my life my way - hampshire · 2019. 9. 23. · my life my way how to make a personal plan september...

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My Life My Way

How to make a Personal Plan



This guide is about making your

own Personal Plan

We will show you how you can

make this plan

There are two parts to a plan

• The first part is what results

you want to achieve. We call

this your outcomes

• The second part is how you

are going make this happen –

we call this your actions

My Action


1. Thinking about what you want to do

Think about your life

• your family and friends

• what you like to do

• what is working well

• what is not working well

Think about

• what you want to do at home

• what skills you want to learn

• what work or volunteering

you would like to do

• do you want to make new


Click on the blue words to find

tools to help you write what you

want to do

• working / not working

You can use this to write

down what is going well and

what is not going well

• good day / bad day

You can use this to write

down what things make a

good day and a bad day for


2. Writing down what you want to do

• Perfect week

Think about your perfect week. What are the

important places and people you like to see? What

are the important things you like to do?

This is what a perfect week could look like for someone

• Download your own Perfect week tool

The tools in this section were provided by Helen Sanderson Associates

3. Thinking about other people who can help

you with your plan

Write down who are the

important people in your life

• your family

• staff at school or at college

• people who are paid to

support you

• friends and other people

who support you

You can use this relationship circle tool to help you

Decide which people you

want to meet with to talk

about your plan

Decide when you will have

your meeting

Decide where you will have

your meeting

Think about any professionals

– like care workers, teachers

or health workers – who help


If they are not coming to your

meeting you can ask them to

send you up to date reports.

4. Thinking about who to invite to a meeting

Decide who you would like to

lead your meeting

This could be you or someone in

your relationship circle

Decide how you will record what

happens at the meeting

• someone could write down

what people say

• someone could record what

people say

• someone could film what

people say

5. Planning your meeting

You will need to ask everyone

who is going to be at the

meeting if they are happy to be

filmed or recorded

You will need to write to

everyone to invite them to your


You could send them a letter

Or you could send them an


On the next page is an example

of the kind of letter you could


Dear ……….

Please come to my planning meeting on (DATE) at

(TIME). This will be at (PLACE).

People at the meeting will include my family, friends and

other adults who know me.

At the meeting we will write about and talk about

• What you like and admire about me

• What is important for me and my future

• What is working and what’s not working now

• My support – what’s in place and what needs to be put

in place for me?

We will also talk about my progress and make an Action

Plan for my future.

All these things will make my Personal Plan.

Please let me know if you can come.

Yours sincerely

Your address

Your telephone number

Have lots of paper so you

can write things down or

draw pictures

Or you could use an iPad or a


Make sure you have all the

preparation tools you have

used to think about what you

want to do

6. What to have at the meeting

The leader will ask everyone to

say who they are

The leader will tell everyone

what is going to happen at the

meeting – this is called an


Everyone at the meeting will

then look at your preparation

tools and talk with you about the

outcomes you want

7. What will happen at the meeting

8. Writing an action plan

When you have all finished

talking about the things you want

to do it is time to think about how

you will do them

Actions are the things that you

and other people need to do to

achieve your outcomes

For every action the plan needs

to show

• who is going to do it

• when they are going to do it

Your action plan can include

things you do which are working

well now

You can also write down the new

things you will try to achieve

your outcomes

Show the ways you can do more

of the things that make a good


Show the things you can do to

stop a day being a bad day

You can make another meeting if

you need more time to write your

action plan

8. When you have written your action plan

Your outcomes and actions

are your Personal Plan

Make sure that everyone at the

meeting knows when you will

review your plan

Now you can make it happen

9. Reviews

This is when you look at your

plan to see

• what is working well and what

is not working well

• what you have tried and what

you have learned

And talk about

• anything that has changed in

your life – like your home or

job or your health

• any new outcomes or actions

you want

You could review your plan with

the person who was the leader

at your planning meeting

Or you could invite everyone to

another meeting

At the end of the review you will

agree any changes you want to


You will now have a new

Personal Plan

Websites where you can

find more helpq

Here are some websites you can

look at with your family or support



Think local act personal website

has tools to help you with your

support planning

Helen Sanders Associates

website also has tools to help you

with your support planning

Connect to Support Hampshire

has lots of groups and activities

including for people with a

learning disability

Tell us what you think

We would love you to tell us what you

think about this guide

Did the guide help you to make your

personal plan?

Do you have any ideas for ways we could

make the guide better?

You can email us at

To make sure the right person sees your

email put ‘My Life My Way Personal Plan’

in the subject line

Thank you ☺

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