modern humans clarification report 3

Post on 21-Apr-2015






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The Modern HumanComments on Tape transcript collection #1 of 1988. For 5 years after the Comps came out in 1976 there were collections like this available. An arson fire destroyed many of these collections and tapes in the mid 80's, I will reissue this surviving collection in it's original condition just to remind comp students that it is recommended that protective walls and measures be used against attacks. Only persons who are of no threat to the dominion systems will be free of such attacks.


The Modern Human

TSoments on Tape transcript collection #1 of 1988. For 5 years ofter the Comps came out in 1976 therewere collections l i k e this available. An arson fire destroyed many of these collections and tapes in the mid80's, I w i l l re issue this surviving collection in it's o r i g i n a l condition just to remind comp students thatit is recommended that protective walls and measures be used against attacks. Only persons who are of no thr-eat to the dominion systems w i l l be free of such attacks. Persons who advance into free choice systems can ex-pect problems. Refer to our $*».95 Psychic Attack Report for advanced protection methods. G T T Vo! #2 is notavailable but other works w i l l be available in the 90's. Keep us informed of your address and progress. ,,A1 Fj-y

For more information visit the Al Fry Incredible Inquiry homepage:

H«ws liorcl Pub'o,1 Irerslde, C*. UJ1

Fry'8, Ferris, CA

This is Alfred D. "laser nnd this suoject is upon

that nicest of all expressions or tne darneot of all expressions,

w h i c h n called sex. 5-E-X.

Now I personally th ink thia is a hignly overdone and

highly ovcraten sub jec t . It 13 a natural action. Un-natural

a i tua t ions and un-natural arives ano un-nulural desires which

turn it into nonething e lse besides what I t .-as originally in-

tended to be. 1 take no excep t ion to this. I fake no except ion

to anybodies ^ n o t i o n a l r e l n ^ j e n . H o w e v e r , I t h i n k that emot ional

releases nnould be underu toou .

There la a vast d i f f e rence between procreat ivi ty ,

sensuality, and sexual i t / . t"t, today they dump the wnole thing

under the one l i t t l e old worl sex. W"l l , t h a t ' s f i n e . It. 's a

good way to shorten the conversat ion. It is a good way to fin.'l

out whit anotner person nay want .

How I an. no t u n a l i f i c d to talk about sex from a female

point of view ana I ' m sure somebody w i l l on name par t .o f this

tape. Now I an of course fa i r lv capable of discnssinK th« male

aide of th i s jox nyndrr , ,n>>, as i t lo looked at today.

The male is almost l ike the good old flash light battery,

'fo" knov the one that thev claim Is ever ready. This is a partof the r-ale's natural programing. Now before you raise too much

of an oolection, let m>* say that the male is much like the fe-male in cYii> use of t n iu programing, t.he male can become ob-

stanant, he can become pe t ty , n« can become should I fta»

venginc«! mo t iva t ed , he can create denial e f f ec t s , he can man-

i p u l a t e u i ' n it. h'.' can do all of the various thin/o t l i a t of

course a female can do. ilut he has one advantage and cmr i i ; i -aJvantar.e. ?'ne advantage is, in a lot of ways for m o o l • , . * ; _

not an advantage at a l l because they are u t t e r ly coi.i'- ,-th i a advantage, as you hav: read by now the part of tn» pro iec ' . ive

affect ion that the male has can u t i l i z e his sexual .; ris known today. In 33 much as he can u t i l ize a m i n i n n m oi 2 / 7 t n s

of his sexual dr ive ir. th« protection of thn female al "ur.;.!,

does not have to have a single individual female to accompl i sh '

t h i s w i t h , he car. jo to war, he can do m a n v t .hlnra t.o p ro tec t

his female w i t h a f fec t ion , which sn"nds ruthnr odd. U"t in sodoing ana in exorcininjr nis protect ive clenent of lus

affect ion or sexual unvi», he wi l l of course expenu t h i ;

arid remain more or lesn calm anvi controlled. Ho nas an out-lot o ther tlr_n coupl i ' .g . i!e does not n,»ed to cou|.l-j should

ho desire to rel ievo this dr ive in other lorms w i t n i n t.h^

pro tec t ion of tn-'j f u m « l » species. This mav not be as suJJer.,

as .Joyous, as s a t i s f v i n ^ out at least it does t a K e tne pressure

o f f .

Now the disadvantage is that he is charceu constant ly .

It is a constant u n u e r l y i n / : , r c iu ivuna t i r iK d r i v e fac tor in his

every day l i f e . I k"ow there have been t"e siafnents that it

com»*n in a cycle . That he is i i iph one t ime arid then low unotncr

t ime and or course th in is true of all. direction; aru all asser-

tations oi, or expressions of an emotional fi"lu. r'»tir:ue, tins

eleraunts 01" ftltm^ a jou aor,", t:.e p:-<.'c:cup,T. 101. :.u:.pens

v i t h i n the in tel l i^<MiC',- ranju in Uit: a p p l i c a t i o n of itnnwl.:.i^e.

He tan u t i l i z ing ; li.e p ro tec t ive ' sexual JTIVS i.i-jcnuni.-.m ir.j ;»c-

compl i jh rnju.y, (nany u i t " f . ? rcn t endeavors ami s t i l l £ct to some

decree a s a t i s f ac t i on "roiti t ins e f f o r t . iie uc^':i i i j t conac lousl

know thi;j is «na L in i.:ip|i,;.

T'ic part L h b t L i , . . . jmnal [ ' lava •. i t n a i;i;.n . w n < : M i t I G

on nn i n d i v i d u a l ! i . ; : : in , i n ,';liort W I L - I I .1 ..nini.n say,:' ,o' or r.j^r,,; '

to aim De^aiiM'.1 h < i ^ in ;;nc" .» | . o - j i t i ou '.nat M - ? cannot. p T i t o r n

whur i ho u a u l u irv [ « r i ' o r m . i lo is on u d i v i n j uoarj anu m-

cantiol tliv. : (« : is la anu he ca:'"Ot nwin. i '»te ^ J i l i l y

Dein^ thor . ; , the a h i l i t v r n u s t bo oxpr . -ssoj or i t D.; suprccc i - '

Th in i:i <;it" tlie ma le , it lu a surv iva l p a t t e r n , ^ i n c c i t

fal ls ' i t n i n lh<i c o r l i n a i t y oi l i f u , s ince i t is oi.e o I" n i s

^Upr t J ' t o d r i v e s -a U : t - .-i.r. t inl .al f i e l d , U': IS liO-* . 'Oi ' t ; ; lo

t rup t sooner or l a^ i : r v . in- r i m: i ;s aer.iea. T r u ^ is ar j a lw; . / s

has ooeii a 7' iry, very touchy p o i n t to tne female. u-3 uecn

one of tne c.rnules*. upsets n. the h i n t o r v oi" tiu: won. ; , is t ; i i j

drive beinj; t h r o t t l e d by t"o male h in - i e l t " .What lii-.' f u n a l e f a i l s to r e a l i z e i n t i .at i :; tr. )re,

h« did "Ot create it. he di<1 "Ot jrmar.ii i t , ! : • > d i.i not ;.-k

fiat it uhould be no, no i i r . d . ; i . iwael i saddled w i t n tr.iu enTu--

•lon. Should the f low be natural , the expression is natural.

Should the flow be denied th«n it creates a need. A"d this

need among the males turns into a rather d e v c s t a t i n g force.

Jhich they are v<ry, vxry apt to apply one wav of another.

Rational izing, exp la in ing , t r y i n g to talk th» male out of t><la

expression Is useless. H» can give you lip a - rv icn , he can

a*ile, he can say that 's alright, maybe another t i«« , he can

uae many plat i tudes, he can appear to be a very nice guy, but

ins ide , just accept it, the man is hur t ing. T h i s 13 the m a l e .

The male has i n v j n t -d many, many ways of c i r c u m v e n t i n g

this. He hen invented laws to c i rcumvent the denial. He has

invented hotels and today mc te l a and he's invented reatraunts,

and he's invented, oh just a m i l l i o n and one l i t t le things where-

by s h o u l d he be denied oy a woman of his choice, he can always

find another d i rec t ion to take. Not that he may want to, not

that he has any uesire to but in tho f u l f i l l m e n t of th is emotion

he will f u l f i l l it , one way or anotner. Or he will become un-

hea l thy . He w i l l become cranky. He w i l l become mean. And he

w i l l become a l e i / ; n to those females he was once close to.

Talk, r a t iona l i ze , p lead, beg, do what you w a n t , the

male nan been deiMId on h i f l u l t i m a t e exp re s s ion ana tha t den ia l

w i l l not he taken period. I* ' i «n act. T h i s may sounu attain

narsh* T*i« ""uy sound unrcaabnahle. T h i s may sound pigheaded.

T*M« may aound chavan i s t i c . ond I'm sure I could go on w i t h

adjective's for a long, long t ime. but when the fennle fa i l s

to support tne highest d r ive nyndrone of the male, there ist rouble an- ' ad and n o m ' f t i m e s t roub le i m m e d i a t e l / . T**af is the

way it in. He <-an OR put o f f . ile can oe fo ra t a l l ed . II- "-a-

n* can nine Usu

According to a

turd MiIcslitul*

1 lh« Newtcu»« lint be- bos

i ufbo'e.iptntccetlnil cemory loss andn" Jltpr •*

3.-U •poukcl.

. , ?",Rl "" syluln>m'Clobal imnr ia - Hi»ni> niKricncr oniyi

cpuixl* He sjiU me jva-a 001 luiuU cniioiiy

iliy*u* rrp-.rlft on two CST»oman and a 47.

**ni boun. butoeat^y fnduaU/ returns lo nor-nzl" l« -A-nitv.

,H« said tbrrc Is DO boo-JfQt»cj« for tke 13-osu. but itit•on* r««arcb?rB sujp«ct it it

I by a Cirltct in a pw<nls

att*r SMual irutrrrours*." b<t wrote.

~t\ 47>r4r-okl man tud 4 i»i>-ywr hatory (>f cioO<*ule hjp-c: T.

Tfn h»un rjrla-r. hii \»ite fe'- -jhim int bUtecf cur.fiuion *j* i :TIDf adJIinJ f-i hd'J.f ,':.t ....rr

^ >*• vajj tuLerCuufjc.

"On qur-M'Oni.15 bin. ^i.'*ail Iii3 'ii>orwi!:«Ho kvj:.jn.

2tL*3ll» ii «S'r *"*""* *"-A frUMKild wonvm v.,tb

bn»nfiisM.n had K«»a !!-,» ,-uxi)l M^ual titurrni . jlter srxti.ilir.^rraurs^ .no h« iiu,»jr.j. sbi»utt lenly rtp-rt-nc^*l tonfuiioaanu iii-i>iu:niiiwn ami COL:J not

mi t» WHDUI.- lit v,ni..

(Go«nj BVK n I

accept situations anu no will accent situations, tie "ill <;o

with tho tiiie. He will do that to plei se. il"* 'here ia an

ultimate linit. und once that linit is reached, it is over

it lu done, it Is finished. And that is the way a male is

•ade. Thar is tne way he ia programed. That in what he is.

All that the female need rememoer IL. this: He ia

not to olamu. il'! in only to blaise for his conlrolliri; or not

controlling that which he is being denied. Secauaa thftt 'Irive

ia mere. And iiiat jrivu fun.i.Jiius one ol' nis ni^i.-.-:,L ,,01111j

of h-.ippinecu, one of his moot relaxinc forma nf exorcist, one

of the roost satisfying acts of his nature. Yo" c.-\n taxe his

money away, and he can l,-\uch ana try to got sone more. You

can tako his car away and eventually he will laupn aoout it and

have another car. A".i he will not nate you for it nor rfill ne

become vimlictivo conccrnin,; it towurj you. You <-i." ^o many

An-i he will f or,;et about them as oeinc a vay of life. Trinrs

do happen. .i'it on that one subject, on that one ultimate drive,

of his, you do not tamper with it if you wish to n r.aj-.ry

relationship. That, may not be simple, that may bo harj, that

nay be difficult and you may not be capable of come Fa--

vour sake, and for the sa*e of the men that you associate with

Jhen be cold, precise and objective and Jo not under any circuc-

stancos iihow a nale any affrction at all. u«ruus>.> tlwt afiection

you show is coin,: to be answered with what is now touay call-d

sexual desire, which in reality is total sensuality tnat. is

proi-ramed into him and ne will answer to that. If you car.r.ot

accnmmailate him, leav? him alone. A"ri both of you will be

nappier. und that is aa cold, as blunt,and as clear as I canmmr. it.

This is a roan speaking. And for your information. ar.J

an/one else that carea to listen, a man is sinply a mala that

naa j;oriu throuyii the firen, h.ij reached opinions ana has turned

his opinions into convictions and when those convictions are

chall; n,;i}d he will die rather tlutn give tliem up. That is what

males that are not men. ;vnd I u- not talking about tnat elcner.t

of our socit.-ty. I am talking ,ibout the p-.TOcitive oi" a man.

not the perotjitives of a wond.;rii:(; senceless nale. Or -c.yco a

better wont would ue a preyin;; male. ilecause that I cannot

apeak for, that I as a man cannot umierstanu, myself. «nj if

you want some advice, which you are free to ignore, wnen vou

run into a male that 13 a preyer upon women, it is yoi;r fault

when you let him gat you. It 13 not nia. o^c^iise vou know

that tvpe of man has a weakness and if you want to support tnat

weakness and in supporting that weakness, you oust be aole to

support thu fact -.hat m- is after .iverythir.,; you've o: anj

any other womans got and all the women in the worlds got if he

can get his cotton picken hands on tnem. »nd I rto not unaer-

stand what makes a man l ike this. I myse l f do not tt ink taia

way, therefore, I cannot «o into that at all. Jfou would need to

K«t one of tncoe males, tnat is that way, to explore and explain

why he in that way a"d since he is that way, it is an inposaibilitv.

It ia the iiMnoveaole object meet ing the irresiataole force or he

would not be that way in tne f i r s t place.

Try w i t h i n yourself to loo* at procreatio", s e n s u a l i t y ,

anj se*ualit". Sexuality is a manufacture.i proc»ss, pr'fDrmed

in excitement. It defeats it 's own purpose. It does rtoes not

bu i ld strength. It. r lrai"s s trenth. It. can be only subs ta ined

for a l iaiteu amount, of t i m e or the person indulcint fa l ls apart .

It is a sure roa'i to ill health an'i "nhappyness unless it 13

done knowingly , and unless hoth partners say hay, this is for

excite:j"nt ami boy le t ' s d o n ' t overdo it or we w i l l blow our

everloving heal th patterns. We are gome to blow our a f f ec t ion .

We «re (join,; to blow every thing that ia decent about «a. If «ou

do then do it un'ler control and also let yourself F.O . KoW should

you practice only sexuali ty, it is KOinc to become boring, be-

cause it in not=. . u l t ima te f u l f i l l i n g It is the sa"e k i n d of

eicitement. that vou would «et dancinc, you would «et bowl ing ,

vou would i'"i playln,; haacoull, put t ing on a new ilrtisu, th roe

are u»ort l ivnd, , vory e n . l o y u u l e u v o n t n bm. they are not

and cannot b» auntair.n-1 con t i nuous ly or ovor any creat l a tmth of

t ime. So1 -'o not in vour own liuad, lump iex in to a l l t i iu various

fac»ta because it is excitement and onlv exc i tement a"d tnat ia

what is boini- sold to you today, is the excitement part of a male/female re la ' . io imnip c«llc"l sox.

'ind in t r u t h , it 12 a uccp , a VTV real, a very a f f e c t i o n -

ii t i , . . h i / - " o M t form of procreat ion iti the con t inu-ate oensnalif/


MEN ONLY SEMINAR ( i ft 00) - Mo 10 p m Wttf Feb. 27. 1To b*> Announced • WOMEN ONLY SEMINAR Ucn-Womtwi Smton.

rjM* *f"1 in*" <H*v IhM w^h *,! loOCWw M • Iff* HMXtVMOtl

M dow Dra» m li M Ooo> T«.»phaM* I/Mll .*(

••> I .«• \*-i wi- MM-"*»-l t»V <h*> C*MorMB ' J it» <lu wrt o


. I .» pvrioot .... h«i> that h.qh a.d •molionol - b. 101. thai om* poi>*<l f»yir,ol(>v"«

»M* and pittyftoy lyp* magoi>->«t .... ih* ( Irum « ionV world ot mvex,l,fy Moi> p*fion> lot* ovf man al tl,..( ,.

*f* 0>. t on<t -opi,r, o,.,,,j NO 3 ,7 ti

NfcEDS © -

in A l f r e d B. ('laser and I an ROinc to t a l k u p o n that

••onfronta 'is all of the nomnnta of our l i fe . rf> are conntant ly

nee ' l in^ n o n e t ' i i a p " or the o ther . *'hat can one sav. How en" one

explain a n--<l. I i is an e m o t i o n a l demand. It is an emot iona l

e rvp t ion v / i t n i n ourself t ha t t i a p j e n n in op i t e of our in te l l igence, '

in a p i t e of our con t ro l s , in n p i t e of all our intensions , good,

bai l , or I n d i f f e r e n t . Unce t n i u "»ed pr"uaca ana presses andpresses

and ao-eti'xes it w i l l priori in to what is culled for want of a oettcr

vord an onsession, the newl ia «itHer s a t i s f i ed or la "ot sat isf ied.

And if it is not sa t i s f ied , we are the worse for it.

T'"»re i:> a w r i t t e n work w h i c h in /^reat. Th*>re ia a w r i t t e n

work w'.ich a -jreHt many of you i.;p.y oe associated w i t h . It is form-ing one of , the basic backgrounds of coin^- in to the human syndrome

and it is Kas low 'a Hierarchy of Needs. t^ia in a wonder fu l work.

This • ipior- ' r ; unit e x t r a p i l a t e s and i t J ;OBH in to ma"", many

facc tM and ia a shame that it was not t i t led d i f f e r e n t l y , di>-

CDuce when you rename t > ' i s an yo» read it H a n l o w ' a Hie ra rchy of

i)rr , ia l3 thrn vou w i l l sej w h y tnere arc needs.

I fi"i l i t confounding that no one has been ab la torealize that ti i-;r» 13 no need unless there is a denial of an e ' p r~* :sion. • J^-eii tnat emotional expression which isw i t h us coi . j ian i ly i" n i l of i t ' s facets is ' Inr . ieu all of i t ' s

expressions then i t neodn to dpnv others that oxprwna ion or i t

i;ob-is to «T4/;lii on" way or the otner to overcome the aenial it

has r"C"ivcd.

rf» have m u n v , uany terms for th»oe nnnia l s . They are under

oucn cute word:i .-in ro . iec ' ion , oh I <"st d i d n ' t -ant to Jo it, thcr"

are a million and on-> denials u u t the ui|j*st and most important

'l»nial to nit-/ hncian is the denial of progeny.

W« h»ve a ba t t le , * i'rnf.t bat t ! ••. joint <""• r i^nt now, reed-

IPSS t o nay thn f . ;malo side is in open reb"ll.iou towards the w l > o l c

•chenc of llr- cn -u io r in l iav in i : endowed tnom w i t h beini; the carrier

of proc'ny. I iio not say it is fair . I do not say it ia unfa i r .But I do sa1/ tha t it. ia a s i tua t ion which in vnry , very natural

because that is the way it wan created. Tlu female certainly isn't

to olann. The male imi ' t to b lnme . Nor ia the creator to hlame.

ttu>. tro* this ample |>roc«ny factor which is ihe total kev law 01'survival of l i fe , haa came a need.basia through t^e denia l

based upon this that is harrendous. That is devestatinc to

nmot io i iHl f i r t l d r , .n denial ia the crueliat, moat pi.rii:;i.uole act of any

on" human towards another human, f.ona of t ime .>t;o, it was found

that control food, deny food .you could cet anynony to do your

bidding reciardloaa what that U i d n i n R may be. 'i'tien deny the f"l-

fillraent of |,ro^eny. V»r all kinds of c"iaelin»s to i t . Create

all the possible needs you can create so tnat you can £?! every-

body to do what you want thorn to doin order to f u l f i l l tnis need

which you have created, for them. And you are a Oo<* and they are

your slave. nnd l i iuy w i l l ar.r.wrtr to your uen;u,, in oecause of

your d u n i a l u not l) of your I ' u l fv l l t ncn tn .

Look at the n o e u n around you . L O O K at now tr.ey have

been twisted anil torn ai.u you ^o hack to the n a n i c neea. ?nw

"eed to survive. Th« "tea to oe uea i tny . Tr^ . t ie t J to :.av<: fcoa .

f ii» need to havu happy relat ionships. 'i!>-e n»ed to want A b e t t e r

fu tu re . The ne«d to bu yourse l f . 1»° nc«ii to l ive ar.a express

your own l i f e f . u c l y . ,'i».l n i l of theae rr--eaE have boen crcate i l

by the den ia l of tnoye V-.T/ f ac to r s w h i c h w i l l l o t : ou DO y o u r c o l f .

In t.tu-i-i ,* a n c t > j to he hos t i l e? ^^3, uiur*: u ricea to

be h o s t i l e w u . j i i you havt 1 hO ' l n . t e n i c a t i i a u w , u - i. ; ;uinon:; y < i ' ; r

survival , w h i c h u u p p o r t " your nappi t :esu , aiui iocs tha t r . o s t i l i t y

f u l f i l l ^ur need, i t f u l f i l l : ! trie new no-M ti.;it has oeci. r r . - f i l e t

by the or ig inal den i a l a i . < i that i j tne need to des t roy ooT.eoo'lyw h o hail den ied you. n r i j i h e n you me»;t H o s t i l i t y w i t n : ; o : i t i i i t y

and tha r e n u l t i:; a n s t r n e t i o n .

Jo i j . ' a i n . at I fuk in^ at wna t vou Ji.'ive oetfr i taut;iit ar»c

w h a t you have loar t i i -d , . / ou ' r ^oin^ to realise t t t ; i t you nave boen

Inujjht that you nave n ^ - j i c d y o m e t n i n j hut _'oi; i.ave never ocen

told that tno reason .niy ,-ou nued none th inc 1- ne«:aur,« mat r.'oeJ

cannot be I ' u l f^ l i t iU because 01" another person':; ac:.ial. And tnuy

wi l l ;iU7 t h a t C,oil d o n i v s i t . The^ w i l l yay , t na t r'7li;;ion denies

it. Ti'" • w i l l any t l in t l a w deiur 3 it. Tney >-'11 1 r.ivn you all

sor ta of ra t ionulu . Tn^y w i l l r.ay that it rauct be denied to you

because It is not good for you. It i:; not good S C C ; O I K . »na

when you look through nil of the flen flanii when vou look at allof the helped, then and only then dons it s u M e n l y occur to you

that you have been had and are being had every da/ of your lives.

A"-l it will t;o on that way un t i l you start l o o k i n , ; .it the denials

in your life and when vou see the d e n i a l . i , tho n u > - f l » "n i w n y . Be-

cituce you see there is no need when the der . i . i l ia . - > ) o d . An' ithat ia a truth.

The need feelinr wi l l reverse itself an.-! -.h —. - - . a t whichban ilenied you wi l l boconc thu ob.lect of your M : - - . . .u . .a that

denial fron the face of this earth. Once that aenial :a «one,

there in no more need. Vh»ro is not one s i n r l o oo^c t , t h in /* ,

enotion, tht-re ia not one speck of reality , tnere ia .-.ot one of

a n y t h i n g that has been placed here by raan , man is not a creator. •

H- la a procreator. ll« ran take or she can take what ia here and

•ix it around and scramble it up and come up w i t h d i f f e r e n t

lookl.i^ object:) and di f ferent looking thinrs ana d i f f e r e n t lookimr

humani ty but al l the base i n r . i e d i a n t s of that mix are already

here. And that ia why man totally confounds himself over and over

and over a / ; a i n . He will del iberate ly deny in order to create

a need.

And if you w i l l th ink for .just a few m i n u t e s , you w i l l

come into a very cK-ar picture of why you are j e t t i n g here, more

or less unhappy. If you w i l l look at w h a t has been denied you

day by daV, and sometimes m i n u t e by minu te , you wi l l for the first

time understand the base cause of your unhapp inesa . T^e base reason

why vou cannot maintain a pleasure dwel l . I ' wil l be atartl inc and

it will -it shockniK and you wil l not l ike wha t you see and wnat

you feel. The denials pr»v»lanr. all arou"<1 you w i l l n i t you squar*

httween the eyes.

But once that initial shock is surmounted. One* you r»aliz»vou are not c rea t ing > h i a ilonial, that »ou are not the one

responsible for this denial a"d that vou ther»for«"-hen have beenplaced cruelly i" a placo of need because of t h i s denial then the• tine 01' the denial r.oea awa». lint what will r«"mai" ia th- untolddenials th«t "on have propetuatad throughout, "our l i fe t ime , tenchyou arc still p p«tuatini; r i^ht now. Arm theon denials w h i c h /ouyourself liavn f pef"at»d wil l result w i t h i n vou as a feplineof cuilt and even th« milt vo" wil l deny to yo-rself and to any-on« around yon. And that may soun^ overly harsh.

I a" *orrv that it is so. ti'" facts are fac t s and whatI *~" and what I if-ow and what I see in "our i"ac»s a»,i wnat Isee in th e publics faces, L.nn wna t I see in the face of t h i s *orl<lIs one creat denial. !l»in" prep«tula teu ov thens-lves an°i v i s i t i n gupon those around 'item and thoce around tnera v i s i t i n g nacK And to mo it.'s a scene, a total scene nf people armed w i t n•motional bu l lwhips . ^ashin^ each o ther in a s ta to of fr-»r.zv.And ne i ther beinr able to stop. Thi« is not in cond»m"ation.This i3 ivot i» u c c u n ? t i n n , T>-is . is merely a ver* basic far t thatneeds to bu pointed out to all who wish to hear not l ist»n.

Too ma.nv people listen b"f they do not heur. fl^c«'""» thevilo not act: upon that w h i c h they hear. Ann therefore, wh f t t tl.oyhoar, they rnallv do not hear. So stop f.oim: around and saymjyou noed this, and you need tuat , and I nee,t this, arm I "ee->tnat. And gay hey, who ia de"vin« -ne f>ic. A"rt what pm I .len-Mngto others.

Anil »ou can forgot the word v our own spec" and their ownapace and vou can for/'.et. all tho melorlc-'s YOU have heard acout LtMi,^"O'TSelf. K>""au3e vo" naver wer« ,1»at yourself , you n'-ver can o-jlust yonrnel i r h"t then you never w i l l h» i»st. yourse l f . il»c?.uc"

you are a part of n pool of «nt»ract.iii£ ""otions und yo" can o ; . . - rexpress Sltoae ewot.ioiif. or vou c;m deny theae emot ions or I I ^ V H t::s-deni-"1 for vou. Ami you w i l l f indanu feel i f > o i i are scnc^re i r.w n n t i n i - a b"tt«r world that vou aru one of the greater of t««d e r u e r n . Vou ar« on« that doea more Ueny inc nn-1 creatin;; r.oroiit-eds than those nocua that horn cr»at»'l for you.

A^ain, I rop ' iut , do not. look at l h * need , look at t h «denial that brou,;*"- fortn the M.'CU. ii"d to coiao back to tue vryf i r s t poi»t of Mils in ' t ie s«rvivul a n d t h e procreat 10" nf t M I -proceny, lei mo point out very clearly there is onlv o"« basicreason why the female 'loes "ot want to Mavo cni luren. It. is ae-cauae h«r a h i l i t v to caro for that child is forever <^on». T"»

haa cha n i : e<) . T''e [.rovidor no longer proviil's. A".1 'i.eoi|.!r r.o loiuiur beseachea. n.i.l so (.he wor3;>n who b- in ;o fo r th

• child cannot fu l f i l l her total procrami"^. And why can't shefu l f i l l t h i s t o t a l proTarainQ because she is denied that whichIs ner.»ssary to f"lfil l it. j:i.e nuat liave money, 3n« mu3t havp

a house, «he .nust ituvo aociet", siic mus t have 'he a b i l i t y to rair.cthat c n i l - J , to profct t^at r h i l a , to ace for tnat chi ld , and to 'care for U'at c' ' ild because of all the - i i - n i a j s that has b t f e n heapedupon her. They , a"il t ' ^ e p u o f l e , and tne p u h i i c , a"d Hio covornraentat^a t br . iave th rO ' i ; : l i t n r * j£* 01" J^n i a l f ' T i i " ! '; «oman ir . to ^one-tnin*? uh*> was "ev**** m e a n t to U". And in 30 ' Joing l i k p thp nuncrysnake who j;ot i t ' o ta i l ir. i ' " s m o u t h , i t is now eatinr the oodvto the h»Hd. And t »a t w i l l o.1 a s i lent to O O P .

il"cau3» i l e n i u l nus an u l t i m a t e . fcn<t in that u l t i m a t "is an en". And you are fast through den ia l a |>proacnin« tnat u l t i m a t e ,I do not wis» to dwell upon the one fail flaw tnat hao becone evidentin tuis cou"try and 111 o t re r countr ies of tne wor ld . There is noJenyinj; that l''-* female within the family position has oeen totallyor almost been t n ' a l l y denied her human func t ions . And sn« cannotovercome this denial wncn 3he lets ride and does not k"ow it 13thcro.

