my portfolio reflection (marking period 1)

Post on 01-Feb-2022






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Name r "'I >ex,

My Portfolio Reflection (Marking Period 1) • Take Ollt the draji you wrote on the Day 1 (!/ier being given the prompt list. • Compare it to today 's jinal draji. • Think abo lit how your work has grown and how you as a writer have changed. • Comment on that growth and tho e changes in the space rovided.

• What aspects of the writing process or what writing techniques are still difficult for you? • Now comment on improvements to your writing that you think you still need to work on.

• Now flip through the worksheets and class work assignments you did this quarter. • Don 't forget the Children 's Book which might be in someone else's folder. • You might also want to flip through the review packet 1 gave you. • Discuss the assignment(s) that you think was (were) most helpful and why.

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• Think about the steps (}lthe writing process: brainstorming, planning, dratiing, revising, editing and publishing. D

• Which step is the most ditJicultfor you? Why? -LN~:e'Ii:.L~:1lM:t~· L:~~~!li---------• Which step do you think is the most important? Why? • How did you approach the assignment? Where did you spend the most time? Was that an

effective strategy? Why or why not? • co~ment on the process in general and your pacing of this assignmen~ -/ •

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• Our next writing assignment for Freshman Writing Seminar will focus on literary essays. • Reflect on your experiences with writing this type of assignment. • Record here what you perceive to be your strengths and your weaknesses when it comes to

expository writing.

tJ. (~ 'kR @ ct'l("~ o"P :t~ @kk CQc0'€ ~C .s·cnQIP~1' ~1~10' lM'IK'8 lS.

Is there anything else that you ' like me to know about your writing this quarter or writing for I the u!;,coming quarter?

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Freshmen Writing Seminar Memoir


J d' b After being at the regatta a little over an hour an puttmg my ag

under my team's tent, I started walking towards the trailers looking for my

team, so I could rig the boat I was racing in. Once I found the trailer, I

started to get some teammates to help me take down our boat, which was

called Pain and Glory. We put it down on slings and started to rig the boat

taking the bolts out and putting on the riggers. Then I walked over to the

food tent to get breakfast, since I had not eaten all day.

~ ~ ~ l 'f-....A few hours later, we put the boat in the water and were

powering up to the start in our four with Jack as stroke seat, Nick at three

seat, Miles at tfat, I was one seat, and our coxswain was Maddie. The

water was cold when the waves hit us as we started our race plan: half, half,

three quarters, three quarters, full, and then a power ten. We shot ahead with

lighting speed to first place and held it for about 1,500 meters out of the

2,000 meters. As we held our place, we saw two boats coming up on us with

one on our right and the other on our left. After seeing them approaching, we

started to panic a little.

Maddy, our coxswain, was yelling through the coxbox "In two, we'~j ~ going up two beats. Come on, keep them Off~

Our legs, arms, and chest where on fire at this point, but we had

determination in each of us and knew we could hold them there because we

trained harder. Even though it's not good to do, I 10rer my shoulder to \

see how much farther we had to go and saw the beaches full ofkoPle {) . :\l5 J}Je; ~ \ I r - WV 5vst .~1"1. screaming and cheering. As we got closer, I heard the roaring noise rising lJ~)~1 I

from the beach and just to the right of it was the finish line.

By now we had pushed ahead of one of the other boats, but the other

was right behind us getting closer with every stoke, when we heard Maddy

scream, "Let's go bO~S than 500 meters left!" We had to make up some

distanc~because we were in second with the first place boat ~y three

inches ahead of us. "Who wants it more? Empty the tank!'/

We were racing up and gaining on them. With only 100 meters left,

we were neck and neck with them, but I caught a crab, messing the set up . rbV ., ~rJM:id.

and I couldn't help thinkin~1his is it I've me(.sis~d everything u. r.-r (41. eM-

immediately gained control again because I knew we were counting on_;--;~

. .. :.< ~'> other. The only thIng In thiS sport~ou from dying out is __

because you know that your fellow rowers w@ie out on you. KnOWIng

this feeling on a teaowe're able to draw strength from each other and get

,..--- ---- - - ..

the job done. Using everything we had left, we pushed and crossed the finish

line only a second behind the other boat.

