open letter to prime minister sheikh hasina preface the republic reengineered almost complete

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Open Letter to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina


Open Letter to the Prime Minister Honorable Sheikh Hasina from N U M Akramul Kabir Khan (Dec. 26, 2014)

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December 26, 2014


Hon. Sheikh Hasina

The Prime Minister of the Government of the P. R. Bangladesh

Prime Minister‘s Office

Tejgaon, Dhaka-1000

Subject: Regarding publishing, propagation, evaluation, recognition, and implementation of the mammoth work

(of over 27 years), The Republic Reengineered, authored by the undersigned

Honorable Prime Minister,

Assalamualaikum. With due honor and respect I humbly like to state that this (open) letter is in continuation to my

all other related correspondence since 1995. I am currently integrating my relevant works to put out (my) subject

‗The Republic Reengineered’ as a single book (of around fifteen hundred pages long)—it will take (, with Allah‘s

help,) around several weeks to few months more (to complete the related editing/revising). With this letter I am

humbly requesting/re-requesting your esteemed office to kindly take the following actions:

(i) Recently my website ( is exhibiting irregularities/problems against

accessibility (by the users). Please communicate with the site provider (ZYMIC/email:

to (kindly) keep my website accessible/user-friendly (all the time/as much as possible by them). During the

last several years I have distributed (my) this website address worldwide—it will be highly difficult (and

redundant burden) for me to start all over again.

(ii) Please take necessary actions for publishing The Republic Reengineered (and distributing it worldwide as my

earlier requests).

(iii) Please form a national body (, as my earlier requests,) comprising representative(s) from every relevant

religious community from every relevant political group to include the experts/scholars of the following

disciplines (to thoroughly evaluate this mammoth work and for developing implementation plan): (i)

Preface of ‘The Republic Reengineered’ (of around fifteen hundred pages long) by N U M Akramul Kabir Khan

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Religion, (ii) Philosophy, (iii) Education, (iv) Political Science, (v) Economics, (vi) Architecture (/City

Planning/Regional Planning), (vii) Mathematics, (viii) Literature (Bangla & English), (ix) Civil Engineering,

(x) Mechanical (/HVAC) Engineering, (ix) Electrical (/Power) Engineering, and (x) Agriculture.

(iv) Please translate (and publish) it (urgently) into Bangla, Arabic, and Chinese (Mandarin).

(v) Please submit/refer it for degree(s)/awards and other forms of recognition(s)/usages.

(vi) Please take all necessary actions so that devious individuals/consorts can cause no more

harm/impediment/plagiarizing acts against the fair advancement of me and my works.

(vii) Please take all necessary actions according to my suggestions/notes/requests included in the Preface (of The

Republic Reengineered) which has been attached with it as the pages 3-42 of this document (, just after my

signature on page-2 at the end of this letter,) with my signature at the very end also (on page 42). Please take

all the necessary actions for all other requests/suggestions (also) included in (my) all other relevant

correspondence( —only a very small number of those have been included in the ‗Correspondence‘ section of

my website:

I pray to Allah SWT for your continuous good health and long successful life—may Allah extend His favors on all

of us (ameen!). Thank you very much.


(N. U. M. Akramul Kabir Khan)

Associate Professor, CSE, Premier University

1/A, O. R. Nizam Road, Prabartak Circle

Chittagong-4203, Bangladesh.

[Email Address:; Website:]

(Please see the Preface of ‗The Republic Reengineered‘ from next page)

Open Letter to the Prime Minister Honorable Sheikh Hasina from N U M Akramul Kabir Khan (Dec. 26, 2014)

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All praises be to Allah SWT, the Cherisher and the Sustainer of the Universe. It is only by His Mercy that I have succeeded

to integrate my relevant works to put out as The Republic Reengineered. I still have large amount of collected materials (,

which I gathered before 1998,) for adding (few hundred more pages) by describing external and internal principles of Islam

at the beginning, and the phenomenon of Shi‘a-Sunni disunity and its remedies at the end. But, many considerations/factors

forced me to put out this mammoth integration without composing those few hundred pages. Below I am including some of

the salient matters as the overview of this work:

(a) Anti-Islamic/anti-religious/secular/atheists (―sophists‖) are tiny minority in Bangladesh. They must not be allowed

any such discretionary positions by which they can intimidate/dominate1 the religious majority. They must not be

1 In the final analysis, secularism excludes the notions God, accountability to God, religion, eternal life in the hereafter, heaven/hell,

morality/immorality, good/evil, right/wrong, etc. Therefore, they are destined to exclude law, state, government, marriage, etc. also, to

allow human ―total freedom‖ for acting as the way s/he wishes. Thus, secularism is inwardly belonged to a horrible eventuality of all

out chaos of confusion/conflicts/in-fights. On the other hand, if secularism allows democracy, then it must allow establishment of state

religion and freedom of religions through democracy—if explained clearly, our people will certainly do that (because, majority of our

people are religious). But, if that is not done because of secularism has/had been allowed to stay/dominate, then secularism itself will

(unfairly) persist as the state religion (in disguise, since secularism is no more than a faith of sophists/atheists who are minority,) by

subtly misleading/deceiving our overwhelming majority religious people. Such a diabolic phenomenon must be shunned out.

Therefore, the term secularism must properly be expunged (, as because it is alien and can lead to a dreadful eventuality,) and/or

suitably be replaced with the freedom of religions coordinated by the state religion (of the majority). Human can never become truly

free unless s/he becomes a true slave of Allah SWT. Existing (religious) socio-ideological consciousness must be the basis of the

constitution (of the republic). If the socio-ideological consciousness changes, then constitution can also change. Such a change can

only be made by the majority of all the voters (, instead of by the majority of those who have voted,) in a referendum. Besides,

adoption of secularism must not be sought now—because, overwhelming people are religious. Because, such an attempt can not be

free from ambiguities/ obscurities about the meanings, ramifications, and objectives of secularism to deceive/mislead people, and

because secularism is an outlandish idea. Those secularists who claim that they mean freedom of religions (by the term secularism),

they should agree (to replace the term ‗secularism‘ by the term) ‗freedom of religions‘ without persisting for establishing secularism (,

because secularism is abstract and is inwardly belonged to the temporal life only and not at all to the eternal life—besides, it has no

concrete shape/guidelines to manage the temporal life either). By using the term ‗freedom of religions‘ (to sell secularism) they misled

our people and almost eliminated Islamiat and Arabic from the school curricula—I myself is a victim of this conspiracy. We had

Preface of ‘The Republic Reengineered’ (of around fifteen hundred pages long) by N U M Akramul Kabir Khan

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strong emphasis on Islamiat (/Religion) and Arabic up to class-VI (in 1971), but thereafter Arabic was discarded and Islamiat became

almost negligible. Recently the secularists tactfully excluded Islamiat/Arabic from being the compulsory subjects up to class-XII (H.

S. C.). Bangabandhu knew these all along—this is why he established Islamic Foundation, and we/people chanted: ―Marx Baad, Lenin

Baad, Kayem Koro Mujib Baad‖. Even though he did not exclude secularism (for strategic/political reasons) and meant freedom of

religions, he did not fully rely on the secularists and on different occasions (apologetically/emphatically) mentioned that he wants to

establish Islam properly. We should take clear lessons from the recent and past records of the secularists—they acted like the hole in

the nuptial/bride-chamber of (the legendary) Lakkhindhar [, but since the purpose of a ventilator is allowing air-flow, we need

(religiously) well-designed/maintained ―ventilator‖ (instead) with suitable (religious) ―filter‖ so that we always get enough ―fresh air‖

without any harm along with it; and the Guidance of Allah SWT is not like the bride-chamber of Lokkhindhar (see Qur‘an/24:35)].

Secularists/secularism is the root cause/pretext of most of our sufferings/problems/discords in the recent and past history [; in fact,

secularism and usury are the two most serious evils for the mankind today—one of them is confused as ―freedom of religion‖ (to

mislead people) and the other one is confused as ―trade‖ (to allure people)]. Some secularists may follow infamous Machiavellianism

(of Niccolo Machiavelli) to pretend to be religious and may argue that they want to establish the term secularism so that communalism

does not rise up—this is a very unacceptable argument because if the roles of the existing religions are not well-defined and properly

harnessed together, then there will be more chances of inter-communal mis-understandings/ambiguities/antagonism/intimidation (,

and/besides, religions will be neglected so that people are not nurtured by their respective religions). They should be shunned out

because their real objective is to keep the door open (and/or their arrogance/ego erected, and/or their fallacious integrity/career

continuous) by which they can drive out religions (, if opportunity becomes available)—the outcry/bragging of the Marxists/Maoists

for democracy is ambiguous/hypocritical because they could at best be socialist-democratists/communist-democratists accommodated

by Marxism/Maoism. Their outlandish overlord(s) (, whether communist-socialists and/or secular democratists) are afraid of religions,

because if morality makes progress they will face difficulties to install corrupt politicians through whom they may continue unfair

exploitation/intimidation/domination/constriction/aggression by destroying the religio-spiritual awareness/ aspirations/conscience of

the people. Some sophists/secularists/atheists/corrupt individuals of our countries work as hired/compulsive agents of the neo-

colonialists/imperialists (also). However, if secularists/sophists/atheists (courageously) renounce their errors and/or stop their wrong-

doings (and/or denounce the wrongdoings of others) against religions/religious people, then we should reciprocate with them

accordingly. The people who claim that they participated in our freedom struggle for secularism they do not represent our

(overwhelming majority) people who are religious—it is anti-religious/areligious ideology of their own. In fact, if they fought for their

dominance/ego (by repressing religiosity of the majority) then they have not fought for our emancipation—and, therefore, can not be

considered as freedom fighters. Actually some of them were/are serving the diabolic desires of their ego and/or external overlords—

and it is injustice to repress the majority (by misleading them in the guise of secular democracy). Such people can neither be regarded

as bona fide intellectuals (―booddheejeebee‖) nor as martyrs (―shaheed‖)—at least not by the religious standard of our majority people

(, as because injustice can not be regarded as a good cause for advocacy/sacrifice). Such an injustice can perhaps be deemed as worse

Open Letter to the Prime Minister Honorable Sheikh Hasina from N U M Akramul Kabir Khan (Dec. 26, 2014)

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promoted to manipulate the situations under the guise of democracy. Democracy demands that religions must be

upheld above all other ideologies—because majority of our people are religious. In whichever ways these sophists

appear to be they are actually conspiring2 against our religions (as agents of outlandish/diabolic ideologies). I agree

with those who advance that ego is inversely proportional to some positive integral power of knowledge/wisdom—

an individual who is more matured is less driven by ego. A sophist usually builds his/her ego on one sided

(unbalanced) understanding/study of reality and pretend to be very knowledgeable. Gradually a group of them

aggressively abuse the societal stratification process and claim to be progressive/elite (even though they should

actually be labeled as sophists). They label religious people with extremists3/militants/terrorists (, at least implicitly

by making general statements). In doing so, sometimes they pretend to understand religions better without advancing

than the injustice committed by the dominating gangs of the (then) West Pakistan (against whom most of our people fought to reverse,

and not for secularism). 2 Hijbus-Shaitan.

3 Extremism, terrorism, fanaticism, bigotry, communalism, etc. are un-religious/anti-religious phenomena/views. They manifest as

human reactions due to lack of religious piety/knowledge and/or desperation under temporal oppression/deprivation and/or unbearable

hardship. These are actually belonged to secularism—and secularism has no guidelines/standard to control them but religions do.

Religions (/Islam) allow (only up to) equal amount of revenge if the oppressor is not subdued/corrected, and exhort to forgive if

oppressor is subdued/corrected. When UN Secretary General (hon. Ban-Ki-Moon) uttered [, after horrifying inhuman atrocities

committed recently again by Israel against Palestinian people (in Gaza),] that Israel will not live under missile, he is actually

cautioning about the reality/perception of prolonged secular oppression [committed by Israel with the supports of the giant

secular/brute muscle(s)]. Every ideology/phenomenon/view has fundamental principle(s)—we are all fundamentalists. But one that

delivers the best form of equity and justice is most suitable for the society—this is not possible without concrete standard of religious

morality/ethics. For this purpose secularism needs either turn to religion(s) or to the prevailing/existing socio-moral principles

established by religions. Then secularists/sophists/atheists intimidate/ridicule religious people by labeling them as fanatics,

fundamentalists, extremists, terrorists, communalists, etc.—they neither promote religion(s) nor allow freedom of religion(s).

Sometimes, they adopt political strategy by advancing stigma of communalism against public (religious) practices/contentions/creeds

of a/some particular religious group(s) but encourage (or remain silent) about the practices/contentions/creeds of another/other

religious group(s). This way they live on bribes (given by their diabolic overlords) and buy some religious group(s) on their side by

creating antagonism/confusions. As the process continues, religious values gradually crumble, diabolic secular muscles (unwisely)

succeed/persist to exploit/intimidate us unfairly (by increasing the number of their corrupt friends/dogs from among ourselves

everyday), and we reduce more and more to become nearer to be ―nothing‖.

