meeting communique whitegoods forum€¦ · requirements specified in published international...

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Around 60 participants drawn from all stakeholder interests (industry, consumer groups, test laboratories, efficiency advocates and government officials from Australia and New Zealand) attended the 2013 whitegoods forum.  Held over two days, the forum and associated workshops provided an opportunity to discuss possible changes to regulations improving the energy efficiency of whitegoods. 

The forum was informed of plans for future whitegood regulation to come into effect in a few years’ time, subject to Ministerial approval. The presentations and debate at the forum covered possible changes to Australia and New Zealand regulations, the proposed review of the existing energy label, whitegood compliance and checktesting results, and information about participation in a series of international projects. 

The workshops provided a more in‐depth opportunity for motivated participants to articulate their professional opinion about the possible changes.  They explored the ramifications of the target implementation dates, the transition to the IEC test methods, the basis of future whitegood regulation as well as considering actual provisions of standards.   

Our region deserves world‐class energy efficient whitegood product and participants committed to work together to deliver this result in a regulatory environment that is predicable, cost effective and at least matches world‐best regulatory practice provided such requirements are placed in the context of local usage patterns, climatic conditions and are affordable for the Australian and New Zealand communities. 

As elements to give effect to this position, participants generally agreed to the following implementation strategies or guidelines: 

Alignment ‐ All changes to test methods, energy and non‐energy performance requirements mandated in our region should align with requirements specified in published international standards or laws, subject to variation for consumer use / behaviour / expectations, Australian climate and based on scientific and engineering principles. 

Commencement ‐ All Method‐of‐Test standards should migrate to the IEC standards as soon as practicable for each product type.  An indicative timetable for each product type will be discussed within the workshop steering committees and reported to government during 2013. 

Certainty – While all whitegoods should use IEC method‐of‐test standards from as soon as practical, future refrigeration performances standards should remain based on North American developments while wet appliances labelling should take their lead from European developments because of the significant trade of common products. 

Participation ‐ Our region should maintain its presence on relevant IEC committees to ensure our regional requirements are reflected in international practice and publications. 

Information ‐ All regulatory impact requirements and reasonable communication practices must be followed prior to any change in regulatory requirements. 

Labelling ‐ Participants were invited to participate in the proposed mandatory energy label review to be conducted in 2013 with its results to be adopted in an orderly fashion for whitegoods (subject to adequate notice and a reasonable transition determining whether labels will be subject to fixed transitions or indefinite grandfathering). 

Participants agreed to support these strategic objectives only if government provides sufficient resources and progresses the proposed regulatory process in timely fashion.  Participants reserved the right for their companies to lobby decision‐makers should these commitments not be fulfilled prior to implementation of regulations.  

The conference agenda is at Attachment A,  a list of participants who attended the main forum is at Attachment B, a statement of the main outcomes of the refrigerator workshop is at Attachment C and a statement of the main outcomes of the wet products workshop is at Attachment D. All presentations and background documents are available from  



13th and 14th March 2013 Crowne Plaza Coogee NSW 

Main Forum: Day One

8:30 Registration

9:00 Welcome and introduction – Shane Holt, DCCEE

9.15 Industry Views on Program Direction and IEC test method: Phil Robinson, CESA David Crossley, AIG

9:45 Government Statement on Program and IEC Test Methods – Shane Holt, DCCEE

10:00 Panel Discussion on Program Direction and Test Methods – Shane Holt, DCCEE

10:30 GEMS Update with Q&A – Chris Howe, DCCEE

10:45 New Zealand White-ware Regulation Update - EECA

11:00 Morning Tea


General Energy Label Review – Shane Holt, DCCEE

• Outline of project

• Call for steering committee members


Compliance: 2011/12 Whitegoods Check Test Policy and Results – Ros Wallace, DCCEE

• Refrigerators

• Clothes washer/clothes dryers

• Dishwashers

• Proposals for round robin testing for whitegoods


International Projects for Whitegoods

• CLASP and 4E – Shane Holt, DCCEE

• LBNL Refrigerator Project – Lloyd Harrington, EES

• IEC committee representation - Phil Robinson, CESA

• METI and JEMA – Lloyd Harrington, EES

E3 Whitegoods Forum 13th and 14th March 2013

Crowne Plaza Coogee NSW


Main Forum: Day One

12.45 Lunch


Refrigerators – Chris Howe, DCCEE

• Overview of regulatory proposal – MEPS, labelling and test method

• Outline of papers released

• Summary of industry submissions and regulator decisions

• Interaction with commercial refrigeration standards

• Review of scope for products on the margins

• Regulatory approach – Draft Determination and Part 2 standard

• Timetable for MEPS3 including Regulatory Impact Statements

• Outline of Day 2 workshop

14.15 Refrigerator Q&A

Call for steering committee members – refrigeration

14.45 Afternoon Tea


Wet Appliances – Shane Holt, DCCEE

• All wet products

o Comparison with European regulations

o Broad timetable for transition to IEC

• Clothes washers

o Overview of the original clothes washer proposal

o Transitional options to IEC test method

o Proposed regulatory changes (new label)

