newsletter -

Post on 03-Nov-2021






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NEWSLETTER Gooden Drive, Baulkham Hills, Telephone (02) 9624 3133 Facsimile: (02) 9838 8407) Email:


I trust this communication continues to find our students and family

members well. Due to the volume of my recent communications, and not wanting to overload families, I will keep this article to a minimum.

On Monday 2 August, I will be in a position to provide you with

greater information around the return to school of HSC students from 16 August and the Trial HSC Examinations. Later that week, I

am hoping to provide context for the proposed return of other students on 30 August. This will include all information from the Department of Education around health requirements, school

operations and teaching and learning. I understand that you may have many questions and I will provide as much detail as I can with

each of my email updates. As a Principal, I am still awaiting advice on how this can and will occur. Please understand that this is a continually moving and evolving space and there may at times be

questions that at that time, I do not have the answers to, though will always aim to access the required information.

I do look forward to, in the near future, providing you with an outline of how we plan to bring students back onto the premises when the

guidelines permit. For Years 7-11, this information will be made available in the coming weeks, as we all need to see the direction

the 4 week lockdown is taking before delving well into planning as the guidelines have been shifting quickly.

I would at this time like to again acknowledge the work done by my staff. Many, just like you, are balancing working from home along

with parenting at the same time, so we fully appreciate the work undertaken by all sectors of our MFHS community including our students and parents.

I also look forward to updating you on how we will navigate through

Years 7-10 and also Year 11 assessment. As I have communicated previously, in determining an approach, we will balance both the student’s wellbeing and academic needs to develop an appropriate


30th July 2021 TERM 3 – WEEK 3

CONTENTS Deputy Principal Ms Pledger p3 Deputy Principal Ms Smith p5 Deputy Principal Ms Kennon p6 English p7 Uniform Shop p8 Wellbeing p9 Elevate p12 Maths Faculty p13 Science Faculty p15 PDHPE p19 Home Economics p23 Languages p26 CAPA p28 Dance p33 Hills Bus Timetable p35 Change of Contact Information p37 Permission to Drive Form p38


Catch up Friday

I am very aware of the wellbeing needs of all of our community, including students, parents and staff, especially since the announcement of the extended lockdown guidelines across greater Sydney and the Parramatta LGA.

I am very concerned and want to do something small to assist our community in managing the change to our circumstances.

Therefore, on Friday 6 August, we will not be running set classes and will dedicate this time for everyone to take a breath, relax and look after

themselves and their family. I am aware that some students would like time to catch up on previously set work, though where possible, strongly

recommend that this time is used positively to engage in fun activities with family or activities that support improved wellbeing.

In the week following this, we will seek feedback from students, parents and staff to determine if a similar day in a fortnight (not on the same day) would

be appropriate.

I thank you for the messages we have been receiving and for your understanding during these times. I look forward to having information to provide you with greater clarity in how we will continue to move forward and

support your children and your family.

Have a wonderful week,

Mark Grady Principal



Congratulations to all students on how they have embraced their virtual classrooms. Teachers are very pleased with the high levels of engagement

each day and the transition to online learning has been relatively seamless, proving our resilience once again.

Year 12 HSC We are extremely mindful of our Year 12 Higher School Certificate (HSC)

students at this challenging time. Staff are in constant contact with students, providing the latest information from the NSW Educational Standards Authority

(NESA) regarding changes to the 2021 HSC timetable. We are all working together to support our Year 12 cohort in fulfilling their potential in the HSC.

Year 11 Course Selection 2022. As you are aware, Year 10 is an important milestone in our students‘ education.

With the senior years of school now in sight, they commenced the process for course selection last term.

Over the last few weeks, students have had the opportunity to seek information from teachers about the content and requirements in each course

as well as any specific information about courses they are interested in studying. COVID restrictions have meant that we run our academic interviews

for year 10 online via zoom. The final step of this process is for students to submit their final selections

online. Parents were email the instructions for this process last week. If you have not completed this process, please contact the school as soon as possible.

Wellbeing Support Please let us know if your child’s wellbeing is being impacted by current events.

The best people to contact are your child’s year adviser or the HT Welfare, Ms Leghorn, who can give advice and connect you with the appropriate service.

