newsletter, wednesday 30th may, term 2

Post on 14-Mar-2022






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Larrakeyah Primary School is a member

of the Darwin City Schools and in

partnership with Darwin Middle School,

Darwin High School, Northern Territory

Open Education Centre, Ludmilla

Newsletter, Wednesday 30th May, Term 2

Dear Parents and Guardians,

This week students have been participating in the Healthy Harold Life Education program. This

additional program consists of curriculum based modules focusing on issues around food and

nutrition, personal safety, physical activity, cyber safety, safety with medicine and legal drugs;

tobacco, alcohol and caffeine. By taking a comprehensive approach to drug and health

education the program helps children to develop relationship skills, positive communication,

problem solving and decision making skills. The Life Education program provides students the

opportunity to develop and practise the skills required to avoid the harms associated with an

unhealthy lifestyle. For more information, please access

Most of our NT Music students attended the annual NT Music School Play Day held at Ludmilla

Primary School on Monday. Play Days bring students together with other schools to

experience a large ensemble lesson. This experience provided an opportunity for students to

make music with other instrumental students, to work with NTMS staff, to develop

performance skills and to share the instrumental program with the wider school community.

Our school photos were taken last week by Event Photo. At the end of the day one of the

photographers gave some feedback which I will share. He said that they take photos in many

schools and this is the first school where he can say that it was such a pleasant experience as

the students were very well behaved, were happy to smile and cooperate and used their

manners (many students thanked him). Larrakeyah Primary has high expectations and it is

nice to receive positive feedback in regards to our students. We are always proud of them.


Fathma Mauger



To ensure we keep our Attendance

records correct please contact our

front office if your child/children are


You can contact us on 89813211.

Alternatively, you can notify us via

our website or our Skool Bag App.

Larrakeyah Primary School App

The Larrakeyah Primary School

app is available to download. If you

prefer using the school website,

please check the Skool Bag

console in the For Parents section

for latest news.

Thursday 31st May– Preschool Rainbow Dress Up Day.

Friday 1st June- Teachers VS Students, Touch Football.

Friday 1st June– Whole School Assembly (Hosted by Year 4 Platte).

Thursday 7th June– School Disco.

Monday 11th June– Queens Birthday Public Holiday.

Friday 15th June- Early Childhood Assembly.

Friday 15th June– 90’s Dress Up Day.

Wednesday 20th June– Sports Carnival (Middle/ Upper, Track and Field).

Thursday 21st June– Sports Carnival (Early Childhood Tabloids).

Friday 22nd June– Sports Carnival (Whole School Running).

Friday 22nd June– Dry Season Family Night at Preschool.

Monday 25th—Thursday 28th June– Year 5 Camp.

Friday 29th June– End of Term 2.

Monday 2nd—Monday 23rd July– School Holidays.

Tuesday 24th July– Term 3 Commences.

Friday 27th July– Darwin Show Day Public Holiday.

Tuesday 31st July– ICAS ENGLISH.

Monday 6th August– Picnic Day Public Holiday.

Friday 10th August- Whole School Assembly (Hosted by Year 5 Telley ).

Tuesday 14th August– ICAS MATHS.

Friday 24th August– Early Childhood Assembly.

Wednesday 29th—Friday 31st August– Fathers Day Stalls.

Friday 31st August- Whole School Assembly (Hosted by 3 McManus).

Friday 14th September– Early Childhood Assembly.

Friday 21st September– Whole School Assembly (Hosted by 3 Matthews).

Friday 21st September– Crazy Hair Day.

Monday 1st– Friday 12th October– School Holidays.

Dates to Remember

School Back Packs are now available at the office for purchase.

$35.00 each.





Primary School

Visible Learning with 4 Platte

Learning intention: We are learning to use figurative language in our writing.

Success Criteria: I can write a poem using onomatopoeia, simile or metaphor.

I can proofread and edit my writing.

Visible Learning in Transition Thomson

Learning Intention: We are learning to predict.

Success Criteria:

I can anticipate what will happen in the text.

I make a prediction, gather evidence to support the

prediction and then confirm or change the prediction.

