our lady of the mountains catholic church

Post on 04-Jan-2022






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Our Lady of the Mountains Catholic Church Highlands, North Carolina


Wednesday Latin Mass 9:00 am

Thursday Mass 12:10 pm followed by Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Friday Mass 9:00 am followed by Rosary and Adoration

Saturday Mass 4:00 pm (May 23, 2020—October 31, 2020 only) Sunday Mass 11:00 am

Sacrament of Confession

15 minutes before Mass or by appointment

Parochial Administrator—Rev. Fr. Jason Barone Sacristan—Mary Dodge Faith Formation—Marianne Vines

Office Hours: Tues, Wed, Thurs. and Fri. 10:00 am to 3:00 pm

*************************************************************************************** 315 North Fifth Street, Highlands, NC 28741 Office: 828-526-2418 FAX: 828-526-0249 Email: olmountainshighlands@charlottediocese.org For Sacramental Emergency: 828-634-1377

The Presentation of the Lord

February 2, 2020


First Reading—Mal 3:1-4 “Thus says the Lord God: Lo, I am sending my messenger to prepare the way before me.” Responsorial Psalm—Ps 24:7-10 “Who is this king of glory? It is the Lord!” Second Reading –Heb 2:14-18 “Because he himself was tested through what he suffered, he was able to help those who are being tested.” Gospel–Luke 2:22-40 “Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you prepared in sight of all the peo-ples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel.”


To schedule a Mass Intention, please stop by or call the office at 828-526-2418

Tuesday - Friday between 10am and 3pm. Stewardship Thought:

“...they took him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord…” (Luke 2:22)

If you would like to hear Father Barone’s homilies, please use the link on St. Jude’s website: http://stjudeofsapphirevalley.org/bulletins-homilies.html

Date Inten on Requested By

Sun 2/02 John Graham+ Lynn Katz

Wed 2/05 No Latin Mass

Thurs 2/06 Open

Fri 2/07 Open

Sun 2/09 Doris Hunt+ Pauline Cavanaugh

Latin Mass Fr. Barone will be working in Charlotte this week. There will be no Latin Mass on Wednesday at 9:00 am.

Celebrate the Year of Saint Joseph Celebrate with the Diocese of Charlotte

The year 2020 commemorates the 150th Anni-versary of St. Joseph’s solemn declaration as the Patron of the Catholic Church by Pope Pius IX . We want to honor St. Joseph, the guardian and protector of the Church, and learn from his example of faith, perseverance, and holy father-hood. To celebrate, Bishop Peter Jugis of the Diocese of Charlotte, declared this year The Year of St. Joseph with many exciting events, celebrations, feasts, retreats, Masses and pil-grimages . The Year of St. Joseph will begin January 1st and conclude December 31st, 2020. Visit the Year of St. Joseph website throughout 2020 for a list of activities, pilgrimages, devo-tions, prayers, and more: www.YearofStJoseph.org.

Pastoral Council Meeting The Pastoral Council will meet on the 2nd Thursday of every month. The next meeting is on February 13th at 10:15.

Feast of Candlemas/Presentation of the Lord Next Sunday is the feast of the Presentation of the Lord. The Blessing of Candles takes place before the Mass. All are invited to bring can-dles with them to Mass that day to have them blessed for personal and family use.

Charles D. Fraune Local Author Slaying Dragons: What Exorcists See & What We Should Know takes the great wis-dom of twelve exorcists, including Fr. Gabrie-le Amorth, Fr. Chad Ripperger, and Fr. Jose Fortea, as well as almost twenty saints and Doctors of the Church, and packages it into an approachable and intriguing book that conveys, to today’s Catholics, critical insights into the activity of the diabolical and spiritual warfare tactics with which we must be familiar.

Allow yourself to be instructed by the great spiritual masters that you may learn the man-ner in which the devil attacks you, the weapons you have at your disposal, and the means to find peace and healing for the wounds you have suffered in your life. Book has the official nihil obstat. Available on Amazon, in paperback ($16) and eBook ($9). Visit our websites: www.TheRetreatBox.com and www.TheSlayingDragonsBook.com.

Please pray for our parishioners and their relatives and friends:

Claire Galam, Kerry Lewis, Sister Marie Cella, Adele Hopkins (Lydia Hall’s mother), The Medlar Family, Howard Smith, Jeanne & Beau Benedict, Cathy & Richard Winters, Maureen Hunt, Judy Sneed.

Also for those in our book of prayer intentions, and those for whom there is no one to pray.

Please pray for all the men and women serving the United States in the military.

Please pray for the souls of our beloved deceased, especially:

Ernestine Medlar+, Lee Smith+, Barbara Granger+, John Dorsey+, and Patricia Gunning Reese+


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(828) 482-4199531 Main Street,

Highlands, NC 28741



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