newsletter - resume term 1 on wednesday, 1 february 2017. kindy -...

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Newsletter Week 10, Term 4 2016

The school’s annual report, published in first term next year, will provide a detailed analysis of the school’s

performance in 2016. While there is always room for improvement, the majority of students are making

good progress and are reaching the expected standard of achievement. On average our students are making

better progress, compared to WA public schools, in 13 of the 15 NAPLAN tests, with greater than 70% of

our students above the national minimum standard. Attendance dropped from 69% of students attending

regularly in Semester 1 to 48% in Semester 2. More than half of all students at Boddington missed, on

average, more than a day each fortnight this semester, reducing their chances of reaching their potential.

Working with parents and the community to improve student attendance next year to further improve

achievement will be a priority next year.

The school year has finished on a high note with the presentation assembly, the Year 10 farewell dinner and

the Year 6 lunch to mark the end of their primary schooling.

It was pleasing to see a good turnout of parents, community members and dignitaries to witness our top

students receive awards for academic excellence, endeavour, citizenship and sportsmanship. Thank you to

all the businesses, community groups and individuals who donated book prizes for the awards and to the

Lions Club of Boddington for allowing us to use the Rodeo Pavilion as well as making a very generous

donation towards student scholarships.

The Year 6 BBQ lunch at the foreshore with parents and

friends acknowledged a significant milestone in the Year 6

student’s educational journey and their growth and

development over eight years of primary schooling. Mr Donald

coordinated a very pleasant afternoon, providing a number of

activities for the students, including the students making a

short presentation to their parents. The highlight for students

was the tasty lunch provided by Mrs Donald and Mrs Brown

and victory against the parents in the cricket match.

I would like thank the members of our School Council and P&C for the time and effort they have given to

support our school this year, they provide community input into the school’s planning and valuable

feedback on the school’s operation. In particular, thank you Mrs Katherine Martin, P&C President and Mr

Greg Day, the School Council Chairperson, for their leadership and support this year.

Greg has led the School Council, as Chairperson, for the past four years and will hand over his position

next year. His leadership and support for the school over that time is greatly appreciated and I thank him

on behalf of the community for his dedication and service to the school community.

This year we will see five teachers leave us: Mr Donald and Mrs Whittington are taking leave in 2017 and

we hope to see them back in 2018; Mrs Collins and Mrs Gillett are moving to schools in Perth and Miss

Gusmao is moving to Carnamah District High School, we wish them well for the future.

Thank you parents and the community for your contribution to learning at Boddington District High

School. I wish you all a safe and enjoyable holiday break.

Paul Mitcham


Highlights in Primary School for 2016, what a hard task!! Everyday there is something amazing happening

in our school. For me the highlight would have to be the way our students engage not only with their

learning but also with the extra things that go on; for example, Bubble Week was a great week with bubbles

everywhere. The response to The Big Bad Boddington Spelling Bee, an initiative of the Literacy Committee,

was overwhelming. So many students took part in the heats. Faction athletics was again a highlight with

fantastic performances and outstanding sportsmanship on display.

Jump Rope for Heart - November

Easter Bonnet Parade - March Messy Play Day - March

Interschool Cross Country—June NAIDOC Day—July

Book Week, Character Parade - August

Year 10 Graduation Dinner

Last Thursday Year 10 students were treated to a sumptuous meal, with silver service in a ―ritzy‖ restaurant

to celebrate their completion of Year 10. Mrs Cashmore, Ms Gusmao and Mr Hoffman turned the English

room into a five star restaurant and the Year 8 hospitality students after a master class by Mrs Cashmore,

prepared an ―a la carte‖ meal which they served under the watchful eye of the maître d’, Ms Gusmao.

The evening hosted by Mr Batt, who pointed out that he Tanner and his mum shared something in

common, having all completed their schooling from kindergarten to Year 10 at Boddington District High

School. The night was a wonderful farewell to Boyce, Cody and Tanner, three fine representatives of

Boddington District High School.

Canberra Tour - September

End of Year Water Fun Day - December

Tunbridge Gully Tree Planting - August Interschool Swimming Carnival - March

South 32 Career Talk— May

Boddington District High School Presentations & Awards ENDEAVOUR, CITIZENSHIP, ACADEMIC & OTHER SPECIAL AWARDS 2016

Class Award Student Donated By

Kindy Gold - Hughes/Marwick

Endeavour Alexander Sea Ray Electrics

Kindy Gold- Hughes/Marwick

Citizenship Anastacia Country Women’s Association Quindanning/Boddington

Kindy Gold- Hughes/Marwick

Endeavour Mitchell Boddington Lions Club

Kindy Gold- Hughes/Marwick

Citizenship Lincoln Nicholls Bus & Coach Service

Pre Primary - Honnor/Seymour

Endeavour Tristan Sea Ray Electrics

Pre Primary - Honnor/Seymour

Citizenship Toby Country Women’s Association Quindanning/Boddington

Yr 1 – Adams/Gillett Academic Yr 1 Student Hon. Brian Ellis MLC, Member for Agricultural Region

