motorcycle mechanics mm · 2010-05-31 · 1 11/2009 第一部分:導言 訓練委員會...

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  • 11/2009

    Guidebook on Trade Tests for Motorcycle Mechanics


    Vocational Training Council Automobile Training Board 職業訓練局 汽車業訓練委員會

  • 11/2009

    目錄 頁 數

    第一部分 導言 1

    第二部分 技能測驗細則 2 - 3

    第三部分 申請辦法 4

    第四部分 技能測驗規則 5 - 6

    附錄一 技能測驗大綱 7 - 10

    附錄二 技術知識測驗題目舉例 11 - 12

    附錄三 實務測驗舉例 13 - 14


    Part I Introduction 15

    Part II Trade Test Details 16 - 17

    Part III Application Procedures 18 - 19

    Part IV Test Regulations 20 - 21

    Appendix 1 Trade Test Syllabus 22 - 24

    Appendix 2 Examples of Trade Knowledge Test Questions 25 – 26

    Appendix 3 Examples of Practical Test Assignments 27 -29

  • 1 11/2009


    訓練委員會 汽車業訓練委員會是根據職業訓練局條例,在 1982 年成立的法

    定 機 構 , 負 責 有 關 汽 車 業 內 技 術 人 員 的 訓 練 事 宜 。 委 員 會 並 獲 訓 練 局

    授 權 , 在 業 內 主 要 行 業 推 行 自 願 參 加 性 質 的 技 能 測 驗 及 證 書 頒 發 制


    技能測驗目的 汽車業推行技能測驗及證書頒發制度的目的如下:

    (甲) 釐定熟練人員的技術水平; (乙) 協助工業界挑選和聘用合適的技術人才; (丙) 使 未 受 正 規 訓 練 的 人 士 亦 能 取 得 認 可 資 格 , 並 使 技 術 人 員 的

    地位得以提高; (丁) 設立技能等級,作為技術人員的晉升階梯。

    技 能 測 驗 的 程 度 , 以 能 夠 反 映 一 名 稱 職 的 電 單 車 機 械 工 的 技 術


    本 指 引 列 明 技 能 測 驗 的 細 則 及 申 請 辦 法 , 內 容 以 網 上 最 新 版 本為準。如需進一步資料,請聯絡:

    職業訓練局 技能測驗登記處 香港灣仔活道 27 號 職業訓練局大樓 10 樓 查詢︰2919 1599 網址︰h t t p : / / t t r . v t c . e d u . h k

  • 2 11/2009


    技能測驗形式 測驗包括實務測驗(工場)及技術知識測驗(筆試)兩部分。考


    實務測驗 實務測驗方面,每名考生須完成指定的實務項目,測驗時間約為

    6 小時,其中包括 6 條長測驗及 8 條短測驗,考生須分別取得 4 條長測驗及 4條短測驗合格方為達標。實 務 測 驗 通 常 會 在 職 業 訓 練 局 汽 車 業 訓 練 中 心


    新界葵涌新葵街 13 至 19 號 葵涌訓練中心綜合大樓 2 字樓 電話︰ 2449 1310 傳真︰ 2487 0737

    技術知識測驗 技術知識測驗採用選擇題筆試形式,測驗時間為 1 小時 20 分,

    考 生 須 於 80 條 選 擇 題 中 , 答 對 一 半 或 以 上 方 為 合 格 。 技 術 知 識 測 驗通常會在香港灣仔活道 27 號職業訓練局大樓舉行。

    費用 每 名 考 生 須 繳 交 測 驗 費 ; 除 非 本 會 取 消 測 驗 , 否 則 測 驗 費 概 不


    技能測驗大綱 技能測驗的大綱載於附錄一,例題載於附錄二及附錄三。

    測驗結果 有 關 測 驗 結 果 的 通 知 信 , 會 於 實 務 及 技 術 知 識 測 驗 舉 行 後 2 個


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    翻查測驗結果 考生如對測驗結果有懷疑,可向汽車業訓練委員會主席申請翻查

    結 果 。 申 請 須 在 測 驗 結 果 發 出 當 日 起 計 28 天 內 以 書 面 提 出 。 每 名 申請 者 須 以 支 票 或 銀 行 本 票 繳 交 翻 查 費 , 假 如 翻 查 結 果 證 實 考 生 得 直 ,


