new hope bulletin 02.08.14

Post on 13-Mar-2016






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New Hope Adventist Church. Fulton, Md.


February 08, 2014


Praise and Worship Ed Garcia !

Message Hope Part VI: Full of It Pastor Mike Speegle !

Pastoral Welcome: Jason Decena Pastor Dave Gemmell !Community Life

Jerry Woods (First Service) Pastor Ann Roda (Second Service)

Closing Thought Pastor Mike Speegle

Worship at New Hope Community at Worship 10:30 a.m. & 12:30 p.m. | Kingdom Kids Worship (Rm. 121)-10:30 a.m | Middle School Worship (Rm. 206) 10:30 a.m.

Community Life 2 !!!Power of a Praying Man 3 !!Family Tools 4

connect. serve. grow.




Welcome to New Hope!It impacts everything you do in life, and you might not be aware of it. But how you see it is the single most important thing that will change your past, present and future. And today, as we conclude Hope in a Dark World, we’ll have the opportunity to make a choice that changes everything. Use the sermon notes inside to follow along during Pastor Mike's message!

community life !Welcome to New Hope! We're here to help you grow in your spiritual journey. This page highlights some exciting ways for you and your family to make meaningful connections and grow your relationship with God.  !If there is anything we can do to support you on your journey, let us know. !!Church Office Hours Mon-Thu 9a-5p, Fri 10a-2p !Phone/Text Message 410-541-6394 !Email

february february february

8 Help, I’m A Parent! begins TODAY, 9:30 a.m. in Room 201. For more on this 10-week small group, pick up a brochure at the Ask-Me Desk or email Deadline for final sign-up is Feb. 22.

15 Connect with your community and help serve a meal to homeless men, women and children at Grassroots, a walk-in crisis shelter here in Columbia, Md., 4-6 p.m. All are welcome! For more info, contact Nathan Taylor at 478-737-4224.

15 Craft Night, 6 p.m. Bring your craft supplies and work on projects together. Various craft demonstrations available. For info, contact Denise: 443-812-1805 or

14 Restore, a worship gathering for young adults, meets from 7 to 9 p.m. at the church. Join us as we fulfill our purpose and mission: to gather and experience Sabbath together and be restored by God through worship and fellowship!

15 Mix and Mingle, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., second floor. Meet new people, hang out with old friends or just enjoy some snacks between our first and second worship services.

22 Game Night, 6:30 p.m. Come out for a fun night of Minute-to-Win-It-style games. The Pathfinders (co-ed scouting group) will sell food and drink to raise funds for their big trip this summer.


Starting Point, a small group and safe place for conversation and questions about God, begins Feb. 15. The class meets Sabbaths at 10:30 a.m. Learn more and register online at Space is limited, so sign up today!

Questions about God? A Starting Point for Answers


CHURCH LIFE Welcome, guests! We’re glad to have you here today. You can find out more about New Hope in Seven Minutes or Less, a brief information session after today’s worship service by coming to the first two rows in the front left of the worship center!

This year, you will receive your tithe and offering receipts via email. Text RECEIPT with your full name and email address to 410-541-6394, or email to request your receipt.!

First reading of transfer in: Sharon Isaac. The vote will take place during first service next Sabbath.!

Ignite your prayer life and deepen your relationship with God. Theme: Jesus is the center of it all.!

We need your picture for a church directory! Email a high-res jpeg to Lynne at Be sure to provide names for everyone in the photo, your address and phone numbers.!


The children's Bible lesson for today is found in Matthew 5:13-16, “Jesus Teaches That We Are to be Salt and Light.” The Bible verse for the month is Matthew 7:7-8.

Generation Rain 2014, a spiritual weekend for high school students, Feb. 21-23 at Mt. Aetna Camp. Cost: $40. For details, pick up a brochure in the high school portable building or contact Pastor Ann at

The next family dedication is March 1. To be scheduled contact Prithy, at the church office, 301-854-1866.

Kingdom Kids Sabbath School needs teachers for grades 2-3 classes. Don’t miss this opportunity to serve! Contact Tina at!


Connect, a Bible study group just for young adults, meets Sabbaths from 11 a.m. to noon in the trailer. Let’s explore the life-changing teachings of God’s Word.

Today: Stop by and Say Hi /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////!!Don't miss today's welcome reception for Pastor Jason Decena, his wife Heidi and their two boys, Luke and Aidan, on the second floor starting at 12 p.m. !Still have gift cards to help the Decenas to check out our diverse food scene? Give them to any member of the pastoral staff today!