• Outline of Day 2 workshop

16.00 Consumer Views on Washer Labelling Proposal – Matthew Steen, ACA

16.15 Q&A

Call for steering committee members – wet products


Where to from here? - Shane Holt

• Summary of the day’s discussions

• Summary of key agreements and points

• Draft Communique for comment

• Purpose of workshops on Day 2, procedures

17.15 Close


 Product Workshops – Refrigeration and Clothes Washers : Day Two

Refrigeration Workshop

8:45 Welcome and housekeeping

9:00 Workshop 1: MEPS 3 and test methods for refrigerators Co-Chairs: Chris Howe, DCCEE and Lloyd Harrington, EES

Structure of discussions:

• Role of steering committee, timetable for work, structure of discussions

• Industry submissions and regulator decisions

• IEC62552 Edition 2 – status and timetable for publication

• Draft Determination – key issues (see website for workshop materials)

• Draft Part 2 standard – key issues (see website for workshop materials)

• Technical issues to be examined and resolved


12.30 Lunch

13:15 Workshop 2: Clothes washer energy labelling, wet product test methods Co-Chairs: Ros Walker, DCCEE and Robert Foster, EES

Structure of discussions:

• Role of steering committee, timetable for work, structure of discussions

• IEC60456 Edition 6 – status and timetable for publication

• IEC61121 dryers and IEC60436 dishwasher status

• Future participation in IEC developments for wet products

• Strategic considerations with respect to test method change (timing, impact on other products like dryers)

• Retention of clothes washer standard, AS/NZ2040.1 for the moment - key issues

• Draft Part 2 standard – key issues (see website for workshop materials)

• Technical issues to be examined and resolved


16.30 Close












Attachment B: Attendees Main Forum, 13 April 2013 Tim Aldrich NSW Department of Trade and Investment

Jon Avery Standards Australia

Roman Berwald Electrolux Home Products

Dora Bettridge Vipac Engineers & Scientists

Richard Bollard Fisher & Paykel Appliances

Stephen Cairns Sampford IXL

Peter Carlin Andi-Co Australia Pty Ltd

John Cavill Black Diamond Technologies Ltd

Almedina Cordic SAI Global Ltd.

David Crossley The Australian Industry Group

Pat Cugnetto Whirlpool Australia

Andrew Daugherty Electrolux Home Products

Gary Dawson Bromic

John Diong Jass Australia Pty Ltd

Colin Doyle Consumer Electronics Suppliers Association

Vipin Dube SGS Australia Pty Ltd

Richard Falzon TCL Electronics Australia

Terry Fogarty Fisher & Paykel

Terence Fonseca SGS Australia Pty Ltd

Michael Grubert Energy Safe Victoria

Allan Hall Electrolux Home Products

Lloyd Harrington Energy Efficient Strategies

Richard Hogg Electrolux Home Products Pty Ltd

Corinna Horrigan Choice

Malcolm Hutchinson Smeg Australia Pty Ltd

Graham Kan Teco Australia Pty Ltd

Chris Karavatakis Shriro Australia

Dilek Kozan D M Kozan -Technical Consultant

Mark Lanagan BSH Home Appliances Pty Ltd

David Lee ADL Compliance Pty Ltd

Theo Michael Vipac Engineers & Scientists

Steve Mickaiel Samsung Electronics Australia Pty Ltd

Stuart Parker LG Electronics

Neill Patterson Dept of Environment (SEWPAC)

Polly Plowman Consumers' Federation of Australia

Shahram Raissi SAI Global- Enertech

Shane Rehm Fisher & Paykel Appliances Ltd

Phillip Robinson CESA

Robert Rondo Miele


Matthew Slater Australian Gas Association

Evelyn Soud LG Electronics

Matthew Steen Choice

Mick Stevens Australian Compliance Service

John Taylor Mitsubishi Electric Australia Pty Ltd

Philip Templeton Beko Australia and New Zealand Pty Ltd

Eddie Thompson Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority

Mariela Volpato Unilever Pty Ltd

Chris von Pralitz Panasonic Australia

Chris Wealthy The Australian Gas Association

Peter Wilkinson Mitsubishi Electric Australia Pty Ltd

Ron Wills Samsung Electronics Australia Pty Ltd

Attachment C: Refrigerator Workshop Outcomes

14 March 2013

Issue Outcome Actions/Notes

Notice for MEPS

Part 1 - Test method

Industry sought a commitment to three years to develop products to meet the new performance standard as was provided for MEPS 2 back in 2002. With the IEC publication to be at FDIS stage in February-March 2014, CESA and AiG sought an affirmation of this past commitment.