    職業訓練局 汽車業訓練委員會主席 香港灣仔活道 27 號 10 樓

    本 訓 練 委 員 會 對 測 驗 結 果 的 決 定 將 為 最 後 決 定 , 並 會 以 書 面 通知考生。

    投訴 任 何 有 關 技 能 測 驗 的 投 訴 , 應 以 書 面 向 汽 車 業 訓 練 委 員 會 主 席


    證書頒發 考 生 如 在 同 一 次 測 驗 或 3 年 內 不 同 測 驗 中 考 獲 技 術 知 識 測 驗 及

    實 務 測 驗 兩 部 分 合 格 , 可 獲 頒 授 技 能 測 驗 證 書 。 只 考 獲 其 中 一 項 合 格


  • 4 11/2009


    資格 申請參加技能測驗者須:

    (甲) 具最少 3 年有關工作經驗;或 (乙) 完 成 汽 車 機 械 工 的 學 徒 訓 練 , 並 具 有 學 徒 事 務 專 員 簽 發 , 或

    在 1991 年 8 月 1 日前由工業教育及訓練署署長簽發的學徒畢業證書;或

    (丙) 完 成 一 項 汽 車 業 訓 練 委 員 會 承 認 相 當 於 本 段 ( 乙 ) 項 的 學 徒訓練。

    豁免參加技術知識測驗 申請人如具下列資歷,可獲豁免參加技術知識測驗:

    (甲) 職業訓練局頒發的汽車機械技工證書;或 (乙) 其他獲汽車業訓練委員會承認相當於本段(甲)項的資歷。

    遞交申請表 申請表格可在網頁 h t t p : / / t t r . v t c . e d u . h k 下載,或在下列地點索

    取: 職業訓練局

    技能測驗登記處 香港灣仔活道 27 號 10 樓

    申 請 表 格 必 須 在 截 止 日 期 前 , 連 同 繳 交 測 驗 費 的 支 票 或 銀 行 本票 , 遞 交 或 郵 寄 至 技 能 測 驗 登 記 處 。 支 票 或 銀 行 本 票 的 收 款 人 為 「 職


    重考或具有豁免技術知識測驗資格的申請人,報名時須夾附過去的 測 驗 成 績 證 明 書 副 本 或 有 關 證 書 的 副 本 ; 如 有 需 要 , 技 能 測 驗 登 記



    本會每年均舉辦一至二次測驗。如要查詢測驗時間,請參考網頁h t t p : / / t t r . v t c . e d u . h k 或致電: 2919 1599。

  • 5 11/2009


    進入測驗中心 經批准參加測驗的考生,方可進入測驗中心。

    報到 考生須預早向測驗中心的監考員報到。遲到者不會獲得補時。

    考生如遲到超過 15 分鐘,則不可參加測驗。


    測驗時的行為守則 考生須檢點言行,並遵守測驗的一切規則及指示。





    考生不得攜帶材料、工具、設備、書本、書寫或印刷文件、圖書或 繪 圖 、 筆 記 或 紙 張 進 入 測 驗 中 心 , 普 通 書 寫 工 具 及 電 子 計 算 機 除




    考生務須注意,在實務測驗進行時,假如監考員認為其持續採用不 安 全 或 危 險 的 操 作 方 法 , 可 能 對 自 身 及 他 人 造 成 傷 害 , 或 損 壞 機 器