Sitting ther"at the finish li~e regained our strength and with good

sportsmanship, congratulated the other crew. We all looked at each other and . ~ . passed high fives through the boat saying good job because we knew we dId

---a good job, made ourselves proud, and our coaches proud of us. As we were

approaching the dock, we contemplated how great our race was and couldn't

wah to hear the many 'teat j end ';ongratulationl:' wai ting for us. We

landed the boat, put it over heads, and made our way through the crowds to

the trailer.

Once we put the boat on slings and found out who was usin it next,

we headed for the trailer again to get our e~er our uni' s hen our

coach Morgan greeted us. "How about we go get some medals?" We were

perfectly okay w'

file line and pile

us. The parents told us to smile and took pictures of us with our arms d

Ol~ each other, as I looked across at my teammat~ knew I would remember

k CV this moment for a long time. This moment meant a lot to me because it was

the first time I had ever won a medal in a rowing rac~ery nervous

because we only practiced the line up three times togeth~)Ut we had

confidence and had each oth8ba.@)he entire way. I knew since none of

them even mentioned my crab I was very lucky to be part of such a great

. Wt d teal?Pd with iliat l),'e all knew we cleaned up that ay.

-:r .. , .. ' ........ ,,.

My Portfolio Reflection (Marking Period 2) • Many of you listed your own weaknesses in the area of essay/expository writing on the .

reflection sheet before we began this quarter. • Do you feel like those areas of concern were addressed? • What important thing about literary essays/expository writing did you learn? • What are you contident about now? What 'are you still unsure about?

'rJ~(£ £Oe :±+t> f'DC$± fcn.r+ ~~EB ::t:. ~ h<1\~ ~~tk V\J:eCS+~~\~ ~n -£yom ~ f:\c im€Q.-::hi!.Il1 ThiQ~VI. \\M\:~ '-'i~ I-c.\.i ::hl G,.r~\+ \1\\\ sfc .• e "S ' d he +0 !" .. AfA '-rIf'\ti~ ts ~s(;\ ~m ,,~\,rI c()~ t . . -:r::. C::;~ s·~'( v.Jd~~ • Take out the checklistfor critical lens essays and your final drCi/t of this essaY~~II\«>"'~ ~?~~~ • Comment on the requirements, your writing, and which areas you think are your strengths & it )t\ ~~

we'}~esses. n~ 0 T Thrd:: 1t£ (Q~iC£nW;c$: q(') ±hIs ~~ Q\("~ -T¢1'.\(' o.tJ

~M ~ -+o~, \0 ~ ~\L\dr\~ c,i+icW \~rc e~.

In tn1 \rl<"'tifla I. 1b\()\I; I ~X-@eWj :f\b\fi\\~~ fu (~\t\'~IT'R£h .. ~XC€tt The ~1~ tJrn to ~ ~hM'Q()

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:r:~1"!\ not "* ~ V~(\ rt «o~ ~("~ Q\~ ~~ ~ ~ ~Q n • Think back on the pacing and time aUoltedfor this assignment. Next time you write one of ~k.s-~

these essays, it will be done with much less time and much less guidance. ~\I\~ '\c:R. • Now comment on your own pacing. Where did you spend most of your time? What might+b~ \n~ q

you do next time to change/improve upon the pacing of your writing? What obstacles might ~('(,\\tIS\' you face when this is a timed/in-class essay? How can you address those concerns?

