msm620 organizational learning for success

Post on 09-Jul-2015






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Sheila WestMSM 620

Learning Management & Mastery

An organization that continuously learns

An organization that encourages learning in its people

Learning (structured training, 2014)◦ Focuses on achieving permanent changes in


◦ Provides opportunity to achieve the changes through personal experience or practice

◦ May involve coaching and mentoring

◦ May require feedback

Training (structured training, 2014)◦ Focuses on acquisition of new skills and


◦ Interventions generally being event driven

Learning Training

Behavior change

Internally accepted

Long term change

Equips for ambiguous future

Defines organizational future

Is focused by individuals

Primarily organic


Skills development Externally applied Short term skill uplift Equips for known

challenges Meets current

organizational requirements

Focuses on the group Primarily structured Doing

Informal Learning Formal Learning

◦ Previously known as experience

◦ Content development can be created by anyone

◦ Driven by social networking technology

◦ Driven due to flexibility and convenience of mobile learning

◦ Involves courses and curricula mapped in a very structured way

◦ Content development of the learning is created by a specified group of instructional designers and trainers

◦ Typical for the companies that want to maintain more control over the learning experience of their employees

Karen Ellington – Human Resources Director at Hard Rock Rocksino in Northfield, Ohio

The Hard Rock Rocksino is a Racepark/Casino located in Northfield, Ohio.

The organization opened its doors January, 2014.

Learning is an important part of its culture.

To ensure that operations run smoothly and efficiently

To train so that each person knows what is expected of them

To train so that each person knows their business goals and objectives

To train so that each person knows what it means to work for the Hard Rock organization

Learning is a huge part of what Hard Rock does

New Hire Induction◦ Getting to know the Hard a Rock brand & its


◦ Covers benefits, policies & procedures

“Walk This Way” – an introduction to the Hard Rock Family

Rockin’ Service Classes ◦ Property Guest Service Program which assists

team members in addressing guests the proper way. Class covers tips on….

Using the guest’s names

Thanking the guests for visiting

Inviting the guests to come again

How to up-sell property amenities

Leadership Classes◦ Managing in a Union Environment

◦ Union Avoidance

◦ Workplace Harassment

◦ Various Systems

Departmental Training◦ Specific department related systems

Specific to each area of operation

Training on an on-going basis

Informal Learning◦ Training conducted within the departments

Formal Learning◦ Human Resources facilitated; classroom style

◦ Team members observe as well as repeat what has been observed

Participation As a 24/7 operation, it can be challenging

getting line level staff to participate. Challenging for management to release staff

to attend training Challenging for management to attend

training Learning is a business interruption ; business

has to continue in order to serve guests. Leadership must embrace the importance of

training as well as being available to guests.

◦ According to Peter Senge, Learning Organizations are…

…”organizations where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning to see the whole together”(as cited in Smith, 2001).

Cournover, B. (2012). Informal vs formal learning: What’s the difference? Retrieved from,

Smith, M. K. (2001). Peter Senge and the learning organization, the encyclopedia of informal education. Retrieved from,

structured training. (2014). Training versus learning. Retrieved from,

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