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M A R K E T I N G : S T R AT E G Y, B R A N D I N G & T O O L S / 1 9 5# D E S I R E M A P


WHAT YOU WILL FIND IN THIS SECTION Introduction to marketing for licensees


Offline marketing

Online marketing action sheets

Action list: your licensee profile

Action list: Facebook

Action list: Twitter

Action list: Instagram

Action list: Pinterest

Action list: email marketing

Action list: your website

Action list: content

Promotional copy & naming your workshop

Marketing funnel-in-a-box

Tips from licensees

Create raving fans

Offline marketing — intro sessions


















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When marketing is thoughtful and the intention is high, it can be helpful, inspiring, and even life-changing. When Team D thinks about marketing The Desire Map, we always aim at our highest intention, which is having everyone on the globe live according to how they want to feel. From that intention comes the strategy. All Love.

In this section of the guidebook, we share some strategies and tools to help you put your Desire Map offerings into the world so that the right people come to you. We give you scripts for talking about Desire Mapping in a way that resonates, offline and online marketing strategies to fill your workshops, and promotional copy for enticing enrollment.

The art of filling your workshops is the art of marketing. You don’t have to be intimidated by this term — spreading the word about your workshops with high-vibration intentions and love is a marketing strategy. This is going to feel different for every person. In this section, we give you an arsenal of tools, strategies, and inspiration for filling your workshops or offerings in a way that feels authentic to you.

Strategy: start with love.


‣ Read the branding rulesIt is your responsibility to know the rules and what you can and cannot do. You will find all of that on page 282 of this guidebook. Read it through. Carefully.

‣ Follow The Desire Map Facebook communityThere you will find some of the most amazing tips and inspiration — when you connect with people in a meaningful way, they remember you.

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SCRIPTS Whether you’re at a business networking meeting or a women’s circle, you can explain to people, in a concise and clear way, what it means to be a Desire Map Facilitator and how The Desire Map experience can enrich their lives.


These are questions that come up in all kinds of settings: talking to an old friend at the grocery store or standing up in front of a mic. From coffee shop owners who are curious about what your flyers are for, to your online tribe. We’ve included alternate answers so you can see the full range of the responses that could work for you and who you are talking to. Use these scripts “as is” or be inspired to write your own.

Q: What do you do?

A: Well, one of the things I do is lead Desire Map workshops [or use The Desire Map in my coaching practice]. It’s an inside-out approach to goal setting. You go through a process to discover your “core desired feelings” and then you use those as the basis for your life planning. Super cool. And liberating. It’s all based on the book from Danielle LaPorte.

A: Well, one of the things I do is lead Desire Map workshops — mostly for people going through goal setting burnout. We use a feelings-based approach to life design — core desired feelings. And analyze your goals — which ones are really true to you, which ones you need to ditch. It’s all based on the book from Danielle LaPorte. It’s really powerful.

Q: What’s The Desire Map?

A: The Desire Map is a goal setting system that flips traditional goal setting. Instead of focusing on external things and accomplishments like getting the house, making the big salary, or buying that sports car you’ve always wanted, you FIRST identify how you want to feel (Grounded, Affluent, Sexy) and THEN determine what it will take for you to generate those feelings. It’s a fresh take on goal setting that puts the internal before the external.

A: The Desire Map is a guidance system for figuring out the feelings you most want to feel and setting your goals according to them. It’s all based on the book by Danielle LaPorte, which became its own little movement. When I discovered it, it really changed the way I set my own goals and live my own life. So…now I’m helping others get there.

A: The Desire Map is a fresh take on goal setting. You know how every year you make New Year's resolutions (lose ten pounds, cut the sugar, take more vacations, write a book) and then every year when you break those, you feel bad about yourself? That whole process is backwards. The way we should be doing it is figuring out how we want to feel — at work, at home, in a relationship, and then plan our goals and intentions to support us in feeling that way.

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Q: What are your workshops about?

A: When someone comes to my workshops, it’s because they want more out of their life. They want love, connection, a better marriage, the house, the promotion, confidence in starting their new business, or they just want to feel good when they wake up. I help people discover how they most want to feel. Once they know that, I help them prioritize their goals so that chasing the goal feels just as rewarding as achieving it. Feeling good is the whole point.

A: Have you ever set a goal that didn’t feel good? Like, maybe you set the goal but didn’t achieve it? Or you set it, and then changed course midway and felt like that was a failure? This is goal burnout. I help people quit traditional goal setting so they can set intentions that feel good to make. So if you set a goal, or change it, or drop it, or totally over-deliver, you still feel good about it. Goal setting that feels good is the whole point.

Q: What makes your workshop different from the others I’ve seen about empowerment, healing, goal setting, etc.?

A: Have you ever been to one of those workshops where you felt like you were grinding towards enlightenment? Or you felt totally fatigued afterward with all the new things that you now had to implement? Desire Map workshops are “anti-striving” and pro-feelings all the way. When people walk in, they feel at home. It’s work, but the kind of work that leaves you feeling lighter.

A: Desire Map workshops are all about discovering how you want to feel — like, for real. It sounds so simple, but there is a whole range of techniques and exercises to help you achieve clarity on this simple question: how do you most want to feel? We’re not really chasing goals, we’re chasing feelings. Joy, Expansion, Presence, Affluence, Ease. As a facilitator, I help people get clarity. It’s simple and incredibly powerful.

Q: Who is Danielle LaPorte?

A: Danielle is a writer and speaker and author of one of my favorite books, The Desire Map. I love her because she is real. Her books and blog posts sound like your best friend is telling you what’s up. And she does it in the most loving way. Everything she writes I read because it feels like she’s speaking right to me. She writes about creativity, entrepreneurship, spirituality, love, business, and money. All of it.

A: Danielle wrote The Desire Map, one of my favorite books about creating goals with soul. You identify your “core desired feelings” and then you use those as the basis for your life planning. Super cool. And liberating.

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Another approach is to talk about the results of Desire Mapping, rather than the actual process. Talk about what happens for your clients or attendees.

‣ I give people the tools for making important decisions instantly. No waffling, all intentional. ‣ I help people lose weight without dieting. ‣ I help people reconnect to the relationships in their life. ‣ I help people figure out what’s blocking them from achieving their big vision.

When people inquire about how you do this, you can launch more into core desired feelings. Think about the person you are talking to — and what would really resonate with them. Here are some ideas from other licensees about talking around The Desire Map:

Be specific to your niche.

I keep it simple and focused on feelings because regardless of who you’re talking to, everyone understands the question “How do you want to feel?”

Business: How would you like that deal/project/goal to feel? Relationship: How does your relationship feel now, and how would you love it to feel? Body: What's your greatest frustration with your body, and how would you rather feel?

I don’t talk about The Desire Map (or any of my coaching tools) that much. I get people talking about themselves and then I ask a couple of key questions. That opens the door, and from there I can get specific with the book, workshop, etc.

Sandi Amorim, Master Coach & Facilitator CORE DESIRED FEELINGS: Spacious. Cherished. True. Free.

Focus on the transformation.

I talk about the transformation I provide, not the tools I use. In my case, I empower women entrepreneurs to embrace their authentic leadership so they can be of service to their ideal clients while living a life they love. That usually opens up more questions and I ask what they’re up to in the world.

The template looks like: I empower/teach/coach/work with [name] to [result] so they can [what’s the benefit achieved?].

Meghan Neeley, Coach & Facilitator CORE DESIRED FEELINGS:Wholehearted. Lakshmi. Wonder.

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Share how it has affected your own life.

When I’m at an event with my own Desire Mapping booth, I talk about how traditional goal setting can feel overwhelming and how this work is a new take on it. A typical introduction to a new person at my booth might sound like this:

“Hi, I’m Jennifer and I’m here talking about my business, Rise & Shine. I’m a health coach, a massage therapist and most recently I’ve become a Desire Map Facilitator which I love because it brings life purpose coaching into the mix which really compliments my work.”

When they ask what’s The Desire Map, I say:

“The Desire Map is a book by Danielle LaPorte that just really changed my life. It’s quite simple but profound. The basic premise of the book is, ‘How do you want to feel? And what are you willing to do to feel the way you want to feel?’ I found everything in my life changing when I began asking myself these questions. So when I found out that there was a licensed facilitator program that would support me in bringing this work to others, I knew I had to do it! I work with The Desire Map in my coaching and in workshops and retreats like the one I have coming up [then I hand them a flyer]. I’m encouraging everyone today to write how they want to feel on my paper, if you feel inclined.”

Then, friendly small talk.

Jennifer Oppelt, Coach & Facilitator CORE DESIRED FEELINGS: Joy. Ease. Connected. Golden. Divine Feminine.


Another technique is to questions back as a way to get people thinking about their own quest for happiness.

“What’s your relationship to goal setting?”After they answer, let them know how you help people transform their own relationship to traditional goal setting.

“More than time or money, what do you want more of?”After they answer, point out the feeling behind what they’re really after. If they respond with wanting to feel a certain way, tell them that you work with people who are ready to put those feelings at the forefront of their life with a plan for making it happen.

“Think about what you really want in your life. What’s stopping you from getting it?”After they answer, tell them that you work with people to get those blocks out of they way so they can go after what they want. With more joy and ease. That’s the key.

“Have you ever strived for something and did not feel very fulfilled when you got it?”After they answer, tell them that you work with people who are ready to drop the striving so they feel good every day before achieving the goal, and every day after achieving the goal.

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OFFLINE MARKETING The people and places around you are your greatest resource. Offline marketing is about creating a buzz super close to home and having those connections radiate out. In this section we’ll be covering the resources already at your disposal and strategies you can employ in your everyday life.

We’ve included some checklists to get you considering all the people and places you can approach to promote your workshops — plus a smorgasbord of ideas for getting the word out in your community. Use what suits your branding, style, and by all means, continue with your own research on ways to organically promote your workshops and offerings in the offline market.


There are so many people right in your local community that you might not even be aware of — people who can be potential workshop attendees and help you spread the word. The idea here is that you plant the idea, so that your workshops and offerings can be recommended by others. Here are some folks already in your community to consider approaching:

‣ Friends and family ‣ Co-workers ‣ Your local coffee shop barista ‣ Owners of your favorite boutiques, yoga studios, and shops ‣ Regular servers at your favorite restaurants ‣ Parents and teachers from your kids’ schools ‣ Your regular grocery store clerk ‣ Neighbors on your block or in your building complex ‣ Real estate agents ‣ Your hairdresser and nail stylist ‣ Vendors and patrons at farmers’ markets


There are tons of business and places right in your neighborhood and community that can be a great resource in your marketing efforts. Hang up flyers, talk to patrons and owners, offer your services.Bonus! Some of these places might also offer to be the hosting place for your intro or full workshops.

