online career assessment resources

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Online Career Assessment Resources

Dr. Donald Super’s Self Concept Theory We differ in abilities, interests, and personalities. Every occupation

requires a characteristic pattern of abilities, interests, and personality traits. Within each occupation are workers with varying degrees of these characteristics.

Each of us is qualified for a number of occupations. Vocational preferences and skills, the situations in which we live and work, and our self-confidence changes with time and experiences. These factors make choice and adjustment a continual processed based on our maturity and life-style.

Search for Job Matches

What is career assessment? Career assessment is a way to learn more about how well a variety of careers might suit you. Each

assessment focuses on a specific area, such as skills, interests, or values. Typically, an assessment asks you to answer questions about what you like, don't like, what’s important to you, and what your strengths are.

Since assessment results may relate to as many as 900 different occupations, don't panic if your results include careers that don't interest you. Experts recommended that you take more than one assessment to broaden your ideas before you make a decision. It can also be helpful to talk with a career counselor, family and friends before making a career decision.

What can an assessment help you do? Learn about occupations that are a good match for you Decide where you need more training or experience Identify the skills you bring to a job Write more personal, detailed resumes and cover letters Consider careers you may not have thought about before

O*Net Interest Profiler

The O*Net Interest Profiler can help you find out what your interests are and how they relate to the world of work.

Skills Profiler

The Skills Profiler can be used to create a list of your skills and match them to job types that use those skills.


Values are your beliefs about what is important or desirable. When your values line up with how you live and work, you tend to feel more satisfied and confident. Living or working in ways that contradict your values can lead to dissatisfaction, confusion, and discouragement. Complete the card sort assessment. Click on the your level of education for job matches. Click on other level of education categories for more job matches.

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