media research

Post on 24-May-2015






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Front cover research The Masthead is conventionally at the top of the page, and stretches across the top of the magazine. It is clear that this is an established magazine, as the entire masthead is not shown due to the model placed in the middle. The masthead is bold and written in a capitalized black font, this creates simplicity and makes the magazine look professional. The size of the masthead was effective, as it is eye-catching without being too big, which would allow the magazine to look cheap.

The main image is a longshot of a popular musician ‘Katy Perry’ - this may have been chosen as she appeals to a large, commercial audience, and would help to increase sales of the magazine. The main image overlaps the masthead of the magazine to highlight the central attraction of the magazine. The main image is presented conventionally, the long shot is big and eye-catching – with the model making full eye contact to engage the audience.

The cover lines are written in a range of sizes and differs between boldness and colours (black and pink) – this would attract readers, by making the magazine eye-catching. The cover lines give us a sneak-peak of the content of the magazine , by keeping the information short and sweet. Also, references to artists and their record labels have been mentioned. This might suggest that it aimed at fans who are familiar with current pop artists.

There is no bar code clear on the magazine, this could be allocated at the back of the magazine.

This skyline conventionally runs across the top of the page, and informs the reader about a special attraction – ‘free downloads!’

Front cover research This masthead is unique as it breaks conventions due to the slanted angle it is presented on. The bold font and bright colours of pink and yellow makes the magazine eye-catching. This gives the magazine an overall fun and informal appearance , which could indicate it is aimed at a young audience.

The cover lines are placed under each other , this creates an organised structure and professional appearance. However, the colour scheme of pink, white and yellow – evokes the attention towards girls rather than boys. The cover lines are neatly placed beside the main image without detracting from it too much – adding to the professional quality of the magazine.

The main cover line is very large and a mixture of white and yellow coloured font, this immediately grabs the audiences attention . The content is a feature based on the popular artist (main image) Rihanna.The bar code is clear

and conventionally at the bottom. The price is printed in rather small font which could indicate the magazine is not cheap.

The masthead is written in a white bold capitalized font – this provides clear branding for the audience . The ‘s’ is written in a curly italic font , this make s the magazine look more fun, which could suggest it is for a younger audience.

Cover lines

Main cover line

The main image is of a popular singer ‘Selena Gomez’ she is very appealing to the girly, teen market - which is the target audience of this magazine.

The bar code is clear and conventionally at the bottom. The price is printed in rather small font which could indicate the magazine is not cheap.

The masthead

Contents page research

The title ‘contents’ is written on three lines

Double page spread research

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