mass intentions for the week of july 25, … · the parish, intensely trained to care for people...

Post on 10-Aug-2018






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Monday 8.00 a.m.(K) Rusty Rhodes + Tuesday 8.00 a.m.(TD) Sam Ruiz (L) Wednesday 8.00 a.m.(E) Special Intention Thursday 8.00 a.m.(E) Sam Ruiz (L) Friday 8.00 a.m.(TD) Willie Newton (L) Saturday 8.00 a.m.(TD) Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Padilla + 5.00 p.m.(K) Zahra Mohebbi (L) Sunday 7.00 a.m.(TD) Antonietta & Donato Mastrangelo + 8.30 a.m.(E) Margaret Burns (L) 10.00 a.m.(TD) 12 Noon (K) Mass for the People 6.00 p.m.(TD) Sam Ruiz (L) 8.00 p.m.(E) + deceased (L) living

Scripture Readings for Week Of July 24, 2016

Sunday Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Gn 18:20-32; Ps 138:1-2, 2-3, 6-7, 7-8; Col 2:12-14; Lk 11:1-13 Monday Saint James, Apostle 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1bc-2ab, 2cd-3, 4-5, 6; Mt 20:20-28 Tuesday Saints Joachim and Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary Jer 14:17-22; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, and 13; Mt 13:36-43 Wednesday Jer 15:10, 16-21; Ps 59:2-3, 4, 10-11, 17, 18; Mt 13:44-46 Thursday Jer 18:1-6; Ps 146:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6ab; Mt 13:47-53 Friday Saint Martha Jer 26:1-9; Ps 69:5, 8-10, 14; Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42 Saturday Saint Peter Chysologus, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Jer 26:11-16, 24; Ps 69:15-16, 30-31, 33-34; Mt 14:1-12 Sunday Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23; Ps 90:3-4, 5-6, 12-13, 14, 17; Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Lk 12:13-21


Comforting, Caring Under direct supervision

of Fr. Mark Knestout, this is an ongoing pastoral care ministry. St. Stephen Ministers are members of the parish, intensely trained to care for people who are experiencing a loss, or going through difficult times or life transitions. Please contact: Deacon Julio Blanco-Eccleston for assistance as a care receiver or to get involved in the ministry. Tel: 703-821-1654;


The Poor Box for the month of July is for Interfaith Housing Coalition, part of Interfaith Works. IHC provides supported housing to homeless families. IHC families live in one of 26 housing units scattered throughout the County, supported by dedicated professional case managers. When ready, families are linked with teams of volunteer mentors through Interfaith Works’ Friends in Action program, who give guidance, support, and friendship as families work towards economic independence and social stability. Bethesda House - thank you to all the volunteers for another successful first half of the year providing dinners for 20 men in Bethesda House. A calendar for July to the end of the year is posted in the church vestibule to be signed according to your availability. As usual, three volunteers are requested for the third Tuesday of each month. Important reminder: we are serving dinner for 20 BIG men each time. Let’s keep this in mind when we cook! Thanks! Carol Bergin:, or Livia Gatti: 301-469-6552/ Sister Betsy Hartson RSCJ seeks gently-used and working laptops with power adapters for Living Wages, a nonprofit educational program for DC residents age 25 and over seeking their high school diplomas. If you can help, please leave your donation at the rectory. Our parishioners have generously donated to Sister Betsy's work in the past. Heal the Culture. Stop the Killing. Build the Beloved Community. Pax Christi USA, our section of the international Catholic peace movement, will hold its national gathering in Baltimore August 12 – 14. The schedule includes workshops on the intersection of racial injustice with care of the earth, immigration, Islamophobia and militarism, as well as public witness, a prayer service, and a block party in West Baltimore. To register or learn more, contact Sr. Anne-Louise Nadeau,, 202 635-2471. Catholic Charities USA - Wanda* graduated from a Catholic Charities’ financial literacy program that gives participants the opportunity to work on personal change and move toward self-sufficiency. Wanda had her first child at 18 and dropped out of school. She thought selling drugs would help, but she was arrested. Suddenly she had no income, no diploma, and a felony on her record. She decided to set things right and contacted Catholic Charities, which has helped Wanda to secure a part-time job, work toward finishing her education, and even get her felony expunged. Wanda believes God has her on a “new journey,” and she intends to stay on it. To learn more, visit *Name changed to protect privacy


If you would like to sponsor flowers on the altar in memory of loved ones, living or deceased, please print your name, phone number, and the occasion or loved one you wish to remember on a purple Flower Contribution envelope, which you will find in

the church vestibule. Minimum contribution for two vases on the main altar is between $90—100. Please drop off your envelope in the collection basket, or call the parish office, 301-229-7933, and your request will be posted in the weekly bulletin. We can only honor one individual request per weekend, so please bear in mind that, sometimes, the date you require may already be taken. Also, for your information, we will not be able to accept requests for the sponsoring of flowers on specific liturgical dates.