‣ Yoga studios ‣ Food co-ops ‣ Chamber of commerce ‣ Hair and beauty salons ‣ Community centers ‣ Co-working spaces ‣ Universities and schools ‣ Public libraries ‣ Coffee shops and bookstores ‣ Gyms, YMCAs, community swimming pools, and activity centers ‣ Multipurpose rooms in schools or apartment complexes

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‣ Massage therapy and chiropractic studios ‣ Churches ‣ Day spas ‣ Local restaurants ‣ Community colleges ‣ Juiceries, vitamin shops, and healthy eating and drinking shops ‣ Dance studios ‣ Playgrounds and play centers ‣ Real estate offices

Tip: When someone does approach you, ask how they found you. This may help you focus your marketing efforts.


Host a free or low-cost introductory session for local groups and businesses. Organize Desire Map tea parties or dinner parties to pique people’s interest so they sign up for your full workshops. (For ideas and outlines for creating your own intro session turn to page 229 of this guidebook.)

‣ Host a free or low cost introductory session to introduce people to Desire Mapping. Host these sessions anywhere groups gather, such as:

‣ Mom support or play groups ‣ Student clubs ‣ Business networking meetings ‣ Book clubs ‣ Running groups

‣ Hold an introductory session for local business’ customers. Some businesses love to offer free workshops for their customers. Here are some ideas to get you started:

‣ Health food stores ‣ Real estate agents and offices ‣ Privately owned grocers ‣ Hair and beauty salons ‣ Yoga and barre studios

‣ Host an introductory sessions for employee wellness programs. Approach businesses that you think would invest in their employees' growth and development, such as people in the service or teaching industry. Here are some ideas to get your started:

‣ Health and fitness companies like Lululemon ‣ Exercise studios and gyms ‣ Coaching schools ‣ Yoga studios ‣ Health food stores ‣ Organic grocers ‣ Businesses that hire volunteers

‣ Register on and host local introductory Desire Map workshops monthly. There are so many different niche groups — attend some meetings with people that you think could be possible workshop attendees.

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Open a pop-up shop, and let people come to you! Take your Desire Map products and workshop information to places where people gather, like markets, festivals, and shopping centers.

‣ Host a 1 to 2 hour pop-up shop at your favorite yoga studio, hair salon, or clothing boutique. Pass out #truthbombs and a flyer (or business card) with info on how to reach out to learn more. Consider having some books, workbooks, and tattoos on hand to sell.

‣ Set up a Desire Map table at local festivals and markets where people can buy #truthbomb

decks, books, tattoos, and learn more about Desire Mapping. Start a poster or paper tablecloth where people can write down how they want to feel.


Collaborate and tap into each other’s networks!

‣ Partner up with local businesses and raffle off a Desire Map gift basket. Have people sign up for the raffle using their email address and give away a #truthbomb deck, book, tattoos, etc. After the raffle, reach out to everyone who participated and invite them to a free Desire Map intro session.

‣ Co-host an event with a friend or colleague who also specializes in the wellness and holistic service industry, such as yoga, aromatherapy, movement, dance, etc. Introduce each other to your respective audiences — they will get exposure to new teachings that feel enlightening instead of sales-y.


Every season or special occasion is a great opportunity to host a special Desire Map workshop. Think of the theme and intention around that time and use it to market your offerings.

‣ Back to school. Host a workshop or event to help moms unwind from the summer months. ‣ Mother’s Day. You could offer a discount or extra gift for moms and women who bring

their own mothers. ‣ Labor Day weekend. A workshop to bring people into the new fall season — a wind-down event

to transition people from summer into autumn. ‣ Spring and fall equinox. A workshop or Desire Map party for transition and balance. ‣ Black Friday and Christmas season. Workshops for people who want to choose mindfulness

over consumption. ‣ Desire Map New Year’s party. Help your people ring in the New Year with their core desired


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‣ Put a #truthbomb and workshop flyer on windshields of cars parked at yoga studios, organic grocery stores, dance studios — anywhere you think your ideal client might be.

‣ Donate a copy of The Desire Map to your local library to generate interest. Include a bookplate or label on the inside with your contact info.

‣ Donate a custom basket (The Desire Map, some tattoos, a #truthbomb deck — whatever makes sense to you) to a local charity for a fundraising event. Be sure to include your contact info.

‣ Place a tattoo or a #truthbomb (along with your contact info) at every seat at events you attend. Whether it’s your monthly women’s group luncheon, a lecture at your favorite bookstore, or your child’s piano recital.

‣ Pass out a #truthbomb or a tattoo to others who are in line at the market, on the bus or airplane, or

people leaving your yoga class.

‣ Send out cards on holidays and special occasions. Include a tattoo, #truthbomb, and your card with your core desired feelings and an offering for a workshop or intro session.

‣ If you, or your participants, take any photos at a Desire Map intro session, encourage them to tag your photos with #desiremap #introsessions so you can find them and reshare.

‣ Partner up with a friend who sells Stella & Dot or Pampered Chef and host an intro session together.

‣ ALWAYS carry some #truthbombs or tattoos with you; an opportunity to hand them out can present itself at any time.

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ONLINE MARKETING ACTION SHEETSNot only is online marketing a great way to connect with new and existing prospects, it’s a powerful complement to your offline marketing strategy. Here are a series of action sheets you can use as you bring your Desire Map leadership to the online space.


Your Desire Map Licensee Profile lives on Our site has hundreds of thousands of visits every month, so it’s critical that your profile is complete and optimized so that you can leverage that traffic to fill your workshops and offerings.

Your licensee profile action list:

Upload a profile picture People want to see the facilitator who could be leading them through a transformation. Always include an updated, clear headshot.

Fill in your profile information and answer the Q&As The profile is the first opportunity for a potential attendee to get a feel for your personality. Fill in your bio, share who you are, what you’re passionate about, and how you can help someone in a workshop.

Upload testimonials Testimonials on your profile give some social proof that what you’re doing in your workshops totally works. Every time you work with someone new, reach out to them via email and ask them for a few words of their experience in your workshops. At a glance, your profile will show potential attendees what’s possible for them.

Add your event(s)Every event you host, no matter your marketing strategy, should also be posted to the Event Directory. There are a few things that you can do to make sure you are displaying your event effectively.

Add an event imageUse this photo to show people what to expect from your event — post a picture of the workshop space or an image of a previous workshop with people sitting in a circle together. Let the image be an opportunity to feel what your workshops are about.

Fill in event title and description Your description is the money-maker; it’s what’s going to compel a person to click on your “register” button or keep scrolling past. Don’t overcrowd your description with words — go straight to the heart of the matter. If people are searching the Event Directory, chances are

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they have an inkling of what The Desire Map is about. So focus on what makes your workshop or offering unique. Always do a spell check and make sure a long description has paragraph breaks before hitting that publish button.

Include your contact information Link up every social account you have — make yourself available so that people can find you and stay in touch.

Include specialities Specialties are keywords at the top of your facilitator profile that someone could use to find you. If you have any sort of niche or specialty in your workshops or facilitation style such as meditation, yoga, aromatherapy, self-love, holistic healing, etc., use the specialties tags to categorize yourself. You will also be able to tag yourself in a focus area, so if you are a yoga teacher or coach, people that come to the facilitator directory will be able to search for you.

Add your offeringIf you are a coach or someone who offers a Desire Map service that is not date specific, such as a coaching program or ongoing yoga class, you can use this section of your profile to post that offering right at the top above your events.

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ACTION LIST: FACEBOOKFacebook has over one billion active users. It’s (by far) the biggest social media platform out there. After their inbox, it’s the place online that many people spend most of their time.

Your Facebook action list:

Update your bioYou’re a Licensed Desire Map Facilitator, baby! Tell folks about it. If you’re using a fan page, include your workshop page URL in the About section.

Update your cover photoUse the graphics in the Knowledge Base to upload a Desire Map cover photo. Put your workshop URL in the photo description field.

Create a Facebook eventEven if sign-ups are happening on your website, creating an event for your workshop on Facebook might stir up more interest and buzz. Take advantage.

Schedule soft and hard promotional postsHard promotional posts directly promote your workshop (“Please join us!” followed by a link). Soft promotional posts promote your workshop indirectly by posting something related, like the testimonial from a former attendee or excitedly sharing a sneak peek of the goodie bags you’re creating for a local business you’re partnering with.

Start a Facebook ad campaignIMPORTANT: You must review the Branding Rules starting on page 282 of this guidebook before starting an ad campaign. We have created clear guidelines on what is (and is not) allowed, as well as pre-approved imagery and copy for you to use. Please make sure you understand and abide by those guidelines.

Share pictures and stories in The Desire Map Facebook group. Every time you host a workshop, tell the group about it! Share pictures and tell stories — the wins and “aha” moments. The group will celebrate with you. This is a soft approach to promotion. Do not post links or explicitly tell people to sign up for your next workshop. We don’t want the sacred space to be buzzing with promotion or selling. Keep your intention high and think about how you can provide value for other Desire Mappers. If your stories and personality resonate with people, they will seek you out. Share your event links as public posts on your profile page so people can sign up.

Create an event for your workshop in The Desire Map Facebook group. Include details about your event like you would in the Event Directory. Also be sure to include a link to sign up for your event from your own website.

Here are some resources that might be helpful as you’re mapping out your Facebook plans:

‣ Facebook for Business ‣ Mashable Facebook Guidebook ‣ How to Create a Facebook Page ‣ ‣ A quick Google search for “Facebook for business” or “Facebook marketing tips” will bring up

thousands of helpful how-to articles and tutorials.

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ACTION LIST: TWITTER Twitter is all about speed — and brevity. This social platform is designed to spread information quickly and efficiently.

And with its clickable hashtags (personally, we’re big fans of #desiremap), it’s also easy to find information that all relates to one central theme or event.

Though not as large as Facebook, Twitter has more than 300 million monthly users, so this is another massive social platform that could form an important part of your marketing plan. While most of your Twitter feed is shown in chronological order, it is totally acceptable to post repeat tweets (without being spammy) since most people don’t always see their entire feed. Your Twitter action list:

Update your bioOn your profile page bio, state that you’re a Licensed Desire Map Facilitator. Also, make sure you put the link to your workshop page in the URL field.

Update your header photoUse the graphics in the Knowledge Base to upload a Desire Map cover photo.

Use #desiremapAnyone searching for Desire Map content on Twitter will use that hashtag, so it’s ideal for you to include it in all of your Desire Map–themed tweets.

Plan your tweet actionUse one of the resources mentioned below to preload quotes from the book, including your workshop URL. You can also preload announcements for when workshop ticket sales open up, and images with event or affiliate links.

Schedule soft and hard promotional tweetsHard promotional tweets directly promote your workshop (“So excited to host my #desiremap workshop on [date]. Hope you’ll join us: [link]). Soft promotional tweets promote your workshop indirectly by mentioning something related, like a quote from a former attendee, a #truthbomb, or a sneak peek of the goodie bags you’re creating for your Desire Mappers — followed by a link to your workshop so people know how to find you.