Preface of ‘The Republic Reengineered’ (of around fifteen hundred pages long) by N U M Akramul Kabir Khan

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concrete scheme for implementation of actual prescription(s) of religion(s)—they use such many tactics to confuse

people about their real aims and objectives.

(b) Culture, community, religion, and essential human nature are inwardly belonged to each other, and are

manifestations of some underlying universal aspirations. However, there exist differences in the external aspects of

cultural practices among different religious groups for obvious reasons. Muslims are majority in Bangladesh—

therefore, Islamic culture must be promoted in proper proportions. In mass media and in general public observations

Islamic culture must be given the priority—BTv and other TV channels must stop frequently presenting the views of

the ―cultural personalities‖ who do not represent the culture of the religious majority of our country. In radio,

television, etc. cultural exhibitions must be in proper proportions on the basis of demography of existing religious

communities: Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Christians. However, a religious television channel (etc.) should be

free from such restrictions—they should be allowed to freely broadcast the religious programs. But number of such

religious television channels (etc.) should be restricted according to the existing population demography of different

communities—in these matters any outlandish influence must be shunned out [and each religious channel should be

categorized under specific religion(s)]. If essential, the skepticism/sophism/atheism can be considered as a separate

religion also—for this, they must be required to show a significant number of memberships. This provision is by the

free-will allowed by Allah SWT (see Qur‘an/10:99; 16:9).

(c) Division of Bengal (1905) meant separation of East Bengal from rest of the sub-continent as Muslim Bengal (instead

of Bangali Muslims) as because all the surroundings were non-Muslim domains. As a ramification, East Bengal

became part of Pakistan. But creation of a federation (at the beginning) instead of confederation was a

(naïve/unwise/unpragmatic) mistake4. Besides, injustice practices/misgivings spreaded by the dominating people of

4 Secular leaders failed to come up with a sound model for Islamization and they were not willing to establish Pakistan as an Islamic

Republic—these are the main causes of Pakistan‘s breach. Bangabandhu himself did not have a good model for Islamic Republic (in

his hand), and intellectuals believed that western education and technology was most urgently needed. Besides, for one reason or

another almost every leader had to follow one secular ideology or another, and they also believed that for the agenda of AL the

cooperation of the Soviet Union (and India) was essential (and such cooperation could not be solicited with an immediate agenda for

an Islamic Republic). So, AL accommodated secularism and used this term as ―dharmo-niropekkho‖ in Bangla to mean (, at least

superficially,) freedom of religions—some of them erroneously believed/believe that secularism is indeed freedom of religions. But,

the matter of ambiguities/confusions around this creed could not be overlooked by a sincere/honest patriot/Muslim like Bangabandhu

(r.)—he repeatedly mentioned that he wanted to place Islam (back) properly (, many steps/decisions made by him bear evidence to his

Open Letter to the Prime Minister Honorable Sheikh Hasina from N U M Akramul Kabir Khan (Dec. 26, 2014)

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the West Pakistan were grave mistakes—this category of people, to a lesser degree, were used to the similar practices

to their local people also. But their prejudice which tried to label us as inferior Muslims (, because of dominance of

un-Islamic culture here,) was responded, at the socio-psychological level, by the upsurging of some abstract

aspiration of Bangali nationalism5 which had/has no concrete definition (if religion is not included). This socio-

truthfulness). My contention could be wrong, but I advance this as a challenge for his relatives and ―close‖ ones to refute me. If they

fail, then I advise them to denounce/renounce secularism/ sophism/corruption/religiouslessness/atheism/promiscuities (, if they want

to keep using the name of Bangabandhu). I also suggest them to renounce/denounce diabolic politics, and to advocate for

promoting/correcting my relevant models/ideas. We have not seen any/enough (of them) lamenting for Bangabandhu for many years

since August 15, 1975. 5 Only language can not construct a state constitution/law—in fact, language movement too was protest against injustice. Urdu, was/is

not a language of any nation/province of Pakistan. Jinnah (r.) wanted Urdu (for Pakistan) in order to be equal/similar to Hindi (of

India)—it was an injustice because Bangla is almost as large as Hindi (by mother tongue). Even if India was not divided, Bangla had

to be a state language of the (whole republic/confederation of the) undivided sub-continent (also). Leaderships of Pakistan committed

many such/other mistakes/injustice—our struggle for freedom/independence was against those inequities (instead of nationalistic).

Nobody will say Battle of Karbala between Yazid and Hussain (r.) was a nationalistic struggle (even though both sides were

Muslims). If Arabic and Bangla (in Arabic scripts, as was proposed) were taken as the official languages of the (then) Pakistan, it

would be much easier today to implement Bangla as the second language of the Arab countries (as proposed by me). However, Arab

countries must not use this as a pretext for rejecting my proposal—if they can accept any non-Arabic language as their second

language they can accept Bangla (instead) also (in Bangla/Arabic scripts). In fact, for building up the solidarity of (united) Muslim

Ummah they must do it (whether they had/have accepted any other non-Arabic language as their second language or not). The people

who advance that our struggle for freedom was (language based) nationalistic (in nature), are actually trying to repress Islam for the

reasons/ignorance of their own. Language-nationalism is a terribly narrow ―ideology‖ for the formation of a state (and its

constitution/law) even though (some) states had been (/have been/can be) formed for (different) language group(s)—religion/culture

had always been the main inspiration for standing against injustice (/for self-determination). Language and culture are also inwardly

belonged to religions as because they contain words and attributes of religious origin. Thus nationalism (also) can not be defined

without religions. On the other hand, religions establish/established humanity—socio-moral principles of all (well-establish/practiced)

religions are similar. Thus, religions form the largest possible (/all-encompassing) basis for the formation of a state—even though

many such states will/can be formed, highest possible form of harmony can be established among such sates. In contrast (superficial)

nationalistic states will be in constant discords. However, like any other creed/ideology, devious people will try to use religion(s) also

for their greed—but, since religion is the deep-seated socio-ideological basis, such sly people will succeed the least (because people

will resist them most). Therefore, state must deliver thorough understanding on religions (to the people), so that tricky people [, both

Preface of ‘The Republic Reengineered’ (of around fifteen hundred pages long) by N U M Akramul Kabir Khan

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psychological consciousness was/is in constant conflict/confusion with the deep-seated religious socio-ideological

basis—this conflict/confusion must be resolved. Since 1947 both Pakistan and India committed grave mistakes by

overlooking the importance of regional good relationship. Today around two hundred million Muslims live in India.

Even if the Muslim World succeed to establish Khilafah (such as proposed by me) or some stronger form of ―OIC‖,

yet India is essential as an allied member (, even if Hindu World forms a parallel such confederation also, and

specially since India wants to join the OIC they are more than likely to choose for joining the Islamic Khilafah6 too).

(d) There are some who advance that the role of India in our freedom struggle (in 1971) was similar to that of a house-

cat—a house cat does not prey rats to benefit the house-dwellers (even though they get benefited). They must also

add that prolonged injustice and horrible genocide committed by the dominating class of West Pakistan made it

impossible to stay together. India had accommodated humongous number7 of our refugees without which their

survival was at terribly high risk—no people of sound conscience can forget such history of crisis. Qur‘an teaches8

Muslims to be on the side of the oppressed Muslim(s) against the oppressor Muslim(s)—the Muslim countries which

remained silent (or supported the atrocious military regime of Pakistan) during that period9 did so for un-

Islamic/ignorant reasons. Because, government (/military regime) of Pakistan was neither Islamic nor their imposed

war (against us) can be deemed as not to be unjust (by any acceptable standard of humanity).

(e) There are some who spread that Late President Zia-ur-Rahman was an agent of Pakistan. On the other hand, there are

some who say that since Late Bangabandhoo went to Pakistan (by being arrested in March, 1971) instead of escaping

to India, he wanted the existence of undivided Pakistan in some form, or wanted to restore his political leadership if

military regime of Pakistan overpowered us. The fact is, both of these great souls were patriots to the bone. Even

though they were both fully concerned about our emancipation, they both knew that like all other Muslim countries,

secular/areligious/anti-religious/irreligious/corrupt and (false) ―religious‖/corrupt,] are shunned out, and religiously true pious and

matured idealists/rationalists/empiricists are elected to run the affairs of the state. 6 Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (―Mahatma Gandhi‖/―Gandhijee‖) supported Khilafat Movement. Besides, I believe that India can

be included Islamically. 7 Probably the largest such exodus in human history.

8 See Qur‘an/49:9.

9 Even though Pakistan was created because of religions, it did not properly install religions as an Islamic Republic. Besides, the

leaders were not thoroughly matured enough about all-embracing (/universal) nature of Islam and committed many grave mistakes.

Those were the highest ordered reasons for which Pakistan broke up in 1971.

Open Letter to the Prime Minister Honorable Sheikh Hasina from N U M Akramul Kabir Khan (Dec. 26, 2014)

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our country is very poor in Military defense in the prevailing wilderness of brute forces. Besides, like every other

third world country, we do not have suitable economic defense either. Also, Bangabandhu might have thought that if

he was personally present in India (for coordinating freedom struggle), he would had been compelled to unsuitable

agreements. Therefore, such speculations must not be advanced (without concrete proof) about the golden sons of

our soil—not many of us have lined up to sacrifice our lives for protecting our country10

, or even for protecting our


(f) BNP-front committed a big mistake (in 2013) which is similar (, and in a different set up,) to the mistake committed

by the military regime of Pakistan (in 1971). Secular capitalism has divided the world into two poles: zalims

(oppressors) and mazlooms (oppressed)—today no country can aspect a just solution of any problem (, not even by

the UN,) unless such solution delivers substantial material/strategic benefits to the secular capitalists who have

already won the race of capitalism. Since Islam has the highest potential to lead moral resurgence, the core echelon

of the secular capitalism will always resist (, at least by hypocrisy,) against the delivery of justice to any Islamic

uprising—otherwise, problems of Palestine and other similar places would have been solved long time ago. Today,

overwhelming majority of the global work-force is employed in ―service‖ sector. A large portion of this sector is in a

form of subsistence slavery to serve the class of unproductive lavish consumers (with their un-necessary/superfluous

toys, appliances, and equipments), and another large portion is engaged as unproductive/counterproductive parasites

in the manipulative enterprises of secular capitalism. Such production relations work as dashpot11

against any


Protecting one‘s own country is a binding religious duty. In 1971 our school (, Katgar G. N. B-L High School, Katgar, Sandwip,

Chittagong,) conducted classes till August, 1971. Then it became a camp for freedom fighters, and stopped conducting classes. But

optional sessions of drills/parades were being given (in our magnificent school-field) for students of class-VI to class-X. As the class

captain (and ―first boy‖) of class-VI, I attended those sessions regularly for to become a freedom fighter (in future), if the war

continued longer. I also marched behind the freedom fighters in all the parades/processions held for celebrating our independence

(after December 16, 1971). But since I was too young to be certified (, and probably none of those students were certified), I can not

claim that I am a veteran freedom fighter. 11

Moral order of the resourceful Muslim countries (, especially the Arab World,) is crumbling. Because, secular capitalists have

succeeded to corrupt (at least a part of) the superstructure of these countries (by converting them to become used to

usurious/unfair/extravagant /wasteful lifestyles)—this class has become the agents/spoons for unfair exploitation by the capitalists. On

the other hand, the superstructure has succeeded to corrupt (at least a part of) the elite class by giving them unfair socio-economic

advantages (, thus to become used to lavish/unfair lifestyle,) in the forms of money, positions, rules/policies/practices (for unfairly

exploiting the lower classes, especially the foreign workers), etc.—this class has become the dogs/supporters of the superstructure and

Preface of ‘The Republic Reengineered’ (of around fifteen hundred pages long) by N U M Akramul Kabir Khan

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movement to replace unjust capitalism, with/by moral distributive justice—the scenarios of external debts/deposits,

natural resource/market exploitation, etc. of nations are even more horrendous.