Jiatnictioii of l i fe was never the f"males programme,ti'o p ro tec t ion nl l i f e Is "or i/royramini; . />nd 3"e ia denied t h a tr t i^ l ' t of p rn t - r t ion ar:J therefor" one .loon not want t>mt which ahor»nnot protect through her own natural »nvironment and h«r ownnatural inotiono.

So I w i l l leave yo'i w i t h th is word. Look to thn denia l sand you " i l l f i n i there w i l l b» no n«eda.

It'3 A Fict; t-;^ CT_I!-! lai? -.---L- rdjid utthout application of knonledco foundIn tha Ikj-lem ilur--ju Corf rc)Kn.-ion courica.

The hxsvji bnin~ ia the only gpccico th^t c.irrieo rdjid corponcnta. After 12thciuinl yesra of amerlcnaa t- ethics trainLnc, the final choice 4 cycle* tr»eo.Tirj; to an «id. uLthor .in individual will Ir.irn contml of Uicir cor^>oncntsin-1 bcc r.c oihiCci, or their nini co:r,rnr nt.-; (Ill CI:.TC« txj function njid Ihqywill r^ t/> an "wi'^rwlic1 i.ato of f'inclion like Lho aninal kincUcn.

Arjjvils h,i»e nercr ealcn of the fruit of knoi.-led.-;*. they do not need to thi-nk fi they are not Before our Hunan run chaotic planet can bcooaa-he 'parr,-li;c' proniscd in .llbles, it will bo cln.ircd of the unethical, outof control belni;3 'j. they will loss Uieir 'ImouloUce' coiputor bonlcs. All per-•ons mat cbcose to learn self control 4 pj on In cthicj. auvanccncnt or toreturn to an anlral state by in action or choioo. In the fadcrn lluroaiu the blucprinta ar« ciTen for full hunan function. En knowing choices>T ail able, the choice can bo nade with full corprchonclon. \a the present cyclecloses you c»n eaoily become aiotro of tho many choico actions taklnc plaoaaround 700. llany Jiblical reference* ahould also become clear. A notable flri»pi* is Jemi* cjoplainxn^ at th« Line of the and thera uin be one who coaoauoot n* <c elves 03 tho knovladca that w» aeek.ilay yx>u choose wlaaly. a fry

When two people relate to one another very strongly

In their .wants ana des i res , they have almout a u t o m a t i c l y acnieved

a pleasure dwell between thorn. Their wants and desires can be

expreuBloriD of affect ion, hoot l l l tv , It con >>• fighting :»H the

time or l o v i ~ c all the t imn. It f an b» •xpreaaed in many, oianv

ways as lonr as their dcnireo an" want 's arn more or leas partelLL

with in their association. The bigest problem happens between

these peoples wh»- 'hev or ing in outside d is turbances that is

cona'anM* ana over a period of time wei/T.n**rt upon t^cffl . >*h"»n

they brine; into th i s association thoae things which haa happened

to »hem i n d i v i d u a l l y when thcv have been apart and they Discussthis, which t hev love .'o do, this ia excella"t, hut. h<»caua«

situations can be 'xan-d, answers can be fou"'l, then wh»" t.hev

£a back oat awav «''J b' 'rieroselv»s into tho worln they can th«n

cope,-asthe world i s - w i t h the s i t u a t i o n much b e t t e r . Th i s is

a" on going re la t ionship, which can b? idy l ic . It is >"S"ally

breached bv one or the o ther part" asking one of th» parties

to do something ahout f he s i tuat ion outs ide of th«*ir f»lat ion-

ahip that tl*at porson doca net have tn« power, the a b i l i ' . v , th*

tine or place to i lo. It. becomes a personalized agravation bro"i:ht

into the re la t ionship from outs ide. Tn» '.wo are not lon^r in

tholr pleasure dwel l . Thun the pleasure dwell becora-a frag-

ne n t e , i . Tt'at w h i ch they »n.iov s tar ts taking a oack s»at to t 'n~

ai'ravation which ia happening outside of their relationship. The«

personalize thei r ."irieva-c-s. Jhy can ' t «ou ao sonet'iing aoout

it? Unu d i r t this have to happen to me? You do- ' t r1"- into these

problems? You don ' t know what I «•" talkirg about. I co"ld go

on a»d on and on cormerninK t i ia t which nuns a re la t ionship

pleasure ''wll. I nueii not <io so.Wh»n vou are in a pleasure - "we l l that winch in o u t s i d e

of that pleasuro dwell, vou oust be abl» to raise the bam»r

look at it for what it is, an-' s"ile. Because it is not vou.

If vou are d^liberatel* shooting "ourself down to obta in money,

to obtain power, to obtain should I nuy ul t imate cam values' w i t h i n th» world of t.ho pun l i c , then vou are not in a pleas"r»

dwell , you do not wish a pleasure dwell , you wish then a" *»-

citen.tnl dwel l .t\n exc i t ement dwell,, f-at »«c i t ement dwel l w i l l tcur

you up. It wi l l t;iku »on 'Q t!i» point whnre you will no lo"<:crknow what a pl<-asur*» dwel l is. A"rt as far aa f.Httin^ back i n t o

any pl»H3"ro, it in a super human i m p o s s i b i l i t y to most, pcor'.e.

They no lon"i>r r^co^mze i t nor know what , i t is. Thov no longer

can set w i t h t h p r n a n l v n g a"«l e n m y thpms"lv**s ind let themselves

emotionallv enot" I'eciiuse that. 13 not gainful . T*'iit. does "ot

make thorn mor .yy . That .ioea not uo this . That uoes not "o f i t .

Ami it io a total wn:it" of tiaic. The words invar iab ly crop upr»al q"ick in any re la t ionship , get off vour r u t t anu do SOIB--

thing about it. T '^a t is no longer a pleasure dwel l . To" ar' not

sharing ploa.-mru, yo" ar» sharing hostility and excitement and

you ar» cut t i - j ; yourse l f and whoever vou are w i t h or others vo>'

are w i th , vou ara c u t t i n g thxir emotions up.

A pleasure dwell , I repeat, is doing that which vou

like to do, wh ich you en joy dointf . Yo" f ind those th i -cs you

enjoy 'loing anrt let yourself bo the tu-lr,". Tou are either happy<1oing it o r_vo» are not hHppy. in this messed up world, it ia

hard to find enough of what you l i k j to uo in a 24 hour period

to keep yourself in a pleasure Hwen for 24 hours. Tou wi l l

have to and nmst hreak out of it in order to su rv ive , i tn t

at least know it is there. At least k n o w it can be i ra red .And when you ar" fo r tnnea to ly '?noupn to run into som^cojv that

you can s t inr" it w i t h , please 10 not br ing the ou tc iue w o r l d

into 11 on a personal level, l lever accune your r e l a t o r of having

don- it, having Drought it a i x i u t , or in an/ way of oeing r j-

sponcible for that o u t s i ' l e a/ ;nravation that h i t s ^ou c o n s t a n t l y

when you are not w i th that person, ima wnen it hits the two

of you or more of vou to^eU'er and i t comes in and swarns in

on top of you, vo» w i l l lie a o l < > to look u t each other an't smi le

and let the world bounce riflht; off of that pleas'Te sn ie ld youare in. It w i l l not bothT e i t he r of you.

Ifon heard or more than l ike ly wil l hear the aspects of

each per.ion per ta in ing to beinp a God . That wi l l he lp vou

fur ther unders tand the sv"holo and your own a t t i t u d e toward

w * - a t is p leasurable to you and wha t is not pleasurable. A

pleasure d w e l l is not a haru state of being to achieve. It io

trie easieht state of bein/ ; tha t exist . Because it is hasical ly

vou. It is basically the'-e and when vou go deliberate!" against

that which you l ike .and against that which yon want, and against

that which brings you happiness for anv excuse, for any rational,you are d e l i b e r a t e l y .lestrovini? »our pleau"re r twell.

Ue fo i - ' I f . . , , j i i this, let m« sav this; I '"o not anrl I

M i l l not accept . . - . . . . - :n any re la t ionship i n t o ray pleasure

dwell unless that pi;rann is capable of handling th - relat ionshipon a pleaa"ro ,-. • . "-?edless to say, there are very , very few

people that I *ave ever become close to and m o s t l y then and only

then for short par ioaa of t ine. Th- hu-»n. all h u m . i n n , ayself

Included, need a anaulder to cry on at tinea. And 'ha' is f ine.

That ia e x c e l l e n t when you are in a pleasure dwell . But when

that crying turns into rage and directs itself direct ly towards

the person that is o f f e r i n g comfor t , that is the end of that

pleasure d w e l l . A-* tha t is the end of that r e l a t i onsh ip .

Th«t. does does not mean that anotnsr r e l a t i o n s n i p w i t h

the same person or persons cannot be recreated. That depends

upon their learning experiences. T*at depends upon what they

f ind out and how much they apprec ia te w h a t tney have los t , a f t e r

they have lost i t .

' But your pleasure dwel l is w i t h you n o w . I t w i l l oo

vith you all the time. You only need to draw on it. Yo" '"'•aw

on it by doing that which you l ike to uo as much as you can

possibly do it. A"<1 rto i t openly and f r ee l / ana w^rn each and

every person tha t wrecks or a t t e m p t s to wreck your p l e a s u r e

dwel l , "Hav, you are ru ining ny p leasure J w e l l . " "If you want

Nfl-H 2

C I9GO Jy KCKS Hovel Pub'sJox 3232, ittvcrsidc, CA. U^jiBubliahed 3y Fry's, Porris Ci.

A. Nas low'n Hierarchy of Needs

1. Individual is an integrated organized whole.

2. Tnere fore , there is only u need of the total i n d i v i d u a l .

a. M o t l u s t a need of:




3. I nd iv idua l is mot iva ted by the need.

4. N«ei ts not comple te ly i solaule .

a. Hay gra t i fy several needs at on* time.

5. AS each need is sat isf ied A nigner need emerges.

a. Thus, basic human needs are organized into a hierarchy

of prepotency.

6. Seven classifications

a. r h v s i o l o g i c a l Needs



affect ion








Safety Nrtcda

Belonging and Love Needs

1. Sex and a f f n c t i o n

2. Love

Esteem Nsedn ( two catagorie.s)

1, LIPsire for

Hepu tat ionPrestige

Sta tus


2. Desire for

Self respect

Achievement .


Com" i«icnce


Nerd for Self-actualization

1. The requirement for the individual to rto what

thev are f i t t e d for or actualized in.

2. Varies greatly from person to person.

3. T1"- requiremtfor '

a. musician to make music

b. poet to writ"

r. inventor to invent


I have often said6. taste , ! need

7. smell ) Then found8. sleepiness^ ai(i not neea.

hy life continued

Sometimes w i t n pain

Sometimes wi th .toy

W i t h o u t the provision

Of that

Vhich I said

I need.

I have listened

Quiet ly


kh i l e others have said

I need.

«fa r« nave been

Lives have been lost

Simply oeca'iae

Someone aaid

I need.

• . A ^ B t n c t i c ' n i . o d s (baa lc to aome i n d i v i d u a l s )

1. Include need for

a. or<l»r i

b. avmmetry

c. closure

d. complet ion of the act

«. for S"St<»m

f. s t ructure

«r. b e a u t y

Kxceptions or apparent reversals of f.n» hierarchy

1. Some people sclf-estceni seems to be more i m p o r t a n t

than love.

2. Some people have an innate c r e a t i v i t y which seems

to be mors i m p o r t a n t than any o ther neeu.

3. Thf» !<>vel of asperation in certain people mav be lowered

and in some CKSHS deadened.

4*. The psychopathic personal i ty is an example of losa

of the love needs.

5. When a need has been s a t i s f i e d for a lonft time,

this n*pd mav be underevaluaiud, thus cauaeln^ a

reversal of the hierarcny

6. A pTBon may not act upon nis desire or noed <

7. ::om- people liecomi- nurtyrea becau ju of an ideu,

nigh valun, or social standard disregarding baalc


Modern Human:; Classification of Needs.

1. In t roduc t ion :

H.H. in ita r r < ? " ™ n tat iqn has taken a step beyond th-

need p a t i r r : i ~ -•• > i b l i shed by present social mores. How-

ever, in p i r - i r f r n- those persons tliat accept t*<e netfd

pattern ^3 :•'•::. ; >.;ded, the oroad concf>|)t of M. l l . w i l l

be p r e u u t ; : .. j ... . i>a pattern category.

2. Taken tno n o c - i s of the human and crouped them in

seperat.? V i e l ' a o r behavioral pat terns

a* T h e r o u y , j j n t j i o i n t i n g tne origin of each and every

need accord ing to what expression the need brings

forui in pnys ica l action.•3. Accepts t i i i nk in , ; an being a mot iva tor of oody act ions ,

b»l; not the creator of tn f»m.

a. thought may not be acted upon

b. th<" act ion response desired '.y thought may not be

in keeping w i t h the need demandeu

4. Class i f ica t ions of Needs (Modern h u m a n s ) (Fou r )

a. A Hind

1. Highest and greatest Kc»d

». Heasuve

B. W i t h o u t p leasure there is no need of a n y i n i n g

2. K u r t h e r b r e a K d o w n 01* A Hind

A. Surv iva l and sleep f ie lu /needo

H. Kood f ie lu /needs

C t She l te r

i>. S e x / a f f e c t i o n

••Tbr n.rr.i;.r.,i.. rVnrfili

o(, ... ,'ir«

Will.jiil I 11. If Ml)

ihr l>q..iim»rm .-f P-.. >,• :r-. I VI . . . - I "IM r . l i . i n r i n . ! j . i . h . . ' «f••S»rrl M.i. 'iir.. \ M u l v i.ll l i .nuif " M . k r V.n l . i . .wh".,. I If. .. I. I 1 .1 . Mr•In, III*,I H .1 I. Iw.n,; ihr

..1.1 ..' - 1.1.'-.- I

.ill. .I... I., 'll. t.illl) iil .I1...I1..I

brink- ah\r i. h.iin... .in.1 Mr(HI. br M..U...I II

'*•.! .1. ltl.ll II J. I

d..,.i,,,. ... Hi.^ \..d.hrrras j|n'irhrn.ion Jii.i woe-r\ ..II . ...IM- rr.l hl,.«l . ril. luclnMrr nimhti.l l.u.^hirr . .inr.i|.r Ihr Ir.rl ..I r^, , |.|,rll>r MI

ihr I. l.»l ...... hi .r,..,,..,,»!,

Ihr Uhl. . .... rl.-. i.r. it»r l.r.irale jn.l r.|.......

KAd u»>|(rnjin.n »l Ihr blood

3. The f " l l f i l l m o n t of the fooU, shelter, slee;..and nurviva l needs fu l f i l l s the pleasure neeu.

Mi" i l Needs1. Primary Heed Oxygen2. Otncr

A. Contact w i t h t. M i « U , w i t h o u t i n t e r f e r enceB. Needs to 'l««p a spiri liiul-ocnsual flow -> f

b e a u t v i n i o A r l i rni .C. h«eds to seek and revive iiaroarrea eraotior.s

Of r. I-a".l, i l l lOWll . , : I I . O M to l ioc .L. ie «:.0i.!

Needa to farstall destructivenesa, v i s i t a t ionsof fear and pain, the perversions of aeairas,and the feeding upon others, th"» enslavementof rapture and .ioy, th-> false raanifistationsof things that are useless to pleasure andidyllic tranquility.

.B Hind is a complete non-physical u n i t ofbeauty encompassed in 'ho emotional fieldof A Hind, thnrefor* it needs1. Seek beauty in all fomia of emotional

stability includinga. eliminate emotional painb. cure emotional damage, including

physical,, emotional, and mentalillness

. •. .-'vitalize emotional sensa'ions bvr.^iKhtenihg A K i n d ' s uercept ion• 'onrt it 's acting level.

b . ' l i i iu consists of the highest 'motionalr •••-'' -~ -•{ love, sensuality, nature,

• cons t ruc t i ve fom and design, therefore.




xa ia t i an aesthetlcodwel l in rapture even during times cfstress

i^narrt the emotional drives of A HinH tokeep them from going out of controlwhile under the assualt of C H i n d

C. Needs to be in total emotional selfdiscipline to all others and i tself , enjoyingtotal range of sharing ' in all perfect ionemot ions , both physically and Intellectually.

C Hind N«eds

1. Pri"c needsA. Creature comfort

• B. Lanor saving devicss

C. Orderly and well run s/ateras of rules,laws, and direct ions <

2. Secondary needsn. Home best in whatever it doesb. H u n t be be t te r than anyone elseC. Noeda to be bound to a centra l concept of

f o r e v e r b e t t e r m e n t and in so doing needsto p lace trunks a c o v » e.T,a:ions or force

• emot ions to nring fo r t h^s0. Unve the human forward in controlled

f u n c t i o n a l sys tems, to b r ing fo r th the a o i l i t vof thou£»t m a n i f e s t a t i o n s in the physical.

3. Character NeedsA. A/' vcnesart . Asoert ivenesaC. I r ra t ional

i). DishonestK. Constant emotional clashes

P. H»-" 'o to have i t ' s own ward. So"l needn

1. to form a c o n t i n u i t y l i nk in the prepress to ab et ter w o r l d .

2. To t h r u s t forward at a fast pace in t ime, with 'all the old knowledge bein£ forged into a solid

• core of intel l igence3. Th*"»fore, it needs actions of conf l ic t oetween

A Hi-rt, a Hind, and C Hin<<4. Primary need is choice5. S<"«-o"<tary neeu is choice between A H i n d , rt K ind ,

C Himd6. hfiedo to have the Human know i t exis t

Tk* w«tr*Fry's, 22511 Markhun, Ferris, CA 92370

i t

to talk l ike th is £0 see somebody else and leave ne a l o n e . " rtr.a

I w i l l guarantee you w i t h i n the m a t t e r of a few oayn snouU t h i s

be at your place of work, should this be at your f*nuly, ar.ouU

this be w i t h those people you associate w i t h , w i t n i n two to

three day3| they w i l l also catch onto what a pleasure dwol l 13ana they w i l l como up to ynu and they w i l l say. "Look, I ' dl i k e to ta lk some th ing ovor w i t h you ana l e t ' u keep i t , 1 do r . ' t

want to d i s t u r b your [.It-am re i w o i l , l e t ' s koen i t race -• r. i

easy, hu; ;h ," » ' h i s works . I i.ave boen t h r o u ^ n i t . I r ta--i O R *

whole ('.roVp of men change w i t h i n one week . It. h^cane a con-en

sayint; to the oooaes. to the co-worKern, to anyoou.y at t r .u i r

place of work that apnroaofied t h e m , they w o u l d n a y , '"Jow w a i ta minute , I d o n ' t want no H o s t i l i t y , i f you .can't come up here

tind he happy with me fcO on away." And thai is iiow easy it 13ana that, is how catching U is . A pleasure dwel l xa t U a t

w h i c h you l ike to ao, nnu enjoy doin^ i t . PI vine t r? to e x t . - n - iit over the who Jo 16 hours that you are awake, in your ac ta , inyour oxpreosionn nnJ do not he hostile to the people who corse

in to wreck the pleasure dwel l . limil** and aay, "Hay, YQ" arcmaking mo unhappy, would *ou pleano knock it o f f , or would you

please L'«t the hos t i l i t y out of vour voice or would you 1 Ustr loune leave ino alnr.r un t i l you feel bet ter ." Now that i sn ' t

hard to do. Try it. Do not be afraid to try it. Sue what

h f i p p c n n .

So wtv-.t will you do (or liave you aone) ..with the tools of -w-.rer.ejs ;-i re l ievedIn the Corps 7 Mr. Ice no nist.-'ce,you do-now n.-ive kr/s 10 r:i n ;e ycur .if-.> : r t.-.fibetter if you it-ice tho effort. .. .Prol»;.l»ly .1 '.nod :^i c£ t.iis : i r.i-s . ^1. %i. .1are running without najnr KXNZ) circuits, ,-ni -/ill never re,.117 Vjc j 1 inhlc'ier level concepts ft adv-'ncerur.'it. Pro*1--Jly '?••.» 01 U;e ^c-^.ila Li t.-.e ws ir:: \.crliare running wat of their tine on priori ty or CrJLnd .k«ll. /."..on a-ny of i -,.-se ; ergons,iro exj>oged to how nuch tlxcy ;.rc contixjllei. thi'ir OiJjid Joes .-.bout ev r, -..Lr^,* Ln thabook to see that this comprehension doesrt.'t'sirJc in1 . \ studont c-n la < ri. ;.i'- ,-t thewords fc they juat :«n't T thin.;, [iotli tiie CVPS ** the c--:-s hr.'/c 3.-".. r ' ri^_;', can easily be blocked on persona of ; •»,- c do1 errj.r.->t ion. 7.U.5 is ore r - - s ~ n .<have pat Uie Gonpa on t.Lp«. A :iu;u>er of stuaont-a iuva seller lac< Ii5Li_;_-.

'iou h-j/a the':';rf)iin.l to co:"prpiir;U ,1 ;^cd -lu-J . c;" *_hia ii.-.teri.J. cr .- i t>,il,irot iLive !;*-pn Interest d in tho I - t pi te. At t :us p^ir.-, yr,>u r^jr bo f r c c j ','. : *_/.«simile choice of 'c -;-.pia; out1 jr;i.nt; in tliere ,.nd :-tlii : n:.::* L- toyour originT! cow:J."tjv:nt, Your ciu^iac ..ill .it-uiae your L*ut:;:-« r< .-.uilliLos u> j j e.

It nry sce.i J ii;c you are alone t t!ds point,but rest ..r'-^ired ;; i^* /crior.a I--.VDwalked tlie 3ar.e j/nth & if you ruil into • < re hi ens just drop a li.*i«. i'o .-.- ;a 5,. c c* --.TOconci'jits a little olc.ircr t.hcre c. /.uru-xr of ;:d:.:? nut wat c:r^cci J_/ i -*r J . pSLUarnts. 'ivrLh ;i'^^rt' is n ;;-".H] exv-, le. . -ivi ccvcrs rv-JV c:-r.ce .ts ir. '...-,' L*.--.-Cin a question ,jid ans'..''.;re fc*.'c. C.(.^IO. ) ' jv.• • 're to ."u*' •-•:; ' .niitTby Glaser i co/cra "iirtlis univ v-Jue ;;y3Lc;-.^ i :,.'.c 1 (,!.'.) Cr- ^h;.ve V.-J.T.OU3 clip^lnjs fron nu"licall< r.s Ih it rcl ite to i...p co;ic. 4ns t-'.c ^i'^'w 'b-ic-n . jnnt 1 series of 6 torrts':;-•>:T-d out i Cor,1! I'e.erml very i-vor'^concqjta necessary to lii;h lo/cl body funcilcnlr.;. (..IS.) T -^z: L-cci^cs "_.<• tcovering e.ich course (*Iu), tt'.ere ^re a nu.-.;j«-r oi' t.-^ts i..uc.; co/er n.-jr/brought up in meetings by ilaa«r....ind coveria; i>n>a.fc.ista i Icc'.Ui'ca -y il-.ct.

'Prince _oT O-r'^css* Up to the lite SO's •' niu'.'jer oi :ii.~x le.'el ''.'oij_".t?-rjfelt tlvit the'Luciirrirn1 jyst^sn w.-s co entrrncr.ed 'i t..e p*:-;:le so '^r..*';-1 * educ.ite ft ui>r;rade the plnnct was rJnost ;i wrstaof tine. ^.'cntuaJLli*, i- -, - r .that people were riore in i^ tlt,;n they were in TCiu.^1 cjnte:^>t oi" the cr'free choice' It us i syste.i. Vhis -.JTk coiU.-.ined tho sti.T^i;ir: ,-ccus. Lirrj , •' -. 'c.r^who pointed out just Iiow closely 'lie religious lii-pcorjtea -re fcllc..!."«; 'Lu^i.'ers1

ideals. ..and Just iio* close this pl.-jiet is co;"vinj; to uistruOLi?n. .l-.u,-«ci.jr j.i'^or;1

Act On Your CJioiceIf you have cor.prchnn.ird t.iio 1st Conpa .il. ;dl, i i.-a r i toilu ;• .'J.i:e -> :ic ; *..-.t

Lhero are tuo ojor.i'-Q ryyt.ens at i.-oric en .ill di.Jitsicn Irvols i ;" t ' . ' .pplanet. On i\T,';c 91 of C-J >ou IL.VC -hu ..cys to i.-.jn, J.1..' ji.'ilolJj'.j oi'f t .o ,r. . ; odmind tliou^lita coriinj'. throu^li yo»ir m.-itchbox, the br.dn. If yru r^rc iriTin.; -1 :;.;for instance, & wish to laiucl; out hostile Cnir.d tl:oir"h;s ycur h.ivir.^, yc-u c-r. 10it mentally In a split, second. If ynu clwiJJ be astral trcv«!ir.£ in ere . f '-hfthousands of 'reflection1 ( - n t l intolllc^ncu) real;is, you c.->i n;J.i~e you h- .v j • h*.choice to le.TV« any of iheri .-.t wi l l • later enter -nlo tiia 'ren.*!':•• -1 . cf . .-.:rcrral-or (^Ln lo l 1 If.tnco MMto . ,oir,.al3) Unfor. una-i-ly, n-jiy 3uni~.tt3 f.iil t-- "-t, *never choose, at all. 'Hi.-ir Qiind iiccpn then in a strte '"f lii.'.-o , . « -n c:.-'.-^ .o itc;ui continue in control. It m;>y nn;;e *lie ii-'t;i in tiic CP .rs.-^'-l;, . . • • : . .. !<•. un.«.rcpoatnd d '^or t . ••!. co.n»r.'li«'nr. Ion arc* judr. v. nc> ' a y tu i l<" iL ,ii -.\: cc :vt *. ". J •. , their adv.-»ntn™o to r.ct iiot:nvcr. Jcin-; a Mr ;t?r br-ai.nrJ raid corar:-*tL/.: ^ t -vrswithout tlie former r;uilt cor.plexea c.ui fit ri^ii; in to toJrys -uc' ure pf r ' : j rcr-/ .Lcarninn to balrjice all your ndndc under a rcro cot^^t'pec chc-icc -, s '-u:is a choice that can {Uv» your lifo greater fullfillaerv., . plr.-»s»re» If y -u r-jidlll;e further infornation functioning be t te r in thn Jrvi:id di.vll, we c.m r^;r.-.-.c.idcertain groups lilco the bctt'er publicised Jciontolo."^ cr the little idown Jpen~l«rUroup at ?013x 30^5, 5t Paul,IS. ^516^. If you feel tl.cro is nor« potcr.Liol in ifree choice system,you can continue the Corps -c mako use of the many ci.irificaii.Jipublications & tapes now available from fry's

Cosmopol i tan K*llgous Hour 1This is Al*>*d t). r-iaser and this is oddly

titled Cosmopoli tan R»l igous Hour. Now I am not going to talkfor an hour. There may be other people who wi l l talk on thistape. I Jo not know. I am r^oing to havs my aay. «"lrone elseof course has an<i w i l l say what tney expect to say.

Why the word C o s m o p o l i t a n ? W e l l f i r s t , I act and '

apeak upon tnat w n i c h I know, this does not mean anyone else m a /know it or everyone wil l know it. A"d in s tar t ing this brieflittle sermon, let me point out two words, dealing witn religion.It is odd that there are two words for the great a e v i n i t y . Orperhaps you d o n ' t t n ink so. U«e is called creator In the. i i p l i n n lan|-ua;:<! tha t means bring into being, to create some-thing that was not there before. And then we have the secondword, which is used, oh just used and used and used and usedand used for the creator. A-d that word ia Cod. G-0-i). Nowtaking a good look at all the good books and they are good books,but since the good booko contain all the knowledge there is tobe had and the good books also contain all the knowledge concern-ing evil and at this point in tine a lot of nice people throwtheir hands up and walk away, it would not contain all knowledgeIf It d i d n ' t contain tnc good as well as tne oau. Some peoplepractice the bad and aone people practice the good and hothpeoples call i '. goinfi to heaven. Tn-re is an tufuii lot of neav»n«stuck out there on some peg hoard somewhere. Or mavbe a dart.boa***l woujd bo more adequate.