Here are some resources that might be helpful as you’re planning your Twitter game:

‣ Hootsuite, Tweetdeck, and Buffer let you schedule tweets to post throughout the day. Set it and forget it!

‣ Copy Blogger’s Ultimate Guide to Twitter Marketing. ‣ Search for articles using terms like “Twitter marketing” or “Twitter for business”.

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ACTION LIST: INSTAGRAM Instagram is our favorite photo-sharing site. We love how quickly the content refreshes and the immediate (and often intimate) access it gives you into people’s lives.

A lot of people say they have more “fun” with Instagram. If you feel that way about it too, get smart about how you can spread the message about your workshops while you’re having a blast. Plus, beautiful photography = compelling content. If you haven’t already thought about upping your photography game, just do a quick google search of “improving instagram photos” for resources on creating a consistent style.

This is something we really value on Team D: strategic choices can be pleasurable choices. Your Instagram action list:

Update your bioIn the bio on your profile page, state that you’re a Licensed Desire Map Facilitator. The URL on your profile is the only clickable link on an Instagram account, so it would be ideal if this re-directed to your workshop sign-up page, or at least the website where you promote your Desire Map workshops.

Use the graphics in the Knowledge BaseThe graphics in the Knowledge Base would make for beautiful Instagram posts. Use ‘em up!

The captions are just as importantWhile the emphasis on Instagram is on the photos, the caption for a photo is also an important place to create context and help people get to know you more. When you share a Desire Map graphic, share a story about how the book has touched your life, your favorite moment from your last workshop, or a quote from Danielle or a former workshop attendee. Don’t just plop a photo down on Instagram. Use the caption area to amplify your message (and feel free to add, “See link in my bio!”).

Use #desiremapHashtags are arguably an even bigger deal on Instagram than on Twitter. When people search using a hashtag, they get access to content they would otherwise never see. This is why using hashtags often and strategically could expose you to a much larger audience a lot faster than you might think. Other than #desiremap and #DanielleLaPorte, what are the key terms that relate to you and your workshop? Hashtag away!

Schedule soft and hard promotional imagesHard promotional images will directly promote your workshop. Soft promotional images indirectly promote your workshop by placing their emphasis on something related to your workshop, like a snapshot of you hugging a former workshop attendee with a testimonial from them in the caption field, or excitedly sharing a sneak peek of the lunch menu from your upcoming workshop.

Here are some resources that might be helpful as you’re learning how to use Instagram to promote your Desire Map workshop business:

‣ The Instagram for Business blog ‣ Sue B. Zimmerman’s course on ‣ How to use Instagram for Business ‣ will help make sure that your posted links posts don’t get missed.

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ACTION LIST: PINTEREST Pinterest is one of the fastest growing social media platforms around. Think of it as the home of millions of digital vision boards, or bulletin boards (most of which are visible to all the site’s users).

And in most cases, all of the pins on those bulletin boards link to other websites. Translation: each pin presents the opportunity for you to direct more traffic over to the Desire Map workshop sign-up page on your website. Your Pinterest action list:

Update your bioIn the bio on your profile page, state that you’re a Licensed Desire Map Facilitator. Use the URL field there to direct people to your workshop sign-up page, the website where you promote your Desire Map workshops, or the Facebook page you’re using.

Use ALL of the graphics in the Knowledge BaseThe graphics in the Knowledge Base would make for beautiful Pinterest pins. Use ’em up!

Check the destination URLDouble-check that when someone clicks your pin, they’ll be redirected to your workshop sign-up page. If you upload an image without assigning a URL to it, people who click your pin will not get taken to your site, which is the point. Remember, with any step in marketing, keep your goal at the front of your mind and, in the beginning, your goal is bringing people to your workshop. Gear everything toward the goal. Easy.

Anticipate pinning soft and hard promotional pins.Hard promotional pins will directly promote your workshop, through the image itself and also through the caption you choose to include. Soft promotional posts indirectly promote your workshop, by placing their emphasis on something related to your workshop, like one of your favorite inspirational quotes from the book, or the DIY table setting you’ve created for the workshop — but make sure the link still brings it back to your sign-up!

Here are some resources that might be helpful as you’re learning how to use Pinterest to promote your Desire Map workshop business:

‣ The 10 Commandments of Using Pinterest for Business - Amy Porterfield ‣ Amber Kane’s Pinterest Webinar - ‣ Melanie Duncan’s Pinterest webinar

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ACTION LIST: EMAIL MARKETINGEmail marketing is exactly what it sounds like: marketing communications that are sent via email.

Email marketing is the golden honey of almost all online businesses. And because it’s highly likely that people are signing up and paying for your workshops on your website, this means you have an online business.

Most people spend a significant portion of their online time in their inbox, so if someone volunteers to give you their email address, that’s not just a collection of numbers and letters — a voluntarily given email address is online business gold. Value those email addresses. On Team D, we talk openly about being respectful and useful in what we send out via email, and how often. It’s a privilege to be invited into people’s inboxes.

Your email marketing action list:

Build a Desire Map–specific listThis is a list of people who are interested in Desire Map content/workshops and are opting in to get notified of anything Desire Map–related.

Use the introduction to the Desire Map funnel to grow your listFurther in this chapter we give you a marketing funnel-in-a-box with a series of emails for you to use to entice people to enroll in your workshops. People opt-in for the content and at the end of each email is an opportunity for you to promote your workshops.

Create a calendar for emails to your listMap out how often you’re going to send to your list. Have a plan so your communication is consistent and yet not overwhelming.

Be generousIdeally, you’re not only writing to your list to sell workshop seats, but to add more value to their lives. Consider what else you can send them (audios, sample chapters of the book, pics of your Desire Map vision board) to keep them thinking and feeling excited about living according to their core desired feelings.

Email signature Include your core desired feelings and website links in your email signature so people see what you’re up to every time you press send.

Here are some resources that might be helpful as you’re making your email marketing plans:

‣ MailChimp ‣ Constant Contact ‣ ‣ ‣

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ACTION LIST: YOUR WEBSITEIn terms of running a business (which is what your workshops are), the whole point of your engagement on social media is to excite and inspire people to eventually click over to your website.

The most important thing for your business and your attendees is that your website is primed and ready to support the people who are interested in your Desire Map workshops.

Your website action list:

Create a special Desire Map landing pageIdeally, people will be able to click on one page in order to find out everything they need to know about your upcoming workshops.

If you’re selling Desire Map products on your site, this central page should also link out to the pages where people can buy products using your affiliate links.

Create a special Desire Map Licensing landing pageIf you intend to sell The Desire Map Licensing Program as an Affiliate Partner, it might also be helpful to have one dedicated page focused on licensing.

You can highlight your own experience as a licensee, sharing inspirational quotes and pictures from your workshops. If you intend to offer a bonus for people who sign up for licensing through your unique link, this would also be an ideal place to mention the bonus.

Note: There are guidelines related to offering bonuses as part of your affiliate sales. Head over to the Affiliate Partnership section on page 267 in this guidebook for those details.

Add Desire Map workshops and products to your “shop”If you already have an online shop on your website, or if you decide to create one, you can create an “item” for all the Danielle LaPorte products you want to sell. You could also create a shop item for your upcoming workshop.

Add your facilitator badgeYour facilitator badge could go in the sidebar (if you have one), or on your About page. And, of course, make sure it is not a flat image — link it to your workshop sign-up page. This badge helps establish credibility with some people. With others, it piques their curiosity so they’ll click over to learn more. Both scenarios are good for you.

Update your bioWhether it lives on your About page or on a separate Media page, your bio is prime real estate. People will scan your bio to get a quick sense of who you are and what you’re up to in the world, so being concise and clear here is very important. Say that you are a Licensed Facilitator of The Desire Map and hyperlink that text to your workshop sign-up page.

Note: If you do any guest blogging, make sure to update the bio you’ve sent to those sites to include this new reference to your role as a Licensee.

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Use a professional headshotYou need a professional picture to accompany your professional bio. In today’s digital world, having strong visuals is a must. Professional photographers are available at every price point, so find the one that feels best for you and smile bright.

Make yourself accessible with your contact pageIf someone is interested in a workshop but wants to ask you a question before signing up, how easy have you made it for them to reach out to you?

We think the simplest and kindest way to handle a contact page is to give people an email address.

Forms can be great, too. Whatever method you choose, make sure it’s easy for people to contact you. This is deeply personal work, so if your website makes you seem walled off and inaccessible, you might be unintentionally turning people away.

Organization and aesthetics matterThere’s no substitute for good design. Unless you have extensive experience as a graphic designer yourself, we strongly recommend hiring a professional to help you design a website that is beautiful and also user-friendly.

Here are some resources that might be helpful as you’re crafting your website, or looking for talented people to help you build your own digital temple:

‣ Wordpress ‣ Squarespace ‣ ‣ Upwork

2 1 4 / O N L I N E M A R K E T I N G A C T I O N S H E E T S # D E S I R E M A P

ACTION LIST: CONTENTThe quality of the content you share matters. Online marketing is not just about making sure your workshop link is shared across every single platform. It’s about sharing content that is useful, helpful, or inspiring. When you do, people come back to you for more. Use that influence to share your workshops and offerings in an authentic way. For your reference, we’ve put together a list of content you can share across your social channels.

Your content action list:

Share your story Stories sell. People want to know about your experience with The Desire Map, how it has impacted your life and the people around you, and why you chose to share the work in the world with other people. This can be delivered in the form of an email or blog post, and then broken into smaller bite-size pieces for sharing on social channels over a period of time.

Blog post/article topics for sharing your stories: ‣ How I changed my relationship with…goal setting ‣ The truth about feeling guilty for feeling good ‣ What changed when I uncovered my core desired feelings ‣ How core desired feelings changed my…marriage, career, health ‣ What I do to feel [insert CDF] every day ‣ How my core desired feelings helped me…run a marathon, pay off my debt, meet my

significant other ‣ Why I became a Desire Map Licensee

Share stories from your workshopsWhat are some of the big “aha” moments from your workshop? Were there any life-changing breakthroughs or emotional moments? What have some of your past attendees gone on to do in their lives? The stories from your past workshops will show new people what’s possible when they choose to put their feelings first. You don’t have to use names or faces to communicate a powerful story.

Document your processDocument your preparation process. People are interested and you can use this process as a way to get people hyped. Talk about how you just found the perfect location for your next workshop, the goodie bags you are preparing, and any special elements you think people should know about.

Share testimonialsTestimonials are powerful social proof that the Desire Mapping process works. Always ask your attendees if they can leave you feedback while it’s still fresh in their mind.

Share photosShare photos of your process as you’re collecting materials and preparing for the workshops. Share photos once the workshop is over. Visual content is compelling. Always use #desiremap and, when it feels appropriate, include a link to your sign-up page for your next workshop.