We also have a school counsellor available and online and telephone appointments can be organised. To get in touch please email the school and mark it for the attention of the appropriate person e.g. Year 9 Year Adviser,

and they will contact you. You can also ring the office on 9624 3133 and they will have the appropriate person get in contact.

Learning Support If your child needs support with their learning please contact our LaST, Ms

Toovey, by emailing the school or ringing the office.










Creative Kids Vouchers In case you are unaware of the following, Service NSW is giving away $100

voucher for students to purchase art supplies.

The NSW Government is helping kids get creative with the new Creative Kids program. Parents, guardians and carers can apply for a voucher with a value of up to $100 per calendar year for each student aged 4.5 to 18 years old

enrolled in school. The voucher may be used with a registered activity provider for registration, participation and tuition costs for creative arts, speech, drama,

dance, digital design, coding, and music lessons and activities. The voucher can be used at any time during the calendar year it was issued.

To use the voucher, give the details to your registered activity provider. The program runs year-round, so kids can get creative at any time.

To register, click the link and follow the prompts:

Below are some links to online stores that accept the $100 voucher with $0

delivery fee:

Stay safe and look after your mental health during these times,

Jennifer Pledger

Deputy Principal






– M






Over the last two weeks, Model Farms High School students have been engaging in all of their lessons virtually. Students have reported that they’ve really been enjoying cooking for Food Technology, creating art, watching music

videos, learning through Kahoots, participating in commerce, learning about and writing poetry, doing coding and mastering the ‘Trick shot challenge’.

To provide feedback on their experience, over 500 students and parents participated in our ‘Learning from home’ survey. This revealed that our school

community were really appreciating an increasing number of Zoom ‘check-ins’, more differentiation and student accountability. A number of families also took

up the opportunity to get additional assistance with their child’s learning, welfare or technology. While the survey has now closed, if your child has additional needs during the lockdown period and you think the school can offer

support, please contact us. An email can be sent to: with the title ‘Attention Ms Smith’. We

are very keen to support our students during this trying time.

Ms R Smith Deputy Principal











Welcome to Term 3 2021. Just when we thought things were getting back to some kind of normal we find ourselves here again learning from home. I must say however, that our school community has made an excellent adjustment to

this environment and most students are adapting well to the changing circumstances. I trust that families are managing well and encourage everyone

to remain in contact with the school if extra support, advice and assistance is required.

Year 7 and 9 Parent Teacher interviews. Thank you to those families who have booked appointments to discuss your

child’s progress with their teachers. Teachers will be contacting you throughout the next 2 weeks. Please be patient as these calls may not occur at the exact time you booked; the system was used to merely express your interest in

receiving a phone call. Teachers are doing their best to get to all of you within this timeframe. Please be mindful that teachers are making these calls from

home using their private phones and so you may get a call from ‘no caller id’. If the teacher calls at an inconvenient time, please make arrangements with the teacher to return your call at a more mutually convenient time.

Year 11

We are mindful that Year 11 students may be starting to think about their yearly exams scheduled for weeks 9 and 10 this term. At this point in time, no decisions have been made about these. Please do not be concerned about

exams for the time being and do not stress about ‘what ifs’. We want Year 11 to focus on their class work, making sure they complete it to the best of their

ability. They could also be making summaries of their work and revising past work to ensure they have a good understanding. Any decisions made about exams will be communicated as soon as possible and plenty of notice will be

given so students can be fully prepared.

Stay safe everyone. Have a great week,

Kerrie Kennon

Deputy Principal



As Adele sings, “Hello from the other side,” we are coming to you, once again, from lockdown. Well done to our students, families and staff for their adaptability and initiative throughout our online learning program.

On English, our regular units are continuing in the virtual realm via our dear

friend, Google Classroom and our fun mate, Zoom. Fortunately, we have many wonderful examples of great literature for students to enjoy from the comfort of a lounge chair, for the start of Term 3. It’s the perfect time to snuggle up

with a great novel or play. Let’s do a quick recap on what each Year Group is studying at present…

Year 12 – Are finishing their Module B work and undertaking revision of their course work.

Year 11- Are doing a close study of a novel.