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    離開測驗中心 未得監考員准許前,考生不得離開。




    其他 汽車業訓練委員會保留一切取消技能測驗、更改申請辦法、測驗

    規 則 、 測 驗 時 間 及 地 點 的 權 利 。 受 影 響 的 申 請 人 會 獲 通 知 有 關 變 更 事


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    附錄一 技能測驗大綱

    工場知識 / 實務

    1. 安全措施。

    2. 選擇及安全使用手工具與機動工具。

    3. 選擇及安全使用量度工具。

    4. 選擇及安全使用劃線工具。

    5. 選擇及安全使用電氣量度與測試設備。

    6. 選擇及安全使用清潔車輛及零件的設備。

    7. 選擇及安全使用車輛升降機及起重器。

    8. 選擇及使用常見的固定,鎖扣及密封裝置和黏結劑。

    9. 選擇及使用扭力柄。

    10. 汽車工程常用材料的特性和使用。

    11. 熱處理程序。

    12. 選擇及安全使用錫焊與焊接設備。

    13. 探測汽車零件的裂縫。


    14. 二衝程與四衝程引擎的操作。

    15. 汽油與柴油引擎的特性。

    16. 引擎的氣缸排量、容量、壓縮比、有效制動功率、摩擦功率與指示功率。

    17. 典型的引擎點火順序。

    18. 更換或加滿系統液體,例如冷郤液、潤滑劑和液壓用油等。

    19 診斷並矯正引擎元件的故障。

    20. 引擎大修。

    21. 氣缸搪磨。

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    22. 引擎調校。

    23. 使用手提測試儀,引擎分析儀及廢氣分析儀作診斷工具。

    24. 空氣燃油比。

    25. 汽油燃料系統及元件。

    26. 汽油燃料系統故障診斷及矯正。

    27. 燃油噴射系統。

    28. 電子點火系統故障判斷及矯正。

    29. 廢氣淨化的需求與方法。

    30. 空氣冷卻與水冷卻系統及元件。

    31. 加壓水冷卻系統。

    32. 水冷卻系統的壓力測驗。

    33. 引擎冷卻系統故障診斷及矯正。

    34. 引擎潤滑系統及元件。

    35. 引擎各部分的潤滑方法。

    36. 機油污染。

    37. 潤滑油。

    38. 引擎潤滑系統故障診斷及矯正。

    底盤 39. 電單車離合器的功能。

    40 大修及測試離合器

    41. 檢查及量度離合器元件。

    42 調整離合器手板

    44. 離合器及其控制系統故障診斷及矯正。

    45. 電單車變速箱的功用。

    46. 變速箱、換擋杆系與聯鎖裝置。

    47. 無段變速箱。

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    48. 傳動比。

    49. 故障診斷及矯正。

    50. 大修與測試手動及無段傳動系統。

    51 變速箱元件檢查及量度

    52. 驅動鏈條及帶動皮帶檢查及更換。

    53 測試及大修轉向系統

    54 轉向系統故障診斷及矯正。

    55. 制動原理、前後輪制動比率、制動時的重量轉移等。

    56. 液壓制動系統。

    57. 鼓式制動器與碟式制動器。

    58. 大修及測試液壓制動系統。

    59. 制動系統故障診斷及矯正。

    60. 調整制動手板及踏板間隙。

    61. 制動液。

    62. 法例對制動效率的規定。

    63. 安全處理制動墊片 / 蹄片粉末。

    64. 防鎖死煞車系統。

    65. 使用檢查儀及分析儀作診斷工具。

    66. 使用制動測試儀。

    67. 計算及評估制動測試結果。

    68. 車輛輪胎與懸掛系統的功用。

    69. 懸掛系統故障診斷及矯正。

    70. 大修與測試不同類型的懸掛系統元件。

    71. 減震器。

    72. 內胎輪胎與無內胎輪胎、放射線層輪胎和偏角線層輪胎。

    73. 輪胎上的記號。

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    74. 輪胎維修的安全程序。

    75. 法例對輪胎類型、壓力、胎面磨損或損毀的規定。

    76. 法例對車輛混合使用偏角線層輪胎和放射線層輪胎的規定。

    77. 車輪總成的靜平衡與動平衡。

    78. 輪胎充氣壓力。


    79. 電力與其他有關電氣元件的基本理,如歐姆定律、導體、絶緣體、半導體、電容器、電感器等。

    80. 更換適當類型與額定值的燈泡、保險絲與點火電路導線。

    81. 車頭燈調校。

    82. 蓄電池、充電、起動、照明及輔助系統。

    83. 電氣系統故障診斷及矯正。

    84. 各類的電子點火系統及元件。

    85. 電子點火系統故障診斷及矯正。

    86. 各類的電子燃油噴注系統及元件。

    87. 電磁式燃油輸送泵。

    88. 測試及維修電子燃油噴注系統。

    89. 電子燃油噴注系統故障診斷及矯正。

  • 11 11/2009




    1. 泡劑滅火器不可用於燃燒的___ (a) 木材

    (b) 紙張

    (c) 易燃液體

    (d) 電器裝置

    2. 螺紋規是用來量度:

    (a) 齒距空隙

    (b) 每毫米的齒距數目

    (c) 螺紋形狀及以毫米為單位的齒距

    (d) 每厘米的齒距數目

    3. 禁用傳統冷媒氟氯碳化物目的在 (a) 節約能源

    (b) 保護臭氧層

    (c) 改善水污染

    (d) 改善空氣污染

    4. 四衝程引擎活塞不可以反向安裝 , 其中主要原因在於 : (a) 與活塞的長軸線有關 (b) 與活塞銷的偏心有關 (c) 與活塞的缺口有關 (d) 與活塞的短軸線有關

    5. 當柱塞式化油器喉口增大時 , 氣流速度 ______

    (a) 增大

    (b) 減少

    (c) 不變

    (d) 穩定

    6. 電單車四衝程引擎進排氣門間隙過大時 , 將會造成氣門_____

    (a) 晚開早閉

    (b) 早開晚閉

    (c) 早開早閉

    (d) 晚開晚閉

  • 12 11/2009

    7. 採用離心式帶傳動的無段變速機構 , 引擎轉速升高時 , 從動帶輪直徑____ (a) 增大

    (b) 不變

    (c) 變小

    (d) 增大後變小

    8. 電單車前、後輪聯合制動時 , 制動力應以 _____ 的比例分配於前、後輪。 (a) 2 : 8

    (b) 4 : 6

    (c) 3 : 7

    (d) 1 : 1

    9. 電單車前減震器油液不足或左右油量不等 , 會造成 _______ (a) 抖動

    (b) 轉向力增大

    (c) 偏移

    (d) 車胎磨損 10. 交流電通過硅管流出的電流為______

    (a) 單相電流

    (b) 三相電流

    (c) 交流電流

    (d) 直流電流

    11. 引擎各系統工作正常 , 但火花經常發生短路的原因是 _______

    (a) 火花塞的熱值過小

    (b) 火花塞的熱值過大

    (c) 火花塞的間隙過大

    (d) 火花塞的間隙過小

    12. 在無觸點點火系統中 , 控制點火時間的開關元件是____

    (a) 晶閘管

    (b) 點火線圈

    (c) 整流器

    (d) 電容

  • 13 11/2009



    考生須於規定時間內完成數項實務測驗,其中包括 6 條長測驗及 8 條短測驗,考生須分別取得 4 條長測驗及 4 條短測驗合格方為達標。以下是實務測驗的例題。

    1. 引擎故障分析及校正技術測驗 (長測驗)

    組 件 : 電單車引擎 須完成項目 : (1) 分析及校正引擎怠速不穏定

    (2) 調校引擎

    時 間 : 40 分鐘 備 註 : (1) 下列工具可供考生使用:

    (附註:考生可要求提供額外工具) (a) 火位槍 (b) 廢氣分析儀 (c) 萬用表 (d) 汽缸壓力錶 (e) 機械工工具一套 (f) 維修資料 (2) 主考人員將在整個測驗過程中評定考生在下列各方面

    的表現: 項目 分數 (a) 工業安全及清潔 10 (b) 使用工具及儀器 20

    (c) 工藝 70


    ---------- 100

    (3) 考生在測驗時間結束時或在主考人員指示下,須立即


    (4) 考生必須在離開測驗場地前,將試題交回主考人員。

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    2. 更換避震器(短測驗)

    組件 : 後避震器

    工作 : 更換後避震器

    規定時間 : 10 分鐘

    考生須知 : - 考生會獲發機械工工具一套。 - 這項測驗只採用兩項評核結果:即及格或不及格。 - 考生須在測驗時間結束時,或在主考人員指示下,


    3. 檢查潤滑油泵(短測驗)

    組件 : 潤滑油泵

    須完成項目 : 檢查及報告潤滑油泵間隙

    時間 : 10 分鐘

    備註 : (1) 下列工具可供考生使用:

    (a) 機械工工具一套

    (b) 資料記錄表

    (2) 這項測驗只採用兩項評核結果:即合格或不合格。考


    (a) 各種工具/設備及工件無任何損毀

    (b) 正確檢查及報告潤滑油泵間隙

    (3) 考生必須在測驗時間結束時或主考人員指示下立即停


    (4) 考生必須在離開測驗場地前,將試題交回主考人員。

  • 15 11/2009

    Part I: Introduction

    The Training Board The Automobile Training Board is a statutory body established in 1982 under

    the Vocational Training Council Ordinance to be responsible for all matters pertaining to manpower training in the automobile industry. The Training Board has been entrusted by the Council with the task of implementing a voluntary trade testing and certification system for the principal trades in the industry.

