communique issue 4

Communiqué Dukhan Toastmasters Newsletter Issue 4 September 2011 12 Inside this issue:- Editor‟s Desk 02 The Message 03 New Panel of Officials 05 Executive Committee 06 Know our Leaders 07 Creative Youth Workshop 08 Art & Craft 09 Sports Day 10 Youth Leadership Program 11 Fun Unlimited 12 Grand Finale 13 We Make that Difference 14 What Makes 100%? 15 News Editions 16 Speechcraft 2011 17 Club Mission 17 “Believe in Quality Changes” Dukhan Toastmasters Club Motto Youth Success Club No: 1054864, Area-28, Division-E, District-20 Visit us on:-

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Dukhan Toastmasters NewsletterIssue 4September 2011


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Communiqué Dukhan Toastmasters Newsletter

Issue 4 September 2011 12

Inside this issue:- Editor‟s Desk 02 The Message 03 New Panel of Officials 05 Executive Committee 06 Know our Leaders 07 Creative Youth Workshop 08 Art & Craft 09 Sports Day 10 Youth Leadership Program 11 Fun Unlimited 12 Grand Finale 13 We Make that Difference 14 What Makes 100%? 15 News Editions 16 Speechcraft 2011 17 Club Mission 17

“Believe in Quality Changes” Dukhan Toastmasters

Club Motto

Youth Success

Club No: 1054864, Area-28, Division-E, District-20

Visit us on:-

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Communiqué | Issue 4 | September 2011 Page 2

Editors Desk Chief Editor:- TM Arul Fernandez QP, Health, Safety & Env. (Dukhan) DOMB/1096-A, P. O. Box 100001 Dukhan, Qatar [email protected]

Former US President Franklin Roosevelt said “We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future”. The new committee took-over the office with a “Commitment to community” which is the Theme of the Year for Dukhan Toastmasters. To mould Dukhan Youth for a better future, a “Creative Youth Work-shop (CYW)” was organized for the first time. The seats were limited to 50, however, more than 200 children showed interest in the leadership program. The 7 days workshop was a great success and all par-ticipants requested to repeat such programs quite often. We feel that we have done our bit in strength-ening our youth for a better tomorrow. In this issue we bring an exclusive insight into how Dukhan youth were shaped to face the future through CYW. The details of CYW with pictures in-cluding press releases and all activities are portrayed. To make Dukhan Community tomorrow’s leaders; preparations are in final stage for much awaited DTM- Speech-craft 2011. Wishing you a good reading.

Editor:- TM Mustafa A. Kalam Sange QP, Production Dept. (Dukhan) DOMB/ 2020-A, P. O. Box 100001 Dukhan, Qatar [email protected]

WE ARE YOU... Every creation has a beginning and I count this as the beginning of an opportunity to come up with something creative with a professional touch and look. It is natural that initially any task would appear as if climbing Mount Everest. But anyhow each little step taken gets us up that highest peak finally. Same was my realization, when I slowly waded through difficulties such as receiving matters, arranging them in certain order and criteria, formatting, proof read-

ing and finally evolving successful in bringing out this edition of newsletter “Communiqué ”. This is my primary year in toastmasters. Dur-ing various Toastmasters meetings I realized that Dukhan Toastmasters has talents, skills and poten-tials, to inspire, motivate and even handle humour tactfully. Yet, it was quiet challenging to persuade our Toastmasters to produce articles. I count it is my privilege to publish the wonderful thoughts of those Toastmasters in this edition of newsletter. We have included in this edition a message from our own Division E Governor TM B. Krishna Kumar, Asst. Division E Governor Marketing TM Saquib Raza Khan, Area 28 Governor TM Eswaran Natarajan, President of Dukhan Toastmasters Club TM Nasimudheen A. Hameed, an appeal from advance toastmaster, reports of seven sessions of Creative Youth Workshop successfully completed, a brain teaser and much more. When thinking of doing a good deed through toastmasters where we humbly attempt to become better human beings, these words of Mother Theresa glide into my mind "Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." The speciality about Toastmasters is receiving and giving instant feed backs. Our well wisher are our readers who truly intends to support us in im-proving and hence we assure you that your valuable feedback will definitely used as a tool for improve-ment, motivational punches and databank of fresh ideas etc. Also, we have a proposal to our readers, if you wish to be part of our next edition of Communiqué please do not hesitate to write to us along with any little article which you think is worth improving com-munication and leadership skills in any turn of life. Right from cooking to calligraphy to cyberspace to atomic researches to your wonderful experiences in nurturing your little ones, we are open to all, as we are you.

