media technologies used in coursework (question 4)

Post on 18-Jan-2015






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Question 4 of are evaluation. How we used media technologies in the Planning, Research, Constructive and Editing Stages.


How did you use Media technologies in the constructive, research, planning and

evaluation stages.

Question 4

The Equipment that was used in Filming and Editing

Tripod- The tripod help us as it gave us a more stand on certain shots and a balance that it gave us that extra professional look. The Tripod was also need with the shots, especially the tracking shots and the zoom in and out shots because this gave us better shots compared to shaky looking shots if it was Handheld. This is what the tripod look likes.

Camera- The camera that we used was a Kodak ZX1 HD (High Definition). The reason we use this camera was because of it HD addition, unlike the camera the school provides so we could get more of a crisper feel in our shots. This is the Camera we used

The Equipment that was used in Filming and Editing

Mac Computer- The reason we choose a Mac Computer card was because it had the programme that is needed in order to edit and add film that is needed to are production, and it was the computer that were provided by the school. This is what the Mac Computer look like

Memorystick- As the camera was supported by an SanDisk card (SD) this didn’t need us using a firewire. This then provided us to just plug the SD card into a memory stick and help us just find and download it onto the Mac computer.

The Equipment that was used in Filming and Editing

Imovie- To edit are clips, firstly we had to store them in Imovie as that were they would be put there. Firstly we would shorten the clips to what needed and then export them into an XML file to Final cut express to get the full range of editing


Final Cut Express- To get the full range of editing we used Final Cut express. It allowed us to play with colour of screen, in which we Tinted all the Lip Syncing Shots. It gave us a range to play with effects to add in are Music video and gave us the jumpy feel that is normally used within the genre we were doing.

Equipment used In the Research

Blogger- This year, all of the work we did we would have to blog online on a website called Blogger where are work could be kept on track online. It helped as it quick and simple to use and that if you wish to change anything that you believed needed to be change, could be done in seconds compared to it Handwritten.

YouTube- As we have to analyse music video as are research, then we choose the music video and instead of putting the link onto the blog we would embed it so that the video is actually on the blog itself. This is how we would get the link for

us to embed a video

Equipment used In the Research

Slideshare- This gave us the use of putting PowerPoint presentation onto the blog with embedding them again with the

same idea and use as YouTube did.

Prezi- This gave us the detailed analysis, zoomed in onto a certain part of an image that needed and also gave us the perfect presentation style with the magazine analysis.

Equipment used in the Planning

Scanner- As for the Planning we used a scanner that could put are storyboard onto the Blog and it gave us the full potential of doing this.

Digipak and Magazine Advert

Picnik-. Picnik gave us a high quality amount of tools that gave us the best creative tools in creating the Ancillary Task. The tools gave us the best possible creative mindset to crop are images and add text into the images to create are Poster and Digipak. Picnik gave us the correct measurement for what was needed for the Digipak and how it will fit in it music case.

The Digipak 1. Front2. Inside3. Back Cover

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