Now, t h - d e f i n i t i o n of G O D ia a l i t t le bit d i f f e ren tthan t i > « d e f i n i t i o n of Creator. Gort is looked up to. A Go<fgets what the Cr»s»or has brought, forth. Hopefu l ly a"d to aom»sens? of order and thereby brings people that, have been createdbv »h» Creator in line with th« Go* direction. »hirh is alsothen in th» f i r s t instance created bv the Cr"ator. So a GODtherefore is a creation of tne Creator and is "ot th» Creator.That 's language. Tha t ' s the way we use our communication.

This hi-ing so, we havn two actions not one. de havethe act of hrmKi^p. into b»mg a"d th«n we hav« th« act of handl-ing that whi rh waa brought into bein*.

It in odd but God, th« word i tself , if »o«f (*o far *no»«nbank into aomanitca, you will f ind that this is a d i r tv l t ive of


Relip.oua Hnur 2of the word master . An>< the mast»r ,of course, went to m i a t e r .Then of cours" »v«rv body is a m i s t e r or a misses tooav. Ifwe go s t r ic t ly bv semantics as or ig inal ly wnt te" . as the b i C l e swere originallv wi t tp" , thorofore w» ar<> all (;ois toda/. *»ar« all carrvinir o»t t.h<" 'Urecl ion of th« i;r"ator.

Of course this should not. h» news to anyone that hasKIVP" any t>ought to it b"»caun" in t>e ton coniraa-an-'nts theCreator sa I J h« would have no Go H 3 before h i m . L o w i f tnerewere no oth»r Goos but him, what in th» world ' ia h- uay "-atfor? So appar<">Uy WP navo .i"3t all kinds of Co"s h u t now w e ' v eKOt to make up our m l n i t u as to which one w» ar» <roing to f o l l o w .A n d i" fol lowing t n n t »!od we th*»n mt'st. hccom** lilc*" that Co-*to please that Go<l. Or na«be no t .

A"d thj ma"be not , ir. what. I wi l l dw»ll upon fo r . a ar icff.-w minutec. Gods havi? no ua* for »ach other. All through yourwr i t t en histories concerning GoJs, Gi-»ek, i ;«vi>ta in , anu all tr.erest of them, the Gods always hated eacn other . ']h-v alwaystried to do each other in. So if you are a Goo and you succeedin gett ing some fol lowers , then you succeed in br ing these fol-lowers up to your level of k n o w i n ; ; because that is what a Go4is. it knows all sorts of happenings anil things and answers tr.-itthose around tnem no not know ana can solve oostic. ' i ls and pro-blems that those around them cannot solve. Now . .-.;: tins codbrine, all the fo l lowers up to their e n ' > a l , t h t . j ...1 ..ave nouse for that God anymore . fact is. that Go.i ,\ . . . turns intoclay because they are aa great as he is. Go" . u.ui j. ore , issomething we snould asK ourselves about ve r . ':" ' .

Co-* of what? God of whom? dha t is i::of that God? Is it hosti l i ty? Is it d i s t r i c t .Is it coraiiaasion? Is it benovelarce? «lhat ,lces God Knewand act upon and want you to act upon* b l i n u l y 1 ' « i tnou t yourself being able to see.

l i i the r oy now vou have shut off c o m p l e t e l y or yourminds are Jumping around l ike H'xican J u m p i n c n-uns -xpos-' tothe warmth of your hanu. rtavhe 1 «ho"ld say to t>« heat froamv nacreligioua stat«ments. But then, I have witiess^rt Godmaking. Oh. Gort making coes °" a11 tne t i r n e ' The teacher in 'he

$*« P»tto» Manuicrlpls. F*w p*rson> aver k»«p thai high at-traction and •motional vib« rat* that one* poised. Ptychologntsadvice and playboy type magazines view the problems (rom a tan

' ' taiy world o( unreality. Moil persons 'lose out" most ol meir re-maining lives. Here are the stages and traps, along with what tocompare to. Unlike anything else in print. (3 96More complete version (40 pages) No. 2 $7 99. Especially recom-mended after the Camps.

l a it A f f e c t i o n ?


C o n m o p o l i t a n H.l lPTOUB HO'T }

school Is fiuilty of it. Sh« wants the student to know asouch as she knows hefore the 3t'"tent leaves tne classroom.

It you wi l l USR t h a t simple explanat ion and s tar tlooking about "o" of "ow tio<<3 n"ccec<l in m a k i n g themselvesnon~Gods, day by da" in evervdav routine l i v i n g , you wi l l cometo f ind out tha t being (Jou- l ike is 'o be nothing more than avery \nowin , ; and act ing pornon in th» phvsical . il*at u i rec t ionsth-se knowin i ; ana a c t i n g persons are, in th« physical, taking;t ^ a t la what vou nuot look at .

V" do not creat* our ow Cods of oth»r people. Wecr»ate the Uo-< w i t h i n o ' i r oe l f and then answer to tha t Cort inoth»r people. 3o l fvMwhor» alonx the line, von are going to haveto look at i>c 'Jo-* vou have created for yoursel f , because thaCreator has *iven «ou an all together cliff-rent type of creationand fre»ly allows Uorts to run all over in it.. As lon« as th»var» not taken for the Creator. You are, you will &• and that isf-o b-p.inning and »nd of His/h'T or It's cr-at.ion of you, anrtall of those around you.

H»menb*r, when anv of your followers, when any of thepeople that look »p to vou learn all that you know thcv .. alsoa God just l ike you and now vou are nothing to th-<n. ,mj I ' • • . . . :h»«rd t h i n ata'ed, b" h o « h male and female, in av preanc" a' •... -3a-ou"rt this world, tne male w i l l us"ally say, "Jell h*l l . ••,- .•can' t a«»vint to a whole lot, I know all abo»t. that no". • • • > ulust t > > o u r , n f "ou wern good. !'• iust as p.oocl as vou a:: . , r tlost >>uddy . " A femalo says, "Oh heck, I look»rt up to /ou h i . f cnow I know you a i n ' t that great anymor». My coan. I k n o w jve rv -t '>lnK vou know. I k"o« e v » r y t h < - K about vou and ever" th in( jabout everything you kiio». An<< if I '« worthless and your thesame an I am then yo»r worthless too and I ' 'on ' t wa"t l.o havea n y t h i n g 'o do w i t h vo" anymore." and they go out lookingfor somebody th&r they can he a G o < < or Co<ldesa to for a snortopan of t i m e . U n t i l nuch time us SIMM Coo MM

get slapped downlike themjelveu.

Jo in c lo se lng , on tnia I hope a nico Simdav daybecause this is mnnnt to he thought ubo"t ana presentmi and

by somebody they taught to b« a God

C o s m o p o l i t a n rt»li^^"3 .^-i"r i

about u r n . ,i o 'm' ia/ . ^ i ' i r k of tne Crea tor an the f ; r ea tbig civr of ail tha t 13. ?*!"< of a Go'1 a.i a ,.er.-,on o~ b"i".Ttha t has a d i r e c t i o n in all _of t h a t , that is. An. i naKe "p voi-rm i n d , on your ov;n, and w i t h i n yourse l f , if /on also w i s h to L*oin tiic.t d i rect ion. li"caur.f there are m a n v a i r e c ' i o n a t-r.n t r . e r f la re many a h 3 o l u t « a w i t h i n a l l of the b<!ir.j:s of the C r » a t o r .Un le s s you ^o upon uour own w o r t n , your own k ' < o w l e i , ; e , you r owr.emotions, you are not oei"(; vni; her»> or in UK nere af ter . lo<>ur<» I rving to b° nomuo»e c l j p . Toi i ' r d - r .y in j y o u r s e l f . T h i n «a b o u t y o u r own 11 f <? and not the l i f e of o thers . S h ould al lpeople t h i n k u l i ou t t .heir own l i f » t there w i l l b" no neeu tot h j n K about others. «"d in the name of the Creator , f.o yourwaV and go in peace.

The Cholcea After Death .y Al FryMany of tha ancient 'rv^tery schools' 4 ancient te-i.chi/^3 rr^^ervoi tha

knowledges hondod down frora the original J^ind Cor^lox Icaiers. Pricrtsdistorted such :cni)-,jleu-;e.but contr>vercy ensured u,-t oven iho tr-:t.i -..-asperpetuated. In Tibet, the bGo'<''ilardb Thcclol" typic.iUy tells of II I'-atc: ifconsciousness 4 So pianos of e.xf.cniijicc for the 5011! , it Ic.-.vcr *J.o ;;>-Ju-rworld at death. Such planes act cs i>uiliUn£ bloc;:s Si 'way stations' Tor lu^-iarj to

/ act out their desires. If a person believes they are goir.'; to a hx\-x*en , it i» ooone of these planes tliat they tc^riorpj"! ly ihrir desires fulf tiled...ur.'Ulthere Is aaluration, s.-^l i.ition,.. ' fin-Uly change. In our i:urst Tor :-c;-:'ectioB, ourconcepts, beliefs 4 actit^ns const.ontly fjj.1 our snuls crrv-jtcr brr--T In w:t-.tcvarCttjnpnsion we in. '.-ihat has never been clearly e.rpl.-uncc: up to tie ofthe M It Coup Ooursos, Is tho f.ict Uxit tlinrc arc .-.dually ti.T' .lirtL:'C'J.y d^.Tcr^nt& seperate rvyjor rcqL'is aVaiZ-nble after Jf.-th. TJioro is tho rc.oLr. o* jDy-vcs rvjenergies thai is lin.':cJ ilirccUXy to tho Creator i Uicrs is a ve:v si 11-r r-'JL-sthat is presided over by tho 'counter iniclli.-c-nce iden t i t i es wiiq rule uji _crJ.i-ation or 'reflection1 systa-is of Uie \nrld. Uj^on entering eit.%cr, tho'Mihopping hurun will go throujh ,n tunnel like entrance into bcau-iTull ejicr.y fires.

It is only tho greater intensity of the energies in Uie c-ierri" fires cf •_'»creators donain that marks a visual diffcnnce. Astral tioppin,-: :-.'inans nm able toenter at least lUj tliousand seperate real.13 in the counter i.n'.elll,-;croe di.--i-.si3n.Orcat cltys, tcj^iles,i teacher-rods niy crcet tlien in each of thcco C:ilythe person with a fully structured background is usually a;?arc of the lirut-taorjwithin such rcalns. It is the purpose of .'bdcm lru.-,j» courses to provi.iu uw ieysto passing beyond such rcalna...without lioitationa i unucj: full scLf oontrol....r.

Corning to the './cst floast? You are always welco.-e to st^p by U s.-y~ hi!....There aro exotic slirio shoi/s to uatch in Uifl travel trailersto bunk in overnight. A.B.Glasor speaks at nvuUncs in near by ititho lot Vuomljy »£ ue •", «t 7 ?K,.(aslc for fur--!icr data.)

Hoid,_ Jox Ji!32

CX. 92370. US*


This la Alfred H. ('.laser. I an going to talk on the

control of pain, both emotional and physical. Now bare in mind

I a" sitting bv wself and ever/thine Is nore or loss ouict

around me. .Vn<*rc ray be odd noises, a [inone may ring, some-

body mav cone crashing through the hall, this in a business

builciinc. Th-re may no interruptions, 1 nay being quite hu-

man cough once in awhile. 1 nay do any sort of action that

will cone uirourh my voice. Now VQ those of you who mav think

that at tinea that 1 seem to be in a trance, it is not quitn so.

In one sense, it is so, since a trance 10 nothing really any-

thing else than .\ deep, a v«ry deep concentration. A"rf i" order

to keep this as short as possible and as clear as possible, I

an tn deep concentration. I love to tell lokes, I lo"» to have

a r,ood time. Unfortunately, what I a™ talking about right now

ia the total anti oido of telling jokes and having a good time.

Pain io the great disrupter of all we call en.ioy-

nent. Vain, who invited it? W,ll. that is a very good ques-

tion. If vou want to know the answer, each and every one of

us has invented our own. I a»i quite sure that since this

again Is something I know and up until now , you have not really

known, there is going to be quite 11 'few objections to my state-

ments and what is written and to the people who helpe-i me write

this sonetimes called dis-specoble textoook. d«t only by those

who have r.m into people that have run into people wko have

atudieu it a"d used it and they have not. They find theran»lv-3,

th« ones who havt> not studied this, at a very instant, di.iadva-tage.

1 wish that. were n0t BO. I wish, of course, -that evervbodv

could b» happv together. That pain would be gone. Th»t. life

here would be one of pleasantneo.i and contraat. And not. o"e

where, it in .v'ged uy are you in pain or are von not In pain.

Can you have a good tl<"« or are you hurting. • A*-e vou health" or

are vou unhealthy? My you look nick. What's the matter, your

eyes are all glazed over? I would un» up the next half of your

life If I u8"d all of the words and ^nrases t.hat have been coined

to dincribe a person being In pain. I would only us* up a

Bonf of yourlif^, if I repented all the phranns and words

fat have been ua<-d to discrlbn fenling ,1oyoun.

*• concentrate on pain. »(• *o not want pain. We carry

pain wi»> us hoping to sta" awav from pain/ A«rt all that we

are doing is magnifvin^; a nimpie signal, dither an emotional

signal, that is v-rv simple in 'he negi"ning or a nhvnical signal

th^t man", raanv times is vnrv simple in th« he/rinninr.. •

To digr'ss. ^lioul'i "ou nave a burgular alarn in vour

place of residence a"d a h»rg lar breaks in and th« alar" £oos

off, that alarm will keep on ringing and ringing and n-ging

and nni:i"j; and ringing and ringing. Eventually, either tho

b'li-g'ilar will be gone, the alarn will hurn out, or th« police

s'-ow up, or you in josp;\r«tion r-,hut it off. That sir.nal tr:at

you have wituin vo"r Doily in ^rnctlv tne same as the Burr, lar

alarm. It ia ^oing to co off and it is going to carry to who-

ever 13 witnescing it oxac'ly w"at t^ii person tiiinks is happer.-

ing. A b'»rg- lar alarm, a burf: lar is in tne houso. Ana t'*o

fright and the fear and the panic res"lt instantly and low and

behold it turns out to be j stray catkLcene »n. itut mitialv

due to that conditioning oftlie r.ignal and the reaction to the

sig"»l, that wan a bu » lar in the houoe a"d accorrtmc to your

way of thourht, they w«re not o"l" «oi'ig to take evnry tlunr

you owned but thev wen' roir.(; to cut "our throat mst to get

you out pf thi» roml iivJ t-he'-'-for" eviii-yuu:1^ :i> you 'jrar'ed

climuing the wall. j-iiin is no different.

•Fain i :i cr**^t«;<l, war. create-J ar.J IE still oc\r\f'_ t'soa

by intelligence , as .1 control factor for the animal houses

it. It ID a nignitl. Tne more tnat vou tell yourself ar.i tell

people around you tnat pain is m^rel17 a ci-tinal, ti:e quicker

you will free yourc-'lf of pain and tlie quicker the people iirounj

you will free themrelv^u of pain. N>*eJl':js to say, this stoccn't

najipen within .lecomla, tnis doi-sn't meroly happen bv looKing at

a person a»il saving "'hiit i;> merely a sir.i-«>l Ouster, ignore it."

Becaur.o you do not ignore signals. Pot.and go on living.

Ana when I sp>-ak of living, I am talking aoout that

which is called life a.;- '.'.e:tt". If you tnke lifo and sa/

living and you take d«ut'' and say dying I cannot make it any

clear"r. iiecmiuo wnen you are in pain, you ar» "ot living.

You can atop Lin- pain, suupeiiu ' "•• petit., coiii.rol t>.- ;..:.. .... .

have it while you go ou living. Or you . ,n recognize it us a

•ignal, answer to that signal, rest that part of the body,

bring attention to that part of tho boav, no longer abusn that

part of t>»> hoc!/ ainl the body will start healing itself and

will step visiting you with pain, either emotional or phvsical.

There is a great difference between emotional pain and

pnvsical pain. A very great 'Ufference. Here in the la»t few

years, nodical science ha.j found that the numon body, low und

behold, does produce it'a own morpnine. Oh they give it u

different name under chemical analysis , it ia slightly a little

bit different an>< so on and so forth. ri«t of course it has tne

same effect, it is a irug the body manufactures ami throws to

the source of damage.

I'll be darned, that's why a person under a high drive,

under high eicifment, can get nit, bucned. a leg broken, an arm

broken, get mashed and ignore it and keep goin^ until whatever

is necessary to be done is done and then colapse in a quivering

he'-ii.Now if this has been going on all these centuries and

has now jnst oeen discovered, someoody lias been calling somebody

elae a whole lot of liers. And they have bnen calling people

wno can control their pain various names like witches and war-

lock, ;jid spiritualist, an* saviors, and .lust all kinds of God-

like or .devil-like words. And that in a way ia quit la»ghable.

Because each and every person carries exactly the same ability,

to do exactly the same very thing.

Controlling pain Is done by intelligence. If int-llic»nc«

• lee',s not to control tnat pain and electa to make you suffer

until such time as you turn that intelligence off, you will go. on suffering*Physical pain, Intelligence heightens every bit of that

pain according to more sensitive byproducts of your bony and tha

passageways of the cell and the pain paths, or so the world

would have /->u believe. Junt ao it takes a thought to know tnat

there is pain there, it takea only a thought to snut the pain off.

I" oi-iier to control pain, you must lose your fear of pain, tou

•••at be able to let the signal be a signal anu ooey tnut signal

regardless if the boss is screaming down your throat, regardless

of what you are doing, you must honor that -signal. 0"C« that

oiKnal is honored, the drug of your body, if necessary, will be

instant!/ at that spot, setting that spot into a reouildinr, a

curing action, which will be of no furtner ootiu?, to you unless

you reabuse that {art that has been injured.

Emotionally, we with our great intelligence, tell our

emotional field that it is not , that it does not exist and there-

fore, we don't nave to pay any attention to it because we will

create another uinotinn to take the place of that emotion is

on tne rampage. Cental institions are full of Ihose people with

that type of intelligence control of emotions, nccause you can

une Intelligence because intein^eno is. And you will enote

because emotions are. Wli-ri you nave a 'damaged emotion, it will

go right on sending its signals day and nignt and sleep has

nothing to do with it. It 13 there.

How do you handle an emotional hurt? First oefore I r.o

Into handling an emotional hurt, let me clearly state that tne

wonders of medical uciunuc has now brought fortn many, manv, many

ways of putting to sleep a damaged elen?nl of the human boJy. '.'"at

is a very great achievement. Th-t-e is absolutely nothing tr.e rsat-

ter with tnat. ii"t have you ever wondered wnv doctors and wr.y

nurses only treat tnat patient to aucn an amount to put nira or

h«r ut ease and then take thorn off for a little while AnJ see if

It's Btill' hurting or not. Thut. cauaes a lot of pain to tiiat

• patient when their not covered by medical science in order for

medical acinnce to lio al.-le to check to sea if tney are hcalinc.

That in a very snail part of the price to pay in order to get

the benefit of these wonderful drugs anu of course tne ability

to use them. H«-cau«<j that ia b<:tter than laying there hurting

and hurting and liurlin;; with no recourse whatsoever oocause

Cignal is now in a p.umory bank and n pain is all your ^ettir.j-. in

place of the signal. Intelligence controls your menorv bank.

So phyoical pnin can , most of tho time , b« ulcvatcd, and held

in abcyjncc un111 the hody heals that part without too much Destruc-

tion to the healing process.

There are thousands upon thousands of people, anu

of course a lot of then in the oriental and mystic and spiritu-

alist studies and applications that can of 'course eradicate

pain completely. However, they are fooling themselves. They

are loosing their high senaitiveitv to life because you see

when they get ri-1 of the pain they also get rid of the signal.

And you get rid of that signal, there Is no -ay the body knows

to msh forth with curttlve effect to the damaged part. There-

fore a person without pain, without the signal doesn't know

enough to damage or not aupage any part of their body. They

never know if they've got their brain scrambled or not.

So the signal must remain, only the pain must go away.

And you do this within yourself and you can actually transfer

this to a patient, to another peraon and that is the suhiect ofanother talk.

.•^notional pain and how vou can atop it. The first step

In emotional fain is isolating yourself>-th« causlt.ive factor.

That Is not very hard to do. Not really. Unless of course vou

entov that pain and feel that you must be punished because »ou

are g"ilty, you have done something wronu. Therefore, you will

lot that emotion <»o right on tearing you apart. Hirst find out

•hat vou think you are guiltv of. That is the first otep m

overcoming emotional pain of any t»pe. rfhat. am I guilty of?

What did I ><o? And surprisingly enough, in most instances,

vou will /ind that you have not done anything to bring this

abo»t. Until you suddenly realize that vou did the same thing

to sonf3.~:/ eloe and <<id not know that it prod"ced emotional pain

in then L_:^ > u o they (lid It. Vhey hid it. T1'-" tfld not scream

at you. r'.c'J 'lid not punch vour teeth in. They dirt not chaa'izn

you. T" . ':J not even atop associating with you. The" took

thoir ••-.-,(; >n;vl pain, gritted their teqth and did not let vou


AC /ou come to th<tt self realization, which is really

step two *n pain control. Your step thr»* question is really

• laple, J1J I mean to do this? lltvn I learned something from

this? Anu after that, third stop, since «ou are now looking

at that pain through a microscope, the pain ia already demin-

ishinfr. it is alreadv freed from its wild, screaminft signal.

QncM an emotional pain lias happened, it taites time for that

"notion to iiuict down. t'or that eraotion, "nUer vour control

to he taken in'o a convclescant hospital, that would be tr,e

word, and thereby quietly allowing that emotion to rnstacilize. '

I"is ia a term called aaanoiis. This sadness is the convelescei-t.

hospital stage. d"t that sadness will decone minor but it will

alao serve to war" yon, like Ine bargular alarn, whenever the

name situation starts liapporti»Mr over a^ain.

Many, man" people have said to me, "hut I i l i u n ' i HOanv t.hinc for th ia tn happen to me." "I "ever aid anyrni**^at all to th in person. I waa very pood to th is person. I ' l idevery tl 'infl for t.liis peraon." ahd at that point in tin* T say,"Aop, r i^ht there. fou 'lid not do a ' d a m n thini; for t."at o therperson, _yo'i only t^oiu^ht you Uid . Because that prtroon d iJevery thinj; for thens ' - lv ' -c . iuut as «ou no. Jo . lo r ' ' : i:ij i tonto ttie;n. " «• >i th:.'i. con?:; t n o ty ra iH, t!:»n co?:es I rave tn*ng i f t s , I 'Mil i . h i a , I made an asn out of :!wn»lf Cor ' t ie™, I I O C Kfrom fnem what I 'd n»ver "aken from anybody Hlso, I bour-nt tnent ^ i n , I bought then tha t , I ran, I junpcd (V/~rv t ime they snapf-Jtheir finger and YOU can ' t tell me bla, t> lu , Dla, ola. bla. h""1

I repeat, "J'n*»y nm nut/*.../" to t*ai person." Ion cannot ,'lca::eanyone z.1 all unless you arc also pleasing yourself . And (;o against yourse l f and remind yourse l f nr.w t h « t we aretalking abo'it emotion:). dn i ;n vou iro a/;ainat yourself 'o pleaseanother, you are nei ther pleasin/r that other nor pleasing vour-oclf. A"il whatever thai relation is, it is coin,--, 'o b low.

Yo» heara through tun n a t t y , m a n y u i f f e r ' - n t a c t i o n uthat has been very very provelant in the pant yoars w i t h i n tneU n i t H i l S»at.e;; and the uorld that you should l ive for now. Kowonly exist. T»i!i is a lack of communicat ion. , i t>at t hose peoplehave b»jn f ry ing to . say io Hiat you answer t ru . ly to youremotions as they are not as yo" wish them to be. Recu"se ri£"tnow your emotio ns are. A".l you are "nderjjoiiii; then, ana you•re reacting to then and you are se-ttin* hare listening to ceuslnj; them and •. .r fee) ' f ie ld la pavchinj; me out anil tryin*to underatan" .-,r *<\ understana mo or to combat me or rteny meor «cre» w i t h •••• -... that emotional field which Is you Inworking an.! i i -, :i ^"t hurt, it will get hurt, and vou will b"th^ one h u r * ' - i - - *. L not roe. A~d .this takes oome th ink ing on yourpart.

I h a v e v =i;n aak by many.many people that have sufferedgreat emo tior..ii i-.Lirt, how could they avoid th is in the f u t u r e .A n d o"e t ine ! happened to be looking at a book and the hookwas about three i n c n e : th ick and it was a paperback. The t i t leof this book wa-i -and th i s was what these hundreds of pai^eo werewr i t t en about , ,S-"»n ways to ruin a relat ionsnip. Ano I laughed.llow d o n ' t missunder f i t and me I have (Treat reverence for the writ-ten, word. I h*ve and place ^reat value upon w r i t t e n worku Hutworks are w r i t t e n for you to unders tand, not b l i n d l y obey orb l ind ly fo l low or b l ind ly a c c e p t as beini; Uie last woru foraver,and ever ana ever. N". i'hey are w r i t t e n for you to enjoyPo»- you to ;;ain and they a re 'no t wr i t t en for you to b l ind lyfollow. n"tl t h i s one oook when I male this statemet t, theparty wi th me t^ave me one of thoce nice aynicr.l looks. And Ilooked at thorn nnd I na i" u iue t ly and very clearly, there ina total name of paper because 1 o-lv need one word seven timenan 1 that word la "0, M), 10."0, HO, NO, NO and I aa iu very fewr e l a t i o n n h i p n last oevond the four th HO. 'ery, very few re-l a l i o n r h j p u w i l l uvtir su rv ive tne s i / t r i No.

A"d what han that to uo with ^mo1innal hurt,. Heec' I

explain. «o » i vou ure looking for a person *ith wnom you

would a33ociate, the first ihin/: you Jo ii; fina out if that

person wnnt.3 th-* thinj; you want. TMl IH not h^ra to do.

By C.C HawthorneAnordinf lo AllrcU U (*ljs,er. founder of

nt* torn, i-pt in real i t* thai is being tauKhlJ itic »orlj by m<til. onlv the human on

mtlcrsUtiU-his [-idnt.! f

^ e ^ * K ^ ^ , l it .1 v nrtimno, ^ h'-j ith inMttultnns." dU\cr sutc!i

o.'JIv ' A patient »Hh a on? threshold i\ greatuiiLcrn lo *n> Jot tor. They Icct no r%nn ami

Ihrrctore the tvxly h^s no *d> o( i or ret ting•""•'*•"•- l la I hcfalU i( A tonsUnl VIRI! must ** - • •- *•>•-, —v 7 ;.~.-

around thti patient "Jcnly have a peace ol mimi ihcv never dream-ed poi\ible."

"li this j|| thai is in your (c<iitiin|(s?""N<>," GUscr smiles thtn.y. a smile thai

haj cxpcncfKCd thouunds of retorts and chal

f*e murrt^tncU hvto keep the patient - they Uie »ithou(amurmur ol pam »nile rutiuiK a»a> *ilh i condi-tKjn that »ouid have a normal - or five thres-hold - puticnt Breaming m agony By the samereckoning, t ten threshold pain patienl Kreams•I • pinpricJL."

••What has this lo do *ilh Pets. Mr Glaser"1"' Pets - jmrruK, bugs, fish - anything that

lives hesije the humjn. has .10 pain. They havean alertness signaling jy Mem inai runs Iromnon alert - »lmh is dcjih - lo loial a lc i t -ness. *hn.h is lull liic p leasure u»t:il." i j i j« .crs t a t e s llailv. "Hie mechanics ui mis hie S V M . - J T Iarc rcaMy very simple, mite it is rcvraicu.Ihose (hat have studied it become a*csiruiKat drsl. then <heo (hey apply the methotl 10L ig\ around (hem, and find it true, they '


-. "What I kave »n!!en n totality, awl

in tne all of it, UK subject of pain hat prove*

COIHP 5%a^rs

Olner nalvcs

How we are coin* to hear a 1979 dialog upon soul mates

or other halfs bv Co"»p course founder Alfred B. Glaser.