(g) I put out my first relevant major work (of education system) in 1995. Since then conspiracy against me started to rise

(in the Islamic center of Norman, Oklahoma, USA). Since 80‘s I was against misuse of funds, behind the screen

planning of some individuals for persisting as the dominating group, mishandling of the affairs of the Society, and

prohibition against Iranian Muslims to become members, etc. Besides, my logical/just proposal (in that work) for


to become the second language of the Arabic domains was disliked by some non-Arab Muslims—even

though Arab Muslims were silent about it. During the last couple of years of my stay in Norman (before I came back

to Bangladesh in the middle of 1998), one of the Presidents (of the Society) happened to be from Punjab (Pakistan),

and the last one was from Bihar (India). It became very apparent that they (and some others) joined hand with a


to make my life unbearable in Norman—even threat was sent to destroy14

me. I continued with my mission

barks/guards against any movement to replace the system. This is why they rejoice (, or remain silent,) at any event that

removes/smashes/represses the Islamists (, such as brutal/unfair ousting of the Islamic Brotherhood front from their legitimate power

in Egypt, genocide committed by Israel in Gaza—they do not want to see an Islamic state in Palestine or in anywhere else). The

(secular) capitalists have also succeeded to derail the democratic sense of the USA government/people to shamefully vote on behalf of

the Israel (against overwhelming majority of the Member States of the UN)—this has happened because secular democratic capitalism

is immoral/amoral. It seems like satan/dajjal (/―anti-Christ‖/―asoor‖?) has grown up its muscle (in the guise of secular democratic

capitalism) to spread mischief (as confusion/conflict/in-fights/pollution) on earth (see Qur‘an/30:41). I humbly request the President of

the USA (, honorable Barak Hussain Obama,) to accept my challenge for calling upon the people of the USA and of the world to study

my works—all good ideas are mutually compatible and world problems can be solved. My same humble request also goes to all the

religious/social/professional/political leaders worldwide, especially to the honorable Presidents of India and P. R. China, the Pope of

the Vatican City, and the Secretary Generals of the OIC and UN. Hon. Barak H Obama (etc.) can also add that if Muslim countries

together form a confederation on the basis of moral democracy (such as proposed by me) then USA should apply to join it as an allied

member (as because the number of Muslim inhabitants in/of the USA is also significant). 12

Because, if Arabic regions adopt English/French as the second language, then the non-Arabic Muslim regions would also choose

English/French/Russian as the second language thus pushing down Arabic as the third language of the non-Arab Muslim regions. But

since Arabic is the language of the Qur‘an, Muslim World could not allow that to happen. 13

He was a President of the Association/Society in 80‘s in the same session when I was the General Secretary. He clearly falsified

(inside the masjid) by establishing a ―resolution‖ by using a sheet of paper with the signatures of the attendees of a past meeting as the

Open Letter to the Prime Minister Honorable Sheikh Hasina from N U M Akramul Kabir Khan (Dec. 26, 2014)

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by praying to Allah SWT, by practicing patience, and with many other super complexities. But due to these greedy


I can not be prejudiced against all the people of any particular (geographical) region. I believe Pakistan is one

of the most important countries (, if not the most important,) of the Muslim World.

(h) Riots of 1946 (in Calcutta), sufferings of Kashmiries, genocide of 1971 (in our country), artificial constriction of

natural flow of our fresh water, frequent attacks/intimidation (from other sides) along our border, sufferings of

Rohyngas, etc. are the unfortunate facts which have shaped up the mistrust among the nations in our region. Until a

stronger ―UN‖ (, such as proposed by me,) succeeds to guarantee the sovereignty of every State and eliminate all the

nuclear and other terrible weapons of mass destruction from this planet, weaker nations will constantly be targets of

aggression, intimidation, and concession against their self determination. In the current scenario, every such nation is

contemplating to erect their military defense as equal to the nuclear powers. If a hypothetical question is asked such

as which country is our regional best friend, the hypothetical natural answer would be one who is most likely be

willing to help us to be decorated with nuclear capabilities. I advance this so that the crooked advisors are resisted

against misleading their respective governments (for creating turmoil within our border) and their agents are resisted

against misleading our people any more. I believe, if my models/ideas are implemented (with required corrections),

this sub-continent can be transformed into a ―safe heaven‖ for all.

(i) Moral political practice is impossible without religions. Those who emphasize that religions must be kept

above/outside politics are actually advocating for immoral politics and such politics is bound to lead the civilization

toward collapse. Those people are either ignorant or are of criminal/corrupt character and must be shunned out. If

democracy means people‘s policy/beliefs, then Democracy in Bangladesh must give topmost priority to religions

because overwhelming majority people of our country are religious. There are some who fashionably argue that State

endorsement—and I strongly protested it. I had many other problems with him as because I opposed the cancellation of memberships

of the Iranian Muslims (of Jafari Madhaab), lending/abusing of funds etc. 14

It is very possible that this obnoxious axis (, ideological descendants of Yazid bin Mu‘awiya bin Abu Syfyan, of those who are used

to haram practices,) along with those (, both domestic and external,) who have impeded/plagiarized my works, have remained terribly

persistent to disturb/isolate me in many ways, including by apparently misleading/buying and black-mailing (, for using against me,)

some of my near ones. I have returned to Bangladesh in mid-July, 1998 and got married on December 30, 2004. For around the first

seven years (from the mid-July, 1998,) I was free from such disturbances—most of that period I lived alone. 15

I can give a full account of the ordeal—this is an open challenge. If required, I am ready to expose those mean/low individuals

insh‘Allah (in a large gathering).

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has no religion. They do not know what they really mean. Would our State allow a husband and wife mating nudely

in public? They would advance that our law16

would not allow such a disgusting act. But law is nothing but the

reflection of socio-ideological values of a society—and religions taught mankind what is good and what is evil. If the

State is belonged to all and religions are belonged to the respective individual adherents, then State has the duty to

nurture the people to let them flourish according to their respective religions and by not making any law against

religion. Therefore, the religion of the majority must coordinate all the existing religions of a society for setting up

standards so that equity and justice can be guaranteed for all. Otherwise shapeless secular beliefs would be pushed (,

in a very subtle way,) by the sophists as an Oligarchy or Fascism in the guise of Democracy (by

repressing/misleading the religious aspirations of the majority) and the society would become like a boat without

rudder. Similarly, there are some who advance that ―State has no gender‖ without clearly knowing what they actually

mean but apparently to emphasize that a State is indifferent (―lingo niropekkho‖) of genders. But if a wife file a

lawsuit against her husband claiming that her husband (like herself) should also become pregnant and she would earn

the maintenance, would the court say that it is not fair that only the wife will get pregnant and therefore husband

must also get pregnant—of course not. That is, every State must recognize the genders (―sex‖) and properly place

them respectively17

. Similarly, every existing religion must also be recognized and be placed properly, with the

religion of the majority as the State Religion. If a community can be compared with a house then humanity is the

defining abstract plane just above the concrete roof surface and religion is the total structural frameworks underneath


Court must judge according to law and fairness/morality—that is why court has the duty to repel unfair/immoral laws. National

Constitution is supposed to be the embodiment of the socio-ideological consciousness (/morality) of the people of a country—it can

not exclude any natural (/God-given) right as recognized by the people of the land. Thus, people may have right(s) outside the

National Constitution—that is why it can be amended. Since overwhelming majority of our people is religious, our socio-ideological

consciousness is religiously deep-seated. Therefore, religions must be embraced by our social institutions because state has the duty to

nurture people according to the existing profile of our socio-ideological consciousness—hence, state can not be separated from

religions. For the purpose of expediency, religion of the majority should lead, like any pluralistic society. If explained clearly,

overwhelming majority of our people will agree with these contentions. Sophists/secularists/atheists/corrupts must not be allowed (any

more) to mislead/cheat our people with their subtle tactics. 17

In this regard equality does not mean same, like: NH3 + H2O ↔ NH4+ + OH

-. That is, man and women are equal with their

respective advantages, and suitable privileges and responsibilities; and Islam has correctly determined those—men and women are of

equal dignity, and (in the sight of Allah,) superiority of anyone (, man or woman,) depends only on his/her righteousness (/Allah

consciousness) [Qur‘an/49:13]. Equality does not necessarily mean yielding of the same result at every instance. For example, (1/3) =

(2/6); but (-8)(1/3)

= -2, and (-8)(2/6)


(1/6) = [64]

(1/6) = 2. Also, see Qur‘an/2:228; 3:195; 4:32, 34.

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which makes/supports the shape of the house—more correct/complete the structure18

remains, more perfect will be

the concrete roof surface (, i.e. more closure to that abstract plane,) from which ―light‖ (/humane values) will

emanate/reflect in all directions. From the day one, Allah (SWT) (God Almighty) has repeatedly renewed the same

religion: Islam, which means submission (to the Truth)/peace. This process gradually abrogated some older practices

to bring up the religion to completion/perfection to match the maturity of the mankind—if culture can have any

history it is in parallel to the ―history of the Religion‖. The essential message of the Religion has always remained

the same: ‗enjoining good and forbidding evil‘ and Allah (SWT) has instilled the imperatives of good and evil in the

instinct of human being which become mixed up without proper religious exercises. Here, I must also add that this

―history of culture‖ and history of civilization19

are not similar.

(j) Religion (/Islam) is all-embracing—believers and non-believers. It delivers equity and justice to all in the temporal

life—but only the good-doer believers are favored in the eternal life. It is the function of the State to guarantee the

proper delivery of the equity and justice to all—from this perspective Islam is deemed to have endorsed a form of

secularism. But this ―secularism‖ (, ―Islamic Secularism/Universalism‖,) is neither atheism nor obliteration of

religions. It is the temporal shadow of the implemented Islam—without the bi-polar [= subjective

(faithful/convictional/devotional) and objective (= rational + empirical)] erection of Islam this shadow will not be

seen {, and Madina Charter implemented (whole) Islam in a pluralistic society}. If AL and BNP publicly announce

the endorsements of my works, at least in principle, then Hefazot-E-Islam20

, and Ahle Sunnah wal Jamaa‘h can be in


Also see Qur‘an/5:32—certainly there can be no better characterization of humanity. Allah SWT has sent perfect Religion to match

the human nature, humanity. This ―structure‖ can be thought as the humanized form of the Religion—as human can not be perfect,

humanized form of the Religion, likewise, can never be perfect. Continuous religious practices and understandings will take

humanized form of the Religion to the possible closest point of ideal Humanity—without religion this is impossible. Since the genesis

of every divinely revealed religion is Islam, sincere and honest exercises in any such religion (and within Islam) will continuously

reduce gap between Islam and that religion (by sorting out misinterpretations/misgivings from every side). This way the mankind will

be in the journey toward arriving at the highest (possible) form of temporal harmony/peace—there can be no acceptable political

ideology without this goal. This is the only way to success—even though some will/may fail. This diversified platform is mankind‘s

tribulation through which each of us is individually tested (by Allah SWT) for our honesty and sincerity so that we can succeed

temporarily/eternally. From the day one, man has faced such tribulation in one form or other. 19

Please study my complete relevant works. 20

Unless they have strong reservation against AL about the incident of Shapla Chattar.

Preface of ‘The Republic Reengineered’ (of around fifteen hundred pages long) by N U M Akramul Kabir Khan

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a united front with the AL, and all other Islamic groups with a similar front with the BNP, so that proper process21


moral democracy is promoted. If one of them endorses but the other does not then all the Islamic groups should be

with the one that endorses my works, at least for the time being. If neither of the two endorses, then all the Islamic

groups and those who endorse my works should be in a united front, at least for the time being for thoroughly

implementing my works (with required Islamic corrections, of course).

To extend this Preface I now add22

the following (my) email message which has been circulated (both in hard and soft

forms) worldwide since July 13, 2013 C.E. (and has not been changed much):

May peace be on them who follow the Guidance. Hello! If you get this message please deliver it to your links. I feel it is a

duty to prop/promote/protect/propagate my hard works/thoughts/spending of over two decades. This message is intended to

convey the following requests/comments/information:

(i) If my ideas/models (as given in my mammoth work, The Republic Reengineered) are implemented then the

course, face and pace (of progress) of civilization and human society will be led toward the attainment of an all-

embracing world peace. Therefore, suggest the governments and/or qualified institutions/individuals to nominate

my works (included in The Republic Reengineered) for Nobel Prize(s). Even if no prize is awarded, the

nominations will have bona fide influence for effective studies of my works. This will promote understanding

about Islam (and harmony among religions) and will encourage the governments to implement my models/ideas

to guide the progressive march of the mankind in the right direction (for the correct world order).

(ii) Please expose and penalize each if any can be identified to have impeded/plagiarized/stolen my works/efforts, or

if any can be identified to have harmed (or attempted to isolate) me, or if any can be identified to have


In the long-run party-based balloting system will/may not be necessary—individuals will be elected according to their respective

personal merits (by using independent symbols). Such legislators will function more freely according to their respective conscience

thus by obliterating/minimizing democratic fascism. The democratic process of checks and balances will be guaranteed by the inherent

nature of the inter/intra-house debates in the upper and lower houses. The minority groups can eventually have their respective

proportional number of legislators elected, if they choose to, in both houses—most likely lesser in the upper house (than the lower

house). Please see my relevant works. 22

The contents have not been unaltered much so that those who have read it before can skip, if they do not want to re-read.

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proliferated misgivings/ill-ideas about me and my works. I have done nothing significantly un-

Islamic/unacceptable—this is an open challenge.

