media film treatment

Post on 03-Mar-2017






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Media Film treatment (Gangster film) - First DraftTitle: Trapped Amongst Wolves

1950s London was a dangerous place to be; violence and corruption at every given corner. Amongst all this corruption is a police officer, Jessica; she is trying to make the place she lives and protects a less chaotic and corrupt area. However an underground illegal organization prevents Jessica’s efforts. This underground organisation is painted to look like it’s a business corporation so it becomes very hard to find evidence against them. Every time she tries to come up with ways to stop them, she fails every time as this underground organization has its way around the police department. Jessica is becoming sick and tired of this situation she is in so she eventually makes a decision that will put her life on the line.

Jessica manages to convince the head of the police department to bring down this organization that is supplying drugs and weapons into the country. Her plan is to go undercover and try to become Dante Evan’s who is the head of this gang’s girlfriend so she can gain as much information and evidence as possible so they can bring down this gang that is causing so much corruption. Jessica gets dressed up and goes to the club that Dante is said to frequently visits. She stops him in the club and tries to converse with him, eventually the conversation becomes deeper and numbers are exchanged as they become acquainted. After that day in the club, they start meeting more often while Jessica is being observed by the police department to see if everything is going to plan. Jessica and Dante come to the relationship status that Jessica was aiming for.

Its four months in and Jessica has become very close to Dante. She starts learning more things about Dante and his business. Jessica starts gaining significant information and the future plans that can bring down his gang. However Jessica starts facing a new problem. She is feeling some type of way for Dante but she manages to push her feeling aside, she convinces herself to only focus on her job.

Jessica eventually finds out about their next transaction of drugs that will be happening and informs the head of the police department all of the information they need so they can catch them in the act.

However Jessica’s starts feeling regret for her actions as her feeling towards Dante start resurfacing. Jessica’s feelings of regret and love for Dante get the best of her and she does the one thing she thought she will never do. She confesses everything. After she tells Dante, he is furious and all he sees is red. Dante gets Jessica locked in a room, while he makes phone calls to stop the transaction from taking place. After he secures the safety of his business, he goes back to deal with Jessica.

Dante takes Jessica to the basement of his home and tortures her; as punishments for trying to get him arrested and bring down his business. Jessica realises that Dante never felt the same way towards her. Dante pulls out a gun, points it to Jessica’s head and shoots her. He commands his men to dispose of her body, he continues on with his life like nothing happened and calls back to arrange another time for his drug transaction. Dante continues on with his business and London continues on being as corrupted as before and all of Jessica’s efforts were a waste.  

A twist: Make it seem as if she goings to tell the police about Dante next transaction in the trailer but she not.

Alternative ending: An alternative ending could be that Jessica ends up not disclosing any of the information she finds out because she in love with Dante and doesn't want to betray him in that sense and instead starts creating lies to cover up for Dante. Eventually Dante finds out about what Jessica has being doing and he is both angry and amazed at what Jessica has done; angry because she lied to him but amazed because she has been covering up for him. He gives Jessica two choices which are either to work for him or getting killed because she knows to much. Dante tells her to pick at that very moment and Jessica decides to pick the first option which is to work for Dante. From that day on she starts working against the police and tells Dante everything the police knows about him and this puts Dante in a more advantageous position, as he knows what he has to watch out for. She also starts bringing other significant information that the police department holds which will be useful for Dante and this is the beginning of how Jessica herself started becoming corrupt and betraying the police.

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