martin kruliš 19. 2. 2015 by martin kruliš (v1.0)1

Programming Modern Web Applications Martin Kruliš 19. 2. 2015 by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 1

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Page 1: Martin Kruliš 19. 2. 2015 by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)1

by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 1

Programming ModernWeb Applications

Martin Kruliš

19. 2. 2015

Page 2: Martin Kruliš 19. 2. 2015 by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)1

by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 219. 2. 2015

Web Applications Architecture



• HTML (text)• Pictures• CSS• Embedded

Objects (Flash)• Scripting

(JavaScript)• XMLHttpReques

t (AJAX, AJAJ)• HTML5• …

• Static Content• Dynamic

Content, Scripting (PHP)

• AJAX, AJAJ• Caching, HPC,

Cloud Solutions• WebSockets

Integration• NodeJS• …

• HTTP(S)• Long-held HTTP (Comet)• WebSockets• WebRTC


Page 3: Martin Kruliš 19. 2. 2015 by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)1

by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 3

Static Pages

19. 2. 2015

Web Applications Evolution

Web ServerClient





HTTP request

HTTP response with the contents of index.html file

Page 4: Martin Kruliš 19. 2. 2015 by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)1

by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 4

Dynamic Pages (with PHP)

19. 2. 2015

Web Applications Evolution

Web ServerClient






HTTP request

HTTP response with contents generated by a

PHP script


Page 5: Martin Kruliš 19. 2. 2015 by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)1

by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 5

Dynamic Pages and AJAX

19. 2. 2015

Web Applications Evolution

Web ServerClient




HTML documentand scripts

Browser initiated request(s)


PHP generated contents, CSS, JavaScript, …

AJAX (script initiated) queries


Page 6: Martin Kruliš 19. 2. 2015 by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)1

by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 6

HTML5 Web Applications

19. 2. 2015

Web Applications Evolution

Web ServerClient


HTML documentand scripts

Browser downloads static content (HTML, JS, …)


AJAX, WebSockets, …

Page 7: Martin Kruliš 19. 2. 2015 by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)1

by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 7

An application protocol built on top of TCP◦ Top level communication between web browser

and web server◦ Request – response structure◦ Data goes in both directions

Client can send data (files, …) to the server Text-based format of messages

◦ Headers are in structured text, content may be encoded differently

Currently in version 1.1

19. 2. 2015

Revising HTTP

Page 8: Martin Kruliš 19. 2. 2015 by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)1

by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 8

HTTP Request Types◦ GET (a request for the contents of a page)

Request has only header No body (i.e., no data to send) Header specifies what the client wants

Some parameters may be encoded in URL ?name1=value1&name2=value2 … HTTP wrapper decodes them to the $_GET array

$_GET['name1'] = 'value1’; … Method must be nullipotent

It must not modify the server state

19. 2. 2015

Revising HTTP

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by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 9

HTTP Request Types◦ POST (sending data, performing an action, …)

Request contains header and body Body contains the data being send to a server

Serialized HTML form (decoded to $_POST) Several types of encoding

A file being uploaded Parameters are in $_FILES, file is saved in tmp. directory

It is expected that the server modifies something Save/update the data, … Browser asks for explicit confirmation of any re-send

The request may also have parameters encoded in URL

19. 2. 2015

Revising HTTP

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by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 10

URL Encoding◦ MIME application/x-www-form-urlencoded◦ Control characters (?, &, =, …) must be encoded

Standard urlencode() function◦ Encoding arrays: ?Arr[3]=a&Arr[]=b&Arr[]=c&

decodes to $_GET['Arr'] = array(3=>'a','b','c'); POST Data Encoding

◦ Value of enctype attribute of the form element application/x-www-form-urlencoded multipart/form-data text/plain

19. 2. 2015


Page 11: Martin Kruliš 19. 2. 2015 by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)1

by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 11

Decoded to the $_SERVER array◦ REQUEST_METHOD – used method (“GET”or “POST”)◦ SERVER_PROTOCOL – protocol version (“HTTP/1.1”)◦ REQUEST_URI – request part of URL

(“/index.php”)◦ REMOTE_ADDR – clients IP address◦ HTTP_ACCEPT – MIME types that the client accepts◦ HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE – desired translation◦ HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING – desired encodings◦ HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET – desired charsets◦ … and some more info about the server and the

client’s browser

19. 2. 2015

HTTP Request Information


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by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 12

Modifying Response Headers◦ Most of them are set automatically◦ Manual modifying/adding by header() function

header('Content-Type: application/pdf');◦ Specific modifications of headers (setcookie())◦ headers_list() returns currently set headers

Sending Response Headers◦ As soon as an output is send from PHP

Even if its just a whitespace Can be prevented by output buffering (set in php.ini)

◦ headers_sent() tests whether they have been sent

19. 2. 2015

Response Headers

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by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 13

Examples◦ Changing response codeheader('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');

◦ Setting proper content type (encoding, …)header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');

◦ Controlling browser caching mechanismheader('Expires: Tue, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT');header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') .' GMT');

header('Cache-Control: no-cache,must-revalidate');header('Pragma: no-cache');

19. 2. 2015

Response Headers

Example 1

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by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 14

Normal Transfers◦ The whole response (e.g., HTML file) is available◦ Content-Length can be set exactly

