mobile computing in medicine

Post on 09-May-2015






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This presentation covers advances in mobile computing and shows how this can be used in medical practice to improve patient care. The latter part of the presentation covers the apps I use professionally to enhance my medical practice


Mobile technology in medicine

Drew ProvanBarts & The London School of Medicine & Dentistry

Queen Mary University of London

drewprovan@mac.comUK/OTH/0913/0024DOP September 2013

Monday, 9 September 13

I have no shares in Apple

Monday, 9 September 13

Technology advancesmHealthWhy are iPad/iPhone so useful?Who is using this tech?Personal productivity app choices

Monday, 9 September 13

The world has gone digital

Monday, 9 September 13

24/7 communication

instant access to information whenever we

want itMonday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Tech addiction

could not go a single day without their cellphones

sleep with their phone next to them

check their phone every 10 minutes




Monday, 9 September 13

Last thing we touch before sleep

first thing we reach for when we wake

Monday, 9 September 13

Less use of paper records

Electronic records, radiology, results, etc

NHS transformed

Monday, 9 September 13

Electronic patient records

Appointment managementElectronic remindersVideo conferencingDigital assets (textbooks,

protocols, formulary)Data capture (epidemiology, planning, targets)

NHS Digitisation

Monday, 9 September 13

Electronic patient records

Appointment management

Electronic reminders

Video conferencing

Digital assets (textbooks, protocols, formulary)

Data capture (epidemiology, planning, targets)

Monday, 9 September 13

Digital technology changing the way we

communicatesocialiseteachdeliver healthcaredo business

Monday, 9 September 13

Significant advances in IT?

Monday, 9 September 13

Mobile computing

Monday, 9 September 13

Mobile computing

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Cloud services

O!ce 365DropboxiCloudEvernoteGoogle docsAdobeFacebook, Twitter, etcIn-house cloud service

Monday, 9 September 13

Key to mobility

Monday, 9 September 13

Keep everything in sync

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

TelehealthMonday, 9 September 13

TelehealthMonday, 9 September 13

Mobile health advantages

BYOD — reduced cost for employer

Not tied to desktop

Update notes, review results etc anywhere

Share results at bedside

Monday, 9 September 13


5000 fitness/healthcare apps

Remote monitoring BP, glucose, chronic disease etc

Reduce hospital readmission rate

Revenues from remote patient monitoring $1.9 bn by 2014

Monday, 9 September 13

What do we want?

Monday, 9 September 13

PortableInstant onConnectedEasy to use

Monday, 9 September 13


“o!ce” functions


Store & access files, PDFs, video, etc

High quality display

Access to Electronic Patient Records (EPR), radiology, results, letters

Monday, 9 September 13

What’s available?

Monday, 9 September 13


iPhoneBlackBerryGoogle AndroidMicrosoft Windows 8Nokia Symbian


iPadAndroidBlackBerry PlaybookWindowsothers

Monday, 9 September 13

Why are iPad and iPhone so useful?

Monday, 9 September 13

SimplicityInstant on & fastGreat screen (pics/movies)e-reader, PDFs, Word files, x-raysCheap to deploySecure (CESG*)

CESG is the Information Assurance arm of GCHQ

Monday, 9 September 13

Key feature: content

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

>900,000 total iOS apps

375,000 for iPad

20,000+ medical apps

Medicine, nursing, dentistry

Number growing

>50 billion apps downloaded

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Can iPads/iPhonesimprove patient care?

Monday, 9 September 13


More (quality) time with patient

Better education of patients

FaceTime/Skype calls — docs, patients

Remote monitoring (symptoms, results)

No barrier — not “computers”

Monday, 9 September 13

Who’s using this technology?

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Apple (iOS) devices

Canada OttawaMount Sinai, Toronto

USACedars Sinai, USAMemorial Hermann, USASt Louis Children’s Hospital, USA

Japan Jikei University Hospital, JapanTeikyo University Chiba Med Center, Japan

AustraliaSouthern Health (speech)Casey Hospital, VictoriaMelbourne, others

Monday, 9 September 13

Pilots in UK (Apple)

Leeds General Practice

Oxford Radcli"e PharmacyElectronic Patient records

London Guys Electronic Patient RecordsResults, x-rays etc

London Newham Electronic Patient Records

Manchester iPod Touch for nurses

Monday, 9 September 13

Are they secure?

Monday, 9 September 13

Are they secure? Yes

Monday, 9 September 13

* Inactivate camera, central mx, prevent access if poor compliance

Monday, 9 September 13


Hardware & software encryption

Wi-Fi: WPA/WPA2, 802.1X authentication

Monday, 9 September 13

The trend

Desktops/laptops used less

Mobile technology will dominate

Hospitals, schools, universities, business, etc

Less use of books and paper records

Communication improvements

Monday, 9 September 13

Location-based information


Clinical cases on arrivalDirections to hospitalMedication updatesNext appointment info

Monday, 9 September 13

Augmented reality: Blippar

blippar.comMonday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Barriers CostUnfamiliar IT departmentsPerceived security issuesEasy to steal

Monday, 9 September 13

Personal app choices

Monday, 9 September 13

Social/professional networking


Biomed Experts





Monday, 9 September 13

Cloud computing

Monday, 9 September 13


Monday, 9 September 13


Monday, 9 September 13


No “folder”

Hard to see files, move, delete etc

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Real work!

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13


Monday, 9 September 13


Monday, 9 September 13

Printing: Print n Share

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

VNC (virtual network computing)

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13


Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13


Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

Word docs ➡ Pages, Documents to Go

PowerPoint ➡ Keynote, Documents to Go

Excel ➡ Numbers, Documents to Go

PDF files ➡ iBooks, Good Reader

File storage ➡ Dropbox

Academic paper storage ➡ Papers

Notes, photos, etc ➡ Evernote

Business networking ➡ LinkedIn

Notepad ➡ Penultimate

To-do lists ➡ Things

Monday, 9 September 13

Install limited number of productivity apps

Learn to use them

Integrate with desktop/laptop

Monday, 9 September 13

Will mobile tech replace laptop?

Monday, 9 September 13

Information consumption vs. authoring

Monday, 9 September 13



Editing, slide design, illustration

Some apps similar but not the same

File management awkward (no folders)


Monday, 9 September 13


Mobile technology has changed everythingUnstoppable — not going awayNeed to integrate into practice, teachingMobile devices can aid productivityWe are willing to use themIT departments need to get on board

Monday, 9 September 13

Monday, 9 September 13

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