my run up to 3

Post on 18-Feb-2016






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My Run Up to 3. In awe of Santa. Kathakali and Masakkali. Asking my dad “Can we take this home as the one that I have is quite smaller than this?”. What a ‘spect’acular read? . Blazing in Blazer. Advait G as Alluri Seetarama Raju. Vande Mataram… Vande Mataram…. Telugu Veera levara…. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


My Run Up to 3

In awe of Santa

Kathakali and Masakkali

Asking my dad “Can we take this home as the one that I have is quite smaller than this?”

What a ‘spect’acular read?

Blazing in Blazer

Vande Mataram…Vande Mataram…

Telugu Veera levara….

Performing on the Stage

My home remodeled

All set to go to school on the first day

Me in my Classroom and in school dress

Mommy & Me keeping TRACK of each other

Exploring the zoo on a social animal

My birthday Celebrations in School

Birthday Celebrations at home!!

MeSTAIR (Mr.) Advait Gav. ;-)

Treading Gandhiji’s Path at Gandhi smarak, Delhi

Test riding our new Car

With teacher & friends at zoo…

‘Hide and seek’ and ‘angry streak’

Me as Ram and Ameena as Seeta

Pineapple on ‘fruits day’ in school… Check out the costume designed by my


Adjudged best costume

Astronaut on ‘Professionals Day’ in school…My space suit is completely home made

Winning I prize for fancy dress

@ Numaayish

Me and my alter ego

Bedtime stories… my dad exhausted his ammunition

Me & me… 2 idiots… but AALL IZ WELL :-)

Ready to lock horn with dad already

Storybooks ?!… done with most of them


What a ‘spect’acular read?

Hawa ke sang sang..


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