mooc (presentation)

Post on 06-May-2015






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Massive Open Online Course

What is a MOOC? A MOOC integrates the connectivity of social networking, the facilitation of acknowledged

proficient in a field of study, and a collection of spontaneously accessible online resources.

Feasibly significantly, however, a MOOC builds on the active engagement of several hundred

to several thousands “students” who self organize their participation according to the learning

knowledge and skills, and common interest. Although it may share in some of the conventions

thought, a MOOC generally carries no subscriptions, no prerequisites other than internet access

and interest, no predefined expectations for contribution and no formal authorization.

Word that MOOC will be offered typically spreads through an online social network. A central web address may be used to associate a registration process, outline the optional course schedule, and provide a interconnection for support and communication apart from this, though just about anything.

The brief History of Mooc’s It is within networks that learning can generate quite interesting experiences. This leads

us to the raise of MOOCs. The first mooc was launched in 2008? It was called

‘Connectivism and Connective Knowledge 2008 (CCK8), created by educators Stephen

Downs and George Siemens. Building off a for-credit course at the University of

Manitoba, Canada, this was the first class designed behind the abbreviation of

“MOOC” and used many different stages to engage students with the topic, including

Facebook groups, Wiki pages, blogs, forums and other resources.

However, this first generation was still far from reaching massive numbers of students

like MOOCs are doing today. Correspondence study only predominated until the arrival

of electronic media, which lead to popularization of radio and television as educational

tools in the 20th period. Teachers and learners from all parts of the world took advantage

of the new technology. Those who did not have access to formal learning could watch or

listen to classes for free, wherever they were. The content was adapted to reach different

types of audiences, and even students in remote areas could have knowledge in academic


How does it work? The course and resources are accessible and free although any documentation required

may need to paid for.

You don’t necessary complete assignments, but

Engage and share with other members making

Using digital software and social networking, such

As background cooperate and twitter.

Making Sense of MOOCS MOOCs are a relatively recent online learning phenomenon, having developed from

the first early examples five years ago, they are now generating considerable media

attention and significant interest from higher education institutions and venture

capitalists that see a business opportunity to be exploited. They can be seen as an

extension of existing online learning approaches, in terms of open access to courses

and scalability, they also offer an opportunity to think once more about new business

models that include elements of open education. This includes the ability to

disaggregate teaching from assessment and acknowledgement for differential pricing

and pursuit of promoting activities

ANALYSIS OF MOOC CREATIVITIES MOOCs offer for confusion of courses has generated significant interest from governments,

institutions and commercial organisations. A number of modified MOOC platforms have been

developed and offer courses independent of or in collaboration with universities. A growing

number of institutions have been involved in engaging and experimenting with MOOCs for the

purpose of expanding access, promotion and branding, as well as the potential of developing new

revenue streams. Motivations for learners to participate in MOOCs are varied, and many struggle

to engage with courses and keep motivated in the context of an online learning environment. The

market value of certification of courses, short of credit as part of traditional institutional awards,

has yet to be determined. Other potential business models are being developed but need further

work to establish them.

Advantages of MOOCS. MOOCs offer the entire learning community equal rights to education. People can choose from the

diverse range of programs and enrol for the course of their choice from the suitability of their homes

without spending time. Although students study independently in these courses, they at the same

time collaborate with their peers from different parts of the world.

MOOCs are an advantage for people who have faced difficulties in following education due to lack

of funds, no appropriate opportunities, unreachable physical location, etc.

Learning is informal and at student’s on pace

Computer and internet access are only resources needed

Great instructors without high tuition of host school.

CONTINUES Educationally, MOOCs are designed to be extremely interactive. It uses all the interactive media available

on the internet to engage students. The various tools used are blogs, videos, podcasts and opportunities

that are entrenched into the programs effortlessly. These tools co-operate learners and help them solve real

world problems rather than deliberating theoretical material. Real discussion of ideas, theories and

concepts are an essential part of a MOOC and are used for decent review and assessment.

Although much controversy surrounds the idea of MOOCs, studies have cited several

advantages. Some of the areas in which MOOCs have been cited as most beneficial include increased

options for accessibility, increased potential for student engagement, and expanded lifelong learning

opportunities (Carr, 2012; Duderstadt, 2012).

Disadvantages of MOOCS. Only students with a lot persistence and self-discipline can complete these courses.

Students who are unable to manage their time often drop out of these courses

Students must learn to be responsible for their own learning

Technical difficulties

Limited real re-world engagement

xMoocs involve costs, sometimes important

Although MOOCs offer a lot of advantages, there are still some grey areas in MOOC

that need to be addressed. In MOOCs, the teachers and professors deal with a huge

audience, as a result, they are powerless to give active feedbacks for assignments and

tests to the students. Additionally, at times if the professor taking the course

communicates it in a monotonous way or the students find the classes uninteresting,

there is absolutely no way one can interact with the faculty to give response. There is

no way teachers can interact directly with students and engage them.









The development of technologies in distance education continues to influence the context of education and

learning (Bouchard, 2011). MOOCs bring a new perspective to traditional education but are still in the

beginning stage. It seems that organisations, as a whole, might be anxious about MOOCs as they relate to

access, affordability, and student success. For those who are promoters of the MOOC, increasing numbers

might be suspicious about signing over long-term administration and misunderstanding to companies such as

edX, Udacity, or Coursera. However, in a time when higher education is being criticized for low productivity,

increasing costs, and inefficient use of technology (Levine, 2013), MOOCs provide feasible alternatives of

high productivity, low cost (or free), and utilization of leading edge technology. The challenge is to treasure

common ground that not only recovers access and affordability but maintains academic thoroughness and

guarantees student success.

My field interest and topics I would like to pursue in my Future MOOC experience

My field of interest is to teach MATHEMATICS FOR FET.

The topics that I would like to pursue in my future MOOC experience in order to develop my learners

their level of knowledge, skills and understanding the concept base on Mathematics are, Trigonometric

functions and graphs, Application of calculus, Exponents and Radicals, solve for x using simultaneously

equation, geometry and analytical geometry

Reason why I have choose this topics above is because they weight a lot of marks during exams or the


The role for me as the Mathematics teacher in order to pursue my future MOOC experience is towards

enhancing my students practices related to instructional activities and classroom assessment environment.

As we know that most of the learners experience difficulties on Mathematics mostly on public schools.

The Massive Open Online Courses allow students of all ages, talents, and backgrounds the ability to

learn new concepts and develop skills in a field. Prior to taking a college class for credit, students can

get ahead by taking it as a MOOC. Learning about physics, computer science, economics, statistics,

or psychology by taking an open online class over the summer can help students develop skills that

we will need during the academic year.

Most high school students do not have the opportunity to take classes in specific fields. MOOCs

allow students to explore topics of interest without having to worry about cost or grades. An

interested student can try out classes in engineering, biochemistry, art history, or political science.

Because they are usually free and the grades earned won't affect their high school or academy grade

point average, MOOCs can offer students a great opportunity to explore potential majors

References Bouchard, P. (2011). Network promises and their implications. In The Impact of Social

Networks on Teaching and Learning [Online monograph]. Revista de Universidad y

Sociedad del Conocimiento (RUSC). Retrieved from http://ruscn. eng

Carr, N. (2012, September 27). The crisis in higher education. MIT Technology Review.

Retrieved from

Cooper, S. & Sahami, M. (2013, February). Education reflections on Stanford’s MOOCs:

New possibilities in online education create new challenges. Communications of the ACM,

de Waard, I. (2011, July 25). Explore a new learning frontier: MOOCs. Learning Solutions

Magazine. Retrieved from explore-a-


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