    Purpose of Trade Test The objectives of implementing a trade testing and certification system for the

    automobile industry are as follows:

    (a) to set standards for skilled workers, (b) to help industry in the selection of workers for skilled jobs, (c) to facilitate the acquisition of recognized qualification, in particular for

    those who have not gone through any formal training, and enhanced the status of skilled workers, and

    (d) to facilitate the establishment of skills hierarchy for career advancement of skilled workers.

    Trade tests will be set at the level that would reflect the standard expected of a competent motorcycle mechanic.

    This guidebook sets out the trade test details and application procedures. The latest version can be found on the Trade Test Registry web site. For more information, please contact:

    Trade Test Registry Vocational Training Council 10/F, VTC Tower 27 Wood Road, Wanchai Hong Kong Enquiry : 2919 1599 Web :

  • 16 11/2009

    Part II: Trade Test Details

    Trade Test Format Trade test will consist of a practical test and a trade knowledge test.

    Candidates are required to pass both the practical test and the trade knowledge test so as to achieve an overall pass in the trade test.

    Practical Test For the practical test, each candidate will be given practical assignments to

    complete. The duration of a practical test is about 6 hours. The test comprises a series of assignments including 6 long tests and 8 short tests. Candidates are required to pass 4 long tests and 4 short tests in order to achieve an overall pass in the practical test. Practical test will normally be conducted at the Automobile Industry Training Centre of the Vocational Training Council. Its address is:

    Level 2 Kwai Chung Training Centre Complex 13-19 San Kwai Street Kwai Chung New Territories Tel. No.: 2449 1310 Fax No.: 2487 0737

    Trade Knowledge Test For the trade knowledge test, each candidate will take a written test

    containing multiple choice questions. The duration of a trade knowledge test is one hour twenty minutes. Candidates are required to answer correctly at least half of the 80 multiple choice questions in order to pass. The trade knowledge test will normally be conducted at the Vocational Training Council Tower, 27 Wood Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.

    Test Fee Each candidate taking the test is required to pay a test fee which will not be

    refunded unless the test is cancelled by the Automobile Training Board.

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    Trade Test Syllabus A trade test syllabus is given in Appendix 1, sample questions and

    assignments at Appendix 2 and Appendix 3 respectively.

    Test Results Candidates will be informed of the results by post about 2 months after

    completion of the practical test and trade theory test.

    Review of Test Results If a candidate is dissatisfied with his/her test results, he/she may apply to the

    Automobile Training Board for a review of the test results. Such application must be made in writing to the Chairman of the Automobile Training Board within 28 days after the issue of the test results, and must be accompanied by a checking fee. The fee paid will be refunded if the application is successful. Application should be sent to:

    The Chairman Automobile Training Board Vocational Training Council 10/F, VTC Tower 27 Wood Road Wanchai Hong Kong

    The Automobile Training Board’s decision on the test results shall be final and will be conveyed in writing to the candidates.

    Complaints Any complaints related to the trade test should be addressed to the Chairman

    of the Automobile Training Board.

    Award of Certificate Candidates who have passed the trade knowledge test and the practical test,

    either at the same sitting or at different sittings within a time span of 3 years, will be awarded a trade test certificate. Candidates who have passed either the trade knowledge test or the practical test will be issued a statement of result.

  • 18 11/2009

    Part III: Application Procedures

    Eligibility Applicants for trade test should have:

    (a) a minimum of 3 years relevant working experience, or (b) completed a vehicle mechanic apprenticeship and possessed a

    certificate of completion of apprenticeship issued by the Director of Apprenticeship (or the Director of Technical Education and Industrial Training for cases before 1st August 1991), or

    (c) completed a relevant apprenticeship deemed by the Automobile Training Board to be equivalent to item (b) in this paragraph.

    Exemption from Trade Knowledge Test Applicants who possess:

    (a) a Craft Certificate for Motor Vehicle Mechanics awarded by Vocational

    Training Council, or (b) any other qualifications deemed by the Automobile Training Board to

    be equivalent to item (a) in this paragraph,

    may be exempted from the trade knowledge test.