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The Message

W elcome, Division E is in the quest of “Challenging the Limits” to be the better amongst the best.

First let me thank each one in Dukhan Toastmasters for the contribution and commit-ment to make the club among the top notch clubs of Division E in a short span of four years. Everyone in the Dukhan Toastmasters deserves a “High Five” for the attempts that were made to make it a reality. In the Communication track, DTM pro-duced one of the best and champion speakers among toastmasters and youth. In the leader-ship track, energetic and committed leaders emerged to serve the Toastmasters fraternity and community at large. The creative workshop organized by Duk-han team for children has drawn lot of atten-tion from all Toastmasters and Parents. It was a great success in all fronts. Congratulations for such a wonderful service to the community. “Meeting the deadlines is not good enough, beating the deadlines is the expectation.” The Dukhan Toastmasters Leadership as a team to plan, prepare, present and progress in achieving the set goals ahead of target. I see a tremendous amount of positive en-ergy, strength and creativity in Dukhan Team. There is an excellent talent all around and just waiting to be tapped among the community residents. This will help in making better com-municators and leaders with in the community. By collaborating all the strengths that each one of you have, can create a positive en-vironment for learning. By giving speech pro-jects, taking on roles in the meetings, serving as an officer in the clubs, giving feedback or asking friends to join so as to bring skills, en-

ergy and talent into the Toastmasters program. I look toward the future, moving from good to great by tapping your talents, sharing your knowledge and experiences, and honing your communication and leadership skills. The skills you learn and practice at Toastmasters will give you vital tools to use in your everyday lives. As Division E, let´s strive collectively to make this Toastmasters year as Presidents Dis-tinguished Division much ahead of the targets set by TMI.

“Challenge your Limits” to be the best. Starting from now!

C ONGRATULATIONS!!!!! on conducting an excellent workshop for the budding su-perstars of tomorrow. It was truly very

creative. A Youth Leadership program mixed with sports and creativity. The grand Finale showcased the hard work and effort of the co-ordinators. Every child performed explicitly well. My sincere thanks to you and Dukhan Toastmasters for inviting me to witness the Grand Finale of the Creative Youth Workshop. I could see the happiness on the face of the parents watching their children perform. Please take this opportunity to convince the QP Dukhan Management to include the Toastmasters program in their corporate activ-ity. They have opened the door by supporting this Youth Workshop, now it is up to your team close the deal. If you need any assistance from my side, it will be my privilege. Well done and looking forward for similar events from Dukhan Toastmasters.

Krishna Kumar (KK), ACB, ALS Division E Governor, District 20, Toastmasters International

Saquib Raza Khan Asst. Division E Governor Marketing, District 20, Toastmasters International

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A t the outset, I wish all Dukhan Toastmas-ters a Happy Ramadan and Eid Mubarak.

It is very heartening to see the transfor-mational work at Dukhan Toastmasters. Starting as recently as July 2007, Dukhan Toastmasters Club has already established fame and acclaim among toastmasters fraternity. Dukhan Toast-masters' commitment for talent building and consistent high quality is commendable. Recent creative youth leadership workshop in July 2011 for 50 students has won many a praise from parents, participants, Dukhan community, School authority, Toastmasters fraternity and more importantly from QP Management at Duk-han. I am very happy to learn about the issue of Fourth edition of Dukhan Toastmasters' Newsletter “Communiqué”. Toastmasters news-letter is an important tool for showcasing the achievements of the club as well as sharing of experiences by members and this helps to re-live and savour those winning moments. May Dukhan Toastmasters Club grow leaps and bounds under your leadership.

I ndeed it is my honor and privilege to be the Presi-dent of Dukhan Toastmas-

ters club, which in fact is a unique club that functions within the margins of a multinational community in Dukhan. I accept this key respon-sibility and thank each and every one of you, who has extended their support to our endeav-ours.