P R O M O T I O N A L C O P Y & N A M I N G Y O U R W O R K S H O P / 2 1 5# D E S I R E M A P


In the Licensee Knowledge Base, you’ll find heart-centered promotional copy for all of your online communication. This copy is customizable, of course. You can also adapt this copy to suit your coaching or other offerings you provide. Use as little or as much as you like, make it your own. We give you promotional copy for Level 1, Level 2, and intro sessions, including sales page copy, sample emails, blog posts, and social shareables.


When you start marketing your workshops, you need to be clear on who you’re marketing to. Some people will show up to the workshop feeling disconnected, or they may be looking for their passion and direction. Some people will arrive crystal clear on their goals and passions, and will want to go to the next level for clarity and action. For Level 1 copy, we give two different approaches for pitching Level 1 of the The Desire Map workshop, including workshop name options for you to choose from:

Approach #1: The Goal GettersThe Goal Getters are clear on what they want. They lovvve planning — they are daily planner lovers, list-makers, focused. And, chances are, they never feel like they’ve arrived. They pivot and change directions often trying to optimize their goals and passions. What resonates with goal getters is the ultimate life-planning system that’s intimately connected to every area of their life. They want holistic, life-affirming systems so they can do more of what they love and less of the planning.

Workshop titles:

The Desire Map Workshop LEVEL 1: DISCOVERY Based on the best seller by Danielle LaPorte

Power Choices A DESIRE MAP WORKSHOP Based on the best seller by Danielle LaPorte

Get Your Soul on the AgendaA DESIRE MAP WORKSHOP Based on the best seller by Danielle LaPorte

Soulful Planning for Practical People A DESIRE MAP WORKSHOP Based on the best seller by Danielle LaPorte

Approach #2: The SeekersThe Seekers come to the workshop to get clear on what they truly desire. They know they have something to give the world and the people in their life; they’re just not quite sure what that thing is. They are ready to reconnect with their power, their latent dreams, and their feelings. What resonates with them is a directive facilitator (that’d be you) who can help them surface their truth.

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Workshop titles:

The Desire Map Workshop LEVEL 1: DISCOVERY Based on the best seller by Danielle LaPorte

Your Core Desired FeelingsA DESIRE MAP WORKSHOP Based on the best seller by Danielle LaPorte

On the Way to What You WantA DESIRE MAP WORKSHOP Based on the best seller by Danielle LaPorte

Practical SoulA DESIRE MAP WORKSHOPBased on the best seller by Danielle LaPorte


No matter who you are marketing to for the Level 1 workshop, once people have completed it, they are all on the same playing field. They have discovered their core desired feelings and are ready to put those feelings into soulful action. In the Licensee Knowledge Base, you’ll find promotional copy for promoting your Level 2 workshops.

Workshop titles:

The Desire Map Workshop LEVEL 2: INTENTIONS & GOALS Based on the best seller by Danielle LaPorte

Goals With Soul A DESIRE MAP WORKSHOP Based on the best seller by Danielle LaPorte


Later in this Marketing section, you’ll find outlines and resources for hosting Intro Sessions to entice people to sign up for your full length workshops and offerings. For new licensees, intro sessions are an excellent way to get your feet wet. In the Licensee Knowledge Base, we’ve included promotional copy for promoting this type of workshop — sales page copy for your landing or opt-in page, a sample email or blog post you can send out to your email list, and social shareables.

Note: You can access all the promotional copy, including sales page copy, sample emails, blog posts, and social shareables from the Licensee Knowledge Base.

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Here is some other copy and one-liners you can use for promotion. Make them your subtitles, add them to your long-form copy, put them on your flyers, etc. They are here for you as you need them:

‣ Feeling good increases your flexibility, resiliency, effectiveness, and magnetism.

‣ Use your Core Desired Feelings as a way to access comfort and clarity during painful times.

‣ Use your Core Desired Feelings as creative fuel to make great things happen in your life that will radiate out into the world.

‣ Desire Mapping helps you accentuate the positive aspects of your life while still honoring, and not invalidating, the negative parts that you want to change.

‣ Feeling all of your feelings is what makes you whole and healthy. Dark, light, respectable, difficult — all of them.

‣ Get clear on why you’re chasing and what you’re chasing.

‣ What does your body want? What does your relationship want? What does your soul want? What does your heart want? Desire Mapping is the holistic way to identify your deepest intentions and desires.

‣ The more I choose my Core Desired Feelings over my external objectives, the more content I become.

‣ Shouting goals at yourself deafens your truth.

‣ Don’t criticize what you want. Your desires are what will lead you home.

2 1 8 / M A R K E T I N G F U N N E L - I N - A - B O X # D E S I R E M A P

MARKETING FUNNEL-IN-A-BOXWhen it comes to Desire Mapping, actions often speak louder than words. The Desire Map is powerful work and it’s not always easy to explain the impact that it can have on a person. It’s about the feeling. We created this series of opt-in emails for you to use with your own online communities to entice them to enroll in your full workshop or Desire Map offering: Introduction to The Desire Map: A five-day exploration in identifying your deepest desires.

In our ideal world, everyone would get a sneak peek into the Desire Mapping process. These emails are a way for you to give people a taste of The Desire Map so they can feel the process and decide if they want more. In this section, we give you email copy, opt-in page copy, worksheets, and audios so you can put together this email series for your tribe.

Note: The worksheets, copy, and audios we’ve created for this email series can be found in the Licensee Knowledge Base.

The Marketing Funnel-in-a-box is a five-part email series on diving into the self that includes exercises and worksheets. You set it up on your website and it’s ready to go! Our aim is to entice people so that they sign up for longer workshops. Yours! At the end of each email, we highly recommend that you include an opportunity or link for people to sign up to your workshop or Desire Map offering.


In order to strike while the iron is hot, we recommend you send out one email per day. From the moment they sign up, people that opt-in are charged up and eager to learn more about Desire Mapping. Use that to your advantage by giving them a little teaser every day.

The emails we provide for you in the Licensee Knowledge Base are our recommendations on how you could create this flow. Let them inspire you — though ultimately, it’s up to you how you want to communicate and distribute these materials to your audience.

T I P S F R O M L I C E N S E E S / 2 1 9# D E S I R E M A P

TIPS FROM LICENSEES You’ve now got the most baller marketing crash course of all time under your belt, but nothing beats experience. Here is what the people who’ve been here and are doing this think you most need to know about marketing and The Desire Map. ON BUILDING FROM THE GROUND UP

Build meaningful connections.

Yes, numbers matter. A massive platform can put bums in seats. But what has been more true in my business, is this: personal connection trumps numbers (especially in the beginning). I was at a speaking gig recently and, on my way to the venue, I set my intention to connect deeply and personally with everyone I encountered before I was slated to get on stage — the service staff, strangers in the elevators, enthusiastic conference goers, other speakers. Nothing icky or pushy. Just pure love, authentic curiosity and a genuine desire to be of service. The result? After five hours of living my intention, twenty new souls signed up to listen to me speak. My experience tells me personal connection matters more than massive email lists or a big social media following. Step into the truth of who you are and what you have to offer. Claim it. Rise into it. Share it with everyone you meet. Find ways to be of service, talk to your friends about desire, do what deeply matters, radiate your passion in the grocery store, send genuine direct messages to new social media connections, write three snail mail letters per day and send them to folks in your community. We are in the business of connection and belonging. Create connection, cultivate a sense of belonging and you will have your business.

Gemma Stone, CoachCORE DESIRED FEELINGS: Sacred Connection. Abundant Flow. Pure Love. Wild Freedom.

Start small.

Go grassroots on it. Speak to the way the work has changed your life, embody your CDFs and your inner circle will wanna know what you got. Start it intimately in your living room and, lo and behold, the message will spread until you are packing out the next one in a bigger venue. Trust the initial pull you felt when you signed up to become a licensee. If your intention is true and pure, to be in service of lighting people up, you will attract it. Get the first workshop under your belt and then watch the ease of creating the next one.

Alex Mazerolle, Yoga InstructorCORE DESIRED FEELINGS: Intentional. Abundant. Wild

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Partner up! I won’t lie: without the backing of an existing customer base or social media presence, you’ll have to throw in a bit more elbow grease. But never fear, it’s totally doable! My suggestion is to start close to “home”.

Who do you know that might be interested in this work? Who do you already have a relationship with that you can reach out to? This could be anyone from work colleagues, family, friends, church members, yoga students, someone you met at the gym, the coffee barista, your dog groomer, your kid’s first grade teacher — don’t limit yourself. Do a brain dump of everyone you can think of. Think big and wide.

One note of caution: it’s wise to have an existing relationship with someone before you start trying to sell them on your awesomeness,otherwise it could come off a little heavy-handed. Make sure that whoever you decide to reach out to is someone you’ve actually had a conversation with (in-person or online).

Another approach is to think of someone who is a few steps ahead of you, someone who has a business or brand that might benefit from this work. Reach out to the business owner and ask if you might take her to tea and discuss something that you think might be of benefit to her customers. Partnering with an existing business (think: yoga studios, gyms, therapists, retreat centers, school teachers — the possibilities are endless), is a genius idea because they already have clients and customers and can help you fill the seats (and grow your own list).

Going forward, be sure to have an email list sign-up at every single workshop you do. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just a notebook and pen are fine. You’ll want to start building your list from today forward. And don’t be shy, when you meet someone new and they express interest in what you do, ask if you can add them to your list for future workshops. Jot their email address down and add it to your master list. Slowly but surely it will grow and so will your new business!

Stephanie Watanabe, Lifestyle BloggerCORE DESIRED FEELINGS:Connection. Ease. Golden. Love. Wonder.

T I P S F R O M L I C E N S E E S / 2 2 1# D E S I R E M A P


Less competition, more celebration.

Competition, in my opinion, doesn’t really exist. When you create your workshops in a way that are unique to you and your business, it can’t help but be 100 percent original and unique (because YOU are 100 percent unique).

Try to come from a place of abundance (versus scarcity). Say to yourself, “There’s always more where that came from.” Practice gratitude for what you have and for the people who have signed up. When you come from a place of being grateful, things feel good (and feeling good is the primary intention, after all).

This is soul work and, in my experience, the right people who resonate with your particular brand of awesome will find you. As long as you do your due diligence and get the word out there, the right people who are supposed to be in your workshop will be there.

Help your sister-licensees. Create a mini-mastermind in your city for Desire Map leaders. Help each other fill seats. Support each other. Celebrate each other. Let’s ditch the idea that there’s not enough to go around and instead celebrate the work we’re all doing in the world.

Stephanie Watanabe, Lifestyle BloggerCORE DESIRED FEELINGS:Connection. Ease. Golden. Love. Wonder.

Focus on your unique messaging.

