middle ages review game

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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The Middle AgesA Game Review

Round 1

Question 1 - 10 points

It is estimated that about a third of Europeans died from the Bubonic Plague, or the Black Death, between 1347- 1351.This is about _____________ people.

Question 1 Answer

38 million people

Question 2 - 30 points

Although there was never an official truce, the 100 Years War ended with a ___________ victory.

Question 2 Answer

French victory

Question 3 - 50 points

______________ was a Norman leader, from France. In 1066 he invaded ____________ to claim the throne promised to him by King Edward of England. This became known as the Norman Conquest.

Question 3 Answer

William the Conqueror invaded England.

Bonus Question - (Bet points)The _________ __________ was a document that English lords made King John of England sign in 1215. This document contains the idea that no one is above the law, not even a king, and forms the basis for much of modern political thought.

Bonus Question Answer

The Magna Carta,or Great Charter

Round 2

Question 1 - 10 points

In 800 AD, Pope Leo III crowned _______________ as the Holy Roman Emperor. His empire split up after his death in 814 AD.

Question 1 AnswerCharlemagne, or Charles the Great

Question 2 - 30 points

The _____________ were a series of expeditions by Christians to take back the ‘Holy Lands’ and the city of Jerusalem from the Muslims.

Question 2 Answer

The Crusades

Question 3 - 50 points

The ________________ was a church-run court used by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to persecute those suspected of practicing non-Christian religions in _________.

Question 3 Answer

The Inquisition, in Spain

Bonus Question - (Bet points)

The __________ Family in Florence, _________ was a major sponsor of the arts during the Renaissance.

Bonus Question AnswerThe Medici Family, in Italy

Round 3

Question 1 - 10 points

The way of thinking called ___________ was based upon ancient Greek and Roman thought, and became popular during the Renaissance.

Question 1 Answer


Question 2 - 30 points

The system of ____________ kept order during the Middle Ages by assigning everyone to a role in society.

Question 2 Answer


Question 3 - 50 points

The ______________ was a movement, started by a German monk named Martin Luther, to reform the Catholic Church in Europe. Luther’s followers were called _______________.

Question 3 Answer


Bonus Question - (Bet points)

Religious men, called monks, lived in a ___________; while religious women, called nuns, lived in a ___________.

Bonus Question Answer


King Bonus Question - (Bet total points) How did new ideas change Europe over the course of the Middle Ages (i.e. from Charlemagne’s time to Queen Elizabeth of England’s time. From ~ 800 AD ~ 1600 AD)

Cite 2 specific examples and explain.

King Bonus Question Answer

Each group should share their answers, the teacher will judge which is the most complete and most accurate answer.

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