The Message Eswaran Natarajan, CC, ALB Area 28 Governor Toastmasters International

Nasimudheen A. H., CC, CL President, Dukhan Toastmas-ters

My predecessors have already set the bars quite high. A special thanks to TM Mark pilling, our Immediate Past President, who did a fan-tabulous job as a visionary leader who moti-vated and lead his entire team to great heights, through his sincere and selfless attempts to flourish Dukhan Toastmasters. Dukhan Toastmasters is committed to the community and I reassure all that, I too will perform my duties to the best of my ability, with staunch support & clear guidance from my predecessors and team members. Our target is to achieve the Best Toastmasters Club Award not only in the Division or District but the en-tire TMI. Dukhan Toastmasters in association with Integrated Facilities Department of Qatar Pe-troleum, Dukhan, has been a pioneer in entire Qatar to conduct an innovative and unique “Creative Youth Workshop” during July 2011, which could be described as one of the most beneficial, successful & memorable program to all participants and role players involved. A leadership & communications development pro-gram of Toastmasters International “Youth Leadership Program” constituted the main part of the event along with some sports, craft work and a fun trip to Aqua Park. Creativity was the icon of this event where children were provided with an equal opportunity to speak in front of a large audience. Dukhan Toastmasters is on the verge of conducting a speechcraft for a few interested potential toastmasters in September and is open to all members of the community above 18. We readily offer our humble services to conduct such creative workshops, modules and trainings in future as well for the benefit of the community members, their families and even management, with the esteemed and kind sup-port from QP Management. “Our dreams are successful, since we believe

in advancing as a Team”

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Chief Guest Mr. Hamad Al-Sulaiti and other Guests with DTM elected officers

New Panel of Officials

D ukhan Toastmasters Grand Ceremony was held on 29th June „11, Wednesday at Dukhan Water Sports. The event was

witnessed by an overwhelming audience in-cluding Gaveliers & parents. Inter-Gavels Speech Contest winner Samara Waheed, Humorous Speech Contest Winner Narasimhan Ravi and Table Topic Con-test Winner Ameena Ismayil redelivered their winning speeches as a part of their demo meeting and were honoured by QP manage-ment with trophies. Mr. Hamad Saleh Al-Sulaiti, Head of Business Planning was the Chief Guest. Mr. Ali Nasser Al-Kubaisi, Area Coordinator-DSSA and Mr. Derek Jones, Head-master of Dukhan English School, Toastmas-ters Division-E Governor TM Subha Anupindi and Division E Governor elect TM Krishna Kumar were the Guests of Honour. While addressing the audience on the occasion, Mr. Derek Jones quoted George Jes-

sel “The human brain starts working the moment

you are born and never stops until you stand up to

speak in public”- In toastmasters we aim to make your brain work all the time.

Division E Governor Subha Anupindi gave away the LGM & LGET Achievement awards from the District to TM Salauddin & TM Mark

Pilling on behalf of Dukhan Toastmasters. A special award was received by the TM Mark on behalf of VP PR TM Mohammed Ismayil. Area 28 Governor TM Hari Raghavan for-mally installed the newly elected officers for 2011-2012 of Dukhan toastmasters. The new committee consists of: TM Nasimudheen A. H. - President TM Mohammed Salauddin - VP Education TM Syed Raziulla - VP Membership TM Arul Fernandaz - VP PR TM Muhammad Saffar - Treasurer TM Govindaraju Selvaraju - Sergeant @ Arms TM Mark Pilling - Past President Assistant Division E Governor Education & Training and Area-18 Governor Elect. TM Sameer Hassan Moosa & Area 28 Governor elect TM Eswaran Natarajan, were distin-guished guests at the event. President Nasimudheen in his accep-tance speech announced his plan for Dukhan Toastmasters to serve the community with all resources available to the Club.

