media question 4 by noor

Post on 29-Jul-2015






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Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

By Noor Sharif

Target Audience

People who are interested in mysteries tend to go for this type of media product. They want to be left in a puzzle, so that they can make their own assumptions and conclusions.

People who watch this media product could be adults who enjoy the thrill they get from solving the mysteries. They will be the ones who engage deeply. Also people who are studying psychology may want to watch films like this because they are able to understand the characters and they can relate.


The BBCF for some psychological thrillers vary. I will be giving examples and be speaking about them.


Seven is a psychological thriller movie, the film contains strong bloody violence, the aspect of horror and threat. This movie was rated an 18 by the British Board of Classification. This suggests that our audience should not be of that age because in our movie we do not include horror and gore because that goes against the code and conventions of a psychological thriller. Instead after every scene we leave them puzzled and thinking.

Black Swan

This film is also a psychological thriller that uses strong sex, language and bloody images. This resulted in it being classified as a 15 year old film.


Memento is another psychological thriller. It was rated 15 years old. This is because it had violence, but it does not contain horror elements.

Our Media Production

Our media production includes mystery and a little bit of violence. This media production is a basic example of what a psychological thriller film is. It contains all the different code and conventions of a psychological thriller.

This concludes that the movie should be rated a 15 because most of the psychological thrillers I have looked at are also rated 15.

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