at

tend the National Congress as dele-


Street Commissioner George B.Suplee has issued the followingannouncement regarding the coming summer ash collection schedule:

The winter collection of asheswil l be discont inued after May 1,1925.The summer collection of ashes

will be made on the same daysas winter collections, and will beas follows:

The collection for May willstart on Monday, 25th.The collection for June willstart on Monday, 29th.The collection for July willstart on Monday, 27th.The collection for August willstart on Monday, 24th.The collection for September ------------

will s ta rt on Monday, 28th, andt he n w e wi ll go in to our wintercollection of each week.

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