new media presentation 2

Post on 05-Dec-2014



Entertainment & Humor



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& COMM 2012

The World According to

1. Five years from now the internet will be dominated by Chinese language content.

2. Today’s teenagers are the model of how the web will work in five years- They jump from app to app seamlessly.

3. Five years is a factor of ten in Moore’s Law, meaning that computers will be capable of far more by that time than they are today.

4. Within five years there will be broadband well above 100MB in performance.

5. Distinctions between TV, radio and the web will go away.

6. The mobile device will be the world’s primary connection tool to the internet in 2020.

2012 2013

We reach the barrier of 1 trillion network devices

Machine to machine communication: technology that will allow both wireless and wired systems to communicate with other devices of the same ability.

The year of mobile broadband

50 MB of newtwork capacity for each user

People will be living in the smart cloud


Devices will adapt to our lifestyles and evironments

Newspapers and broadcasting television will dissapear. The NY Times will sell e-paper newspapers for $1

The radio will go on the internet The media arena is less and less populated Google will buy Microsoft Amazon will buy Yahoo! Together they will become the world’s universal

content leaders with BBC, CNN and CCTV

Privacy expectations will change There will be a cultural shift, therefore

people will find it acceptable to expose more of their personal details on different forms of social media.

Sharing your likes, dislikes, opinions, photos, videos and other forms of personal information will be the norm.

People will become more accepting of personalized experiences, both corporate and personal.

Ratings will be everywhere

Brands and businesses will place user ratings everywhere and they will accept open feedback on their actual websites.

User ratings will become so common that marketers should expect them to compose most digital experiences.

Influencer maketing will be redifined

Social media defines the way we interact with digital media, commerce and online TV. We will see the significance of influencer marketing grow dramatically.

Example: the inclusion of Twitter in Google search results

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