(iii) The following nomination(s) can be submitted:

(a) Nobel Prize- Peace: For coming up with the most comprehensive/effective models/features for social system as a

road-map toward all-embracing everlasting world peace with continuous progress and prosperity by replacing

diabolic brute forces with the attributes of wisdom;

(b) Nobel Prize- Economics: For putting out the most effective (bona fide for all) (models/ideas for) economic

features for continuous growth, sustainable development, stability, fulfilling needs, and just distribution by

eradicating poverty and maladies of usurious/harmful economic activities;

(c) Special Nobel Prize- Interfaith Harmony (/Religion): For coming up with the most harmonious socio-political

models/ideas (for any country, proper confederation, and entire world) by properly harnessing/promoting all

religious pursuits and creeds for ever increasing maturity and wisdom by removing/preventing terrorism;

[Note: According to the Holy Qur‘an Allah SWT sent Messenger(s)/Prophet(s) to every people. Every such

Messenger/Prophet and his true followers are Muslims. Whenever any people deviated another Messenger/Prophet

was sent (by Allah) to them—those among them who rejected such Messenger/Prophet became non-Muslims thus

creating a religion other than Islam. Muhammad s. a. w. is the final Prophet/Messenger of Allah (sent for the entire

mankind) who was instructed/helped (by Allah SWT) to keep the revealed Message in the form of the Holy Qur‘an].

(d) Special Nobel Prize- Philosophy: For successful installation of the most correct philosophical basis (for the

continuous maturity of the entire mankind) under the ideas and created models which will be most effective for

restoring/establishing/ensuring peace, progress, and prosperity;

(e) Special Nobel Prize- Education: For coming up with the best Models/ideas for the education system for

developing productive, responsive, articulated, knowledgeable, rational, peace-loving, creative, just, balanced,

honest, and sincere individuals;

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(f) Special Nobel Prize- Political Science: For modeling the best government and political system for every country,

proper confederation, and the entire world for accommodating security, spontaneity, freedom, duties, law and

order etc., and for minimizing problems related to population, inter-group conflicts, immoral practices, etc.;

[Note: Every Major religion organized life and society. Islam has Madina Charter by which a State was established

under the leadership of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. embracing all people—Muslims, Jews, Christians, Pagans, etc. If

my model is implemented it will show other religious majorities how to form/reform true republics embracing

Muslims and other religious minorities.]

(g) Special Nobel Prize- City/Regional/Country Civilizational/Developmental Planning: For successful

planning/designing of the most effective/functional environment friendly model for city/region/countrywide

physical infrastructure for continuous improvement of education, life standard, law & order, aesthetics,

landscape, agricultural and other economic activities, and environment in order to lead the civilization in the right

direction along with proper flourishing of sports, recreation, culture and ideals;

(h) Special Nobel Prize-Social Engineering: For successful engineering of the most effective/suitable consolidated

model for human society including all the main (tangible and intangible) features with top level


(i) etc.

(iv) The following works are pending for years-decades for publishing (in the journals of the International Islamic

University Chittagong, Premier University—Chittagong, and Southern University—Chittagong.):

1 ‘Test Scores and GPA—Mathematics of Letter Grades’ (of 12 pages, complete): This model has been developed for

smooth and comparative ranking of examinees using scores/letter-grades by ensuring minimum learning, and as well

as for computation of equivalent CGPA. The method(s) prescribed can be used for any examination anywhere.

2 ‗Universal Remuneration System—A Mathematical Model for GDP Based Adjustments‘ (of 31 pages, complete):

This model is developed for fair distribution and can/should be used by any/every organization/country.

3 ‗Interest-Free Micro & Macro Credits—Mathematics of Time-Trading Cash Flow‘(of 22 pages, complete): This

model has been developed to eradicate the maladies caused by usurious financing systems. Every Muslim country

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should urgently consider adopting this method, any country can adopt it.

4 Research Poem: ‗Biswa Sangeet‘ (/World Anthem) (156 lines, in Bangla) (with English translation by the author

himself): This poem contains the theme of The Republic Reengineered.

5 ‘Utilitarianism, Egalitarianism, Dialecticism, and Justice—With Pan-Islamic Perspectives’ (of 20 pages, complete):

This is meant to be an Islamic response to occidental non-religious philosophical contentions in order to justify Islam

(/established religions) as the basis of social order.

6 ‘Universal Education System—Postmodern Muslim World Perspective‘ (238 pages, complete): It is a quarter based

abridged model created as a supplement to my own work: ‗Universal Morality and Modeling Progressive Education

System‘ (289 pages). Both these large works (with the cursory/detail attributes of syllabuses) can be utilized to

construct a thorough formal education system on the basis of semester, trimester, or quarter—thousands of

experts/scholars can be systematically engaged to refine and fully develop the syllabus. This book has the following


Abstract 4-5

Introduction 5-6

Background of Post-Modernization and Philosophy of Religion Based Education System for the

Muslim Countries


Weight Distribution for In-Session Course Conduction and Evaluation 28

Commendable Pre-School Year Curriculum 28

Curricular Outline Table for Semester System 29

Curricular Outline Table for Trimester System 29

Curricular Outline Table for Quarter System 30

General Table for Curricular Path and Programs 30-31

Student Age Table for Regular Program 31-32

Table of Syllabus Nature & Program Completion Certificates 32-35

Table of Distribution of Disciplines & Categories of Courses 35-39

Table of Curriculum for Each Upgraded Program 39-58

Table: List of Core Subjects and Corresponding Courses in E. S., P. S., S. S., & H. S.; and Each

Major (of the Corresponding Degree Program) in the Undergraduate, Graduate, and Post-Graduate



Table: Outline for Trade, Vocational, Technical, & Specialization Diploma, and as well as Skill & 217-218

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Professional Development Programs

Class Conduction Schedules for High School & High Madrasa 218-221

Class Conduction Schedules for Secondary School, Secondary Madrasa, & Undergraduate College 221-225

Class Conduction Schedules for Primary School, Primary Madrasa, & Graduate College 225-228

Class Conduction Schedules for Elementary School & Post-Graduate College 228-232

Chart: Organization Structure (Education System) 232-236

Chart: Implementation Work Force Distribution 236-237

Conclusion 237

Closing Remark 237

Future Work 238

References 238

7 ‘Moral Democracy—Unison of Ideals, Rationales, and Empiricals’(200 pages, complete): This book has the

following contents:

Abstract - 3

Introduction - 4-5

National Constitution For Proposed Islamic Republic of Bangladesh (291 Articles) 5-57



For Proposed Confederation of the International Muslims and Islamic Countries

(to reform or replace OIC) (299 Articles)



Universal Charter For Proposed Charter for the United Human Forum (to reform or replace UN)

(133 Articles)

104 -




Comprehensive 50-year Development Plan for Bangladesh (with detail

parameters, configurations and outline drawings)

125 -


Closing Remarks - 200

References - 200

8 ‘Socio-economic Justice and Modeling Growth-Distribution Effective Common Market’ (192 pages): It presents

thorough discussions (with detail socio-economic data for all the Muslim countries) on the philosophical &

expediency problems, challenges, prospects, and solutions related to the twenty-first century socio-economic trends

of all the Muslim countries. Since 1997 (many versions) of its hundreds of copies have been distributed in over sixty


9 ‘Universal Morality and Modeling Progressive Education System’ (289 pages): It presents a thorough model for

Open Letter to the Prime Minister Honorable Sheikh Hasina from N U M Akramul Kabir Khan (Dec. 26, 2014)

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complete formal education (based on the philosophy of moral equity and justice) from the beginning to the post-

graduate (doctoral) level and consolidated for the Muslim Ummah in particular and for the mankind in general. Since

1995 (different versions) of its hundreds of copies have been distributed in over sixty countries. Item-6 above [,

‘Universal Education System—Postmodern Muslim World Perspective‘ (238 pages, complete),] is its supplement.

Both of these works can be used by any country with necessary modifications in their contexts.

(v) In usual format/fonts the above works together will take around fifteen hundred pages. These works are waiting

to be published/implemented (for years-decades). This is why I have taken this desperate/unusual step to draw the

deserved attention. Please download, protect, study and propagate my above works [which have been uploaded

(years ago) in the Research section of my website:]. I have undertaken this

arduous task for the benefit of Bangladesh, Muslim World, and mankind. However, I expect due benefit for

myself (also)—both temporal and eternal (, and every success comes from Allah SWT alone). By the Grace of

Allah SWT, I have already spent in millions (from my savings and resources) and my works worth much more—

no one helped me with any financial amount (in any form).

(vi) Please, request Hon. Sheikh Hasina (as a daughter of Late President Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahaman) and

Hon. Begum Khaleda Zia (as the widow of Ex President Zia-ur-Rahaman) to jointly advice (nationally) the

scholars, intellectuals, experts, policy makers, and politicians to thoroughly study my above works. Leaders of the

political/social groups can do the same thing (publicly). If properly adopted (after necessary

corrections/Islamization), we can invite the whole world to inaugurate.

(vii) Islam-religion has prohibited burdening the women with the responsibility of the Head of State/Imam. However,

manuscripts of the Holy Qur‘an was kept under the custody/hefazot of Hafsa (r. a., Oommul Moo‘minin), who

herself was a hafiza of the Qur‘an. Men and women are different but are of equal dignity and rights even though

each side of the equality sums up different terms and conditions (Qur‘an and Hadith made it clear). In some

matters men will play their roles differently/separately than women (—such as due to physical reasons women

participate separately in Olympic Games). For example, men have the responsibilities to maintain and protect the

women (because of physical reasons) and women have the responsibilities of motherhood (because men are

unable to play this most crucial role).Woman (xx) was created from man (xy) (Qur 4:1)—their origin/essence is

same. Allah SWT knows the best ways to secure the integrity and solidarity of personal, conjugal, family,

community, and social life.

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(viii) The following incidence have happened after I have distributed my works (including similar/same ideas) (after

the submission to different levels/addresses of Bangladesh Government/society):

# Ideas Advanced By Me Events Occurred (afterwards)

1 Friday and Saturday as weekly holidays; Adopted

2 School-based evaluation Proposed

3 Multilateral or Unilateral (with separate for Quawmi Madrasa)

educations system;

Unilateral proposed (multilateral system

already existed)

4 Different ranking method for course-work, comprehensive

exam, and overall program;

Course-work ranking method (with extra addition of

optional course points) has been applied for overall

ranking—consequently over ninety thousands

students (in SSC exam) have been categorized to be at

the same rank;

5 All female teachers at the lower levels Proposed

6 Scholarships and high risk interest-free loans for students; Enlarged stipends/scholarship program;

7 Rotational leadership experience method for empowering the

people at large;

Leadership experience program in schools proposed;

8 Comprehensive examinations (in addition to school based

course-work evaluation) at the end of Elementary School

(class-III), Primary School (class-VI), Secondary School

(class-IX), High School (class-XII), Bachelor Degree (UGC)

(class-XV), Master Degree (GC) (class-XVIII), and Doctoral

Degree (PGC) (class-XXI) programs.

Public examinations after completion of Primary

School (class-V) (newly adopted), Junior School

(class-VIII) (newly adopted), Secondary School

(class-X) (already existed), Higher Secondary (class-

XII) (already existed), …

9 Referred and accommodated the spirit of the Madina Charter

for modeling republic under the leadership of the religion of

the majority (Islam, in Bangladesh) by properly

accommodating religions of the minorities, and thus to

eliminate the creeds of secularism;

Hon. Prime Minister (, Sheikh Hasina) also referred

the Madina Charter (?, probably with opposite

interpretation to justify the creeds of secularism);

10 Proposed GDP based remuneration system for automatic Abruptly increased pay-scales which brought the

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adjustments. salary/wages closer to my proposed ranges;

11 Etc., etc. Etc., etc.

(ix) In 2004, late Prof. Dr. Iazuddin Ahmed (then the President of Bangladesh) invited me (along with Prof. Dr.

Mahabubullah & Prof. Monirul Hoq of UGC) to discuss about my research/creative works [Scheduled discussion

held on 17-May-2004 (12:15 P.M.-01:00) P.M. at Bangabhaban]. But offices/individuals at the lower level did

not cooperate (afterwards) and no progress was made (even though the President was pleased with my works). On

December 09, 2004 I was hit during my morning walk (by a 4-seated sedan motor vehicle)—the car came to (its)

right side to hit me from my back (on the sidewalk at the wrong side of the road). All the circumstances around

that ―accident‖ and many other separate events made it very apparent that it was a deliberate hit.

(x) Rich people should raise a large fund immediately for implementing my ideas of time-trading interest-free (non-

usurious) micro-credit system to eradicate poverty in Bangladesh. Government of Bangladesh (and every

developing country) should do the same. Such governments should also immediately discuss with the loan

capitalists to finance according to my ideas of time-trading interest-free (non-usurious) macro-credit system.

(xi) Immediate implementation of #2 (enlisted in iv above) will properly benefit women (specially garments workers

in Bangladesh), will provide extra benefit for teachers (specially in higher education of developing countries as

incentives to improve/enhance the education quality/capacity by minimizing brain-drain), and will fairly

compensate/promote/tax/benefit every wage/salary /honorarium earner.

(xii) Education system of every SAARC and OIC country should be reformed/replaced urgently according to my

related models/ideas.