    Submission of Application Application forms can be downloaded from website:, or

    obtained from the Trade Test Registry at the following address:

    Trade Test Registry Vocational Training Council 10/F, VTC Tower 27 Wood Road, Wanchai Hong Kong

    Application forms must be submitted (by hand or by mail) to the Trade Test Registry before the announced closing date with a cheque or bank draft made payable to the Vocational Training Council.

    If a repeater or a person who possesses the qualification eligible to be exempted from the Trade Knowledge test wishes to take only one part of the whole test, he/she must attach copy of the previous statement of test result or relevant certificates upon submission of application. For verification purpose, the Trade Test Registry may exert its discretion to ask the applicant to show the original documents prior to granting exemption.

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    After the Trade Test Registry has verified the related documents, an admission ticket will be issued including the date(s) and place(s) of the practical test and/or trade knowledge test.

    The trade test will be conducted once or twice a year. For enquiry on the date of the test, please visit or call at tel.: 2919 1599.

  • 20 11/2009

    Part IV: Test Regulations

    Admittance to Test Centre Only candidates who have been registered for the test will be permitted to

    enter the test centre.

    Reporting to Test Centre Candidates must report to the invigilator in the test centre in good time. No

    extra time for the test will be allowed for those who come late.

    Candidates who are late for more than 15 minutes will not be allowed to take the test.

    Candidates reporting for the test must bring along their Hong Kong Identity Cards and admission tickets.

    Conduct at the Test Candidates must conduct themselves with proper decorum and observe all

    prescribed rules and instructions governing the administration of the test.

    Candidates who refuse to comply with the test regulations or behave in a manner prejudicial to the proper conduct of the test will be disqualified from the test.

    Candidates found guilty of dishonest conduct will be instructed to leave the test centre immediately and be totally disqualified from the whole test.

    Candidates will be supplied with all the necessary materials, tools and equipment and writing paper. Candidates should bring along and wear proper working clothes and shoes for the test.

    Candidates are not permitted to bring into the test centre materials, tools equipment, books, written or printed documents, pictures or drawings, notes or pieces of paper except common writing instruments and electronic calculators.

    Candidates are not permitted to remove any test papers, materials, tools or equipment supplied by the test centre.

    Candidates must not speak or communicate with one another during the test. Candidates who wilfully fail to comply with this ruling will be told to withdraw from the test.

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    Candidates are warned that they may be stopped from proceeding further in the practical test if, in the opinion of the invigilator, they continue to adopt an unsafe or dangerous method of operation which may result in injury to themselves and surrounding persons or cause damage to machine or equipment.

    Candidates will be liable for any damage to machines, tools and equipment and any death or personal injury resulting from their negligence or wilful misconduct during the test. Candidates may be asked to pay and compensate for damages.

    Leaving the Test Centre No candidates will be permitted to leave the test centre without the permission

    of the invigilator.

    A candidate who leaves the test centre without permission before the end of the test will not be permitted to re-enter the test centre and continue the test.

    A candidate may request the permission of the invigilator to leave the test centre for personal reasons. However, he/she must be accompanied by an invigilator or a person authorized by the invigilator, otherwise he/she will not be re-admitted.

    Others The Automobile Training Board reserves the right to cancel the trade tests or

    make alterations regarding the application procedures, test regulations, the time, and the place of test. The affected applicants will be notified of the changes.

  • 22 11/2009

    Appendix 1

    Trade Test Syllabus

    Workshop Knowledge / Practice

    1. Safety precaution at work. 2. Selection and safe use of hand tools and power tools. 3. Selection and safe use of measuring instruments. 4. Selection and safe use of marking out instruments. 5. Selection and safe use of electrical measuring and testing equipment. 6. Selection and safe use of cleaning equipment for parts and vehicles. 7. Selection and safe use of car lifting machines and jacks. 8. Selection and use of common types of securing, locking and sealing devices and adhesive

    materials 9. Selection and use of torque wrenches. 10. Properties and applications of common engineering materials used in automobile

    engineering. 11. Heat treatment processes. 12. Selection and safe use of soldering and welding equipment including oxy-acetylene

    welding and electric arc welding. 13 Crack detection on vehicle components.