This talk is roing *o be about the rather co" f»Bin»

situation of the oth-r halves or the twin element of the human

heinfl in this dimension. Tnis s"h.iect of course ia on' that does

no* lead to ahsol"t ism. Th-re is noth ing absolute in an imper-

fect s i tuat ion. W- are in a state of imperfection in this di-

n e r t a i o n . There fore , w h a t I am ( to inf r *o say "as w i t h i n i t se l f

f laws. It "as w i t h m i t se l f miaa l igntnents. B'jt these are a

m i n o r i t y . A very small minor i ty . And for a perso" to be a member

of th is minor i ty , i t ia very l ike lv tha t t><at person would not

B»rvive in a misal ipnmenl lonft he*-" upon earth. It would be

known as an infant (ieath. I w i l l .not go into that . I w i l l merelv

aay th a t ao the soul returns »o this dimension, to this realm,we have a si tuation as a so11! com"s out of the serenitv f ie ld

in to t>» conceptional spark, it has al»-eart» spl i t . It is already

two elements, not on". On* of these elements will he fenale and

th« other w i l l be male. These elements are positive. ' Thev am

a creation. They are n0t 3et aside bv any law man made or planet

made . They are the original programing which is still in f u l l

f u n c t i o n . Therefore, what I 3*1 «ayin« , as they come in to th i s

rein, they come from a plare of the ahsolut* into a place that is

an inper fec t ion . »nrt in this imperfection, various si '"ations a-rlse.

Ve have then a b i r th . Usually, it 13 a male b i r th

which in the f i r s* b i r th . I w t l l not f.o into the t ime d i f f e r»n t i -

als coming from a place of no tine into a p i n e - of t ime. That 18

another ouh.l»rt. Vhe fact is that the male bein» of a stronger

•af.netic in f luence , anrt I will use 'hat word rcallv in t h a t

contert, ma/^nntic. T h i s so»l e lement , the half that, is the maleelement, carries a ntron»er macnetjc infl"ence and is the f i rg t .

born a f t e r co"<-»i ) t iona i contact.

T«e female half coraine in and splittin" at. the same in-

stant, as it enters into this dimension, usually is not conceived

from on- to thr-. /euro afterwards. I naid usually. Sometimes

It. ran n« aimultanious. Sometimes the female carry i«p, from the

prior, l iv ing h«re an I tho private fomia'ion o f - i t s intelligence

and it 's knowledges will carry a stronger map.neticwave than

the male.

So we have a t ime lapse from the instance thev leave

the sereni ty f ie ld until they hit int0 this dimension.No" 'he point of impact, in a placid or stayed society,

usually ia r io t too confusi"". I' is not >oo nara fo r the a t ae r

hal fs to f in r t themselves . However, the wor ld has become m o b i l e .

It has become hii-hly disruptive. At. t.he present, moment it is

t e r r i f i ^ ly d i s rup t ive . It has bee" since world war I.Now, the soul coroi"if in spl i ts w i t h a t ime lapse he-

tweon the impregnation of the parties concerned tne cntrv ofthe soul into t>at imprecnat ion causes movement factors'berotne

involved. Therefore, in Ijiat vcar-to three y*ars a f t e r the

f i r s t has "it , tne o t h er par tv could f i n d t r -^nse lvoD r.ove-l f-0n-ple te ly awav. We could have a divergence. ,/rf coulu have r anv

thousands of miles spl i t t ing soul otner nalves.

In ti;;ht n i t comm"mi t ies w h e r u o v peop le l ive a n j j i e

w i t h i n a f i f t y m i l e rauious and the i r ilesenda.Ts do l i K ^ w i a e ,

t h i n who le otherl ialf s i t u a t i o n in "ot too d i s r u p t i v e . I <»n sure

yon have ' i»ard o f the m a n - / ( man 1 / p e o p l e , ir. v r . r ioua p a r * 3 o f r n f ?

wor ld , that when ask why tim man has s'ayert narriea and ara "o.

ninety years old mid h» r epii»S l"i l i s ten to wna t one to c-,i\,"

arid *ne w i f " » oein>' c lone to the sapi** af 'y "ercelf w i l l s r a i i e j « f r t -

ly anu sa", "I l is ten to wnat he has to n a y . " These peo;.!•> i iavir . j ;

f oun^ the i r o the i ' ha lven rannot un t i e r s t an t J tr.c t u m n i l , tr.» <* i f-

f i o u l t i e s j t"» f rus t r a t ions of peop le wno hav not .This s i t ua t ion in this lone concept ion tnat is i .e.

Iho scul , a s i m p l e smcular soul , s p l i t t i n g in 'o two f a c t o r s ,

w o u l d seem to put the l i"<i t . to the a o i l i t v of each to f:r.d tne

other even in a f i f t y m i l e radious. Howe v er , eacK part nas a

draw, a pull , a waveler.j j 'n tha t cons tan t ly seeks to fi".1 tn»

otl i»r wavelength tha t matcn«s .

Now at the same instance, we m u s t remember, and in a

highly mob i l e societv, tner» are two d i f fe r . an t oth-r factors

this wi l l of course seemingly bring for th an e f f»c t 'o t««

listener and to one who th inks abo»t the s i tuat ion of cos ine to

• conclusion of almont savins forget it. J»st forget tne w.iola

business. Beranoe not on ly do w- have t.he singular factor that

is the soul, we rmv- two other d i . - . - • . : n i n d situations that also

cane in at the same exact second.

i** started out w i t h o"<?. ,.- w : r , - to two, now prepare

yourselves, because that w a s n ' t one , was three that came in.

A m i n i m u m of three in this l a t p . - '-.rtn. *• wi l l stick w i t h

Just the three. I w t l l not go e n t i t y , I win not go into

outside forces or outside b e i n r >. . . •• wha t has actually happened,

three made an entry, a soirl, ana twn a i s t i n c t minds. i>rh one of

the three sp l i t to the male and f e m a l e upon concept ion. And each

one of the three could be and somet imes i loes bccone Impregnatedin s ix d i f f e r e n t people. Thrce f e m a l e s , three males. 0«e hav ing

tho m a l e purl of tne soul, one the i i - m a l e part of the soul, the

other one having part of the D H i - d , and the next one naving

a n o t h e r part of the I) M1"il , and the thiru set up is in s t i l l a

d i f f e r e n t person having one part of the 0 Hmd and another h a v i n g

another part of tlie C H ( n d . "ow pauoe one m o m e n t . . . ,

This w i l l tend to net up a consternat ion w i t h i n your

neuron paths, w i t h i n your cellular s t ructure . Pause here for

a moment and th ink, you have as a m a l e a poss ib i l i ty of three

other females that you can be h igh ly in teres ted in and involved

with Inapi te of all that you can do about i t .

Ilow Jc can turn the taps over

Side Two of Uoul Hates tiow begins

vjave lengths w i l l a t t ract . A» the same t i m e , th.rre

could be three females interested in that one male. And in turn

they wi l l have each a man other tnan you tnat i.i hiftnly interestedin them, './o h; ivn ins tan t ly a complex a t t ract ion situation, w h i c h

monotony or tne plural mirriar.e situation constantly really

ruptures. You1 have, i f you are a mathamut ic ian a lot of people

of the o p p o s i t e T.-* t n . L you c.iu Do a t t r ac t e i to . A wnole

lot of pooj . lo niiil yc l you .lo not "ndcrstanil wny you am at t racted

to them and you have been more or less taught anu programed that

you on ly have one male - female love in l i fe .

At th i s po in t , I repeat at this po in t , it well to re-

m e m b e r that you can be at t racted to at least three of the oppoo i t e3<f* v»ry, vtry n t r o n f l v . You «iav agree o n l y on certain "lenent-

In that other at t ract ion and they can of courne only agree oncertain elements wi th in your attraction.

In looking at the other half si tuation. One must al-

ways remember that , that single soul e n t i t y Doming in has created

instantly six people w i th l.ike vib<- linos. On- like vibe l ine

will bo of the a n i n a l v ibu line ar deltii wave. One l i k ^ v i t e l i n e

will be of the beauty wave, the beauty mind fend the l ike

vibe wave will be of the mind complex, excitement- tecnnolo£.y

wave length.

These people in turn are Koinr; to be'attracted to tneir

other soul half which ia certainly is not your soul half and if

you w i l l take then three times three is n ine anu n ine t imes n ine

ia 81, you can have as h igh as hi attr.n- ' .. • :•. •> for one person

d i f f e r e n t p l ane ,

ips I should say

-rarp tnis real f a s t ,

.-rs.-.n wno was born in to

somewhere in th is world. 61 a t t rac t iont

on a d i f f e r e n t strength, on .1 d i f f e r ' ^ -

•agnatude of a t t rac t ion .

Now looking at th i s , and yon "

Just remember, the possibil i t ies that ^ x - . a t ..ere for beir . f ; a t t ract-

ed to another person by each i n d i v i d u a l on

you be a lucky one and should you bea t ight singular communi ty and f o r t u n a t e l y since it is on a f i f t v

mi le radius, I said approximately and r .ornal ly on a f i f t y nils

radius where all of these six maybe I .should say s t r ike their

targets. Should that movement stay pluci.i, snould it re™ain wi tn-

in the conf indn w i t h i n that f i f t y m i l e radios, i t is very noss ic le

that you wil l only nave one, two, or three people in that f i f t v

•ile radius and there is a possibil i ty that you can f ino you canfind your A, b, and C M i n d s all grouped in one single person,as

they are all grouped in you. Then you have an ideal rcatim; situ-


This is found no re o f t e n than you are led to oeleive. <-e

do not hear about those quie t sedate people wno go through a life-

time of one may sav eaay living, "npeturtied, unconfuseu, no pro-

blems wi th each other. Hais* Children, nice lanlies. You never

hear about the" because there ar» no problems, thev create "O

violence wi th in the conmu«itv surroundin« them, wi th in t>-ir

own family.

YO-T viclencri a t ems from interacting v iue l in*s *i:«»

tw» people eft tog°th*r under one drive. Bi ther the A M i n d ,

B K i n d , or C H ind dr ive and mat* on t^at dr ive only. Being

totally foreim to each oth»r on the ot*">r.t.wo aspects of mind.

They have soraeon" "Ise around, somewhere, carrying tnose othi»r

two aspects or raavhe s^vral o tHe r people besides )"st those

two because thev have intTact ing ot^or par t s . When you take

each person can n» a t t r a c t e d to 81 d i f f e r e n t people of the

oppos i t e sex, yo*1 have an a t t r a c t i o n rad ius t>at I B q u i t e in-cernou"»ao 1". f a t . ' n e r » * LO a l i k * ? r > M S £ , Lner*" id a general

p la t fo rn to all of thes» v ih« i in< . 3 . Ther« in a <"[C"eral way

to accept a"d balance them. Hut. r -memD«r, when yo" l ike an«

person excee>1in(: ly wel l , yo" may rent assured there is a m i n d

c o n p a t i f o i 1 i t v t^at e» io t between the two of vou. That should

give you m'jch hope r a th» r than f r u s t r a t i o n .

At. what level and what expr»saion vou will hav» ac-

a"ainta"ce w i t h these people is of a n o t h e r S T i b i » c t . You may

oeet on an int«"l lip»ncc l«vel. Yo" may •••et on an idea level.

You may m e » t o" a people level. You nay meet on an artist

level. Yo" «a» meet on manv, many levels wi th these many,

oanv people. That do«s not "lean and w i l l never mean that vou

wil l share all levls w i t h lust one person.

Not confused uriough. we l l , that is unders tandable .

It is "»ry "ndei slar.Jabl" because t><is is smlden and this is

new t.o any way of thought. *ou had b<»for - . Thia is not some-

thing voil w i l l have lis"*ne<l to and have praap and w i l l have

the abi l i ty to put i n to use s imply w i t h i n theao 40 to 45 minu t e s .

All that can h» had fron th i s is an awaken ing to your f u l l potent.-

ial i t" w i t h i n re lat ionships . A»d to the neci»scit.v of lookina

at yourself m a balanced framo of mind . Heedless to say t*»>

Kr»atent disruption between other halfrs is on a delta or animal

aan A Hind ranj ;» . This del ta r*productiv* wave is d«ep and

pulsing and compel! liu*. Ami it has absolul- ly no sense. 1

repea t , it has no sense. More is where "irirt factors coae into

play.Tne animal I tsnlf , in i t 's expressions, e i t h e- m a i n

or female, Is totally irresponsible. I» liveo for th. Bom«nt.

It lives i'or no more U »n on- day at a tine. It junpa, I t moves

It enrares in any fun sit"atlon that presents i t se l f , rfith

no thourht of yesterday anj no thought of tonorrow. X h i l e

this is f . o i n f . on, i t is very, v«ry. very M f h l v "n . lovao le . au '

from what happens from t.nis, usual ly is not. That. in 1'self

causes nmc>' of the delimit of tlie ordinary u a l e - f e m a l e relation-

sh ip today.

Since th i s is su rv iva l , since is the pro-creat ion, dogmatized, pro^ramej m u f f i t o f the onc'nal an ima l

nan on t.hig planet , the only way that t h i c d r i v e , tnis ex-uberance, this total play i n t e n t can oe o f f a e l , it can only

be of set by m i n d aet.ion. E i t h e r beauty .iinu or excitener.tMind. ijeuuty m i n > * bei"^ the artist, the muc 1C lan, tns .Trt.-at

f ie lds of beauty and nlol ir ge ' t in r s and s i tv .a t ions . C M I « J

or th* rerv complex raind, which is technocracy, exci f^ent , co,

KO, go, wi l l rue th is l i t t l e a n i m a l .

1'ho little animal lias an ace up it's ale»ve. A"d tnis

furthers all the corif"!uon. !'"<• littl* animal has tne ri^r.i

and t. ho use ami unknownintfly can invoke th» use this anii shut

off either mind at a split r.nconds "oti<-e. Therefore, they are

then railed our of control, hnd an * riind out of control IE in

on» way a beaut* to b»nold and in another way a horror r.o behold,

all according to the time, place, and sit"i.tion, ur.a the. person

or persona Uioy art.' witn.

To rome uack to tli* >>aaic factors ir.volvcd in the

other hiflf situation, 1 repeat as the soul carrying, it's com-

ponents leaves t.h» uerenit" field and iraiiacts i"to tnis rii-

ra»nsion, it ID instantly, instantlv threo distinct parts. Thos»

three distinct parts uocon» twins makin/'. six distinct parts,

t""-ee female and three males. At this same instance in time

since those ar* only one third of the make-up of these persons

another third of the mane-lip is coming from where? «•"< the"

tne third third? A"* whcrr- is the third thira CO.HIT? So we

have a po t pori. We h.iv a very, very complex human bei"K,

A"d w are all that human being today.

How do you hanalc the situation. With a. smile. First

come to know It la necessary. C0me to the self miization *hat

this io th» situation, front that point on vour emotions wr.icr.

art th-re, you do not create then, you have reallv nothing to

•ay about the emotion, the onlv thing YOU have to say la in tha

control or non-control of those emotions because you do always

have the emotions. And since we are talking about other halfs,

we are certainly talking about what is commonly called love .

Sine* we are talking about love, there is a very clear

statement to be made. Love --ones unbidden, it stays unbidden,

and It goes away unbidden, if it should go away. We a* a human

being have nothing to say about it except suffer or glory in the

consequenciea of it.

once vou have looked at this, once you have sought

in yourself to understand this, then you can accept it. A-<I

o^ce you accept it, the turmoil of love disappears. Onlv th«

unrelenting desires, within yourself,.must be brought under ex-

ceptance and control. tivcauoR at the present t^roe in history

to avail yourself of the possibility of havinc 01, tl different

relationships going all at one time, far surpasses the stamina

of any human being living today and that could be Sa»pno",

D'llph or any of the greats of the past all rolled into one.

T>-e human being at the present time and in the present envirn-

nent docs not have the strength nor tne time even though they

nay havr> the ability to pursue an active relationship with

that many people. So b< satisfied with one or two or nayue if

your lucky with three. A-d if you can keep your minds balanced

and if ycxi can keep the persons you are aquainted with balanced

in relationship to you, you will have a very enjoyable life.

However,' uome (^rcat writer in tne past called that

the razors edge. 1 do not know how many of you know exactly

how sharp the cd^e of a razor actually is. ,A»(i that in our

society today is what each perron must IK ink about and take

into consideration i;nen tnny start actively sucking their soul

other l.nlf.

Well, I hope you arc happy to find out that you

have more tiian .lust ono chanco of finding fun, lovn. excitement,

&nd a ijood tine but actually Ul chances on a more or ijs~, or

maybe I snould day a ..real or r.roateracale vou see, you would {>o liai,o!.<',, to irnnnil a t.umar, jell.;, to ll Situation

of should I u»y oucn norrow bvcuuue the othor half would huve

got killed, the other half could have hit a misalignncr.t. the

other half could have been returned to tne serenity field to

wait a full lifetime for that still living part to return to tne

serenity field.

Oh ves, that is where they al] meet again, recar-less

of when they die, as we are so want to si'.y in this dimension.

Thos* parts, regardless of weather 1 or Blall return to the

serenity fi"H. o i f' p not giutp ns hopeless as on» nit;nt be

led to believe. In all fairness and under the laws of choice,

you 3'iould have more tnan one cnoice. Certainly an all lovir.£

creator would not condem any ocir.£, any living huraan o-?n..: to

such an ocward, unprofitable situation.

You have in thia dimension the ultimate chance of

having a perfect soulmate witn all components being exact auplic-

aten of vour:; and that is a Joy w you would have to e*: -r<-?r.ce

to know or even except. Helievin/^ it stretches the !-u.;:r-.*.ion.

So you see that although my voice at tines r:-:--c^ sad

in; thexother part of the tape and while I was expl.ur.:: <; •~-.3

there were bad periods. when vou are in deep concen :.- » . ..,

when you are holding that concentration, and shuttir.-- -ii other

thouehtr out, voices chance. This is why in the spir::uali3t

fieldand in the poycluc field and I 'lon't know r.o« -,;r.v ->i VQU

have*1 t"e30edthe trance state in other people. T^is is tr.e way

trance states are recognized. 1 can only smile at Because

to me, a franco state in merely a total concentration state. Yo»

concentrate in one mind. Yon always have the other ninas j'anding

by ontae alert. Y.O" are only hipnotized in one raina. Vou have

the other minds standing by on the alert. «(hen vou are witn your

other half, be it K, B, or C or perhaps even of a higher elencni

which I will not c° into, those who are not entrances and enthrallcj

oy this matinc, of the two are always stantiin.'C by on the alert.

You us a human heing are a marvelous peace 01 mecnanisa

The mechanism is not tne emotions. The mechanisms are tr.oae

parts of you which seek to elevate, to better, to bring to per-

fection those emotions which are you. So wnen you thmic of th»

perfect mate, when you think of the perfect state of being here

In this dimension remember, it can be achieved vith ojny.

Knowing it la being achieved takes 'wo. You and that

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^ y p e r s on 3A n g w e r e b y A l F r y . R e i c h wa» a a b l e t o s t o r ei n h i s o i g o n e e n e r g y a c c u m u l a t o r d e v i c e s . T h e s e w e r e o f s t e e lw o o l t o a t t r a c t t h e e n e r g y . . . a n d h a d l a y e r s o f n a t u r a l f i b e r s t oh o l d t h e e n e r g y . S e e d s t r e a t e d i n t h e s e c h a m b e r a w o u l d u s u a l l yp r o d u c e h e a l t h i e r b l a r g e r p l a n t s . T r e a t e d p e o p l e w o u l d o f t e no v e r c o r r e d e s e a s e s . As me n t a 1 and p h y s i c a l t e c h n o l o g i c a l l yi n t r o d u c e d p o l l u t i o n p o i s o n s t h e h e a l t h y O r g o n e c h a r g e d at m o s p h e r et h e u s u a l , n o r rra 1 w e t d r y c y c l e s s l o w u p a n d d r a g h t c o m e s a l o n g. . . a n d / a r i o u s l i f e f o r rra s i c k e n . M i l l i o n s o f a c r e s o f d y i n g t r e e s

a n d e n c r o a c h i n g d e s e r t s w e r e t h e f r u i t s o f t h i s i n t h e 8 0 * 9 .To c o m b a t s u c h ' DOB1 p o l l u t i o n R e t c h d e v e l o p e d a d e v i c e c a l l e d

a ' C l o u d b u s t e r 1 . T h e s e h a d l o n g m a t a l t u b e s w h i c h c o u l d b e p o i n t e ds k y w a r d a n d d r a w i n t h e DOR t o a g r o u n d i n g a r e a o f r u n n i n g w a t e r .U s e r s o f t e n c l a i m e d an 80% e f f e c t i v e n e s s in b r i n g i n g on mo i s t u r el a d e * c l o u d s a n d r a i n w i t h i n a c o u p l e o f d a y s . T o d a y o f c o u r s es u c h n o t i o n s a r e t h o u g h t r e d i c u l o u s b u t t h e p r o o f i n i n v i e w i n gt h e p o i i o n e d a t m o s p h e r e o v e r m o s t c i t i e s a n d a f t e r A t o m i c t e s t i n g .

Comp s t u d e n t s who p r a c t i c e c o n c e n t r a t i o n t e c h n i q u e s c a n u s u a l l ymi s t e r up e n o u g h e n e r g y to a l t e r c l o u d s ms n t a l l y . So me to e v e n f o r msrra l l c l o u d s by c o n c e n t r a t i n g non m a t e r i a l a t o m s in t o an a r e a andt h e n c c n v e r t i n g t h e m t o m a t e r i a l a t o m s . ( R e f e r t o C o r r p I a n d t h es e e e n s r g y p o t e n t i a l s ) G l a s e r s S t a f f S t u d y I t o l d o f h o w w eh u i r a n a w e r e to o n l y ge t a l i m i t e d a m o u n t o f t i m e to see i f we c o u l dmi s t e r o u r e n v i r o n m e n t e t h i c a l l y . A r o u n d t h e y e a r £ 0 0 0 c h a o s wi l lr e rro v e mo st l i f e f o r m s if we h a v e n t m a t u r e d . Our t i t l e s l i k e the' P o l e S h i f t N e w s l e t t e r s " ( $ 8 ) "Ea r th R e p o r t " ( $ ^ 0 ) b " Cl ou d b u s te r

W e a t h e r - M o d i f i c a t i o n R e p o r t " ( $ 9 . 9 5 ) c o v e r d e t a i l s .W a l t e r R u s s e l s w o r ks a r e f u l l o f f l a w s d u e t o t h e p r o b l e m h e h a d

p u t t i n g his k n o w l e d g e i n t o C Mi nd p e r s p e c t i v e . . . . and due to the fact h a t t l ie p e r i o d i c l a w s a r e d i f f e r e n t n o w t h a n t h e y w e r e p r i o r t o t h <' E x i l e ' p r o b l e m as o u t l i n e d i n Corrp 2. U r a n i u m , a s am e x a m p l e w a do n c e a ' l i v e 1 m e t a l , . b u t i s now ' d e a d ' e tc e tc . C o m p 4 g o e s d o w nt o a d e e p e r b a s i c f o u n d a t i o n . N o n M a t e r i a l t o m a t e r i a l . . , , a n dt h e o n l y d i f f e r e n c e i n e n e r g y r i n g s a n d m a t t e r is s i z e . A t o m s a r e

b a s i c i l l y s rra 11 u n i v e r s e s e tc .

Different persons have different realities. In todays domination oriented world* weare usually conditioned by States and ruling powers to accept their realities. This allows then to hold us 1n subjegation more easily. The human minds have the ability toscreen iut virtually any outer action they wish to. The Eye & Ear grids have only beendiscovered in recent years. If all of the daily noise and thought assault were not scr-eened, the load would drive us mad. Persons may look at the same thing and get very diff-erent perceptions as a result of such censorship. One of the human mind components 1sfond of such sensorship. It is important not to judqe others and their reality to har-shly, te may be the ones with a distorted perspective. Generally speaking,if we stopjudging,we stop pain. Something to think about

B e c a u s e m o a t p e r s o n s w a n t o t h e r s t o t a k e t h e i r r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e sr r a n y M o d e r n H u r r a n s s t u d e n t s a r e a b i t l o s t a t 1 s t . G l a s e r m a k e sn o p a t h s o r r e c o m e n d a t i o n a . S t u d e n t s m u s t a c t a n d t h i n k o n t h e i rO wn . T h i s t a k e s a g r e a t d e a t o f s e l f d i s c i p l i n e b u t n e e d e n t b e a n yb i g c h o r e . P r a c t i c e m a k e s p e r f e c t a n d w e d i d n ' t b e c o m e f o l l o w e r so v e r n i g h t . A s t u d e n t s C M n d w i l l o f t e n r e a s o n t h a t a l l t h i s b a l a n c e

f r < s > K g r e a t e r g a i n s c o n c e p t rray b e v a l i d , b u t u s u a l l y j u s t d o e s n ' twa nt to g i v e up m u c h to f i n d o u t . ft> o r l i t t l e A Mi n d ' A n i m a l 1 s t i l ld o e s n ' t g e t t h e f u n a n d e n j o y m e n t i t n e e d s . . . . a n d so t h e s t u d e n t so f t e n f a l l b a c k i n t h e same o l d p a t t e r n s a n d s t a g n a t i o n . T h e d i f f -e r e n c e n o w h o w e v e r , i s l i t t l e a n i m a l i s a w a r e o f h o w i t ' s b e i n g

s h o r t c h a n g e d a n d w i l l o f t e n r e t a l i a t e .Fun and p l e a s y r e is the key to c o o p e r a t i o n bet we en c o rnp o n e n t s k

f a s t g a i n s i n g o a l s . G i v e l i t t l e a n i m a l i t ' s t h i r d o f y o u r t i m e i np l e a s u r e a n d m o s t p r o b l e m s w i l l w o r k o u t v e r y s i mp l y . I l l a s a n ds t r e s s w i l l f a d e a w a y a n d y o u r C M i n d w i l l b e s u r p r i s e d a t h o w m u c hw o r k g e t s d o n e i n a l l t h e f o o l i n g a r o u n d . . . . H o w mu c h s i m p l e r c o u l <a c o n c e p t w o r k . To g a i n al l y o u r g o a l s , s i rrp ly get al l y o u r co rrp o n -e n t s w o r k i n g t o g e t h e r . P r a y e r s or s t r o n g v i s u a l i z a t i o n w i t h a c t i o n :a r e t h e nex t s t e p s y o u u s e i n g a i n i n g g o a l s . T h e S o u l a n d a l l o f t h eMi n d s w i l l u s u a l l y c o o p e r a t e i f s u c h g o a l s are t o w a r d the b e t t e r m e rn t o f t h e p l a n e t . L i t t l e a n i m a l w i l l g o a l o n g i f i t g e t s i t ' s f o o d a n db o d y p l e a s u r e s . Comp s t u d e n t s g a i n these b a s i c k e y s a n d c o n c e p t st o s u c c e s s . C h o i c e , e f f o r t a n d a c t i o n a r e w h a t t u r n s t h e t i d e .

— — - . . i < , ; r . n n r o b l e ms , s u i c is u c c e s s . C h o i c e , e f f o r t ana a c t i o n «.» « ..

P o s s e s s i o n i s a p r o b l e m i n m a n y c o m p u l s i o n p r o b l e nns , s u i c i d e s ,a n d v i o l e n t b e h a v i o r . H e a v y d r i n k i n g V d r u g s a r e o f t e n r e s p o n s i b l e' f o r o p e n i n g u p p e r s o n s t o t h e o u t s i d e e n t i t i e s r e s p o n s i b l e .

P e r s o n s w h o p r a c t i c e d o w s i n g w i t h a p e n d u l u m c a n e a s i l y f i n do u t i f p e r s o n s a r e p o s s e s s e d . T h e y s i m p l y g e t a ' y e s ' o r ' n o 1

a n s we re t h r o u g h the p e n d u l u m s a c t i o n . I f t h e y ge t in a r e v e r e n t i a l

nr>od a n d t a k e r e a s o n a b l e c a r e t h e a n s e r e s c a n b e v e r y v a l i d .M a n y k i l l e r s and p e n e t e n t v r y i n ma t e a go t i n t he p o s i t i o n s t h e y

a r e i n b e c a u s e s o m e n e g a t i v e ' E a r t h b o u n d 1 e n t i t y l a t c h e d o n t ot h e m a n d i n f l u e n c e d t h e m . S u c h e n t i t i e s a r e u s u a l l y h a n g i n g a r o u n cb e c a u s e t h e y f e a r g o i n g o v e r i n t o t h e h i g h e r v i b e s o f t h e A s t r a l- l a n e s . M a n y c a n b e t a l k e d i n t o l e a v i n g t h e E a r t h p l a n e w h e n i t i s

x p l a i n e d t h a t t h e y a r e d e a d a n d c a n s e e t h e i r o l d f r i e n d s 8c l o v e dn e s i n t h e A s r a l . T h i s i s t r u e b e c a u s e t h e i r t h o u g h t s t h r o u g h t hc t i o n o f t h e S o u l , w i l l b r i n g a b o u t t h i s e x p e r i e n c e . I f t h e e n t i t yt i l l i a n g a a r o u n d y o u c a n o f t e n ca l l o n a o t h e r d i m e n s i o n a l ' g u i d eo a i d t h e e n t i t y i n g o i n g o v e r . W h e n t h e v e p e a c e f u l l m e t h o d s f a i lou can get the p e r s o n s p e r m i s s i o n to a id t h e m and t h e n co me d o w t

i a r d o n t h e e n t i t y t h a t is b o t h e r i n g them. U n d e r ' C H O I C E * laws a l le n t i t i e s o u t o f t h e p h y s i c a l m u s t v a c a t e a b o d y i f t h e p e r s o n sn v o l v e d t r u l y a n d d e e p l y w i s h i t . T h i s o f t e n g e t s d i f f i c u l t b e c a u sh e i r w i l l p o w e r w e a k e n s a f t e r a l o n g t e r m p o s s e s s i o n . F u r t h e r d a t

n t h i s i s a v a i l a b l e i n ou r ' P s y c h i c Self D e f e n s e 1 R e p o r t .