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Executive Committee

TM Nasimudheen A. Hameed, CC, CL President

TM Mohammed Salauddin, CC Vice President— Education

TM Syed Raziulla Vice President— Membership

TM Arul Fernandez VP - Public Relations

TM Muhammad Saffar Treasurer

TM Pareeduddin Hameed Secretary

TM Selvaraju Govindaraju Sergeant at Arms

TM Luis Peres, CC Asst. VP—Education

TM Kiran Kumar Kotala Asst. VP—Education

TM Sebastian M., CC Asst. VP—Membership

TM Mustafa Sange Asst. VP - Public Relations

TM Aswani Kumar Asst. Treasurer

TM Sheik Abdul Kader Asst. Sergeant at Arms

TM KVSS Raju Asst. Secretary

TM Mark Pilling Immediate Past President

TM Sreelakshmi Harish Asst. Secretary

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Falcon Awards Chairman TM Nisar Ahmed Rana Tel: 55880447

Know our Leaders Division E - Excom

Area 28 - Excom

Division Governor TM Krishna Kumar, ACB, ALS Tel: 55529205

Asst. Div. Governor Edu. & Training TM Yasir Nainar

Tel: 55821570

Asst. Div. Governor Edu. & Trn (Arabic) TM Karam A Al-Shorbassi

Tel: 55898765

Asst. Div. Governor for Marketing TM Saquib Raza Khan

Tel: 55857654

Division Public Relations Officer MTM Maria Irish Ramos

Tel: 33289810

Division Secretary TM P K Sheik Mohamed Iqbal Tel: 55809786

Division Treasurer TM Nemani R. Sarma, CC, ALB Tel: 55272542

Area 28 Governor TM Eswaran Natarajan, CC, CL Tel: 55006502

Asst. Area. Gov. Edu. & Training TM Nasimudheen A. Hameed, CC, CL

Tel: 55898462

Secretary / Treasurer TM Mohammed Salauddin, CC

Tel: 66061731

Asst. Area Gov. Marketing TM Asgar Ali Khan, CC, CL Tel: 55810524

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Creative Youth Workshop

C reative Youth Workshop-July 2011 for Dukhan Community children

sponsored by the Integrated Facilities Management De-partment, IF(D) in association with Dukhan Toastmasters was conducted on 13th July 2011 at Al-Dastour Hall. Duk-han Toastmasters Club Presi-dent Nasimudheen called the session to order and wel-comed guests. The event was innovatively inaugurated by Chief Guest Mr. Hamad Saleh Al-Sulaiti, Head of Business Planning, IFP (D) along with Mr. Abdulla Jaber Al-Mohammed, A/Head of Com-munity Support & Business Re-lation, A/IFC(D) by cutting

strings of balloons keeping in highlight the theme of the

workshop “Learn with Fun”. He also distributed the study ma-terials and manuals to all par-ticipants. A motivating education module on “Effective Commu-nication was rendered by TM Vicky Mustafa, Lt. Gov. Mar-keting of District 20 as a part of the YLP. The module pro-vided an insight into commu-nication skills like eye con-tact, smile, politeness, listen-ing, speaking tone, etc. Some entertaining examples on the parts of a speech like open-

ing, body, conclusion, choos-ing a topic, call for action etc. were also a part of the module. The children ac-tively participated in mock drills on effective communi-cation. Second YLP Session on Saturday 16th July started with warm-up exercise “Drink hot and chilly soup.” Partici-pants learned the art of De-bate & Table Topics. All Par-ticipants formed 8 groups and performed debate. They all spoke in front of audience on Table Topics with enthusi-asm .

25 Boys & Girls of 8 nationalities aged 10 to 17 years participated in the workshop

Launching Ceremony

Chief Guest Mr. Hamad Al-Sulaiti & other Guests with Partici-pants & Coordinators

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Art & Craft

A rt & Craft day on Friday 15th July was creatively conducted by three tal-

ented Lady Coordinators, Mrs. Celine Biju, Mrs. Payal Ashik and Mrs. Sumeera Sameer .

Glass Painting Mrs. Celine who is a profes-sional designer trained the young participants. Twenty five Participant from 10 to 11 yrs learned glass painting with attractive drawings which was a new experience to most of the children.

Flower Making with Beads 6 Girls & boys aged 12 to 14 years joined this innovative session of flower making with colourful beads which was Co-ordinated by Mrs. Sumeera Sameer.

Folder/ Invitation cards and

file design Folder design / Invitation cards decoration was con-ducted for teenagers by Mrs. Payal Ashik. Those Designs could be utilized for Special event Invitation cards or fold-ers. Entire session was enjoyed by all participants were they could carry their piece of work to home.

Story Writing & Telling Creative story writing was conducted by TM Sameer Moosa. He enlightened the participants on how to write & narrate stories creatively. Various categories of story writing like humorous, hor-ror, romantic & fiction stories were explained. “Out of the world" story was written by Aaron, "British School Middle East Games" story by Varsha and “Started with fun ended with police” story by Nara-simhan were instantly made and narrated.

