our lady star of the sea parish, miranda our lady of …...our lady star of the sea parish, miranda...

Post on 01-Jun-2020






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Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish, Miranda

Our Lady of the Way, Sylvania

Parish Priest: Father John Greig

0407 100 750 or fr.john.greig@sydneycatholic.org

Parish Secretary: Bernadette Fabris Office Hours: 9.30am-5.30pm Monday to Friday

Phone: 95251448 or olssmiranda@onestream.com.au

Our Lady Star of the Sea Primary School: 95245543

Principal: Mrs Rose Andre

In Christ we Believe | With Christ we Belong | Through Christ we Become

The parish website is now active and can

be reached at https://www.olssmiranda.org.au.

The bulletin and other notifications will be placed on the website weekly and where necessary daily to help keep us connected

through this difficult time.



4.30PM-5.30PM. It is not practical to resume the regular Mass schedule for Masses that can only have 10 people in attendance or to leave the churches open for private prayer. Part of the governments requirements for opening “places of worship” include regular cleaning of surfaces-at a minimum twice a day and the collection of contact details (Name, phone number and email address) for everyone who enters the church. Collection of this information will be mandatory for everyone who enters the church whether that be for Reconciliation or to attend Mass, or a funeral, or a baptism. (It will be kept for 4 weeks only). I ask you to be patient through this stage as we work towards implementing the protocols identified by the government to keep us all safe as we return to normal function in our parishes. You are all in my prayers constantly. Fr John Greig

Living the Gospel – You will be my witnesses

A witness in a court of law is called to give evidence about a matter; to ‘testify’ to the truth of what they have seen or what they know to be true. Some people are very good at being a ‘witness’ to their faith by testifying to others about what they believe. Many others provide witness to their faith by simply living what they believe. Living a life based on Christian principles, including regular prayer and worship in your life, working for justice in the world and taking time to celebrate the beauty of everyday life is a powerful witness to others. Greg Sunter.


CatholicCare have a free confidential helpline that offers support to

people who are struggling. The parish has been asked by CatholicCare to reach out to our community at this time of crisis.

I have some cards that I would like distributed by a letter drop.

If you are a walker or have some free time please contact me

(95251448) about collecting and distributing the cards.

Many thanks Bernadette

Dear Parishioners, Social distancing during the corona virus outbreak means we can no longer socialise in person in a meaningful way. In response we have all turned to online platforms to continue socialising with our families and friends. As we continue with remote learning and a staggered return this term I have created a google site to connect with you and your families. You will find information, activities, quotes, prayers, well-being tips and news on this site. I will be uploading a weekly recording for playgroup which includes a story and craft activity. You will also have the opportunity to enjoy a weekly reflection. I encourage you to keep checking weekly for updates as we journey through Term 2 together online. The link for the Family and Faith OLSS google site is: https://sites.google.com/syd.catholic.edu.au/family-and-faith---olss/home Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have any questions or need some additional support. Take care and stay safe Maria Carr - Family Educator maria.carr@syd.catholic.edu.au

Supporting our Seafarers during the Pandemic Donations of personal hygiene products are urgently sought for Care Packages being put together for the thousands of seafarers trapped on ships coming into Sydney waters. Chaplain to the Seafarers, Sr Mary Leahy, said donations of shampoo, body wash, toothpaste, deodorant, razors, knitted beanies and chocolates are desperately needed for the thousands of seamen currently stranded on ships on our waterfront due to the Coronavirus. Sr Mary has spent the past 20 years helping those who earn a living on the seas and said she has never seen conditions so dire. St Andrew Malabar, St Charles Borromeo Ryde/ Gladesville, Our Lady Star of the Sea Miranda, All Saints Liverpool and Mary Immaculate Waverley have agreed to be drop-off points for the donations. However if you would like to support the appeal and collect donations please contact journalist Debbie Cramsie at the Sydney Archdiocese on debbie.cramsie@sydneycatholic.org

