national campaign against drug abuse

Post on 26-May-2015



Health & Medicine



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InteractIve holographIc 3D projectIontour arounD SerbIa wIthInthe natIonal campaIgn agaInSt Drug abuSe 2009/2010.




pr agency:

Event management


Ministry of Health and INSADA

(Implementation of the National Strategy Against

Drug Abuse) – European Union project

Agency SVA


InteractIve holographIc 3D projectIontour around Serbia within the national campaign against Drug abuse 2009/2010.

the why

Agency SVA, Ministry of Health of Serbia and INSADA project was intended to inform, educate and prevent young people from drugs abuse. Ever since Internet took over in the new generations, video gaming and new technologies replaced “old fashioned“ ways of communications. We believed that this Nationalcampaign needed to find “new language“, a unique expression to reach Serbian youth. Something better than a video game, newer than a TV commercial, and more interactive than a video game; something that would capture and keep attention of the most sensitive audience – youth. Creative team consisting of SVA Agency and Gallery 12+ came up with a unique solution- an interactive holographic 3D projection.

the how

Installation of the interactive holographic 3D projection was set in a simple camping trailer speciallyre-designed for the occasion. Only one thin glass layer separated the visitor from the real-size holographic projection of a young man. On the gaming console (touch screen), the “gamer“ could choose various drugs and see their harmful effects on the holographic projection, since it was “acting“ exactly as the real person would when under influence of chosen drugs.Holographic projection content: a young man`s level-by-level destructive changes was executed through the holographic installation game where a gamer had very easy tasks during the game and easy access to new levels in a short time. The game itself was `piece of cake` even for beginners in video gaming, the same as it is easy to play the `drugs̀ game – easily, but without clear ending at the starting point of the game. The end of the game stated GAME OVER! – literal game ending for drug users. At the end, the clear solution was given- your decisions are powerful, ’Your NO. Changes everything’.

This was like a perfect experiment- one can try and see, and nobody got hurt.

the auDIence

Given the data from Marc Gobe’s book ‘ Emotional Branding: New Paradigm for Connecting Brands toPeople’, youth of today (or Generation X) are the most sensitive audience – they are very picky when it comes to what they give attention to. They live in the modern entertainment age; they think quickly, desire excitement and true fun. They already have video games, for them, TV is really nothing new and specialeffects are in abundance in movies and video games.

They live in the entertainment world, and if you are not fun enough, they will just hit the ‘ignore’ button.

the new way

We needed Generation X to listen and learn, and that’s the hardest thing to get them to do. That’s why we used hi-end entertainment for new way of education and hidden, well- wrapped, powerful message was born. The awareness was raised by the high-end technology tools (holographic 3D projection) but the knowledge and skills were being built by the actual content of the installation and the intensive presenceof the holographic tour through Serbia with its follow up program- TVC, ambassadors and merchandise.This event was created to inspire one-to-one interaction and omit the ex-cathedra approach. The goal was to invite youngsters to come out to the city and play the game – the same as one would play with drugs, however without the danger.

the event management

this was the first touring event of its kind in Serbia.

With visits to 7 cities of Serbia we have dislocated the message and reached small and big communities alike. During 4 months of the campaign we have organized and executed a special opening in each city inpresence of local government and institutions representatives, had successful cooperation with local press and TV stations and built a network of volunteers and NGOs that joined our action.Belgrade, Novi Sad, Kragujevac, Nis, Subotica, Krusevac, and Valjevo youth, teachers and family members


were invited to come, see and experience a unique installation that was (in the most entertaining way),actually aiming to save many lives of youngsters.And they came out, in an even bigger number than we could have ever imagined. The campaign’s Facebook fan page reached its 10 000th member within the first three weeks! And the number of volunteer celebrity ambassadors rouse every day. They were willing to be the announcers on the openings, speaking side by side with the city mayors and the Minister of Health at the local openings.By the end of the campaign, the 3D installation was invited to more and more cities, the merchandise was asked for online and the journalists were looking for the interviews. In the first two months we havemanaged to get free airing time for the campaign’s video on national television and had numerous TVappearances regarding the subject. We have overcame our own goal – instead of just a campaign, we have started a movement: Tvoje Ne. Menja sve, the national movement against drug abuse in Serbia.