The following dialog on Extra Sensory P«rr»ption, 3SP,

anrl Healing is by tne lionem Human Founder, Alfred B. Glaser,

was done on Octooer 7, 1979.

Extra y<?naory Perception, nhat ^o»s that actually mean?

£x tra Senses? It implies that there are certain people, lucky or

unlucky, that have extra senses. This would not be something un-

common or really noteworthy, people have extra toes, extra fin-

gers, only when they have extra bodies, as simese twins can

attest to. iio ""atner than go througn the normal confusion per-

iod we will merely oay tnat there is no BUCM thin« ao extra

senses. «11 p»ople nave all the same senses in their original

programing. N««dl*su to say, very, very few people know that

they have tnese Tn*« rave been confused because all

senses to tnera, to science, even to the occult pertain to pnysical

reality. Thos<» tnat can oe in a factual manner proven in a phy-

sical dinrnnion. Yet, fh«> action that causes even the physical

effect of senses are not understood, have not been understood,

alter all of tnene thousands of years. In s^ort, what'I a"i sav-

in,:, very positively, as each and every one of you, and each and

over/ person tnat is alive has untold, unknown to themselves,

extra senses, which arc not extra at all. Just dormant. Just

la/in/; aulonr. .-,03* peoples, wnen confronted witn this, tend to

witndraw in l>'ir.

Yf-A"". ',". a sense. Thin sense is the underlying senae

tnat stoj.V. ;T.-I<-• •, illy all actions in the phynical, ttiat has

been stopji-i -,,•-.;• -.lie thousands of years. Fear. Torta" in your

medical er.L/ciopsaias, in the great teachings of the great, in

the myrids jpon >iynds of DOOKS we have invented a new and many

words to cover uaing the word fear. In the medical profeasion

touuy and in all of the various cults and religions and sciences

we come up witn words sin, guilt, stress, straining, just one

word after another word swings into a popular vogue, then swings

away. All or these words are facode words. rh°v are merely words i

tnat Bean,in one way or another, "I am afraid." Ono person can

be afraid of a mad dog, a do;; with hydrophobia. Another person

can be afraid of a pernon that has a sore on their lip. Fear

cnr.e? Ir. "ii'.i.y, o.'iny wa/s. Kitlinr different words to that fe-ir

'Huna/' Hoffman. Out of the half a dozen popular Huna

books, thr* is probably the best for the $$. Huna is the

island people's system of getting the ant matter body com-

ponents to cooperate with and aid the body. etc. $4.95


riSP and Healing

hides the ba je factor of the fear.

Wh»n you are a f r a id to do any th ing , it de le tes Iron tnat

action .lust that amount of effort and accomplishment in e^ual

a i a i u 3 to that a m o u n t of fear towards tha t o b j e c t . Ir . s i ;o r t , i:"

you are t e r r i u ly a f ra id ami must uo a i ou , chances are you w i l l

not even start the .job, unless you are forced to bv a greater


viftiat has this to do w i t h iCS? and healing ?*>at nas every-

t h i n g to rto wi tn -:S1' anu nealin, ; . Over m a n y years , I l ec tu red

an-J t a lked ana spoke and f r a t e n i z e d w i t h s p i r i t u a l i s t , here in

Cal i fo rn ia , up and down tins west coast, r r io r to tna t . even as

a ch i ld , growing up, sp i r i tua l i s t , wi tcnes , were very cc.r.r.on

around mv very rcl i r ious motnera household . Sne was i j U i t e fap-

inated bv them. N o w , one w i t h observat ion powers, on« w i t h

a b i l i t y to observe and l is ten and not th ink cf th.ocjelves but

only of the ottier person, even as a ch i ld , one act ion of these

peop le became very e v i u e n t . Antf that was: t h e y haa, in that

instances, and in tnat part of their spin tual isn, w n a t e v e r part

it was they played, THKY HA!) ABJOLUTtl.Y NO K-:.\R OF THAT P-tnT,

M O N K W I U T S O r f V i i K . Therefore, tnat sense laying dormant , wnere no

fear olocxed tnat sense came fortn and mani fes ted i tself in tne


Pear stops people from helping other people to heal.

Fear stops people from heal inr themselves.

•This heal ing e f fo r t is not an extra sense. •• all nave

it. Very *ew of us tend to use i t . Anrt wtien we do use i t . it is

only in an extreme emergency. W» want o ther people to use it for

us. tie want other pleasures. W» want o ther objects . »J w a n t otr.»r

things to do this .)ob for us. When that ,iob is done we do it our-

oelf. True we can *>•» excited, we can be generated, we can be

tn»ed ip, we can be acctivated bv another person that 13 in tr.e

know upon 'his healina e lumen ' w i t h i n each of ou1" bodies. Th i s

will conclude up to this moment the in t roduct ion to iSl ar.4

healing. There wi l l be a pause hero. A"d I hope von w i l l

think about vour past associations and maybe even pr«s«nt associ-

ations for .lust one moment.

Tlheten Book of the Deed. Christianity leocha* nothing of th»various dimensions that th» onti matter components hoveavailable at me body's end. Thi» data it designed to restrict ttwjreader in the dogma of the day but ho> much valid material. S3.00


Over the vears, I >-awe had many experiences w i t h Dealers.I *•»»• been wi th them pr iva te lv . I have Deen w i t h th»ra in front .of audlenros. I have In t roducted them to audiences. I havea c t u a l l y , at various t imes in my l i f e , work»d in a product ivecapici ty , w i t h i n sp i t t ing distance of them. 1 have watched th»s»people. I have watrhed thei r emotional status as they w«nf in to 'wha t thev calle-i healin/% All of them, w i t h o u t except ion , pos-sessed the ab i l i t » to see w i t h o » t b e i n « told that th» oth»rperson was in pain. Th-v wer* uncomfortable each and every t imev i f h this f ' e l in^ . A look of quiet henevolenc« would come upontheir faros. A ' h o u R h t f u l , sof t , prooinf; look. To one t.hat wasin the know and to one who roulrt tune in t.o that. healer, onecould feel the delta wav» w i t h i n that person rising. T*-— cnaldaee the filow starting to cowe to th« skin. T>»" could sec thelights starting in th* person's e"»s. in the sof tness of th«irlips there was almost a curresa. T'-ey would then, once in thisapproacn, th- person who was in pain, t^is person v<ry seldomever havi"K said a word, having learned to to l leraf this painf-ey w»re in. Th i s person would smile gently and "s« an nndear-ln» 'vpe w o r < i . It could be almost anv typo word . It. was saidin a very soft . a f fec t iona te , endearinc voice. A1"* when t.hoperson -would say hes i tant ly , and/or nayhn oometimes in a v»rvpuzzled way, t>-at th*y certainly w o u l d n ' t min^. . . . that the"would be get rid of their pain. Th-" that person,and here as wh»re a great fal icy exist, wo"ld pu t their handstoward tn»m in most instances but not alwavs. Sometimes, theywould to"ch thorn but not always. I f "ak«a no ' l i ff*rence as lonrfaa you a^e in clone proximi ty and as loni? as vo" ar» not facingthat p»rnon head on. fo" <to not stand square onto t>at person.This person then would m a n i f e s t that deep dwell inc affect ionatewave, wn ich I a" s'"-» th&t e«Hrvon« tha t hoarS »v voice hasexperienced w t U n n th»ranelvea a t r t i f fc rcn t t imes w i t h i n theirlife. It ra"3"8 tinirl inp. It causes sometime as the feel ingcrow* roosx flesh, roosepimples to break nit in various parts of "th« bodies,sometimes over the wnole body. Th"-e is a vibranf-va cou ra in f f wave , that walks in vavna hack anrt forth of th" wnolehodv of the person when they am undwrROinK ttup wave atronvly.

"Dfocjon Sloyar" by Dawn. R«lat«i th« Camp 1 and 1 con-c«pt» to th« current concepts accepted in anatomy,physiology, chemistry, sociology, metaphysics.psychology, etc. Used as text for nurses' credit training or - •by Comp 2 students wishing to get slightly expanded Campconcepts (MH students only). . .larger flyer available.


KSi* and

Yo" and 'hose w l i o nav>»au r i a s w i l l r.oc be as :3';-i» i ,

I t is a very powerful de l ta wave .the so called p s v c h i c a b i l i t y to ab«»t vou would be watch ing this knowing w n a t was «oin** or. atleast as to the /r rowth of that aura. T^at r"acr.ine o"t , tna tfoc"3in(; of that aurti. I t ' s a lmos ' l i k e vou . 0^ :1 take a j r c pof water and let it nleecl f '-om 'ne end of a l o o i n p i C K . The j ropof water is K l o h a l . TK»" i t hscomes e longated, •>"<! then D e f o r eit b^'aks w i t h the eml of 'hat t o o t h p i c k we have wna t is comonlvreferred to as a t^ar drop shape. T'-at 13 w h a t 'h is d e l t a wavecreates. K l r s t , it r reuius tne b u b b l e arou"i| tr.e person. l-»na part of that b u h h i e fo fns and reaches out. m .a tear drop shapeand actual ly rurr^sses that otner person ' s ver/ weak, verv hes-i tant del ta wave aura. l'h»se two wav«s then ifow in to on<-wave and one (;reat bubble .

The person underroinp the t r e a t m e n t n o r n a l l y fe» l s tha tonly their b<«ck wh ich is sore is being t reated. Or perhaps t n e yhave painn in Iho . lo inta or their knees ana this is wucre tr.e/feel this heat urow. Th is t i n r l i n n , v ib r a t i ng sensat ion. A'-'isometines it so nuick and so rapid that me re ly the pain is ?ot\*.There is no other sensa t ion , except the pain is gone. *~ Have hadhealers, an<< I w o n ' t n-rn.- • ;iem b/ name, some of them have had

r xnars , anJ p r i o r to t h a i tn^v back in to the late 20' a. r.o nore

than radio became n na i .j:... - je hook-up , even prior lo t^at herein Los Arv^eles, out -• i ^ ' i -wno ' i , we had tne Hour of K r a v n r . T n i 3was ye t another way u t' c ro . i i inc , a d e l t a wave i"to a person "rou«ntheir liearinir mechar i .n . --"irches, all re l igious f ; rou[3, usevoic» and aon<r in an ai :Vc t i o n a t c wave lon(;lii to hr ini? tne Jel tawave hii'h. To have it r ise. To create a f ee l i n» of D e t ' e r n e n land ful f i l lment . «nd i t works . It is odd. It. is v»»-v o>ii,that a f t e r a l l th i s l i m e that ' h ev haven ' t cou(,leit t n i s tc^oir.erw i t h a verv real, a verv t/asic, a verv scient if ic s i t ua t ion thatactually exist.

No, since people who are learned from the hooka , learnedfrom the in.iti t » t i o n s , creUen tialert anil f o l l o w i n g a dogmat izedfonn of knowledge approach to f u n c t i o n , t h » v themselves not tik-i"i? the t i m e , not h a v t n p 'he k n n w l e d r e to b r i n e t h i s in to f > - u i t -i t lon try to put it on a programed action bases. It is not an

"Mentol Troining of o Worrier." About the best book I hoveseen on defense methods ond fighting secrets. How todevelop "Ki" energy, mental abilities, physical might, see-ing in the dark, locating objects by sound, controling fear,developing awareness, fighting boxers, wrestlers, boxers,marshal arts people, etc. $12.00

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K-SH anil Heal ing 5

action persay. It is a manifested feeling from within a

hunan body. I* in nothing to do with action at all. I' only

brings forth action and function when the feeling is brought

forth stronir enounh.

H^ali"^ 13 the act of benevolance toward another per-

son, a rapport, a swelling of one's own inner affection delta

WHV« to that person, centered upon that person, concentrated

upon that person for that short period of time.

Is 'hlo healing permanent? Sometimes yes, So-ot.imea

the person who has witnessed this has nad a signal turned on

within thenselveri and seek to recreate this feeling for them-

selves. Th»ir health improves. Th»ir lives improves. A-H I've

watched people like this within a few short yearn turn into

.narvelous healern themselves. I have showing different people

who wish to become spiritualist , wished to know psycomitry,

wished to have goast writing or as they call it automatic writing,

or wished for other attributes, I have talked to these people,

I liavc explainer the bane factor of the delta wave and what is

in it in their particular field and I Have watched these people

acquire that which they requested.

h*-""iher there is an oddity present hero. Th» one

oddity is and always will be: YOU HUST MASTKH YOUH OWN FcAH

oc TIUT J-OIIIT W H I C H fou W I S H TO V . H I ;¥,•:. »ou HUST MASTICK YOUHO r f f l PEAK OK WrlAY I j I t . U I D E Of :'0'J.

I wi l l a/-aui pause h e r ; ,r.i : hope most of this you

have hranJ. h-cau-.-.e there ire .;r•'.,.: .:. anccs that a lot of thisyou have not h c a r i . !5o (ake a . : jai... ^nd relax for a short space

of ti»e. This concludes this L J ^ C • or this part. Th-"»i will be

more about this at a later da te .

( L i t t l e A l ) I t m i g h t n e w e l l before concluding this

auojoct to make a few fu r the r comments . To -nderstand that we

possess tho enerriea d e s c r i b e d i n the comprehension courses byHr. ClasT, it is somet imes h e l p f u l to feel such energies f irs t

hand. I" "astern l i t e r a tu re we f ind that the body energiesare distributed through the f ive cnerrv centers called the chotras,

I" the east. T»«ere are fur ther lesser energy centers and two of

these ninor centers are I n the palms of euch hand. If vou putthe two palms of your hands closely together and s lowly vary the

The Bunker Topes Transcripts" (tor MH Comp Coursestudents only). Closer answers a student's questions withanecdote* and spice. . .the conflict between components,overcoming the fears, emotional gains and hurts, healthfallacies, comp background. Volume 2 • emotions, judg-ing, souls in animals, universal mind, choice, astrology er-ror, survival, affection defense, exercise, andmiscellaneous. Two volumes $5.00 each.

d i s t a n c e between t h e m , you w i l l a f t e r a n u m b e r of passes, feel

a b u i l t - u p of s u b t l e pressure b e t w e e n your har.Js. I f you are

s c e p t i c a l a t o u t the ma;,or cr .ocr^j c en t e r s , you nav use two o e n t

wires and use then to Jouse the centers , fh.. rods w i l l awir..; to

the side when you are over a ma.jor c e n t e r 01' the sody. Yo" ' -*»i . .be anle to prove the concept for /ourse l f t h i s way . Profess iona l

healers do not need any large o u i l d up of mood t r . rougn the sing-

ing m u s i c and such if they learn to c e n t e r t h e m s e l v e s m e n t a i i y .

Slow r y t h m i c b rea th ing and c o m p l e t e r e l axa t i on are u s u a l l y usea

in center ing or t u n i n g in to the proper m i n d d w e l l . }'.»•> i '.at ion

and chants are only needed if tnose wno d o n ' t co~, ' .rehenj Cor lpre-

hension Course II p r inc ip les . W i t h pe rmiss ion to worK wit . i ap a t i e n t , your next s tep is usua l ly to get in to tune to tne

vibration of the pa t i en t and a f t e r get t ing in to tr.e p rope r ^ inadwel l , you may assess the pe r son ' s problem b v running your h^nas

around the person's bou/ , not touching i t but near i t u n i i l you

detect a sl ight d i f f e r ence in heat or a t t rac t ion or anywhere tnereis an out of balance in this tone area. I.^arninp to use your in-

tu i t ional and recognitionar a b i 1 i t y may take t i m e and pract ice'so don ' t give up early. It all just takes pract ice, »hen you

send your healing a f f e c t i o n m o t i v a t e d energies to the p u t i e n t ,you wi l l not ice that they relax and their vo ice and to"e u rop a.and their skin may f lush s l ight ly , if vour cett i ig throucn. •'-en

vou preceivp no d i f ference in the body f i e lds a f t e r working wi tnthe patietit for a t ime , you can usually assune i' is t i m e toatop and vou have done your Job wel l . Again you are usinr nindmotivated energies driven by a body and brain orienatea body,

distractions, fear, and rush wi l l often spoil vour goals.A f f e c t i o n is very simple to send. Tho bas<- factors are put for tn

in Comp I. I These comments are by Fry '

Tfe I ih».,l m. w. M* *•

"Eorth Report." A collection of short concepts relating tothe Comp data but with terminology of a different nature:Beginnings of earth problems, finding the solutions, thechoices available, confronting the problems, as it was(Comp students only) $9.95. Many Comp students hovefound this aided clarity of some concepts.

Banished From The Garden Of Edrn. . . there beganraining period for our Human species, t W h i l e our race

l i v e d on the bounty that Earth natura l ly provided & beenEd. Thereafter, there were certain changes in the natural

function pa tie rns. . . . and even in the food chain p a t t e r n s oflanet. Instead of l e i sure ly l iving off the abundance of nature,' •re forced to s t a r t th ink ing of the future b making cons tantr?s, * As thousands of y e a r s passed, we bu i l t up a genet ic po-ilh very high l e v e l s of technical discrimination b elhu al discr-

Ikalion to draw upon. Unfortunately, our learning in areas ofself control was very costly fc time consumng. As major

Sices loom once again to shape the destiny of our planet , the eli-tes are sirrple. Br ing on a new i, higher level paradise with muchthe benef ic ia l technology at our disposal, or re turn to the basic

Ademic period of being only 'Men*. As 'Nomes' or 'Men' ( f r o mie 1st Egyptian ruler, King Menas. ) we would simply return to a[featyle very much l ike some of the 'Bushmen' are pract ic ing today.The Hadzas of Tanzania are another exanple. They can gather allf>e foud they need for the week, in about a day. thereafter, the can

tnjoy theme)ve» b forget about constant pressures b choices.By using our higher knowledge fc self control we could also ens)

most if the disadvantages of our present civi l ized cultures. We cou-ld begin by us ing our incredible technology b transportation to guar-antee every Human the sane security that a Hadza gets. Children fco lder persons are cared for automatically in their 'primitive' culture.With todays, science, it would be possible to guarantee a cradle to thegrave l ife support syttern regardless of the persons productivity or'connections' . Today, we spend a fortune, per capita, to wage b main-tain War. Wth security of all persons assured, there would be no needfor w*r. Rather than set up a dictatorship to bring about the necessarychanges (as Communism has done) It would only be necessary to havetwo currencies in circulation. A 'survival 1 currency would allow allpersons to get a basic input of food, s h e l t e r , clothing, fc medical care.A aecimd currency would be earned by anyone wishing to work for it bhave the bigger b better things most of us work toward now. Ratherthan ait around in indolence b boredoms, the vast majority would putout at least as much work as the presently do now. The difference, wo-uld be that with guaranteed survival, they would be working at thingsthey enjoyed doing. In emmergency systems at the closing of WWII, as y s t e m of this nature,showed perfect r e l i a b i l i t y with no long term lossin product iv i ty . The unique thing about such a system is the ease withw h i c h i t could be introduced in all present cocieties with few majorchanges in the governing systems b i d e a l o g i e s . . . .

How Humana can gain the necessary control of their higher levelb r a i n k Mind functioning to enter in to the 'paradise' so long pronisadin the 'Lords prayer' b othet spiritual wri t ings , is sinple. The basicknowledge is g iven in text form by a California based group called theModern Hununs. Their programs are approved in ongoing tra ining. prog-rams in professional fields in many slates. And it is avai lable in easyto understand texts avai lable through the mail. * How Humans can ret-urn to the pre Ademic paradise is also simple. The can simply go on ilthe same direct ion of in spons ib i l i ly . . , . and do nothing.

Final Judgement Secrets In A Nu t sha t l By A.H.FryEven though tha popular Christian concupta of a 'Hell f ire ' have no valid busts In fact

from original intended meanings 4 translations (sea folio 405), there are still similartruth* that do apply. To find tha foundation for such concepts which ara valid, wa muatgo back to the tine of the so called 'War In Heaven' . At tills time, we had a whola planatcovered with creatures l iving In an edenle state of perfection, the animal man of thattine was not contaminated with decision making.. .any more than tha animals around hi si.

As Satans group began to breed Kith the Han species, it changed the circuits In this•peclea 4 'They ate of the frtit of knowledge'. Thereafter, there waa constant friction,turmoil, 4 confrontation* in 'ethics' choice. During the entueing years, the sacred worka4 teacher* such a* J«sus, taught that humanity could r l ao above their eorry lot...but o n l jIf the acted toward controling their violent natures 4 laam»d 3aif Control . Humans couJdtell other* how ethical they & their favored doctrines were all they wished. It was onlytheir action* & ethical behavior that counted in the final Judgement however.

According to the great spiritual teaching* of person* like Christ, all Human* had thachance to overcome death. Jesus even offered visual proof that it could be don*. The catchof course, was that tha domination 4 power prone nature that our specie* carried, had toput under complete control. We might T H I N K about abusing 4 using our fellow being* all wewished, but this only poisoned our own bodlaa 4 hurt u*. It wa* the ACTIONS that had tobe controled to atay '•plritually ethical 1 . An 3atane ayatam* hare on Earth continued tobe proven unworkable in the longrun, there eventually had to cone a time-of final judgement•o that all person* would be able to choosw thalr future. Since there were many variedbelief system* scattered across the planet, it wae obvluu* that those who would ba '*ave*Vao to apeak, would not be judged on a favored doctrine such a* 'Christianity'.but on thamore solid foundation of ethical conduct 4 ACTIONS. Over thousands of year* of teatlng andtrial, all humane eventually acquired an inward aenae of 'right' A 'wrong'. With thouaandaof year* of experience, the inner component that carried the human toward greatwr perfer.tralway* came through for the human aa 'Conscience'. This 'inner' voice of ethic* aught varysomewhat..depending on the individual* background, yet the choice was alway* simple. Did thaction violate the 'FREE CHOICE* of another 4 dominate them, or did It allow them choice...and follow a 'golden rule'standard of ethic*. Tor those that could restrain theoaclvee, thereward* could be great, they could move up to a point of having control of their environmefi4 live forever. If they did not learn to control them*ave* howsrver, they would not only lostheir golden opportunity at high level advancement, the would itontuaUy loss their choicemaking component*. In effect, they would go back to the si:u; . « r life style of an animalagain with no choice* 4 only • short, but pleasure filled 1'. '^. .^ae other animal*.

A* th* present regenerative cycle end came to a close, • > •: -merit factor* werespeeded up. Added responaeblllty 4 turmoil forced 'slow lo . : . i - . , u> make higherlevel decisions. 'Backward1 civilization* were given «nou<h ..-H. ..--,.<y to alao increasetheir choice responsibilities. Both sides of the ethics qu;-.. .;. - .or« constantly givenin the popular media* of th* day.( witness'J.R. 'Of T V 'e 'UaUas1 aerie*...who galnesgreat favor with a huge audience by being ca>ldly unethical.. .wnlle Capt. Kirk of 'StarTrecR' gain* a huge following by constantly insisting upon ethical conduct.)

Parsons long stseped in rellgloue lore 4 weighty donnas, coull use their backgroundknowledge* aa stepping stone*....or a* weight* around their necks to restrict theirpassage to better thing*. A* usual , it waa their choice.

There are many concepts accepted by fundamentalist Christians that should havedied with the advent of modern progress,but l i n f e r on. T y p U . i l . i s the 'Burn in Hellif your bad 'not ion. The 'Hells ' mentioned In the Bible came froii several origins.'Hades ' ( the unseen) the aa-ne neenli i»> .is the Sheol of Hebrew 4 Anplo Saxen'hel*w h i c h refsred to 'hidden place' or hole. Other t ranslat ions ar«" from t h- GreekGehenna. .moaning refuse dump. It was vep convenient fur the ea r ly church tu prom-ulgate the punishment concept to ensure grr-atsr control Si Inf luence over the i rsubjects.Another strange concept s t i l l held, is thi t Luc 1 Or is Satan. Biblicaltranslator Jerene worked in an era that used th is lerm('Lucil 'er ' ) for the planetVenus . . the morning star.The proper Hebrew t rant. l . i t ion was ' H . i w l ' . . .which was most of Isaiah (13:6; I!);?; 16:7; 23:1,6,li.; ?..'':*; f . V U ) »et verseU.was left 'In hy th* King Janes t ranslators w i th widespread eonst i juenci-a . ~ ince ^atin was aspir i tual being 4 the 'K ing Of Babylon' was p_l.v_sl_c.-il . lor lc wo-Jid show a d i f f e r e n c e .

The sto"y could continue of course but even hy i . -nor ln r'T.if.h s t ructure . !am out of room. In parting,1 can only reconmeinl th. i t th«- st-n us, seeker of t ru th ,1st obtain the renarkable Modern Humans Co'nprehenai"n Courses. They are the deepestfoundation of truth that I am .iware of today. Hv K i r . cT— .1] fry n», -

yiq- MOST •eJrtJTT'J" »*V«P "« mORTHLEM (free leeeon) J*^^ ^

WOlm it 1* otnmoualy true that book* have contributed enormously t» thmedvtnemmmnt of our civilisation. It le equally true, that we have .tajaited ertrltMil.T-onlhia planet. We an etlll at a level of Barber! em that hae changed little forthoueendeTf yeara. Aa a dietributor of the only truly KW foundation for knowledge in10 000 years. I have eontlually run acroe* a strange phenomenon. The Modem HiamaasComprehension Co-iree rtudentevwho sctually comprehend the material- often startthrowing out their once-favorite bookal They no longer need them 4 often admit that,.eo .aide, they know much more .bout tha subject -jo.; than the "learned" euthore 4teacher*. They aleo eee e way out of the spiritual stagnation, through a "new way to gobaeed on a total foundation that Booka aimply have never provided. The following areeome ehort obeervatione on some popular books. These obeervatione may not be clear etflral, but they can be eaaily comprehended after gaining the foundation of the I*t twoCom*. Coureee. HISTOM BOOKS

All government* 4 ruling system* have changed History to suit their particulargoala. Many older person, recogniie thle, but they are uaually a powerless minorityby "recognition tiaw'. History is valid a* a map to expose pethe that didn't work intha past. However, it i* far better to have humanity educated In "ethics".... throughhaving each Individual gain their OsN awareneee 4 recognition. Thl* le the function ofthe Cctap. Coursee.

One of the coat awe inspiring books in the Metaphysical field is "Urantla*.This huge I.OOD page Uaw* covere thy workings of our universe in such detail that itaatonlahea pereorj uaed to the ujoal vegue generalities After a year or two ofdissecting "Uru-.t'.a". mjet pereone have a greater respect for the greater srtiaee oft*.lngi but MO greater knowlsdgs of now to deal with the problem* of day-1c—dayliving. Persons who later get the foundation of the Camp. Coureee can eventuallyrerogniie •Urintla* ee the Heater Plan for the "Expanded Counter-intelligence System".This meane that only 1/2 of tha true picture 1* ehown, and thia 1/2 le heavily paddedwltn unrtil projections 4 distorted historical eketchae. Thl* may be* offenelve to

buffs, but it can be amlf-proven once a Camp, student reaches a sufficientlaval of awareness.

Another book In a similar claaa ie "Oihape.". Thia hlatorleal wort coeere thein;lent History of tha Human race In terms that are never quite clear enough to relateto concrete evanta 4 perloda. Tha major draMback, however, le "Oahape1j* failure toIllustrate 4 pinpoint historically when "Man the Hoao-eaplenm" euddenly becii_> altered 4st .r te .1 (hooting ahead aa "Man the HI-HAM", endowed "1th Mind, our mpecleecompletely different 4 without auch background, the whole bookvalue as a Hlatory book for our praaent race.

eniy uec-i-j AiL.req •mpecles waa Mloeee -»A/ ,-~*.-. ffjB-7

Mystery Schools were often a favorite with aaakera 4 could tru , ,m^r.thly les.ons for yeara. Uaing a smattering of tha "old occult .rts" 1 Sc'_- .r -«c , M i n e d , they were fun....up to a point. when yoj faced the mirror «!' - I r su« your "ugly aelf, though, you ware only getting more deeply antrencnej i n * .-.»-• idtd av/iraneas that kept you in reatrictlon. Unleaa you could break fraa 01 sucnpttierni long enough to atart getting your own anewere, you ware atlll •» thm ro«i«ll l .booka vr.lch followed the mystery achool themea would often give uiafui Utiia uarciiaa.but aimply didn't give any deeper foundation toward tha total picture....