(xiii) People (Muslims & non-Muslims) of Bangladesh were inspired by religious conscience to engage in freedom war

(of 1971) (in order to stand against injustice/atrocities). They were not inspired by secularism/Marxism—because

common people neither understood these terms nor secularism/Marxism were in the socio-ideological

consciousness (/basis) of Bangladesh. AL probably used the creeds of secularism/Marxism (, then in vogue,) to

get the external (foreign) supports for finding an alternative to Democratic Capitalism (which creates

excruciatingly painful disparities). If people knew that the ultimate goal of secularism/Marxism is expulsion (, in

the guise of indifference/apathy/inattentiveness,) of religions they would not have supported. Almost all of our

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people (, Muslims & non-Muslims,) are of religious consciousness and were (/are being) grossly deceived/misled

against their faith (, by creating confusion in the socio-psychological consciousness,) in a very sophistic/subtle

way due to their ambiguities/ignorance about secularism/Marxism (or, the advocates of secularism/Marxism were

not themselves clear about the related meanings/consequences). Those who advocate for democracy must support

nurturing of religions (by honestly/clearly explaining what is secularism/Marxism,) as because almost everybody

in Bangladesh believes in his/her own religion. Those who want morality and religious values must have the

courage to abandon (openly) the creeds of secularism. Those who are atheists must also be properly

accommodated as because even anarchists must also be suitably accommodated in an organized state. The creed

should be for a pluralistic Islamic society of inter-faith harmony. The creed of secularism is the root of almost all

(political) conflicts (/evils) in Bangladesh (even in individual psyche).

(xiv) Bangabandhu always meant freedom of religions and just (, not equal,) distribution by secularism/socialism [—

because cultivation/nurturing of (all) religions and Islamic social justice could not be accommodated along with

the creeds of secularism]. However, at different points he (also) emphasized that he wanted to establish/culture

the dictates of Islam (along with proper accommodation of other relevant religions) in the right ways—that is, he

was not comfortable with secularism/Marxism. On (the historic speech of the) 7th

March (1971), he uttered that,

―… will emancipate this country insh‘Allah …‖. That means the Will of Allah SWT was declared to be the spirit

of Freedom Fight. The leftist/atheist segment of AL (/other leftist groups) always tried (/is trying) to

(undemocratically) manipulate the situation to undermine the deep-seated religious basis of Bangladesh—

Bangabandhu knew it very well. That is why he established Islamic Foundation. Not including the subject of

Islamiat and Arabic (and respective equivalents for religious minorities) among the compulsory subjects was (/is)

the plan of leftist/atheist sophists—they want the people to forget that every major religion is the

origin/foundation of the respective education system/contents. BaKSAL was instituted as a faulty alternative to

Democratic Capitalism. If models/ideas given by me were available then, Bangabandhu would have adopted


(xv) If AL adopts my models/ideas it will be best for the country and for them. People from other creeds will join

them and most leftists will also accept as because religions teach just (, not equal,) distribution. Only those who

take secularism/Marxism/atheism as their religion may not support. Religious minorities will be benefited most

from my models/ideas. Since AL is the largest political party of most diverse people, their adoption (of my

models/ideas) will face least/no resistance. After adoption, if they succeed to handle wisely/maturely/morally,

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will get the opportunity/responsibility to continue with popularity (, and there exists no problem in that). On the

other hand if they fail, due to lack of knowledge/complicated socio-economic constraints/character, other political

party/front will be supported (and vice versa). This way Islamization process will advance properly, insh‘Allah.

Therefore, other political/social groups should also declare their supports (for my models/ideas) with or without

the endorsement of AL.

(xvi) Secularism is driving the mankind/world toward all-out chaos, environment pollution, and ultimate extinction. Its

materialistic (―progressive‖) nature is conducive for the diabolic muscle force to occupy decision-making

positions (by suppressing/repressing the qualified/wise/matured ones). Materialistic/―progressive‖/secular

theories are incomplete/wrong/disastrous. Because rationales and abstract ideals are also inseparable parts of

human nature (, even though these are not attributes of animals). That is: empiricals, rationales, and ideals are

needed to be properly harnessed together to be in an expedient (/truly progressive) unison—by the Grace of Allah

SWT, that has been accomplished in my The Republic Reengineered23


(xvii) India and China will also be highly benefited by my models/ideas [especially from proposed (/concept of)

confederation]. Aims and objectives of my works are not anything less than making the entire mankind winner

(against the diabolic trends)—please cooperate with me.

May Allah SWT extend His Mercy on me, on my close ones, and on those who help my genuine and sincere efforts (,

and may He guide the entire mankind of our lifetime on earth). Eid Mubarak.

-N. U. M. Akramul Kabir Khan, Associate Professor, CSE, Premier University, Chittagong, Bangladesh; [website:; email:; Phone: 0155 434 7583;]

Addendum (February 09, 2014):


Some early versions of ‗Universal Morality and Modeling Progressive Education System‘, ‗Socio-economic Justice and Modeling

Growth-Distribution Effective Common Market‘ and ‗Importance of Sunnah‘ had been completed in Norman, Oklahoma, USA. All

other relevant works (i.e. parts of ‗The Republic Reengineered‘,) have been completed after my return to Bangladesh in mid-July,


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(xviii) Nothing can replace freedom—it is an innate want of everyone. For our liberation war (of 1971) the Bengali

column(s) which is (are) deemed/disgraced as anti-liberation force(s) should be re-considered for being delivered

political justice (for our own sake). Because, they too advocated for transferring of power so that (the winner

party) AL could form Government (in 1971). But as war broke out they took wrong decision and sided with the

occupying forces because they believed: (i) Agortola Conspiracy Case to be true, (ii) we would loose

independence to India, (iii) religion-based political parties would be banned and religions would gradually be

obliterated by atheism/Marxism/ultra-materialism in the guise of secularism, etc. They failed to foresee the

potential fact that if they had sided with AL/freedom-fighters, independent Bangladesh could quickly/easily

become an Islamic Republic. Again, the list of the main root causes included secularism.

(xix) The occupying military force of Pakistan was the main column to be blamed for the atrocities/genocide in 1971.

Here, some non-Bengali people were their faithful collaborators of the first rank. All other local collaborators (of

the occupying force) were of lower ranks. If the military personnel (of the occupying forces) who were enlisted

for committing war crimes had been judged for their crimes, the anger (, against the Bengali collaborators,) of our

people would have been substantially reduced. But the phenomenon that have been recently watched from the

―Gonojagoron Moncho‖ exhibited a picture as if all the heinous crimes were committed by the Bengali

collaborators—here, even few-year old toddlers chanted for hanging the defendants (and media widely publicized

such scenario)—do such toddlers understand/know who is culprit and who is innocent? Politicians are repeatedly

using/exploiting the young generation (with incomplete knowledge) for their political gains—society is not

necessarily benefited from such crooked practices as because a segment of people becomes unfairly cornered. On

the other hand, activists must not get carried away while protesting. The Bengali individuals who have been

recently charged/sentenced for such (war-time) terrible crimes (of rape, murder, setting fire, looting, force

conversion, persecution, etc.) had not been enlisted as war-criminals originally (when the complete list was made

and the defendants were punished/being judged/acquitted/forgiven during the time of Bangabandhu: 1972-75)—

prosecutors need to explain why they were not initially accused. Is it acceptable that some people are encouraged

to dishonor court‘s verdict? Besides, more severe second judgment (of the court) which coincided with the want

of the ―Gonojagorn Moncho‖ created speculations/doubts about the integrity of the court. Terrible crimes must

not go unpunished—those who committed similar crimes in the disguise of freedom-fighters must also be judged.

Maulana Dilwar Hussain Syedee has been accused/ convicted of committing crimes like raping women and

converting non-Muslims to Muslims by force. Qur‘an and Hadith clearly forbid use of force for reverting

(―converting‖) people to Islam. Those who attempt such criminal act are bigot/fanatic and usually aspire for

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reward in the hereafter from erroneous pre-conceived notion of self-righteousness. Such individuals usually try to

stand as virtuous and do not rape women. The accusation has depicted Syedee as a total criminal—question

remains why he was not accused initially (during 1972-75).

(xx) Terrible crimes such as grenade attack (of August 21, 2004?) [due to which the wife of the Late President Zillur

Rahman(r.) died] must be handled separately (instead of arbitrary revenge).

(xxi) Individuals/groups who advance that the high educated people who incline to religion become bigot

(dharmandho), are actually taking the side of brute force as because the main difference between beasts and

human is religion. Those who contend for secularism (in the guises of democratic capitalism, communism etc.)

are actually anticipating for matured/wise/just conduct of people for making/implementing proper laws.

Secularism can start from only a suitable point where society has acquired such wisdom/maturity nurtured by

religion. [For example, if we get anything good in Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is because of

religion—if we get anything bad in that document, it is because of human confusion; even if such document had

been produced to shun out bigotry of some people who claimed to be religious.] But then if we separate religion

from the societal systems, the society will gradually crumble and social institutions will soon become inoperative/

unsuitable. As because socio-moral degradation will gradually magnify due to diversion of socio-psychological

consciousness from socio-ideological consciousness—un-natural laws such as legalization of homosexual

marriage will be made. Mankind has been brought up to the present level of maturity by religion—religion will

continuously be required for nurturing human character so that crimes remain under control and people do not

become timid. Our deficiencies/corruptions are due to alienation of religion from

educational/economic/legal/political systems, abnormal circumstances etc. Man is vulnerable to give in diabolic

ways and means without continuous remembrance of higher values in the eternal life hereafter. Such

remembrance must be coupled together with the social frameworks so that no conflict can persist between the

two, because all the aspects of our daily life together make up our nurturing/security process. If man becomes true

slave of Allah SWT (God Almighty) only then s/he becomes free from all other types of slavery (including evil


(xxii) Secular democracy is a process of making laws out of whims: such a law can be moral, or amoral, or immoral—is

a government of the people, for the people, and by the people with arbitrary desires (/secularism). Wherever

secular democracy (, or democratic capitalism, or communism) has been experimented with some success, it is

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because of the fact that socio-ideological consciousness was religious. In contrast, moral democracy is a process

of finding laws through religious prescription: such a law can never be immoral—is a government of the people,

for the people, and by the people with religious guidance. Every major religion organized life and society—their

socio-moral principles are similar. In any domain, religion of the majority must coordinate all other religions

properly so that freedom of all religions is ensured. In this regard, equality has the meaning like Newton‘s second

law of motion: F = ma, where ‗F‘ and ‗ma‘ are equal but have different appearance and presence. Even if no other

domain follows, domain(s) of Islam must adopt moral democracy (such as my work number 7—even a wise non-

Muslim will feel comfortable to promulgate it). Because, such an Islamic State will also benefit (instead of

harming) other States even without Islam, and secular domains will be influenced for not making

unnatural/immoral laws. In fact such an Islamic State will induce other religions to find out correct universal

orders within (the external/objective principles of) their religions by shunning out extraneous interpretations (and

vice versa). This way all religions will eventually join in an orchestrated march and underlying lumped

conscience (for peace/success) of the communities will eradicate communal antagonism—without installation of

religion in the educational, economic, legal, political systems, etc. such conscience can not be built. Consorted

march of religions and minimization of communal antagonism is not possible by adopting the ambiguous

concept: Religion is belonged to each, and State is belonged to all (―dharma zar zar rastro sovar‖). In fact,

Religion is inseparable from the people, the owners of the State—therefore, State and Religion are inseparable

from each other. Hence, religion must be installed correctly/completely. On the other hand, accorded progression

of religions can/will promote communal fraternity when communities will compete among each other for

outdoing bona fide deeds. Such accord is a must (in any State) among different creeds/views/ideologies—but

religious groups can outperform all other groups as because religion occupies deep-seated place in human

aspirations. The faith (of internal/subjective principles) about the salvation in the hereafter can remain separately

intact for each religion within the scheme of freedom of religions (in a society of all communities—sob

somprodai, instead of osomprodai). There exists no other way for optimizing personal, family, regional, and

global peace—please evaluate my ideas/model(s).

(xxiii) Some people assert that through secularism they will establish a non-communal (―osomprodayeek‖) society of

religious freedom by ensuring individual‘s firm religious faith (as well) and equality of all religions. They add

that ‗religion is for everyone and the State is for all‘ (―dharma zar zar rastro sobar‖) for emphasizing the need for

separating religion and State. They actually do not know what they really mean. Democracy and secularism

together can not bring all religions in any domain to equality because such a phenomenon (/secular democracy) is

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actually a rule by the majority (/mob rule)—in that situation equality would mean bringing down every religion to

ground zero so that no separate community can exist. Those who preach that there must be no law against Qur‘an

and Sunnah (of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.), and simultaneously advocate for secularism are actually playing

with words instead of publicly accepting the fact that the creeds for secularism are wrong and incompatible with

human nature. Indeed, Qur‘an and Sunnah are the essential standards of a Moral Democracy in which Islam is the

religion of the majority (which guarantees due reciprocation of other religions for taking their own side: not

dhormo niropekkho, but dhormo sopokkho; Qur‘an-109:1-6). On the other hand, those who commit infidelity by

supporting secularism so that the path/chance for undermining/eliminating religion may remain open will be

accountable on the Day of Judgment—whoever does not want to be a party/victim of the devil‘s empire must

engage his/her abilities to shun out such trend. Those who believe in religion must also believe that religion

protects everyone (including those who identify themselves as atheists)—otherwise, faith can not be justified.

