mirko colemberg pascal bergerdigiblog.s3-eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/app/... · 2016. 6. 20. ·...

Post on 19-Aug-2020






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Configuration Manager

Windows Store for Business und wie

brauchen wir ihn zum Arbeiten?

Was ist Project Centennial?

Mirko Colemberg

Pascal Berger

About me…

Mirko ColembergbaseVISION AG

Microsoft MVP: Enterprise Mobility

Contact MeTwitter: mirkocolembergBlog: http://blog.Colemberg.ch/Mail: com@basevision.ch

About me…

Pascal BergerbaseVISION AG

Principal Workplace ConsultantService Owner WimAsAService

Contact MeTwitter: @bergerspascalBlog: https://workplace.visionMail: pascal.berger@basevision.ch

WSfB limitations

WSfB Integration to BusinessUsing daily

Using in Business with OMA-URI

Integrate to Intune or CM 1605TP

Project Centennial

How it works as a Developer


Windows 10 1511 (10.10586.x) or newer

AAD like Office 365 / intune / Azure

WSfB limitations

Sign up

Manage Apps, Free Apps, Buy Apps, LOBPrivate StoreLOBAssign



WSfB Using daily

Just run WSfB

OMA-URI key./User/Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/ApplicationManagement/RequirePrivateS


Using in Business with OMA-URI

Project Centennial Übersicht

Die verschiedenen Namen:

• Desktop App Converter

• Desktop Bridge

• Project Centennial

Die Ziele:

• «Old-School» Desktop-Apps für die Universelle Windows-Plattform (UWP) konvertieren (Appx)

• Weiter verwenden der Code-Base

• Saubere Installation und Deinstallation

Project Centennial Vorteile

Für uns als Admins bietet das ganze die folgenden Vorteile:

• «Old-School» Apps via Store for Business

• «Old-School» Apps via Config Manager / Intune Hybried.

• Diese Appx können wir auch via Config Manager direkt verteilen.

Voraussetzungen zum Erstellen


• Windows 10 Enterprise Edition Preview (Build 10.0.14316.0 und höher)

• Achtung der neuste Insider Preview Build (14366) hat ein Problem


• 64-Bit (x64)-Prozessor

• Hardwareunterstützte Virtualisierung



Weitere Infos:


Voraussetzungen zum Verwenden


• Windows 10 Enterprise Edition Preview (Build 10.0.14316.0 und höher)


• 64-Bit (x64)-Prozessor

Benötigte Komponenten

Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) für Windows 10:

• MakeAppx.exe

• MakeCert.exe

• pvk2pfx.exe

• signtool.exe


BaseImage-14352.wim oder ganze neu BaseImage-14361.wim

Einrichten via Powershell

ACHTUNG: PowerShell IMMER als Admin ausführen!!

• .\DesktopAppConverter.ps1 -setup -BaseImage"%RichtigerPfad%\BaseImage-14342.wim" –verbose

• Falls nötigt führt das Script selbständig einen Reboot aus und fährt dann weiter.

Das WIM wird dann entpackt nach C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Images\BaseImage-14342\Files

Konvertieren einer App

Heutige Einschränkungen:

• Immer wieder neues BaseImage nötig.

• Installer muss ein MSI sein oder ein Exe das sich Silent installieren lässtoder ein Script oder Batch.

• Nicht mehrere Shortcuts

• Keine Services

• Keine Treiber

Signieren des Appx

Die Appx Files müssen zwingend signiert werden:

• Seriösen vertrauten Codesign Zertifikat

• Codesign Zertifikat von eigener interner CA

• Self signed Zertifikat.Self signed wird einfach mit dem Store for Business nicht gehen.


Falls Self Signed Certificate muss dieses zu den Trusted Root CertificationAuthorities hinzugefügt werden.

Self Signed Cert erstellen

Die Appx Files müssen zwingend signiert werden:

makecert.exe -r -h 0 -n ""CN=pdblab"" -eku -pe -svpdblab.pvk pdblab.cer

pvk2pfx.exe -pvk pdblab.pvk -spc pdblab.cer -pfx pdblab.pfx

Konvertieren einer App

Via Powershell:

."\DesktopAppConverter.ps1" –Installer %PfadZuInstaller%

-InstallerArguments %Argumente% –Destination %ZielPfad% -PackageName%AppxName% -Publisher %PublisherName% -Version %Version%

-MakeAppx –verbose


."\DesktopAppConverter.ps1" –Installer C:\TEMP\Blitzrechnen.msi

-InstallerArguments "/qb" –Destination C:\TEMP\Blitzrechnen_App

-PackageName "Blitzrechnen" -Publisher "CN=pdblab" -Version ""

-MakeAppx -verbose

Signieren des Appx

signtool.exe sign -f pdblab.pfx -fd SHA256

-v C:\Temp\Blitzrechnen_App\Blitzrechnen.appx


Konvertieren einer App und signieren

Andere Wege zum Konvertieren

Diverse anderes Tools können auch Appx aus Win32 Apps erstellen.