And we are not done yet – we are looking forward to expand this unique preventive event approach even further as we have been contacted by the Regional Ministries of Health and World Health Organization who were asking for possibilities of implementing this educational entertainment approach in other countries.

holographIc 3D InStallatIon technIcal DrawIng anD actual vIew


merchandise – t-shirts

merchandise – badges




ambitious goals to reachYour NO. Changes Everything. had few ambitious goals to reach!

To raise awareness and to communicate the danger of the “drug game“, and also to remind that there are other options, a whole world of sensations to discover that is not drug related. Our media goal was to do this, in Serbia, in spite the fact that we are a third-world country amidst the crisis time, by using the most up to date, interactive entertainment communication.

our major goal!

Our major goal was to start a personal interaction between our holographic anti-hero and every single viewer / gamer. Technically speaking, the optimum of possible viewer-gamers was 35.000 people during the tour, but the number exceeded this optimum, so more than 51.730 people met our holographicanti-hero and experienced the 3D holographic installation. As for impressions, our goal was to reach 800 hundred to 1 million impressions across Serbia. We wanted to reach target audience with 50 print placements and 20 media broadcasting placements. As the majority of our target group is Internet addicted and they cannot imagine even one day without Facebook, our goal was to make a Facebook group for 5.000 – 10.000 followers. Even 80 percent of media coverage included the national campaign messages and 90 percent of media coverage mentioned outstanding way to explain the destructiveness of drug user life.

Results we got show that our goals were overachieved!

meDIa relatIonS

Campaign coverage was overwhelmingly positive, resulting in a total of 155 placements:

Print/online placements goal: 50 result: 150Broadcast placements goal: 20 result: 35Impressions goal: 1 million result: more than 1,5 million

reSearch anD Data


maIn Source

ESPAD – The European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other DrugsEuropean research on the use of alcohol and other drugs among young people in Serbia 2008.

uSe oF IllIcIt DrugS

How much will young people experiment with drugs depends, among other things, on the availability of drugs, legislation, parents, school authorities, opportunities provided by the local community for creative implementation of leisure time, skills that young people have for coping with stress, solving problems,informing young people about the consequences of the use of drugs and similar.

The definition of illegal drugs used in this report include marijuana or hashish (cannabis), amphetamines, LSD or other hallucinogens assets, crack, cocaine, ecstasy, heroin, magic mushrooms, trodon and otherpainkillers, GHB, inhalants, alcohol in combination with drugs and sedatives (without a prescription).

The use of illegal drugs during a lifetime, in Serbia, 2008. (%)

Even 15,1% of first grade students of the high school said that they had used one of the above-mentioned illegal drugs at least once.

The use of illegal drugs during the lifetime is more frequent among young people from large and small cities, compared to youth from rural villages. There isn’t a significant difference in the use of illegal drugs among young men and women.

Many students have tried drugs once or twice, while others developed more or less regular habit of taking drugs.

Particular attention has been devoted to the research data collection in relation to the use of marijuana, since this substance is very present in our country.

At least once in lifetime marijuana was tried by 6,7% of students, 8,8% young men and 4,9% young women. Students from urban areas in the greater percentage indicated that they have tried marijuana, at least once during lifetime.

Serbia = 15.1%


















ol % St




Girls City
















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Indicator of regular use of marijuana is the use of 40 or more times in a lifetime. In the first grade of high school, 0,5% of students took marijuana 40 times or more, which may indicate regularly taking, whichrepresents the risk of abuse of other psychoactive substances.

The use of psychoactive substances (other than marijuana and hashish)

Every 10th freshman in high school (11,9%) has used illegal drug during the lifetime, which is not marijuana or hashish. Girls have used a psychoactive substance in significantly larger percentage than young men, excluding marijuana, which is often related to the use of sedatives.

In general, the prevalence of illegal drug use other than marijuana or hashish range 0-8% depending on the type of substance. In addition to marijuana, commonly used psychoactive substances among young people are sedatives or tranquilizers. Sedatives or tranquilizers can be legally prescribed by a physician, or abused for their psychoactive effects, used as an illegal drug.