Year 10 – Are enjoying the exploration of a play. Year 9 – Are embarking on a novel study. Year 8 – Are embracing their Picture Book unit.

Year 7 – Are enjoying a film study of that Australian classic, “Red Dog.” (It’s a bit of a tear-jerker.)

We would like to commend the students for engaging well with their texts at home.

However, please remember in all online

submissions to keep punctuation and spelling to the usual high expectations we uphold in the classroom.

Looking forward to seeing all your smiling

faces back in the classroom as soon as possible. Keep striving, everyone!

Stay safe! The English/Drama Faculty.

“Reading gives us some place to go when we have to stay where we are.” – Mason Cooley







Model Farms High School P&C Association

Uniform Shop News August 2021

The Uniform Shop is closed and no staff are currently onsite. Please be reassured that any online orders that have been placed will be available for

collection as soon as we are able to return to school. We will work closely with the school to meet uniform requirements.

The Production order of Fleecy Jumpers has arrived and we will fill those exchanges or

backorders as soon as we can. They will also be available for purchase through MunchMonitor once the Uniform Shop is back online.

If you have any queries please contact us through the email at

Munchmonitor also provide a customer assistance service for registering and placing orders and can be contacted on 1300 796 190 and by email at

Kind regards P&C Uniform Shop

Current 01/08/21


Wellbeing News Sometimes adversity brings out the best in people. Our Year Advisers are sure

getting creative and students are engaging with each other via their Google Classrooms like it is going out of style! Here are some of the highlights and “going’s on” …

Year 7 - Ms Merton-Simon

Last week Ms Merton-Simon ran a Trivia competition and 7R and 7G won the prizes for being the most involved and having the most correct answers! Jose MH and Ryan H have been very active in the daily posts, encouraging their

peers as well. The daily challenges are engaging each class and the students are very creative in their responses! Stay tuned for the Virtual Scavenger Hunt

coming up…! Year 8 – Ms Papas

A check-in with Year 8 has revealed that most are doing well despite the difficulties of online learning. Even Raise Mentoring has gone to zoom! The

online classes are always interesting with Year 8 as they are generally super quiet and not eager to speak up…quite unlike their regular classes at school!

Year 9 – Mrs Francis While this has been a difficult and unforeseen time - I can't stress enough how

thankful I am for Year 9 and the way they have handled it thus far. I am in contact with various students daily, and each of them continue to surprise me with their resilience and 'silver linings' approach. Through a few Wellbeing

checks, I have quickly learnt that the majority of students are 'enjoying' remote learning for reasons such as; spending quality time with family and

pets, having the flexibility to go for a lunchtime walk and enjoying being able to eat whatever, whenever they please! As much as I look forward to seeing their smiling faces in one room, together again - I am really enjoying seeing

their character development through such a difficult and strange time.

Year 10 - Ms Greer Year 10 have been participating in online quizzes with statements ranging from “Online learning is a breeze!” and “Online learning is fun but I miss talking to

people” to “What month are we in?” Needless to say, they are making the best of it with Kahoot challenges in class and zooming with their teachers.

Year 11 – Ms Owen

When asked to produce a photo of their lockdown experience, Yr 11 took a strange turn. From pictures of their desk and “view” of their computer screen to related (and unrelated) memes to entertain each other…it will be hard to

judge a winner. The general feedback from students tells us how awesome they are despite facing challenges outside their control, most responding to

the lockdown survey with the fact that they are coping reasonably well. Year 12 – Ms Gregory

Starting the week with a motivational quote is always a good thing! Yr 12 have a lot to deal with but are rallying together with class zooms and keeping in

touch with their teachers. It is important to reach out for help if you need it!





NEW!!! 3 Keys to Overcoming Anxious Thoughts

COVID brings a level of uncertainty and angst that is affecting all of us. Not

only are the circumstances difficult, the mental battles are equally challenging. For many students and parents alike, we battle with anxious thoughts that can be intrusive and overwhelming. It is important that we support one another at

this time, and we have a school partner who has a great resource available to you.

MyStrengths Australia have partnered with our school for a number of years, leading students to discover their strengths and develop a growth mindset.