CESA and AiG suggested the CDV version of the standard was too problematic to use as the trigger point as it is likely to change. It is scheduled for publication in May 2013.

Agreed that DCCEE will consult E3 on using the IEC FDIS and on publishing the Part 2 standard as AS/NZS 4474.2 as trigger points for the countdown for the regulation to take effect.

IEC delegates to report in November 2012 if there is any likely delay will occur to publication date.

If IEC FDIS is delayed, government could seek to publish an AS/NZS version by February 2014 (possibly as an interim standard).

Shane H to advise AiG and CESA following the next E3 steering committee (scheduled late March 2013).

Notice for all other aspects

Part 2 - Performance Requirements

Industry sought a commitment to not less than 12 months’ notice of labelling changes, administrative arrangements and other mandatory requirements in determinations.

Agreed that DCCEE will consult E3 on ensuring the AS/NZS regulatory standard and determination be published 12 months before the laws come into effect.

CESA and AiG endorsed a milestone approach rather than fixed dates driving future regulation commencement.

DCCEE agreed to fund round robin testing to inform all parties about the new IEC test method. This testing may start in the 2nd half of 2013 using the CDV version of the IEC standard.

Future target Australian and New Zealand target of matching world best regulatory practice.

DCCEE sought participant views on linking future MEPS for refrigerators and freezers to future MEPS changes within the USA. Past MEPS for this appliance have followed earlier US regulatory action.

Agreed that DCCEE can present to E3 a consensus that refrigeration products regulation should be linked to North American developments in the future (i.e. MEPS 4 to follow USA changes in the future).

Shane H to advise industry groups of E3 view on not using developments in Asia or Europe as triggers for future MEPS negotiations for this product.

Content Government funded experts outlined the efforts to meet industry concerns and representations. For

A teleconference or meeting after 10 May 2013 may be

Refrigerator Workshop Outcomes 14 March 2013 Page 2

example: • Scope is solely vapour compression units • Noted that pull down test should not apply to

group 8 (wine storage) • Humidity maps remain as they are – use US maps

for MEPS and Australian maps for labels • Tropicalised evaporators – industry to propose

changes otherwise issue will not be addressed. • Handling of compact units – no objections • Handling of Group 6C - no objections • Built in definition change– some concern about

the size constraint included in the standard (depth) – mirrors US requirement

Agreed that steering committee members should comment on the draft standard and draft determination by 12 April 2013, sending comments directly to Lloyd Harrington and DCCEE.

Agreed DCCEE/consultants to provide a detailed response by 10 May 2013 to steering committee members.

organised depending on the level of technical detail and extent of the proposed changes in stakeholder submissions

Consultation after the Steering Committee

Industry sought more certainty about opportunities to input to future processes such as the Regulatory Impact Statement process.

Agreed that this un-constituted group would be used to obtain insights into topical issues but those insights would not be construed as support or otherwise for specific matters

DCCEE staff will report to the steering committee the next more formal consultation opportunities when the steering group winds up mid- year.

Label Industry sought a commitment that any changes to labels will have not less than 12 months’ notice and preferably longer.

DCCEE reported that any changes to label design will be addressed by wider government review of labelled goods in 2013.

CESA and AiG will be invited to participate in the label review

International Commitment

Participants sought a commitment from DCCEE to have Australian representation at IEC refrigerator committee meetings by experts from our region.

Agreed by all parties to strive for both Government and industry representation to continue

Lloyd H, Ian F and Lindsey R have been the designated attendees. DCCEE agreed to send Lloyd H.