Moat booka have a few baa* concept a 4 technlquaa, with the rail b. lng madeup of f l l l « r 4 axpanalon material. In the Compe., there are only tu>ae luchuvlce 4 nof i l ler material. Thia allows each student to work out the tecnniquea that work forthm. An author who glibly apaaJia about tapping-lnto their "guardian angel", forexample, may simply irritate persons Mho don't believe In angals. A Co*p. atudentwould »«• w h i c h action or component doea what, and get apeclflc results using theiro-m language 4 actions. Proof ia hid by raaulta, 4 it's obvloua that many persona whostudy books all their l i ve s are atlll a meaelt The only happy exceptions we teve seenao far are the Come, tarts.

Goodnose knows how many hundreds of different books 4 tapes have bean putout using the old "relaxation routine" ss their only foundation! Uaually, this i n v o l v e sputting your attention on (and relaxing) parts of the body atep by step. Beceuee aN.xjern Humans student can change in 4 out of Alpha (and other dwelle) at will, (p.91 ofCoop. 2) such Instructions, beco«« a time.

-HEA1TH The word Ols-ejee protatly has . deeper significance than mc,m of thetl.ous..nU of I , ,5ks wl.ich expou/.d a luvoreJ Diet 4 Treatment theory. Only * |«rl of

..,- «r,r • • :..',-•• I •..-.rai.r-h fr. d. und unless we fa. swi tch our eooda n.. • i . 1

ta tne Modem founder pointed out, the Bible we revere le only oneof many bibles for many culture.. All nerve eurrtved becauee they contain much of thecomplete perspectives) for spiritual mattere. As much, they contain both majorIntelllgenee factor, on thia planet. Wthout comprehending the (eye to both perapectlnm.such bibles beoome full of contradictory material that aimply leada to more confueior.

Bible, alone would have worked, we would Hall our promleed 'parmdlae- '-needof Chaom.

One of the most popjlar serlea of booka for aeekera in the 70'e was the•Beth" serlss by Jane Roberts. While the mechanics of the Human Mcmed to be coveredvery deeply In these works, the observant student would eventually find out that noneof the "revelations* could be applied. Equally irritating wee the fact that, aa far aarelat ing to each other, many of the section, may ae well have been written by differentIdentities! (a thought to ponder) for examplei The major "them.* of the *Smth Book*eerlee le the theory, *1oa create your own reality according to the nature of yourBEUET3". One can never be rid of belifs, eaye Seth... so the thing to do le to UPAJIDyour beliefs. W e l l . . . . bell eft according to the dictionary definition) mi in a t toaccept something aa true without proof. Belief, then, hae no baelm in faeX. Peoplewill only ACT on what they OKU, unleee they are PONCED to act due u anna OmWlkL.How can eoaething which hem no baale in reality creete en/thing, for hmanoa) aekelliTTTIn fact, when you get right down to it, man hae not created so much am a f<Mgi* bladeof grasei Han merely recomblnee what la already here. Nan PBO-creetem. Only tbe>Father can create. Anyway... back to our example. On p. 3O8 of The mature of PersonalReality", Seth saya that, 1 have frequently amid that belief e cauee reality, sad thatno symptom will aimply fade away unleee the 'reason' ie ascertained but auchgo far beneath your current ideas of cauae and effect. Beneeth them, the APfAmaVTcauses of limitations in personal life, there are other far-reaching belief e...* .The bottom line la ....your belief e creete your reality, but you cannot discover theTRUE beliefs that caused your problems: But, not to worry! Since your beliefs createyour rtslltv. and beliefs have no bade in fact...., then reality hae no bamla) in faetlVJhy worry about something that la not realf Stick your hand in a flame, and you willKNOW the answer!

Seth givee hie TRUE origin away with the next etatemant i" Tour beliefsgenerete emotion. Tour be l i e f s generate the appropriate eaotion that le Implied.Ae you think,so you feel...and not the other way around. If emotion could be trustedabove conscious reasoning then there would be little point In aware thought et all. louwcjld not need it." To those who have studied the Camp. Coureee, these exatemeatsare originating from what we call the or "Counter-Intelligence-. With thieknowledge, one can get e TRUE picture of what Seth'a TRUE motive* 4 goals are. Ofcourse, these goels are not the ones hie readers eeeume that they erell Ivan JaneRoberta herself probably doee not know what Seth le RIALLX up tol In short, the Compe.reveal for the first time in history the two "Ithicel Duality Syateme* on our Earth.Once you understand these two totally opposite syjteme, you will at last KNOW the ThUEmotives 4 got Is of the Syetaau and persons around you...AT 1 GLABCEl If Jane Robertsknew what Seth waa RKALLT. all about, it would probably ecare the living hell out of herl

Meditation boats are usually filled with "absolute truth." 4 sayings ofLords of an ancient Eastern culture that couldn't solve their problems any betterthen than we can now! Spending a good many yeara to unbalance the natural interactionof the body's components le a waete of tine. We were given such components to learnwith 4 to balance ouraelvee with. Do you honeetly think that your Creator wouldhandicap you with states of mind 4 components that weren't neeeaaaryTT In the Coxpn.,you will see that BAlJmlCI la the ley to enlightenment. 97;

Cultural, • c i p n t i l i t , law. It nocialogical tx>ok4 arc more eitarnplci) of area* tnatyou can *pend year* in t s t i l l nut f ind happine** or pleasure in. Think about it.Cul tura l bunk* may touch on our *urrounding*, but give no inkling of how we ar*affected by such influence*. Book» on law It sociology only lend to entrap u* moredeeply in etyytem* which have enslaved u». The creator gave u* a whole plancib r i n n i n n uver with free foud & raw material.*. Do you really think it was in hitplain to have denial sy>teni» keep »uch bounty away from mil l ion, who .imply livein .1,1 f A uf h e a v i e r denial "* Science ha» ^iven un a nuch greater potential and tnimny ca»c^, l e > » drudgery . . - yi-t many are enslaved tu science and gain v e r ylittle pleasure t rum the.r l i f e because uf i t - Luuk around you. How many personad<* yuu »cu on a v irtual treadmil l .? Spending mu»t of their live* Kilt ing in front oftechnology thai en*lavea them. . . . AGAIN it ghould *tart becoming obvioua thatnu»t of the bookk in l i f e you w i l l run acruw simply contain rehash job» of the oldthuttrio, opinion^ i i(U-,i3 t l i , i i never did work wt-11 in the beginning. I hava huge-.!.« to ' > l i . - l \ . - . . • ! . . ! L i , , i , M I L . \ . .n . . . !»- . . Y . - i . in i v I" . U > < M I i r r .1 /.ecker who

r teaaoaa of Life By A.H Fryfrae

our w o r l d would sometimea aeemlo be filled with abaolule chaoe *ud

t lurmoiJ. it if eo only to ihoae who cannot look below the aurtace.

iruih. the law* n° v * r u l "K the luitu^tm^ * t f , * i r * of Humana. &r • ju*f

ihoae wbich bind the atouai uf our world lugc- t l te r . Recognition, that

one atom uul of perfect law could spell destruction for our U n i v e r s e ahould

've ruum lo ponder th« point * Why then, doe* a a v a , < v y L turmoil eiill aal away

.; the exiaiance o( ao m*»y .' The «c iaweie x- j f t 1 1 * litile deeper than ibe auperaiit-!uua I tc.hci L dudrinea (hat mn»i re ly up^u, A glimmer of recognition c*ii Cotme

la quab&leAX. er territorial light 4> loud. Yet. when the squabble ia over, there ia no

»f ill feeltuga. They can ulieo b« aeeii playing or eating together again. * Our

ipectea i« <hfferenl. In the dawn of hiatory our ipeciee became atered It we conel-

lutly < _ a r r y over memory pattern* of huaitlity that get ua in trouble. We alill will

iquabule over t e r r i to ry i> Iood right*. Long after an event ia over however,we

clmg tu negative paal inemonea. Over ihe age*, dormnattou bent leader* haveieeu »kilUull at uaing auch memory car ry over patierna to control L manipulate

t*. It haa olteo come to the point that while animala a re able lo enjoy ihenaalvea

continually, Humana are only eajuying Ihe thiug* that they are prugramned to

tujoy. Leader* have made mauy normal plea*ure taboo or a am, uniaaa il ia all-

owed under their aanctiona. Sin fear , then haa been a moat effective way to gain

tllegience from Humana for tbouaanda of year* . * We Humana may 00 longer

tojoy the freely given bounty provided by our creator, we have had to obaerve the

lawa uf the ayatema eel up (or our control. All of the animala around our apectea

femairi in pteaaure fc know nothing of our toil in 'am'. Only our auug apeciea

luniiuually reject plea*ure and'awtal on coiiataul aenaalio* ti malarial ihiHga that

keep ua bound in wurk 4> rearriclive system*. Ara we truly curare1?* Actually the

inner component thai came* nvmory i* bolh a rnIIalone at a potential aourae of

{real gain. Il haa kept propelling our apeciea toward greater acheivement and

potential. If our dial ant family line were good at certain thinga, Ihe knowledge

|K>ieniial carried over in our own geaelir bank*. We literally forced ouraelvea

onward K r caler capacity L awarcnea*. In effect, we did not afagnale in inaction

n>d pleaaure aa amrraJa around up did. We made up great war machinery It ganiea

i V . . T . We loal civilisation alter civi l ization learning about the varioua ayatema It

._• * cy worked. Many of u* cam* Iu recogniae thai the ' f ree c^huit-^' ayatem of

in*- • < * - a t u r . waa actually ihe only ayatem that brought lasting benefit to Humana fn;

..,. by*teiiH which uaed domination principle* cauaed great pain a fid had aiioih

ii 'uii ;;*ri aye lem eventually topple them. Aa ibe age* paal. all of uur apeciea gam-"* • 'i jaieut bank full of mtnioiiea. 1 hi* inward memory pattern eventually had

i ^'. r i\ si o f * uf knowledge concerning workable ayaieim A> ethica. MJ*I hunun*

i v r.-L.-l ly gained a li ue conacieuce that knew when their action* were uji-«lhical.

;*^miii*iion leader* L *y*iem* otteu could override thia awareiie** with pattern*

it..*i l^elle.l ou lalae aecur i ty k awareueaa. 'Follow rry ducrinea or pay with the

j ie i i * l i> ot 'aitr-or by bcm^'rejec ted 'were typical preaaurea agalliat true awareneaa.

It tuere waa action agaiuvt another* choice, the inner memory bank knew it had

ui«:t B u f f e r e d uitder a similar aituatioii It u*ually rejected it Mtron^ly enough to

4 l low irue awareiie**. however. * A a the vanou* t yt lea on taith periodically oud-

< < i il wak olieii Ilioae who learned theait *ethn a' ltt»«on» moat quickly who were

iileaaed wi th a better f u t u r e »itualiou. Iheir nieiiutry pattern enei^y could relax

A t i t t l e mire L learn more subtle leaaoii:* . like lialancing Iheir turner body and

'Mind1 L omptiuenlk. Their coiii|)niieiii * vbfuld imd their vehiLle in « IIHUC ailvanced<ulurc or nation to learn nuih le«»oua. N^w jud it.en (here were Humans who got aIililr w r a r y of such corrn.iU aud delr r nniird to Imd out was n«»i"K oil andiitoktr jutiie solid elforl at a*Kan< in^ lieyoiul lite mtial palterns 6. rea l r u lion*.Ju« h 11 LI mans voulil n.ake a Ui ,lri» l.u !•.». . i* -. •- .u- i- .r«.i ,»

n atfll

White it may not be Apparent to m«(iy perauna. we Humana l ive in * world

of exact cycle* k l*w*. All Atonw b cyclic patterne function w|lh perfect

ailiun it even one atom uul of auch law would bring on chaoa. a To think then,

that we Ic « livea of 'chance* free of n«Lur«l l*w ia abeurd. What we prubably

need to under at«nd mure than anything ia the baae factor thai dalarmme* ih*

fat* of our environment*. r\.r peraoiie iniereated in aurvival.i l f a well to

Comprehend that thia factor doea not depend on any worldly ayelem of control,it conca frunia higher law of ' f rea chuice1 or 'freedom'. » II le a ample fact

that no civili£«lioii or leader ever eaiateil any great length of time uaing adomination aytitem of control. If there ia any duubi of ttiM it might Ue wall to

read a bit ol hiatory with an eye toward thia queanon. Hualow'a nuiuumeniel

'*Kreedoni li Oominaiton*1 A Miatorical Criiique Of Civtli ««ttun" ia *n uuialafMt*

ing example aoura*. •*> Unleae a country haa * governing ay*i*m baaed on A

reaaonably aecure 'free choice' coo>»iilutton or foundation it ia doomed tu anearly failure. Ae counlriaa alter their free choice ayaiema with oppr«aatva

legkalalioii L lawa. they aell deatruct. Now i. than,there are ayatema auch aa

Cumnuniam th^t aeein to be ekcepiiona. Tbia ayelem uaed a uoole idea baaed

on aelf control uf all pereona wiihia the ayatem. . . lo lure Lonverta into a

dit-tatorabtp. Such * aya tem aimply laata loiiger^but ta tiuonaid alao. . . when

the Human* awaken to their miet*ke. In the c&ae of our country, uur ayatem

ia cnmiduig in direct proportion lo the amouaia of freedom eroding; fromour

conaiiiuiion. * The reaaon we Humana .uuat coniiuually ee« our Liv.tliaaltoeia

wrecked ia becauae we act with ao little under standing ol '««ui*« I* elf*ct. and

do eo little to maintain our i rc< ciioico ayateim. K4iny ace what ia happening ia)

a vague way but wi«h unly lo drop out or ignore the aitualtun iualcaid of rr»king

They tail to remenibar that alinoat all major airidea forward (or humanity have

come through the efforte of in«lividuata. Today,wa are at (h« croeeruade againli whether the cycle < amaa a» back (or a ra run, . . or up lo belter lninga,will

depend on what acttone all of ua m*ke in the neat few yeara. Wa can ignore; our

repuneibiliiiea. or w* can honeatly attampt to bring or world iato the long prorrv-

iaed 'paradtac*. *• II ia eirripla to comprehend that we now have the technology

lo bring about a "heavao on Harth*. The queatiun ia whathsr w« will work to

nuke it a reality. So C«ll«d *(3iriatl*ne. ignora their '1 orde Hrayajr* and keeptheir vi«toiia of a heaven aorn*wh«re elae aa a reward fur being duiifull alavea

to belief ay*lem*. Oitier belief ayelema uaually ignore the admuuiiiona of their

apiritual fouadera and rely on duiitiuiiun leadera *•» Ihe preaenl. K llt« creaioi

auch followera tnviaion would allow a world of Humaua with ao l i t t l e anuunt ut.

• elf control, to e*i.ape Iront thia cycle uf reatrtcliun, he would be a fool.

Even with the limned aniuuni of pol*uiially enriching technology we have, it

ia conatauily applied lo war nhchiuery l> further dealruclion. 1'here ie liope

however. Hiatory haa aliown thai only a mnortty of ' f ree choice (ollowera can

turn the tide L bring un juai changea. If il were nul ao. we would n>oi have our

The ne*t tew year* will determine Ihe late of uur naiiun L all u( pre*eoi civil-

tiAiion. The majoriiy ol ua can ignore the corrupi ayaienta which erode away

our freedoiiMia; fIK''! . We can ignore what ia happening uuder any nunber ol

eacuaea t*r 'aacapiat'programmmga l> reap the reward* of luture pain L want. . . .

or we can K'V C '"• •itualiuu our beat ahot t work upward retaioing our freedonai

i lurniug tin* world inio a paradtae. Ihe final reaulte will iu»l cona through

aome chaotic change, but Ihruu^b realisation of whale going on l> ttien takiag

plenty of AC'I l t > N (Further infornetiuit on creating a y a i e m a for the benefitol a t ree humanity i* avai lable Irom Kiideru Huiiteiia. 2ZS11 Markham, Herria.

CA. 4 - ' ) / U | iplca«e CIK lo*e a alaiivl

of ^oteN5 ofin



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Here is an i n t e r e s t i n g rundown on the ancient 'gods'that were e x i l e s here and misused their power. . . .

G laser was sent in to c lear up th is abuse of powerand he did so . .as per S t a f f Study #1 (on tape renta l )Many examples l i ke th is tie together many 10ose endsand co r re la te w i t h G lase rs da ta . Many of the ' e x i l e s 's t i l l have other dimensional 'wor lds ' to lure non mat-e r i a l humans who have recent ly passed on or are as t ra lt rave l ing . Chal lenging all i den t i t i es on the others ide is a must £ covered in "Psychic Defense Reports"(6 Do l l a r s ) O s i i u s was S a t a n - t o use a B ib l i ca l term.He is s t i l l the acknowledged leader of the E x i l e s onEarth. If you break through to your higher awarenessas many Comp s tuden ts do,you can be put to many t e s t sof your e t h i c s and commit tments by him 6 his reps.

Th is sounds l i ke pu f f y phoo if you are not at th islevel but be warned. Further C l a r i f i c a t i o n reports ja r e a lways being assembled and made a v a i l a b l e . . . F r y

was 'taken to'Agho'aden and put amongst the servants of_ Osihtavenjlv kingdom, and thus pnslave.d. _t~

. . - . .. v - -.. . : • ; ' i» l"*Y/ '• '-- 'y*a terrible'shocfc it must

sinned h« vould be ^ i v c n a place ot honor on the right hand ofOsiris Cor a l i : : ' - i : : . j of service In the fle»hf but ha found bhis horror that he 1 .. ; sold bis soul to a Moon Cod ia a deal,etrthly power. ni. i reward" wasdespised him and hated all mank!through the me l i :. i! f ; , of John } „„..,-.„„slavery consisted of, tut they spell*fwchalin other parts of the bookt In Codrs-*xrtr»«*lelChapter LI, w h e t - i n are described the heavenly klthe false Christ ; ThoUi-Gabriel, the falsa Monawthe false Brahma; and Kabalactea, 'the'falsa Buddha'.]

Oo<i who


-but!5. And they all had thousands of millions of subjects;as for themselves, they kept aloof from their people. The privatepalaces of these Cuds, and their private heavenly seats of splen- \_Hdor were seclusive to themselves and their favorite V°r<{? *°9 W4#off icers , ' . . " . ' . . ' ,,.. "j.y. " . - . . ' " . ' i* - :^~

6. And all angels else (such as the high priests of the worl4*jlbottoms-up religions, like Thothma, pharaoh of Kgyct) whp desirW ^fto see these Gods, were obliged to pass through rigid examinations,!and solemnly bind themselves in oaths and castlgations before theywere permitted to pass the outer columns of fire. After thisthey were permitted to walk on their knees to'the second columnsof f i re . , .

Jan-Feb 1979 RR, Page 17


7. Here they were obliged to repeat a thousand prayui , .HIC. j u s a n d anthems ere they could pass wi th in . And now, wi . t n

i * . - , . i n tha arena, th<sy were obLl^td Lc urawl on Ll .eir bel l ies ;and, for every length they crawled, they had to repeat sevennew prayers. And it was a thousand lengths f r o m the inner pi l-lars of fire to the arches of the palace, especially of Kabalac-L e s " and Looeamong ' s . (Can you imagine Popes, Cardinals and bi-shops going through this ridiculous and degrading rigamarolefor a glimpse of the Christ they worshipped in their power-greedyhearts?) Of these arches there were three mi l l i on three hundredand thirty-three thousand three hundred and thir ty-three in number.And there were four marshals for each arch, and these four hadtwo relief watches for each twenty- four hours.

?•«,.. . .,!,,.,

8. To 'pass the arches, another examination had to be under-gone; and. after this * the person must again crawl on his bellytill merglnj into the under arch, where stairs began, of whichthere were seven •taps...- On each of these steps he must lay oneday, repeating prayers and praises to his Cod. On the upperstep, however, he was not required to pray, but might look insilence at the throne, on which, at times, his God came and sat.

, His Holy CdOncti; '.Sitting to the west,' facing to the east, to1 the thron«?-"»r-i»ri4temj{a« . •**£ • • • - ' ..... ; • . • — rff.f*

9. From the" place ~of the person on the upper step to thethrone was five hundred lengths, nearer than which none were per-mit ted tp^ewj^avj by the r.nd s special decree.

10. And. *if the Cod '/..• .; on his throne, and his HolyCouncil sitting, 'then the ccr J : ; must wait, not moving from his

, perhaps" for a day •<• . ..... :.ed his God, he was not permittedn prayers. Af te r this tie mustv he came.

place,"*l l . ' ' Ju ' l f«r he ha-:

to remain longer than to •••return, and, depart In t1

. , ~~-l2. >N«m, as 60 the and its brilliancy and grandeur,no mortal voids, can convey a .now I edge thereof to mortal under-standing; for it.-was so va.,L, and withal adorned with elementsnot found on earth. .-. Thousands of millions of which gems hadbeen captured from the dispossessed false Gods of centuries be-fore, and even from heavens from other star worlds.

13. And equally astonishing and overwhelming were the seatsand places and robes of the Holy Council, which also bafflethmortal words to convey an idea of. Only to look on, to be over-come with emotion, to remember what great effects can be accom-plished by concentrated labor, and to feel the insignificance ofisolation, one's wonder was swallowed up in silent awe beforethe scene. • T" •

i * '

14. Such was the magnificence of each of the four heavenlyplaces of the four hadan Gods, and not differing but little fromone another.

Jan-Feb 1979 RR, Page 18


*>• . -15. In order to obtain the privilege of thus going to look

upon the throne and the God thereof, one had to first serve ahundred years in the labors of that heaven, and to have his recordgvul dvirir.g all the while.

16. If, in the mortal life, a nan had served his 8od by preach-ing and praying, or by fighting battles for him, and had thus at-tained a good record, one hundred years' servitude in heaven enti-tled him to visit his Cod on the throne, at the distance named

bringing up otherof the God

17. But if the mortal had been an enemy of the God during hise a r t h - l i fe , he could not attain to approach the throne In lesst h n n three hundred years' servitude. Which service consisted inlaboring in building mansions, or in paving roads in heaven, orin bringing produce up from the earth, or inaunospherean elements for the gratification and, glory ofand his Cens of millions of high officers. . , #-v j:;; YJ» t.^'

18. So great and grand and f a r^ reaching wer« these fdti* -^kingdoms that (human) angels dwelt therein, hundreds of Millions •of them, never even hearing of any other heaven than th* one theywer« ln- i. .*£"«.£ i .lit :-.-\ :. ... ifti, ;l -i"It '% 5 .

19. !»oV 'for eKTlSost jJart, the Iranians" of the eartti.'on en-tering the es world,1 went to the Brahman hedvvns (Eta-shong),

21. The Krista'yans of earth, ' ito tha heavens of Looeamong, the

22. The Mohaiunedans went to Ga brill*•*Heavens...-..• £<v.i'jp.'j ji:^'«^ • / • * ; » • jv >««**<?« *t •TO • ,- • » • . - > : . . .-'--*..• i

(And the pharaohi-'Thothnui^builder of the Great Pyramid wasenslaved for*a'hundred years fcftaiM* death itt the heavens atthe false Osirlf^hich Overlaid t|rpt if those Atlaotcan days

irs of'TBhNow, as are bottoms-op Mohammedanreligion, they^io fd the heav«rr«I«<l by Thoth-Cabrlel t -These ^J,four elemental*tdni?-PItr£s «? fB«n Cods, through their organized •priesthoods, cqaJrilfUie politics^ the econonlcs, the science ofthe nations whpse Citizens t^fjona to any one of these religions.The last thing th«6 Ennochissq, Kabalactes, Looeamong and Gabrielwant is an invasion «{ earth\ yy Good Guys or Bad Guys from moreadvanced planets and systeais. -This would be a very real threatof the end of their power over mortals I In the opinion of yourdirector and editor of this Journal, th^s is the real reason whythe nations of the earth are united In their cover-up of theFly ing Saucer phenomenon. While the true Brahm, the true Buddha,the true Christ, the true Mohammed welcome the Good Guys fromouter space, at least, as evidence of the next forward step inthe evolution of the earth and all life on it.)

Jan-Feb 1979 RR, Page 19'

GLOW, THE DECLINE, THE FALL THAT WAS EGYPT(Back to the conclusion of the Thothma story, Chapter LI)8. Now, as regardeth the false Gods, Osir is and his confed-

tes never tried to reincarnate the spirit of Thothma; but be-se of the virtues and wisdom of Thothma they used him for bene-

of Osiris' heavenly kingdom, and to es tab l i sh Osir is ever-tingly on the earth as the all highest God.

9. As to the kingdoms of the land of Egupt, which succeededthma, the inhabitants of the earth already know the chief part .hundreds and hundreds of years the Egyptians were the most

nied people of the world, and especially In a knowledge of thers, and the sun and moon, and in adeptism and miracles . (Laying

foundation of the Western Civilization and the Western Mysterydltion we know today)

10. But woe came unto them: the land became flooded with •dreds of millions of drujas (obsessing entities); and as topeople of Egupt, the chief desire was to be able to return

spirit after death and dwell with mortals. And the things , _ ,ch followed are not even lawful to mention. , /'

11. Suffice it, these spirits lost all sight of any highervens than to dwell on earth; they knew no other (and thus re-ned enslaved to the false Osiris l ife af ter l ife!). . And they ,ched about when children were born, and obsessed them, drivingce the natural spirit, and growing up in the new body of theborn, calling themselves re-incarnated; and these drujas pro-sed that_when they previously lived on earth they were greatgs, or^queens* or philosophers. ' • l ' "-•••• - : ••'-'12. Kaa cney caugnt aa taeir master, Osiris the false, did: -

t there was no higher* "h'eVTven than here on tha earth,'and that •*-must be re-Incarnated over and over until the flesh becomes

ortal. No all of these spirits drove hence the natural spirit;many Merely engrafted themselves on the same body; and, whilst

h persons lived,, these .spirits lived with then and dwelt- with. _ra day and night p . tiot, knowing more than their mortal companions. .

when such'person died, behold, the druja went and engrafted .'.telf on another Child, and lived and dwelt with it in .the same \.; and thus continuing, generation after generation....- : . . '^ '\13. And because of these Indulgences marry'u4f the spirits cae* :

sar'gis (materialization) In the families of the Eguptlans;ing and drinking with them corporeally; yea, even doing things 'reof no man may speak, whereby dire diseases seized upon the ':sh of mortals; and their blood and their f lesh became inhabitedh vermin. The people became idlers and vagrants; the lands weretilled, and the places of learning became deserted ruins.

John Newbrough's "Oahspe" can be purchased froie's "Venture Bookshop", MpHMt Highland PaT35, for $15.95. 910 pages, 95 Illustrations.

•i-Feb 1978 RR, Page 20



The theory is held that the universe began with a BigBang. As a basic concept this leaves more room for questions thanit purports to resolve. The architect does not plan a house fromthe third floor up; he designs it with a firm foundation w h i c h isessential if the structure is to endure. This leads us to ask:"What is the origin of space?" If this could be resolved, wemight then inquire: "How did the primordial particles w h i c hpervade the universe come into existence?" Then we can ask howwere these particles set into the i n v o l u t i n g motion from whichthe Big Bang arose? This is only a starting point for manyproblems in physics which need better answers.

Prior to the turn of the century, the existence of auniversal ether field was a popular theory. The well-knownMichelson-Morely experiment was designed to measure the absolutemotion of the Earth through a hypothetical ether f i e l d . Since theEarth does not move through an ether f i e l d , the concept was castaside. Here we have a dichotomy in the choice of e x p l a n a t i o n s :The Earth is supported by an enormous g r a v i t a t i o n a l f i e l d , theconstruct of which is the primordial p a r t i c l e s . W h i l e the Earthdoes not move through, it is supported by the same p a r t i c l e s .

Certain evidence suggests that electrons, photons andgravitons are not elementary particles, but rather are constructsof m i n u s c u l e monads which are needle-shaped, as such, they canonly roll on their long axes, s p i r a l l i n g one -over the otherr e s u l t i n g in clusters which form cork-screw l i k e , wave patternsas they f a l l into juxtapositional alignment. In this b e h a v i o r i s mthe " d u a l i t y of matter" becomes apparent as p a r t i c l e and wave.There is no l o g i c whatever in b a l l - s h a p e d b i t s of pure energys p i r a l l i n g slowly around a conductor of electricity w h i l ee l e c t r o m o t i v e force thrusts forward at h i g h speed.

