news of of hope fall 2014 administrator news building expansion from the heart of mr....

Post on 29-May-2020






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Inside this issue:

News of Hope Fall 2014

From the heart of Mr. Bradley:

I Peter 3:15 provides a vision for what I hope to be the heart of education here at Hope Christian Academy. First and foremost, we want our students to honor Christ as Lord of their lives. This calls for a commitment to follow Christ above self, the world, and any other influence. If our students would learn to put first things first, the choices they make would honor Him, and they would be salt and light wherever God would put them in His service. Our students are also called to be prepared to make a defense for the hope that is in them. At HCA, we want to make the great commission a central focus of how we educate and prepare students to be missionaries of Christ in the world. This year, our high school students will be taking trips to Mandaree, ND, to practice sharing their faith in Christ. We also hope to incorporate a mission trip to Mexico as a way to learn about and train for missions. Pray for HCA as we seek to help students honor Christ as Lord and to prepare them to make a defense for the gospel as missionaries in whatever field into which God may call them.

“But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared

to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.”

1 Peter 3:15

Administrator News 1

Meet Our New Staff Building Expansion & Fundraising

2-4 5

What’s New at Hope Glow in the Dark Week

6 7

Spirit Week Jog-A-Thon Update

8 9

Mark Your Calendars!

Christmas Program Dec. 18 Bake Day Jan. 29 Grandparent’s

Day & Spring Banquet

May 1

Meet Our New Staff Page 2

Growth involves staff and classroom changes Sept. 2, 2014, saw the departure of summer for the staff and students at Hope Christian Academy and ushered in a new and exciting school year. Mixed in with the familiar faces were plenty of new ones. HCA welcomed 14 new students and added four members to the faculty and staff. Throughout the thirty-three years of Hope Christian Academy’s existence, the school family has seen many changes, from former students, Amy (Magstadt) Czapiewski and Tori (Hudson) Irwin, finding places on our staff as the administrative assistant and high school monitor respectively, to the overwhelming undertaking of building a new educational facility attached to our current site, to the separating of the long-combined classroom configurations. For many years, HCA featured combination classrooms, allowing two grades to share one teacher, but recently, our growing enrollment has created the need for separation. The primary grades had been split prior to the 2014-2015 school year, and this fall, the fifth and sixth grades joined the club. After 17 years at HCA, Mrs. Beth Scammon handed over her fifth graders to the capable hands of Miss Dawn Hall and finds herself teaching specifically sixth grade.

Hope Christian welcomes new fifth grade educator Miss Dawn Hall was born and raised on a farm near Des Moines, IA. In a recent interview with Miss Hall, she was asked what made her want to teach. “I would always be the one in class who would understand something and then explain it to the person behind me who didn’t get what the teacher was saying,” said Miss Hall. Miss Hall also found out she had a servant’s heart when she began going on mission trips as a teenager. After high school, she attended Faith Baptist Bible School in Ankeny, IA. Upon graduating from college, Miss Hall was able to put her passion into action at Mount Pleasant Middle School in Mount Pleasant, IA, where she taught a combination of third and fourth grade students. A year later, she felt the Lord calling her to another area of the world. Following that call, Miss Hall found herself surrounded by the beauty of Puebla, Mexico, once again teaching third and fourth graders. After five years at Puebla Christian School, she says of her time, “It was a wonderful experience.” We are blessed to have her join us at Hope Christian Academy.

Bryce Timmerman is the lead contributor for the new staff stories. Timmerman is a junior in HCA’s high school and is taking Journalism this semester. After high school, Timmerman plans on attending North Dakota State University to study Communications and Journalism.

Meet Our New Staff Page 3

New assistant administrator utilized in more than one way

Although staying in one’s hometown for 29 years is rare, it has worked wonderfully for Mr. Cain Kolar, son of long time Dickinson natives, Curtis and Janel Kolar. The youngest of three children, Mr. Kolar finds himself on staff with his sister, Courtney Williams, HCA’s first grade teacher and Dean of Elementary Instruction, as well as with his sister-in-law, Georgia Rustad, our junior high and high school English teacher. Mr. Kolar attended Dickinson Public Schools from kindergarten through twelfth grade and pursued his higher education locally, as well. After his time at Dickinson State University, he and his wife, Allison (Rustad), took on the leadership position of DSU’s Campus Crusade for Christ. During their ministry years, Mr. and Mrs. Kolar also owned and operated Domino’s Pizza.

After a few years in the pizza business, Mr. Kolar felt led in an entirely new direction. Connecting with Hope Christian’s administrator, he was thrilled to learn of an open teaching position. When Mr. Bradley explained to him that HCA was passionate about raising up a generation of disciples who seek Jesus in their lives, Mr. Kolar knew he could find a home at HCA. "That is something I want to be a part of. Also I love math, science, learning, teaching, and encouraging people, all of which I get to do here." said Mr. Kolar. Mr. Kolar's classroom goals are as follows: to walk with God no matter what and to help his students to excel in their classes. He prays that the students, teachers, and staff would influence the world for God's kingdom. In addition to his position as a high school teacher, Mr. Kolar serves as the assistant administrator of HCA.