/////////////////////////////////////////////// !Next Sabbath marks the start of a new small group for men, the Power of a Praying Man. The group, which meets from 9:30 to 10:20 a.m. the third Saturday of each month, will be led by José Hernandez. Learn more about this prayer group in this Q&A with José: !/////////////////////////////////////////////// !How would you describe this group’s purpose and goals?Men are under constant attack from unseen forces. No matter how strong a man may feel against these forces, he will not be able to stand without prayer. This prayer group is a time for men to come together, learn how to pray and be strengthened by God and one another. Real men pray! Our goal is to connect men with one another for support, growth and friendship. !Are you following a specific book or study? We are using various prayer resources by Larry Crabb, Phillip Yancy, Richard Foster, Stormie O’Martian and the Bible.

What made you decide to start this prayer group?Prayer is a vital personal contact with God. This contact with God is both life-changing and life-giving. Without prayer, we are empty shells — going through the motions of life as we are expected to, driven by what the culture defines as “being a man.”I truly realize my identity, worth and purpose when my life is directed by a prayer-infused relationship with God. There is no substitute for prayer!!Why do you think New Hope needs this kind of group?As men, we admit that we should be praying more, but we are not exactly sure how. This will provide men with tools, resources and support to incorporate praying into their daily lives.We are willing to find out what might happen if we create space in our lives to be in God’s presence and listen. !What do you hope participants get out of it? To create opportunities for prayer, study and fellowship together. !Men, be sure to check out the group next Sabbath in the Prayer Room (Room 111)! For more information, email

Calling All Men: Discover the Power of Prayer

Save the Date: International Food Festival !!International Food Festival is back! Enjoy food from across the globe and help raise money for the student scholarship fund for our school in Mozambique, March 8 at 5:30 p.m. To contribute food from your country, see Caryn Wooster or Silvia Sicalo in the lobby or email

A few weeks ago, I traveled to visit a family. Their home was in a new housing development in a remote part of the county. Because I was unfamiliar with the area, I depended on my smartphone's GPS. It was a cold and dark night, and I was so grateful the GPS was working well. But just as I turned into the development, it suddenly stopped. I had lost satellite coverage.

I knew the street and house number and was able to proceed based on what I remembered on the GPS map. There were no streetlights, so it was really dark. And without the light pollution typically found in developed residential areas, it was hard to see the street signs. So it was a great relief when I finally found the correct street.

But then I was faced with yet another dilemma: It was too dark to see the house numbers from the road. Each house was illuminated with beautiful lighting artistically placed over the doorway and the garage. But the lights were not directed toward the numbers, nor did they radiate strongly enough so I could see.

The only solution I had was to trespass on someone’s private property. It meant pulling into their driveway, walking up to their house and looking at the numbers up close. Needless to say, I was scared and uncomfortable, imagining the worse case

scenario in which the homeowner would react, thinking I were a burglar, stalker or some unsavory sort of person.

What is the purpose of light if it does not do what it is suppose to do, which is to help us and others see? Jesus said in Matthew 6:14-16, “You are the world’s light— a city on a hill, glowing in the night for all to see. Don’t hide your light! Let it shine for all; let your good deeds glow for all to see, so that they will praise your heavenly Father” (TLB). In the New Century Version of this text, we get better clarity on our purpose as a light: “You are the light that gives light to the world” (emphasis mine).

In other words, we are not to be just a decorative light; our purpose and call is be light that radiates and glows and provides direct illumination so that people who are lost in the dark can find their way to the right home.

Does your light have a purpose?



!The Back Page follows the Bible lessons that children and youth are studying and serves to help kids and adults continue the spiritual discussion at home and establish patterns of a devotional life.

Thought for the Week !God’s Daily Word Use the following passages to explore additional biblical insights on being light in the world.

SUNDAY Matthew 6:14-16

MONDAY John 8:12; 1 John 1:5

TUESDAY Luke 8:16

WEDNESDAY 1 Peter 2:9

THURSDAY Ephesians 5:8

FRIDAY Isaiah 46:2

Ann Roda

Pastor for Families



Monthly Goal

Received in Dec.

Received to Date

Goal to Date

Tithe 121,577.01 930,979.62 !Church Budget ($41,855.41)

92,916.02 506,842.39 502,264.92

Mortgage ($13,623)

42,821.50 120,521.57 163,476.00



Weekly Challenge Shine the light of Jesus by encouraging at least one person each day this week. Ask God to open your eyes to see the individuals who need encouragement. Pray for them every day. !

For the Family Get a flashlight. Turn it on, and discuss ways Jesus shines His light into your family. Then get a hand mirror, and let each person have a turn reflecting the light from the flashlight onto a wall. Talk about ways you can reflect Jesus’ light to other people.

Find us: 12350 Hall Shop Road, Fulton, MD 20759 !Call us/ send a text message: 410-541-NEWH (6394) !

Email us: !Visit us online:


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