martin kruliš 26. 11. 2015 by martin kruliš (v1.1)1

Post on 29-Jan-2016






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by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 1

Client-side Scripting

Martin Kruliš

26. 11. 2015

by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 2

Including Scripts into Web Pages◦ Dynamic modifications of HTML and CSS◦ Handling user actions within the browser◦ Asynchronous communication with server

Major Challenges◦ Security

The script is completely isolated from the computer It may interact only through the browser

◦ Performance Limited due to properties of scripting languages and

security measures imposed by the browser

26. 11. 2015

Client-side Scripting

by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 3

Application Examples◦ Improving esthetic experience of the presentation

(beyond CSS capabilities)◦ User input processing and verification◦ Background data retrieval and synchronization◦ Generating graphics (SVG or with the canvas

element)◦ …

Technologies◦ JavaScript – on the rise, especially with HTML5◦ VBScript – used in MSIE in the past◦ 3rd party technologies (Flash, Silverlight, …)

26. 11. 2015

Client-side Scripting


by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 4

Embedded Scripts<script type="text/javascript">

the JavaScript code</script>

Linked Scripts<script type="text/javascript" src="url"></script>

Event handlers<img src="url" onmouseover="code-handling-event">

26. 11. 2015

JavaScript in HTML

The script must comply with HTML rules

by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 5

Browser Environment◦ Global object window

API for current browser window/tab Presents the global context Encapsulates all prepared objects and APIs

window.document – DOM API for HTML document window.location – Access/control current URL window.history – Navigate through browser history window.screen – Information about system screen window.navigator – Information about the browser …

Controls the pop-up message boxes

26. 11. 2015

JavaScript in Web Browser

by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 6

Document Object Model<html> <body> <h1>DOM Example</h1> <p> Document Object Model is an API … </p> <img src="url" alt="text"> ... </body></html>

26. 11. 2015

Accessing Document


h1 p img



DOM Example Document Object Model



by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 7

Document Object Model◦ Object model representing HTML/XML tree◦ Class of each node corresponds with the node

type◦ Different nodes allow different methods

26. 11. 2015

Accessing Document



ElementDocument Attr CharacterData …

by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 8

DOM Level◦ Incremental standards for DOM issued by W3C◦ Level 0

Various technologies before standardization Sometimes also denoted DHTML (dynamic HTML)

◦ Level 1 – basic navigation and manipulation◦ Level 2 – added namespaces, events, and CSS◦ Level 3 – keyboard events, XPath, load and store◦ Level 4 – being developed◦ Browsers support entire level 1 and most of 2 and


26. 11. 2015

Accessing Document

by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 9

Node Traversing◦ Node.firstChild, Node.lastChild◦ Node.childNodes◦ Node.nextSibling, Node.previousSibling◦ Node.parentNode, Node.parentElement◦ Node.nodeName, Node.nodeValue◦ Node.attributes – relevant for elements only◦ Document.documentElement – root element◦ Document.getElementsByTagName(tagName)◦ Document.getElementById(id)

26. 11. 2015

Document Object Model

by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 10

Content Manipulation◦ Document.createElement(), …◦ Node.appendChild(), Node.insertBefore()◦ Node.replaceChild(), Node.removeChild()◦ Element.getAttribute(), Element.setAttribute()◦ Element.removeAttribute()◦ Node.cloneNode(deep)

Extra Features◦ Node.innerHTML, Node.outerHTML◦ Document.evaluate(xpath)

26. 11. 2015

Document Object Model

Example 1

by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 11

Cascading Style Sheets◦

Represent properties in style attribute Properties are represented in CSS object modelvar hln = document.getElementById("headline"); = '#ffeecc';

Property names in model corresponds to names in CSS Dashes are removed and following words are capitalized

◦ Element.className, Element.classList◦ Document.styleSheets[].cssRules[]

.selectorText – string with CSS selector .style – same as

26. 11. 2015


Example 2

by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 12

Event Model◦ Top-level scripts are executed immediately◦ Other code can be attached to various events◦ One event loop processed in single thread

26. 11. 2015


Event Queue

Mouse Moved

User Clicked

Loading Finished

Window Resized


DOM Tree


Processes one event at a time

Target element is found …

If the event is not processed, it bubbles up

by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 13

Event Handling◦ Events may be handled by callback functions

Attached directly in HTML<button onclick="js code handling the event">

Or by Javascript codemyButton.onclick = function(event) { ... }ormyButton.addEventListener('click', fnc, capture);

◦ Todays choice – addEventListener() Allows multiple handlers on one event Works on any DOM element (not just visual

elements) Allows early event capturing

26. 11. 2015


by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 14

Event Object◦ Event is represented by an object implementing Event interface Special events may implement some other interface

derived from Event (e.g., MouseEvent)◦ The object carries event information, Event.currentTarget Event.bubbles, Event.cancelable Event specific information (e.g., mouse coordinates)

◦ The event propagation may be disrupted Event.preventDefault() Event.stopPropagation()

26. 11. 2015


Examples 3,4

by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 15

Window Functions◦ User interaction

window.alert(msg), window.confirm(msg) window.prompt(msg, defaultText)

◦ Important events window.onload window.onresize window.onbeforeunload, window.onunload

◦ Timers window.setTimeout(code, ms) window.setInterval(code, ms) window.clearTimeout(), window.clearInterval()

26. 11. 2015


by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 16

Location◦ Read/write value gets/sets URL in address bar◦, location.pathname, …◦ location.assign(url), location.replace(url)◦ location.reload()

