
Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Painting in Monet’s style4th level

Objectives to agree with students• 10 Tips for learning success• Engage students in having interest about Monet’s life and his

artwork.• Use ICT to find information about his work and life.• Appreciate the childhood and life of a well-known artist• Explore different materials, flashcards, books, stories, power point ...• Work individually and collaborative• Use appropriate language • Complete his/her own artwork• Use the materials with responsibility• Provide suggestions to improve their work• Talk about similarities/differences between the artist and their work.

Information about Monet

• At school students have read a synopsis of Monet.

• At home they have make some research about life and artwork of Monet.

• With the information they have found and are given they answer some questions to check understanding and meaning.

MONET Synopsis:• Claude Monet was a famous painter. His work gave a name to the art movement

Impressionism. He was interested in capturing light and natural forms.

• Claude Monet was born on November 14th in 1840 in Paris, France. His parents were Adolphe and Louise. He grew up with his brother Leon. Monet didn’t like staying inside classrooms in general, he preferred being outside. At very early age he developed a love of drawing. He filled his schoolbooks with sketches of people, including caricatures of his teachers. His father wanted him to be in the shipping business like him but his mother supported his artistic efforts.

• He married Camille who was his muse. They had two children: Jean and Michel.

• Monet liked to work outdoors, in contact with nature: landscape, seascapes, fields, portraits…• Monet sometimes got frustrated with his paintings and destroyed many of them. He once

wrote: “My only merit lies in having painted directly in front of the nature”

• He is best known today for his series of “Water lilies” in Giverny, France. He considered this place a source of inspiration. There, he painted his lily pond over and over again. He enjoyed watching how things change between dawn and dusk, or summer and winter, seeing colour and light.

MONET: Questions• Explicit: • Say true/false• Monet was English___________• Monet did lots of sketches in his schoolbooks_________• Monet wanted to work with his father _____________

• Implicit:• What career did Monet want to follow?• ________________________________• In which aspect was Giverny important to Monet?• _____________________________________

• Reflective:• Do you know more well- known artists?• _______________________________________• What do you appreciate in his “Water lilies? (colour/shape/composition/light)• _______________________________________

Practicing with watercolours

Monet: Revision activity• Part 1:• Complete the gaps using these words: Impressionism; Drawing; Artistic; Painter; Caricatures; Paris • Claude Monet was a famous___________. His work gave a name to the art

movement __________________. He was interested in capturing light and natural forms.

• Claude Monet was born on November 14th in 1840 in___________, France. His parents were Adolphe and Louise. He grew up with his brother Leon. Monet didn’t like staying inside classrooms in general, he preferred being outside. At very early age he developed a love of_____________. He filled his schoolbooks with sketches of people, including ______________of his teachers. His father wanted him to be in the shipping business like him but his mother supported his _____________efforts.

• He married Camille who was his muse. They had two children: Jean and Michel.

• Part 2:• Complete the gaps using these words:

Winter; Seascapes; Nature; dawn • Monet liked to work outdoors, in contact with nature:

landscape,_________ , fields, portraits…• Monet sometimes got frustrated with his____________ and

destroyed many of them. He once wrote: “My only merit lies in having painted directly in front of the____________”

• He is best known today for his series of “Water lilies” in Giverny, France. He considered this place a source of____________. There, he painted his lily pond over and over again. He enjoyed watching how things change between ________and dusk, or summer and__________, seeing colour and light.

Sharing information

Video about Monet paintings

It’s a musical video with images, no text.Before watching the video, students form two groups with a little task each one:•Focus on the setting•Focus on the peopleOnce they watched it, they share their information and we agree on important aspects about Monet’s artwork.

The art of Claude Monet in Motion”

• Warm up activity, Group work • Make groups and give the following points to talk about:• What do you remember about his life? • As a child/ adult• Family• His artistic works: movement he represents/ his style/

inspiration• About the stories: title/ Characters/ settings• After a while, ask them to share their ideas and knowledge.

They can use the table to support the language

Project: Design their own Monet’s style artwork

Oral SupportI knowI remember

That he used toPreferredLikedDidn’t likeHad

Being outsideBeing in classroomsNature

Monet PaintedWorkedWasliked

I likeI don’t like

The story....... because Is......AppearsThe paintingThe girl/boy/Monet...

Designing their own Monet’s style artwork

• The students have several Monet pictures. They have to choose the one they will use to carry on the task. They can use a viewfinder (framer) if it’s necessary to focus on one specific part of the picture.

• Then, they choose the material needed: Art paper, paint and brushes, water and tissue paper. They are going to use water colours.

• They start using a pale colour for the base of his/her picture: ochre, blue, green, brown... Then, they continue adding colour and making layers of water colour on the paper. They finish paying attention to details: small things. When the picture is dry, they can use a black pilot to intensify specific features.

Display of their artworks

Oral Assessment

• This is the moment when the students can reflect on their own and others artwork. They have some minutes to have a look at all of the pictures displayed.

• First, they start analysing their own work:

I think my picture is


becausethe coloursthe detailsthe composition.......

Children giving opinion about their own artwork

Second, they have to give opinion of his/her colleague’s paintings:

I like..........paintingI love................I preferred............


the coloursthe detailsthe composition.......

isare seemlooks like


Children giving opinion about their colleagues’s artwork

Rubric to assess the project4 3 2 1

Group work

Contribute actively

Respect others opinions and task

Contribute a little

Listen to each other with respect

Poor contribution

Listen but don’t respect turns

Behave passively

Don’t respect

Oral Presentation

Excellence opinion of his and others work

Provide suggestions to improve

Clear ideas when comparing works

Good opinion of his and others work

Provide one or two suggestions to improve

Some ideas when comparing works

Try to give opinion but confusing

Provide few words to others works

Not relevant ideas when comparing

Poor use of key art words

Poor or not participation

Can’t find differences or similarities.

Artwork Design

The design is original and creative

Excellence use of the colour and technique

The design is attractive

Good use of the colour and technique

The design is OK

Good try but needs more work and details

The design is not finished

Poor use of the technique

Self-assessment check listA lot Some A little

Engaged in Monet’s life and his artwork. Used ICT to find information about his work and life.

Appreciated the childhood and life of a well known artist

Explored different materials, flashcards, books, stories, power point ...

Worked individually and collaborative

Used appropriate language

Completed your own artwork

Used the materials with responsibility

Provided suggestions to improve their work

Talked about similarities/differences between the artist and their work.

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