These monads have not been discerned because in theirquiescent state they have no apparent motion -or e l e c t r i c a lp o t e n t i a l - nor have they been weighed as it is i m p o s s i b l e todetermine the weight of the water in a strainer submerged in abucket of water since these monads pervade the u n i v e r s e and allof its substance.

The so-called vacuum tube is not truly a vacuum. It ispervaded by these basic monads w h i c h is the true carrier ofelectromotive force. The absence of gases e l i m i n a t e s the i m p i n g e -ment of monads on the gases, and is therefore a more effectivedevice.

A most e v i d e n t i a l behaviorism of these monads isevinced as an electromagnetic field s p i r a l s around a conductor ofan electric current. The a l 1 - p e r v a s i v e monads do i m p i n g e on thosewhich are held in the conductor and are also caused to s p i r a laround the conductor with e v e r - d i m i n i s h i n g force. In thisactivity the rule of thumb is identified.

The vast clouds in this field could not derive fromfree electrons. Metal fatigue would be greatly accelerated ifthis were true. Some needles do impinge on the m a l a l i g n e dmagnetic domains causing some breakdown, but this does not g i v e

rise to volume of particles (not electrons) which spiral aroundthe conductor.

The Law of Inverse Squares is promulgated by the degreeof activity of these monads. Juxtaposed, s p i r a l l i n g needles spinmore rapidly at their kinetic source - and progressively moreslowly away from the force. The speed of travel of electricityalong a conductor is determined by the size of the interstices ofdifferent metals. Larger interstices allow slower flow - just asa larger hose will produce a slower flow for a given v o l u m e ofwater.

Michael Faraday, the E n g l i s h physicist, wrote: "Themedium, or space around a magnet, is as essential as the magnetitself". When the molecules of a rod of iron are coerced into adegree of a l i g n m e n t by some k i n e t i c source, the monads in andaround the interstices of the conductor spin and thrust slowlyforward as do those which are juxtaposed to the body of themagnet. Those monads beyond the periphery of the magnet are lessattracted w i t h a force i n v e r s e l y w i t h the square of the d i s t a n c efrom the magnet.


Al Glaser of Riverside holds a copy of his newspaper format "novel"'which he sells for a quarter in newspaper racks on street corners.Publishing a full-length "book" in this form is his attempt to beat thehigh cost of getting into print.

By DENNIS TRISTRAMA Riverside entrepreneur and pub-

lic relations man has created what maybe the 20th century's first "news novel''that sells on the street corner for aquarter.

THE NOVEL IS TITLED "Dawn atTwilight" and looks like a newspaper.It is sold in newspaper vending standson street corners for a quarter. Thetreatise on depression survival, writtenby himself and a Perns author, is sell-ing only through the mails at $1 a copy,he said.

The publishing venture is Glaser'spersonal project, although it is operatedunder a corporation he founded in 1970along with four other persons which iscalled Aquarian Inter-World Agencies.

GLASER SAID he'll consider any-type of manuscript except blatant por-nography. He claims to have no partic-ular cause or philosophy to promote al-though his "books" and the primary-purpose of the enterprise is to makemoney.

"Dawn at Twilight," at 150.000words, covers 23 regular newspaper-size pages of solid type. It is set in thef u t u r e when the women of the world re-volt , arm themselves and set out totake a w a y all arms from men so theretan be real peace. It has a "1984" fla-vor and setting.

Because of an imbalanced supplyand demand, unknown authors ordinari-ly don't do well financially when pub-lishing through regular outlets, saidGlaser. Many years ago he said hewrote 48 manuscripts in one year, had22 of them published as paperbacks andmade a net for the year of slightly morethan $5.000.

With his "news novel." Glaser saidhe will, within a month, be able to givean author "a 50-50 deal."

GLASER LIVES in Rubidoux wi thhis wife and 18-year-old daughter. Hesaid he attended college in the Midwestfor three years as a business adminis-tration major and has been a machin-ist, among many other things.

He claims expertise in a wide varie-ty of fields from writing to gold miningand oil well drilling. His headquartersare in a small rented office on the sec-ond story above a cafe, stock brokerand finance company at 3639 UniversityAve.

He cannot be reached by telephonebecause he had his office phone discon-nected to avoid interruptions, he said,and his home phone is unlisted. Hissmall office is crammed with fourdesks, a file cabinet, chairs, a portabletypewriter, copies of his two "news nov-els" and brochures, flyers and poster?of other ventures, some now defunct.

Glaser. who said he sold his f i rs tarticle to a love story type magazinefor S50 when he wa^ 17 years old in-tends to press on with hi? new pubh^h-ing concept

The "How t<> S u r v i \ r « ])c: M - - • > ! • , ' 'news novel is an opimonai ' . -d . p l v . i u - f i ; . 1

Seal tract on the h i s to ry , causes «i"!prevention of economic di'presson.s tiu:on what can be done by the indr. rJiu'lhard-pressed to stay a l i v e during one.

Glaser and Alson Fry of Pernseach wrote half of the two-part t rea t i sewith each of their sections under thei rown names.

UNDER \VRATS and a w a i t i n g f u -ture publication are some expose typethings which Glaser says will be pub-lished anonymously because the au-thors are afraid to say what they kno-.\in public. Glaser expects trouble fromthese new "novels'1 and, also, goodsales.

"There are some th ings we havehere that are highly explosive and I'msure we're going to run into trouble."he said, with relish.

He selects pieces for his new medi-um on the basis of the "merit of the sto-

ry-""As long a- i t ' s interesting to a

broad segment of the populat ion. I ' l lpublish it." he said.

Truth also will be a criterion."I like the truth, the writer's t ru t ' n .

nut sham and malarky. It doesn't ) IHVto be a truth that anybody e!^e w i l l bo-beve."

His "news novel" fo rma t is ii"' «new concept, he said, but a rc\ iv<- . ! . ofthe earliest style of newspiiper^ N- ;.rthe turn of the century, nev s ; , . : > < • •

. carried serialized works of f i c i i ' i - ] > •said, and many of the "classics" : TMappeared in newspaper or tabloid [on:he contended. _ .. _Daily tnterpr se

Monday, May 1, 1972

End Y*ur $Mrcft W«ary of DOOM ana o«tn» in»tt*ii ** a»ma man teftMAl ••war.tnsUl'1 THt Dr'Cfl<t99Mootrn Humans Comor«n«n*ton courses *f«guarant««d to carry you to ultimata futti)im«niandawarenjw^ ^_££*£+-t-^«C ^^V'

*, if «• ~ v; for ««ndin« the t»p«s. Staff Study «1 is incredible.

o.v<A. <"e v-> "" ^ '

put to print. Total foundation to tointuai.metaortysicai and scientific 'ietos «M« aoarenes*guaranteed Stunning in completeness ana aeoin£"c your seven witri tree Brocnurt {stamp)Modern Humans. 9237 CKAVER



Written hy: -Janet Rae Wheeler Copyrighted 1967


SELF....defined by Webster: Identity, personification, one's own person

It is well to remember that a person claiming to be a 'self personality is oftenconsidered 'selfish', in its nastiest term. So let it be known that the self so arrivedat on this paper is one determined by psychological while delving into phi losoph'y meansof analysis. In short, I am being apart from self to look more keenly at self.

Since the basis of all humans is just 'being', then self is the fact of being. Itis the base and oneness of each and every person, in sum total of all its experiencessince the second it was born. As material witness piles on material witness, and thepain, joy and confusion is transmitted to the memory cells of its brain, stored there fora future use while no future is guaranteed, the self gains momentum from its own forwardthrust into what it thinks is total oblivion.

At about the time total oblivion seems to be self's goal, words in the form of school-ing, of mother, of dad, of brother, sister, friend, enemy and chiseler come in storm fromall directions and depths of thought and no-thought, until such time as the self, emergingfrom the stupor of advise, devise, demand, punishment and confinement, looks warily aroundwith a question and a demand from the world:

Who are we and for what?

With this thought firmly anchored^ in its memory pattern, the individual has now aarrived at the door of SELF-DETERMINATION, all too often thought of as the completenessof self in one fell swoop. It is not. Self is still to be realized. It is only throughself-determination that one can arrive at self. Self says that what I see I know, whatI feel I know, what I touch I know, and even what I as an individual think, this also Iknow until such time as my thoughts advance and I know more, thereby proving what I knewyesterday not to be self's knowledge today. Yet self is at rest with memory and society,because self knows to act on the knowledge possessed at the time to the best of its ability,never worrying about what it might know to a better advantage tomorrow. This brings selfinto decision.

Self-determination led self to decision. Now self is responsible to self in all itsactions. Since it is responsible, it now must accept all its rewards and punishments ashaving accrued by its own actions. Self becomes a burden to carry.

It is here that self often rebels. The chore of accepting all actions as a direct ior indirect result of its own actions becomes too confusing, too unanswerable and too ex- ,t ;ensile. A rule, a law, a principle that has beery made prior to self's being is breachedby self an<l the punishment is tangible. Why does self have to answer to a status it hasnot helped create, and does not desire?

In a while, if rebellion does not become too unbearable and self withdraws from self-c'ete'-nination and self decision, self realizes that it has caused, and is therefore resp-onsible, for its status regardless of what created what. It is self's actions that bringtforth reactions, and not the environment in which it finds itself. Self can now determin«its future actions. It can abide by the status, while in private violating the status iisafety, or it can blatantly defy the status and accept the results of its defiance inknowledge that defiance is the only way to change anything. Now self has finally dete.iined a course of action.

SELF - Continued Page 2.

Self-determination, decision and action has now been attained by self, but the'for what' part of the question has not been answered. As self looks upon its envir-onment, it starts to ask questions of itself, rather than of the environment. If selfmade the decision of open defiance in its action pattern, it can not long continue incause unless self can objectively put forth a goal to achieve. At this point self becomesalmost totally confused, and invariably it stops all actions and starts to reflect on theplateau it has reached. If self decided in its actions to be private in its violationsof the status, self must now answer to the same question, but does not have to stop allactions, or any of them if it so chooses.

As self looks at the 'for what?" part of the question in self-determination, decision/action and cause, it can almost immediately rule out the following as being part of the'for what?' question: stimulation, satisfaction, demand, vigor, health, sex, knowledge orlivlihood. Self realizes that all of these would have been had regardless if self wasfound or not, because the status, under their rules, within their environment, are havingthem in their ignorance.

Self finally must look long and hard at the single word 'ego' and in so doing, mustadmit that it demands attention above all else, or that it denounces attention withoutrecourse. If attention is the answer to 'for what?' part of the question, obviously selfmust become better than the environment for it to notice, or self must make mighty gainsagainst the environment before any person will even look at it. If self realizes that itcould care less about getting attention, then its own oblivion is built into its own act-ions, and the 'for what?' part of the question remains still unanswered.

Self now is at a standstill in the material world. Self attainment has brought forthchange, but not goal. If all things are for material only, then self would be better justto go along with the status and environment, or fight a losing battle with the status bytaking that material needed, and paying the status punishment price for it, if caught.

Self has now found that any action brings forth a reaction. After a time, self mustadmit that it has brain action at all conscious times. What then is the reaction to brainaction? Within self itself? Brain action is real, therefore the reaction must be real,but the reaction part shows itself in nothing in material. If it shows nothing in thematerial, then it must be in the immaterial part of the projection.

Self studies this aspect slowly. What is brain used for? The answer is prompt: tocontrol all body functions, in all categories, to keep the body alive and healthy againstall enemies, including other bodies that might damage it or deny it.

Self realizes that brain is animal, and the same to all animals. Why should it bedifferent in man, unless man is not totally animal? Man seeks to dominate all other lesserforms of life, and his own form of life, and self is now starting to look at an emergingbut horrible picture.

If self is all material, and the brain goal must be animal-body maintenance throughdomination, then the 'for what?1 would have to be total domination of all else to reachthe goal of life. At the end of all this turmoil, self then must be released to oblivion,the same as all other animal life if material is all of the is.

Yet self, in all of its conflict with identity and the status environment in which itfinds itself, has instantly rebelled against domination by others, and that is why it hassought out itself. If domination is the answer, then self will abhor itself when it findsitself through total domination of others.

Self is now in open, direct confrontation with self.

SELF - Continued Page 3.

Domination led to the attainment of self, but did not furnish the goal of self,since throwing off domination started the search for self unknowingly. At this point,self asks itself an honest question: 'what do I want?1

The 'who are we and for what?' which brought forth the self led self to the lonely,unforgettable 'I' complex of modern society, with one major difference: it arrived atthis complex with knowledge and in knowledge of its actions.

Self now admits that it does not accept domination from others, and it must ask it-self truthfully if it wants to dominate others. Dimly, not applying an action, self seesthat to attain domination, one must in turn submit to domination. As self's gropingthoughts probe deeper, a realization comes forth that is quite simple: the dominationchain is a large, loose circle, hardly seen at all unless looked at with a naked, cleanbrain.

People dominate people in rising waves of authority, starting at baby family circleon up to top echelon government single authority, which in turn must answer eventually tothe lowest family circle of domination as its circle ends, even with a dictatorial dynasty.

As self looks at this mighty option, and finds the 'I1 complex riding each single waveof rising authority, self determines that being an 'I' identity is being nothing in themarch toward oblivion in the material.

Almost in the next thought, brought forth by action and reaction principle in thematerial, comes forth the exact opposite to domination: freedom.

Self looks at this 'free' thought. What does it mean to be utterly 'free'? Sincedomination is and has been the pattern for countless ages, being 'free' is somethingtotally new and opposite from domination.

Self asks: of what concept is 'free'?

If self is 'free', then all are free, because self as part of a pattern must be inform of the pattern, just as all must now be under domination for domination to weave itsendless pattern in continuity. Self looks at this contradiction and refutes it calmly.All things started as is, therefore domination and freedom are, and one must only choosethat uhich fits self, not others.

If self is to be 'free', and it is not now in continuity, how does one bring it forth?How does one go about putting freedom into continuity instead of domination? Self now al-most dumbfoundedly looks at self as the last of the question becomes clear.

Self is free. That is the total goal. Nothing can be itself if it is part of any-thing else. Self then becomes only another part of something.

Self now must find how domination became instituted in continuity if self will fullyunderstand domination. As self goes to the records, words suddenly have new meaning - orno meaning at all. War? What is war? It is a word that describes actions by two an-tagonists, but puts both to blame. This cannot be true under 'free' continuity, only underdomination. Under domination, the one defying domination is guilty. War then makes theinnocent victim as guilty as the aggressor. So war is a thingword. A word without mean-ing unless you accept domination.

What about other words? Belief? To believe something. Without fact, withoutknowledge, strictly upon someone's sayso? Because it has been written? Belief has nomeaning. It has no knowledge. Faith? Again, a thingword, coupled with hope. Both arethings without knowledge. A thing taught to ignorant peoples, because peoples were ignor-



"ich the advent of the Modern Humans Texts by A.B.Glaser,the Ion? oerplexinssecrecs of whac went on in our heads was out. Instead of some fuzzv subconscious^r^ind theories to explain what went on,Glaser got to the nitty gritty and showedhww etaiih huffidn tiad aevet^i la^nda bHafc h««Uad up to eh« stjie«hbeiy nT brain. You

can easily prove out Glasers unique new concepts by hooking up a person on anEKG machine. Alpha,Delta & Beta will all relate to a seperate huraan component...4Glaser spells out what the thoughts and motivations of each minds input are.Instantlvyou can see what mind a person is working on-and can jump to a similar mind nodeif you wish to have thoughts which allow a relationship to develop I Since 90 7, ofwhat we get from text books and most state brainwashing is from only one particul-ar component,this keeps us enslaved to a whole world of emotions and knowledge thatexists outside this one track. Your Soul,for example,can eo to any distance in asplit second and bring back data you need. The catch is that you won't get vour fl-ow line feedback as long as the 'priority' mind is controling the input into yourbrain. vour Soul can operate outside of the physical and even see into the futureto some extent. You will usually get a simple split second thought about an accidentjust before it happens for an example. Immediatly, you logic will drownd out such awarning and you will remain at the mercy of one of your mind components.You will goahead and have the accident you were warned against-and not even usuallv remember vourlittle warning. Well,friend,if you think the education you got from school or books onhuman function helped you any on such things,your mistaken,probably 90T of the peoplearound you are miserable slaves that don't even know they have lost their ability tohave pleasure or have honest emotions. Since your creator can't force you to have anvfun in will be up to you to get beyond the usual brainwashing and find out whatis really going on around you.I With hundreds of thousands of heifefs,books and cults thathave never really changed the entrenched domination systems on our planet, this should 'tell you something. It should get you back to the point of wanting to know how to getyour own 'inner' answeres.I Jesus the christ and most of the truly spiritual teacherstried to get their followers to this point through serving as examples. The simple factis you can't ever contact your inner knowingness if you remain in the usual mind dwells.Sure you can learn some biofeedback alpha technique that may help for awhile,yet this isonly a tiny crack in the door. To open the door you must get your ethical self asking foransweres and being open minded enough to see what comes up in front of you once your readyto accept the responsibility. Forget about all the favored theories of science and yourfellow sheep. Such a backgound and education is worthless unless you like living as a keptperson in some little nich of the domination system. How many thousands of years do you int-end to have your soul carry you through the old drudgery and grind until your ready for afresh change. At least ten thousand years of chaos and barbaric nonesense are on the books.This should tell you that you won't find your answeres from the usual sourses. Frankly,Iwould suggest you start with Galsers work, Earth Report" Total Self Defense" and then branchout once you see what the game is all about. You will never be the sane old you & that's apromise. Write for latest catologs from address below...or If I have moved from f\j_9 fiTli '""Ferris ,CA. 92370 USA.

A meeting of "Star People." extraterrestrial beingsliving on Dearth, and thoaa who wonld Hk» to knowmore •boot the physical structure ind'sodal contactsof these beings, will be held in Riverside on Saturday.


1.1? ** - • • / " V '" • r**-•7 'A&oajkF. **&

t "Star Peopl." «ad thoaa^M fettrv* thay areextratamstriab so•Miring plans to usework}. POT more mfannatioa.caatacf B83-24O3.

WHAT ARE YOU AND WHERE ARE YOU GOING?We humans are a composite of at least three Minds and a body. There can be

several more 'alien' components added to this composite ..depending on theindividual. The Soul component as religions call it, is responsible forprogramming the body into it's environment. If a human body winds up with aWolf mother for example, the 'Wolf Boy' may get programed to close to it'senvironmental considerations to ever be 'civilized'. Likewise,if we are bornon a cattle Ranch out West, we will usually never quite feel at home in someEastern city on a non Meat diet. DNA factors also crop up. If our relativeswere fishermen we would usually enjoy and crave Fish in our diet...

The human body is actually a very efficient heat exchange unit technically.Our head serves the same function as the radiator does on a Car. It servesto keep our blood heat regulated. When the air and foof bring in energy,suchenergy created heat that must be exactly the right temperature. Surprisingly,much of the energy we get actually comes from the air we breath. Just as pi*ants use photosynthesis,we humans can take Nitrogen and convert it to protienin the intestines. These same intestines keep moving constantly together togenerate the electricity used by the body. If you think about how long astove would stay warm on a couple of pounds of food fuel,you can probably getpast the usual assumptions about food.Food is usually very necessary howeversimply because the average working body just can take in sufficient quantitiesof air. All of these mechanics add up to an output of some 7 watts of currenta day for the average person. In persons who leam to start balancing theirvarious components this figure can easily double and triple. Such wattageallows a human to send out enough Photon energy to alter matter. Jesus and anumber of Eastern 'mystics' could concentrate this wattage well enough toperform what we call 'miracles'. Todays science almost totaly ignores suchspiritual physics. They totaly disregard a number of non electrical currentswhich run through the body and keep it functioning. The 'ancients mapped outsome of these flows and even today the backward Chinese are healing peoplethrough manipulating this energy at 'Acupuncture1 points.

In todays chaotic world the systems in control are dedicated to keeping usworking for our rulers and state systems. Material playthings as rewards aredesighned to replace happyness,pleasure and truth. If you are trulv interest-ed in getting off the merry go round and learning to enjoy your stay on Earth,get the facts. Get in a relaxed mood and ask yourself about getting the COTHBcourses. If you act on your 1st honest flash back answere.your on vour wav....AF

SELF fonti mied Paee 4.

ant when domination started continuity, forced upon peoples by physical punishment, thenby abstract punishment, by the rules of self-denial, by a hell that was belief only, pro-duct of a thingword, therefore itself a thingword. Heaven, based on the same thingword,therefore itself a thingword, as a reward for domination. Self looks, and knowledge be-comes real, while thingwords stand out in utter simplicity when looked at with knowledgeof domination.

Self now knows. Continuity in 'free' can be only had when based on self-knowledge,not the knowledge of others. No matter how little is known by self, self can only actupon that little known, then self is 'free'. Self knows that it cannot thrust its know-ledge upon another. That it must let that self work upon its knowledge, and only inter-fere if and when that self tries to dominate its own knowledge upon others.

'Free' continuity can be started simply by acting upon self-knowledge only, andletting each and every other self work upon their self-knowledge, with the total rightof self defense to each in their own knowledge.

Self has now emerged. Self now knows the answer toSelf is free knowledge and use without domination.

'who are we and for what?'.


"All You Need is Love" sang theBeatles and they may have been right

According to a study done by Dr.Harold Morowitz of Yale University,premature deaths of American men couldbe easily determined by marital status andwhether the person was a smoker or not

Highest longevity ratings went to mefollowing people regardless of the use oftobacco: married men, single men andthen divorced or widowed men. An eyeopener Married heavy smokers had thesame death rate as divorced nonsmokers.

Dr. Joan Borysenko of Beth IsraelHospital in Boston summarized, "Beingloved and giving love are ... important.We know that earing a high-fat diet is badfor you, but being lonely is worse."

Lazaris: Everyone talks about the NewAge. Some say, it's coming. Others sayits already been here. While they all talkof the New Age, no one really stops tolook at what the old age was about. Wewould suggest the old age method is onethat involves struggle and hardship. Theold age attitude says, "If something isworth having, it's worth struggling over,waiting for, and all these sorts ofpuritanical concepts. It proposes thatyou should work hard all your life andthen when you are old and can't workany longer you can enjoy your life.

Initially, you were never supposed tostruggle. You were never supposed to

Tsuffer. You were never supposed to have/pain in the creating of this playgroundI that is your Earth. The creating of this

illusion that is the physical plane ofrealitv was never supposed to be hard. Itwas meant to be a joyous, celebratorvexperience ot growing. We will use a oir

A number of research programs have shown lab subjectscan sometimes describe an environmenss thousands of milesaway. Many volunteers in this remote viewing research canbe taught this art with little training. In the ModernHumans texts,you can see where this ability cones"^romand it's potential. '•"*'

In Comp 1, you recognize that the Animal body uses it'sfeel field for survival. Australian bush people,for exam'pie,use this brain energy radar probe ,to locate game andwater at a distance. The oil companies have studied suchabilities in hopes of finding a way to locate oil. As theComps explain,however,most persons never get their CMlndsand animal AMinds working well enough together to getmuch cooperation in such areas. Students with the savvyto balance their Minds can easily ask their little animalto send out the 'SEE ENERGY' vibes and find out what thenature of a distant object is. The body can automaticallyalter the waves & 'vibes to allow penetration..or simplya 'surface probe' where the outside nature is indicatedand the radar vibe level is returned with the data. Allit takes ia a reasonable request & need...and the cooperat-ion of a contented AMind. Comp students sometimes tend tobe lazy in putting such principles to work of course

They tend to wait until someone mentions that such thingscan be done before they ever recal what was hidden awayin Comp II all the time. Application & practice is verynecessary in mastering any ability. Get Comp one in your•emory and apply the data if you want results.

How do you practice? Well, it's up to you and your choice.Kreskin the metalist started as a kid playing 'hot' and cold'with his brother who would hide an object for him.Eventuallyafter years of overcoming negative CMind negativity,he learnedto relax and ' f low with his intuition and knowingness. Kreskinhas done thousands of performances and failed in his acts veryfew Limes. All persons need to do he claims , is to overcpmetheir negativity,think positive,and practice.

As you should have picked up in the Comps, you are on thisplanet to learn and enjoy yourself. If you are putting theComp data to use,you should never have any really hard lessons,and lasting pain. You should be having FUV,escaping from theusual CMind traps,and experiencing Joy through sharring affect-ion. Or,of course,you can accept the domination system In yourgoals and squelch your emotions and pleasures.


After the Modern Humans Texts came out in 1976,1 started to ship them across theglobe to students, during the next several years I ran across many interesting per-ons who were involved in the domination system in some capacity. Their Souls oftenled them to get thevComps'-as we call them,to switch allegience. Many had had overa thousand Soul incarnations and were beginning to see the futility of contineuingin a system that only brought further chaos & pain. To such persons at the edge,soto speak,the whole scenario of Glasers made perfect sense. They were often quite wil-ling to start shedding their domination goals and actions and start granting choiceand following the golden rule. One of the 1st persons who got the Comps from me was ra-iny 20 yr old son. The texts made a great impact in his life and he was able to reallystart progressing once he understood the nature of the game. There on out,he usuallytried to balance his actions and would frequently ask his little animal (AMind) ifsomething was alright to do or not. I recal one Instance where his components likeda late model truck that gave a soft ride and luxury. In order to sell it he agreed totake one of his older model trucks and repaint it and fix up it's interior. His BMindreally didn't care so much, but his little AMind was reluctant to part with the trucksluxury...without a good replacement. His CMind needed the money for something else &could also give up the luxury. He simply relaxed and started to mentaly talk it all outwith his conflicting Mind thoughts. It was such balance that got him a contracting bu-siness at 21 years of age. Higher level CMinded persons dealing with him could recogni-ze that he had his act together and sometimes tried to lure him into the higher levelsof domination. One offer involved a hundred thousand dollar a yr job overseaing a bus-iness of dubvious legitimacy. Another offer involved running a business where he hadto use and control workers. Because the useage of workers is an art and easy for pers-ons who are heavy Cminds, any person who starts to get a higher brain wattage and hi-gh level abilities is fair game for recruiting into the domination system. The storyslike "the Devil & Daniel Webster" contain a great deal of truth. Virtually all the gr-eat spiritual beings with high level abilities are temfled by domination.My son ran in-to this at age 21. Other students sometimes ran into the same situation at an older age.Some Cminded students who had very strong domination tendancies simply couln't make

heads or tails out of the Comps. Their CMind would feel ripped off while their Soulwould inwardly get across the notion that there was some hidden aspects of the coursesthat had merit. It was confusing. As persons caught in a reflection pattern,They simp-ly couldn't stop their CMinds dominance long enough to view the REAL. In Glasers Comptext #4 the mechanics of this was detailed,but few hard core CMinds could get this far.Stacks of letters poured in and no two were the same. Some were from students who

found the Comps reoriented them and gave them peace and assurance at long last, othersgrew frustrated because they began to realize they would have to change their ways toprogress and their Cminds wanted no part of such changes. Glaser was certainly right inpointing out that students would never be the same after the Comps though.In hours,daysor years,some of the material would start sinking in and the little animal would startrebelling against the repression directed at it. WORK-work, work, thats all the CMindseamed to want,and this really got old to AMind after a time. In a few cases ,the stud-ents learned to balance their Minds and actions early in the game and made fast advancesVirtually anything the mentally ordered started to show up pretty quickly.They no longerhad to eat much food. Their rise in wattage allowed them to pull more of their energyfrom transmutative sourses. They also began to realize that most of the things going onon the planet were exactly as they had to be ..toward the larger goals. If there werea few large families ruling much of the financial establishments of the world,it waspart of the final educational process for the final day changes. Domination hoped totake over the world and eventually all the universe. Their technological systems werea marvel,but continually broke down and continually gave humans a taste of the dead enddomination systems. Persons either boosted such systems or rejected them. The choice -was always availble. Much of this was done through the inward thoughts and actions ofhumans. The Comps were virtually the only written expose on the two systems I ever ranacross. No other work spelled out the details so an outward choice could be made.As a sort of spiritual 'lawyer',A.B.Glaser had been making decisions concerning the

censoreship of the domination for ages. He was a representative of the FREE system ofthe creator. Works like Staff Study #1, go into his early actions and mission,

The Truth About 30 I f STARGAZER -»» 1- 4.5 - Austin, Texas 78703

Now, channel t h i s and pass the i n f o r m a t i o n on to yourreaders. ..."Yes, dear souls, you have created every s i t u a t i o n int h i s l i f e t i m e t o h e l p grow you s p i r i t u a l l y . That is the o n l y reasonyou are here on p l a n e t E a r t h ; to l e a r n from your e x p e r i e n c e s , tof u l f i l l your Soul's m i s s i o n o f becoming G o d - e n l i g h t e n e d , o fremembering that you are God-in-action. L i v i n g in the p h y s i c a lallows you many s i t u a t i o n s in w h i c h you can grow.

