my analyse of two magazine contents pages

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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Masterhead:Tells the reader what on the magazine page. Written in a large font

in order to stand out from the actual information of the page. Placed in the top third to allow room for the rest of the information.

Pictures:Relating to the text that they are

next to, they act as a visual aid for people who don’t want to read the text. They help to break up

the page and make it more appealing to the young target audience of collage kids, who don’t want to read a page of

block text. The background image, of a wall, looks like a stereotypical

school wall which is a subtle reminder it’s a college magazine.

Font and colour scheme:The font is a “fun” font which is good for

the young “fun loving” target audience. The font is consistent all over the page giving the magazine a style that would appear though out. The colour scheme of green

and white also helps to give the magazine an identity. The colours contrast each other, and for the Master head, having the green

behind he white makes the white stand out. The green and white give the impression of

peace and happiness which is something that is appreciated at the start of a new

school year.

Text:The rhetorical questions (“lost in the college”) help to engage the reader and makes the page more personal to them. This is a great way to

strengthens he relationship between the magazine and the reader, making them more

likely to get the next issue.

Layout:The layout is done so the master head “Contents”

takes up the top third with the rest of the page is split in half vertically. This is effective as it helps to show that both of the columns are part of the contents page. On the left column is the page number, with

that’s on it underneath. I don’t like this, I feel what's on the page should be first because people will look for the content they like then find the page- not the

other way around. The picture is opposite the relevant information on the left, I think there could

be a more inventive/ interesting to look at structure, as this doesn’t look natural and looks cramped.

Conclusion:I like the font and colour scheme as It gives the magazine a good and unique identity- making it recognisable. It reflects the target audience well and the white stands out more because of the green. I don’t like, however, the layout of the page. Having the cover line under the number doesn’t make sense as the reader will want to find out

what’s on the page before they find out what page it is. The page looked cramped because the font is a bit to big and pushed to gather opposite the less important pictures which are the same size of the cover lines. The background image doesn't look good, the righting would be clearer and stand out more with a plane image not patented.

Masterhead:Tells the reader what on the magazine page. Used as a Rhetorical question to sum up what's on the page. The

rhetorical question helps to engage with the reader, meaning there is a better relationship between the reader and the magazine. Because the reader feels a closer connection with the magazine, they are more likely to by it again.

Pictures:Relating to the text that has the same number as

them. The image helps to bring the text to life and will encourage the reader to read the article

because the will want to know “why the sheep” on page 8. lots of colours are good for a young

audience and helps to contrast the white background.

Colour scheme:The colour scheme of blue and green helps to

give the magazine an identity. The Master head is the green colour to help fit in with the colour

scheme while the numbers on the pictures are green contrasting. The bright colours contrast with the plain white background and help to

engage a young target audience.

Text:The short description under the text helps to give extra information on the article for

people who like the sound of “my photography”. The small taste of

information will engage the reader and make them want to read the whole article.

Layout:The line a third of the way across the page is

positioned to be look good (rule of thirds) and help break up the page. There are to sections ”regulars” for the recurring articles. This will please fans of the magazine who return for every issue to read there

beloved regular articles, comparatively the “features” are there to excite the new people to he magazine as this is where more interesting or crazy stories will be placed. The features are higher up as this is used to

hook the reader while the regulars are there to keep the reader entertained.

Conclusion:I think the condense page looks good, Its looks full but not congested and the righting stands out. Using the white background helps the images and righting to “pop” and line a third of the way across helps to show of the colour scheme. The way the pug contrasts the colour scheme draws more attention to it and

helps it to stand out. The page doesn’t look to formal which is good in helping to attract there teen target audience but it looks formal enough (eg having the sponsorships in the corner) to show it’s not a kids magazine. The page looks structured and iconic- all of which is important to give the magazine an identity.

Pug:Stands out as the

background contrasts the colour scheme. Rewards the

reader for buying the magazine and gets them to read articles inside as they

find the page where they can “win”

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