MyStrengths Founder, Dan Hardie, has been passionate about helping students and parents alike, and they have created a short online series that will help

you and your children to better handle the anxious thoughts at this time. This 3-part series is FREE to all school partners, and will help you take steps to overcome.

We recommend you take this Free Mini-Course, now available


Need to get out of the house? Why not try Geocaching? Not sure what that is? Search it up! This might be a

fun way for family members to get out and exercise while not getting bored from tedious walking.


Helping Kids with Routine – Resources from Reach Out I would imagine your household, like mine, has undergone a transformation

with everyone home during the day and the usual routine going somewhat “out the window”!? You may find this article and associated resources useful

to help get settled in and back on track. You will find tips and planners you can download.




Where to go for extra support?

It is extremely important to seek out help when you feel you need it. Lifeline

is there to offer support and are committed to ensuring their services continue as normal during this time.

• Call 13 11 14 - operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

• Lifeline Text 0477 13 11 14

• Lifeline webchat - operates 12pm – midnight

• Kids Helpline – for children that may need

support 1800 55 1800

• Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636

Mrs Leghorn - Head Teacher Wellbeing


Dear Parents, Elevate Education is providing parents of Model Farms High School exclusive access to their Parent Webinar Series for Term 3, 2021. The webinars continue on Wednesday 4th August at 7pm. To reserve your spot, you can register for free below,

You can register by clicking here. The webinar is run live online from 7pm – 8pm where the presenter will share Elevate’s key research and skills, and will conduct a live Q&A so you can ask them questions directly. Upcoming sessions:

• August 4th - Technology devices and how to stay focused and balanced. • August 18th - Note taking skills to help your child deepen their revision. • September 1st - Exam Homestretch and how to support your child in the final weeks.

Should you have questions or would like to contact Elevate directly, their details are listed below.

📞 1300 667 945









From The Faculty That Counts! This week’s news

Welcome back to Term 3 2021. Firstly, we want to thank all of our students and families for their great efforts in supporting remote learning. Our teachers are working very hard to provide high quality learning experiences for our

students via Google Classroom.

Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s Maths teacher with any concerns. Marking the Roll

Students need to be showing that they are accessing their Google Classroom each day that they have Maths lessons. There is a variation on how each

teacher asks students to show they are present, however, it is essential that students be complying with this, just as marking the roll at school is essential.

Student Work In the remote learning environment is it essential that your child is uploading

their finished maths work to their Google Classroom for their teachers to check. It is imperative that we make sure that students do not fall behind with their work and that they are understanding all concepts.

Teachers will be following up on students who are not submitting work.

Student Equipment: Please contact your child’s teacher if they don’t have access to their textbook

whilst working from home. Each child should have purchased their textbook at the beginning of the year. Calculators are also important, especially for Year 8

and above. We recommend the Casio fx- 82 or fx -100 range of calculators. Assignment Season:

Term 3 is traditionally ‘Assignment Season’, however, for the time being we are delaying the assignments for this term, due to the remote learning period.

Year 11 & 12 During Remote Learning: Year 11 are continuing to learn their topics at home and should be in regular

contact with their teachers either through zoom lessons or communication through google classroom and emails. Year 11’s next assessment is their

yearly exams in Weeks 9 and 10.

Year 12 are currently revising for their Trial Exams which begin in Week 5. It is important that students attend their zoom lessons and keep in regular contact with their teachers through this revision period. Students are

encouraged to make summary notes of every topic, complete chapter reviews, topic tests and past papers. Teachers have been posting revision on their

google classrooms. Additional resources can also be found online at the “HSC hub”.

We wish them all the best!


















Have a Mathematical week,

Mrs Lumley Head Teacher Mathematics, and the Maths Faculty Staff

Duke of Edinburgh

Over the school holidays two of our Bronze Award participants officially completed their Bronze Level! A huge accomplishment given the extra challenges and hurdles faced over the past 18months.

A big congratulations to Ryan M. in Year 12 and Colin P. in Year 11 – we

can’t wait to present your Awards when we return!