Dynamic Web Pages◦ The content is generated (it takes a while)◦ We can cache the content and send it all at the

end or chunked transfer can be used No Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding: chunked

◦ Body is sent as unspecified number of chunks Chunks may carry additional headers

19. 2. 2015

Chunked Transfers

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by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 15

Redirect Mechanism in HTTP◦ 3xx response code

301 Moved Permanently 302 Found (originally named Moved Temporarily) 303 See Other

◦ Additional header 'Location' has the new URL◦ Browser must try to load the new URL◦ Loops in redirections are detected

Creating Redirect in PHP◦ header("Location: my-new-url");◦ Automatically changes the response code (to 302)

19. 2. 2015


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by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 16

Problem with POST

19. 2. 2015

Redirect after POST

Client(Browser) Web Server

POST Request(a submitted form)

Response(a HTML page)





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by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 17

Redirect (303 See Other) after POST

19. 2. 2015

Redirect after POST

Client(Browser) Web Server

POST Request

Redirect (new URL)



GET (new URL)

HTML Pageread-only

Redirects to a new URL(without updating history)

Example 2

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by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 18

Uploading Files via HTTP◦ In form as <input type="file" ... />◦ Uploaded file …

Is stored in temp directory under generated name Related information is stored in $_FILES[name]

Name corresponds to the name of the form element Related information has the following attributes

'name' – original file name (sent from web client) 'type' – MIME type 'size' – size of the file in bytes 'tmp_name' – path to the file in temp directory 'error' – error code (e.g., UPLOAD_ERR_OK)

19. 2. 2015

Uploading Files The form has to use multipart/form-data


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by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 19

File Temporary Storage◦ Existence of the file is guaranteed only till the PHP

script terminates is_uploaded_file() – verification move_uploaded_file() – a safe way to move files

Maximal Upload Size◦ Determined by configuration parameters

(php.ini) upload_max_filesize – limit for each file post_max_size – limit for POSTed data size max_execution_time, max_input_time

19. 2. 2015

Uploading Files

Example 3

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by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 20


HTTP Is Stateless◦ Applications require state (logged in user,

contents of a shopping cart, currently selected page, …)

19. 2. 2015

Dealing with Statelessness

Passing onparameters in URL


Database, Files, …

Server Side Client Side



JS, web storage

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by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 21

Parameters holding the state …◦ are serialized to every URL (links, redirects, …),◦ or to (hidden) items of every HTML form

Advantages◦ A concept which is easy to grasp and to implement◦ Parameters in URL can be saved in bookmarks

Disadvantages◦ The size of the document grows with the

parameters◦ Difficult to maintain the code◦ The user can trivially modify the parameters in the

address bar of the browser

19. 2. 2015

Passing on the Parameters

Page 22: Martin Kruliš 19. 2. 2015 by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)1

by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 22

Cookies in Web Browser◦ Data stored as key-value pair (of strings)◦ Cookies are re-sent with every request

Included in HTTP headers◦ The browser may have cookies disabled◦ Cookies have additional information

Their origin (URL) and expiration time Cookies in PHP

◦ Cookies sent by browser are in $_COOKIE◦ Cookies are set/modified/removed by setcookie()

The information is sent in HTTP response headers

19. 2. 2015


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by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 23

Issues◦ A call to setcookie() does not modify $_COOKIE◦ Headers must not have been sent yet

Advantages◦ Easy to use◦ The only way how to track user sessions when

browser window gets closed Disadvantages

◦ Cookies are sent to server with every request◦ Data must be serialized into a string

19. 2. 2015


Example 4

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by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 24

PHP Session API◦ A managed data-locker at the server side

Data are transparently (de)serialized to/from a file◦ A session is identified by its ID

The ID must be kept on the client side (e.g., in cookie)

Anyone who has the ID can access the session! Advantages

◦ Minimizes data transfers (only the ID is transferred)

Disadvantages◦ More delicate security issues

19. 2. 2015


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by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 25

Opening Session◦ Simple call to session_start() method◦ Checks $_COOKIE and $_GET arrays for PHPSESSID

variable which should have the ID◦ If the variable is missing, new session is started

And a cookie with the new ID is set (if php.ini says so)

Accessing Session Data◦ In the $_SESSION global array◦ It can be read and written (incl. unset() on items)

19. 2. 2015

Session API

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by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 26

Removing the Session◦ session_unset() – clears the session (keeps the

ID)◦ session_destroy() – invalidates the session ID

Others◦ session_name() – gets/sets name of the variable

for the session ID (PHPSESSID by default)◦ session_id() – get/sets current session ID◦ session_regenerate_id() – generate a new ID◦ session_cache_expire(time) – sets time (in

minutes) after which the session expires if not used

19. 2. 2015

Session API

Example 5

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by Martin Kruliš (v1.0) 27

SPDY (“speedy”) Protocol◦ Networking protocol developed at Google◦ Works as a layer between HTTP and TCP (TLS in

fact)◦ The main objective is efficiency

Introduces compression, multiplexing, … Server is allowed to push contents ahead

HTTP/2◦ New proposed version of HTTP based on SPDY◦ Integrates SPDY features directly into HTTP and

advances some of them (e.g., multiplexing)

19. 2. 2015

What Future Holds

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