History◦ Manipulate the browser history of navigation◦ history.length – number of items in history◦ history.back(), history.forward()◦ history.go(offset) – move in history by offset

26. 11. 2015


by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 17

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML◦ A technique that combines three technologies

JavaScript Asynchronous HTTP client API integrated in browser XML or other semi-structured data format

◦ Script invokes HTTP transfer and provide callbacks Both GET and POST requests are supported

◦ The callback is invoked asynchronously At the conclusion of the HTTP transfer It may process the returned data (e.g., update the

contents of the web page)

26. 11. 2015


by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 18

XMLHttpRequest Objectvar httpReq = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "index.php?ajax=1", true);httpReq.onreadystatechange = function() { if (httpReq.readyState != 4) return; if (httpReq.status == 200) processResponse(httpReq.responseText); else handleError(httpReq.status);}httpReq.send();

26. 11. 2015


Example 5

by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 1926. 11. 2015

Cross-site Scripting Problem

Registration Admin Interface



List of Users




<script>... find session ID ...... send it over HTTP ...</script>


Attacker’s Browser

Malicious script gets executed in Admin’s web browser (i.e., in Admin’s context/session)

Admin’s Browser

by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 20

Cross-site Scripting◦ User injects malicious JavaScript into regular data

fields (registration form, e-mail body, …)◦ The field is displayed to another user -> the script

may steal his/her identity

Prevention◦ Browser blocks HTTP requests to other domains◦ Browser hides secured cookies from the script

Programmer’s Discipline◦ All user inputs must be tested or sanitized

26. 11. 2015

Cross-site Scripting Problem

by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 21

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)◦ Lightweight interchange format for structured

data◦ Based on subset of JavaScript language◦ Otherwise language independent

Many parsers exist with frontends for many languages

◦ Intended for replacing XML in simple scenarios

Syntax◦ Two basic structures: collections and lists◦ Supports strings, numbers, bools, and null type◦ Unicode safe

26. 11. 2015


by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 22

JSON Example[ { "StudentId": 42, "Name": "John Smith" }, { "StudentId": 54, "Name": "Jane Johnson", "Graduated": true }]

26. 11. 2015


Ordered list

Named collection

Number (int)

Unicode string

Boolean literal

by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 23

Applications in JavaScript◦ Mainly for transfer of JavaScript structures

AJAJ – Asynchronous JavaScript and JSON◦ Parsing

var res = eval(jsonString); Fast but not safe (the string may contain malicious code)

var res = JSON.parse(jsonString); JSON object was originally implemented in library and

later added to ECMAScript 5 standard

◦ Serialization var jsonString = JSON.stringify(jsObject);

26. 11. 2015


by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 24

HTML5◦ Standardizes and extends existing APIs

Window, Location, History, …◦ Add many new elements and features

Non-visible Data Attributes◦ Data for scripts, but associated with DOM

elements◦ Special data-* attributes (e.g., data-foo-bar)◦ Appear in element.dataset collection

Ad example above – element.dataset.fooBar

26. 11. 2015

JavaScript and HTML5

by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 25

History◦ New feature – script state (history.state)

history.pushState(), history.replaceState() Captures hidden script-managed state Allows backward/forward navigation over the states

Multi-media and Graphics Elements◦ Especially the <canvas> element

2D API for drawing Optional API for 3D graphic rendering (WebGL)

◦ Controlling multimedia Elements <audio> and <video>

26. 11. 2015

JavaScript and HTML5

by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 26

Other New APIs◦ Form validation◦ Abstraction for commands (actions)◦ Application cache for offline working modes◦ Custom protocol and media content handlers◦ Editable and draggable (drag & drop) content◦ Micro-data support◦ Cross-document messaging, channel messaging◦ Background (parallel) workers◦ XMLHttpRequest Level 2, WebSockets◦ WebGL, WebCL

26. 11. 2015

JavaScript and HTML5

by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 27

Coding with Multi-browser Support◦ Browsers developers implement the web

standards when they want and how they want Especially problematic with their older versions

◦ Test the functionality, not the browser type/versionif ("XMLHttpRequest" in window) { AJAX code }else { no AJAX }

JavaScript Libraries◦ Solve the compatibility for you …◦ jQuery, Dojo, MooTools, Prototype, …

26. 11. 2015

Compatibility Issues


by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 28

jQuery JavaScript Library◦ Lightweight, feature rich, cross browser

v1.10 – with backwards compatibility v2.0 – new version that drops support of MSIE 6/7/8

◦ Philosophy – select and do Powerful selectors for DOM nodes Collective methods operating on DOM sets

◦ Features DOM manipulation (HTML and CSS) Event handling, integrated support for animations AJAX and related data handling

26. 11. 2015


by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 29

Selectors◦ CSS-like selectors for DOM nodes$("selector") – returns jQuery wrapper for node set E.g., "element", ".class", "#id", "*", …

Basic Methods◦ DOM manipulation

append(), remove(), html(), text(), …◦ CSS manipulation and animated modifications

css(), addClass(), removeClass(), hasClass(), … hide(), show(), animate(), …

26. 11. 2015


by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 30

AJAXjQuery.ajax(url, { type:"GET", dataType:"text" }) .done(function(data) { code that process data });◦ jQuery.get(), jQuery.getJSON(),

Related Libraries◦ jQuery UI – user interface widgets◦ jQuery mobile◦ QUnit – a unit testing framework

26. 11. 2015


by Martin Kruliš (v1.1) 3126. 11. 2015


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