nuvet labs | make your own dog food: how to

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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NuVet Labs|Make Your Own Dog Food: How To

NuVet Labs|Make Your Own Dog Food: How To

For most pet owners who read NuVet Labs reviews, the dog is a member of the family. Just like any other member of the family, owners want to make sure that their four legged friends are well cared for and have a nutritious diet.

NuVet Labs|Make Your Own Dog Food: How To

Here is what all owners should know before making their first batch of homemade dog food.

NuVet Labs|Make Your Own Dog Food: How To

Finding the right recipe

It is critical that pet owners find a recipe that offers the dog a balanced diet. Dogs need to have the following key ingredients:

NuVet Labs|Make Your Own Dog Food: How To

• protein, which can come from ingredients such as animal meat

• fat, which can come from the animal meat itself or certain oils

• calcium, which is present in dairy but also other ingredients such as egg shells

• fatty oils, which comes from oils and certain foods

NuVet Labs|Make Your Own Dog Food: How To

It is also important when evaluating different recipes that the owner watches the food proportions. Although meat and other animal products together should make up at least half the diet, no one single ingredient should be more than half the diet.

NuVet Labs|Make Your Own Dog Food: How To

It is also important to select meats that fit with the dog’s lifestyle. For example, lean meats tend to be best unless the dog gets regular and intensive exercise.

NuVet Labs|Make Your Own Dog Food: How To

Verify that the recipe does not include any potential toxins for dogs, such as

• chocolate

• onions

• garlic

• avocados

• certain nuts

• grapes/raisins

NuVet Labs|Make Your Own Dog Food: How To

Owners who read NuVet reviews know that variety will help ensure that the animal receives all the nutrients it should and will help avoid boredom or deficiencies.

NuVet Labs|Make Your Own Dog Food: How To

Keep in mind that any changes or substitutions made to the recipe can alter the nutritional makeup of the food, so the owner needs to be alert and ensure that the nutrient is either substituted for either elsewhere in the recipe or in another meal that day.

NuVet Labs|Make Your Own Dog Food: How To

The food should always be cooked thoroughly to ensure that any potentially dangerous bacteria or microbes are completely killed before the food is served to the dog.

NuVet Labs|Make Your Own Dog Food: How To

For pet owners who read NuVet Plus reviews, helping dog’s improve their

quality of life with superior nutrition is important. Use these guidelines to get

started developing a well balanced diet for that special canine companion.

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