St. Bart's Middle School Youth Group: we are 6th, 7th and 8th graders interested in serving our neighbor, playing together and getting to know Our Lord Jesus Christ! All are welcome! If you would like to learn more please email: John & Maria Archer, 7/24: Go Karting, 3:30-6:30 pm. We will meet by the gym .Suggested Donation: $20 Location: Go Kart Track 4300 Kenilworth Ave, Bladensburg, MD. 7/31: No Youth Group 8/7: Summer Service Event: Visit to Bartholomew House Assisted Living, 5:45- 7:45pm. We will meet by the gym. All youth in Middle School welcome. Stay tuned for more 2016 events!!


Kraków in the Capital: July 30 World Youth Day Festival for Young Adults in DC - join more than 1,000 young adults (ages 18-39, married and single) from across the country on Saturday, July 30 at The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, for Kraków in the Capital. At this day-long festival, coinciding with the celebration of World Youth Day in Kraków, Poland, you will be transported on pilgrimage with Pope Francis through: Polish food and music, live-feed of Pope Francis, bilingual talks from bishops and national speakers, powerful prayer experiences including Adoration, Confession, candlelight Stations of the Cross, Vigil Mass with Cardinal Wuerl, a late-night concert with Marie Miller, optional overnight camping and more! Register and learn more at and connect on social media using #wydDC and #USApilgrim. If you need special accommodations email

The Bowie Baysox are proud to invite members of our surrounding communities to join us on Sunday, August 21st at Prince George’s Stadium at 2:05pm, for FAITH DAY, and the Bowie vs. Akron game, where we will proudly have on display the FIAT 500 used by Pope Francis during his 2015 visit to Washington, DC. Gates will open at approximately 1:00pm. The Fiat will be located inside the stadium, and a valid game day ticket is needed for entry into the ball park. Following the game, fans are encouraged to stay for a concert performed by Josh Wilson (no additional cost). To purchase tickets, contact the Bowie Baysox Ticketing Office at 301-464-4865. The Sunday TV Mass - do you know someone who can't get to Mass? Since 1952, the Archdiocese of Washington has produced a weekly televised Mass for those who are homebound, broadcast from the Crypt Church of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. It is a wonderful ministry for those members of our Catholic family who are unable to be physically present with a local worshiping community for the Sunday Eucharistic Liturgy. The Mass airs every Sunday at 10:30am on WDCW-50: • No cable; Dish or Direct TV subscribers: Ch. 50. • Comcast: Ch. 23 in Washington, DC and Montgomery County; Ch. 3 in Prince George's County and Southern Maryland • RCN: Ch 15. • Verizon: Ch. 3 Would you like to be on TV? Join the congregation at a taping of the TV Mass! Your presence at the TV Mass is a wonderful way to bring the Mass to those who are homebound. Two Masses are taped on the same evening, from 7:30-8:45pm in the Crypt Church of the Basilica at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception at 400 Michigan Avenue, NE in Washington, DC. Come for one Mass or stay for both! Upcoming Thursday taping dates are July 7, 14, and 21. To receive the free Celebrate! TV Mass newsletter, please email with your mailing address.

Prayer and Life Workshops (in Spanish)

You’re invited to participate in a Prayer and Life Workshop, a program approved by the Holy See and created by Father Ignacio Larrañaga. In the prayer workshop, different methods of prayer are learned during fifteen sessions that accompany participants to establish and deepen in their personal relationship with the Lord, to deepen one’s life of faith, to overcome anxieties and find peace in the middle of life’s difficulties. The workshop will begin on August 6, in Spanish from 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Parish Meeting Room. For more information, please contact Sandra Arauz at (301) 448-9588 or via email at Sandra is available this Sunday, July 24 after the 6:00 PM Spanish Mass to be at the entrance of the church to distribute flyers with information about the workshops and answer questions from interested parishioners.