Because, religion is from Allah SWT (God Almighty), Who is the provider of life, belongings, sustenance,

dignity, and free-will (of everyone). If they agree to replace religion with secularism, will be the party of those

who want to deceive/mislead people for establishing reign of shaitan on this earth—and shaitan is the devout

enemy of human who is persistent to use subtle tricks for confusing us to be into troubles. Religion includes all

the useful features of secularism excluding all drawbacks—secularism requires religions to imbue good qualities

because religions teach what is right and what is wrong (but secularism does not, because it has no set of

standards of its own). If all the communities/people are properly engaged/organized together, unsuitable/unjust

interpretations within religion will be avoided—life, belongings, dignity, liberty, earnings, and pursuits of

happiness/serenity of the people will be secured/nurtured. This way only a State can truly be successful.

(xxiv) Recently media got carried away in proliferating Allama Ahmad Shafi‘s some controversial/unacceptable

statements. Even though the publicized contents are excerpts from his preaching in the past it seems like those

statements did not face any criticism during and immediately after the delivery in public gathering. Perhaps, if

Hefajot-E-Islam has not recently protested against some anti-Islamic matters, such statements would have never

been condemned—at least not in such an imprudent/vigorous way. Contrary to the propaganda through BTV and

some others TV channels etc., he did not say that saliva secrets in the mouth of men when they see women. He

said that when someone sees tamarind saliva comes in the mouth, and separately said that when someone sees

opposite gender s/he usually gets fantasized/attracted to the other side. The phrase ―tetooler moto‖ had been

(unthoughtfully) used (by him, a very old man) as disjoint without linking any sentence which would mean saliva

comes in the mouth of men when they see women. He wanted to uphold the fact of sexual instinct which is a

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crucial property instilled by the Creator for the continuation of species. He wanted to advance that this instinct in

human must be governed by religious prescriptions so that problems related to sexual promiscuity, flirting,

pervertness, permissiveness do not become rampant. He advised (in some context?) primary education only (for

women) and for staying within the precincts of household (by considering prevailing environment). It is very

apparent that he delivered wrong messages regarding educating women and their coming out of the household

precincts. Misgivings/misunderstandings magnified as because he was not sophisticated, precise, and concise in

his speech. He has not been seen to have expounded the following facts: (i) like chastity, education (for every

man and woman) is compulsory (fard) in Islam; (ii) women even participated in holy wars during the time of the

Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.); (iii) Ayesha (r.a.) (, wife of the Prophet s.a.w.,) even led an Army (in the Battle of

Camel); (iv) Islam accommodates necessities; etc.. Umar (r.a.) stopped coming of women to mosque (for praying

in congregation) due to advent of unfavorable environment. But joining congregation is optional for women—

they can complete required/extra prayers alone in privacy, even Friday‘s first afternoon (Jumu‘a) prayer. Many of

our predecessors/contemporaries committed similar mistakes (like Allama Ahmad Shafi) since the entry of

western education and lifestyle. Abul Kasem Nanootabi (r.) and Sir Syed Ahmad (r.) took different paths for

coping with the situation. Ulema should come to an Ijma on a set of consolidated guidelines about these matters.

However, the critics of Allama Ahmad Shafi should have also suggested the Islamic measures for improving the

environment to secure women‘s rights for education and employment without jeopardizing chastity and dignity

[—because, this is compulsory (fard) for Muslims]. Secularism (―progressive‖ socio-psychosocial

scruples/confusion) does not have any limit/ standard about these matters—even homosexual marriage is allowed

(worse than animality: …asfala saafeeleen, Qur‘an-95:5). Even though criticism is allowed, insult/distortion is

not. Those who ridiculed Allama Ahmad Shafi as ―tetool hoojoor‖ insulted him. Nothing had been seen to blame

that Allama Ahmad Shafi taunted women by saying that saliva secrets in the mouth of men when they see

women. My ideas/models which have accommodated relevant features should be thoroughly examined. Even if

an ―atheist‖ suggests any dressing/segregation limit/standard regarding these matters it would be of religious

origin—because secularism has no standard: it can even allow people to walk nude in public, or one‘s husband

committing adultery (jina) with another‘s wife. Even if it is argued that secularism does have standard, the

measures/standards/features/limits adopted for these matters must conform to Islamic prescriptions (with freedom

of religions)—because majority of our people have consented for to be Muslims (/are adherents of Islam).

(xxv) What is prevailing in our country is democratic fascism in the guise of democracy—no matter which group ruled

so far. Here, Head of the Government, Leader of the Parliament, and Chief of the ruling party is the same person.

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Besides, no M. P. can vote against the party in the Parliament. Thus, decision of the few top leaders are

implemented through an iconic figure. Such iconic figure is deemed required for guiding the matters in

appropriate ways. The concept of BaKSAL was adopted for somewhat similar reasons. This is because secular

democracy (without moral guidance) can stray. But no type of totalitarian system is suitable for ensuring freedom

of people appropriately, and morality requires religion for accuracy/completeness. If moral democracy is adopted

people will not become such powerless means (instead of ends)—now the Government becomes owner of the

State instead of server of the people (, but people should be the actual owner of the State). Both AL and BNP

should nationally announce to examine my works (specially by the experts of education system, political system,

economic system, philosophy, religions, law, global peace, architecture, industrialization, engineering,

agriculture, aquaculture, city/regional planning, infrastructure development, power development, mathematics,

social engineering, etc.). While first round election will determine the formation of the lower house,

second/multiple round election may be required (among the top candidates who received more than fifty percent

votes of those who voted, at least in some constituencies) for determining the membership of the upper house by

the votes of more than half of those who are voting. My models/ideas accommodated the facts: (i) Even Prophet

Muhammad (s.a.w) was required to consult with his companions (Qur‘an-3:159), (ii) Madina Charter secured the

rights of all existing religions (under the leadership of the Prophet s.a.w.), (iii) during the time of Prophet

Muhammad (s.a.w.) complete Islamic phenomenon involved revelation (wahi), Prophet (s.a.w.), and the

companions of the Prophets (s.a.w.), (iv) now complete Islamic phenomenon must include Qur‘an, Hadith, and all

Muslims, (iv) believers must enter into Islam completely (Qur‘an-2:208), etc.

(xxvi) Any/each segment of freedom fighters must remember that almost all our people are religious, and no such

segment can assume a position to represent the view of the entire freedom struggle by ignoring this fact and the

views of the other freedom fighters (such as Late President Zia-ur-Rahman).

(xxvii) The event of Bangabhanga (1905) and birth of Muslim League (1906) should be deemed as the precursor/genesis

of Independent Bangladesh. In 1971, we have separated because of imposed war. We are Bangladeshi Bangalees,

Tribes, and others: Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, and others.

(xxviii) AL and BNP must succeed to resolve their differences to recognize the respective political/leadership heights

of Late President Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (r.) and Late President Zia-ur-Rahman (r.).

Considerations could be given to confer on them the titles of Architect and Constructor (/Builder) (of

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Bangladesh) respectively. If insisted and Islamic jurists come to an Ijmah, the question of Father of Nation can be

resolved by referendum.

(xxix) Jamaat-E-Islami Bangladesh seems to be getting used to committing major wrongdoings/mistakes. Recently they

have exhibited gross insincerity as well as big political mistakes by not promoting my works24

. Did they think

that my works are overwhelming and if promoted there will not be much left of their own (in current contexts)?

But those who strife for justice are belonged to each other, both inwardly and outwardly—because justice is not

matter of personal belief only. My works contains nothing significantly un-Islamic. Besides, necessary revision

can be made for completion/correction. Other relevant individuals/groups /institutions who profess Islam but do

not employ their abilities to support/disseminate/promote my works are neglecting some of their moral duties.

Even people of other religions will feel obligated (, if they explore my works thoroughly,) to support my related

contentions/proposals. If Jamaat-E-Islami fails to unite all the Islamic groups how are they going to minimize the

antagonism between the ―members of their house‖ and other Islamists (about the temporal matters related to

greed for materials and power)?

(xxx) For many years my works are available in my website. Mass media seriously failed to be morally/professionally

sound about propagating my works—I repeatedly contacted most of the major newspapers of Dhaka and

Chittagong. How many single individuals in the human history have put out such amount of creative

ideas/models? No idea is worthless—every idea induces more ideas and this way society progresses. If my ideas

are implemented/promoted properly our country will quickly be at the leading edge, insha'Allah—this claim must


For example: I requested the authority of one of the Islamic universities to arrange seminar(s) on my works. For this purpose I had

made repeated circuits among the topmost three (relevant) officials (, say: the highest official = X, middle official = Y, and the third

official = Z). At one point X said to me that he will be present in the seminar at any day fixed by Y (and I informed that to Y). Y sent

me to Z who at one point told me that if he fixes a date for the seminar, Y cancels it—in this way long time passed. At one point, Y

told me to negatively criticize (in that to be held seminar) a specific political party for some of their wrongdoings/shortcomings—I

repeatedly mentioned that my works are meant to correct/benefit everyone and specially the Islamists. Once, I informed them (=Y)

that I should not be made to run behind them in such a manner as if I am trying to get a million taka loan from them—I also expressed

to them (=Z) that even though they can get away dealing with me in such (a frustrating) way, they will not be able to get away from

the Justice of Allah SWT. At one point I proposed to one of my relatives (who is a younger adherent of them and a rural neighbor of

Y) to arrange for seminar(s) (on my works) in their rural region or within their village/para—he declined (with the meaning that Ys

would not have done/supported that either).

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fairly be debated out. But journalists are seemed to be serving the purposes of such a group/gang or other who are

more involved in the infringement of the national interests/integrity. What are the remedies of such ill journalism


(xxxi) Modern Islamic great thinkers/leaders such as Bediuzzaman Said Nursi Hayati (r., 1877-1960), Ayatollah

Ruhollah Khomeini (r., 1902-1989), Abul A‘la Maududi (r., 1903-1979), Hassan al-Banna (r., 1906-1949),

Sayyid Qutb (r., 1906-1966), and many others have contributed tremendously for advancement of Islam. Past

struggles of every Islamic organization/institution/individual made it possible for putting out my works. My

contributions are smaller compare to many of them. But by the Grace of Allah (SWT), my creative works are

crucially required compositions (suitable for this century) which have not been done by any of them. Some of

what our great younger/contemporary brother (in Islam) Dr. Zakir Abdul Karim Naik (1965-, and many other

scholars/thinkers of Islam and other religions) has (/have) been preaching in the recent years, I started putting out

systematic similar crucial ideas/models with outlines/configurations much earlier (since 1987, and completed

several years ago, alhamduLillah).

(xxxii) Hefazot-E-Islam should endorse my works. Because, Quaomi Madrasa System‘s independence has been

safeguarded in my models—existing syllabus has not been reduced at all, and the curriculum has been enhanced

to be equivalent to the respective programs of the consolidated education system. If necessary any person can be

allowed to enroll in any course (except the courses of regular programs) without compromising the degree

conferring requirements.

(xxxiii) Tableeg Jamaat should support my works—in my related models, requirement of tableeg internship for the

highest level of university program of Mujtaheed will greatly enrich tableeg activities.

(xxxiv) Madrasa based non-political organizations such as Hefazot-E-Islam, Ahle Sunnah wal Jamaa‘h, etc. should

get united and/or come forward to explore/disseminate/promote my works and to put out their own views

regarding the ideas/models and related ramifications. If Egypt can be labeled as the land of Fir-aoon, Arab of Abu

Jahel/Abu Lahab/Yazeed, etc., then can Bangla be similarly labeled as the land of Meer Jafor/Jogot Shet?—they

should try to answer this. They should advise the politicians that friendly countries and development partners can

be persuaded for their cooperation in implementing my ideas/models. Besides, politicians should stop allowing

concession against our sovereignty for their own power.

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(xxxv) I have proposed higher numeration for some categories: (1) Teachers, (2) Military, (3) Police, (4) Judges,

(5)Imams & Journalists, (6) Physicians & Surgeons, (7) Architects and Hardware/Software Engineers, (8)

Chartered Accountants, (9) Lawyers, (10) Mathematicians, (11) Physical Scientists & Life Scientists, and (12)

BCS cadre. Government should thoroughly examine/acknowledge and implement my relevant works (#2).

(xxxvi) The Shapla Chattar (Lily Circle, Motijheel, Dhaka City) incident of May 05-06 (2013) requires thorough

clarification—the Government must exhibit the audio-visual film of the full operation time of police/combined

force (in the night between May 05 and May 06, 2013) by which supporters of the Hefazot-E-Islam were pushed

out from there. Again, it was very apparent that secularism is the main cause of that very unpleasant incident.