Calculators Please make sure that all students have their own calculator. The

Casio fx-82AU PLUS II is sold at the uniform shop for $35. Different brands of scientific calculators have different layouts and it is

important that everyone in a class has the same calculator. Students need this calculator from Year 7. It is vital for their progress that students are familiar with their calculator and know

how to use the different functions



SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE During lock down students are being creative with respect to their work in Science.

Below is a sample from different years.

Year 7 have started a new topic this term. Can you figure out the topic?












Year 8 are presently completing a Chemistry topic. Title of the topic is shown on the pictures below

Year 10 are also completing a more advanced stage on the subject of Chemistry, called Chemical Reactions 2.


Year 11 Earth and Environmental Science have been producing short films on the modelling of tectonic processes of slab pull and ridge push.

From Science and Agriculture Faculty



Sport in Week 2 In week 2, students in Year 8-12 were asked to complete a survey on the

activities that they would be completing during the allocated weekly sport time on a Wednesday.

Thank you to the students that responded. These were the results:

Some respondees also shared a photo:





Sport in Weeks 3 and 4

The 2020 Tokyo Olympics have begun...

So have...

The 2021 Virtual Elite Average


They are coming to the Farms and all students are invited to participate!

How? Firstly, you will need to come up with a genius sport that you think should be included in the Elite Average games. Think ‘COVID’, ‘stuck at home’ and ‘should be a real sport’. Then, you will need to film your sport and submit it in the assignment on the MFHS 8-12 Sport / MFHS 7 Sport Google Classroom.

Why? Because it will be fun to make, funny to watch and you could win points for your house. Every entry will gain 1 point for their house. Additional points will be awarded to the 3 best video entries. The 3rd place recipient will be awarded an additional 20 points for their house. The 2nd place recipient will be awarded an additional 50 points for their house. And the 1st place recipient will be awarded an additional 100 points for their house!

Will teachers also get involved? Maybe…

For inspiration, watch this video -

Latest communications from NSW Combined High Schools Sports Association


Postponed NSWPSSA and NSWCHSSA/All Schools events in Week 1 - Week

5 of Term 3

In line with the Premier’s announcement of the extension of COVID-19 restrictions

for Greater Sydney, the following events have been postponed:

- NSWCHSSA Volleyball Finals on Wednesday 14 July and Thursday 15 July 2021 at


- All Schools Cross Country Championship on Friday 16 July 2021 at Sydney

Motorsport Park

- NSW All Schools Secondary Opens Hockey Tri-Series on Monday 19 July 2021 at


- NSWPSSA Netball Championship from Monday 19 July to Wednesday 21 July

2021 at Menai

- NSW All Schools Secondary Water Polo Quad-Series on Thursday 22 July 2021

and Friday 23 July 2021 at Woy Woy

- NSW All Schools Secondary 15years Touch Football on Saturday 24 July 2021 and

Sunday 25 July 2021 at Narrabeen

- NSWCHSSA Gymnastics from Tuesday 27 July to Thursday 29 July at Glendale

- NSWPSSA Boys Football Championship from Tuesday 27 July to Thursday 29 July

at Griffith

- NSWCHSSA Rugby 7’s Girls Finals on Wednesday 28 July at Sydney.

- NSWCHSSA Tennis Girls Finals on Tuesday 3 August and Wednesday 4 August at

Nelson Bay

- NSWCHSSA Tennis Boys Finals on Wednesday 4 August and Thursday 5 August

at Nelson Bay

- NSW All Schools Hockey 16years Tri-Series on Thursday 5 August and Friday 6

August at Newcastle

- NSWPSSA Girls Rugby Union 7’s Gala Day on Monday 9 August and Tuesday 10

August at Gateshead

- NSWPSSA Boys Touch Football Championship from Tuesday 10 August to

Thursday 12 August at St Mary’s

- NSWCHSSA Touch Football Finals on Tuesday 10 August and Wednesday 11

August at Bateau Bay

- NSWCHSSA Bowls Finals on Wednesday 11 August and Thursday 12 August at

West Tamworth Bowling Club, West Tamworth


- NSWCHSSA Invitational Secondary Rugby League Girls 16’s Trials on Thursday 12

August and Friday 13 August at Figtree.

