methods of dakwah (3)

Post on 09-Jan-2017






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RKUD 3030


Da‘wah is a responsibility and obligation of every matured Muslim. It can be divided into the following categories:Duty of IndividualsDuty of ParentsDuty of Islamic Organizations /

InstitutionsDuty of SocietyDuty of Ummah.



“... the work of da‘wah is geared toward training individuals, spiritually and intellectually.” (Solihin 2008, p. 113)

1. To understand religion and its teachings so that one can strive to preach Islam to all people successfully.

2. To practise Islamic teachings and its virtues in his daily life especially in dealing with others.

3. To develop an al-Shakhsiyyah al-Islamiyyah (Islamic Personality) on the basis of the Islamic morality, so that he will be able to show a ‘good example’ or a ‘role model’ to others.



4. To be proactive in preaching Islam, beginning with his family, his close friends and colleagues, and enlarging it to others.

5. To sacrifice (time, energy, skill, wealth, and family’s life) in order to contribute to the Da‘wah.

6. To protect Islam by defending, practicing and spreading its teachings through Da‘wah and jihad.“… the divine message requires individual reform as the corner stone of social development.” (Solihin, 2008, p. 113)



“The family is a human social group whose members are bound together by the bond of blood ties and/or marital relationship.

The family bond entails mutual expectations of rights and obligations that are prescribes by religion, enforced by law, and observed by the group members.” (Abdalati, 1998, p. 126).

All members of the family have a reciprocal responsibility towards each other.



In Islam, the family institution as such becomes a role model for others.

The formation of Islamic family institution will protect the children from the influence of any un-Islamic practices.

In addition, the family institution is given a responsibility to spread Da‘wah in its society.

“In Islam parents are responsible to educate their children with the divine messages.” (Solihin, 2008, p. 79)



The parents, who are the fundamental elements of family institution, they have the following responsibilities towards the family members:1.To develop an awareness of the importance of da‘wah works, and to educate family members with the Islamic tarbiyyah in order to be a role model (qudwah hasanah) for the society. 2.To create an Islamic environment within the family life by practicing all the teachings of Islam, particularly with regard to the relationship between husband and wife, parent and children as well as members of the family and the society.



3. To show concern over the social illnesses and the decline of the family values, and to stand up against all challenges which invade the family by using all means and methods.

4. To strive constantly in spreading the message of Islam within the family and the society so that they will obey Allah (s.w.t.) in their daily life.

5. To maintain and educate Muslim children and young generations with the teachings of Islam.



The Islamic organizations play a significant role in spreading the message of Islam.

Their role is to ensure the success of Da‘wah in the society.

Their strategies, approaches and stands as well as struggles will produce a great impact to the development of Da‘wah. “The aim of jama‘ah is to strengthen the unity

among the ummah and to avoid the crisis in the society.” (Solihin, 2008, p. 83)



The responsibilities of the Islamic organizations are as follow:

1.To plan and arrange Da‘wah activities for every Muslim at all levels, individual, family and communal.

2.To develop an awareness of Islam among the members of the society, and to make them realize about their obligation toward Da‘wah to the society.

3.To enrich the Da‘wah with some literatures through research, publications, surveys, etc. on many issues related to Da‘wah.



4. To initiate different approaches and methods in spreading Da‘wah for the use of the Du‘at or members of the society so that every members can contribute to the development of Islam worldwide.

5. To cooperate between all organizations related to Da‘wah for the sake of Islam and Da‘wah, and avoid fanaticism and conflicts between the Da‘wah movements.

6. To hold and organize all Da‘wah activities systematically and professionally.



7. To provide skill and general knowledge to the Du‘at particularly and society generally to enable them to carry the responsibility of Da‘wah.

8. To produce good Du‘at by organizing special programs and trainings for them.

9. To coordinate the Da‘wah activities in order to avoid the conflict and duplication in programs among Da‘wah movements.



10. To motivate the society, individuals as well as organizations in order to contribute to the Da‘wah or to spread of the message of Islam constantly and continuously.



“Once the evil deeds in the society become dominant, then every Muslim is required to make effort to change it.” (Solihin, 2008, p. 76)

1. To make Da‘wah works as a main project, i.e. by paying a full attention to the Da‘wah activities and its necessities.

2. To create a peace and stable environment in society for the betterment of Da‘wah.

3. To protect the Da‘wah, its institutions and its preachers from being influenced by the enemies of Islam by preparing them with strong ‘Aqidah and knowledge about Islam and its civilization.



4. To provide a strong foundation to every Muslim - materially, physically, spiritually – to enable them to face all challenges and difficulties.

5. To strengthen individuals, families, and Muslim organizations with all available power, and to provide them with good facilities to spread Islam to the society.

6. To become a role model to the other society in term of physical, spiritual and intellectual development.



7. To develop and practice all the Islamic moral values at all levels (individuals, families, organizations and societies).

8. To unite the Muslim Ummah. 9. If the society has performed its

duties towards Da‘wah, it will be easier to every member in the society to carry out their duties as a Da‘i and Khalifah in this world.



“Al-Ummah al-Da‘wiyyah” refers to the Islamic societies and organizations which perform the work of Da‘wah.

The success and failure of the Muslim nations depend on the quality of this Ummah.

“The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) used to hint on the gloom of the Ummah, which he equated with bubbles floating in the water (Ummah al-Ghutha’iyyah).” (Solihin, 2008, p. 246)



Among the responsibilities of the Ummah in preaching the message of Islam are as follows:

1. To unite all members in the Muslim society which comprises different views, backgrounds, educational levels etc.

2. To motivate and guide all members of the society in taking the task of conveying Islam as well as defending it from the destructive elements.

3. To defend the religion of Islam, its values and civilization from all deviant teachings and other contemporary challenges in the modern world.



4. To establish a strong Muslim organizations which strive to convey the message of Islam to Muslims and non-Muslims.

5. To be a role model and a “witness” over other societies.

6. To organize a civilizational dialogue between all nations and religions in this world. By doing so, the Du‘at can explain the privileges of Islam to others.



7. To maximize all capabilities and potentialities of every Muslim in order to be used in Da‘wah works and activities.



Al-Da’wah al-Islamiyyah is an individual and collective responsibility of every matured Muslim.

It is a duty of a Muslim individual, family, society, organization and the whole Ummah at large.

Every Muslim must contribute as much as possible forTabligh al-Risalah al-Islamiyyah (conveying the message of Islam) to others – Muslims and non-Muslims.


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