Differentiate your particular Desire Map offering by focusing it around something that you’re particularly excited to talk about. Maybe for you it’s going to be bringing this work to a youth community center, to people in a retirement community, to artists who feel frustrated around their creative process, to corporate executives who don’t want to quit their jobs but don’t like going to work feeling soulless.

The reality is that there is no competition. People go where they feel resonance. There were people who flew into San Francisco to attend my Desire Map workshop rather than going to the one that was held closer to their hometown. It’s not that something I offered was “better” (the work closer to their hometown was equally great), but when someone feels resonance, they MOVE to make it happen. If anything, having other licensees in your city could be an incredible benefit, as you’ll have colleagues to collaborate with! You might even send attendees their way when your workshops are full, and vice versa.

Kate Swoboda, Coach CORE DESIRED FEELINGS:Sacred Connection. Sensuous Delight. Freedom. Powerful. Deliciously Affluent.

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Find your speciality.

Do you have an interest, talent, or specialty that would dovetail nicely with the Desire Map? If you’re figuring out how to bring your own flavor to the Desire Map workshop, try filling in these blanks and see if that helps you come up with different kinds of ideas:

#1: Desire Map workshop for ________ (e.g. parents & kids)#2: Desire Map workshop to help with ________ (e.g. grief/loss)#3: Desire Map workshop plus _________ (e.g. yoga)#4: Desire Map workshop focusing on __________ (e.g. how you want

to feel in your body)

My own flavor is #3: the Desire Map workshop plus the Enneagram. I love teaching the Enneagram and I use it extensively in my own coaching practice. So my Desire Map workshops are Desire Map & Enneagram workshops.

Having a particular flavor can help set you apart without being competitive, but remember that your own uniqueness also sets you apart, too. Be authentically you in your marketing materials. Let your potential attendees get a sense of what it would be like to work with you. Your authenticity will allow true connections to happen. The right people will be drawn to you — as long as there’s enough of YOU in there for them to feel.

In addition, my two favorite marketing books are Influence by Robert Cialdini (for the theory) and Made to Stick by Michael Port (for the practice).

I learned how to run my business in a heart-centered way from Mark Silver’s “Foundations1” program. It taught me how to bring in the clients and money I needed without compromising my heart. A lot of other popular programs are either too focused on the money and they ignore the heart, or they’re all about woo-woo heart stuff but they don’t actually help you make money. The “Foundations1” program does both, in a really seamless and aligned way. I’m a big fan.

Pace Smith, CoachCORE DESIRED FEELINGS: Wholehearted. Radiant. On My Path. Delight. Love. Gratitude.

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Strive to be yourself.

Never strive to be “better than” anyone else. Strive to be yourself. If competition is something that creeps in easily for you, do two things:

1. Reach out to other licensees. Introduce yourself and wish them success. Create a friendship, if you can. Community = good energy = bigger, better, more. Who knows? If someone can’t make other licensees’ workshops, maybe you’ll get referrals. Gold.

2. Write your own “I don’t subscribe to scarcity mentality” reminder and stick it in your workshop binder, on the bathroom mirror, or in the kitchen above the coffee pot. There’s enough to go around and the Universe wants to multiply what you throw onto the table. Be conscious and aggressive in kicking the scarcity mentality out of your life.

Lauren Dubinsky, Facilitator CORE DESIRED FEELINGS: Ease. Electric. Generous. Rooted. Wild.

Do the work that inspires people.

What do you know, trust, and believe with every ounce of your being? What have you studied and want to share with the world? What’s the one thing that you wish everyone knew? You are an expert on something that can be of immeasurable service and wisdom to the participants in your workshop.

How can you integrate your life’s unique wisdom and experience into your workshop? Because, truth be told, there are women who are five, or even ten steps behind you, and they are looking for a teacher, for someone who has already been through what they’re just beginning to experience. And it’s you. Differentiation is about telling your truth without apology or compromise. Stepping up to the plate and making your presence known. It’s about being a beacon of leadership like only your one-of-a-kind life will allow.

L’Erin Alta, Coach CORE DESIRED FEELINGS:Free. Radiantly Divine. In Bloom. Whole. Light.

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Hire help — it’s worth it.

If writing’s not your strength, work with a copywriter who gets you and can channel your energy and passion into a great sales page. Have a conversation with them so they feel your enthusiasm and commitment, and let them show the world how great you are. This isn’t inauthentic if you’re sharing yourself truthfully — it’s good business. And if writing is really an issue, try video or podcasting. There are many ways to reach people now, so experiment and find out what's a fit for you and your audience.

Sandi Amorim, Master Coach & Facilitator CORE DESIRED FEELINGS: Spacious. Cherished. True. Free.

Write where you are.

I say, if it’s not your strength and you’re struggling writing your own copy, hire it out! A good copywriter will be able to listen to you speak and then translate your “voice” through the written word. Never underestimate the power of marketing copy.

With regards to blog posts, I’m on the fence here. I think it’s important to share your own authentic experience via your own words. You don’t have to be aiming for a Pulitzer. Sit down and put your pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and see what comes out. I recommend writing as much of a blog post as you can and, if you still feel like it’s not quite right, get a copy editor or someone to give you some feedback or help you edit.

Stephanie Watanabe, Lifestyle BloggerCORE DESIRED FEELINGS:Connection. Ease. Golden. Love. Wonder.

Communicate in the way that feels most natural.

Lead with your strengths. If it feels right, use the copy you’ve been given as a licensee and supplement that with your own strengths. Are you more natural in person? Give a talk, or get yourself on video. Then, get your talk transcribed so the content can do double-duty — perhaps the video could be on your website, and the transcription could turn into a guest post on another website, which brings traffic your way to fill your workshop. Giving an in-person talk might even prompt some people to sign up for your workshop right there, on the spot. Create audios. Or, yes, hire someone to help you write content as needed. Use your core desired feelings to help you figure out the next steps in marketing what you’re doing, because you know that “Feeling good is the primary objective.”

Kate Swoboda, Coach CORE DESIRED FEELINGS:Sacred Connection. Sensuous Delight. Freedom. Powerful. Deliciously Affluent.

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Find a mentor.

For most of my business life, I had either a coach or a mentor — I think this is essential for most entrepreneurs. I watched them and modeled what worked. I tried new things and spent a small fortune on workshops and training. I considered it all money well spent as it helped me create a long-term, sustainable business that I love.

Sandi Amorim, Master Coach & Facilitator CORE DESIRED FEELINGS: Spacious. Cherished. True. Free.

Use inspiration from people you admire.

I have shelves and shelves of books, and Fire Starter Sessions by Danielle is the only one that qualifies as a business book. Yet, I have a successful coaching practice because 90 percent of my clients come via word of mouth. Early on, I hired one wise business advisor and I watched people who were putting themselves out there in a way I admired, noticing what I thought might also work for me. Then I emulated them.

When you read the recommended books or take courses, above all, remember to keep it real, love what you love, and do what feels right for you.

Lianne Raymond, Master CoachCORE DESIRED FEELINGS: Cherish. Sacred. Wild.

2 2 6 / C R E AT E R AV I N G FA N S # D E S I R E M A P

CREATE RAVING FANSOne of the best ways to market is to not market at all. Instead, let your customers and clients do it for you. You want to create a referral engine, which means that every connection you make — whether it be a prospective workshop attendee, someone who just signed up, or someone who just completed your Level 1 event — is so impressed and delighted by their experience with you, that they can’t help but rave to their friends and family.

Think of it this way: when you have a really delightful and powerful experience with a person or business, don’t you tell others? This is exactly what you want to achieve.

The easiest way to achieve this is by treating everyone who comes in contact with you, no matter what part of your sales cycle they are in, like a treasure. Give everyone white-glove treatment and over-deliver.

Ask yourself: How can I delight? How can I over-deliver?

Here are some ideas for surprising and delighting your people:

‣ Send a personal thank-you or an I’m-so-excited-to-see-you note/email.

‣ Send them your favorite Danielle audios (the ones you can circulate for free all live in the Licensee Knowledge Base) or a link to a piece of content of your own that could help them prepare for the workshop.

‣ Send your favorite inspirational quote or song of the day.

‣ Send them encouragement and love.

Ask yourself: What value can I give, even before we begin the workshop?

Ideas for getting people to spread the word during the workshop:

‣ Let them know during the workshop when would be a good time to take pictures. Ask them to tag you and use #desiremap when they share the images on social media.

‣ Give them a little surprise something that they can share with a friend (our tattoos and #truthbomb decks are perfect for this!).

‣ Give them a coupon for your Level 2 workshop if they refer someone they know to your Level 1 workshop.

Ask yourself: How do I make it easy for them to tell their family and friends? What can I do to make this experience so magical that they talk to everyone they know about it?

C R E AT E R AV I N G FA N S / 2 2 7# D E S I R E M A P

Ideas for getting people to spread the word after the workshop:

‣ Send a personal thank-you note and follow up with encouragement after a few weeks.

‣ Send them a few photos of the event, in case they want to blog about their experience and would like to include images with their post.

‣ Send out a survey to collect feedback and testimonials that you can use on your site and in promotion.

‣ Have your attendees write down their CDFs and commitments for you — follow up with them six weeks after the workshop to check in, see how they’re feeling, offer support, etc.

‣ Have your Level 1 workshop participants join a private Facebook group where you can check in with each other on your CDFs. Use that as an opportunity to reconnect, offer Level 2 events, and share prompts for making goals.

‣ Have your attendees write letters to their future selves. When you mail the letters back to them, include a flyer or information on your Level 2 workshop while their interest is piqued.

Ask yourself: What can I do to nurture this relationship so that they continue to refer people to me?

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O F F L I N E M A R K E T I N G — I N T R O S E S S I O N S / 2 2 9# D E S I R E M A P

Introduction to The Desire Map intro sessions

Pricing & venues

Elements of The Desire Map intro session

Creating your Intro Session

Example outlines from facilitators

Tips & guidance from facilitators

Virtual intro sessions

OFFLINE MARKETING — INTRO SESSIONSIntroductory workshop outlines and inspiration to help you entice and enroll people for your full-length workshops









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Hosting a workshop is BIG work. It takes energy, planning, intense preparation, and a whole lotta love. And with so much of yourself poured into the work, you want to fill it UP with people. We’ve heard from many facilitators all over the world that the people who live in their communities don’t know what The Desire Map is about. We hear you. And we’ve built something for you to spread the word.

The Desire Map intro session is a marketing tool to help you design an introductory gathering so you can get the word out on Desire Mapping — and enroll some folks in the process.


These intro sessions are short introductory workshops that get people in the door so you can work your Desire Mapping magic. Use these sessions to entice enrollment for your full-length offerings.

Lasting thirty minutes to two hours, these short sessions can be set up easily with little investment from you, the licensee. That’s the whole point. Keep it simple. Whether you’re presenting in a community center or to a living room of girlfriends, you can give your attendees a taste of The Desire Map with little investment on your end.


