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Post on 06-May-2015






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The Mental Training Zone

Is your MIND your greatest asset or your greatest


Turn it into your greatest asset

with the Mental Training Zone

• Gain confidence• Find consistency• Learn how to deal with Frustration• Reduce pre-game anxiety• Have fun playing your sport!

• You mind is like a muscle- it gets stronger the more you train it

• To be successful athletes need both physical AND mental training

• There are two types of mental skills needed for success: hard and soft

You are here at the Zone not to be good….. but to be


What does Greatness Require?

1.mental skills hard (focus,


2.Mental skills soft (relaxation)

3.physical skills (talent, hard work)

Physical skills

• Hard work• talent

Mental skills

• Hard mental skills• Soft mental skills

• Concentration, focus, mental toughness, confidence, desire, will, intensity, concentration

Soft mental skills

• Ability to relax• Calmness under pressure• Handle the ups and downs of athletics

That’s what greatness requires.

So now the question remains….

Do you have a desire for greatness?

Are you putting in the physical work and not seeing the results

you want?

Do you have a nagging feeling that you aren’t playing to your potential but can’t figure out


Are you willing to invest time and energy into mental training

to optimize your potential?

If so, you’ve come to the right place…..

At Positive Performance mental training zone, we teach elite

athletes the mental skills necessary for Greatness.

Because just like you train your body

You must also train your


Mental training

• Can have a huge impact with less than 10 minutes a day

• Will not only improve your performance, but can positively impact the rest of your life

It’s time to start training your mind just as you train your body

Starting with our BAVS mental training process:

You will develop the

• Soft mental skills-alpha zone• Hard mental skills-BRICS

Necessary for GREATNESS!

Hard mental skills

Soft mental skills

Key takeaways

• Your mind is like a _________- it gets stronger the more you train it.

• Your mind is like a _________- it gets stronger the more you train it

• There are two types of mental skills needed for success: ________mental skills and ________mental skills

Congratulations on completing Unit 2

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Unit 3: Personal Vision

• What do you want?

• And

• Why haven’t you achieved it yet?


“If you knew you could not fail, if success were guaranteed, what would you work for?”

It’s impossible (for me)

“Most of life’s failures are the people who didn’t realize how close they were to

success when they gave up.” -Thomas Edison

Other people’s wants

• Society• Friends• family

• But what do you want?

Where do you see your life in 1 year?

Now fill in the details of that vision

• Who is there with you?• Where are you?• How does it feel?• Why is this important to you?

Personal vision

• Fill in the details• Gives yourself barometer• It’s more real when you can ‘see’ it

Key takeaways

• Your personal vision is based on what (you, your parents, your friends) want.

• To be successful, your goals and visions must be filled in with (details, extra work, potential roadblocks)

• Goals are easier to achieve when you are driven (internally, externally) to get them.

Congratulations on completing Unit 3

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Unit 4


Your mind is Powerful

• It can assist you in being successful• Or it can ensure that you fail

• Thumbs up exercise video


• The mind is (powerful, weak, just average).

• (visualization, breathing, affirmations) can help us by preparing our mind for success with a picture.

• Mind training is like anything else, you (improve, get worse, stay the same) over time.

• *The mind is powerful!• *The mind can be programmed for

success.• *Visualizing expectations makes it easier

to achieve them physically.• *The mind limits us initially unless we learn

how to use it to our advantage.

Congratulations on completing Unit 4

You’ve received 10 points

To earn more points remember to:• Connect with other athletes on our forums

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UNIT 5: THE MIND cont….

• What does the thumbs up exercise teach us about our sport?

• Clutch exercise video photos etc.

• How many times were you successful?

Every time?

• Congratulations- you can use that power to optimize every aspect of your life

If you weren’t successful every time, that’s okay. Here at the

zone you’ll learn why you weren’t, how your mind works

and what to do about it to improve.

Why would we ever visualize being unsuccessful?

• We have complete control over our mind• If we can do something correct one time,

physically we should be able to visualize doing it correctly 10 times, 100 times, 1000 times in a row.

Our self image

• Contains a picture, a blue print for our life at what we are good at and what we aren’t good at.

• We can’t consistently perform above or beyond our self-image.

Congratulations on completing Unit 5

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• The subconscious

• The subconscious brain is the most powerful component to your success

The Mind


• Your senses, your reality, brings in information, judges, thinks logically, understands verbal language, uses your full attention


• Contains your ideas about about who you are on the inside: your self-image.