Many questions have remained to be answered: (i) Was the operation pre-meditated (at least within a limited

circle of anti-Islamic individuals) for which those ulema and their supporters were allowed/manipulated to be

trapped there? (ii) If Hefazot-E-Islam had plan (/were part of a plan) to overthrow the Government how the

Government failed to foresee that before letting them enter there? (iii) Why Allama Ahmad Shafi was stopped

from coming to the Shapla Chattar (where he was supposed to deliver a speech) for whom the ulema and their

supporters were waiting (before dispersing away on their own)? (iv)Could not the Government bring Allama

Ahmad Shafi there for delivering his speech so that the gathering dissolved on their own afterwards? (v) If no

casualties took place (/no unacceptable brute forces were used) how an operation of only ―ten minutes‖ period

pushed out around a million (/several lakhs of) people from the Shapla Chattar? (vi)Why electricity was cut off

during that time? (vii) Could the Government not guarantee the supply of electricity at the Shapla Chattar during

that night? (viii) Did government shut down some particular TV channels during that night? (ix) Is it believable

that ulema/Muslims would burn Qur‘an intentionally?—in fact, they were protesting against those who are

against Qur‘an (/religions). (x) Did the enemy of Islam/religion manipulate the matters for smashing Hefazot-E-

Islam? (x) It was heard that supporters of some other groups (such as Jamaat, Shibir, BNP, etc.) left the Shapla

Chattar before the operation—did they anticipate the operation? (xi) How they failed to help Allama Ahmad

Shafi to reach the Shapla Chattar or to advise him for announcing dissolution of gathering?

(xxxvii) AL/Mohajote claims protecting democracy and constitution because both are to secure the interests of the

people (, the owners of the State). But can any group claim that they have protected democracy while more than

half of the populations have been kept out of the national poll? Could they not agree with BNP/18-party Alliance

about the caretaker government even by taking an extra step (for the sake of national solidarity)? If ruling party

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takes constructive initiatives solution of such problems becomes easier, even if there exist shortcomings in the

roles of the other side. It was clear that everything in the existing Constitution was not acceptable to the other

side. Could the ruling party not bring suitable amendment(s) and thus guarantee the constitutional transfer of

power—if not in the parliament, could it not been done/resolved by referendum? The way the matter has

progressed was it the best solution? Why the both sides fail to promote my works as these deserved (with

potential to minimize such antagonism)?

(xxxviii) India/Indians had/has/have been deemed (by the common people) to be linked with many unpleasant incidents

in our country especially since the creation of Pakistan (in 1947). In the recent years there has been wide-spread

speculations about their involvement in BDR mutiny, anti-Islamic resurgence, share market manipulation, Shapla

Chattar smashing of Hefazot-E-Islam (May 05-06, 2013), some other Police/RAB/combined force operations, etc.

Whether such speculations are reasonable or not, these are very unfortunate. Some how there had/have been

mutual failure which had/has caused the advent of such trend. If India supports promotion of my ideas/models in

the SAARC forum (etc.) such trend will disappear, and India/Indians also will be directly/indirectly benefited in

many ways. If my proposed confederation (CIMIC) becomes a reality, India will be benefited tremendously—

even if India does not take initiatives to form a parallel confederation of Hindu World. If India becomes an Allied

Member of the CIMIC, then as a country of one of the four largest Muslim populations her benefits will become

much more.

(xxxix) All the political parties, social groups, religious communities should take effective initiatives for

exploring/disseminating/promoting my works. My ideas/models can be implemented without a single drop of

bloodshed—we need to emancipate ourselves from the existing vicious cycles of evil politics. I wanted/want AL

to reform for accommodating my works for Islamic/religious (and not secular) reasons because: (i) they are the

largest and most diverse political party, (ii) most of their supporters too are religious and are not aware of the

consequences/ramifications/destination of secularism; (iii) if they take initiatives to promote my works there will

be least resistance from the anti-religious individuals/groups, (iv) extreme antagonism will disappear, (v) there

will appear well balanced political popularity among different fronts, etc. If they had accepted my gesture, there

would not be so much political turmoil and bloodshed. Their leadership needs to find out (/correct) the causes of

their failure in recognizing the potential vitalities and viabilities of my works. BNP could have also promoted my

works alone for much better political ramifications.

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(xl) Specialists/experts of science, arts, technology etc. should not necessarily be ranked as the best people—however,

everyone‘s contribution/sacrifice must be recognized properly. Those should be regarded as the best whoever

have developed their spiritual, rational, and empirical abilities/qualities in well-balanced form and are

judicious/matured enough to morally guide the society for the whole success. My ideas/models on education

system have included features/programs for nurturing such individuals—all my relevant works are interlaced so

that societal institutions supplement/exhort each other for continuously developing harmony among

individuals/communities/groups. If this world is going be a success story, it will only be because Allah SWT has

repeatedly sent Guidance.

(xli) Religious scholars need to come to an Ijmah whether we should avoid labeling the dead people as martyr

(shahid), marhoom (rahmat prapto), etc. They can/should promulgate the names of those who had been clearly

identified (by names) in these categories and related criteria mentioned in the Qur‘an and Sunnah of the Prophet

Muhammad (s.a.w.).

(xlii) The slogan ‗joi Bangla‘ is deemed to have genesis in the Hindu temple: such as ―joi Narayan‖, ―joi

Shivoshambhoo‖, etc. Is the word ‗joi‘ synonymous to ‗zindabad‘? Is the meaning of the phrase ‗joi Bangla‘

acceptable Islamically? Even if yes, will it not be better to replace this slogan with something else with which the

religious majority will feel more comfortable? Of course, if the religious minorities want to chant ‗joi Bangla‘

they must be allowed to do so. Similarly, rituals such as bare-footed walk, exaggeration in the practice of wasting

flowers on elevated alter/platform /pulpit/ground/grave (or to welcome people), use of candles, image, un-Islamic

dance/music/songs, etc. should be revised. If some of these matters are Islamically acceptable then ulema should

clearly expound that to the people. This way inter-communal trust will be elevated through freedom and

spontaneity. Besides, more and more lands are allocated for flower cultivation which could otherwise be used for

economic activities related to basic needs. We can properly observe/celebrate every event/festival/national day

(even with more enthusiasm).

(xliii) Secret programs/policies of any State against other State are the main causes of mistrust. The SAARC countries

should sincerely agree to stop such programs—otherwise perpetual uncertainty will hinder mutually conducive

relationship. Every country should exhibit their honesty about these matters so that people stop negative

speculations about their neighboring countries.

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(xliv) My works are meant for solving the paramount problems of Bangladesh/Muslim Ummah/Mankind. It will take

(an equivalent amount of) tens of Doctoral Dissertations and thousands of pages to exhaust discussions on all the

relevant theoretical/analytical aspects/corollaries of my ideas/models—such tasks can not be completed by any

single person. I have criticized/approached many on related matters. Do they have the courage to

honestly/sincerely study/disseminate/promote my works and will they advance suggestions for

essential/necessary/commendable corrections/completions? Or, do they want to be narrow minded and pretend as

if they have not known anything about my works (and thus neglect social/moral duties)? Also, if any one wants to

know about my beliefs/aspirations s/he can study my works thoroughly—there will remain nothing significantly

unclear (about my relevant aims). My works may also be extrapolated/interpolated for understanding my views

about the issues which I have not expounded explicitly. If government or any group wants to discuss about my

works with me they should first consider the height of my works for determining discussion level—discussion at

lower levels may not make deserved progress, especially by those who have not explored my works thoroughly.

However, any group/institution can arrange for seminars at open forums (or can propose to publish my works) for

wide publicity.

-N. U. M. Akramul Kabir Khan, Associate Professor, CSE, Premier University, Chittagong, Bangladesh; [website:; email:; Phone: 0155 434 7583;]

Before closing this Preface, I would like to add the followings:

(k) The concern authorities should accept (, at least in principle,) my (this) work for implementation, and should initially

provide me enough money so that I get (, after taxes etc.,) at least an equivalent amount of one crore of Kuwaitee


(, ~over twenty five million U. S. dollars,) for my efforts of around twenty seven years. No one so far has

provided me any amount in any kind. The sophists/secularists/atheists (, the fuzzy minded one-worlders,) may resist

my works because: (i) it will go against their ego/corrupt-desires, and (ii) it will go against the ego/greed of their

overlords. Some of them may even behave like mad dogs (to repel my works) because false/weak/corrupt theories of


At this stage I unilaterally advance this so that my works are properly evaluated without further delay. If any individual/group

contends that I demanded too much money, I like to cordially challenge them to participate in an open forum discussion/debate (of

large gathering) in which will also be present competent/suitable intellectuals/scholars who have thoroughly studied and understood

my relevant works.

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ultra materialism/secularism have been exposed/reformed/replaced (in my works) in the following ways: (i) my

comprehensive models/plans/ideas for replacing existing civilization have integrated religious features/cultures; (ii)

my models/plans/ideas for replacing/reforming the existing education system has interlaced religions; (iii) my

models/plans/ideas for replacing/reforming political system has mutually intertwined the freedom (= privileges +

responsibilities) and religions; (iv) my models/plans/ideas for replacing/reforming economic system has included

religion based financing and other features to eradicate unfair continuous pumping of wealth from the poor to the

capitalists; (v) my The Republic Reengineered is a complete road-map which has thoroughly embraced religions to

continuously optimize an integrated phenomenon for essential/necessary/commendable

restoration/protection/development of all the basic structures/features of education, politics, social units, agriculture,

communications, industries, commerce, services, utilities, fresh-water, health care, physical fitness, environment,

sports, recreation, cultures; etc. It will not be impossible to come up with a better integrated whole. However, two

things must be remembered while considering an alternate ―road-map‖: (i) Is it really better? and (ii) If yes, it is

because of my The Republic Reengineered (, alhamduLillah)—such a complete (human) work never existed before.

(l) If properly decided, a referendum can be held for ‗State Father‘ (of Bangladesh), instead of ‗National Father‘—this

will be a better decision.

(m) The income tax rate proposed (by me inside) can be implemented gradually by starting from half of the proposed

rate. Thus a taxpayer whose income is equal to the per capita income will pay [(1/2)=] 0.5% of the total income, the

one with 1.5 times of the per capita income will pay [(1.5/2)=] 0.75% of the total income, the one with 10 times of

the per capita income will pay 5% of the total income, and so on; and everyone equal to or above 98 times of the per

capita income will pay 49% of the total income.

(n) For Marx and Engels (, according to their Dialectic Materialism,) change was inherent in the nature of the material

world alone. In other words, material world itself is transcendent and independent of mind and spirit. To understand

a society or culture, therefore, it is crucial to understand its economic conditions. This way Marxists replaced Allah,

the Absolute, the Eternal, the Omniscient, the Omnipotent with their god, the material world, on which depends (as

they claim) the mental and spiritual process. This is the underlying idea for Secularism which means indifferent (or

exclusion i.e. free) of religion, and not ‗freedom of religion‘. That is, to be a Marxist is synonymous to be an atheist.

But these sophists (or themselves ignorant) politicians (occasionally) fool common people without telling them the

real goal of Marxism, in order to buy them enough time to abolish religions through indoctrination. However, as

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Marxism has been enforced in the society it has been humanized to accommodate religion by proving its delusion. In

fact, Marxism is not compatible with human qualities endowed by the Creator, the Transcendent, Allah SWT. That is

why it is failing to organize human life (or to persist), even though it can be enforced (by brute force) and made

workable in some societies for few decades (due to pre-existence of religion).

(o) At one extreme, cooperative (communistic/egalitarian) socialism needs more and more inclusion of

competitive/individualistic/utilitarian (capitalistic) features so that the common people do not become too passive

and its superstructure does not become too corrupt (due to loss of morality). On the other extreme,

competitive/proactive/utilitarian capitalism needs inclusion of more and more cooperative/socialistic/egalitarian

features so that the common people do not become too timid (and constricted at subsistence) and its capitalists

become too individualistic (due to loss of morality). In these ways disastrous socioeconomic trends are reversed in

each system. Because both the extremes are detrimental toward establishing a growth and distribution effective

socio-economic system—in fact, both these systems repeatedly stagnate. There exists a point between these to

extremes where combination of the ideas (, in some unknown proportion,) from these two schools would work best

of its (amoral) kind (as the optimally ―mixed system‖, for a certain period only). Even though such a mixed system

will work as long as pre-existing religious morality endures, gradually the morality will crumble due to alienation of

religion from the socio-economic institutions and from production relations. The mere mechanical mixed system will

then stagnate, then will decelerate, and eventually will become chaotic. Because, opposing ideas in the absence of

moral force will be unable to establish a unified system for exerting continuous positivism. The

spiritual/moral/religious force can somewhat be compared with the Strong Force which keeps repelling particles

harnessed together in the nucleus of an atom. One could, however, argue that, well, moral mechanical features can

expediently be added in the mixed system to eradicate social maladies and to boost up the productive efforts. I would

decline either to negate or to affirm such contention. But, we can all agree that, in the course of such trials and errors,

long time would pass away and many difficulties would be caused. I would also add that such a true mixed system

(without deep-seated morality) will still be inferior to that of mere mechanical Islamic system (without exhortation

and volition for moral functions). Because, mandatory moral features in Islam are pervasive ornaments of Islamic

justice—both distributive and retributive. Even without exhortation for voluntary moral conducts, Islamic justice is

based on the balance of due measures and guidance imbued by Allah SWT in the creations. It is not possible for

human to comprehend that basis and perfect emulation is most unlikely (because all the aspects of Islam are perfectly

intertwined by the Wisdom of Allah SWT). Even if those functional moral elements are successfully added to

produce the same results as that of the mere mechanical Islamic system (without exhortation for supererogatory/

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commendable moral conducts), then such a mixed system will not be distinguishable from mere mechanical Islamic

system—because such a system is unique. Therefore, it will be foolish to go through a lengthy complicated process

of trial and error to ―re-invent the wheel‖, specially when one is not sure whether the process will end up with the

―re-invention of the wheel‖ or not. Mandatory moral elements in Islamic system not only keep the ideas of the

opposing interests held together (in addition to letting them nullify the evil effects of each other), these also act as the

catalyst to convert the opposing forces as an augmentation for each other. For example, mandatory charity (zakat)

contributes critical role for maintaining overall economic vitality of the society which itself is a benefit for the

persons who gave out zakat. Thus giving of zakat not only creates competitive motivation (, for pleasure and higher

reward in the hereafter,) of the donors, it also builds up cooperative motivation of the receivers along with the

augmentation of their competitive strength due to more even distribution of the wealth. In fact, Islam has included

such features to interlace cooperation and competition in a well-balanced phenomenon by which, along with

commendable conducts, a believer can ceaselessly struggle for excellence (which is the Jihad at large). Through such

struggle only a society can attain the maximum possible all-embracing prosperity.