New English teacher arrives at HCA

Hope Christian Academy is pleased to welcome Georgia Rustad to our faculty

family. Born and raised in Baker, MT, Miss Rustad is the daughter of Allen and

Jan Rustad, and the youngest sister of Erin, Sarah, and Allison.

Miss Rustad attended public school throughout her student career in Baker.

Upon completion of high school in 2009, she enrolled at Dickinson State

University to pursue a career in the field of English education. Graduating in

2013, Miss Rustad finds herself for the first time in a Christian school system

with the responsibility of educating young adults at Hope Christian Academy.

"I feel blessed to be here," said Miss Rustad, believing in her heart that this is

where God has called her to be.

Miss Rustad will be teaching a wide range of pupils from grades seven through eleven. She has several goals

for her students which include challenging them academically, spiritually and personally.

Secretary position filled by Hope alumna

Over the past 33 years, Hope Christian Academy has seen many

beloved staff members come and go, but the secretary position has al-

ways been one to be filled quickly. In the beginning, were the

pioneers such as Ruth Hudson and DelRae Privratsky. In more recent

years, a new generation has come including Kari Hanstad, Mindy

Litton, Robin Gion, Paula Schaper, and our newest addition, Mrs. Amy

(Magstadt) Czapiewski,

Amy (Magstadt) Czapiewski was born in Dickinson, ND, to Lee and

JoLynn Magstadt and is the older sister of Nathan Magstadt, also an

HCA alumnus. Mrs. Czapiewski left her maiden name behind a year-

and-a-half ago when she married her husband, Travis, who may be

seen in the hallways as one of HCA’s substitute teachers.

Having attended HCA for eight years, Mrs. Czapiewski is certainly no stranger to Hope. After graduating

from the eighth grade, she transferred to Dickinson High School, as HCA’s high school was not yet an option.

Her college years were spent primarily at Dickinson State University, where she earned a bachelor's degree in

communications and a minor in journalism.

Following her collegiate experience, Mrs. Czapiewski stayed on with DSU in the Office of Enrollment Services

and Communications as the Associate Director of Communications for three years. Her three years spent

working for the university prepared her well to take on the positon of administrative assistant at Hope

Christian. "It really was a total 'God Thing'. I had resigned my position at DSU and decided to take some

time off for a while,” she said. “I heard there was an opening at HCA and prayed about it. Hope has always

been dear to me and my family, and I was thrilled to be able to be back at Hope as a staff member."

Mrs. Czapiewski believes whole-heartedly that this is where God has called her. She expresses her enjoyment

working alongside some of the same staff members who were here when she was a student. Working at Hope

Christian is an absolute joy for her and giving back to her alma mater is one of the greatest joys in her life.

When asked about goals she has for her time at HCA, Mrs. Czapiewski expressed that she would love to learn

to best apply the skills God has given her to best serve Christ, her family and the kingdom of God.

Meet Our New Staff Page 4

Welcome Back, Mr. Dazell! This year, HCA was thrilled to welcome back former administrator, Ron Dazell to the teaching staff. Mr. Dazell is teaching the junior high and high school students’ Algebra I and II courses. Mr. Dazell was the administrator of HCA for 3 years. We are so thankful for him stepping up to teach again! His wife, Debbie, serves as the HCA development director. This is her second year in the position.

Building Expansion Update It is with great joy that I write this update for the Building Expansion Project. This year has brought much progress as most of you have seen. Our dream is becoming a reality! Essentially, the first phase is complete, except for siding and masonry (which will be finished by spring and will be fully funded). If you recall, we have committed to staying debt free on this project, and we continue to hold true to that conviction.

The decision was made this summer to begin the second phase. The second phase includes interior completion of most of the trade work such as electrical, plumbing, fire suppression, HVAC, insulation and sheetrock. Total cost of this phase is $867,000 and the expected time of completion was March, 2015. Thus far, nearly $300,000 has been raised. Surprisingly, the trade work has progressed rather steadily this fall to the point that completion is likely by the end of 2014. Unfortunately, this efficiency has posed a small dilemma in that we will need to have the funds in place by year end ($575,000) instead of March, 2015.

We find ourselves roughly $1.5 million short of a completing the entire building expansion project which will provide classrooms and a gym space for our students. As our school continues to grow, we know that beyond the 2015 school year we will need additional space to house our increasing enrollment. It has been, and continues to be, a journey of faith we are on together. Thank goodness we serve a sovereign God Who is well aware of our needs.

We ask you to prayerfully consider a gift this year to assist us in bringing this project to completion by next summer. Maybe you know of someone who would like to make a charitable contribution this year or perhaps your employer may be considering avenues to give outside the norm. Materials are available at the school office providing info on HCA that may be of interest to potential donors. If the Lord has laid it on your heart to give this year, please bring or mail your donation to HCA, specifying “Building Project”.

In Christ,

Travis Toews, Chairman of Arise & Build Building Expansion Project Committee

Building Expansion Page 5

“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this”, says the

Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing

that you will not have room enough for it. I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and vines in

your fields will not cast their fruit," says the Lord Almighty.