• · It communicates in pictures or visuals• · It doesn’t understand verbal

language very well.• ·

• Is great at tasks that you have practiced and can now do automatically: riding a bike, driving, playing your sport.

• · It is not logical; it doesn’t argue or weigh the pros and cons.

• · Its really good at doing the tasks it knows

• · It doesn’t like changes.• · It wants to be correct all the time.

Critical factor

• Is the go-between for the conscious and subconscious.

• · Ensures that the conscious and subconscious agree and ‘see’ the same thing.

• · Sides with the subconscious to ensure subconscious’ self image is correct.

• Story about taylor and free throws audio

• 1st- (Conscious brain): collects the information about the situation.(a game winning free throw)

• 2nd- (Subconscious) The information is bounced down to the subconscious in milliseconds to his memory. Taylors brain asks his subconscious “have I seen this before?” Answer: yes.

• 3rd-(Subconscious) Evaluation: Taylors brain asks “Am I good at this?” (i.e what is my self-image) Answer: no, I failed before.

• 4th-(Critical Factor) When the information about Taylor’s self-image came back, his critical factor works to make sure the Subconscious is correct: that his Performance reality matched up with his subconscious self-image.

Performance Process

• (C) Current situation: game winning.

• (SC) Memory: have I seen this before?

• (SC) Evaluation: am I good at this?

• (CF) Performance: reality must match up with self-image.


• The SC is dominant• The CF want you to act like YOU• The CF makes sure SC & C match up• The SC beliefs are not always accurate• The SC beliefs are based on the past not on

potential• Changing SC self image is possible

• Trying and wanting and working for something is NOT enough


• The subconscious wants what it wants: for your current self image to stay the same, regardless of what your conscious brain wants, says or does.

The great news

• Is that with the zone training, your subconscious self-image can be programmed for success!

• The subconscious is very slow to change.• T or F – The subconscious doesn’t

understand verbal commands.

Key Takeaways

• T/F• T or F – The conscious almost always

wins out over the subconscious brain.• T or F – Your subconscious doesn’t want

what is best for you; it wants what it has had in the past.

• T or F – Your subconscious beliefs have very little to do with your potential.

Congratulations on completing Unit 6

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UNIT 7: Belief in your purpose

This causes a strength or mental toughness that is internal and personal.

• When everything else is taken away: money, ego, success…. What is it that you believe in? What higher purpose do you have? What is the thing bigger than you that you believe in?

• Great athletes have a strong belief in purpose

What do you believe in?

• Family is first• Working hard is important• I sacrifice for the team• myself when no one else does• Independent of accolades, results, other

people, media

• One way to ensure your believe in your purpose is to ignite your passion, love,positive energy. If you don’t have that about your sport (or any other part of your life) its difficult to go very far.

Passionate purpose

• Audio repeat• worksheet

Congratulations on completing Unit 7

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To earn more points remember to:• Connect with other athletes on our forums

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UNIT 8: bRics

• Resilience

• Ability to weather the ups and downs of athletics

• Toughness to get back up and fight after being knocked down

• All successful people have had to overcome obstacles

• Every single one of them

Michael jordan commercial



• Not based on talent• Not based on skill• Not based on intelligence

• It’s a decision

A decision to not allow quitting to be an option

It isn’t easier for other people because

• Of smarts• Of money• Of beauty• Of height, athletic ability, strength

• The only thing resilient people have in common is this:

• The decided to keep going

• Resilience worksheet

How can you use this information

• Replay using visualization the times in your life you were resilient

Key takeaways

• Success isn’t (easy, difficult, special) for anyone, it always required resilience.

• You’ve shown (resilience, stubbornness, anger) before, so you can do it again.

• Resilience is a (decision, genetic trait, easy for some)

Congratulations on completing Unit 8

You’ve received 10 points

To earn more points remember to:• Connect with other athletes on our forums

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UNIT 9: brIcs

• Internal Motivation

• Every great athlete is internally motivated

Best way to develop internal motivation?

• Figure out what you truly want by turning your personal vision into achievable goals.

Personal visions

• What we see in our future• General or specific• Achieved by accomplishing goals• Realistic or a bit of a stretch


• Specific • Measurable• Can stand alone or be part of a personal

vision• Long term is made up of short term goals

Vision to goals

• Worksheet


• Visions can be general and more dream like

• Goals are specific and measurable (you know if you accomplished them or not)

• Visions and goals will help you be internally motivated every day

UNIT 10: briCs

• Control

Think of all the things in your sport that get in your way of focusing on your best game:

• Referees• Coaches• Teammates• Opponents• Parents• Friends • media

• Playing time• Mistakes• Bad plays• Injuries

• Think of how much energy you spend on those things: frustration, anger, concentration

• There are distractions all around you in athletics.