    14. Operations of two-stroke and four-stroke cycle engines. 15. Characteristics of petrol and diesel engines. 16. Swept volume, engine capacity, compression ratio, engine brake power, friction power

    and indicated power of an engine. 17. Firing order of a typical engine . 18. Change or top-up of system fluids e.g. coolant water, lubricants, hydraulic fluid, etc. 19. Fault diagnosis and rectification of engine components. 20. Engine overhaul. 21. Cylinder honing operations. 22. Engine tuning. 23. Use of hand-held testers, engine analysers and exhaust gas analysers as diagnostic tools.

    24. Air/fuel mixture ratio. 25. Petrol fuel system and its components 26. Petrol fuel system fault diagnosis and rectification. 27. Petrol injection system. 28. Electronic ignition system fault diagnosis and rectification.

  • 23 11/2009

    29. Requirements and means of emission control.

    30. Air cooled and water cooled systems and their components. 31. Pressurised water system. 32. Pressure test on a water cooled system. 33. Engine cooling systems fault diagnosis and rectification.

    34. Engine lubrication system and its components. 35. Means of lubrication for various parts of an engine. 36. Oil contamination. 37. Lubricating oils. 38. Engine lubrication system fault diagnosis and rectification. Chassis 39. Function of a clutch on a motor cycle . 40. Overhaul and testing of clutch. 41. Measure and inspect clutch components 42. Clutch lever adjustment. 44. Clutches and associated control system fault diagnosis and rectification. 45. Function of a gearbox on a motor cycle. 46. Gearbox and gear change linkage and interlock mechanisms. 47. Continuously Variable Transmission. 48. Gear ratios of gear trains. 49. Fault diagnosis and rectification. 50. Overhaul and test of manually operated and Continuously Variable Transmission. 51. Measure and inspect gear box components 52. Drive chain or drive belt inspect and replace . 53. Overhaul and test of steering system 54. Steering systems fault diagnosis and rectification. 55. Principle of braking, front to rear brake ratio, weight transfer at braking, etc. 56. Hydraulically operated brake systems 57. Drum brakes and disc brakes. 58. Overhaul and test of hydraulic brake system 59. Brake systems fault diagnosis and rectification. 60. Brake lever and pedal adjustment. 61. Brake fluid. 62. Legal requirements for brake efficiency. 63. Safe handling of brake pad / shoe dust. 64. ABS and their components. 65. Use of checkers and analysers as diagnostic tools. 66. Use of brake testers 67. Brake efficiency calculation and evaluation.

  • 24 11/2009

    68. Functions of tyres and suspension system of vehicles. 69. Suspension systems fault diagnosis and rectification. 70. Overhaul and test of components in various type of suspension systems. 71. Vibration dampers 72. Tube and tubeless tyres, and radial-ply and cross-ply tyres. 73. Markings on tyres. 74. Safety procedures in tyre servicing. 75. Legal requirements for tyres on types, pressure and tread wear or damage. 76. Legal requirements for mixing cross-ply and radial-ply tyres on a vehicle. 77. Static and dynamic balance of road wheel assemblies. 78. Tyre inflation pressure.

    Electrical Systems

    79. Basic principles of electricity and elements such as Ohm's Law, conductors, insulators, semi-conductors, capacitors, inductors, etc.

    80. Replacement of lamp bulbs, fuses and ignition leads with correct type and rating. 81. Head lamp alignment. 82. Battery, charging, starting, lighting and auxiliary systems. 83. Electrical systems fault diagnosis and rectification.

    84. Various types of electronic ignition systems and their components. 85. Electronic ignition systems fault diagnosis and rectification.

    86. Electronic fuel injection systems and their components. 87. Electro-magnetic fuel feed pumps. 88. Test and service of electronic fuel injection systems. 89. Electronic fuel injection systems fault diagnosis and rectification.