REFLECTION by Dianne Bergant CSA The feast of the Ascension is really a kind of liminal moment in the Easter season. It is a time between times, a moment when we have left one place in our journey but have not yet arrived at a second. The glory of the Risen Christ has already been revealed in us, but not yet totally. The feast itself celebrates the exaltation of Jesus. Today we stand awestruck, watching Jesus ascend into the clouds of heaven, there to be enthroned at the right hand of God. Today we are overwhelmed by the reality of the divinity of the one whom we have known in his humanity. Like the conquering creator-god, he has overcome his enemy (death) and now reigns over his new creation (the church). Christ who ascended into heaven in his body carries on what he began on earth through his new body, the church. He teaches through its apostles and evangelists. He ministers through its prophets and pastors. In and through the church, Jesus continues to heal and to comfort; to forgive and to include. We have not been left alone; we have his power, the same power with which he performed marvels when he walked the earth. We have not been left alone; we have each other. Together we make up the new body of Christ. Together we await the fullness of this body. It is this new body that stands in between the times, secure in what we have, confident of what we will be given. © Dianne Bergant CSA

Please pray for our sick:

Ray Newman, Nancy McLeland, John and Joan Martin, Gaye Chiswick, Paula O’Rourke, Sr Lecia Coombe, Richard Carter, Jackson Byrnes, Dorothy Weir, Imelda Richards, Joy Stanley, Justin Paterson, Nell Ouley, Margarita Castainer, Nerida Ritchie, Jonathan Davis, Merle Sponberg, Sadie Smith, Isabella Drew, Patricia Doyle, Nicola Christie, Kathryn Vial, Wilhelmena Schippers, Greg Twemlow, Blarsha Walmsley, Julianne Stuart, Anne Jones, Peter Kedwell, Jack Dhanda, Linda Robinson, the residents of Hammondcare, Samantha Christie, Dorothy Miglionico, Lauren Stephenson, Kirralie Cooper, Roy

Lyle, Melissa Gamboa, Bob Brennan, William Thoms, Jan Walker, Gayle Lambert, Elva Randall, Bette Brown, Mel Southwell, Beverly Bisaro, Desma Jama, Harry Zammit, Patricia Bevan, John O’Keefe, Zoe Moore, Wayne Davey, Narelle Huriwal, the residents of Moran Health Care, Anastasia Kavey, Gregory Portelli, Sienna Bergman, Loretta Hammond, John Touzell, Dot Touzell, Mary Harrison, John Nagy Jr., Louise Alexander, Jack Spencer, Connor Leuver, Catherine Ronzon, Margaret O’Neill, Alexander Boyle, Darren Thompson.

Please pray for the repose of these souls Recently deceased:

Connie Simpson, Maria Jap, John Prendergast,

Edward Murphy, Mary Gambin, Fr Peter Morrissey. Anniversaries:

John and Mark Wedesweiler, Rita Galami, John Kelly, Brian Byrnes, Noeleen Christie, Hermini Gilda Ombrog, Emilia Lopes, Sheila Murphy.

A message from the Archbishop Abuse is a crime. The appropriate people to deal with a crime are the police. If you – or anyone you know – have been abused, please contact the police. Alternatively, you can contact the Safeguarding and Ministerial Integrity Office at (02) 9390 5810 or safeguardingenquiries@sydneycatholic.org You may also want to speak to your Parish Priest who will be able to provide support and guidance. The Archdiocese has a legal obligation to report crimes to the police.

An Act of Spiritual Communion Pope Francis has taught us to pray to be open to receiving Jesus into our hearts.

“At thy feet oh my Jesus, I prostrate myself and I offer you repentance of my contrite heart which is humbled in its nothingness and in your holy presence. I adore you in the sacrament of the Mass. I desire to receive you into the poor dwelling that my heart offers you. While waiting for Holy Communion I wish to receive you into my heart. Come to me oh my Jesus since I for my part am coming to you. May your love embrace my whole being in life and in death. I believe in you. I hope in you. I love you. Amen”


Each day in the month of May the Rosary will be prayed for the parish.

The Youtube clip can be accessed the same way as you view Mass on Sundays.

Using a computer, apple TV, tablet or phone you search Our Lady Star of the Sea Miranda on Youtube.

Financial Support of the Parish.

If you are able to and still wish to support the parish financially through this time it would be appreciated greatly.

Either call Bernadette in the office and she can debit your contribution from your credit card, or make your own deposit into either of the parish bank accounts. Miranda- BSB: 062 784 /Account Number: 4315001/ Miranda Parish Church Account

Sylvania– BSB: 062 784/ Account Number: 4475002/ Sylvania Parish Church Account. Also if you already contribute by credit card to the parish finances and are now no longer able to please contact Bernadette to cancel your details.

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