This kind of researches on the use of alcohol and other drugs among young people in Serbia are done every four years. The integrated campaign „Your NO. Changes Everything.“ was based on the above research done in 2008. The next ESPAD research will be undertaken in 2011.



















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other FInDIngS

Social backgound:Serbia faced a turbulent last 20th century decade and recovery from `harmful nineties̀ was more thenwelcomed here. Economy and everyday living had been changed during the nineties and those changesinfluenced deeply the social relationships, especially in the family and peer groups. Those changes have many different psycho-social implications in the lives of youth in the sensitive ages of pre- adolescence puberty and further on.

emcDDa (European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction) researches show that Serbia is in the middle of ‘Balcans Route’ for heroin, the price for heroin is relatively low and its availability is extremely good. Also, two large synthetic laboratories were discovered in Serbia in 2007 and 2008 – the production being larger than the actual market.


Given the research data from ESPAD and EMCDDA as many as 15,1 % of the secondary school first graders reported using psychoactive substances, marijuana or hashish, amphetamines, LSD or some otherhallucinogens, crack, cocaine, ecstasy, heroin, magic mushrooms, analgetics or alcohol combined with pills and tranquillisers. one of the very common excuses to experiment with drugs was ‘just having fun’.

Serbian Ministry of Health and INSADA project wanted to find a right way to communicate with new Internet infused generation in Serbia and to show them explicitly but in a fun way numerous negative side- effects of drug usage.

Serbian Ministry of Health turned to SVA to find and develop a communication plan to:

• Arouse and maintain the attention of young people in Serbia using innovative media approach• Prevent young people from first trial and further destructive behavior related to lack of education and low risk perceptions about drugs

Finding the exact manner of speaking to 21st century generation to video games, IT technologies andInternet lifestyle was a challenging task. For the creative solution of the campaign SVA team invitedGalery 12+ to develop top-of-the-notch communication tool – Holographic 3D interactiveinstallation.

meDIa coverage


campaIgn coverage

Campaign coverage was overwhelmingly positive, resulting in a total of 155 placements: Print/online placements goal: 50 result: 150Broadcast placements goal: 20 result: 35

Announcements by media

• Daily newspapers: 22 • Magazines: 20• TV: 35• Online: 48 • Radio: 30





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clIppIng exampleS


meDIa: clIppIng exampleS




Blic, DailyAction on drugs in SuboticaIntensify action against drug dealers: Mayor Saša Vučinić

Subotičke novine, DailyYour „NO“ changes everything



City magazin, MagazineAction against drugs




Viva, MagazineYour „NO“ changes everythingMedicine: Campaign against drugs





B92, Web portalHolographic tour against drugs Belgrade – In Serbia, 15 percent of all highschool studentshave tried some drugs at least once





Blic online, Web portalDrugs already tried in first grade of high school




Subotica, Web portalYour NO, changes everything!


preSS conFerence − belgraDe, Start oF the campaIgn

tomica milosavljević, minister of health of the republic of Serbia

mirko mandić, managing Director, Sva agency


B92, TV channelNews


hologram installation snapshots on b92 tv




Studio B, TV channelHoću da znaš / I want you to know

RTS, TV channelU zdravom telu / In healthy body

Katarina popović, creative Director of the project, Sva agency

tomica milosavljević, minister of health of the republic of Serbia



Yu eco, TV channelInfo blok

Saša vučinić, mayor of Subotica

tomislav Stantić, State Secretary at the ministry of health of the republic of Serbia


FacebooK StatIStIcS!/pages/tvoje-ne-menja-Sve/181237272958?ref=ts

At the beginning of the campaign Facebook Fan page Tvoje NE. Menja sve. was created. In first three weeks page had approximately 10 000 fans, and after a month that number exceeded 12 500 fans.

During the campaign this page was used for continuous interaction with fans.

Many posts were questions of fans asking when will holographic presentation come to their town. Through this Fan page holographic presentation received invitation to visit about 30 cities in Serbia.

The campaign had 37 ambassadors chosen among Serbia’s most popular singers and actors as the people who represent healthy way of life and who are known as opponents of drug abuse.


