meeting and conference participation

Post on 09-May-2015






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meeting and conference participation presentation for students *CHEERS* :)









Meeting and Conference Participation.

Meetings and conferences.

Qualities of effective speaking

Creating favorable impression




Meetings and conference

“An act or process of coming together as an assembly for a common purpose.”

“A conference is a prearranged meeting for consultation or exchange of information or discussion (especially one with a formal agenda)”

Role of the meetings

Meetings play a very important role in the life of an or-ganization whether its is formal or informal.

A well-organized ,well-aimed and well-led meeting can be extremely effective in different contexts

Brainstorming: free exchanges with a view to generating new approaches and ideas

The structure of the meetings

There is a chairperson . Or at least an organizer, who guides the proceedings of the meeting and aims to maintain order.

There is often a sequence of business or speeches to ex-press point of view .

The purpose of meeting is achieved by reaching some deci-sion or expression of opinion at the end of the discussion.

Qualities of effective speaking


Keeps up with knowledge.

Has a way with words



Steady rhythm and voice tone


A public speaker cannot merely rely on his or her personal knowledge or experiences. Knowing where to acquire new information and how to get it so that you can relay them to your audience easily is one quality of an excellent public speaker.

The preparation a good speaker makes only focus on his speech. Knowing an audience’s interests and level of knowledge is also a part of his resourcefulness.

Keeps up with knowledge.

A very good public speaker is always thirsty for new information. You should be constantly reading, attending seminars or doing any other kind of activities that would enrich your knowledge.


Oftentimes, it’s the sense of humor of the speaker that makes his or her speech a easier to comprehend and remember.

Incorporating a few jokes that would tickle your audience can very well assist you in conveying the message of your speech more effectively. No one likes a boring speaker.


Who would enjoy listening to a stutterer giving a speech?  When you are in front of an audience, you need to appear confident .  NEVER admit to your audience that you are feeling nervous.Simply smile and relax and deliver your speech.  Remember that the audience sees you as the expert in what you are speaking on.  Knowing this can give you the confidence to speak from a position of authority.

Has a way with words.

A public speaker cannot be effective if he or she has a very limited vocabulary.  But it’s not the wide array of high-sounding terms that makes a speech effective.  You need to know how to use “moving” words.  “Moving” words are those that touch a certain segment of people, e.g. the term “jerks” means something negative for teenagers.

Creating favorable impression

Dress Appropriately

Use Proper Office Etiquette

 Face Up to Your Mistakes

Know What Topics to Avoid Discussing

Manage Your Time Effectively

Avoid Offending Your Co-Workers

Which companies present best to you?

Dress Appropriately

Make a good impression at work by wearing the right clothes. You should dress the right way for the "role you are playing”.If you aspire to be a leader at work, dress like one.

Use Proper Office Etiquette

Using good manners will help you make a good impres-sion with your boss and also your co-workers. Office eti-quette includes everything from the proper way to use email to knowing when, where, and how to use your cell phone while at work.

Face Up to Your Mistakes

When you make a mistake at work, which everyone in-evitably does at some point, face up to it. Don't ignore your error or place the blame on others. Take responsibility and come up with a solution to fix your mistake. Your boss may not be too happy about it, but she will at least be impressed with your response.

Know What Topics to Avoid Discussing

Avoiding inappropriate topics may not help you make a good impression at work but it will keep you from making a bad one.Subjects that do not make for good workplace conversa-tion include politics, religion, and health problems and other personal issues.

Manage Your Time Effectively

Your ability to complete projects in a timely manner will help you make a good impression on your boss. You should demonstrate that you know how to manage your time effectively by handing in projects when, or even before, your deadline.

Avoid Offending Your Co-Workers

Make a good impression or avoid making a bad one by not doing things that offend your co-workers. Always show respect towards your co-workers. The last thing a boss wants brought to his attention are the uncivil actions of one of his employees.

Which companies present best to you?

Observe the companies and individuals who impress you on first meeting. If it is an email or letter, what captures your attention? If it works for you, it will probably work for others. It is usually not fancy stationery but the manner in which you present yourself and your message.


Because of the ever-increasing costs of travel, meals, and lodging, increasing numbers of business people are electing to at-tend meetings and conferences through the electronic medium of teleconferencing.


“Enunciation is the act of speaking”.

Good enunciation is the act of speaking clearly and con-cisely. The opposite of good enunciation is mumbling or slurring. And the pronunciation is a component of enunciation.


Pronunciation refers to the ability to use the correct stress, rhythm and intonation of a word in a spoken language. A word can be spoken in different ways by various individuals or groups, depending on many factors, such as: the area in which they grew up.

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