With the current COVID-19 restrictions for Greater Sydney, we are conscious that these events require travel for a number of families and staff and wanted

to provide our students, families and staff with as much notice as possible.

We will investigate dates and venues with a view to running the Finals and Championships later in the year and will provide regular updates for students, families, staff and schools. Thank you for your understanding and support.

Latest communications from Sydney West Schools Sports Association

To keep up-to-date with additional changes and new dates, make sure that you are a member of the MFHS Sports Google Classroom (students only), and

are following the Hills Zone, Sydney West and NSW CHS social media pages.


FROM HOME ECONOMICS Welcome to Term 3; the term which is teaching us to be more flexible on the go and resilient. Whilst life is not like we would want it to be currently, we do

need to be as positive as we can for ourselves, for our students and our families and friends. I wish I could play the Bobby McFerrin song, don’t worry

be happy for you, now! Here is an update of the wonderful happenings in classes over Weeks 1-3

Year 7 Food Technology have been working hard to complete their recipe

cards, featuring eggs as the hero of the dish. They have also created fabulous You Tube tutorials to demonstrate how to make the dishes. We have some huge potential for future cooking channel hosts in our cohort!

Year 8 Textiles have been completing their Design and Production Folios

based on the Eco-friendly tote bags they were sewing in class. Moving ahead, some classes are embarking on a creative design challenge, involving the coveted toilet paper roll!

Year 8 Food technology have been adding the final touches to their themed

E-cookbooks and documenting their design process with their Design and Production Folios. We have some really interactive and creative cookbooks in

the making, ranging from sports themed ideas to gaming and party recipes, to name a few.

Year 9 and 10 Food Technology and a number of the year 7 and 8 classes have enthusiastically participated in a Home Cooking Challenge. This

has involved researching, preparing and creating their own dish at home, based on the ingredients they have readily available in their homes. We have seen some fantastic meals, smoothies, baked treats and snacks in the making

– hopefully there have been some lucky local families reaping the benefits! This has been a wonderful activity and authentic learning experience – let’s

face it this is real life in action!








Year 9 and 10 Textiles Technology have been exploring Textiles through the decades. Students created fashion magazine articles from 1900 to 2000.

Students have also been working on a 30 days of Textiles challenge where they pick a practical or research task to do.


All senior classes have been really efficient in progressing through their current units and syllabus outlines and have been effectively utilising a

combination of Zoom meetings, google classroom interaction and lots of diligent reading and worksheet completion. Their teachers are very proud of

them! Mrs O’Reilly and Ms Adams wanted the community to know that the Year 11

and 12 Exploring Early Childhood students are missing their weekly Playgroup lessons and your children. They hope our Playgroup families are staying safe

and that the children are happy and well. Year 12 EEC are currently researching children’s literature, analysing different

texts and how they benefit learning and development. It is interesting to revisit nursery rhymes and poems from childhood through a different lens!

Funnily enough, Year 12 CAFS are working on a unit called the Social Impact

of Technology. One aspect of this unit is that it explores a range of technologies used in families, in our lifestyle, in our workplace and around the world and critically analyses their impact on our wellbeing. How apt is this! Our current

setting is providing a full range of learning experiences, all from the comfort of home.



Updates from French Over the last 3 weeks students in Year 8

French have been engaging in the topic, My Family and Pets. The students learnt to talk

about family members, conversing about their age, family background, identifying the numbers from 30 to 69 and learning the French alphabet.

They did some translation of the text with the

aim to understand and apply the concept of translation and also to learn the new vocabulary. They also practised their pronunciation by listening and repeating after audio

text. They designed number posters to reinforce their number recognition in French.

In addition, the students have engaged in completing work on the Education Perfect website which assisted them to develop their macro skills and

knowledge of the French culture. Moreover, the students also had the opportunity to have Zoom Lesson Meetings with their French teacher to ask or

enquire about any issues that they have encountered during the lessons.

Updates from Japanese

Year 8 Japanese students have been busily working away at their Education

Perfect tasks on the topic of Family and Pets. They have completed some literacy tasks entitled, Festivals in July in Japan and Tokyo Olympics. They have Zoomed a few lessons and played some Kahoots, testing their general

knowledge of Japan. From all accounts the students have really enjoyed the Zooms. A Hiragana challenge has also been set to use everyday objects around

them to create words in Japanese, take a photo and upload for a class competition; voting will take place back when we are back at school. The students have also shown Mrs Leghorn how adept they have become at typing

in Japanese.