(p) Scientific results are expressed with the help of mathematical equations. These equations tell us about the way

certain phenomenon is observed without proving the actual existence of the physical parameters (deemed necessary

behind that phenomenon). For example, Newton‘s law of gravitation is no more than a thoughtful mathematical

formula describing in which ways bodies move—Newton made a crucial assumption that some force called gravity

exists (, and scientific theories are many such inexact equations and are accurate enough within some limits only). If

gravity is a force as the way we understand by the term ―force‖, how come velocity square of a falling body is

always double the product of the acceleration due to gravity and the vertical displacement (regardless of the amount

of mass)? It seems like gravitation is a ―smart force‖ which can readily determine the amount of mass it is acting on,

and accordingly varies the amount of force to be exerted on it in direct proportion. Not only that, it also has ―hands‖

by which it determines the distance of the object to vary the amount of the initial force to be exerted in inverse

proportion (to the square of the distance). On the other hand, planetary motion obeys different laws (given by

Kepler). Heavenly bodies move in curved path—to explain this phenomenon, again assumption is made that there

are ―spatial bumps/humps‖ which planets can not penetrate and, therefore, have to go around them on curved orbits.

It appears that such humps/bumps have been designed very smartly too. Also, if this means that the space is curved,

then obviously the question arises: curved in what? We can also add: where/how did such forces exist before ―big-

bang‖ and especially when particle (/matter), point (/space), and instant (/time) were lumped together as one entity?

Besides, if the space does not get distorted then force field due to presence of a body would have been constant for

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infinite distance. We can also ask: how can a body move from one point to a distant point (in finite time) by passing

infinite number of points between the end-points?—because, before coming to the end-point it must reach the

previous point and so on for inexhaustible number of times. It appears that matter, space, and time accommodates

each other in way so that physical universe exists as apparition of motion—its existence is by the will of Allah only

and according to the Law given by Him. By this Law physical universe is, perhaps, in continuous/instantaneous

oscillation between the ―existence‖ and ―non-existence‖ with a period not measurable by us, and by which it is

changing (by the motion of the matter) and vice versa. That is, motion has been made possible due to this

existence/non-existence alternator. We can make many such assumptions. Is there any essentiality of the existence of

forces?—why could it not be that everything that exists (and, therefore, in constant motion,) are ceaselessly governed

by the laws given (by Allah SWT) in them, and such laws have the capacity to appear as forces (and work differently

for different set up of matter, space, and time). Thus, science itself is based on a set of beliefs and inexact equations.

But unlike the set beliefs based on the divine revelation, science is continuously modifying/refining its theories and

equations, and thus is coming closer and closer to the true teachings of the divine revelation, and not the other way




For example, (by writing differently:) if we follow three-tyred static syllogism then we find motion impossible. Because, before a

particle P can move from a point A to another point B, it must arrive at the point M, which is just before B. But before P can arrive at

M, it must arrive at the point N, which is just before M, and so on. Since, this is an inexhaustible phenomenon, P will not be able to

touch infinite number of points in finite interval of time; and, therefore, motion is impossible. But if we follow four-tired Islamic

evidential logic we will attest to the exhibited motion with the fact that we really do not understand the true phenomenon by which

matter, space, and time accommodates each other (in micro/macrocosm) and, therefore, can not use true premises to draw accurate

conclusion (in three-tyred) static logic. The fact is, at every instant, at every point, every particle is subject to ―be‖ (―koon‖) order and

―it is‖ (―faiakoon‖) done by Allah SWT (i.e. by the ―hookoom‖ of Allah)—He is continuously changing the universe (―khalqoon

jadeed‖) yet maintaining its objectivity and allowing the eternity of soul. Perhaps, this is how motion/change is taking place through

the oscillation between the disappearance of particle and reappearance of (changed/displaced) particle in a way not comprehendible by

us. If we want to discover the final/primary theory (of united microcosm and macrocosm) about the physical universe [by combining

General Theory of Relativity (given by Albert Einstein) and Standard Model of Particle Physics/Electroweak Force Theory (given by

Sheldon Glashow, Steven Weinberg, and Abdus Salam)], we will require first to improve/clarify (in broader scope) Quantum

Electrodynamics, Quantum Chromodynamics to reconcile with this (―Koon-Fiakoon‖: appearance/disappearance oscillation) concept

of natural philosophy. For this purpose the statement/proposition, ―speed of light is constant‖ could, perhaps, be the first target for

review; because, it will have to reconcile with the spiritual philosophy that Allah SWT is the only unchanged Being—He has given

eternity to human soul. Even though physical science at the final theory also will not be exact/complete [as because it is defined within

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(q) We live in a uniform (/―isotropic‖) universe (instead of multi-verse)—same ―global‖ laws/properties work/exist in

every representative corner (―manifold‖/―subspace‖) of the universe. Similarly, essential human nature is the same

for every human—we are all descendants of a single pair of parents (; i.e. Adam and his only wife ―Eve‖/Haowa).

Therefore, Allah SWT has repeatedly sent the same essential Guidance for mankind to relate with the Creator, other

human, and the nature—that is for maintaining proper relationship between self and not-self. Physical universe is

continuously changing without altering its essential uniformity, and since the appearance of human here, his physical

surroundings have basically remained the same. However, complexities of human life are continuously changing—

because it is the transient life for carving out eternal success. That is why He has repeatedly renewed the Guidance

by abrogating the previous ones and by refuting the false innovations/interpretations in religion. In spite of the

process of abrogation the essential Message of religion (sent by the Creator of mankind) has always been the same—

the name of the religion is Islam means submission (to the Truth), and its true followers are all Muslims means those

who have submitted (before, during, and after Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.)—the process of abrogation had been

adopted even within the Prophet-hood of Muhammad s.a.w. This way the Guidance has come to finality (i.e. perfect

and complete for all time to come in the transient life of mankind, or for until the Doom‘s Day)—Muhammad s.a.w.

is the final Messenger of Allah.

(r) Islam teaches man to make juridical decisions (ijtehad) (, if explicit solution can not be found in the Qur‘an/Sunnah,)

through qiyas (analogy), shu‘ra (mutual consultation), and ijma (consensus) on new issues under the guidance of

Qur‘an and Sunnah. Thus, Islam is truly progressive as because man has been given both freedom and guidance. It

should be noted that necessity (of the discouraged/forbidden things) has been accommodated in direct proportion to

dire needs‘ intensity, and altruism of the enjoined/encouraged /commendable things has been exhorted in moderation

and direct proportion to capacity. In general, things that are more harmful/impure than wholesome/pure are

prohibited, and that are more wholesome/pure than harmful/impure are lawful in Islam. That is why acquiring of

thorough knowledge/experience about the reality (self, universe, and the Creator) is made compulsory in Islam

(according to abilities ―from the cradle to the grave‖). It is, therefore, commendable that Legislative Assembly is

kept open to accommodate all kinds of knowledge (along with substantial understanding of respective religions).

the limits of ―tangible‖ Planck length (―smallest‖ space), Planck time (―smallest‖ time), and Planck mass (―smallest‖ matter), only; its

accuracy/consistency could not be optimized without the guidance/compatibility of/with the scriptural messages about the complete

reality (which can not be disproved)].

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Islam has acknowledged and suitably accommodated the ‗free will‘ of everyone (believers and non-believers), and

has properly embraced every religion/creed politically through Madina Charter. Thus, Islam is the ever progressive,

positive, accountable, complete, and most suitable universal phenomenon. This is why Muslim World must not be

forced to adopt any theory like (secular) utilitarianism, egalitarianism, democratic capitalism, Marxism, etc. –Islam

includes all the good features of every possible theory without including their drawbacks.

(s) The wealth of the resourceful Muslim countries had/has continuously been deposited to the banks/institutions which

are under western control. Western countries have borrowed so much money from these banks that their debts are not

payable—even if were payable, they would not have paid off, and if those Muslim depositors want to withdraw their

money they will not be allowed and instead they will face military attack from the western powers. On the other

hand, poor borrower Muslim countries had/have been paying more than enough as usuries (even though usury is

unlawful in Islam,) and their burden of debt is used as pretext for allowing more and more unfair concessions (,

against borrowers‘ self determination,) for the western hegemonies. Not only that, most of these borrowed money are

used to buy western consultancy and commodities. Besides, substantial part of the remaining borrowed money are

stolen and deposited in the western banks by the corrupt officials/politicians of the borrower countries (and these

individuals look after western interests). Developed countries should really help the under-developed countries.

(t) This desperate situation has following five possible ends: (i) capitalist hegemony will succeed to continue their

unfair exploitation and will first annihilate the Muslim countries, then other militarily weak countries, then the

peripheral countries within their own circle, and these gradual process will eventually consume themselves—it is a

consumption disease; (ii) every country will acquire the weapons of mass destruction for annihilating each other—

human civilization will be on the verge of extinction; (iii) capitalist world order will eventually collapse due to

worldwide spread of militant/reactionary terrorists thus by bringing all out chaos; (vi) the secular democratic

capitalism will try to cause/win another world-war to persists with their current methods (without clear peaceful

goals) of ambiguous/paradoxical/hypocritical/wicked/diabolic world order; and (v) moral democracy will replace

secular democratic capitalism to establish retributive and distributive justice based on religions for the peaceful

continuation of mankind (by totally eliminating weapons of mass destruction, and by adjusting/re-writing the

external debts/deposits of nations on the basis of non-usurious financing mechanisms such as invented by me). Satan

will try to use/mislead its all loyal/unwise human agents to cause any of the first four scenarios. That is why even

though the last possibility is the easiest, simplest, beutiest, and truest solution for the mankind, it will take a lot of

sincere and honest courage for accomplishing. The largest religious group, Christianity, lives (, as the main religious

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group,) within the domain of secular democratic capitalism. It is not very likely that they will lead the initiatives

toward the last possibility for the following reasons: (a) there are some Christians who believe that state is evil by

nature and is different from the Church, (b) they are afraid of persecution/harassment by the

secularists/sophists/atheists/skeptics, (c) most of them are grossly submerged in the system of secular democratic

capitalism and are constricted to live at the subsistence level, (d) most of them are not religiously

wise/matured/aware enough due to incomplete education system prevailing in their respective domains, (e) some of

them are comfortable/satisfied/passive with the indulgence of their share of the cake of the secular democratic

capitalism, etc. Similarly, different sets of reasons can be listed for the Buddhism and Hinduism for their

unlikelihood to lead the initiatives for the last possibility listed previously. Therefore, Muslims must take the

initiatives as a part of their compulsory Jihad to rescue the mankind once again. Once they take meaningful steps, the

entire mankind with their respective religions and creeds will come out to join them directly or indirectly because,

human is by nature inclined for the good with aversion for the evil. Without such universal phenomenon, Satan may

not be defeated—may Allah SWT help us.

(u) In the final analysis: (secular) democracy should be replaced with moral democracy, socialism/free-market with

Islamic/moral distributive justice, secularism with freedom of religions coordinated by the state religion (of the

majority), and nationalism with socio-ideological consciousness. With these, I want to close this long (, almost

complete,) Preface.

May Allah help us (ameen!).

[N. U. M. Akramul Kabir Khan (December 26, 2014)]

Associate Professor, CSE, Premier University

1/A, O. R. Nizam Road, Prabartak Circle, Chittagong-4203, Bangladesh.

[Email Address:; Website:]

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