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rol =tl«1e ' if) Q%\i~~ =\\rt2 W, *~~'i\3~ )!\ci next- -Hrn~ Tn de£o~ ~~SM\ \"U( --\iro\({9 . Q,CCocJi~,\. ~~() ~6 'elS>m\\ k ~,aru. WJ\ "N'y\fi~l) ia ~5 ~ B~M Q~~\~ \rIi H ~ f'\()\st\~ \+ \'0 ~(fR J:~\J\\-); <::O\f'\

~~ th1s On"f e.C1'c\-iC\ ~t ~ ... 70~~ 'vrifi":r?

• For this rollnd o/"es.\'ays. YOIi were not ah/e to lise the compllter and spell_check/grammar . check. What was that like? In other classes, is your tuke-home writing much different than tn

clRs~ writi! Why/why not'? . ~ot n,"",,--.]\'f"g .s-¢\\ -eked, \i!,.;e on 5),. Co~,,, ~ it h~k\ ~IQ ~C;-t>e\\iflQl o-,rd 'f:,rtY;tro[\®e t\I\~ o\if~ C\<M:4' 'rlQ)~k i<:;~ X'PV\c~ J.\~ Dt(; NL\~ 0.\\

I':lffi Q.. (?~\11 90 s~\ \~('. • On a scale of 0-5,0 being not dependent at all, 5 being very dependent, how much to you feel

you rely on the use of spellcheck, grammar check, thesaurus ... etc?

Circle one:

o Not dependent, Didn't lise it at all.

3 4 5 VERY dependent, I can't spell withollt it!

• What are your proofreading habits when it comes to writing assignments? • When given time, do you use it to proofread? Do you rarely have time? • In the past, have you noticed a difference in your final grade when you have/take the time to

check your work? "'hen it ~ +0 ~'Coof~\t8 J: d<QIf~-t ~ ,1- W4bC\\\\\

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• Our next writing assignment jar Freshman Writing Seminar will joclls on research. , • What process for researching (in any subject) have you used in the past? • What do you struggle with when it comes to research assignments? • Anything you know you'd like to improve upon in the area of research writing?

O{L'Q\J\rst- or ("~r4 ~ £a~\'<"$ ~\'I\~ \~.s- 1v've ~ hCf':fftJ"lR CO =fi~ -'r.e Th(. <..,a~G-\-toEo« :r}~ \1k

Is there anything else that you'd like me to know about your writing this quarter or writing for the upcomin&, quarter? '::t= -\b\~ ~~~ ,is roSb\rg ~~ -ta' ~ IJ\bc\J\\-

m~ \rN=i1--\~-

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Kiessling C Writing Seminar

Unemployment in America (]A.!l'? /

Could you imagine living on the streets with no job, ~ money, and no way to

support yourself? This is the case for almost every unemployed person ~n Ameri~ mo~ of C1A4. lo.~l\~ V v

them not knowing how they will be able to support themselves Elf they larik basic necessities to

live. Unemployment is a very bijd major problem in our society affecting not just"

unemployed, but also the economy and empIOye~ well as the well being of America as a

whole. Money should be spent on helping the unemployed find jobs and help create new jobs for

them as well.

The unemployment rate fell to 7.8% in September, which is the lowest it's been since

January 2009 with the labor department saying 142,000 jobs were created in August, and

181,000 in July. Unfortunatel~anufacturing employment fell for the second successive month \y--, " . . '

("USA Economy"). After the ~reat r~cessi0'0he unemployment rate nearly doubled and Atlanta

and Georgia unemployment rates exceeded the national average with government jobs decreased

by 2.7% since the month before the stimulus was an enacted and reducing state and local i@ educatIOn by more than 250,000 smce February 2009 se ms very counter productive (Rosenwei

and Farr AI2). /' Jo." Y;ur ~? 1 - 7' ~ ~M~ .

