matt smith, ph.d. svp, talent development solutions director · 2.strategically that talent...

Post on 16-Aug-2020






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Matt Smith, Ph.D.SVP, Talent Development Solutions Director

Today’s Discussion

Research FindingsIdentifying Talent Mobilizers


Defining Talent Mobility

28 Item survey

435 respondents

16 industries

HR and Executive Leaders

Small, mid, and large organizations


About Our Research


Some Participant Organizations

New dynamics impacting business require hyper-efficient workforce models

Just-in-time employees who are skilled, prepared and ready to move into new roles quickly – internally or externally

Career growth and opportunity for valued talent that fills skill gaps and aligns talent with the organization’s needs

Current Environment

Lack of Understanding and Prioritization Revealed

One-quarter cannot clearly recognize or articulatewhat Talent Mobility is,

Defining Talent Mobility

of organizational leaders

nor do their organizations actively prioritize it.

How do you define Talent Mobility?

An integrated talent management process supporting talent movement that hinges on an organization’s ability to effectively understand, develop and deploy talent in response to business needs.

Talent Mobility Defined

No strategic approach in place to identify future talent needs

Lack of prioritization of Talent Mobility by organizations

Lack of organizational understanding of what Talent Mobility actually “is”

Talent “territorialism” among key stakeholders

Research Findings – Top Challenges

Proactive vs. Reaction Approach to Talent Mobility

56% reactively

Research Findings

• of organizational leaders reported operating regarding talent moves within the


Leaders spend time and invest financial resources into Talent Mobility

Leaders arm employees with resources to capitalize on internal opportunities

Transparency exists around advancement opportunities

Management positions are typically filled from within

Proactive Organizations




Who Are Talent Mobilizers?

current talent and needs

2.Strategically that talent

3.Effectively the talent

Talent Mobility Framework



Tier I Talent Mobilizers


Tier II Talent Mobilizers


Committed Talent


(3 out of 3 indices)

(0 out of 3indices)

( 2 out of 3 indices)

( 1 out of 3 indices)

Talent Mobilizer Organizations :

12% more likely than other organizations

to report positive revenue growth

81% of Committed Mobilizers report on or

above average revenue growth rates

Link to Revenue Growth

Which organizational department is primarily responsible for talent mobility?


HR Business Partners

Recruiting and Hiring

Training and Development

A Combination of all three

Creating a Roadmap


Organizations that understand their talent often focus on talent mobility as a priority, and actively communicate with employees about their skill sets while also supplying individuals with information and plans about career opportunities.

Creating a Roadmap

Employees are well informed about open positions

Managers assess existing talent

Leaders invest financial resources into talent mobility

Organizations conduct company-wide talent reviews

Organizations hold regularly scheduled performance reviews

Organizations use talent management software

Successors to key positions are identified ahead of need

“Understand” Behaviors


Organizations that develop their talent do so by providing and prioritizing opportunities for expanding knowledge and increasing skills, while holding managers accountable for developing employees.

Creating a Roadmap

Managers responsible and accountable for developing talent

Organization uses career planning

Opportunities for stretch assignments available

Coaching is offered/available

Internal networking is offered/available

Job search/skill development offered if/when downsizing occurs

“Develop” Behaviors


Organizations that deploy their talent effectively focus on filling open roles internally and ensuring that employees have the tools they need to move into new and different positions – internally or externally. These companies recognize redeployment and outplacement as critical components of the talent mobility lifecycle.

Creating a Roadmap

Redeployment considered key component of talent mobility

Outplacement a key component of talent mobility

Dedication and seniority rewarded with opportunities for advancement

Management positions filled internally

Organization focuses on moving job roles/tasks to people best positioned to manage

Organization measures/tracks internal talent moves

Leaders arm employees with tools/information needed to capitalize on internal opportunities

“Deploy” Behaviors

An Example Approach – Career Development

Is your

organization a

Talent Mobilizer?


Thank You

Take the Diagnostic:

Download the research report:

513.226.3493 (mobile)

Set Talent in Motion: Achieving Success with Talent Mobility

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