Year 9 have played a Katakana challenge Kahoot via Zoom on the

Olympic sports and are currently in the process of choosing their recipes and writing their scripts in Japanese

for a Masterchef Japan Challenge. The students have to film themselves

making the food while speaking in Japanese and upload it for some entertainment, once we return to

school. Again, there will be a vote for the best one. They have also been

working on EP on a Leisure and Activities task.






Year 10 have begun a unit on Directions and Locations; they have completed preliminary worksheets on how to describe locations in Japanese and their EP

task on giving directions. This was essential background work for them to be able to start a project whereby they create an AirBnB ad in Japanese. Zooming

and Kahoots, were also included.

I want to acknowledge the wonderful teachers on my staff who, like many of

you, are juggling families at home and still providing outstanding learning experiences for our students, whilst also considering and caring for their student’s wellbeing.

I would also like to acknowledge the amazing

efforts of our MFHS families who support the school and my faculties. With this partnership, we will continue to do great things together.

Of course, we encourage the students to

maintain contact with their teachers and to let us know if they need help. The best way to do

this in my faculty is for the student to make a PM attached to their name on their daily roll. This makes it easy for teachers to find this

amongst the 100’s of emails and messages they get every day!

Stay safe everyone. See you soon.

Julie Elliott

Head Teacher Home Economics and Languages



What’s Happening??

Term 3 has started from home.

Working online for Visual Arts and Music can be a little challenging – especially when student have started work at school – and it is now waiting for our return. As practical subjects – we are doing our best to maintain this

element in our classes.

Music students have been zooming lessons - screen sharing audio excerpts and Year 11 and 12 students have sent in progress video/audio of their practise which the teachers have watched together during zoom lessons.

Great ways to continue learning musical components.

So while at home…. In VISUAL ARTS, students have been set tasks that allow them to use their

creativity and utilise materials easily found around the house. All years g=have developed some great work – I will showcase a few this week

Year 7 • Have toured the Art Gallery of NSW virtually. We all went to see the

Archibald Prize – as part of or work on portraits. Students were able to

see many works and were asked questions about the exhibition – for

e.g. “how many portraits have a smile on their face” – surprisingly – not

too many.

• They then had the chance to create a portrait as if entering the your

Archies. This is a real exhibition in conjunction with the Archibald prize –

for younger people.

Here are some examples….




Year 7 and 8 have also been working on a variety of art challenges

Challenge 1 – create a colour wheel from objects – we looked for accuracy of colour, arrangement of objects and just being clever….


Year 9 have been working on Water drawings as part of this unit of work.




DANCE NEWS Year 12 Dance students have had to be especially flexible this year. I would like to congratulate those who worked hard during the holidays, rehearsing

their 3 practical dances for their HSC Exams. You have shown commitment, dedication and passion. Keep it up at home. Your flexibility, strength and

stamina need to be maintained, and this can be challenging during Lockdown. We wish you all the best for your exams, on your new date of Tuesday 14th

September. “Break-a-Leg” Year 12.


The challenges of online dancing

Our focus for Stage 5 is now on Composition as students have more flexibility

in creating movement within the spaces they are confined to. Keep sending in those great videos of your works as they progress.

Year 11 had started working on their Performance Dances and the Appreciation Unit on APPARTEMENT. We’ve got this! Let’s keep moving and learning.










Name of Student: ___________________________________ Year __________

New Address: ________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________ Postcode: ______

Correspondence: _____________________________________________________

__________________________________________________ Postcode: ______

Email Address: _______________________________________________________

New Home Phone No. __________________________________________________

Mother Mobile: ________________________________________________________

Mother Work: _________________________________________________________

Father Mobile: ________________________________________________________

Father Work __________________________________________________________

Emergency Contact if changed: _________________________________________

Phone No. ___________________________________________

Any change in Medical Condition e.g. Allergy, Asthma etc.

Details ______________________________________________________________

Bus Pass: YES / NO


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