FacebooK InvItatIonS

the project received invitations to bor, Kikinda, pirot, leskovac, vršac and Stara pazova and it was offere help by the local youth offices and ngo-s.



evaluatIon anD reSultS

analySIS oF the queStIonnaIreS FIlleD out aFter the holographIc projectIon

The trailer with a holographic projection visited seven cities in Serbia and it is estimated that it was viewed by over 51 730 people.

The questionnaire was filled in after the holographic projection by 6773 visitors in seven cities (49,6% male and 50,4% female). Although the primary target group was young people aged 11-15 years due to high interest among younger and older visitors analysis was performed and compared to other age groups.Still the largest number of participants (34.1%) was aged 11 -15 years. Answers to questions relating to the intelligibility of holographic presentation, knowledge, perception of risk and willingness to discussholographic presentation with a close person were analyzed in relation to age, sex and illegal substance use by participants.



thIS holographIc preSentatIon waS eaSIly unDerStanDable

Majority of 98,8% participants find that this holographic presentation was understandable, from which 87,4% said it was very easy to understand. The percent of young man and woman who think presentation was very understandable is equal.

Percent Valid Percent

Valid Male 49.6 49.6

Female 50.4 50.4

Total 100.0 100.0

Percent Valid Percent

Valid Less than11 1.8 1.8

11-15 34.1 34.2

16-20 27.2 27.2

21-25 24.7 24.7

26 and more 12.1 12.1

Total 99.9 100.0


Most of the participants (49,2%) said that holographic presentation had given them lots of newinformation, and 34,3% said holographic presentation had given them some new information.

More than half participants (60,3%) said that holographic presentation had forced them to stop and think, while 13,9% said that holographic presentation had not forced them to do so.

holographIc preSentatIon IS convIncIng

Only 3,2% of participants think that presentation wasn’t convincing, while 77,4% of participants findpresentation very convincing. More young women (79,5%) find holographic presentation more convincing, than the young man do (75,3%).


Not at all






Male 1.2 11 87.8

Female 1.2 11.7 87.1


Not at all






Less than11 16.7 0 83.3

11-15 0.4 13.9 85.7

16-20 0.5 9.8 89.7

21-25 1.8 11.4 86.8

26 and more 1.2 9.8 89


The Awareness of the importance of presentation in the personal life was stated by 57,2% of participants, while 48,2% said that holographic presentation made them even more concerned for the use of drugs and 29,1% said that holographic presentation made them bit more concerned about the use of drugs.

holographIc preSentatIon IS eFFectIve agaInSt Drug abuSe

Gender Not at all (%) Partly (%) Very (%)

Male 5.1 19.6 75.3

Female 1.5 19.1 79.5

Age Not at all (%) Partly (%) Very (%)

Less than 11 0 0 100

11-15 3 15.6 81.4

16-20 2.2 17.4 80.4

21-25 3.6 31.7 64.7

26 and more 6.1 11 82.9

Gender Not at all (%) Partly (%) Very (%)

Male 11 33 56

Female 5 32.8 62.2

Age Not at all (%) Partly (%) Very (%)

Less than 11 16.7 0 83.3

11-15 4.8 21.6 73.6

16-20 7.6 35.9 56.5

21-25 13.2 45.5 41.3

26 6.1 36.6 57.3


holographIc preSentatIon rISe awareneSS oF rISKS

Gander Not at all (%) Partly (%) Very (%)

Male 12.2 21.7 66.1

Female 10 19.4 70.7

Age Not at all (%) Partly (%) Very (%)

Less than 11 16.7 0 83.3

11-15 5.6 8.2 86.1

16-20 8.2 24.5 67.4

21-25 21 28.1 50.9

26 and more 12.2 32.9 54.9


Future proSpectS

maKIng the campaIgn SelF-SuStaInableIncluding sponsors and partners to create an ongoing movement, that will not be limited in time. Instead it will provide continuous support for action on drugs in Serbia.

DevelopIng contactS wIth the regIonal mInIStrIeS oF health responding to the interest of the ministries of health in the region and continuing the holographic 3D tour across borders of Serbia.

worlD health organIzatIon (who) cooperatIonworking together with who on new possibilities of implementing this unique educational and entertaining approach in other countries of the world.

For the Full project experIence pleaSe vIew the encloSeD cD

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