mesopotamia and ancient egypt

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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Chp 10-1. Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. “Between the rivers” Located between the Tigris and Euphrates in what is known as the Fertile Crescent Began settling here Around 4500 BC. Mesopotamia. Used irrigation systems to water crops - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Chp 10-1

MESOPOTAMIA “Between the rivers” Located between the Tigris and Euphrates in what is known as the Fertile Crescent Began settling hereAround 4500 BC

Used irrigation systems to water crops Developed a 12 month calendar based

on the phases of the moon to help prepare for the yearly floods

The plow was first used here Sumer is where the first city-states

were located They invented the wheel and the


RELIGION AND GOVERNMENT At the center of each city was a

ziggurat with a temple at the top Polytheistic Originally was a theocracy, but

eventually military leaders took over

CUNEIFORM The Sumerians developed the first

system of writing Made up of hundreds of shapes like

wedges Used sharp edged reeds to write on

clay tablets that they would dry in the sun

Worlds first story is from this region The Epic of Gilgamesh

Around 2300 BC the kingdom of Akkad conquered Sumer and its king created an empire (Akkadian Empire)

It fell to Babylon around 1800 BC Babylon’s greatest king was Hammurabi. Built temples and irrigation canals Number system based on 60 ( we

borrowed the 60 minute hour, 60 second minute, and 360 degree circle)

Code of Hammurabi- first collection of written laws

NEW BABYLON After Hammurabi’s death his empire

was divided Eventually it was ruled by the

Chaldeans and their king Nebuchadnezzar

Rebuilt Babylon Built the Hanging Gardens for his wife

who missed the mountains and plants of her native land


Settled along the Nile River

It’s the world’s longest river (4160 miles). It is the only river in the world that flows north.

Every year in the middle of July the Nile floods

This gives the land around the Nile very fertile soil

There were 2 kingdoms- Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt

In 3100 BC the Upper Egypt king Namer combined the 2 kingdoms in to 1

Adopted the title Pharaoh (means “great house”)

Theocracy Pharaoh was a god, a king, and a priest

RELIGION Re- sun god Hapi- river god Horus- sky god Osiris- god of the harvest and eternal

life Egyptians believed the soul could not

survive without the body Built elaborate tombs called pyramids

for the pharaohs

EGYPTIAN WRITING Wrote using hieroglyphics (pictures

used for words or sounds Wrote on papyrus which grows along

the Nile Developed ink Some writing still exist today because

of the dry climate

MATH AND MEDICINE Used a number system based on tens Used fractions and whole numbers Developed geometry to measure land Used the flooding to make a calendar First to use splints, bandages, and

compresses Skilled at using stitches and setting broken

bones Had remedies for hair loss and indigestion

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