millions are at risk for serious loss in impending events

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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Millions are at Risk for Serious Loss in

Impending Events

Babylon 606-538

Medo-Persia 538-331

Grecia 331-168

Rome 168-508

The king dreamed of an image with a head of gold, chest of silver, thighs of brass, legs of iron, and feet of iron and clay. Daniel explainedthat he was the head of gold, and later another kingdom would arise…

Daniel 7 has parallel imagery…

Babylon, Medo-Persia, Grecia, Rome

Then a little horn up-rooted three horns as the Holy Roman Em-pire came into being.

The 3 extinct tribeswere “uprooted” in war when they didnot accept the papalview of the Trinity,

Protestant reformers all saw the “little horn” as the papacy…

“Great words against the most High,” Dan7:25One of the pope’s titles is “Lord God the Pope”

“Thinks to change times and laws,” Dan 7:25Catechism deleted 2nd Commandment (images) and changed the Sabbath to Sunday.

It “made war with the saints” Daniel 7:21. “Auto-da-fé,” Inquisition: 50 million martyrs.

Daniel 7 is summarized in Revelation 13:1…

Early Americans believed this beast was the papacy and had fled for freedom.

It has an amalgamated imagery of the beasts from Daniel 7--mouth like a lion, feet like a bear, looked like a leopard, and had the total of 7 heads and 10 horns from Daniel 7…amazing prophecy

That beast was an amalgamation because nations assimilate the culture of those they conquer. The Grecians adopted some customs from Babylon and Medo-Persia, etc.

The Romans did so from the Greeks. There is nothing inherently wrong in secular cultures borrowing from others.

But the papacy is religious… Borrowing emblems from pagan worship to become part of Christianity is a man-made alteration of what God gave, but it explains how eggs, a symbol of fertility, became part of a Passover celebration that Christians call Easter, or how the pope got a fish hat from the fish god, Dagon.

Further clues of identity…

“One of his heads was wounded to death” The Protestant Reformation and Napoleon caused the death of papal oppression as General Berthier took the pope prisoner.

“and his deadly wound was healed” Rev 13:3

Mussolini re-instated the Vatican, 1929.

“All the world wondered after the beast…saying who can make war with him?” Revelation 13:3,4

Pope John Paul II represented the beast power, the Old World Order, as he appealed for peace.

And with so many Catholic member nations in the UN, who can go against what the pope wants?

Benedict, (as Cardinal Ratzinger, he was head of the former “Holy Office of the Inquisition”), is appealing for global government and leadership!

Jack Chick of Chick Publications: “Rome in a position of weakness is as gentle as a lamb.

Rome in a position of equality is as cunning as a fox.

Rome in a position of strength is as fierce as a tiger.”

To understand Rome’s role in WW I, WW2 and the Bolshevik Revolution, Google: Chick Publications, Godfathers. (A. Rivera)

And now the US in prophecy… It “had two horns like a lamb...” Rev 13:11 (symbol of Christ, gentle, peaceful)

But “it spake as a dragon and makes fire come down from heaven,” (Hiro-shima) Rev 13:11-13.

Further clues to the US in prophecy It causes the earth to make an image, (a look-alike), to the previous beast of Old World Order (papacy), Rev 13:14.

New World Order under United Nations will look like Old World Order under the papacy because the pope will have a lead-ing role, as we might expect from the Catholic countries voting in the UN.

What did these presidents know? "I have long been decided in opinion that a free

government and the Roman Catholic religion can never exist together in any nation or Country. Liberty and Popery cannot live together." John Adams

"I see a very dark cloud on America’s horizon, and that dark cloud is coming from Rome." Abraham Lincoln

“Negroes have no rights that the white man is bound to respect.” Catholic Chief Justice Tany, Dred Scott Case

The Vatican was the only government to recognize the Confederate states and Jefferson Davis’ presidency.

The Syllabus of Errors (Pope Pius IX ,1864), is still enforced in Catholic countries…

15. "No man is free to embrace and profess the religion that he believes is true, guided by the light of reason.“

17. "Eternal salvation outside the true church of Christ is not even to be hoped for."

42. "In legal conflict between Powers (Civil and Ecclesiastical) the Ecclesiastical Law prevails."

55. "The Church ought to be in union with the State, and the State with the Church.”

This Syllabus of Errors is part of the ordination vows for priests, worldwide. Roman Catholicism by Dr. Lorraine Boettner, Presbyterian and Reformed Publ.

If we don’t think it will come to this, Ponder the accuracy of the information

that we’ve considered so far, from Daniel’s time more than 500 years before Christ, and then the book of Revelation hundreds of years before the papacy began. Isa 46:10

Search for FEMA camps and coffins, red and blue lists, guillotines.

Congress passes laws they haven’t read…

“He causes all, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark in their right hand or forehead, that no man may buy or sell, except he that has the mark…or the number,” Rev 13:15-17.

In this crisis, there’s a 3-fold message “Fear God and give glory to Him, for the time of His judgment is come.”

“Babylon is fallen…she has made all nations drink of….her fornication…”

“If any man worship the beast and his image…[he] shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God…” Revelation 14:6-12.

God is not taken by surprise… He has a plan. It’s revealed in the Bible and all who are willing to con-form their lives to Scripture will be rewarded if they opt out of NWO.

Those who haven’t learned to trust the Bible will not be able to make the choice that requires faith when big trouble comes…now is the time to prepare by studying biblical issues…

Why Christ Recommended Daniel In addition to Daniel’s prophecies , he and his friends faced life and death issues in almost every chapter of Daniel 1-6.

If we are not afraid to die for God, we may (or may not) be spared as they were.

If we don’t have something worth dying for, do we have something worth living for?

Now is our opportunity to consider the issues before the crisis comes.

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