These sessions are just that…a sneak peek. You’re not giving away the awesome sauce. You’re not offering a shorter or cheaper version of the workshops. These intro sessions are not meant to replace full-length workshops, but to help you spread the word so people want to learn more.

Think of it like this: You’re reading an excerpt, not the Cliff’s Notes. Get them hooked on feeling good and they’ll want to learn more. Use these sessions to build interest in your full-length workshops, retreats, coaching series, or other offerings you have to share. Get them on your mailing list. Send them love notes. Make connections.


This section walks you through creating your own Desire Map intro session. We’ve identified the three key elements that will make up your intro session plus a whole pile of other exercises and activities that you can incorporate to make a totally unique introductory experience for your attendees. We’ve also included two example outlines that other licensees have already used with attendees. We provide the outlines. You bring it to life.

Note: You can find promotional copy for your Desire Map intro sessions in the Licensee Knowledge Base.

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PRICING AND VENUESBecause you are not bound to typical workshop venues, you can get extra creative with where you host your intro sessions. In this section, you’ll find suggestions for pricing, session length, and venues for hosting.


We suggest a free or low price of $20 to $50 depending on what is involved. Are you booking a location, are you giving away gifts, will you be providing snacks? As with full-length workshops, always take into account what you will be investing when you set your price.

While in some cases it makes a lot of sense to offer a free workshop, don’t underestimate the power of a price tag. Desire Map Master Facilitator Sandi Amorim shares her thoughts on the psychology of charging for your short event:

I’ve led many free events over the years, and in my experience it’s important to have people put something at stake. Otherwise, it’s easy for them to change their minds at the last minute or blow it off completely. Even a small amount like $25 makes a difference to how they show up. It’s also a great incentive if you let them know it will be credited to their full workshop price when they register before leaving the event. Free is commonly associated with little to no value and, while that’s not necessarily true, instead of fighting that common belief, give them an experience to remember and get them curious about what it’d be like to do the full workshop with you.

Sandi Amorim, Master Coach & Facilitator CORE DESIRED FEELINGS: Spacious. Cherished. True. Free.

As these shorter sessions are just a taster, don’t give too much away. Essentially you want to introduce The Desire Map, share your story, work through a few exercises, and let your attendees know where and how they can sign up for your full event. We recommend between thirty minutes and two hours per intro session.

The length of your session will depend on the venue and the size of your group. If your pitch is part of a larger event, such as a business networking meeting or a community group meeting, keep it short. Thirty minutes will be plenty of time to explain what The Desire Map is, how it can help people, and also leaves time for the rest of the meeting. If you are working with a group in a more intimate setting, such as the back of a coffee shop or in someone’s home, you can take up to two hours because you will have more space for discussion and exercises.

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Since you are not bound to finding a location for an entire day or weekend, try approaching groups or venues where you can present for two hours or less. Here are a few ideas to get your started:

Low cost or free venues: ‣ Your home or a friend’s home ‣ Community centers ‣ Universities ‣ Gyms and activity centres ‣ Coffee shops and bookstores ‣ Beauty salons ‣ Multipurpose rooms in schools or apartment complexes ‣ Yoga studios ‣ Massage therapy and chiropractic studios

Another approach to hosting these sessions is finding existing groups or organizations that would be interested in having you as a presenter or host for an evening.

Who are the people you really want to work with? Imagine a group of people, sitting in a circle, feeling into their hearts, rediscovering what it means let their feelings lead the way. Whose lives do you want to impact? Look at bulletin boards, Facebook groups, or your local newspaper for groups or events you could approach: mommy groups, book clubs, business networking associations, university students, etc.

You could also incorporate an introductory session into a party! Host a Desire Map bachelorette party, a dinner party, birthday party, or Desire Map tea party. Host a party in your own home for the afternoon, or bring the party to someone. Think Tupperware parties featuring The Desire Map. A group of women: friends of friends, neighbors, and sisters, all together for an evening to learn more about Desire Mapping. Here’s a little picture of what a Desire Map party could look like:

The kitchen counter is lined with snacks and wine glasses. Sparkling water is cooling in a bucket of ice. Little bowls of dark chocolate are placed around the room for easy grabbing. A clean, white tablecloth is draped over the kitchen table with displays of The Desire Map book, a pyramid of #truthbomb decks, and temporary tattoos. You’ve used your wholesale discount to stock up on items and created a beautiful pricing list that sits on the table.

Posters from the Knowledge Base are hanging around the room, on the mantle, and on the front door as a greeting. Candles are lit around the room. You’ve emailed the group ahead of time with times, directions, and expectations for the evening so when they arrive they’re in clothes they feel comfortable in and have brought their journals. You greet each guest as they arrive with a warm hug.

You all circle up for the evening as you begin Desire Mapping. There are “aha”s and hugs. Declarations and questions. A few tears. And a bond that will be felt far beyond the evening.

After the session, you invite the group to join you for your full-length workshop. You pass out beautiful cards with your contact info, social sites, and the date(s) of your workshop. They each write down their email on a list by the snack table so you can stay in touch with them after the session. Perhaps you’ve set up a private Facebook group so everyone can connect, where you’ll post questions and share inspiring stories. You sell a few #truthbomb decks and some books. Everyone leaves with a golden tattoo on their skin and a #truthbomb card for the evening.

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ELEMENTS OF THE DESIRE MAP INTRO SESSIONThis is an overview of the outline for an intro session to The Desire Map. The Foundational Blocks are your core exercises and Additional Practices is a grab bag of ideas for you to choose from.


‣ The Desire Map & Danielle LaPorte introduction ‣ Facilitator introduction ‣ Introducing A Desire Map Workshop: Level 1


Discussion prompts ‣ Group introduction ‣ Conversation Starters App ‣ Rapid-Fire Starting questions ‣ Sensations of Positivity questions ‣ Feelings Recall

Writing & journaling exercises ‣ Three sentences ‣ Compassion exercise ‣ Psych Surfing ‣ Relating to People = Relating to Life

Life Area introduction ‣ Gratitude & What’s Not Working ‣ How do you want to feel?

Sacred readings & visualizations ‣ You Are More ‣ Core Desired Feelings List ‣ A Declaration of Deserving ‣ Audios from Danielle

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CREATING YOUR INTRO SESSIONThe Foundational Blocks are the must-haves for every intro session. The Additional Practices are exercises, practices, and readings you can add to the base of your session to make it your own. You are not bound by only these activities — each session may be different depending on your time limit and audience.


The Desire Map & Danielle LaPorte introduction This is it. This is the reason they are in the room. Introduce The Desire Map, Danielle, and the magic of feelings. Here are a few words to get you started:

“Behind every desire there is a feeling and your feelings will lead you to your soul.”

The Desire Map was born over a decade ago on New Year’s Eve. Danielle LaPorte, the creator of The Desire Map, was at home, her baby had finally fallen asleep, and she and her husband at the time were writing down their goals for the New Year. She took out a piece of posterboard and split it up into sections: money, love, work, home. She wrote down goals for each area: Pay off the credit card. Start biking to work. Lose ten pounds. Find a church. Find a yoga class.

She realized she’d created a list of to-dos. Her list felt full, but empty. It was not inspiring. It did not light her up. So she pulled out a red pen and started writing feeling words above each goal: Freedom. Abundance. Sexy. Earth. Nature. Connected. Creative.

Now she was getting somewhere. Instead of talking about external goals, she was writing down how she wanted to feel in various parts of her life.

And the almighty question came: So what can I do to feel that way? That simple question created a new way of living. It turned goal setting inside out.

This is The Desire Map.

“You’re not chasing the goal itself — you’re chasing the feelings that you hope attaining those goals will give you.”

Over 125,000 copies of The Desire Map have been sold. It’s being translated into seven languages. The Desire Map Facebook group has over 30,000 members and grows every day. Right now in the world, there are over five hundred Desire Map Facilitators just like me, who are helping people feel the way they want to feel every day.

It in an honor to share this work. Welcome.

Facilitator introduction This is where you set the tone for the session. Share who you are and what brought you here. This is where you connect with the group.

‣ Share your own experience or story living The Desire Map. Paint the picture of where you were before you discovered your CDFs and where you are now.

‣ Share your CDFs, what they mean, and how they guide your decisions.

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Note: If you have testimonials from past workshop attendees, this might be a good place to read excerpts to the group so they can hear the impact of your work as a facilitator. If it feels right, allude to your upcoming workshops and mention you will share more at the end of the session. That way people won’t feel blind sided by a “sales pitch” they weren’t expecting. Ease it in.

Introducing A Desire Map Workshop: Level 1 (or retreat, or coaching offering) This portion comes at the end of your session. It’s the Big Pitch. Explain how the work they did today will be taken even further in a full workshop experience: gratitude exercises, pattern recognition, identifying core desired feelings, and goal setting that feels good. Make sure you give your attendees a way to connect with you after the event. Here is a checklist of items to encourage sign-ups for your workshop or offerings:

‣ Announce where and when your full workshop takes place.

‣ Tell them the cost and the perks/gifts that come with a ticket.

‣ Have them sign up to your email list or join your private Facebook group.

‣ Pass around cards with your contact info, social accounts, and workshop details.

‣ Offer incentives for signing up, such as including the price of the intro session as a credit toward the full workshop. Or offer The Desire Map book if they sign up that night. Do a giveaway for a Desire Map product. Entice and enroll.

‣ Encourage your attendees to download the Conversation Starters App and keep the conversations going with their friends, families, or their partner.


Once you have the basics down, think about your audience and what would most resonate with them in your time together. Who are you talking to? A group of businesswomen around a conference table, or a circle of ladies from your yoga studio? Think about the flow of the experience and what’s going to feel good for your group. Speak their language and keep it simple.

Discussion prompts These exercises are a way for the group to start limbering up to the Desire Mapping process, while connecting to each other. Parallels can be drawn. You might notice recurring themes between people. These exercises work great for all venues. Consider using a whiteboard or providing worksheets for people to see the questions at a glance.

A side note: You could also give questions and allow two to five minutes for people to write in their responses before sharing out loud. When dealing with new groups, where some people are feeling unsure or vulnerable, they might share better from a written page because they’re not as concerned about losing their train of thought or tripping over their own words.

Group Introduction Let the group get to know each other. If you have ten or more people, provide name tags or name cards to prop on the desk or space in front of them. These questions are intended to create space and clear the mind-chatter so everyone can be fully present in the moment. Whether the group is made up of strangers or friends, choose some introductory questions that feel good for the group:

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‣ Tell us one thing everyone knows about you. ‣ How are you feeling right now? ‣ What’s one thing you’d like to share with the group right now? ‣ Tell us about your spirit? How would you describe your spirit? What does your spirit love?