• Great athletes learn to control what they can control

• And let go of the rest

• They also use that extra energy (that used to be wasted on things they couldn’t control) on the things they can control….

• Effort• Attitude• Focus• Working hard• Communication• Proper preparation

• Great athletes spend their energy on what they can control…. They let go of the rest.

• Control worksheet

Congratulations on completing Unit 9

You’ve received 10 points

To earn more points remember to:• Connect with other athletes on our forums

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Congratulations on completing Unit 10

You’ve received 10 points

To earn more points remember to:• Connect with other athletes on our forums

and chat rooms.• Share your completion of units on social


UNIT 11:bricS

• Self-Belief

• Different than confidence in that it isn’t contigent on your abilities in one area.

Self belief is:• Believing in yourself and your abilities,

judgment, and potential• ·      Being aware of your strengths,

weaknesses• ·      Trusting yourself to make good

decisions.• ·      Trusting that even when things don’t

go well, or mistakes are made, that you can find success again.

• never holding back, always facing your fears, freedom from self-doubt

• ·      The courage to give everything you have -“Play so hard to win, that it hurts so bad to lose.”

• Overcoming challenges and maintaining a calm ability to problem solve.

Self belief is NOT:•     How many points you scored or how

fast or strong you are.• Your awards or accolades.Where you are

from.• ·      Based on looks/popularity.• ·      Based on your good looking

boyfriend/girlfriend/friends.Based on race, creed, sexual orientation, gender, etc.

Self belief is developed…

• Through the Zone Training• Self discovery/self awareness• ·      Taking actions to: face your fears,

push past your comfort zones, overcome your limitations, confirm your skills and abilities

• Confidence generates more confidence (fake it till you make it)

• ·      Hard work• Purposeful actions and goals

• Confidence is a result of working on your self belief: a strong belief that regardless of what situation you are in, you will rise to the occasion


• Self belief is based on (looks, money, hard work)

• (money, fame, confidence) is a result of developing self-belief

• Self belief is the strong conviction that no matter what you can (fail, figure it out, quit)

• You have now been trained in our exclusive BRICS training. You’ve learned about….


• The importance of believing in a purpose


• How resilience is developed.


• How to use your vision and goals to internally motivate yourself


• The ways to focus on what you can control and let go of the things you cannot control.


• How to develop self belief so you have confidence in all areas of your life.

Congratulations on completing our BRICS training

You’ve received 10 points for this unit and 15 for completing BRICS training

To earn more points remember to:• Connect with other athletes on our forums

and chat rooms.• Share your completion of units on social


UNIT 12: Timeline

• The fastest way to find success is to have a plan

• Our timeline is our plan, made up of our vision and goals


• They are what we see in the future. They can be specific goals (I want to be an All-American) or they can be general (I want a good career). They can also be dreams, things that we maybe unwilling or unsure about working towards but may become specific goals in the future (i.e. I want to play professionally/I want to coach). The pathway to visions is made up of goals.


• They are specific and measurable. (ie. I want to shoot 50% from the field)

• They can stand alone or be combined with a vision.

• The pathway to achieving goals are smaller, more achievable goals. (i.e. I will shoot 500 shots a da


• Fill out worksheet

Congratulations on completing Unit 12

You’ve received 10 points

To earn more points remember to:• Connect with other athletes on our forums

and chat rooms.• Share your completion of units on social




• Self talk leads to…

SC Self-image which determines….

Individual performance

• The SC is like a computer

Self -Hypnosis

• Makes positive imprints on your subconscious self-image (BRICS)

• Allows you to get into ‘Alpha Zone’ more easily


• Close your eyes• Breathe deeply• 6 seconds in, 6 seconds out• Gets you in alpha zone

Six Principles for Affirmations

• First person• Present tense• Positive• Emotional• Realistic for you• *Confidential


• Real vs. imaginary• Change self-image• Expand comfort zone• Create expectations

Mental Performance Training


Thank You

Key Points

Your mind cares more about sanity than it does about success

You have control over programming your subconscious

We subconsciously attract or avoid success

Your mind is far more powerful than you believe

We have to act and behave according to how we see ourselves;

change how you see yourself….. And your life changes.

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