middle age vocab

Post on 20-Dec-2014






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Middle Ages Vocab

Middle Ages Vocab

Middle Ages—lasted from about 500 until about 1500;also called the medieval period

Pope– head of the Christian church

Crusade--religious war

Middle Ages Vocab

Holy land—area in which Jesus lived; one pope wanted the Europeans to take back over this land (area in Southwest Asia)

Gothic Architecture--a style known for its high pointed ceilings, tall towers, and stained glass windows

Middle Ages Vocab

Feudal System—the system of exchanging land for military service; also called feudalism

Manor/Manor System—a large estate owned by a noble or a knight. The Manor system controlled most of the economic activities in Europe during the middle ages.

Nation-state—a country united under a single strong government

Middle Ages Vocab

Black Death—series of deadly plagues that hit Europe between 1347-1351; killed millions of people

Knight—trained warriors; would provide military service for nobles; nobles would give them land

Middle Ages Vocab

Noble—people born into wealthy, powerful families; provided knights with land in return for their military service

Peasants—free farmers on a Manor

Serfs– worked the land on the Manors but they were not allowed to leave the land that they worked

Middle Ages Vocab

William the Conqueror—a noble from northern France who overthrew the King of England to create a strong government in England.

Magna Carta—stated that the law, not the king was the supreme power in England; the first documents to protect the rights of people; so influential that the British still consider it part of their constitution

Middle Ages Vocab

Joan of Arc—one of the most famous war leaders in all European history; teenage girl who was a leader of French troops during the hundred years war.

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