,\J.P' £M,O~ , \j'J" Being unemnloved has major effects on more than just the economy. Such as, the social ~ ~'

love, and family relationships along with the mindset of the unemployed. For example, in a 2009 ~

study at Rutgers UniVerSi~ey surveyed /0 jobless people and found that they all had felt

anx;ety, helpt"sn,,,, d'pre,,;on, and stre". In anoth'" mudy at tho PEW R7 C'"'''e7'Y 7 ~wl ,

found that long-term unemployed had major changes in personal rel~tionShi~S' more specifically i ~ . 46% had bad family relations and had lost contact with very close friends (Emhorn). Also, many )

.~? unemployed lack basic living necessities because they ran out of compensation.? C .

Un""'ptoym'"'t ;. a very majo, prohl"'" ;0 today' " ""dety, but ;t ereat" a b;gg'" COnme) M'-I)A

than just ;0 the Hv" of the unemptoy-& affects Amerigw-&;ng and the b;g pk .... of

economy. There are 14 million Americans unemployed with the economic growth stalled and » ?

high tax rates reduce incentives that result in weakening economic activity. With such a huge

number of unemployed and less jobs, we don't have enough jobs that will benefit Ameri&ell tJ ?

bein.( ~'ch as teachers, police officers, researchers, and firefighters (Rosenweig and Farr A12). v-rtr There are 26.1 million Americans that are either unem7ed 07remPIOyed with about 9

million of them receiving unemployment compensation (Einhorn). With so many receiving

unemployment compensati~hat's all money and benefits we could be using on other things

like investments bettering our economy or on science research. America ~hole spending, so "< J.W. much money, time, and effort in such a huge problem like unemployment it is stalling America's 5 ~


progression to a better future and our economy's future.

/ Right now unemployment is a major problem in America, and it is imperative that we

address it immediately with force to help save our economy and America's w@eing. There are

many ~itizens who are unemployed right now and others that are unt/ployed not getting

the basic necessities for living. With the ten million dOllar9 would have a series of steps to put it

to good use and help get us back on track. This money could be used to create new jobs and put

the money into unemployment and or welfare compensation to help those already unemployed.

awt. This will allow people to fmd jobs easier and be able JO_ be ~upported by compensation just a

.~l VVVVVV'"' little bit longeCVney can find that job. It will also get the economy rolling again as these new

workers will be receiving pay checks and spending their money on ~ I ( ,.,

1 'W iJfYv

Works Cited


Rosenweig, Jeffrey, and Dorsey D. Farr. "Can U.S. Government Grow Sustainable Jobs?"

~ -'" rtl- Journal·Constitution. 14 Sep 20 II: A. 12. SIRS I"ues Res<areher. Web. 04 Feb 2013.

~ X . X ~ Strauss Einhorn, Cheryl. "Unemployment- - Or Welfare." Commentary. Apr 2011: 22-26.SIRS

~~ Issuesy "web.3IJan2013 « X "USA Economy: Quick View- Unemployment Rate Drops To 7.8% In September." Economj,st

, ~ ~ Intelli ence Unit: Country Views Wire 5 Oct. 2012. Global Issues In Context. Web. 4 Feb. 2013.

Name -, "'" , ., "

My Portfolio Reflection (Marking Period 3) • Take a moment to review the various steps we took to find research, read and take notes on

the research we found, and draft our final paper, which summarized and presented the research in an organized way.

• Which step, in your opinion, is the most important step in a research project and why?

=The %C±'Ae-s\ ~" F'a~~Q9 Th~, Q\ch9\\ <'~eOl;t'"~ O\~ fiCK'~ ~\Q\\ fu '~~c1\<'t .~ to \I\~ \JQ~ ~ t€\c?\\\i ~\\ ~,'rl~

~Q. ~M ~ ~~\f\(, :)~ ~t\i~ i~ \~

• Of those steps, with which do you think you struggled the most? • What did you learn about overcoming that struggle next time you are asked to research any

£ject? rtc~~~ ~ CDam: ~tth f;crJ,f'S 1h: ~C)t+-?£k k& ~ ~ I \«§Z\~ h> %K fD'~Q'\i irf'Bc~d Q~tiC(§ c:r ~y~-tl()~ ~ ~~ ~\")J -t\--k£\ :r: \~Ot: ~~ ~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C:feotct \j\ 'e 10


• During this unit, there were intermittent check-points for the various steps that we took in collecting and compiling our research. However, some people completed these various steps at different times than others.