Participants with Art & Craft Coordinators

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Sports Day

V arious usual and crea-tive sports were organ-ized on 20 July‟ 2011

and children overwhelmingly participated in all the sports. The sports played were bas-ket ball, football, reverse throw ball and bite the choco-late.

Basket Ball Girls‟ teams played basket ball matches. In the first match team A won 6-0 against team B, while team C won 4-0 against team D. In the final, team A won 5-4 de-feating team C.

Football Boys played foot ball matches, team B won the first match 6-0 against team C. Team A won 5-2 against team D and entered the final. It was a thrilling final between

teams A & B, at the last min-ute team A made the only goal of the match and clinched the title. This fol-lowed other creative fun games.

Reverse Throw Ball Reverse throw ball and bite the chocolate fun games was played by all the 8 teams. This was the first time all the participating children playing any such games. The children wants to play more, however, with heavy hearts it was called a day.

Girls Team Captain Team

Amrutha Lingampalli A

Adeeba Shams B

Harsha Thomas C

Gayathri Lekshmi D

Boys Team Captain Team

Syed Ali Raza A

Narasimhan Ravi B

Idlan Bin Hafiz C

Syed Hasnain D

Basket ball finalist with match referee Football finalist with match referee

Reverse throw ball

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Youth Leadership Program

Y LP coordinator TM Ravi opened the workshop with a warm up exercise

“Robotic Moon walk”. 22 July‟ 11 session had two module presenters enlightened the children with different lead-ership programs. An interac-tive module “Animate your Talk” was presented by TM Ajith Limaye -DTM. He high-lighted the ingredients of speech like ethos, pathos and logos postulated by Greek philosopher Aristotle. He pre-sented practical examples on the importance of persuading, energizing and inspiring the audience. He concluded his

session by saying “Practice makes you perfect”. The debate from previ-ous YLP session continued with team D & H debating on the topic “Home work should be stopped”. This continued by an interesting second mod-ule on “Persuade your par-ents” presented by TM Veer-endranath. He explained the participants through examples how to convince others to ac-cept your point. “Persuade your parents to buy you a cell phone”, “Persuade your par-ents to allow you to go for a foreign trip alone” were the

two topics given to two group of children to talk. TM Nasim, TM Ajith, and Mrs. Eiman Yousef, Business Relations Of-ficer (IFC/11) acted as par-ents and provided their feed-back on how they got con-vinced through children‟s view point. Aaron, Harsha, Breezy, Sumaya, Syed Ali and Gayathri were the children spoke on these topics.

TM Veerendranath presenting his module

Module presenters with IF(D) representative Mrs. Eiman & Participants

Mrs. Eiman with Module Presenter & President

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Fun Unlimited

F un unlimited could be the most appropriate term to describe the

enthusiasm children had throughout the trip on 23 Ju-ly‟11. Boys and girls were put in two separate buses and la-dys & gents coordinators ac-companied them. The one hour and 15 min bus trip was not just any ordinary fun trip. Fun filled Table Topic session and story telling was con-ducted throughout the jour-ney which followed by singing competition. Children went on all the rides in Aqua park like lazy river, wave pool, rain forest, splash pads, water slides etc. After taking light refresh-ments, with a heavy heart the children boarded the bus back to Dukhan.

At restaurant

Participants at Aqua Theme Park, Doha

Boys ready to Rock

Girls at Pool

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Grand Finale

T he Grand Finale of 7 days long workshop was held on 27th July at Al-

Dostour hall with fun and frolic. Mr. Mohammed Al-Bakar, Head of Community & Business Relations was the Chief Guest for the event. Other Guests from IF were Mr. Patrick Choueiri, Busi-ness Relations Coordinator, Mr. Abdulla Jaber, Catering Coordinator and Mrs. Eiman Yousef, Business Relations Officer. Guest of Honour was Assistant Division E Governor for Marketting, TM Saquib Raza Khan and other dignitar-ies from Division-E Ex-com were Area-28 Governor Es-waran Natarajan & Area-18 Governor Sameer Hassan Moosa. President Nasimud-heen Welcomed the audience. Masters of ceremony in-vited all 8 teams to introduce themselves innovatively. The introduction was a mixture of animation, passion, sound & enthusiasm.