Malachi 3:10-12

2014 Fall Fundraising

We continue to be in awe of how the Lord has provided for Hope Christian Academy for over 30 years.

This year, we introduced two new fundraisers to the school for the building expansion project: the “Hope Fore Tomorrow” Golf Scramble and “Pumpkins in the Patch.” The hope was to engage and provide fellowship for individuals and families in Dickinson and the surrounding areas. The Lord blessed both events with beautiful weather and lots of community support.

We would love to thank every one of you who has supported Hope Christian Academy either monetarily or by your prayers.

2014-15 Event Goal Results

Jog-A-Thon $35,000 $49,667

Hope’s Herd $5,000 $3,144

Bake Day #1 $6,700 $8,272

Bake Day #2 $6,500 TBD

Spring Banquet $30,000 TBD

Fundraising Total

$83,200 $61,083

The mind of man plans his way,

But the LORD directs his steps.

Proverbs 16:9

What’s New at Hope Page 6

Upcoming Christmas Program: “A Play in A Manger”

The town of Centerville is preparing their annual Christmas Extravaganza–but this year it’s going to be bigger and better than ever, a real over-the-top display. The excitement is off the chart as the writer and director and legend-in-his-own-mind, Cecil V. DeVille, calls for pyrotechnics, sky-diving angels, dancing camels, and more. But when catastrophe and calamity send those grand plans up in smoke, their epic production becomes an epic fail. Visions of grandeur are replaced with the beauty and power of the simple truth of Jesus’ birth: The Son of God, born to humble parents, lying in a simple manger, come to redeem. Come join us at 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 18 to come and celebrate the reason for the season!

Find Hope Christian Academy on Social Media! Hope Weekly Live is a weekly video blog on our YouTube channel, Hope Christian Academy. This blog features two of our junior students, Maddie Scammon and Bryce Timmerman. Bryce is our weekly host, and Maddie is our video editor. Each week, Bryce interviews a student or staff member at HCA, and Maddie does our video editing so we can put it on YouTube. We are also on Facebook and our Facebook page is growing each day!! Find Hope Christian Academy and “like” us on Facebook to see pictures, upcoming events, short video clips and more!

New Family Consumer Science Course Offered This year, we introduced a Family Consumer Science course to our high school students. So far, they have made chocolate chip cookies, buttermilk biscuits with homemade strawberry preserves, banana muffins and many other tasty dishes. In addition to cooking, Tori Irwin, our instructor, has taught our high school students the importance of good nutrition, safety in the kitchen, and has taken them on a tour of the grocery store. Every Wednesday, our high school students help out “Grandma Ruth,” our hot lunch provider, with food preparation. It’s a win-win situation for both students and staff!

Support HCA Through AmazonSmile AmazonSmile is a simple and easy way to support Hope Christian Academy every time you shop with Amazon, at no cost to you! When you shop at, you will find the exact same selection and deals you would at, with an added bonus – Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase price to Hope Christian Academy! To shop at AmazonSmile, simply visit from the web browser on your computer or mobile device. Log-in to your existing account or create a new one. Once logged-in, remember to select HCA in Dickinson, ND as your charity of choice and you are ready to shop.

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see

your good works, and glorify your Father which is in


Matthew 5:16

Glow In the Dark Week Page 7

The picture below shows some of our students who really

shined their lights for Christ during Glow in the Dark Week!

Glow in the Dark Week 2014

Spirit Week Page 8

“Let the



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me and do



them, for

to such



kingdom of




Jog-A-Thon Update Page 9

99% participation by grades Preschool-11

12 Fun Facts about Jog-A-Thon 2014

1441.25 laps completed for a total of 360.3 miles

15 students ran 5 or more miles

Most laps run by a student was 28.5 for 7.1 miles

2nd Grade students ran the most laps at 256.75 miles for 64.2 miles

Every student in grades K, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 11 raised $100 or more in pledges

57 students (49%) met or exceeded the individual goal of raising $299.15

39 families (56%) met or exceeded the family goal of raising $500

$6,980.07 was the most raised by a class

$1,876.12 was the most raised by an individual

The girls raised more dollars than the boys

The goal of $35,000 was reached AND surpassed at $49,667

Visit our website at

2891 5th Avenue West, Dickinson, North Dakota 58601

Phone: 701.225.3919


Member since 1982

Hope Christian Academy admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, pro-grams and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admis-sions policies or scholarship.



City, State, Zip:_________________________



HCA is dependent on financial gifts in order to fulfill their vision of an education that

equips youth for a life of Christian service and leadership.

*Donations to HCA are tax deductible.

*HCA is a tax exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

____Building Expansion Project - funds used

to complete inside usable space

____Tuition Aid – provides assistance to

families who cannot afford full tuition

____General Support – funds are used

where most needed

____Estate Planning - Contact me about how to

include HCA in my estate planning

____Hope’s Herd – funds to purchase cattle

or provide a home for a cow

Send to:

Hope Christian Academy

2891 Fifth Avenue West

Dickinson, ND 58601

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