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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. The two campslzathan bhzhu:nolre Con-km: -:1: cu. -Lina:arzqmsD Efachan I-Iathet.r. at: ta: h9.= .F39': r.= -..
  2. 2. INT.RESTAURANT - DAYTIMEChief inspector Charles Hazel enters a restaurant to meet his work partner Rodney Smith.Charles had been informed by Rodneyof a new lead for their investigation on a serial killer. CHARLES Morning my friend.How goes your end of the investigation? .Charles pulls a chair to the able and sits down. RODNEY I've just struck a new lead,thechaps from the station just informed me of a murder which fits our guy's MO. CHARLES Smashing news.I'll have quick coffeeand then we're going to have a look at the scene. Charles calls a waiter to the table. WAIIER Good morning sir,may I take an order?CHARLESAs a matter of fact,yes you can.I would like a latte please with one ofyour finest breakfast omelets. WAITERMost certainly sir,what kind of omelet would you like? CHARLES I think I shall have a cheese and ham omelet please. WAITER Of course sir. RODNEY (Mildly annoyed) What the hell happened to having a quick coffee? CHARLES I didn't have any breakfast thismorning,I swear. RODNEY Typical. A few minutes later the waiter arrives with the coffee and omelet.
  3. 3. WAITER Your omelet and latte sir. CHARLES Ah,thank you my good man. Charles begins to eat his omelet.Rodney stares at him in silence. CHARLESThis is a smashing omelet.It has the perfect combination in flavor. Charles continues to describe his omelet.Rodney suddenly cuts in. RODNEY Will you be silent please and eatyour bloody omelet . CHARLES Alright,alright.Calm down. RODNEY(calmly) I am calm,I just want you to hurry up so that we can sally forth to the crime scene. Charles angrily yells out. CHARLES Jesus Christ lets go now then! RODNEY (Pleased) Thank you. Charles leaves money on the table for his coffee and omelet and proceeds outside with Rodney. CUTTO:INT.CRIME SCENE - DAYTIMEAs Charles and Rodney enter the crime scene a young police officer approaches them. CHARLES Morning officer . MARTIN Morning inspector . RODNEY What's the situating here? MARTIN We've got a Caucasian:male.
  4. 4. Approximately twenty five years of age.The death was caused by multiple stab wounds to the abdominal region,which caused it to be a slow death. RODNEY Interesting.. .very interesting. CHARLES It doesn't seem to match our guy's MO. MARTINSorry sir.The strange symbols on the wall are around here. Martin proceeds round a small corner to a wall which is covered in mystic symbols. CHARLES At least we know where those little buggers are. RODNEY Indeed.Martin,have you moved thevictim at all? MARTINNot at all,We've only looked at the front side. CHARI. ES Looks like we're turning him over and looking at his back. Martin;Charles and Rodney all look a each other. RODNEY I'm not doing it. CHARLES Nor am IMARTINI'm allowed to say no as well right? CHARLES If you must. MARTIN Great . Martin walks away looking relieved,he walks across the horridold room to a homeless man.Martin pulls out a notepad and a pen and begins to ask the man some questions...a few minuteslater the homeless man is taken away and Martin returns back to the corpse. RODNEY Who was that man?
  5. 5. MARTIN That was the man who found our friendhere.He states to have beensearching this area for a place to stay when he spotted someone lying inblood. CHARLES So how did he contact the police?surely he didn't have the money to make a phone call. MARTIN No,he didn't.He claims to have leftthe building as quickly as possible to find an officer on patrol. RODNEY I think its safe to assume that hefound an officer. MARTINActually he found the police station first and went in there to ask forassistance. Rodney chuckles to himself.Charles and Martin both look at him on confusion. CHARLES Something funny my friend? RODNEY Its just that he found the station first instead of an officer. CHARLES And why is that hmnerus? RODNEYwell as it happens the police station is nearly a mile away.Not to mention the noticeable fact that this area as a large number of patrolling officers all day every day. MARTIN That sounds strange to me. CHARLES I agree with Martin,something isn't quite top notch about that. RODNEY Wheres the witness now? MARTINHe's been taken to the station for further questioning.
  6. 6. RODNEY Wheres he staying? MARTIN He's going to be kept in a cell Ithink. RODNEY (Slightly cross) A cell? CHARLES Look on the bright side,at least theold fellow isn't being thrown out into the street.. .for now. RODNEYWell,I'm not sure if there's anything else that needs doing here. CHARLES I'm going to have another peek at the body.RODNEYAlright then. MARTINI'm off back to the station,there's lots of work to be done. CHARLES.Fare thee well. RODNEY Goodbye. Martin leaves the room.Charles begins to inspect the body once more whilst Rodney stands at his side. CHARLES The wounds seem to have been made using a blade that bends at the end. RODNEY You mean like a machete? CHARLES No.. .This blade is strait the whole way up,it then bends roughly fortyfive degrees at the top quarter of the blade. RODNEY Where the hell does someone find aBlade like that. CHARLES.Well they could have made it themselves.
  7. 7. RODIEYso you're saying that the any we're looking to:is a blacksmith. CHARLES No,not necessarily. ROINEY But they may have made the weapon than selves. CHARLES Yes. .. 08 I:done here. ROEY Right then lets go. Qisrles stands up and heads towards the exit.