• On a scale of 0-5, how would you rate your time management for this project?

Circle one:

o 1

Not very efficient; infact, I'm still behind Very!

2 4 5

Very efficient! Actually, I handed it in early!

• For any self-asse'ssed score less than a 5, explain wherelhow you could've been more

ef~nt With>fO: t~e. t) ~..L. ~ b ~mfO f-~ rQ\ ,~ \cl ~ \I\IC't\~

('fjQ~\ ((f£i""~ \{\ C\~ \OJ~oJ I}f to\\k~~ .s~\~tYW.

• When it comes to the mechanics of writing (i.e., punctuation, sentence structure, transition statements, paragraphing, spelling), what are your strengths? What are you weaknesses?

• Are there areas in which you think you have improved since the beginning of the year? • ere d you still have trouble/need review? \

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• I am trying to plan a fourth quarter unit that involves a variety of genres and could use your feedback ' ,

• What is your favorite type of writing to do? Why? • r. .. what genre would y u like to try tha you've never had a chance to work on? - ,\If 'Qj

, /

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Name rCl\, \ ,,--, ..."._ .

Write your introduction:

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Name - ~ . 'Y ....... " • T " , WI ----~-

My Portfolio Reflection (Marking Period 4) . . . ment and we looked • In our final marking period unit, you had an open genre wrltmg ~sslgn , what ou

at examples offlashfiction, short stories, poetry, andfeature articles. Talk about y learned/know to be true for each of those genres.

Flash fiction:

• ow reflect more on your own work during this project.

How would you describe your writing style/technique/approachltime management etc. during

this marking period?

If you could change one or two things about your work this quarter, what would it/they be? WhiL +- ~«'t ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ol~~~~



WHOLE YEAR REFLECTION: • Now, spend afew minutes flipping through your writing folder. Go all the way back to your


What do y~e about YOU1M as a writer? Explain. fWf ~_~ J1 r eM O'l'QC ~ (.pJ\c~ \.,.~

;;~\1l~~~=J ~~\\ '\'O\s~\<n tc ~ 'ci (""'!\:'£B •




Freslunen Writing Seminar (per 8)

/ Sp,inl

Bang/The gun shot went off and the eight track runners took off, tensing their legs up

and exploding into a sprint. They swung their arms frantically, fighting for a steady rhytlun and


position in the race. In this one-hundred meter dash for victory, a distinct face was being made .

on runner number three 's face, the favorite runner of the bunch, as the hopeful future champ was

against the best of the best. All his fears and doubts were taking his focus, and he felt something

breathing down his neck: his competition. Everyone was cheering for him because he was the

underdog and everyone knew he had already. over come an unbearable amount of obstacles, lJ h- "_"t" ,/

challenges, and problems to get where he is. Number thre~; he was certain he had done ~\ J

everything he could to trai~ J aking up all those mornings on the weekend at 5:00 a.m. when he

LJ '\ could have been sleeping in or partying the night before ahd of course he felt the struggle, but he

~ 'J / had the feeling that someone else somewhere else in the world was doing the same thin~anting

to get first. Only twenty meters~ His lungs were on fire and his legs felt like they w':: as thin

as matches and would collapse any second like snapping a toothpick in half. He felt light-headed

and disoriented from being dehydrated, and his vision started to blur. He kne~e ) ct»vJ,~

long until~7gh in him to finish the race. Desperate and determined, he Jcdi 'J.€.

lengthened into his strides, but so did the other runners. All the runners were lined up straigt)

approaching the fini€jhen our dear runner number three dug deep felt something not found in

the other runners, an immense will to achieve greatne (t If:

() 1\ '7 .•

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