  • 25 11/2009

    Appendix 2

    Examples of Trade Knowledge Test Questions

    Questions for the trade knowledge test will be of the multiple choice type. A number of answer are given to each question. Candidates are required to select the most suitable answer. Some sample questions are given below for reference. 1. Foam type extinguisher may not be used for putting off fires on ___

    (a) wood (b) paper (c) inflammable liquids (d) electrical devices

    2. Thread scale is used to measure:

    (a) gap pitch (b) the number of pitch per mm (c) thread shape and number of pitch per mm (d) the number of pitch per cm

    3. Banning the use of traditional CFC refrigerants is to:

    (a) save energy (b) protect ozone layer (c) reduce water pollution (d) reduce air pollution

    4. The piston of a four-stroke engine cannot be reversely installed, the main reason is due to?

    (a) the long axis of the piston (b) the off-set of the piston pin (c) the breach of piston (d) he short axis of the piston

    5. For a plunger-type carburetor, when the throat opens, the flow speed will

    (a) increase (b) reduce (c) be no change (d) be stable

    6. For a four-stroke motorcycle engine, if the valve clearance is too large, the valve will _____ (a) close early and open late (b) open early and close late (c) close and open early (d) close and open late

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    7. In a centrifugal belt type Continuously Variable Transmission system, when the engine speed increases, the driven pulley diameter will ____ (a) increase (b) be unchanged (c) decrease (d) increase and then decrease

    8. In a combination type brake system of a motorcycle, the braking force should be

    distributed to the front and rear wheels in the ratio of _____. (a) 2: 8 (b) 4: 6 (c) 3: 7 (d) 1: 1

    9. Uneven amount of oil between the two front absorbers or insufficient oil in the absorbers will result in _______. (a) jitter (b) increase the power shift (c) drag on one side when driving (d) tyre wear

    10. When an alternate current flowing in a silicon tube, the output current is:

    (a) a single-phase current (b) a three-phase current (c) an AC current (d) a DC current

    11. If the other parts of an engine are working properly, but sparks short-circuit occur frequently, the cause may be: (a) spark plug heat value is too small (b) spark plug heat value is too large (c) spark plug gap is too large (d) spark plug gap is too small

    12. In a non-contact ignition system, ignition timing is controlled by: (a) Thyristor (b) Ignition Coil (c) Rectifiers (d) Capacitor

  • 27 11/2009

    Appendix 3

    Examples of Practical Test Assignments

    Candidates will be given practical assignments to complete within the allotted time. The test comprises a series of assignments including 6 long tests and 8 short tests. Candidates are required to pass 4 long tests and 4 short tests in order to achieve an overall pass in the practical test. Sample practical assignments are given below for reference. 1. Skill Test on Engine Fault Diagnosis and Rectification (Long Test) Assembly : Motorcycle engine

    Task : (1) To diagnose and rectify faults on an engine having rough idling.

    (2) To tune the engine.

    Time Allotted : 40 minutes

    Candidates Notes : (1) You are provided with the followings: (Note : Extra tools can be provided upon request)

    (a) timing gun, (b) exhaust gases analyser, (c) multi-meter, (d) cylinder pressure gauge, (e) a set of mechanic tools, (f) data sheet.

    (2) You will be assessed continuously throughout the test on the

    following areas:

    Section Marks (a) Safety/Cleanliness


    (b) Use of tools and equipment


    (c) Workmanship


    Total :

    -------- 100

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    (3) You must stop working immediately when the time for the test is over or as instructed by the examiner.

    (4) You must return this instruction sheet to the examiner before leaving the test station.

    2. Replace an Absorber (Short Test)

    Assembly : Rear Absorber

    Task : To replace a rear absorber

    Time Allotted : 10 minutes

    Notes for Candidates :

    (1) You are provided with a set of mechanic tools.

    (2) You will be assessed by the results of the test on a 'go' or 'no-go' basis.

    (3) You must stop working immediately when the time for the test is up or as instructed by the


    3. Skills Test on Oil pump (Short Test)

    Assembly : Lubrication Oil Pump

    Task : To measure and report Oil Pump condition on the answer sheet provided

    Time Allotted : 10 minutes

    Notes for Candidates :

    (1) You are provided with the followings:

    (a) work bench/vice

    (b) straight edge,

    (c) feeler gauges,

    (d) a set of mechanic tools, and

    (e) data sheet.

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    (2) You will be assessed by the results of the test on a ‘go’ or ‘no-go’ basis. You must

    successfully complete all the following items in order to get a pass :

    (a) no damages of tools/equipment and work-pieces, (b) completion of the answer sheet with correct answers, and

    (3) You must stop working immediately when the time for the test is over or as instructed by

    the examiner. (4) You are required to complete the answer sheet provided. You must return the answer and

    instruction sheets to the examiner before leaving the test station.

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