DECIMOSEPTIMO DOMINGO ORDINARIO 24 DE JULIO DE 2016 Necesitamos orar: pedirle a Dios los bienes que necesitamos para el alma y para el cuerpo. Por eso, decimos a Jesús con sus discípulos: Señor, enséñanos a

orar. Y Jesús nos enseña a orar con la fórmula del Padre nuestro. Necesitamos orar, como hijos que saben que su padre siempre los escucha: Pedid…buscad… llamad… porque quien pide, recibe, quien busca, halla, y al que

llama se le abre. Sí, nuestro Padre Dios siempre nos escucha y nos concede aquello que nos conviene para nuestra salvación. Necesitamos orar con insistencia como el que acude a su amigo a medianoche para pedirle un pan. Éste la suplica que lo deje descansar, pero ante la insistencia, se levanta y da el pan al que se le pide. Oremos con insistencia a nuestro Padre Dios y Él nos dará lo que nos conviene. Un Padre nunca dará a su hijo una piedra o una serpiente. Así nuestro Padre Dios nos dará el bien que necesitamos.

PAGINA WEB DE SAN BARTOLOME – Ver Comunidad Hispana MISA DIARIA Y EXPOSICIÓN DEL SANTISIMO Lunes-sábado Exposición del Santísimo a las 7:30 y Misa 8:00 a.m. La adoración es entrar con la profundidad de nuestro corazón en comunión con el Señor que se hace presente corporalmente en la Eucaristía. Vengamos a adorarle. CONFESIONES Domingos: 5:15 - 5:45 p.m. en español El Señor los espera siempre, en especial todos los domingos. REZO DEL SANTO ROSARIO Domingos a las 5:30PM, antes de la Misa de las 6:00PM. EL SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO Para mayor información, favor llamar al Diácono Julio al teléfono 703-821-1654. PREPARACION PARA EL MATRIMONIO El programa de preparación para este Sacramento comienza con seis meses de anticipación a la fecha de la boda. El Diácono Julio ofrece preparación matrimonial en español y en inglés. Información: Tel: 703-821-1654 INFORMACION PARA EL BOLETIN La fecha límite es el día domingo anterior a la publicación del mismo. Contactar a Rafael Espinosa.

NOVENA A LA VIRGEN DE LA MEDALLA MILAGROSA Un camino hacia Dios de la mano de María. Los segundos martes de cada mes a las 7:30PM en la Iglesia de San Bartolomé. Rezada en español, con exposición del Santísimo Sacramento. Informes con María Lelia Orozco: 301-469-0103. Los esperamos a todos para continuar con esta tradición de San Bartolomé. 26 DE JULIO: DIA DE SAN JOAQUIN Y SANTA ANA, PADRES DE LA VIRGEN MARIA Oración: Gloriosísimos padres de María Santísima, amados abogados míos: me alegro con vosotros de aquel consuelo que tuvisteis cuando, después de muchos ruegos y oraciones, os avisó el Ángel que habíais de tener una hija tan santa. Miradme aquí postrado a vuestros pies, os suplico me recibáis por vuestro humildísimo siervo para que como tal os reverencie y ame. Es verdad que no merezco esta gracia, pero confío lo haréis por el amor de María Santísima, vuestra benditísima hija, y por los méritos de Jesús. Acordaos de mí ahora, y sobre todo en la hora de mi agonía; asistidme entonces, junto con Jesús, María y José. Amén. GRUPO DE JUVENTUD DE SAN BARTOLOME El grupo de Juventud de San Bartolomé se reunirá el domingo 31 de Julio para realizar una tarde de servicio por el verano. Visitaremos la Casa de San Bartolomé. Esto será de 5:45 a 7:45 pm. Nos reuniremos en el gimnasio. Informes, comunicarse con María Kaufmann. EL MINISTERIO DE COMPASIÓN DE SAN ESTEBAN Bajo la directa supervisión del Padre Mark Knestout, los Ministros de San Esteban, miembros de nuestra comunidad, dan cuidado, escuchan y comparten el amor de Dios, para así ayudar a las personas que pasan por un momento de confusión, estrés o soledad. La intención de Dios no es que suframos solos. Información con: Diácono Julio Blanco-Eccleston: TALLERES DE ORACION Y VIDA Los Talleres de Oración y Vida, de la espiritualidad del Padre Ignacio Larrañaga, O.F.M., que ofrecen un método práctico y sencillo para aprender a orar, comenzaran en la sala de matemáticas de la iglesia de San Bartolomé el día 6 de Agosto de 10:00 a.m. a 12:00 p.m. Para mayor información, llamar por favor a Sandra Arauz al (301) 448-9588 o mandar un email a la siguiente direccion: MISAS DURANTE VACACIONES Las personas y familias que viajan durante el verano a diversos lugares de los Estados Unidos, pueden encontrar información sobre iglesias y horarios de Misas del lugar que visitan en la siguiente dirección: VOLUNTARIOS Los programas y ministerios de la comunidad hispana de San Bartolomé son realizados por voluntarios que comparten su talento, tiempo y energía a servir a la comunidad. Si usted está interesado en servir en algún ministerio, por favor hablar con Hernan Oyarzabal: GRUPO DE ORACIÓN RIOS DE AGUA VIVA El grupo de oración “Ríos de Agua Viva” le invita a compartir un momento con el Señor, los lunes de 10:00 a.m. a 12:30 pm. en la oficina hispana, al lado de la Sacristía. En la primera media hora se rezará el Rosario. Dirigido por Sonia Ruiz, informes:


St. Bartholomew Parish Office 6902 River Road, Bethesda, Md. 20817 Tel: 301-229-7933 ♦ Fax: 301-229-7998

♦ ♦ Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.—4:30 p.m. Baptisms—3rd Sunday of the month, appointment only. Parents are obliged to take a brief class related to the Sacrament prior to the Baptism. Class is held 1st Wednesday of the month. Registration is required. Call the Parish Office for more information. Weddings—Please contact one of the priests at least 6 months prior to anticipated wedding date. Pre-Cana and instruction are required. Sacrament of Reconciliation—Saturday, following 8.00 a.m. Mass, and 3:30-4:30 p.m.; Sunday, 5:15-5:45 p.m. (Español), or by appointment. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) - The process of becoming a Catholic Christian. Call the Parish Office for information. Adult Choir—Weekly rehearsals on Wednesday, 8:00-10:00 p.m. Choir sings every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Mass. Pastoral Care of the Sick and Homebound—Please notify the Rectory Office if you know of any parishioner who is sick or homebound and who would like to receive Holy Eucharist or the Sacrament of the Sick so that we can arrange to take him/her the Eucharist or the Sacrament of the Sick. Note to New Parishioners—We extend to you a warm welcome from our Parish Community and encourage you to become active, involved members of the parish. Please obtain a registration form from the parish office, or from the Church vestibule.

Please Note: Bulletin notices must be received no later than 12 Noon on the Monday prior to the desired weekend of publishing.

ST. BARTHOLOMEW ORGANIZATIONS/MINISTRIES Pastoral Council Judy Arcidiacono (Chair) ................... 301-461-1893 Hernan Oyarzabal (Hisp. Rep.) .......... 301-732-9586 Valeria Conde (Hisp. Rep.) ................ 301-340-8227 Finance Committee Paul Johnson (Chair) .......................... 301-320-4632 Roberto Garcia-Lopez (Hisp. Rep.) .... 301-469-8482 Altar Servers Richard Elliott .................................... 202-686-0263 Monaguillos/Hisp. Coord. Jesus Manuel Berard, Ph.D. ............... 631-793-2005 Arimatheans Bill Ayers ........................................... 301-469-8023 Bartholomew House Joe Hanle, Dir .................................... 301-320-6151 Busy Men at Work Group Jesus Manuel Berard, Ph.D. ............... 631-793-2005 CYO Tom Serena ........................................ 301-320-0578 Children’s Liturgy Diana Carter ....................................... 301-229-5117 Valeria Conde (Hisp.Coord.) ............. 301-340-8227 Choir Carole Wysocki (Director) ................. 301-717-8850 Church Guild Maria El-Khouri ................................. 301-897-9005 Eucharistic Ministers Ann Kennedy ..................................... 301-367-5988 Ministros Eucarísticos Gabriel Network Selma deLeon .................................... 301-229-6591 Home and School Assn. Jennifer Bautista ................................ 301-793-1899 Hospitality & New In the Pew Bonnie Perkins ................................... 301-299-8091 Ignatian Volunteer Corps Nancy Brouillard McKenzie .............. 301-229-1071 Knights of Columbus John Vivian ........................................ 301-461-3597 Lectors/Liturgy Committee AnneMarie Economopoulos ............... 301-365-1233 Lectores Hispanic Liturgy Hernan Oyarzabal .............................. 301-732-9586 Prayer Chain Susan Schill ....................................... 301-469-4973 Respect for Life Sick and Homebound Contact Rectory ................................. 301-229-7933 Social Concerns Tom Carty .......................................... 301-587-8860 Sodality Sally Aitken ....................................... 301-365-4719 Stephen Ministry Deacon Julio Blanco-Eccleston .......... 703-821-1654 Ushers Theresa Kowal ................................... 301-320-8876 Ujieres Wedding Coordinator Mary Ann Chalfant ............................ 301-299-3739 Youth Minister Maria Archer ...................................... 240-468-9896

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