Conversation Starters AppHelp the group open up. The space you create as a facilitator will determine how the group shows up. Tell more or some of your story to show them they are in a safe space to share. You can also encourage people to download the Conversation Starters App at the end of the session. For now, use this time to begin a round table discussion.

Open up your Conversation Starters App or choose your questions ahead of time. People can share as they are moved to. (Emphasize that in general, sharing is always optional.) Here are some questions to get you started:

‣ What was the conversation around feelings and emotions like in the house you grew up in? ‣ What’s really working in your life right now? ‣ How do you show your thanks? ‣ What have you been complaining about lately?

Rapid-Fire Starting questions TURN TO: Pages 158 – 159 of The Desire Map. As you invite people to answer these questions, have them close their eyes and answer to themselves or, if they feel so moved, encourage them to speak their answers out loud.

‣ I crave… ‣ Other than time or money, what I want more of is… ‣ I need to give myself more permission to be… ‣ What’s different about me is that… ‣ What do I do most naturally? ‣ What do I do even though I don’t want to?

Sensations of Positivity questionsTURN TO: Pages 162 – 163 of The Desire Map. As you invite people to answer these questions, have them close their eyes and answer to themselves or, if they feel so moved, encourage them to speak their answers out loud.

Have people respond to the sensation prompts: The color of joy... The sound of joy... The scent of joy... Love smells like… In my body, appreciation feels like…

Feelings Recall This exercise can be used as a discussion prompt or journal prompt. Support the group with what you think is best to move everyone forward. Ask the group to take notice of what they see, hear, and feel in their bodies in both scenarios. After, ask them the difference they feel between the two questions.

Address the group: ‣ Recall some times when you DIDN’T feel the way you wanted to. ‣ Recall some times when you DID feel the way that you were hoping you’d feel.

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Writing & journaling exercises These exercises offer some time for self-reflection. When people sign up for the session, ask them to bring a journal or notebook or provide them as part of the ticket price. Have your venue in mind if you choose to incorporate writing exercises. If there are no tables/chairs in your venue, be sure to provide the group with trays or something sturdy so they can write easily on their laps. Note: The following exercises could also be discussion prompts.

Three sentences Write these questions on a board, or provide printed worksheets.

‣ My favorite feelings are… ‣ I’m worried about… ‣ I’m proud of…

As your attendees write, remind them to not censor themselves. Whatever thoughts come into their mind first are the right thoughts.

To extend this exercise further, ask a few people to share what came up. Point out the similarities in what people are worried about. Often, we feel alone in our feelings — this exercise is an easy way to create connection. This exercise comes from facilitators Laura Zera and Andrea Kohler.

Compassion exercise This exercise is designed to show people that they are capable of more compassion than they realize. This exercise could also work as a discussion prompt. Have your audience answer the following…

‣ How do others help me? ‣ How do I help others? How do I feel when I help others? ‣ What do I know to be true about me, about what I’m capable of?

Open the discussion. Ask members of the group if they consider themselves compassionate beings. Discuss the loop of being compassionate toward yourself and others. This exercise comes from facilitators Laura Zera and Andrea Kohler.

Psych Surfing TURN TO: Pages 160 – 161 of The Desire Map. Have people respond to the following prompts…

‣ The best advice I’ve ever been given… ‣ The best advice I’ve ever received — and I’m glad I took it… ‣ I get through tough times because… ‣ When in doubt… ‣ My joy comes from… ‣ I value… ‣ I believe in… ‣ I’m dead set against… ‣ What I know to be true...

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Relating to People = Relating to Life TURN TO: Pages 165 – 167 of The Desire Map. Have people respond to the following questions. There are a variety of questions in the book. We suggest choosing the questions that will work best for your timing window and your audience. Here are a few to get you started:

‣ With people, I’m… ‣ I feel vulnerable when… ‣ What feels ever-present and steady within me is… ‣ When I’m feeling free and strong I tend to… ‣ I keep in reserve, locked up, and hidden away… ‣ I’m frightened… ‣ I’m proud of...

Life Area introduction This is where Desire Mapping really comes into play. Life Areas lead to people thinking about how they want to feel in each area. Introduce each Life Area to the group and then work through some exercises with them. See below for suggestions.

LIVELIHOOD & LIFESTYLEcareer. money. work. home. space. style. possessions. fashion. travel. gifts. sustainability. resources. RELATIONSHIPS & SOCIETYromance. friendship. family. collaboration. community. causes. BODY & WELLNESShealing. fitness. food. rest and relaxation. mental health. sensuality. movement. ESSENCE & SPIRITUALITYsoul. inner self. truth. intuition. faith. practices. CREATIVITY & LEARNINGartistic and self-expression. interests. education. hobbies.

Gratitude & What’s Not Working As you introduce each Life Area, ask people to rate how satisfied they feel in each area. Follow their responses with suggestions on how they might want to feel in each area.

How do you want to feel? Introduce the concept of choosing how you want to feel in each area of life. Share your own personal story of how your CDFs affect your Life Areas. Tell them that in your full workshops, they will spend lots of time going through each area so they can pinpoint how they want to feel.

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Sacred readings & visualizations If the group is moved, invite them to close their eyes as you read. Let these readings ground the space for everyone. You could read one at the beginning to open the session and another at the closing. If you want to play any of Danielle’s readings, be sure you have a sound system in your venue or bring your own speaker system. Note: the sacred groundings can be printed from the Licensee Knowledge Base.

‣ SACRED GROUNDING: You Are MoreTURN TO: page 22 of this guidebook.

‣ SACRED GROUNDING: Core Desired Feelings List Introduce this as a list of people’s core desired feelings. Simple. Poetic.TURN TO: page 25 of this guidebook.

‣ SACRED GROUNDING: Declaration of DeservingTURN TO: page 33 of this guidebook.

‣ AUDIO: Contemplations & Visualizations from DanielleHead to the Knowledge Base, pick your favorite, press play.

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EXAMPLE OUTLINES FROM FACILITATORS To inspire you to create your own intro sessions, we’re including two workshop outlines from other facilitators, who are already using the sneak peek–style workshop to share The Desire Map process.

Introduction to The Desire Map workshopBy Laura Zera & Andrea Koehler — 2 hours


‣ Ask the group if they set goals and how. Introduce Danielle LaPorte and The Desire Map book.

‣ Introduce yourself & how you feel right now, how The Desire Map has helped you, and why you’re passionate about this work.

2 / GROUP INTRODUCTION / 15 minutes

‣ Have the group respond to these prompts: Tell us one thing that everyone knows about you, one other thing that you want to share, and how you’re feeling right now.


‣ Show these sentences on flipchart and hand out a worksheet. Ask participants to write:a. My favorite feelings are… b. I’m worried about… c. I’m proud of…

‣ Ask a couple of people to share. Point out that there are similarities in what people are worried about, and even when we think we’re the only one who is feeling a certain way about something, somebody else is feeling it too.


‣ Show these sentences on flipchart and hand out another worksheet. Ask participants to write:a. How do others help me? b. How do I help others? How do I feel when I help others? c. What do I know to be true about me, about what I’m capable of?

‣ Ask everyone if they recognize those feelings as compassion and themselves as compassionate beings. Discuss the loop of being compassionate and feeling more compassion for yourself.

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5 / CONCEPTS DISCUSSION / 15 minutes

‣ Share personal examples of your relationship to self-worth and read “A Declaration of Deserving”.

‣ Tell the group: You have a choice of how you want to feel and how you feel impacts how you show up in life. You have the power of choice over your feelings and your reactions.


‣ Write four feelings on the flipchart. For example, Purposeful, Powerful, Inspired, Peaceful.

‣ In sub-groups, have everyone discuss what each of the four feelings feels like, looks like, or sounds like for them. Write these on the flipchart.

‣ Back in the whole group, ask for participants to share what feeling X or Y feels like for them, pointing out that it is different for everyone.


‣ Ask everyone to choose one word from the evening that came up and write it down in their notebook.

‣ Hand out a worksheet, and on the flipchart share, “If I chose to feel like ‘XYZ’ for the rest of this week, what would my week look like? What can I do to feel this way? What can I do to help me remember this?” (One per page on flipchart.) Invite everyone to close their eyes and visualize it.

‣ Give out Post-Its, ask everyone to write their name and their word on three Post-Its and stick them up in places where they’ll see them throughout the week.


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Introduction to The Desire Map By Fernanda Bressan — 3 to 4 hours


‣ Breathing exercise to ground the group. ‣ Play “Danielle LaPorte: Video Poem” on YouTube. ‣ Housekeeping: bathroom location, refreshments, etc.

2 / INTRODUCTIONS / 20 minutes

‣ Introduction: Share how The Desire Map and CDFs gave you “permission” to feel what you want to feel. ‣ Read Agreement of Intention on page 23 of the guidebook. ‣ Group Intros — Ask the group: who are you (not what you do)? What brought you here today? Share

an intention for the time we have together. ‣ Pick a #truthbomb card. Reflect on it. Share what it means to you.


‣ Explain how to make Desire Mapping a sacred act: create the space – set time aside to think, breathe, read, and write. Let it be your way – hours, days, or weeks.

‣ Introduce the group to Soul Limber: “Today we are doing what Danielle calls Soul Limber. It’s a warm-up to full-on Desire Mapping. My full-blown workshop is usually a full day and a half or two days. If after today, that speaks to you, we can talk about the next one or even doing it one-on-one. The idea is that you start thinking about decisions, choices, and relationships from the inside out, rather than from a place of expectations, judgement, and obligation.”


‣ Ask the group: How do you see yourself in the future?


‣ Ask the group: How did that feel? Did you overthink? Worry? Second-guess? Love it?

6 / BREAK AND SNACKS / 10 minutes

7 / MOVING MEDITATIONS / 20-30 minutes

‣ Get the group moving: go outside for a walk, read an affirmation, guide them through a meditation, etc.

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‣ Complete exercise and share with the group.

9 / GRATITUDE & WHAT’S NOT WORKING / 30 to 45 minutes

‣ Introduce the Life Areas. ‣ Have the group complete the gratitude exercise for 1-2 Life Areas. Tell the group to be specific and

qualify the reason things, people, and moments bring them satisfaction or dissatisfaction.


‣ Discuss any patterns that kept coming up in this exercise. Ask the group: What came up? Any resistance? Which particular areas were easier or flowed and which did not?


‣ Explain how this all ties into The Desire Map and deeper experiences that then lead to research and discussion and choosing CDFs.

12 / CLOSING / 5 minutes

‣ End by reading the Sacred Grounding: The Magnetics of Feelings on page 29 of this guidebook.

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An introduction to The Desire Map By Marcy E. Cruice — 2 hours

1 / INTRODUCTION & OPENING / 30 minutes

‣ Mingle as the group enters. ‣ Review agenda. ‣ Conduct group introductions. ‣ Share how The Desire Map impacted your own life.


