nathan mather 3d level design workflow

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Nathan Mather

Nathan Mather 3D Game Engine Workflow

I was tasked to build/ create a 3D game level using unity along with textures. I began by sculpting a large ring of steep cliffs leaving spaces to designate areas of interest in which I would do more precise cuttings into the land and areas where models such as water; trees and other foliage. I made enough space to add a wide variety of differently textured areas, meaning that other areas have different colours of grass and rock.

The box on the left contains the tools that allow me to build; texture and adjust the map in any way I wish. The seven boxes in the upper middle of the image show the different terrain tools at my disposal, the fact that the centre box is darker than the others shows that I have it selected.

I have decided to give my level a medieval theme as it allows me to add various nature aspects to it. I have added multiple medieval like houses with a small well at the centre to create a small village. After this I placed multiple trees surrounding the village which has given the effect that the village is surrounded by a forest. Just near the village I have made multiple small ponds. Which allow the level to look less bleak.

Nathan Mather

I have split my map into two areas, the upper and lower areas.

The upper section of the map as shown on the left contains a small village with multiple small houses surrounded by trees. The lower section of the map is to contain a small forest in the bottom right of the image and currently has a small campsite with trees in the top right of the image.

The surroundings of this campsite are some orange trees to stop the overall level being filled with green as a dominant colour.

On the left hand side of the lower section image another small campsite will be places. I will also places forest in the large grass patch as well as some small bushes to give the

ground some texture, there will be a small abandoned house in the bottom middle of the grass section to give that area a small amount of purpose along with trying to avoid having a large space with no obvious purpose.

The secondary campsite contains four medium sized tents; a small campfire, a log

pile which will give the impression of a lumberjack’s campsite; a small pile of boxes and one of barrels; and a small area with an anvil next to a table with a smaller table on the other side. The abandoned house is located in amongst the trees which give the area the atmosphere of the house being abandoned for an extremely long amount of time.

Upper section

Lower section

Abandoned house

Secondary campsite

Nathan Mather

A small distance from the village is a hill which leads between the mountains to a large open space surrounded by the cliffs, at the far end of this opening is a large pond with a jetty and a small wooden boat situated beside it. At the far side of the pond is a wooden boat which is partially sunken as I have placed a rock under the front of the boat to make the boat look “Shipwrecked”.

This lake is located at the top section of the level there is a small slope which leads into a large ditch which leads to the lake. The pathway around the lake has small bushes dotted around it to give the ground texture. A large tree has been placed at the far side of the lake which is to stop the area being as empty.

The ditch itself is moulded deep into the ground so that the atmosphere when walking through it is slightly secluded to that of a canyon. The ditch is located beside the 3rd pond as shown in the bottom image to the left.

The lake is directly next to the 3rd pond. They are both located just outside the edge of the forest next to the village.


Sunken boat

Jetty with small boat

Forest Ditch

3rd pond



Nathan Mather

The forest which can clearly be seen in this image of the lower map section was placed as the area was completely empty other than the labelled parts of this image. I have also placed small bushes under the trees which gives it a much more forest like feeling.

The abandoned house is located to the left of the first campsite which is surrounded by orange trees. It is surrounded by mountains and cliffs which can be walked over to get to the village. It is in a secluded part of the map which gives the view that the area is not inhabited. The lower section of the level which is where the abandoned house is

placed is largely populated with trees on the right hand side and less populated on the left, this is to show that not only that the forest doesn’t cover the whole lower section but so that the second campsite is in an open space for its purpose is to look like a lumberjack’s camp.


Abandoned housevillageCampsite 1


Campsite 2village

Nathan Mather

The entire map is surrounded by mountains as the lower section of the map is too low down to place a large plate of water which would surround the level. Making it look like a canyon surrounded by an ocean, which was the original intention, but I changed he idea when I found that the lower section was too low. All places of interest are not crowded together as it would leave the rest of the map to be filled with items of which there is no purpose. They are also spread apart s that I have been able to fill spaces in-between with scenery the places of interest such as small patches of trees and ponds and mountains to separate them to give the impression that there are different regions in the level.

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