Refrigerator Workshop Outcomes 14 March 2013 Page 3


Refrigerator Workshop Leonie Simart VINTEC Australia

David Lee ADL Compliance

Chris La Austest

Zhimou Qin Austest

Richard Falzon TCL Electronics

Vipin Dube SGS

Terence Fonseca SGS

Shahram Raissi SAI Global

Peter Carlin Andi-Co Australia

David Crossley Ai Group

Terry Fogarty Fisher & Paykel

Shane Rehm Fisher & Paykel

Richard Bollard Fisher & Paykel

Ian Forte Electrolux Home Products

Phillip Robinson CESA

Dora Bettridge Vipac

Stephen Cairns Sampford IXL

Malcolm Hutchinson SMEG

Michael Grubert ESVictoria

Theo Michael Vipac

Pat Cagnetto Whirlpool

Matthew Slater Australian Gas Association

Peter Wilkinson Mitsubishi Electric

John Taylor Mitsubishi Electric

John Cavill Black Diamond Technologies

Refrigerator Workshop Outcomes 14 March 2013 Page 4

Philip Templeton Beko

Andrew Daugherty Electrolux Home Products

Allan Hall Electrolux Home Products

Stuart Parker LG Electronics

Polly Plowman Consumers' Federation of Australia

Corinna Horrigan ACA

Mark Lanagan BSH Home Appliances

Jem Bernardino Bromic Pty Ltd

Chris Wealthy Australian Gas Association

Robert Rondo Miele

Shane Holt Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency

Ros Wallace Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency

Lloyd Harrington Energy Efficient Strategies

Robert Foster Energy Efficient Strategies

Attachment D: Wet Appliance Workshop Outcomes

14 March 2013

Issue Outcome Notes

Timing of transitions

A range of options to deal with varying test conditions between AS/NZS and IEC standards (primarily ambient and water temperatures) were discussed. Eventually, a consensus emerged to adopt the IEC test method for Clothes Dryers and Dishwashers (along with refrigeration appliances) but maintain AS/NZS test conditions for these products. All 3 products may have to align with IEC requirements by 2018 when edition 6 is available. IEC test conditions would then apply to all three products.

As IEC test conditions (higher ambient and lower water temp) would be advantageous for clothes dryers (water based condenser dryers), those who register with AS/NZS conditions between 2015 and 2018 may not need to re –test in 2018 when IEC conditions become mandatory.

Transitional arrangements

CESA and AiG raised the option of a transition for clothes washers if full transition to IEC did not occur before. While the original two-step process was rejected, CESA and AiG agreed to write to DCCEE clearly outlining their position regarding the proposed changes to Part 1 (if any).

The CW Part 1 – test method (based on IEC Edition 5) was abandoned in Nov 2012 following representations from CESA and AiG. DCCEE is offering to consider changes in Part 2 that might assist in the transition for aspects of the test method.

Part 2 DCCEE requested CESA and AiG to write and support the change for a new part 2 clothes washer standard (part load and cold washing) and to provide their opinion that a RIS is not necessary

Future target Australian and New Zealand target of matching world best regulatory practice.

DCCEE sought participant views on linking future regulatory requirements to developments in the European Union for wet products.

Agreed that DCCEE can present to E3 a consensus that wet appliance product regulation should be linked to EU developments in the future.

Shane H to advise of E3 view on not using developments in Asia or USA as triggers for future regulatory proposals.

Industry concerns are that local labelling requirements remain relevant to consumers in the region.

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Some concern that hard water used in Europe is not relevant for AU/NZ typical usage conditions.

A number of test conditions mean that a staggered implementation timetable for wet appliances would be problematic for testing facilities. Furthermore, any change to the label should be coordinated to maximise its impact.

Label Any changes to labels will be no less than 12 months from publication of determination

Changes to label to be addressed by wider government review of labelled goods in 2013 including a possible allowance of 10 stars for clothes dryers.

Standards Australia to confirm whether amendments can be made to standards older than 10 years once they have been confirmed.

Consultation after the Steering Committee

This group has six weeks to comment on proposals following the meeting – submissions to be made by 25 April 2013. Should E3 determine to adopt a common implementation date for all whitegoods, refrigeration rather than wet appliances would be the work priority in 2013/4.

DCCEE staff will report to the steering committee the next more formal consultation opportunities when the steering group winds up mid- year.

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Wet Appliance Workshop David Lee ADL Compliance

Chris La Austest

Zhimou Qin Austest

Roman Berwald Electrolux Home Products

Richard Falzon TCL Electronics

Vipin Dube SGS

Terence Fonseca SGS

Shahram Raissi SAI Global

Peter Carlin Andi-Co Australia

David Crossley Ai Group

Almedina Cordic SAI Global

Terry Fogarty Fisher & Paykel

Richard Bollard Fisher & Paykel

Neill Patterson Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities

Phillip Robinson CESA

Dora Bettridge Vipac

Malcolm Hutchinson SMEG

Michael Grubert ESVictoria

Theo Michael Vipac

Pat Cugnetto Whirlpool

Matthew Slater Australian Gas Association

Stuart Parker LG Electronics

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Polly Plowman Consumers' Federation of Australia

Dilek Kozan Technical Consultant

Mark Lanagan BSH Home Appliances

Chris Wealthy Australian Gas Association

Robert Rondo Miele

Shane Holt Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency

Ros Wallace Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency

Lloyd Harrington Energy Efficient Strategies

Robert Foster Energy Efficient Strategies

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