‣ Define Core Desired Feelings and Life Areas. ‣ Explain Goals With Soul.

3 / WRITING EXERCISES / 45 minutes

‣ Select one Life Area for the group to reflect on and write about. ‣ Ask them: how are you currently feeling in this area? ‣ Conduct debrief writing experience: what came up for you?

4 / WRAP-UP / 30 minutes

‣ Share the benefits of a Desire Mapping community. ‣ Tell the group about any promos for upcoming workshop (e.g. sign up for a workshop today and

save $50 or take home a #truthbomb deck!). ‣ Invite them to leave you feedback. ‣ Hold raffle or other closing activity.

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Give them a taste of the in-person experience. I decided to include introductory workshops into my marketing strategy because I truly believe that The Desire Map is better understood when you can experience it. This was something I learned when I began my coaching business. You need to give your clients/participants/tribe/squad a taste of whatever it is that you are providing. It’s about generating a feeling (I mean, feelings are the whole point, right?), which great marketing does. The full weekend workshops are a huge commitment. Of time. Of money. Of energy. So when you give potential participants the opportunity to meet you, to see you in your facilitating element, to experience The Desire Map and the group dynamic before registering…you give yourself the gift of filling your workshop with ease!

Marcy E. Cruice, Facilitator CORE DESIRED FEELINGS: Rooted. Limitless. Electric. Agent of Authenticity and Ampersand.

Involve your community.

I made the decision to begin hosting introductory Desire Map sessions because I live in smaller town. It’s not tiny, but it’s not big either. I’m also located in the mid-eastern part of the United States and we tend to get current “trends” five years after New York, Miami, and L.A. get them, so The Desire Map was all but unheard of here. I donated two copies of the book to our local library because they didn’t have any on the shelves, and whenever The Desire Map would come up in conversation people would ask what it was, and then I’d see their eyes kind of glaze over as I tried to explain in sixty seconds how powerfully transformative the work can be. I knew that if it was going to take off in this area the key was to create more awareness of what Desire Mapping is and how to access it.

Viki Stanley-Hutchison, Facilitator CORE DESIRED FEELINGS: Soulful. Surrendered. Divinely Feminine & Sexy. Naked. Rockstar.

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Make a party!

One of my core desired feelings for the last two years is New. I’ve been creating new ways of doing things, I’ve been traveling to new places, expanding my business in new directions, meeting new people, accepting new collaborations, hiring new helpers, discovering new interests, practicing new dance steps. New, new, new. I like the way something new feels. Like wide-open possibility, adventure, discovery. When no one signed up for my first Desire Map workshop offering, I was disappointed. Rather than spend a lot of time on trial and error, I sat down for a good think on how I could present the concept of Desire Mapping in a new way. I give great parties. People come and rave about them. So, that’s it. I folded it into something I do well and that’s lots of fun. Partying! I called it The Desire Map Party.

Lisa Lodeski, Facilitator CORE DESIRED FEELINGS: New. Sparkly. Creative. Focused. Abundant.


Big transformations take place.

I find the biggest benefit to hosting an introductory session is that it’s easier to convey what The Desire Map is about in a face-to-face setting, rather than text or video. Participants are able to see what you’re like as a facilitator. I think in the end, attendees feel like they’d gained some really useful, practical knowledge and tools in a short time. At my own introductory workshop, there was even one person who validated a life-changing decision she’d been wavering on (to move across the country). You can do big things with a small amount of time.

Laura Zera, Facilitator CORE DESIRED FEELINGS: Love. Connection. Badass. Contentment.

Reach out to people you normally would not.

One of the biggest benefits of hosting introductory workshops has been creating visibility, as well as building my list locally. I consider myself the queen of virtual Desire Map workshops. I’ve held a lot of them with great success and rave reviews from participants, but I wasn’t doing a lot in my own “neighborhood” because I was afraid it might be a little too woo-woo for the people here. But still, I had a desire to be of service in my local area and I’ve been Desire Mapping long enough to know how beneficial it can be. I was aching to share this work with the community I grew up in. I was sure if I could just introduce them to it, even in a small way, they would fall in love with it. I haven’t been disappointed. On the contrary, I’ve discovered that some of the people I thought would be too “uptight” for it were the first to sign on, and the first to ask for more!

Viki Stanley-Hutchison, Facilitator CORE DESIRED FEELINGS: Soulful. Surrendered. Divinely Feminine. Sexy. Naked. Rockstar.

T I P S & G U I D A N C E F R O M FA C I L I TAT O R S / 2 4 7# D E S I R E M A P


Give, give, give!

My must-haves for pitching the full workshop is an incentive and asking for referrals. Something that says thank-you for being here, let’s go further! I’ve done monetary discounts: “Save $50 if you register tonight!” and gift-based incentives: planners, #truthbomb decks, journals, etc. If you have a few different items, let the participant choose their gift upon registering! And whether they intend on signing up, always ask who else they know that might be interested. I’ve gotten a number of referrals from folks who haven’t even been at a workshop!

Marcy E. Cruice, Facilitator CORE DESIRED FEELINGS: Rooted. Limitless. Electric. Agent of Authenticity and Ampersand.

Keep it simple.

When it comes to pitching my full-length workshops, I like to keep it simple and real. Near the end, I come right out and ask them if they’d like to have a fuller experience of the work. If yes, I give my next workshop dates and offer an incentive if they sign up before leaving. Before inviting them to register, I also ask them to share how the event was of value to them. If they don’t register, I ask how they plan to follow up on the insights they had. I talk about how human beings generally have good intentions, but the reality of life and how busy we all are gets in the way of those intentions pretty quickly. How can they have this time be different?

Sandi Amorim, Master Coach & Facilitator CORE DESIRED FEELINGS: Spacious. Cherished. True. Free.

Be up front.

I introduce my Desire Map workshop at the beginning to describe the purpose of the party and get them excited about the entire workshop. I find that if I wait until the end, it feels like I’m putting pressure on people. Instead, I get them thinking about signing up for the workshop throughout the intro session. I might say something like, “I’m so excited about my upcoming Desire Map workshop, that I wanted to give you a taste for how this can change your life instantly.” At the end, there is no surprise or feeling of pressure.

Lisa Lodeski, Facilitator CORE DESIRED FEELINGS: New. Sparkly. Creative. Focused. Abundant.

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Share your own story.

An intro session is where you can really share your heart and soul as it will most likely be an intimate group. Tell your stories and share how your CDFs make a difference to your life. I shared how my husband eventually did The Desire Map which led to a discussion about relationships and the perceived belief that men wouldn’t get the work. It gave me an opportunity to really get into it with them and show by example what it looks like in real life. Sandi Amorim, Master Coach & Facilitator CORE DESIRED FEELINGS: Spacious. Cherished. True. Free.

Just go for it.

Feel the fear and do it anyway. I recently found my 2015 Desire Map planner and, in January of that year, I was lamenting over how afraid I was to step out and be seen. I’m carrying extra weight since my back injury several years ago, and I used to get really self-conscious about it. I had written these tearful entries about how truly terrified I was to do my first workshop. Now I look back and laugh about how afraid I was. The first one is scary as hell. Anytime you step up to play bigger and bolder and do something brand-new it’s going to be scary. But I promise you that once you get past that first hurdle it gets easier. Everything is laid out so well in the curriculum. You add in your own introduction, personality, and stories, and who knows you better than you? You really can’t fail as long as you take time to do a little prep work. You’re a ROCKSTAR! You’ve totally got this!

Viki Stanley-Hutchison, Facilitator CORE DESIRED FEELINGS: Soulful. Surrendered. Divinely Feminine & Sexy. Naked. Rockstar.

Let go of attachments (and watch transformation happen anyways).

Don’t get attached! I want everyone who takes an introductory workshop to sign up for the full workshop. However, that’s not going to be the right thing for everyone. Be centered in what you are committed to in giving the workshop and in teaching the work. When I come from that place, I know that each participant will take with them what they need. Watching the “aha”s, the nods of understanding and resonance, the furrowing of brows as they work through things in a way that is unfamiliar but powerful, and the smiles of power that emerge at the end of the introductory workshop is priceless. Yes, sign-ups for the full workshop are great, but watching transformation happen is the best part for me. I know that the participants who are ready to sign up for the full workshop will, and those for whom the time is not right, won’t…yet.

Andrea Koehler, Facilitator CORE DESIRED FEELINGS: Unleashed. Infinite. Ease. Cause. Luminous. Majesty.

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Set your own boundaries. I was really nervous. I had put in so much time, thought, and effort to cover every detail that I was confident that I had everything covered, but I could have used someone to help me with signing people in, collecting payment, handing out materials, and queuing the music. My boyfriend helped me with setup and breakdown. Even if the other person doesn’t do a lot, it’s nice to have someone there to hold space as well, who sets the intention to hold space and the container. The next time I have a workshop I’ll put the same amount of effort, but I’ll spend some time at the beginning setting energetic boundaries and at the end cutting the energetic ties.

Margaret Rushing, Facilitator CORE DESIRED FEELINGS: Expansive. Grounded. Awe. Humbled. Light.

2 5 0 / V I RT U A L I N T R O S E S S I O N S # D E S I R E M A P

VIRTUAL INTRO SESSIONSWith only a few minor adjustments, this same intro session can be given in a virtual format. Online, low cost, and anyone in the world can attend.


Technology is key in a virtual format. While you don’t have to worry about directions to the event, you do need to think about time zones for all your participants. We recommend using a world clock tracker like to ensure your attendess will have the correct start time for the session.

As you facilitate this work over the phone or via video conference, keep in mind that there may be a disconnect because you are not in the same room together. People’s lives are happening just on the other end of that call: kids, pets, deliveries, every day distractions. Begin the call with a short prayer, reading, or meditation to bring presence to the entire group.

The format that’s going to work best for a virtual session is voice. Voice keeps the group grounded. For in-person events, it feels natural for people to spend a few silent minutes writing on their own; during virtual events, that might feel like radio silence or a lost connection. You could also play some soft music for those moments where you want people to write while on the call.

Focus on the discussion exercises to keep the group connected to each other. You could also convert exercises from written to verbal by facilitating a Q&A format. Ask a question and “pass the talking stick” in between your attendees on the call. In some cases, the anonymity of the call might help people feel more comfortable sharing more than they would in person.

For more information on setting up your virtual conference, turn to page 83 of this guidebook.


Presumably, because you’ve connected with your attendees online, you will have access to their emails, which is a huge benefit because you can connect with your group right before and immediately after the workshop. You can use this opportunity to send expectations for the call and to connect with your participants immediately after to offer your full workshop.

In the Licensee Knowledge Base, we give you email copy/templates you can use to communicate with your attendees before and after your intro session. As always, you can update these templates as you need to so they reflect your voice and offering. Let your natural way of speaking shine through in your communications.

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