Things are starting to take shape:

The students have been working hard at their garden beds but it is slow work. They

have learned some new skills in use of tools but I think the biggest learning curve was

how to collaborate and work as a team in a practical environment. For some teams

this seemed to come naturally, possibly due to harmonious dynamics, where in other

teams it has been an ongoing struggle with some characters and ideas finding them-

selves at odds. However, I have been impressed with the mature way in which they

have dealt with any problems using calm and respectful communication in both the

way they speak and listen to each other. See below for a progress update!

On a separate note; if anyone is interested in either of the small animal cages currently

alongside the tool shed (see attached pictures) they are yours free of charge as long

as you have the means to remove it.

Warm regards

Emily Tutty

This Friday is our Teachers v Students game of Touch Rugby. It will be held on the

main oval at lunch time. We wish all teams the best of luck for this.

Anthony has been busy getting the rabbit hutch organised, and once it is finished,

we will be able to purchase new rabbits. This is rather exciting and has been an

ongoing project since last year.

Just a kind reminder that on the 15th of June we have our 90’ dress up day. There is

a gold coin donation and all clothes must comply with our Sun Smart Policy.

Thank you for your support,


News From the Student Leadership Team

Recently I went to a workshop on the 7 Steps to Safety. The kit was developed for the NT Govt. Dept. of

Health and Community Services. 7 Steps to Safety can help give your kids the skills and confidence

they need to FEEL and BE safe at home. The kit requires input and communication between child and

parent, and you maybe surprised at what they know and don’t know. The kit helps you make a Care

Plan for sudden events which is good for all families, as well as how to teach your child what to do in an

emergency and if you are considering leaving your children at home alone or unsupervised this may be

a tool to help determine whether it is appropriate for your child and your family.

Step 1 Make Your Place Safe

Step 2 Cool Tools for Family Rules

Step 3 Feel Safe with People

Step 4 What’s Special about Our Family?

Step 5 Emergency

Step 6 Ready Yet?

Step 7 Make a Care Plan

Download a FREE copy of 7 Steps to Safety


A reminder you’re not on your own, that there are many others juggling similar challenges that are

faced by Defence Families and there are different avenues of support. This support ranges from mental

health and physical wellbeing, crisis and emergency, to marriage and family counselling.

Defence Family Helpline, first stop shop for ADF members and families. 24/7 support and information

staffed by human services professionals who can help not only during times of crisis but also with

information on your child’s education including Education Assistance, special needs, childcare options;

registering for Absent Partner Support and ordering bear and book packs; refer you to your local DCO

for support; help managing deployment, posting & relocation; and support for partner employment

and education. Both DVA and VVCS have had a number of changes to their eligibility for their services, I now

believe that they support any current or past ADF member who has served, not only “veterans”.

So that is a big change. Remembering that VVCS is a service to everyone in your family and

they run programs throughout the year & I have had families previously utilise the services for

access to children’s counselling too. 1800 011 046 1800 555 254, 1800 555 254, 1800 555 254

Chaplains and Padres are there to listen and help too.

The Top Ender Tri Services Stuffing Day tomorrow, Thursday 31 May at 9am, Sahara House DEB. It is also

Lucy Cahill’s last Stuffing Day and I would like to thank her for all her effort in helping to make a great

informative resource for our Defence Families as well as a good read. If by chance you don’t already

get one, email to get on the mailing list for the next edition.

Kookaburra Kids NT is having their first NT camp this weekend. This program is for serving and ex-serving

ADF families – supporting kids who have a parent with a mental illness as a result of military service. If

you’re not sure that’s for you ring Ashleigh 1300566525 or 0448912459 to find out. For more info

Jodie Murdoch 9813211

Defence Family Helpline 1800 624 608

News From the DSTA

School News

Handed in to

The Front Office

Expensive children’s


glasses and

watches have been handed in to

the front


Please collect.

2018 School House

Sport Shirts

Orders for sports shirts

close on Thursday 31st

May so please remember

to come into the Front

Office tomorrow to order

your shirt.


Payments for the Year 5

camp can now be paid at

the Front Office.


Please let us know if you

have changed your

contact details as soon as

possible at the

Front Office.

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