Yr 1 – Gillett Endeavour Toby RSL – Boddington Sub Branch

Yr 1 – Gillett Citizenship Ari Boddington Medical Centre

Yr 1/2 – Adams Endeavour Brock Sergeant Martin Glynn, Shire Councillor

Boddington, Officer–in-Charge of Boddington Police Station

Yr 1/2 – Adams Citizenship Amy Glen & Gabe Roberts, In Memory of Cara Lee Germaine

Yr 2- Adams/Whittington Academic Felix Gordon Brothers

Yr 2/3 – Whittington Endeavour Kayla St John Ambulance WA – Boddington Sub Centre

Yr 2/3– Whittington Citizenship Emily Country Women’s Association Quindanning/Boddington

Yr 3 – Griffiths Endeavour Hezekiah St John Ambulance WA – Boddington Sub

Yr 3 – Griffiths Citizenship Dakota Harrison Family in memory of Linda Harrison

Yr 3 – Whittington/ Griffiths/Norrish

Academic Georgie Shire of Boddington

Yr 3 /4– Norrish Endeavour Luna Sea Ray Electrics

Yr 3/4 – Norrish Citizenship Stella Boddington Youth Centre

Yr 4 – Norrish/Collins


Academic Kele SB Sherry & Co

Yr 4/5 Harrison Endeavour Kiana Hon. Rick Mazza MLC, Member for Agricultural Region

Yr 4/5 – Harrison Citizenship Ben Country Women’s Association Quindanning/Boddington

Yr 5 Harrison/


Academic Wikan Simone & Duane Baker

Yr 5 - Collins/Seymour Endeavour Bailey RSL – Boddington Sub Branch

Yr 5 - Collins/Seymour Citizenship Kaylee Country Women’s Association Quindanning/

Yr 6 Donald Academic Krosby South32 – Presented by Louise Dell

Yr 6 Donald Endeavour Paige Boddington Hardware & Newsagency

Yr 6 Donald Citizenship Mackenzie Presented by Craig Turley, Newmont Boddington Gold

Junior Primary Science Encouragement

Science Tabitha S B Sherry & Co

Upper Primary

Science Encouragement

Science Benjamin Boddington Lions Club

Year 6 Woodside SciTech Science

Juniper Woodside SciTech

Year 6 Woodside SciTech Science

Krosby Woodside SciTech

Primary LOTE Mackenzie Sharan Manez

Primary Female Sports Leadership

Jacinta South 32 - Presented by Louise Dell

Primary Male Sports Leadership

Blake Boddington Medical Centre

Yr 7 Academic Nikota Darren West MLC, Member for Agricultural

Yr 7 Endeavour Liam Boddington Community Resource Centre Inc.

Yr 7 Citizenship Luke National Australia Bank – Boddington Branch

Yr 8 Academic Clare Terry Waldron MLA - Member for Wagin

Yr 8 Endeavour Oliver ACDC Mobile Welding

Yr 8 Citizenship Charli Newmont Boddington Gold

Year 9 Academic Tehya Presented by Sam Manez, Manez Co

Year 9 Endeavour Emily Presented by Sam Manez, ManezCo

Year 9 Citizenship Nicholas SB Sherry & Co and Sea Rays Electrics

Year 10 Academic Boyce Darren West MLC - Member for Agricultural Region

Year 10 Endeavour Cody Presented by David Birch on behalf of Andrew Hastie MP

Year 10 Citizenship Tanner Boddington Youth Centre

Help shape the school’s future.

Nominate for the 2017 School Council

Wanted: skilled nominees who can represent

broad community views to help shape the

school’s future. Nominations can be forwarded to

the school or to School Council members.

Secondary Graphic Illustrations

Phoebe Sharan Manez

Secondary Female Sports Leadership

Emily Presented by Hon. Mia Davies MLA, Member for Central Wheatbelt

Secondary Male Sports Leadership

Jarrod Presented by Hon. Martin Aldridge MLC, Member for Agricultural Region

Scholarship Lions Club of Boddington Scholarship Year 7

Juniper Lions Club of Boddington

Scholarship Lions Club of Boddington Scholarship Year 8

Yazmin Lions Club of Boddington

Scholarship Lions Club of Boddington Scholarship Year 9

Aimee Lions Club of Boddington

Scholarship Lions Club of Boddington Scholarship Year 10

Ethan Lions Club of Boddington

Maths Award Yrs 7-10 Owen Nichols Sara-May $100.00 Cheque to student

Science Award Yrs 7-10 Owen Nichols Emily $100.00 Cheque to student

ASPIRE AWARD Rachelle Quindanning/Boddington Country Women’s Association

Classes and Staffing for 2017

Class list will be posted on Friday, 27 January on the school notice boards. Students resume Term 1 on

Wednesday, 1 February 2017.

Kindy - Mrs Hughes & Mrs Marwick, Pre-Primary- Mrs Honnor, Year 1 - Mrs Seymour & Mrs Johnstone,

Year 1/2 - Mrs Adams, Year 2/3 - Ms Brennan, Year 3 - Mr Harrison, Year 4 - Mrs Griffiths, Year 4 - Mrs

Norrish, Year 5 - Ms Hooper, Year 5/6 - Mrs MacDonald, Year 6 - Ms Gaff

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