All participants were awarded Participation Certifi-cates by the Chief Guest. Also certificates of ap-preciation were presented to the YLP Session Coordinator TM Ravi Ramamoorhy and As-sistant coordinators Mr. Arul Fernandes, Mr. Mohammed Salauddin, Mr. Mustufa Sange and Mr. Selvaraju. Mr. Baker also presented the Art and Craft Session co-ordinators Mrs. Payal Ashiq, Mrs. Celine Biju and Mrs. Sumeera Sameer with a token of appreciation. The Sports Session Co-ordinators Mr. Alex Amos and Mr. Preejith Thankappan were also presented with an Appre-

ciation Certificate. This was followed by an educative session on debate with topic “Which is better, books or TV” was conducted by the children and the mod-erator concluded books are better. Two teams partici-pated and expressed their views on the topic. An inter-esting table topic session was conducted and 15 children activity participated and spoke in front of the audience for one minute each. LGM Saquib Raza Khan gave a motivational speech appreciating the efforts of Dukhan Toastmasters and thanked QP Integrated Facili-ties Management for having supported them by all means to conduct such an innovative workshop.

All participants with Chief Guest & Coordinators

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We make that difference...

W hile we walk down the street, we find millions passing by, all busy in their own little world. From business man to beggar busy earning their bread, while some enjoying whatever little time left from their busy

schedule either alone or with their near and dear ones and finally some standing leaning on a pole, either with their arms locked and idly tapping their feet with a look that they have nothing more to do in life. Mostly, to add to their own agony and others‟ with a cloud of cigarette smoke engulfing them or a can of coke slowly draining their lives out.

Have we ever thought how these rotting live pictures or idols on every walk of our life are slowly taking the shape of a pool of stagnated matter? A pool with nothing but frustration, loss, disgust and disrespect for oneself or others

A beggar on street could be given enough money for a day or a life time. But at the end, we will still find him back on the same street when the money gets over. We know how many educated and well quali-fied people commit suicide due to frustration of being unable to generate anything at all out of what they have learned. Spiritual desires changes in people on every new corner of the street. So if some think charity in kind and cash can change lives. Yes it can but could we say that is enough? If some say that a trimmed system of education can change lives. Yes that too is right, yet to which

or what extend? Turn to spirituality and world will change… God alone knows if that is true? The truth remains that, we just pull on with our lives, without truly asking ourselves how we can make a difference to our lives and others. Frankly speaking, have we ever thought of what could bring the actual light of hope, a drizzle of freshness and stream of respect in our life and around us? My answer would be that the only factor which changes our view towards ourselves and the world is our attitude. And Toastmasters could proudly claim that we make and mould attitudes. We make our members and those watching us with restrain feel that, the development of communi-cation skills on a regular basis, can improve a person‟s confidence and view towards life with a new per-spective every day. In parallel developing their leadership skills through a learn-by-doing pattern which has been well experimented and proved as guaranteed success, inflates their competitiveness and puts them on top of the rest of the world. Thus they see that, for what they have been striving throughout their lives are met through being part of an esteemed body or fraternity, which has not only raised their self esteem, a ladder to climb up their dreams, a platform to talk out their hearts, but also an attitude to serve the community by becoming a catalyst for change in oneself and others around them. Toastmasters have an incredible history of changing lives of around 250000 peo-ple in around 90 countries around the globe, who can now undoubtedly claim that “We make a difference”. Living is not mere surviving; but life becomes meaningless when we are not able to lead life as better human beings. Same air we breath, same water we drink, same earth on which we walk, same blood in veins and same matter in our skull,,,,, yet WE make that difference. A tall claim indeed, yet not baseless.

a little to think and a lot to do… join us to make the world a better place

TM Sameer Hassan Moosa ACS, ALB Area-18 Governor & Immediate Past Asst. Div. E Governor Education & Training