• InstallShield

• http://wixtoolset.org

• Advanced Installer

Installieren eines Appx

• Windows Store und Windows Store for Business

• MDM (Microsoft Intune)

• Config Manager

• Doppelklick

• Add-AppxPackage

Visual StudioDo not Use Visual Studio preview or Win 10 previewSigning Certificate to the Project (one for every Projekt, Malware Cert revoke)

Developer CenterSend the Invitation to the Manager of the Center’s MS-LiveID MailApprove the invitationChange the App (after uploading to LOB) and select the Store of the CompanyPublish takes the same Way as “normal Apps” to the Store

WSfBShow in LOB apps

How it woks as a Developer

Visual StudioDo not Use Visual Studio preview or Win 10 previewSigning Certificate to the Project (one for every Projekt, Malware Cert revoke)

Developer CenterSend the Invitation to the Manager of the Center’s MS-LiveID MailApprove the invitationChange the App (after uploading to LOB) and select the Store of the CompanyPublish takes the same Way as “normal Apps” to the Store

WSfBShow in LOB apps

How it woks as a Developer

Visual StudioDo not Use Visual Studio preview or Win 10 previewSigning Certificate to the Project (one for every Projekt, Malware Cert revoke)

Developer CenterSend the Invitation to the Manager of the Center’s MS-LiveID MailApprove the invitationChange the App (after uploading to LOB) and select the Store of the CompanyPublish takes the same Way as “normal Apps” to the Store

WSfBShow in LOB apps

How it woks as a Developer

Visual StudioDo not Use Visual Studio preview or Win 10 previewSigning Certificate to the Project (one for every Projekt, Malware Cert revoke)

Developer CenterSend the Invitation to the Manager of the Center’s MS-LiveID MailApprove the invitationChange the App (after uploading to LOB) and select the Store of the CompanyPublish takes the same Way as “normal Apps” to the Store

WSfBShow in LOB apps

How it woks as a Developer

Visual StudioDo not Use Visual Studio preview or Win 10 previewSigning Certificate to the Project (one for every Projekt, Malware Cert revoke)

Developer CenterSend the Invitation to the Manager of the Center’s MS-LiveID MailApprove the invitationChange the App (after uploading to LOB) and select the Store of the CompanyPublish takes the same Way as “normal Apps” to the Store

WSfBShow in LOB apps

How it woks as a Developer

Visual StudioDo not Use Visual Studio preview or Win 10 previewSigning Certificate to the Project (one for every Projekt, Malware Cert revoke)

Developer CenterSend the Invitation to the Manager of the Center’s MS-LiveID MailApprove the invitationChange the App (after uploading to LOB) and select the Store of the CompanyPublish takes the same Way as “normal Apps” to the Store

WSfBShow in LOB apps

How it woks as a Developer

Visual StudioDo not Use Visual Studio preview or Win 10 previewSigning Certificate to the Project (one for every Projekt, Malware Cert revoke)

Developer CenterSend the Invitation to the Manager of the Center’s MS-LiveID MailApprove the invitationChange the App (after uploading to LOB) and select the Store of the CompanyPublish takes the same Way as “normal Apps” to the Store

WSfBShow in LOB apps

How it woks as a Developer

Visual StudioDo not Use Visual Studio preview or Win 10 previewSigning Certificate to the Project (one for every Projekt, Malware Cert revoke)

Developer CenterSend the Invitation to the Manager of the Center’s MS-LiveID MailApprove the invitationChange the App (after uploading to LOB) and select the Store of the CompanyPublish takes the same Way as “normal Apps” to the Store

WSfBShow in LOB apps

How it woks as a Developer

Visual StudioDo not Use Visual Studio preview or Win 10 previewSigning Certificate to the Project (one for every Projekt, Malware Cert revoke)

Developer CenterSend the Invitation to the Manager of the Center’s MS-LiveID MailApprove the invitationChange the App (after uploading to LOB) and select the Store of the CompanyPublish takes the same Way as “normal Apps” to the Store

WSfBShow in LOB apps

How it woks as a Developer

Visual StudioDo not Use Visual Studio preview or Win 10 previewSigning Certificate to the Project (one for every Projekt, Malware Cert revoke)

Developer CenterSend the Invitation to the Manager of the Center’s MS-LiveID MailApprove the invitationChange the App (after uploading to LOB) and select the Store of the CompanyPublish takes the same Way as “normal Apps” to the Store

WSfBShow in LOB apps

How it woks as a Developer

Visual StudioDo not Use Visual Studio preview or Win 10 previewSigning Certificate to the Project (one for every Projekt, Malware Cert revoke)