"So when you are f e e l i n g v i ct imi zed, w r i t e about it. Or useyour recording machine to ta l k about your f e e l i n g s . Or seekcounsel ing. Don ' t ]"«»* acknowledge that you are depressed orf e e l i n g v i c t i m i z e d . So many of you recognize that s o mething majoris o c c u r r i n g , yet you d r i n k or use drugs o r overeat , in order toescape. Or perhaps you simply remove yourself from looking at thes i t u a t i o n which you have PURPOSELY created. When that occurs, youhave a c t u a l l y l e a r n e d o r b e n e f i t t e d very l i t t l e from h a v i n g goneth r o u g h i t . S o y o u re-create i t l a t e r i n l i f e i n order t o haveanother o p p o r t u n i t y to learn it. How much easier M would b e . i f youwould examine it and learn from it the f i r s t t i m e it comes up! Evenif you are u n a b l e to see the s i g n i f i c a n c e at the moment you areu n d e r g o i n g these processes, i f y o u c a r e f u l l y examine i t , y o u w i l lsee c l e a r l y somewhere down the road, perhaps in retrospect. Examineyour emotions and your r e p e a t a b l e p a t t e r n s .

"You asked to be born to the very p a r e n t s and f a m i l i e s youX were born to. You CHOSE your sex, race, color, creed, socio-

economic s i t u a t i o n , and the a s t r o I o g i c a I / n u m e r o I o g i c a I c i r c u m s t a n c e sof your b i r t h , down to even ' r e q u e s t i n g ' the v e r y name you wereg i v e n at b i r t h . Most of the r e l a t i o n s h i p s you create are k a r m i cones, to help you work out s i t u a t i o n s which you l e f t u n f i n i s h e d andunlearned in a previous l i f e . New r e l a t i o n s h i p s are formed to alsoh e l p grow you. Once you have accepted these c o n d i t i o n s , you w i l tf i n d it much easier to la u g h at your s o - c a l l e d problems. Those arethe very problems which you created to help you understand yoursoul's nature . . . .the l o n g i n g we all have to merge again w i t h theCreator by remembering that we are One. Be t h a n k f u l to yourb r o t h e r s and s i s t e r s and all c i r c u m s t a n c e s that have agreed toi n t e r a c t with you so you can learn!

^ "You b r i n g s i t u a t i o n s i n t o your l i f e by the words you speak,not s i m p l y by the actions you take. When you f i n a l l y accept t h i sr e a l i t y , you w i l l no longer question 'Why me. Lord?', but w i l linstead say 'Thank You, Lord, for t h i s o p p o r t u n i t y to recognize myt r u e Self.' Nothing is by chance. E v e r y t h i n g happens for a reason,and that reason is to complete your soul's journey, so t h a t it m i g h tbe a well-rounded, we I I-seasoned soul, wise in all ways, ready to

There is much more to l e a r n . You have to i d e n t i f y theb e l i e f s t h a t are h o l d i n g you back and make an e f f o r t to change thesese I f - I i m i t i n g t h o u g ht h a b i t s . Y o u must take a c t i o n . I t i s humann a t u r e to t h i n k about how you want to change your l i f e and yet neverfollow through on it. You l i m i t yourself by b l a m i n g others for whatyou f e e l is "wrong" in your l i f e . (Note from Nan:} A way to b r i n gf o r t h p e r s o n a l growth is by t a k i n g a good, t r u t h f u I look aty o u r s e l f . Recognize t h a t you are a God-being and t h a t t h e r e areways you can more c l e a r l y m a n i f e s t the C h r i s t P r i n c i p l e by changingyour s e l f . Your H i g h e r S e l f knows a l l . A l l o w i t t o come t h r o u g hf o r you. W r i t i n g processes a r e v e r y h e l p f u l . A p o s s i b l e t i t l em i g h t be: "What Are My S e I f - L i m i t i n g H a b i t s ? " , f o l l o w e d by a l i s t of"How to Free Myself and Grow" ideas.

Take a c t i o n . Take r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r your o w n r e a l i t y ! Whenyou t a l< k a c t i o n , you are l e a r n i n g se I f -d i s c i p I i ne a n d , t h e r e f o r e ,


DEFENSE AGIANST DOMINATION AND SELF DESTRUCTIONPlanet Earth is unique in this sector of the universe. It is completely cut off

from higher intelligence levels. It is what many 'visitors' call the 'detention'planet. Life forms that have a poor understanding of the Creators choice laws andethics have one of their higher level components put here to learn 1st hand in abody. These components take on body after body in an attempt to understand the fut-ility of the domination or the 'reflection' system. In the very old Hermetic manus-scripts glimpses of this scenario unfold. Mankind has been caught in the envelopingmantle of matter and is still unaware of reality,...only of the opposite to FREE."Reflection1. During past ages,cycle after cycle passed in our schooling, a few sawthe reality & chose to live by 'choice' laws...the many kept on flunking their course.

When we humans ate of the fruit of one account put it, we no longerfunctioned on brain and instinct alone,as animals. Our species gained knowledge throu-gh an outside intelligence contamination. Our newly aquired minds required us to makeconstant choices...and work in dominion systems 'by the sweat of our brow*. While theanimals around us could act in 'instinct' under codes peculiar to their species, wehumans had to constantly choices . At the higher levels these choices constantly inv-olved the choice of domination or granting 'choice'. Great teachers pointed all thisout in different terminology. They advocated following some golden rule. They saidthat dominating others was a dead end path and would eventually lead to a loss of thenon physical human component or the 'Soul'. Ages of 1st hand experience inbeing cheated ,hurt, and dominated,carried over in some pretty deep memory componentgrooves. As with all courses of training, there was a time limit involved and itis in the next few years that the present cyclic drawma will come to a close. Thosepersons who have been alert will have noted the failure of Domination as an ethicsbase. Those who have been able to hold up against the domination structures and id-eologies around them and act in FREE CHOICE patterns will be ready for 'graduation'.The universe can be their potential playground- infinity their future. Entities whofail the course and hold tight to domination patterns to the end will simply losetheir higher level components and go back to an animal based knowledge level. Probably80$ of humanity has remained at an animal level of action and thought most of the timeand their choice will be based on their actions. The higher level Domination leadersand their systems have always used the easily led majority to serve their systems andsupply their'work units'. For persons who stepped outside such bounderies it has usuallybeen a hard,dangerous path. The systems are set up to extract work and loyalty for thefavorite Unit Value System .Money. From thousands of years of experimentation with UVSsystems like like multiple mates, Soldiers and such,Money was found to be the mostefficient-because with it, any thing material could be had. To go to the next UVS ,itwill require an alteration in the thinking of humanity as a whole, and that is what iscoming up. Either slow learners and "hard core' domination minded individuals willsee that we are on a dead end course and change, or change will sweep over them with-out their choice. Thousands of years of civilizations have proven the point. No last-ing government, system, or civilization can stem from Domination. The few systems whichlasted a couple of hundred years like Rome & the US Republic were based on a FREE CHOICEconstitution at their beginning. As the citizens choices were abolished these systemsself destructed. Russow, the great German historian proved this point in his monumental"Freedom & Domination". Today our own countries constitutional freedoms have been care-fully eroded away by masterfull domination leaders. Under the original amendments wehad fixed money values, no interest and plenty of freedoms. As soon as the monetarysystem leaders could,they quickly added the 11th to 16 th ammendments to offset thesimplicity of the 1st . Under carefully guised £ta±ology , they opened the way for useryinterest, and Gov't control. Instead of a populace using self control and running theirgov't, the gov't has gradually taken control of the people. Persons who have not wishedto take on responsibility,have encouraged this- and allowed it to happen with littleresistance. Just as in Rome. Today,we give up our original rights be being tricked intomaking 3rd party contracts with the state. We fall into the category corperate stucturesby becoming a number under Social Security & various licensing agreements. We no longerare individuals under the laws of the Republic, We are numbers and slaves under theseperate "Maritime" laws of a Democracy (Dere=Mob..rule). Through the slave mentality &inaction of the majority,we have almost lost our FREE CHOICE based governing systemand natural protection as a nation. If the majority continue to want out of responsibi-lity of changing the situation, our fate as a nation,will be easy to predict.For persons who wish to resist the domination systems it seldom easy. Many patriots

have found legal ways to rescind 3rd party contracts with the state. This allows therr,tc reeiir. their cririnil orr.r~i '.'_:'-. T'--2 r:~;'*-.


To confront things as they are without trjring to cnange them is a partof granting choice. A non confront brings on a Karmic condition where the thingswe avoid confronting often come back to be handled ethically. When you can confr-•nt anything without desiring to alter it,you free yourself from accumulatingenergies.You don't need to get dragged in to handling the alterations. Cowardsback away from confronting,then later must face restimulation situations.Logicmay hint that things are not worth confronting or to much to confront,yet toknow ourself and make spiritual progress all must be confronted. In todays worldmany persons can't even confront or communicate with others. They use what Glaserliked to term facades. They use flattery & small talk to avaid communication.Even prayer Is usually 'dead1. No emotions or real intent at communication is usedin the persons thoughts,. The early Hawiians used a term meaning'empty ones'for themissionarys..because of their empty prayers. Things have not changed

The beings of our planet think of childish,immature,or negative things and theirthoughts are accumulated and brought into manifestation. TodayTwe continue in chaosbecause of chaotic thoughts. We get what we order and deserve. All of this is apart of our education however. By our extreme positive and negative experiences welearn to handle choices and hopefully learn ethics. We are evil to learn what evilis about. CMinds great curiosity brings on new desires for knowledge.CMind is cutoff from knowtngness and flow line (Comp 4 diagrams) Over and over it must handlegames until it grows tired of all the games. By fearing...and pain and death itgoes over and over the lessons until it is ready for balance and the Choice system.It's ego must bend."Except ye become as little chidren" was one teachers way ofexpressing it Todays leaders serve self while appearing to serve others.Theclergy become anti christs be putting themselves between the Creator and the people.Most of todays 'civilized' people only place value on things that cost money. If itis expensive it is worth more. Money is not a bad system.It's a great way to saveup stored work units. The problem comes along when it 1s not shared. Many accumulateit all their lives just for the power it brings. Just before they pass on they real-ize their selfish mistake and set up foundations to give it all away. This seldomturns out well because of the greedy distribution agents. Our creator intended thatthe bounty he put on Earth be distributed and shared. Under domination systems in con-trol of Earth.millions starve or die because they can't come up with what the greedymanipulation experts want. Spiritual teachers like Glaser often fail to get large rec-ognition because they don't plead for money like many evangelists. People support the'successful! & respect those with wealth... even if they are 'con artists'or crooks.Leaders usually recognize people as 'esapists' and take over their resposibility orgive them hope. Evangelists give them a 'heaven1. Oppressive 'states' like Russiagive them hope of other planets to go to. No spiritual overseaers or Creator wouldbe foolish enough to let us escape our responsibilities here,of course,but then dom-inion leaders never look beyond themselves. They need more lessons,the hard wayLeaders are good at lowering the self determination of the public.Todays governmentsencourage conformity and the great energy cartels know just how to sell drugs andget their goods sold. Years in state schools and in front of a TV set can turn themost radical thinking person into a 'pussy cat1. Only the strong willed and thinkingpersons remain untouched and self responsible. This,of course, Is why Earth 1s sucha great training ground and unique planet. Any beings who can come here and hold upunder fire-ethics & spirituality intact, is-made of good stuff. At least a couple ofmillion persons here have what we could term alien components. These'Star children1as some call them,came on mission to help humanity better themselves. A high percentageof these visitors never do get to carry out their missions. They are dragged into thesystem so deeply,they are often knocked out before they ever get started. They getcaught up in negativity and survival to the point they totaly forget their goal or getwiped out, .flany just give up. The domination systems are just to depressing and ent-renched to fight. The point of course, is that it may not be easy,but the drtve tow-ard self knowledge and spiritual awareness is will reap the eventualrewards of perfection and being a superhuman of awesome abilities. If we can gettempered correctly on Earth,we will be ready for the universe. Further data from:Incredible Inquiry'9237 Craver.Morrongo Valley,CA 92256


Virtually all great avatars and teachers have advocated self knowledge to findfullfilment. All of the truly great doctrines and religions have lasted because theycarry pieces of the truth and show both sides of our choices. Since we humans have anumber of MIND components,it is how we learn to have these components work togetherthat brings us to our spiritual goals. We have one mind component that is interestedin materialism and gain on a material level, we have other components more interestedin beauty and simple pleasures. Going on some mountain top and contemplating for longperiods is simply a waste of time if it prevents our learning balance. The little knownsecret of gaining great spirituality is in balancing the minds under whatever circumst-ances we find ourselves in. When we get the typical self serving .selfish or 'evil'thoughts we should simply realize that it is only necessary to not act on such thoughts.All great avitars get such thoughts and most simply have ignored them and kept on anethical pattern. Soon the negative thoughts fade and we go on to other thoughts andactions. Learning the art of mind balancing is as simple as learning to walk or dealwith other persons. Staying in one mind dwell to long can bring disaster. Sickness andpain result when we are only working for material things. After a time,our other comp-onents rebel and we can wind up in a hospital bed or worse... for relitf... On the otherhand if we only flitter away all our time in idleness and pleasure,monetary rewards aremissing and we are shunned by society and our fellow beings. Learning to balance ourminds and allow our components to work together brings a greater flow of electrical watt-age flowing into our brains. While the average person works on only about 7 watts fromjumping from one mind to another, having each mind work mutually with the others willmultiply the wattage. At 20 watts,miracles occur instantaniously. This wattage is veryeasy to attain IF the minds learn to cooperate with one another. Budda,Christ and theother teachers taght that balance and ethics were important with good reason. As longas individuals or societies remain materialistic or unbalanced, they stagnate and selfdestruct. They are following a dead end path and self destruction is necessary to allowa rerun of lessons. Karma and experience are hard and brutal to slow learners. Spiritualgrowth, pleasure and control over matter are the rewards for those who apply mind balancetechniques. Such truths and principles have always been available. The higher and lowerselves of the ancient Egyptian and Pacific 'Huna' cultures are only a couple of examplesthat are a little more specific th r the worlds more popular 'Bibles'. Anytime you hearthe references to'water in the Christian Bible, for example, you can assume the referenceis usually applicable'to mind energy flow from mind balance . The Egyptians had much ofthis balancing technique down to a science. The symbols are easily decoded in the worksof scholars like Max Freedom Long. More detailed methodologysare available in the worksof A.B.Glaser. a contemporary Avitar that could match the miracles of Jesus the Christ.As the ending of one of the major world cycle comes to a close,the slow learners of our

world are coming to another time of choice. They can accept domination principles whichwill block their progress, They can do nothing to advance themselves which will alsoobviously block their advancement...or, they can ask inwardly for gudance and start accepting the knowledge and responsibilities that come with spiritual advancement. Eternal lifeand pleasure are a couple of the rewards long mentioned. As we all notice the chaos ofChoice and domination patterns struggling in the lives of learners, hopefully enough ofus can be strong enough examples to aid our fellow being on the path of choice and ethics.

Glasers works available from Modern Humans,9237 Graver.Morrongo Valley,CA 92256

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We humans are a very complex set of energy generators and mind component reciev-ers acting for a physical body and a non physical Soul. The energies we run on forthe most part are electrical. There is one mind circuit however that runs on a cir-cuit unrelated to electricity. This system has been charted for several thousand yea-rs as the Acupuncture medidians. As the intestines churn continually in the body,theygenerate the electrical energy deeded by the body. Many doctors of some years ago wou-ld examine the intestines to see if an in d i v i d u a l was s t i l l l i v i n g . If there was no act-ivity,the person was considered dead. Since there is v i r t u a l l y no knowledge of how andwhy the non electrical cirsuits function in medical literature,! can only suggest inter^ested seekers gain this background through A.B.Glasers Modern Humans texts.

Since there are several Minds using various energy circuits,there is more to concen-tration than just thinking on one subject. The individuals like Gteer who actually usedmind over matter abi 1 i t i e s , d i d so by combining the minds and their energies. For exampleeach Mind would normally put out in the neigborhood of 7 watts of energy a day. If anindividual had each of their Minds putting out this energy,the wattage could exceed 20watts... This is the amount of energy normally needed to get instant mind over matter res-ults. Many of the various techniques for concentration are worthless if they do not helpachieve this Mind balance. Certainly,a steady focussing on one subject or object w i l lbring a greater degree of energy to the object or goal,but to bring instant results oraction .there simply isn't enough energy available. Prayer is a typical example ofconcentration, Rituals are another. Both are used to focus the mind thoughts and bringthe Mental 'mock up1 vision to reality. Whether prayers get answered depends on manyfactors. If an Individual hasn't much wattage to work with,it takes repeated prayers andit takes emotional stimulation to get the non material Atoms flowing. The early Hunapractitioners of Hawaii knew that they had to get their several components working togeth-er to get efficient results from prayers. They called the Minds the 'Low16 'High' self.They found the prayers of the missionaries useless and a waste of time simply because themissionarys had no concept of putting emotion and 'balance1 in their prayers. (Referto various works on Huna concepts by Max F. Long)Many of the more ancient races had understanding of concentration. In the 5 thousand

year old epic of Arjuna and the allegorical battles of the Soul 6 Minds, Arjuns lamentsabout the restlessness of the Mind. He sais: 0 Krishna! It is impetuous,strong,and diff-icult to bend; I deam it as hard to curb as the wind" Krishna answeres that it may becurbed by constant practice and by indifference. In recommending is onlyin relaxing and halting the logic-ego prone mind .that the other minds can start functioning through the bodys brain also. Certain Yogis of remarkable ability have been put onbrain wave machines. As they perform,the machine shows Delta,Theta and Alpha waves allworking at the same time. Virtually a l l persons of less a b i l i t y function on only one wavelength at a time. Because of the heat generated by higher energy flows, it is wise toback off from concentration if headaches and fatigue show up. It takes time for the brainneurons to handle higher loads and greater heat. Since the head is similar in action tothe radiator on a sometimes helps to lay down and get the blood coolant flowinga l i t t l e faster after sighns of a headache. Eventually the body slowly buildsup a greater tolerance to such increased demands. Blavatsky,the great Occultist was awareof the problems Involved in all of this. In her "Thought Power",she told of the life enencurrents creating a great strain on the channels in the brain. She also cautioned again-st the Hatha Yoga concentration technique of fixing ones gaze on a distant black spot.Such a practice could bring the eyes out of focus in trme-and could bring on a hypnotictrance -as a second undesirable effect. She and other mystics often recommended meditat-ion to aid concentration. They never really understood the mechanics involved,they simplknew results came. In Glasers work,we find the key. In meditation,the priority,logical,mind is slowed down so that the other minds and components can function better. This brinbetter balance and better results. Glaser recommended using a colorful 1 target or bullsey.instead of the usual black focussing spot. Students could practice jumping from one colored ring to the next,thus eliminating the hazard of f a l l i n g into a hypnotic state. As aperson learned to send photon energy to a distant point by simply focussing in mentally,awesome results could eventually occur. (Refer to J. Cators "Awesome Life Force")(Glasers work is available from Modern Humans ,879 Park,Perris, CA. 92370 USA )


As Comp #3 observes,few persons are totaly honest in their relationships.Most, put on facades or let their CMind get out of hand and play domination games.

To enjoy a relationship,you can simply grant the other person the right to be them-selves. If they infringe on your choice or pleasure however,,be honest enough to callthem on i t or defend yourself. You always have the right of defence.A l l of this can get a l i t t l e confusing simply because we are constantly getting diff-erent reactions from our different Minds. If we get challenged, our CMind is usuallygoing to lash back and remain master of the situation if it can. Your other Minds maybe feeding you a 'back off £ relax thought,but it w i l l always be your choice in whichaction you take. Staying calm & in an affection dwell may be a d i f f i c u l t role at 1st,yet in the end it is simple and safe. The affection dwell connects us to the flow ofthe Creator. This energy flow puts a protective energy flow around us. (Total Self Defence]

As Comp 3 also points out, most persons allow far to many negative friends and in-lawsin their lives. We often put up with such people when all they do is drag us down andfeed off our attention energies. False duty and loyalty to such 'leaches' is self dest-ructive. Dump such people so you can replace them with persons who w i l l share positivethings with you. Persons who you can truly enjoy.

One interesting concept that was not really covered in the Comps was that of Cyclesand their ending. Each time we start visualizing something we desire,we start energycycles rn motion. When we later stop or forget about the order or goal,we started, ittends to continue to sap a l i t t l e of our energy, even though we withdraw attention.

There are several ways to finish cycles. We can keep feeding our vision and act u n t i lthe goal is completed. We can back of and let the order get f i l l e d much later in a weekway, or, we can simply stop the cycle in it's tracks with a positive 'desist1 thought.Weigh the benefits of projects you slow up on.If the goal and end results are not worthfurther time and effort,stop the cycle. Just make a positive affirmation you are endingthe cycle. This mental order w i l l save you time and trouble later.

It is easy for we humans to fry our brains with Angel Dust' or LSD. Drugs like thesecan blow out our brai n neurons to the point CMind w i l l hardly funct ion at a l l . A number•o/ s p i r i t u a l leaders blew out large portions of their w i r i n g back in the 60's. W h i l e th-eir can be pa r t i a l recovery, some of these persons are s t i l l stuck in the peace and har-mony output. They couldn't go in any other direction.Like animals,they have no CMinds toaggrivate them. This is sad. They w i l l not be able to make a valid choice and learn touse their self control through Mind balance actions. Think about what a great opportunitythe Comps have given you. You can by pass all the blathering nonesense and learn the ult-imate lesson. Mind balance and self conrol. Remember however Drugs are a good way toblow such goals to pieces. Fry

PSYCHICS have s i m p l y learned to send their SEE FORCE at a distance topick up information(Compel). V i r t u a l l y anyone can learn to do this bypractice. Whenever you are out in p u b l i c you can simply ask your selfto tune in on any interesting persons you see. In many cases you cancheck out you accuracy by 'reading' persons that you can later findout about. Usually the 1st things that pop in your head w i l l be prettyaccurate. Later, your CMind w i l l dredge up the usual doubts and youmay doubt your a b i l i t y . In many cases where you want background thepersons Soul w i l l feed you data. Usually this Soul to Soul talk occursanyway when you meet someone. I t ' s just that your outer awareness isnot aware of this 'inner' convirsation. Glaser would be t a l k i n g to mySoul and the outer me whenever we met. He would usually never let onof course. It s i m p l y helped him understand persons around him better.

In the case of psychics, the often pick up Soul data but interpretit as coming from an 'In d i a n Guide' or other sourse more easily accep-table. Like all a b i 1 i t i e s , ' r e a d i n g s ' can come through practice

— the synapse — was traversed by thesame basic chemical muss^rtger. Thenerve impulse was always generated bythe same flow of sodium, potassium andchloride ions. /Talluimi'gcnit diuga

worked by the- same mechanism —inhibiting, short-circuiting, "?etc. — onall mammalian nerve fibers. The im-mensely complicated hormonal systems

Sung9 ;to,' ~i-~ * Pi* &*•>. v

> Four

girl saysDARWIN: Jill, a 16-year-

>ld Aboriginal, is dying in theitensive-care ward at Darwin -

ipital, .because her lungs-Tilled with fluid,

'Exhaustive medical tests have_ she has no illness. There'is no reason for the fluid and noreason for her to die.;: Jill says she has been "sung".This means that a tribal elder has

ijiung her death, and she knows'je will die. ijjjft is a story not uncommon in""' Northern Territory, although;

,—re are stories about those whotrhave been sung to death and who

, :have lived.I'-f One is in Darwin's Fannie BayI'Jail serving a murder sentence.'He was sung, he said, while hevwas in jail. His flesh flaked and''peeled, actually falling away

.tfrom his limbs in chunks. Even[fthe soles of his feet rotted away.

* —But suddenly the sicknessstopped, and he is convinced itwas because it was considered hehad been punished enough and so

• had been sung back to-health.Jill has told her story to medi-

cal staff at Darwin Hospital.She said that before she trav-

elled from Wave Hill, about 525kilometres south, to visit her'grandfather in Darwin, she waswitness to domestic trouble in-volving her 14-year-old sister,who was married to a tribal elder.

The tribe set down a date fortrial and Jill was summoned toreturn to speak to the council of

i elders. She was sung to death byJa^tribal elder who did not wish,he~r to return and immediately

;me ill.

MIND OVER MATTERMost of us take the speed of our heart, the rhythm of our breathing, our blood pressure,

temperature and other "involuntary" functions pretty much for granted. Without thinkingabout it, we know that somewhere inside us is a remarkable biological "clock" that regu-lates all of these actions without the need for us to give it conscious thought.

Probably, because we were taught in high school biology that we have ttco nervoussystems — the "voluntary" (which we control and the "involuntary" (which controlsus) we seldom question the fallacy of this conclusion.

However, there are some peo- 'pie in the world who never off the blood flow, or making In order to appreciate thistook high school biology. And, it bleed profusely at will. Sim- remarkable physical feat, welike the bumble bee that flies ilarly, they can control the may compare it with the bestbecause it doesn't know aerody- pupils of their eyes, which nor- efforts of our own trained mara-namic engineers have proved it mally distend or contract auto- thon runners. At best, tiiey cancan't—these men have learnedmento control their "involuntary"nervous systems, and conse-quently perform feats that seemlike near-miracles beyond theunderstanding of the slide-rulescientists.

Actually, conscious control ofinvoluntary functions is com-monplace in Yoga, Zen ar»"among some African cults. £&

As a result of years of oforous training, these men canslow their heart-beat almost tothe vanishing point. They canreduce their body temperatures

matically in respr O -o light oremotion. jfv

Although t' (A^markable abil-ity is ofter A A only as a meansof eamr jhey—as among thefakirs ^- .jdia—there are otherswh' ^?, the training for a spe-<- .aid practical purpose.4 . or instance, the art of lung-

°_,om, in Tibet. Tibet is a high, ;barren country of inhospitableland and great distances. Oneof the centers for training inLung-gom is a monastery inTsang, where the trainees arerequired to live in seclusion and

to a point that would bring & complete darkness for 39death to the average person. I months, constantly practicingRespiration can be slowed down \ deep breathing only a single breath everyfour minutes. In essence, theyhave trained tiiemselves to slowtheir life systems to a pointwhich closely resembles hiberna-tion in some species of animals.In this state, they have actuallybeen buried alive for days, withno ill effects.

This same power to controltheir involuntary nervous systemallows them to block pain—eventhe intense pain of having spikesdriven through their arms andlegs and nails through theircheeks and tongue. They caneven control the bleeding at thepoint of these wounc

~i" o —--——<™ AL/ffAs a consequence of this rigV56" op

orous training, these men can on Uivrun rapidly for great distancesover the rough terrain. Hereis how one Western observerdescribed the way these mentravel, "I could clearly see hisperfectly calm, impassive faceand wide open eyes, with theirgaze fixed on some invisible, fardistant object situated high upin space. The man did not run.He seemed to lift himself fromthe ground, proceeding by leaps.It looked as if he bad beenendowed with the elasticity ofa ball, and rebounded each time

We can come to but one con-clusion: Man must be different. Theequation, "brain equals lOO^b ofmental activity," valid for not va l id for man.


Tht physiologists stood stupefied,numbed by man's astounding mind.The psychologists sat numbed, stupefiedby man's ordinary brain.

The physiologists couldn't explainthe cavernous gulf between humanmind and animal instinct — the brainswere not fb,it different, anatomically,I'irx heinic.illv 'T e I erf no I h

cover only about 25 miles ina little over two hours, runningon good roads. A man trainedin lung-gom may cover as muchas 300 miles between sunriseone day and noon of the next—

•over some of the most torturousterrain in the world.

Another Tibetian custom istwno—a very useful skill in acountry that lies almost entirelyabove the 10,000-foot leoeL Itis a means of combating cold,and consists of a complex setof breathing exercises combinedwith meditation.

Those who volunteer for thetraining are required to bathe

in icy streams, then sitsnow and meditate0 evc. *! fires.

The final exui^J" *y occurson a windy night in winter. Asheet is dipped through a holein the ice, and saturated in thenear-freezing water. It is thenwrapped about the naked in-itiate, and left there until it isdried by his body heat. Threetimes during the night of histrial, the initiate must dry outone of the icy-cold and wring-ing-wet sheets with his ownbody heat

After initiation, these mennever again "wear any clothesexcept a simple cotton loincloth.Some of the Everest expeditionshave reported seeing nakedhermits living high up on themountain, amid the perpetualsnows and glaciers. These areunquestionably men trained in"turno."


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