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What makes 100%? If: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Is equal to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Then, Hard Work H+ A+ R + D+ W+ O+ R+ K 8+ 1+ 18+ 4+ 23+ 15+ 18+ 11 = 98% Knowledge K + N+ O + W + L + E+ D+ G+ E 11+ 14+ 15+ 23+ 12+ 5+ 4+ 7+ 5 = 96% Love L + O+ V+ E 12+ 15+ 22+ 5 = 54% Luck L+ U+ C+ K 12+ 21+ 3+ 11 = 47% Most of us think this is the most important ? Then what makes 100% ? Is it Money ? .. NO ! M+O+N+E+Y 13+15+14+5+25 = 72% Leadership ? …. NO ! ! ! L+E+A+D+E+R+ S+H+I+P 12+5+1+4+5+18+ 19+9+1 6 = 89% Every problem has a solution, only if we perhaps change our attitude. To go to the top, To that 100% , What we really need to go further… A bit more… ATTITUDE A+T+T+I+T+U+ D+E 1+20+20+9+ 20+21+4+5 = 100% It is OUR ATTITUDE towards Life and Work that makes OUR Life 100% ! ! ! Have the Right Attitude in Life!!

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News Editions Public Relations

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Dukhan Toastmasters (Club No: 1054864, Area-28, Division-E, District-20)

Starting on 15th September 2011


This program consists of Eight Brain Storming Sessions

over 3 consecutive Wednesdays, Fridays & Saturdays

(15:30 – 18:30 Hrs.) Including Grande Finale Limited Registrations

Confident Communicators & Leaders in Making Communication Skills are the most vital essentials in our day-to-day life. While fear of public speaking sets

a bottleneck to our urge to march forward in life, Toastmasters act as a lid opener. All your hidden poten-

tials which has an impulse to be displayed are refined through clearing off your fear, by providing you a

mutually supportive and friendly club atmosphere where you can sharpen your listening, thinking, speaking

and leadership skills in parallel through various roles and constructive evaluations.

This is the Fifth Speechcraft Session conducted by Dukhan Toastmasters since 2007 which has been contin-

ued every year. Last year around 20-35 people joined this programme to reap its benefits. This programme

is specially designed by Toastmasters International USA, to benefit anyone who would like to improve

thinking, listening, thinking and speaking skills.

Speechcraft is a specially designed and well proven short term communication program, which has been a

guide to several million people around 116 countries of the world. It is an eight session brain storming ses-

sion wherein all basic aspects of complete communication are covered.

For further details please contact:- Dukhan Toastmasters TM Mohd. Salauddin on 66061731 TM Raziulla Syed on 55648386 TM Luis Pares on 55848823 TM Nasimudheen A. H. on 55898462 TM Arul Fernandez on 55243349 TM Mustafa Sange on 55397617

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Dukhan Toastmasters (Club No: 1054864, Area-28, Division-E, District-20)

Success through Clear Communication

Tentative Schedule for Speechcraft Program Session Date Educational Module

1 15/09/2011, Thursday, 16:30– 19:30 hrs Introduce a Speaker & Ice Breaker Speech

2 17/09/2011, Saturday, 15:00– 18:00 hrs Organize your Speech & Evaluate to Motivate

3 21/09/2011, Wednesday, 16:30– 19:30 hrs Select a Speech topic

4 23/09/2011, Friday, 15:00– 18:00 hrs Body Language & Gestures

5 24/09/2011, Saturday, 15:00– 18:00 hrs Work with words

6 30/09/2011, Friday, 15:00– 18:00 hrs Vocal Variety

7 01/10/2011, Saturday, 15:00– 18:00 hrs Table topics & Listening Skills

8 05/10/2011, Wednesday, 18:30– 21:00 hrs Grand Finale

Dukhan toastmasters 5th Speechcraft program will start from 15th September 2011 which include 8 Brain storming

sessions with 10 educational modules by Experienced Toastmasters. Toastmasters will give you the skills and confi-

dence you need to effectively express yourself in any situation. By learning to formulate and convey your ideas, you

open a new world of possibilities. You will be more persuasive and confident when giving presentations and you will

improve your one-on-one dealings with others

Benefits of this program: : Upon completion of this program you will be able to stand & speak in front of people

without fear & nervousness, Learn to communicate more effectively, Build your ability to motivate & persuade, In-

crease your self confidence, Improve your presentation skills. More & More...

For further information on our club and contacts visit

The mission of a Toastmasters club is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning envi-ronment in which every individual member has the opportunity to develop oral communication

and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth.

Mission of a Toastmaster Club