Developer CenterSend the Invitation to the Manager of the Center’s MS-LiveID MailApprove the invitationChange the App (after uploading to LOB) and select the Store of the CompanyPublish takes the same Way as “normal Apps” to the Store

WSfBShow in LOB apps

How it woks as a Developer

Visual StudioDo not Use Visual Studio preview or Win 10 previewSigning Certificate to the Project (one for every Projekt, Malware Cert revoke)

Developer CenterSend the Invitation to the Manager of the Center’s MS-LiveID MailApprove the invitationChange the App (after uploading to LOB) and select the Store of the CompanyPublish takes the same Way as “normal Apps” to the Store

WSfBShow in LOB apps

How it woks as a Developer

Visual StudioDo not Use Visual Studio preview or Win 10 previewSigning Certificate to the Project (one for every Projekt, Malware Cert revoke)

Developer CenterSend the Invitation to the Manager of the Center’s MS-LiveID MailApprove the invitationChange the App (after uploading to LOB) and select the Store of the CompanyPublish takes the same Way as “normal Apps” to the Store

WSfBShow in LOB apps

How it woks as a Developer

Visual StudioDo not Use Visual Studio preview or Win 10 previewSigning Certificate to the Project (one for every Projekt, Malware Cert revoke)

Developer CenterSend the Invitation to the Manager of the Center’s MS-LiveID MailApprove the invitationChange the App (after uploading to LOB) and select the Store of the CompanyPublish takes the same Way as “normal Apps” to the Store

WSfBShow in LOB apps

How it woks as a Developer

Visual StudioDo not Use Visual Studio preview or Win 10 previewSigning Certificate to the Project (one for every Projekt, Malware Cert revoke)

Developer CenterSend the Invitation to the Manager of the Center’s MS-LiveID MailApprove the invitationChange the App (after uploading to LOB) and select the Store of the CompanyPublish takes the same Way as “normal Apps” to the Store

WSfBShow in LOB apps

How it woks as a Developer

Visual StudioDo not Use Visual Studio preview or Win 10 previewSigning Certificate to the Project (one for every Projekt, Malware Cert revoke)

Developer CenterSend the Invitation to the Manager of the Center’s MS-LiveID MailApprove the invitationChange the App (after uploading to LOB) and select the Store of the CompanyPublish takes the same Way as “normal Apps” to the Store

WSfBShow in LOB apps

How it woks as a Developer

Visual StudioDo not Use Visual Studio preview or Win 10 previewSigning Certificate to the Project (one for every Projekt, Malware Cert revoke)

Developer CenterSend the Invitation to the Manager of the Center’s MS-LiveID MailApprove the invitationChange the App (after uploading to LOB) and select the Store of the CompanyPublish takes the same Way as “normal Apps” to the Store

WSfBShow in LOB apps

How it woks as a Developer

Visual StudioDo not Use Visual Studio preview or Win 10 previewSigning Certificate to the Project (one for every Projekt, Malware Cert revoke)

Developer CenterSend the Invitation to the Manager of the Center’s MS-LiveID MailApprove the invitationChange the App (after uploading to LOB) and select the Store of the CompanyPublish takes the same Way as “normal Apps” to the Store

WSfBShow in LOB apps

How it woks as a Developer

Visual StudioDo not Use Visual Studio preview or Win 10 previewSigning Certificate to the Project (one for every Projekt, Malware Cert revoke)

Developer CenterSend the Invitation to the Manager of the Center’s MS-LiveID MailApprove the invitationChange the App (after uploading to LOB) and select the Store of the CompanyPublish takes the same Way as “normal Apps” to the Store

WSfBShow in LOB apps

How it woks as a Developer

Visual StudioDo not Use Visual Studio preview or Win 10 previewSigning Certificate to the Project (one for every Projekt, Malware Cert revoke)

Developer CenterSend the Invitation to the Manager of the Center’s MS-LiveID MailApprove the invitationChange the App (after uploading to LOB) and select the Store of the CompanyPublish takes the same Way as “normal Apps” to the Store

WSfBShow in LOB apps

How it woks as a Developer

Share your ideas

• Share your voice / ideas!• http://microsoftintune.uservoice.com/

• http://configurationmanager.uservoice.com/

Weitere Infos

Digicomp Kurse https://www.microsoft.com/learning/en-us/course.aspx?ID=20695A&Locale=en-us





Herzlichen DankMirko Colemberg @mirkocolemberg @configmgr_ch #cmce_ch blog.colemberg.ch

Pascal Berger @bergerspascal

Bewertung der Session: Configmgr.ch / azureems.ch• Xing: https://www.xing.com/net/cmce

• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/411231535670608/

• Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com

• Twitter: https://twitter.com/configmgr_ch

Nächster Event: Freitag 7. Oktober Digicomp Zürich

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